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A man's lactating teenage daughter breaks her pump, and he has no choice but to help drain her painfully full, milky breasts by himself.
I yawned as I stepped through the door to the house, tossing my wallet and keys on the side table, rolling my shoulders and tilting my head side to side. I really hate parent-teacher nights; the parents you actually need to talk to never show up, and the ones who do always end up wasting your time, peppering you with pointless, repetitive questions. How many ways are there to say 'your kid is doing fine, chill out'? At least they'd scheduled it on a Thursday this time, and I only had to survive one more day before I'd have the weekend to recharge. I sighed, shaking my head, and headed for the kitchen, finding the remains of the pizza I'd had the girls order sitting in the fridge, grabbing a slice and deciding to eat it cold. I'd gone out for an early supper with the rest of the math department the way we always did on parent-teacher nights, but that had been hours ago, and I needed the snack. Besides which, it gave me something to do while I continued the process of shedding the night's stress before I'd go and tell the girls that I was home.

I smiled happily, as I always did at the thought of my girls. It was just the three of us, ever since my wife died in a car accident when they'd been little. I hadn't known how we were going to make it, especially with the girls being so young at the time. But somehow, with plenty of help from family and colleagues, not to mention from the girls themselves, we'd pulled together and made it through. I still feel guilty, thinking about how that tragedy had aged them both beyond their years... but I couldn't possibly be more proud of the beautiful, mature young women they had become.

I went and knocked on my youngest's door first, careful to wait for the response before I entered; that was an iron-clad rule at our house, instituted a couple of years back after the pair of them had stormed into my room looking for a referee during a fight they'd been having, and they'd nearly seen much more than they'd wanted to while I was getting changed.

“Hi, Daddy! How was it tonight?” Andi twisted and smiled up at me from where she was lounged out on her bed with her phone. I could hardly believe she was a senior in high school now—eighteen already, but she still looked so much younger, at least to me! However old she got, I couldn't quite get the image of her as a little girl playing with her dollies out of my mind. She was already ready for bed, her loose cotton sleep shirt having ridden up enough to reveal the cute little pink cotton panties she was wearing underneath. I studiously avoided noticing as I sat down beside her; it was a skill, and one I was good at. You couldn't survive long as a male high school teacher without learning how not to notice the bodies of teenage girls, even when they were doing everything they possibly could to make you notice them. Keeping my eyes averted from my daughter's accidental panty-flash was a piece of cake, in comparison.

“Don't get me started!” I smirked, caressing her side, leaning down to give her a kiss in her hair. “You girls throw a big party while I was out?”

“Huge!” she agreed with a giggle, then suddenly grew serious, chewing on her lip. “Did you tell 'Chellie you're home yet? 'Cause I think there might be something wrong with her. She's barely come out of her room since she got home.”

“Any idea what it is?” I asked, echoing her concern.

“Boys, maybe?” she shrugged. “She wouldn't tell me. She's just been hiding in her room with her music turned up.”

“Guess we'll see if I have any better luck. Don't stay up too late, okay? And thanks for telling me.”

“I won't. Night, Daddy. Love you!”

“Love you too, sweetheart,” I said, leaning down again to give her another kiss in her hair before pushing myself to my feet. I closed her door behind me, noticing just how loud Chellie's music actually was as I got closer to her door.

“Chellie? I'm home.” I called, knocking firmly to make sure she'd hear me. I waited, and was just about to knock again when the door was thrown open and my eldest came barrelling out to fling herself against my chest. The girls were both within a hair of five-two, and skinny, just like their mom had been, but even at six-one and fairly muscular Chellie still hit me with enough momentum to set me back on my heels.

“I broke my pump!” she wailed, sobbing, and I winced in sympathy as I suddenly understood.

Michelle has a medical condition. It isn't anything dangerous, thank God, but she has a hormone issue that kicked in when she hit puberty, causing increased breast development and making her lactate. Not an easy thing for a young girl to go through, especially one who didn't have a mom around anymore to help her through it. She'd impressed the hell out of me though, with the way she'd coped; I'd been a total basket case until the doctors ruled out the possibility of breast cancer as the cause, but Chellie had been a rock throughout. We've gotten pretty used to dealing with it all now, with her lactation pump, and her special E-cup bras with the replaceable milk shields to keep her from leaking through. She still gets really self-conscious at all the attention her breasts bring her, not just from boys her own age, but from grown men, too. And she hates that we have to go bra shopping for her in maternity stores! But other than that, she's mostly doing okay. With a broken pump, though...

“Let's just see if I can get it working again, shall we?” I asked, rubbing my hands comfortingly up and down her back and kissing her hair. She nodded and backed away, letting me into her room and stepping over to her computer to turn down her music. She was wearing a loose black t-shirt, her favourite colour the last few years for the way it minimized her figure, and pink jogging shorts. She wasn't wearing a bra, which was normal when she was getting ready for bed, the thick buds of her nipples poking out against her shirt. She took a seat on the edge of her bed, crossing her arms and gingerly cupping herself, whimpering softly.

“Did it just break when you were getting ready for bed?” I asked, kneeling down next to the machine to see what we were dealing with. She already had the owner's manual out on the floor next to it, obviously having tried some troubleshooting by herself before I got home.

“This afternoon,” she shook her head. “It was working fine this morning... but when I got home from class it wouldn't even turn on! I've tried everything!”

I winced again, considering just how full and uncomfortable she must be feeling if she hadn't been able to express since that morning, and started working through the manual. Not that I didn't believe her that she'd already done so... but when all you have are straws, you grasp at them as hard as you can.

“Well... that's the last of it,” I reluctantly announced as I came to the end of the manual. “Looks like we're getting you a new one. I'll go pick one up as soon as I'm off work tomorrow. You liked this one, right? Until today? Or is there a different model you want me to get you instead?”

“I like this one,” she sniffled, and I went to sit beside her, wrapping my arm around her back and pulling her close.

“Have you tried by hand?” I asked, at a loss for what else to suggest.

“It barely works at all!” she nodded slowly, the tears welling up and starting to fall once more. “I got a few tiny little squirts... but they're too full now! It hurts even more doing it that way than not doing it at all!”

“I know, baby. I know!” I murmured into her hair. “God, I wish there was something I could do to make it better!”

“Umm...” she said, shyly lowering her eyes and biting her lip.

“Chell?” I asked, confused.

“Do you think...” she paused, drawing a deep breath and letting it out slow, gathering her courage. “Do you think... maybe you could suck it out?”

“Baby, I...” I began, shocked into silence by the idea and shaking my head.

“Please, Daddy?” she begged, looking up into my eyes once more. “You know I'd never ask if it wasn't an emergency! It hurts so bad! I need to get my milk out! There's no way I can wait like this until tomorrow!”

“Are you sure, baby?” I asked doubtfully. “I mean, really, really sure?”

She didn't speak, but she stood, stepping over to close and lock her door. Then she turned to look at me again, nervously biting her lip, and slowly, deliberately took off her shirt.

I was fair to say I was in shock. Chellie's breasts had been a fairly central part of our lives for a long time now, dealing with all her various inconveniences. But in all that time, over all the various doctor's visits and shopping trips, I'd never actually seen them. They were... well, okay, best just to say it, I suppose... They were fucking incredible! Huge, obviously, especially when the rest of her was so short and slender, but I'd known that part. Hannah, the girls' mother, had only ever risen to a largish C-cup, even at her biggest point while breastfeeding. Not that I'd ever had a single complaint in that regard, mind you... but Chellie's were enormous! And firm, too, way more than breasts that size had any right to be, even if she was still young enough she had yet to start worrying about the effects of gravity. Her skin was flawless; pale, with soft pink areolas about the size of old silver dollars, erect and immensely suckable-looking nipples the size of nickles. That was Hannah's Swedish genetics coming through, no doubt about that... my girls were every bit as blonde-haired and grey-eyed as she'd been. There was maybe just the tiniest touch of my blue in that grey, under just the right lighting... but their hair was one hundred percent their mother's, not a trace of my black.

“Are they okay, Daddy?” she asked, breaking me out of my thoughts as she lowered her eyes to look at herself. “Only... you were kind of staring, a little.”

“They're beautiful, baby. Just like the rest of you,” I reassured her, swallowing past a sudden lump in my throat. “Sorry if I was staring.”

“That's okay,” she said, a tiny smile quirking the corner of her mouth, there for a flash and then gone again. She seemed frozen in place, and I extended my hand, letting her take it and slowly drawing her towards me on the bed. I sat back a little further, and she paused again, then climbed tentatively into my lap straddling me. I licked my lips, my mouth suddenly dry in my nervousness. I looked questioningly into her eyes one more time, and she just nodded quietly, her hands on my shoulders. I put my hands on her hips, sliding my right slowly upwards. Time seemed to extend... an hour elapsed in the space of perhaps five seconds. Then I was cupping her, feeling the weight of her in my hand. I felt her fingers in my hair, stroking, applying gentle pressure downwards. I bent my head, feeling the subtle warmth of her nipple in the barest kiss of my lips, and opened my mouth to take it inside.

She moaned loudly as my lips closed around that firm little bud, the tip of my tongue flicking across her flesh, exploring. The pressure on the back of my head increased, pulling my lips against the firm but yielding flesh of her breast, as I hesitatingly began to suck. It shouldn't have come as a surprise... that was the whole point of what we were doing, after all! But somehow I'd expected it to take a little while, like priming a pump or something. I certainly hadn't expected a jet of hot, sweet-tasting milk shooting onto my tongue on my very first attempt, slipping straight down my throat as I reflexively swallowed.

“There's a garbage can beside my desk, if you want to spit it out...” she offered in sudden embarrassment, I guess misinterpreting my surprise as distaste. I stopped her as she tried leaning over to grab the can for me.

“Why on earth would I want to do that?” I smiled, slowly shaking my head. “You taste good, baby!”

“You don't have to say that...” she blushed doubtfully, looking away, unable to meet my eyes. My answer was to take her back between my lips, sucking a little harder this time, grinning up at her around her nipple as I watched her eyes fluttering closed in pleasure.

“I haven't lied to you since the day you told me you no longer believed in Santa Clause. I'm not about to start now!” I mumbled into her breast, making her giggle. “You are delicious, baby! You were never curious enough to try for yourself?”

“Well... maybe a little...” she admitted shyly. I laughed, and she pretended to take offence, playfully squishing herself into my face, momentarily cutting off my air. I replied with a gentle nip of my teeth, making her squeak adorably in surprise and causing her to back off to a more comfortable pressure for us both.

I surrendered complete control, letting her transfer me back and forth between her breasts however she wished, until she finally declared herself empty. That happened maybe two or three minutes after I'd thought she was empty, and I'd stopped receiving any more milk... But whether she'd honestly thought she'd still had more to give, or she was just enjoying the feeling of my sucking, I sure wasn't going to be the one to put an end to it before she was ready.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she smiled shyly, sitting back slightly out of range of my lips, lovingly caressing my cheek with her hand. “You have no idea how much I needed that tonight!”

“I'd do anything for you, baby. You know that.” I told her, stroking her hips.

“I do,” she smiled. “But still... I want you to know how much it means to me.”

She took a sudden preparatory breath, steeling her nerve as she stared deeply into my eyes, and before I'd realized what she was intending she'd leaned in to kiss me fully on the mouth.

“Was that okay?” she asked, shyly lowering her eyes again as she pulled away from the kiss. “You aren't angry at me that I did that, are you?”

“I, uhhh...” I hemmed, trying to knock my brain back into gear to figure out how to respond. “It just came as a surprise, is all, baby. No, I'm not angry at you.”

“Okay, good!” she breathed out a sigh of relief, leaning in and nuzzling against the side of my neck. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close, stroking my hands up and down her slender, naked back. We stayed like that a long time, silently cuddling. It should have felt strange, with my daughter's huge, naked breasts pressed firmly against my chest, but somehow it didn't. I think both of us were just quietly coming to grips with what we'd just done together, neither of us wanting to leave the other alone quite yet.

“I can pay you back now, if you'd like...” she said some time later, her voice barely more than a whisper against the side of my neck.

“I think you'll get a lot less milk, and a lot more chest hair, if you try that with me!” I chuckled.

“Not when it isn't your nipples I'll be sucking...” she murmured, kissing the side of my neck. It took me a moment to catch up to her meaning, so unprepared I was to hear such a suggestion. I pushed her back from me a little, so I could look her in her eyes, but she wouldn't meet my gaze, blushing brightly as she stared down at my chest.

“You can't tell me you don't want it!” she continued bashfully. “I've been feeling you trying to burst your way out of your pants ever since you let me into your lap!”

“I... I'm sorry, baby... I don't really have any control over that.” I said, ridden with sudden guilt.

“Don't be silly, Daddy! You don't have anything to apologize for! And... it isn't like I don't like feeling you responding to me that way...”

“You do?” I gasped.

“Totally!” she giggled, vigorously nodding her head, playfully rocking her hips into my lap to illustrate her point. “And now... I really want to pay you back for what you just did for me, Daddy! If you'll let me?”

“I appreciate the offer, baby, really I do... but there's no need to pay me back. And that is such a bad idea!”

“I doesn't have to be...” she continued, slowly shaking her head. “Don't you miss it? I mean, you don't date... you haven't even tried, ever since Mom.”

“I've had other things on my mind, baby,” I smiled, reaching up and running my fingers through her hair. “It's not like I can't take care of myself, whenever I need to.”

“But I want you to let me take care of you!” she pleaded.

“Baby, I—”

“Please, Daddy?” It's just as well that she cut me off, because I had no idea what I was going to say. “I promise, it isn't like this is just some spur of the moment thing, that I'm going to regret in the morning... I've been thinking about this for a while, now! I want to do it!”

“You have?” I gasped.

“It's all any of my girlfriends ever talk about, how much they've all done with boys, and with who!” she said, smiling shyly. “I'm in university, now, and I've still never done anything! But I want to, Daddy! I'm ready to! It's just... I don't want to do it with some loser frat-boy who only wants me for my boobs, and who's going to go and tell all his friends about it the moment we're finished! I want to do it with someone who I know loves me... someone like you, Daddy! And it doesn't hurt that you're so danged sexy, too!”

“Of course I love you, sweetie! I love you and your sister more than anything! But it's a different kind of love from what you're suggesting...” I said, trying not to think about the last bit of what she'd said. My gorgeous little nineteen year old daughter thought I was sexy? God, help me!

“Is it really, though?” she asked, stroking her fingers through my hair. She leaned in, slowly, and kissed me again. And this time, I could feel her carefully probing at my lips with the tip of her tongue.

I tried to resist, really I did, but she just kept kissing me. She wasn't being insistent about it, wasn't trying to force her tongue between my lips... she was just being patiently, seductively persistent, willing to keep it up for however long it took until I gave in. A sudden image of waves crashing against a shore sprung unbidden to my mind; the waves may not look like they're accomplishing much, in the short term, but give them enough time and I knew they always won out in the end. And then she took my hand, moving it to her breast again, guiding me into squeezing and fondling her with her hand on top of mine. I started kissing her back, moaning softly, opening my lips. She instantly redoubled her efforts, her soft, swirling tongue surprising me with its length as she drove it deeply into my mouth, pulling herself tightly against me. I found my other hand gripping her cute little ass without any conscious memory of having placed it there; she responded eagerly, grinding herself into my lap.

“Please, Daddy!” she moaned into my mouth. “I want to see it... I want to suck on it!” I gasped as she gently bit my lower lip. “I want to give you a blowjob! I want to suck your cock! Please, Daddy! Lay down in my bed! Let me pay you back for what you just did for me! Let me take care of you the way you deserve!”

I must have been insane... but I felt myself moving further back into her bed, twisting to my side to lay back with my head finding her pillow as she crawled up on top of me, her lips never leaving mine. She started with my shirt, fumbling blindly in her struggle with the buttons, the two of us working together finally managing to get it off and send it to the floor. Her soft, beautiful lips traced the line of my jaw, my neck, my chest. She rubbed her cute little button of a nose through my chest hair, giggling as she tickled herself. She breathed deep, taking in the scent of my sweat after a too-long day at school... and against all common sense apparently enjoying it! She spent token kisses on each of my nipples, grinning at me impishly as she briefly sucked and licked, but she wasn't going to let them detour her for long. Soon she was working her way down my abdomen, hands on my belt, my pants quickly joining my shirt on the floor. She paused, meeting my eyes and taking a deep breath, then looked down again and yanked my boxers to my knees.

“God!” Chellie moaned, softly taking hold of me and angling me upright in her hand, looking me slowly up and down, visually exploring all nine inches of my thick, hard cock. “Mom was a lucky, lucky girl, Daddy!”

I laughed, stroking my fingers through her hair, and she smiled shyly. She bit her lip, thinking, apparently deciding it was worth the brief delay to get rid of my boxers completely and send them to join the rest of my clothes on the floor. She returned to her prior position, slowly stroking me balls to crown in her hand a few times, then slowly leaned forward, depositing a soft, slow kiss directly on my tip. She giggled, presumably at the stupid expression that had just crossed my face at the first contact of her lips, and kissed me there again.

She was slow, but not tentative; there was never a single moment's doubt that this wasn't exactly what she wanted to be doing. I tried to just lay back and let her do it at her own pace, stroking my fingers through her hair to let her know how good it felt, careful not to moan too loudly for risk of letting Andi hear, or to accidentally put any pressure on the back of her head that she might misinterpret as dissatisfaction with the way she was doing it on her own. It was slow going... not that she wasn't doing a fantastic job, she most definitely was! But I've always been on the slower side to cum, and even slower from oral than from actual intercourse. Generally I've found that to be nothing but a positive... but I was a little worried that Chellie might think it was some reflection on her. Such didn't appear to be the case, thankfully, but it was only in retrospect that I realized the likely reason why; she'd told me she'd never done anything with a boy before that night, which meant she had nothing to compare me to. Well... nothing but porn, that is; I wasn't so naive to think that she'd never watched any of that, not with how skilled she was now proving herself to be! But whatever her expectations had been before she'd started out, I was just relieved that she seemed to be enjoying herself. Nearly as much as I was, even, to judge by the look in her eyes as she bobbed slowly up and down, gently stroking my lower shaft and cradling my big, heavy balls in her delicate little hand.

“You're going to make me cum, baby!” I warned as I was getting close. I wasn't sure what she intended, and I didn't want to exert any undue pressure if she didn't want it in her mouth, but I needn't have worried. She smiled up at me around my cock, bobbing a little deeper and faster, sucking harder. I clenched my jaw hard, biting back the need to let out more than the slightest of groans, my hips bucking reflexively as I unloaded myself into my daughter's soft, pretty little mouth. She gasped around my shaft, eyes flashing wide, choking a little as it shot into her throat, but she managed not to pull away. She held me in her mouth, swallowing repeatedly, taking it all!

“All gone!” she announced cutely, opening wide to show me, then crawling up the bed a little and snuggling down onto my chest.

“God!” I gasped, breathing heavily and slowly shaking my head. “That was incredible, baby!”

“Did I really do okay, Daddy?” she asked timidly, tilting her head to look up into my eyes from my chest. “'Cause you can tell me! Tonight was only my first time, you know! I know I can do better, if you tell me how, and you keep letting me practice!”

“So, so much better than just 'okay'!” I chuckled, squeezing her tight in my arms. “Thank you, baby! That was amazing!”

“Thank you, Daddy!” she giggled shyly. “It was amazing for me, too! And you taste so much better than I was expecting! My girlfriends all complain that it's so gross... but I think I actually kinda liked it! I mean... it was salty, and all, I'm going to need to go have a glass of water before I go to bed! But as for the actual taste, it was actually kinda yummy! And I loved the way it felt so thick, and hot, sliding down my throat!”

I smiled down at her, lifting her chin with a fingertip, leaning in for a kiss.

“No!” she recoiled with a laugh, vigorously shaking her head. “Just because I like the taste of your cum, doesn't mean you need to taste it! Let me at least go wash my mouth out first, before you kiss me again!”

“Like I care!” I grinned back at her. “I'm never going to want you to go spitting my load into my mouth, or anything... but a little bit of an aftertaste on your lips and tongue? No big deal. It's actually kind of sexy, even... a reminder of what you just finished doing for me.”

“Yeah?” she asked, still uncertain, but this time she let me guide her into a kiss, responding with slowly growing confidence and eagerness the longer it lasted, until we finally broke it off and she snuggled down to my chest again.

“You know the only thing that really sucks?” she sighed. “It's that you're going to have to get up soon, and go sleep in your room. I really wish you could stay here with me, tonight... but with my luck, I just know Andi would catch us for sure!”

“True,” I sighed. “But I don't have to get up quite yet! Just make sure you don't let me fall asleep.”

She giggled, nodding and rubbing her cheek through my chest hair as I lovingly stroked my hands up and down her back.

“Will you let me, Daddy?” she asked a short time later.

“Let you what, baby?” I asked, somewhere having lost the thread of what she was talking about.

“Keep practicing!” she giggled. “You wouldn't even have to get me a new pump, if you don't want... it feels so much nicer when you suck out my milk, instead! And then I can keep taking care of you, after you're done!”

“I think I'd better get you a new pump regardless, baby,” I chuckled. “Night times are one thing... and maybe even mornings, if you can wake up early enough without waking up Andi in the process. But what about after you get home from class? You missed one milking today, and the pain had you sobbing! Do you really want it to be like that every day? Because there's no way we'll be able to get away with me doing it for you after school, not without Andi catching us.”

“I guess that's true enough,” she sighed, then smiled. “But does that mean you are okay with keeping on doing it for me, as long as we can do it without Andi finding out?”

“I think being 'okay' with it isn't entirely accurate, baby,” I grinned. “Better to say that I'm eager to keep doing it for you!”

“And for me to keep doing it for you, too?” she continued hopefully.

“That too, baby,” I chuckled. “Just as long as we're both super careful that Andi never finds out!”

“Good!” she said, turning her head to give me a long, slow kiss in the centre of my chest. Then she squealed, as I reached down to grab her cute little butt, squeezing hard and pulling her up my chest, reaching one hand up into her hair and pulling her into a deep, passionate kiss on the lips.

Eventually it really was time for me to leave, as much as we both regretted it. I gave her another little suck on her breasts first, getting barely a dribble, but wanting her to be as comfortable as possible for falling asleep. She stuck her nose out into the hall for me, making sure Andi was still safely tucked away in her room before I gathered up my clothes, gave her one last kiss, and padded silent and naked down the hall to my room. I brushed my teeth in the little half-bath off the master bedroom, then climbed into bed and began the laborious process of getting myself calmed down enough to be able to fall asleep. I dreamed... if you can call it that. Does it count as a dream, when it's just an exact recreation of actual events? Maybe it's more accurate to say that I remembered? Either way, I slept the sleep of the dead... the horny, exceptionally well satisfied dead!

I awoke groggy, disoriented, not quite understanding what was happening. Eventually I figured out that someone was crawling into bed with me, though it took another few seconds for me to wake up enough to realize it was Chellie.

“Ready for your breakfast, Daddy?” she giggled quietly, reaching down for my hand and pulling it to her huge, firm, milk-filled young breast.

“Definitely!” I agreed, rolling towards her. I met her in a kiss, first, then slid a little further down. She gasped adorably as I took her nipple into my mouth, her hot, sweet milk flowing easily as I began to suck. She slid her arm in under my head, helping support me and pulling me closer against her, her other hand slipping down between us.

“Looks like maybe breakfast isn't the only thing you're ready for, hunh Daddy?” she moaned, her hand wrapping gently around my already-erect shaft and slowly beginning to stroke. I moved to reply in kind, until she gasped, freezing up completely.

“Do you not want me to?” I asked, my hand paused between her thighs, feeling her obvious wetness soaking through her tiny little panties, the only things she'd been wearing when she'd crawled into bed with me.

“No, I do...” she smiled down at me shyly as I looked up into her eyes. “It just caught me by surprise, is all.”

“Let me hear you say it,” I demanded, grinning around her nipple and giving her a playful little bite, making her gasp.

“Please, Daddy...” she began, her blush rising visibly as I watched. “Please, play with my pussy! Play with my tiny, virgin pussy while you suck on my big, milky titties, Daddy!”

“Naughty little girl!” I praised, rubbing her gently through the incredibly soft cotton. I took my time, enjoying every half-strangled little moan, forcing myself to wait until she adjusted her positioning to switch breasts for me. It was only then that I finally allowed myself to slip my fingers under her panties, making her gasp yet again. Her hair was indescribably soft and fine, just a cute little patch of it at the top of her cleft, her lips trim, bald and slippery with her juices, her clit a barely-there little nubbin peaking out from her hood, firm and proud with arousal.

“Oh, Daddy!” she moaned, trembling adorably as I played with her, her slender hips rocking instinctively to grind herself against my hand. She swapped me back and forth between her breasts a few more times, until she ran out of milk. From that point on it was up to me, suckling wherever I liked while I worked my hand between her thighs, her stroking of my cock becoming progressively more frantic and less coordinated the closer she came to orgasm.

“Oh, God! Oh, Daddy!” she squealed, hovering right on the edge. “Oh, you're going to make me cum, Daddy! I'm so close! Oh, please! Please! Please! Please! Daddyyyyy!”

She gasped and kicked, losing control, barely able to keep herself from screaming and waking up her sister. I held her, cupping her pussy in my palm, not daring to move even an inch until she'd gotten herself back under control again.

“Oh my God, Daddy! That was amazing! I've never cum so hard in my life! Thank you, Daddy!” she gasped, panting heavily, her huge, firm tits heaving hypnotically on her chest.

“You are so very, very welcome, baby!” I smiled up at her, and she leaned down to give me so thorough and passionate a kiss I could barely breathe until she was done. She maybe realized this, eventually, pulling away with a little embarrassment, stroking her fingers through my hair as she watched me to make sure I was okay.

“My turn now, Daddy?” she asked, and her excitement couldn't possibly have been any more clear in her beautiful grey eyes.

“On one condition, baby,” I told her with a grin. “You can suck my cock as much as you like... as long as I get to eat your pretty little pussy while you do it!”

She gasped, eyes and mouth wide with surprise. “Are you sure you really want to do that, Daddy?” she asked, shyly averting her eyes. “You just made me cum... I'm all wet and sticky right now!”

“So much the better, baby,” I smiled, finally abandoning her pussy and bringing my fingers to my lips, lasciviously sucking off her juices as she watched, her eyes wide with shock and arousal. “Mmmm... you taste just like your mom did! Which means I cannot wait to taste that lovely little pussy cumming all over my tongue while you're sucking me off!”

“Well... if you're really sure...” she allowed, mounting excitement clear in her eyes.

“Oh, I'm sure, baby, believe me!” I grinned, putting every bit of raw sex into my voice as I possibly could. “Now... let's get you out of those panties, shall we?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she mewled submissively. I pushed the covers back, getting my first full look at her. Her panties were cute little white ones, with tiny red strawberries all over them. She rolled to her back and put her hands on her hips, but I lifted myself up to my knees and stopped her, preferring to strip her out of them myself. She giggled and shimmied her hips, seductively closing and lifting her legs into the air for me. I slipped her panties down over her cute little butt, going slow, enjoying the incremental reveal of the view. I tossed them down to the floor and she finally opened her thighs, treating me to a sight that was even more gorgeous than my fingers had led me to imagine.

“God, you're beautiful!” I told her, and she blushed again as I bent down for my first taste, her soft, blonde fuzz gently tickling my nose as I slid the tip of my tongue along her slit. She gasped, arching her back as I caressed her hips. “And delicious, too!”

“Mmmm... I'm glad you think so, Daddy,” she moaned as I continued slowly licking up and down her tender little lips. “But you're the one who has to be laying down, not me! Your cock is huge! If we try this with you on top, you're going to end up choking me for sure!”

“Fair enough,” I chuckled, stealing one more soft, slow kiss directly on top of her clit, making her tremble adorably, before I retreated and flopped myself down on the bed beside her. She immediately twisted around and swung herself into place on top of me, her huge, heavy breasts squishing wonderfully on my abdomen as she took me into her mouth. I had to move her around a bit by her hips to get our positioning just right, pulling a pillow down behind my neck for comfort, but soon enough we were both kissing, licking and sucking to our hearts' content.

Chellie came first, as I'd been confident she would. Thankfully she had herself thoroughly muffled on my cock at the time, so her strangled scream wasn't an issue, but I had to grab hold of her ass so hard to keep her in place that I was afraid I was leaving bruises. Even as it was she still almost kicked over my lamp, and she did knock my alarm clock off my side table onto the floor. I was tempted to see if I could push her into another, given how far away I still was... but given the intensity of that last one I decided I'd better not, for risk of waking Andi. I contented myself with a sort of maintenance-program instead, gentle kisses and licks that kept her humming along and fully aroused, but without pushing her towards another full-on orgasm. From the absolutely ravenous way she was devouring my cock, I was pretty sure she was happy enough with that.

“Here it comes, baby!” I warned. Her moaning acknowledgement, vibrating around my cock, was what finally pushed me over the edge. She slurped and sucked like she was dying of thirst, squeezing and milking my shaft to get every last drop, and only after she was completely done did she pull away, flip herself around, and collapse naked and exhausted onto my chest.

“You are amazing, baby!” I told her, one hand lovingly stroking her hair, the other reaching down to squeeze her pert young ass.

“I'm passable!” she giggled with self-deprecation, shaking her head. “You're the amazing one! But I think 'passable' is doing pretty good, for only my second time ever! You just wait and see, Daddy! I'm going to get lots better, as I get more chances to practice with you!”

“If that's true... I am doomed! Doomed, I tell you, doomed!”

“You betcha!” she agreed with a lilting laugh, quiet out of fear of waking Andi, but no less lovely for that. “But aren't you glad you are?”

“More than I could ever possibly say,” I agreed. She laughed again, lifting herself and sliding upwards for a kiss.

“And on that note... I hate to suck and run, but I think we're cutting it a little close already. I'll wake up a bit earlier from here on out, so we don't have to rush so much.”

“Sounds good,” I smiled, giving her a playful pinch on her butt and making her squeak. “My room, so my turn to duck my head out first?” She nodded, stole one more quick kiss, then slid off of me and rolled herself out of bed, grabbing up her panties and the t-shirt that she must have taken off before slipping under the covers with me. I threw on my robe, checked outside, and gave Chellie a silent thumbs-up before stepping out the door and down the hall into the bathroom.

What I wouldn't have given to be able to bring Chellie into the shower with me... But my bathroom was only a half, no shower or tub, and doing that in the main bathroom was just far too risky for getting caught. Maybe the next time Andi went on a sleepover, I thought... Yes, that could work. I wouldn't be able to suggest a sleepover, that would be too suspicious in and of itself. Maybe Chellie could, if she approached it carefully enough? Something to think about, for sure. But one way or the other, even with no influence from either of us, I knew that eventually Chellie and I would have the house to ourselves. God, that would be nice... No worrying about being too loud, or risking getting caught if she spent the night in my bed... heaven!

Something must be seriously wrong with me! Twelve hours earlier, never in a million years would I have considered doing anything sexual with one of my girls! Probably would have punched anyone who even suggested it squarely in the face! But here I was, actively thinking about ways to do it even more! And the strangest thing was, I wasn't even feeling guilty about it. How messed up was that? But that was the fact of it; I truly wasn't feeling guilty. I guess because Chellie had been so clear in her desires? She'd been so adamant and sure of herself about what she'd wanted to happen, taking the lead, literally begging me to go along with it. Was that why I was feeling so strangely okay with what had happened? I guess it didn't really matter why, when all was said and done... The fact was that it had happened, that Chellie and I were both okay with it... and that we both wanted it to happen again, just as soon as we could safely arrange it!

I got out and dried off, Andi yawning through a 'Morning, Daddy' to take her turn in the bathroom as I passed. I returned to my own bathroom to brush my teeth and shave, feeling a little put off by the reverse order waking up with Chellie had placed on my normal routine. I finished getting dressed, finding Chellie at the kitchen table in her t-shirt and a pair of shorts, eating her cereal while she waited for her turn in the bathroom. I made doubly sure that I could still hear Andi's shower, stealing another lengthy kiss and reaching under Chellie's shirt for a fondle of her breast before pouring myself a bowl as well. She surprised me then by standing up and leaning over, lifting her shirt and giving herself a firm squeeze to eek out another dribble for me, one breast then the other, right into my bowl. I laughed, happily licking the last drops from her nipples, and sat down to eat, playing footsie with her under the table until we heard the water cut off in Andi's shower.

I dropped Chellie at the train and Andi at her school on my way, then it was off to my own school, where I could mercifully distract myself from thoughts of Chellie for a few hours. I took a detour to the maternity store on the way home, picking up a new pump, and taking a few minutes to check out the bra section while I was at it. They were mostly pretty functional, like I remembered, but I hadn't been looking for 'sexy' the last time I'd taken Chellie shopping for a new one. None of them would compete with the sort of thing you'd find at Victoria's Secret, of course—that was just a given, considering their purpose. But there were a couple that definitely had some promise, at least more than any of the ones she currently owned, if we could find ones that fit; that was far from a guarantee, with breasts that size on such a tiny frame. I'd have to come back with her sometime soon, to see what we could find. Support was important, but she deserved to feel sexy, too, and I wanted to buy her something that would help with that.

The girls were lounging in front of the tv when I got back, Andi on her stomach with her homework strewn out in front of her, Chellie sitting on the couch with a thick textbook propped on her lap, while they half-watched some silly reality show in the background.

“Hi, girls!” I called as I stepped inside and kicked out of my shoes, dropping my wallet and keys and balancing Chellie's new pump on my hip. “Good day at school?”

“Hi, Daddy! Boring, but otherwise not bad,” Andi replied, twisting at the waist to look up at me with a wide smile.

“Same here,” Chellie hopped to her feet and flounced over to me, taking her box. “Thanks, Daddy! Come help me get it set up?”

“You get started opening it up, I'll be in in a minute,” I told her. She smiled and scurried off, leaving me with Andi.

“So... I guess we know now why she was in such a mood yesterday,” she giggled up at me.

“Guess so,” I grinned, walking closer and putting my foot on her butt, giving her a playful nudge, making her squeal and giggle as I rocked her back and forth. “Much homework this weekend?”

“Only another half an hour, maybe,” she replied. “Less if I wasn't watching my show at the same time, but it's easy, so I'm gonna keep watching.”

“'Kay. Just let me know if you need any help, though. I'm going to be in Chellie's room helping her get her pump set up.”

“'Kay,” she echoed back, turning back to her work, then suddenly twisting back to face me as I started walking away. “Oh! Before you leave, I was gonna ask! Can we have burgers on the grill tonight?”

“I'll have to check if we have enough propane first, but as long as we do I don't see why not. I'm not going out again tonight though, so if we don't we'll have to just do them on the stove. I'll get started once I'm done helping Chellie.”

“I can make them!” she exclaimed, hopping to her feet.

“Sure, if you like,” I agreed. “Wash your hands before and after, and no playing with the grill until I'm out there to supervise.”

“Yes, Dad,” she said, rolling her eyes as she started walking towards the kitchen.

“Don't you 'Yes, Dad' me, little missy!” I growled, grabbing her by her waist and giving her a tickle. She squealed and kicked, but I pulled her back against my chest, pinning her arms as I wrapped mine around her, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

“Sorry, Daddy!” she giggled, squirming happily.

“Uh hunh, sure you are!” I chuckled. “Now go on, get!” I sent her on her way with a playful smack on her butt, making her squeal and laugh again as she bounded over to the kitchen. Then it was on to Chellie's room, stepping through the open door and closing it behind me. She already had the box open, and was emptying the pump and the various pieces out of their protective plastic.

“Now, correct me if I'm wrong, here,” I whispered. “But from what I remember from last time, there wasn't really any 'set up' required. We just plugged it in, ran the cups and bottles through the dishwasher once to be safe, and it was good to go.”

“Exactly!” she giggled, hopping up and bouncing over to me. “But Andi doesn't know that! So while we're 'setting it up', it's the perfect opportunity for you to suck it out for me instead! I'll just stay in here for a little while after we're done, letting her hear the pump running on nothing so she doesn't have any reason to start getting suspicious.”

“I can work with that,” I smiled, taking her into my arms, grabbing her cute little butt and lifting her up to her tiptoes to meet me in a kiss.

“I don't think we can really risk taking the time for anything more than you milking me, unfortunately,” she sighed, eyes fluttering closed in pleasure as I continued fondling her ass. “But I promise I'll make it up to you tonight, once Andi goes to bed.”

“Sucking on your boobs is already a treat for me, baby,” I reassured her. “Anything more than that is just a bonus.”

“If you say so,” she giggled happily. “But I'm still going to pay you back tonight, either way!” She led me over to her bed as I stripped her out of her shirt, pausing for another kiss as I reached behind her to free her from her bra. She pushed me to sit down on the edge of the bed again, but I kept moving, laying myself down in the center and pulling her along to lay on top of me. She giggled again as I maneuvered her into place, perched above me with her fantastic, heavy titties hanging down into my face. I took her right one into my mouth, cupping her left one in my hand, my other hand reaching between her thighs.

“Pull your pants down for me, baby,” I moaned, and she hurried to comply. She couldn't get them more than about a third of the way down her thighs, with her legs spread to either side of mine, but that was enough to grant me the access I needed. I started to play, waiting until she was good and wet, before slipping a finger inside of her this time.

“God!” she gasped, flailing for a pillow in which to bury her face so Andi wouldn't hear. I was careful and slow, mindful of her status as a virgin, erring far on the side of caution rather than risking any chance of pain. I could feel the delicate ring of her hymen stretching to accommodate my finger, which I gently curled once I was fully inside, pressing against the squishy wetness of her g-spot.

“Mmmmmph!” she exclaimed into her pillow, her skinny, shapely thighs shaking uncontrollably at the intensity of what I was doing to her. I smiled wide around her nipple as I continued to suck, swallowing stream after stream of her hot, delicious milk, periodically trading my attention back and forth between her breasts. She came not long after she'd gone dry, collapsing of top of me and twitching like she was being electrocuted, barely able to force her mouth against my neck to keep from screaming.

“Ohhh, I am so going to pay you back tonight, Daddy!” she purred sleepily in her post-orgasmic bliss. “Just you wait and see!”

“Looking forward to it, baby,” I told her, kissing and cuddling her through her most sensitive time, then rolling us over so she was laying on her back and I was able to get up. “Just remember to stay in here a little while with your pump running, so Andi doesn't suspect.”

“Like I could even move right now, anyways!” she sighed happily, limp as a rag doll as I stroked my fingers through her hair.

I chuckled as I kissed her, plugging in her pump and setting it to motion just before I disappeared out her door. Andi had already finished making the hamburger patties and had them laid out on a plate; she was slicing up tomatoes and pickles now, and I gave her a thankful little squeeze on her hip as I passed, washing my hands at the sink before slipping into my sandals on my way out to the deck. We were getting low on propane, as I'd suspected, but there was probably still enough for burgers. I started up the grill and knocked on the window, giving Andi a thumbs up. She smiled and returned it, grabbing the burger plate and slipping on her own sandals as she came out to join me.

I got a more detailed rundown of her day from her as we cooked together, and gave her the same for my own. One nice thing about being a teacher, the girls actually understand when I tell them about my day. They always enjoy hearing my stories, especially about all the stupid things my students do on such a regular basis.

The three of us ate out on the deck together, and I readily agreed to Andi's suggestion that we watch a movie together afterwards, but only on the condition that she finish the rest of her homework, first. I had a quiz I needed to grade anyways, so the timing ended up working out pretty well. We retired to the living room and our big comfy movie-watching couch, Chellie beating Andi to the punch and curling up on my lap. That was usually Andi's spot, as the baby of the family and an even bigger Daddy's girl than Chellie was, but every once in a while Chellie would be in the mood. Andi was always really good about it, limiting herself to a teasing pout and maybe a playful shove or two; she knew she had a good thing going, and she wasn't going to ruin it for herself by complaining too much on the rare occasions when Chellie decided it was her turn for once.

The girls picked a big, flashy superhero movie, which was just about perfect; it meant I could turn off my brain, cuddling them close and concentrating on the feeling of my cock rising against Chellie's perfect little ass. The movie ended far too soon, honestly, I was enjoying myself so much! But lucky for me it was Friday, and Chellie convinced Andi we should all stay up and watch another one, the devious little minx. I just hoped it worked; if we could get her good and tired first before we all went to bed, it would make it that much less likely that Chellie and I would end up getting ourselves caught!

I gave the girls hugs and kisses on the cheek goodnight, and went to my room to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. I toyed with the idea of doing something to playfully display myself for when Chellie would come walking in, but decided her most likely reaction to that would probably be to laugh. I'd be okay with that, in other circumstances (I've always been a big believer in being able to laugh with your sex partner), but not when we needed to be so careful not to make Andi suspicious. And I could think of few things more suspicious than Chellie's sudden, unexpected laugh coming from the door to my room when all three of us were supposed to already be in bed.

It seemed to take most of forever, but it was probably only about half an hour before Chellie snuck quietly into my room, tip-toeing over to my bed and slipping inside. I was a little surprised to find she was already completely naked, but I suppose I shouldn't have been; if Andi caught her coming out of my room in the middle of the night, whether or not she was wearing clothes at the time really wouldn't make much difference to the amount of trouble we'd be in.

“Hi,” I greeted her quietly, rolling up onto my side to face her and wrapping her in my arms.

“Hi, yourself,” she giggled back. We started to kiss, slowly but deeply. I meant to lower myself down once again, to start emptying what I was sure would be a pair of very full breasts... but I just couldn't tear myself away from those soft, sweet lips and that sinuously twisting tongue. Our kissing quickly grew more heated, her firm, young body writhing sensuously in my arms, her amazing, full breasts squished tightly against me, leaking onto my chest. It was only a matter of time until I gave in to my instincts, rolling her onto her back, climbing on top of her. She moaned into my lips, one hand finding the back of my head, the other my ass. She spread her legs, pulling me tighter, the soft, wet heat of her lips pressing against the base of my shaft as I came to rest on top of her. She shuddered, biting playfully at my bottom lip, pulling at my ass with her hand. I'm not sure she really knew what she was asking for, not consciously. But I gave it to her anyways, gently starting to thrust, rubbing my thick and throbbing cock up and down her lips. She let out the most adorable little squeak of surprise, then moaned, clutching me even tighter, kissing me so hard you'd have thought she was trying to choke me with her tongue!

I'm not sure how long we were at it. Long enough for the covers to have wound up pooled at our ankles, and for us both to be covered in a shining dew of sweat and milk. I should have just kept going, I know that. I was already violating so many boundaries as it was. But with that gorgeous, sexy body pinned under mine, her huge, slickened tits heaving with the intensity of her breath, the soft, welcoming wetness of her pussy rubbing against my shaft... I just couldn't help myself!

I reluctantly broke our kiss, pulling back a little, enough that I could look her properly in the eyes again as I reached down. Chellie looked up at me in surprise and worry, clearly afraid she must have done something wrong, not yet realizing what I intended. Until her eyes suddenly widened like a dear caught in the headlights, the spongy thickness of my head sliding downwards, gently spreading her lips, finding my mark. I didn't push in right away... I wasn't quite that much of a monster, wasn't quite that far gone! I held myself there, immobile, staring lovingly down into her eyes, giving her the chance to object. And when she didn't, when she just lay there, biting her lip and staring nervously back at me... that silence was all the invitation I needed. That was when I took my daughter's tight, virgin teenage pussy. That was when I made her mine!

It wasn't easy. She was more than wet enough... but she was just so tiny, and tight! It took some doing, and more patience than I thought I had to work myself into her without hurting her any more than I absolutely had to. I returned to kissing her, hoping that would help distract from the pain, but I made sure to keep an eye on her expressions, not sure I could trust her yet to tell me if it started to hurt too much. It was quite possibly the most difficult thing I'd ever done, making myself wait, only giving her a bit of myself at a time when I could feel the tight, beckoning vice of her wordlessly urging me deeper.

I could tell it was slowly starting to get better for her, more by the way she was using her hands on my back and ass than by anything else. She was starting to make the most amazing little squelching sounds, too, as I was able to get more of myself inside of her. I swear, it was like she was trying to suck me in and drown me, she really was that wet! But still, I forced myself to go slow, terrified of ruining this if I hurt her too much. Terrified, more than anything else, that she might never want to risk doing this with me again, if I made her first time anything less than amazing for her.

And then, finally, I bottomed out. I could hardly believe it at first, and neither could she. She glanced down between us, then questioningly into my eyes. I nodded silently, giving her the last little push, driving myself as deep as I could possibly reach. She gasped, hands clutching at my back, eyes rolling back in her head. She came, slapping her hands over her mouth to try to stay quiet, her entire body trembling beneath me. That had to have been mostly psychological, not physical; she'd been humming along smartly, but there was no way she'd been close enough to the edge for me to push her over just by bottoming out like that! Still, an orgasm was an orgasm, whatever the specifics of its cause, and from the looks of it that had been a good one.

“How are you feeling, baby?” I asked her, giving her a few moments of immobility for her to get past the strongest of it, before I slowly started thrusting again.

“Mmmmmm...” she hummed, drifting in fluffy, bubbly dreamland as the rush of endorphins flooded her system. “Good, Daddy... so good! And proud!” she giggled sleepily. “I can hardly believe I was able to take the whole thing on my very first try! I thought for sure I was going to have to stop you part way in, and we'd have to practice more until I got used to it! But I am so happy I was able to take it all! It feels amazing, having you all the way up inside me like this!”

“Me too, baby! Me too!” I chuckled, gently increasing the speed and force of my thrusts, bringing her further back to reality as I pulled her into another kiss. Our bodies were sliding together so easily now, coated in her sweet, delicious milk. It had been coming out in little dibs and dabs from the start, but there had been a virtual flood of it accompanying her orgasm. She was so wonderfully, gloriously sexy... and she was all mine!

I was starting to recognize the warning signs, now that I'd seen her cum a couple of times. She was running maybe a minute or so ahead of me... but just maybe we could shave that closer, if she knew to try. I waited until she was nearly on the cusp, then told her.

“Try not to cum until I do, baby!” I gasped, struggling with my breath. “I want you to cum when you feel me shooting inside you!”

Her eyes went wide and she started shaking her head, opening and closing her mouth like a fish, her breathing so ragged she couldn't force out a word. She started to tremble, wincing her eyes closed, her nails digging into the skin of my back. I knew it was time, and I was only seconds away...

“Ungh!” I grunted, driving into her and sending whatever air she'd had bursting from her lungs, her eyes flashing wide as she felt the sudden heat rushing into her. I was beyond even a prayer of control, hips jerking hard, filling her deep. I finally collapsed on top of her, utterly spent, my hot, thick cum oozing deeper into her womb.

“Daddy, how could you?” she finally hissed once she'd regained enough breath to speak, eyes brimming with tears. “You know I'm not on birth control! What if you get me pregnant?”

“And?” I asked, nuzzling into the crook of her neck. “So what if I do?”

“What?” she gasped in shock. “But...”

“I always wanted to have more kids. It was your mom who only wanted two, and given that she was the one who had to carry you, I didn't fight her on it. But now that I have you...”

“You... you're not saying you actually want to get me pregnant?” she asked, slowly shaking her head in denial.

“I'll admit, it would be more convenient if we waited until you're a little bit older, first,” I admitted, squeezing her tight. “Until after you finish your degree. But there is no way in hell I'm going to be able to resist cumming in this perfect little pussy in the meantime! So if it happens before that, we're just going to have to deal.”

“Oh my God...” she breathed, and I finally pushed myself up enough that I could look her in her eyes.

“Unless... do you not want to, baby?” I asked, lovingly stroking her cheek. “You do have a choice, here, you know. The odds aren't too high anyways, after just the one time, but morning after pills are a thing, if you decide you don't want to risk it. We can go back to just blowjobs for the next little bit, until we can get you on birth control so it's safe for me to start cumming in you again.”

“I...” She looked away, biting her lip, and I gave her time. “I want to, Daddy,” she finally whispered. “I... I didn't even realize it myself, I don't think. Not until you said... But I want it, Daddy!” She announced, courageously meeting my gaze once more. “I want to be yours! I want to have your babies, Daddy! As many as you want me to!”

“Good girl!” I praised with a smile, making her blush adorably before I absolutely attacked her with a frenzied, passionate kiss. She squealed happily into my mouth in surprise, then wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, giving every bit as good as she got. But there was one more thing I still wanted to do before I could finish going soft, so I regretfully had to pull away.

“Have you ever tasted yourself, baby?” I asked her, pulling out and crawling up the bed towards her, my cock held like an offering in my hand. “Ever tasted your own cum?”

Her eyes went wide, slowly shaking her head.

“Well, now's your chance,” I grinned, reaching down to slide my fingers into her hair at the back of her head, lifting her up as I angled myself down for her with my other hand. She was staring up at me as if she still wasn't sure I was serious, but she obediently opened her mouth and allowed me to feed her my cock. “Do you like that, baby?”

She paused, tentatively swirling her tongue on me, then slowly started to smile and nod.

“Good girl,” I smiled, lovingly caressing her cheek. “I kinda thought you might. Your mom always used to love cleaning my cock for me after I'd finished cumming in her. It was her second-favourite thing to do, right behind intercourse itself.”

“I don't know if it's ever going to be that much of a favourite of mine,” she giggled as she popped me out of her mouth. “So far, my second-favourite is sucking you off and swallowing your cum! Cleaning you up after we have sex isn't bad... but that's a really high bar to reach! And third-favourite, by the way, is having you milk me with your mouth... So although I'm of course happy to do it for you any time you want me to... I don't see tasting myself climbing into my top three any time soon!”

“Fair enough!” I laughed. “And speaking of your third-favourite...”

“Speaking of...” she agreed, arching her back to better present herself for me. I dropped enthusiastically back down on top of her, and she moaned and started running her fingers through my hair as I took her nipple into my mouth and began to suck. For all that she'd leaked out while we'd been having sex, there was so much more still left inside! I took my time, making sure to get it all, and giving her a few extra minutes besides. She giggled softly when I started moving further afield, kissing and licking my way down. She tried to stop me from going between her thighs, nervously biting her lip and shaking her head, but I was insistent. Not that I particularly enjoy the taste of my own cum, or anything... but it didn't exactly bother me, either, and the enjoyment I got from cleaning her delicate little lips of our mixed fluids was more than worth it. It didn't take long for her to start enjoying it, too, and by the time I was done making her cum for me again, I knew that was the last time she'd ever try to resist. Regretfully, it was then time to send her off to her room, before our post-orgasmic sleepiness could betray us into falling asleep with her in my arms.

“Make sure you go pee before bed, baby,” I cautioned her just as she was easing herself up out of bed. “You should always go pee after sex if you can; it's the easiest and best way to prevent UTIs.”

“I will, Daddy,” she promised, leaning down for one last kiss. “Sweet dreams... preferably about what you know I'm going to do to you when I wake you up tomorrow!”

“Count on it, baby. Love you!”

“Love you too, Daddy! 'Night.”


She slipped out my door as silently as she'd arrived, and I pulled the covers back up as I settled down to sleep.

I woke to something hot and wet on my cock, a feeling which was so similar to what I'd been dreaming about that it actually took me a moment to realize I was now awake.

“Mmmmm...” I moaned. “Morning, baby,” I was still really feeling tired, and would have been cursing the time of morning if I'd been woken up any other way; I guess Chellie hadn't been kidding around when she'd said she was going to start waking up earlier. I could feel her lips smiling around my shaft, her hand giving me a bit of an extra squeeze by way of reply. I went to push the covers off so I could enjoy watching her work, but she grabbed the blanket and held it down, shaking her head.

“Have it your way, then,” I chuckled, slipping my hands in under the blanket instead, running my fingers through her hair and gathering it out of her way for her at the back of her head. I closed my eyes again and leaned back into my pillow, losing myself in the loving embrace of her pretty little mouth. She was taking her time, sucking and swirling her tongue, taking me on a ride, the perfect start to a lazy Saturday morning. I'd have been quite happy to lay there until noon, if we didn't have to worry about Andi catching us, but Chellie had other plans. I held out as long as I could, but she was more determined to obtain her prize than I was to delay.

“Get ready, baby!” I warned, stroking her hair, moments before I burst into her mouth. She moaned happily around my shaft, the weight of her on my thighs no match for the uncontrollable thrusting of my hips as instinct took over. I gasped and fought as she continued to suck, her tongue an exquisite torture on my overly sensitive cockhead, feeling her repeated swallowing as she worked to get it all down. She slowly relaxed a bit, allowing me to begin to recover, but still she kept me in her mouth, teasing and playing, periodically making me moan.

I was so completely enthralled by what she was doing to me, I didn't even notice my bedroom door silently creeping open, but the sudden gasp from the doorway drew my eye; Chellie was standing there in her t-shirt and panties, her expression of shock as she saw what was happening matching my own.

“Chellie?” I gasped, realization crashing over me like a wave. I whipped off the covers, staring down into the beautiful, loving eyes of the wrong daughter!

“Morning, Daddy!” Andi giggled up at me, finally releasing my cock from her mouth, as naked as the day she was born.

“What the hell, Andi!” I angrily gasped in shock.

“Oh, please!” she giggled again. “Like this is any worse than what the two of you have been doing to each other the last couple of days! The walls in this house aren't that thick, you know! And you guys aren't nearly as quiet as you think you are! Especially when you're making each other cum!”

“Oh, God...” I moaned. How had I not known? Even as distracted as I was, I should have realized the lack of Chellie's breasts weighing on my thighs! Andi's cute little A-cups were no less beautiful, I could see now as I stared down at her, but there was no way I should have mistaken her for Chellie if I'd been paying any sort of proper attention!

“Relax, Daddy!” Andi said warmly, leaning in to give me another slow, soft, kiss on the swollen head of my cock. “If I was going to get all upset and angry about you guys fooling around with each other, I'd hardly have gone and done this, now would I? You guys can keep doing anything you want together, as far as I'm concerned...” She turned her head then, staring challengingly over at her big sister. “As long as Chellie promises to share you with me from now on, that is! Like she should have been doing from the start!”

“I, uh...” Chellie swallowed nervously, slowly stepping closer to the bed. “I guess I don't really have much choice, do I?”

“Not even a little!” Andi confirmed with a giggle, welcoming patting the bed beside my hip. “Now, how about you get out of those clothes and come join us?”

Chellie bit her lip, slowly stripping out of her shirt, Andi's eyes gleaming with excitement as she stared at her sister's huge, full tits. The panties went next, a beautiful blush rising in her cheeks as she stood there naked before us. Andi repeated her summoning patting of the bed, and Chellie obediently crawled in beside me, apprehensively cuddling into the crook of my arm, Andi leaning over to deliver a chaste kiss of welcome on the curve of her sister's skinny little hip. I reached up with my other hand to lift Chellie's chin, softly kissing her lips and squeezing her against me under my arm. She let out an adorable little shudder of nerves, slowly beginning to relax into my kisses. But I didn't want to get too distracted just making out; I gave her another few minutes, then rolled her to her back, retrieving my arm from behind her neck and scooting down the bed a bit, making Andi squeal and giggle as I carried her along with me on top of my legs. I twisted over at my waist and bent my head, Chellie sighing with relief as I took her nipple into my mouth and began to suck. I didn't look down to see for myself, but I didn't need to; the sudden decline in the attention Andi was paying to my cock told me just how enraptured she must have been by the sight.

“You know, Andi...” I softly murmured around Chellie's nipple. “Your big sister has two titties in need of milking, not just the one! How about you cuddle up on her other side here, and give me a hand?”

“Really?” she gasped. I smiled, blindly reaching down to run my fingers into her hair, gently guiding her up the bed and over to Chellie's other side. She stared nervously into my eyes as she moved into place, Chellie wrapping her arm around her and comfortingly rubbing her back as Andi cautiously leaned in towards her breast. Chellie trembled between us as Andi finally made contact, her soft lips closing tentatively around her sister's nipple. I saw her eyes widen in surprise, and I knew she'd just received her first taste.

“How's she taste, baby?” I asked.

“Good!” she murmured quietly, then froze, giggling nervously as if she'd only that moment realized what she'd said.

“No need to be embarrassed, sweetie,” I told her, reaching over to stroke her hip. “She does taste good! There's no shame in telling her so.”

“I wasn't expecting it to feel so hot, on my tongue!” she smiled. “I should have, after your cum... but I guess I wasn't thinking about it the same way.”

“Less talking and more sucking, you two!” Chellie chided with a giggle, slipping her hands into our hair and pulling us deeper against her breasts, moaning happily as we renewed our attention on her. “Your lips feel so good, Andi! Not that yours aren't good, too, Daddy...” she hurried to add. “But Andi's are so soft!”

Chellie gasped loudly as I slipped my hand down between her thighs, spreading her legs to offer me better access. I readjusted my positioning a little, leaning partially on top of her with my upper leg thrown over hers. Andi followed my example on her other side, effectively pinning Chellie down in place for me as I started playing with her more intently. Chellie started squirming between us, not really wanting to escape from what we were doing to her, but unable to resist the instinct to try. Andi was getting more into the swing of things by that point, lovingly stroking Chellie's cute little tummy with her hand. In fact... she was looking so enthusiastic, it gave me an idea.

I temporarily abandoned Chellie's pussy, reaching for Andi's hand, pulling it downwards. The girls gasped in sync.

“Daddy?” Andi asked, eyes wide with surprise as I cupped her hand against her sister's tight little pussy, Chellie's nipple all but forgotten as she turned to stare into my eyes.

“I'm sure you know how, baby,” I smiled, guiding her into a little rub. “Just do it like you would to yourself!”

I took my hand away, reaching over and around, sliding down to grab hold of Andi's cute little ass. I pulled her closer, forcing her pretty little pussy right up against the side of her sister's hip. She gasped, blushing adorably... but a single wicked grin was enough to make her obediently start rocking her hips and moving her fingers, working to get both herself and her sister off.

Chellie pulled us back down to her breasts once more, stroking her fingers through our hair, moaning and squirming in pleasure at everything that was being done to her. I'm not sure how much the dual titty-sucking contributed, and how much was just a matter of Andi being so much more talented with her fingers than I was, but Chellie was really humming along quick. I guess when you actually have a pussy of your own to practice on, you learn all the most effective techniques. Isn't that what people say about gay guys giving the best blowjobs? That's one stereotype I'd never had even the slightest inclination to test out for myself, but I figured it wouldn't have become a stereotype in the first place if it didn't have some basis in truth. I was maybe a little jealous that Andi seemed to be doing such a good job... but not too much. Maybe I'd have to get her to give me some pointers sometime. I could get her to use Chellie as a model to demonstrate on, then have her watch while I emulated her, to see if she could help improve my technique. Yeah... that definitely had the potential for some fun!

Chellie came hard, squealing and thrashing as we held her down, Andi vigorously vibrating her fingers across her clit to carry her through. She collapsed bonelessly back onto the bed as she finished, weakly pushing Andi and me away from her breasts. She was down to giving me just the tiniest little trickles of milk by that point anyways, and I certainly understood if she needed a bit of a break.

I turned instead to Andi, stroking my fingers through her hair, leaning towards her across Chellie's chest. She smiled shyly, but there was no disguising the eagerness in her eyes as I pulled her into a long, soft kiss on the lips. We snuggled down a little on the bed, resting our heads on Chellie's flat little belly as we started making out for real, Andi abandoning her sister's pussy and reaching across to take hold of my cock instead. I was already mostly hard again, and it took her hardly any time at all to bring me the rest of the way to full mast.

“You need to decide how far you want to take this, baby,” I told her, still lovingly caressing and squeezing her ass as she stroked my cock in her delicate little hand. “I need to know how much you want to do.”

“I'll do anything for you, Daddy!” she moaned breathlessly into my mouth, eyes closed in the pleasure of our kiss.

“Anything, baby?” I pressed. “Even if, for example, I told you I want to watch you eating your sister's pussy, while I fuck you in yours?”

She gasped, eyes flying open in shock, tilting her head up to gauge Chellie's reaction to the bomb I'd just dropped. They may as well have been looking into mirrors, so similar were their expressions. Andi slowly brought her gaze back to mine.

“Anything, Daddy!” she whispered, swallowing nervously.

I didn't even have time to reply before Chellie was scurrying up the bed, piling my pillows up behind her against the wall, propping herself up so she could see better. She lasciviously, invitingly opened her thighs, smiling bashfully and crooking her finger to beckon Andi in. Someone was obviously in favour of that plan!

Andi lowered her eyes, blushing more fiercely than I could ever remember seeing. She twisted slowly over onto her elbows and knees, her adorable little round butt sticking proudly up into the air as she started crawling up the bed towards her sister's exposed pussy. I rolled in behind her as she got into place, grasping her hips, leaning down to softly kiss the curves of that tiny little ass. I lowered myself further, getting my first real look between her thighs; her pussy was tiny, her arousal flushing her lips an even brighter pink than her blush, adorned with only the barest traces of light blonde hair above her clit. She tasted incredible, moaning loudly as I began exploring her with my tongue, Chellie's echoes soon announcing that Andi had started doing the same to her. I gently teased and probed, trying to prepare her as much as I could, not wanting her to feel like I was rushing... but I could tell from the way she was pushing herself back against my face, trying to get my tongue deeper inside; she wanted this every bit as much as I did.

I pushed myself up to my knees, crawling closer up behind her, taking my cock in hand. I rubbed up and down her lips, giving her just the gentlest bit of pressure. Purely from the look of her I knew she'd be even tighter than Chellie was, and careful testing confirmed I was right. That didn't stop her trying, though; I actually had to take quite a grip on her ass with my other hand, just to stop her from forcing it before she was ready. I made her take her time, gently pressing and then backing off, slowly coaxing her open. Chellie had no such worries to contend with, moaning happily and squeezing her freshly-emptied tits in her hands as Andi ate her out. I'd finally, barely managed to get Andi to loosen up enough for me to slip my head inside when Chellie started cumming, gasping and grabbing her sister's head with both hands, rocking her hips, rubbing her wet little pussy all over Andi's face. Andi squealed and laughed, fighting halfheartedly to get away, but as Chellie started to come down from her orgasm then it was her turn; she wrapped her arms around Chellie's thighs, holding on tight, and went after her with a vengeance. Chellie gasped and fought, but she was in no position to work herself free; she had no choice but submission, whimpering piteously as Andi continued her assault on her sister's overly-sensitive clit.

Progress was faster once I'd eased my head past Andi's hymen. I still had to be careful, of course, but she was stretching well, and it wasn't too much longer before I'd worked myself all the way in. Finally I could relax a little, giving Andi freer rein without worrying about her hurting herself. And God, how she used it! She really started throwing herself back at me, meeting every thrust with one of her own, gasping and moaning constantly. I had not been expecting that... but I was hardly going to turn it down, now that I was reassured she could handle it! I took a nice, firm grasp of her skinny little hips, and gradually started giving her more speed and force. She became even more eager in response, until finally I was giving it to her as hard as I could. She wailed, panting, hardly able to concentrate on what she was supposed to be doing between her sister's thighs... but from the way Chellie was licking her lips and mauling her tits as she watched me pounding her baby sister's sweet little teenage pussy, I'm not sure she even noticed the lack of attention, much less minded it.

“Oooooh, Daddy!” Andi squealed, trembling in my hands.

“Do it, baby sis!” Chellie purred, stroking her hair and egging her on. “Cum for Daddy! Show him how much you love him! Make that tiny little pussy cream all over that big, thick, hard Daddy cock!”

“Daddyyyyy!” Andi screamed, clenching down on me so hard I swear it was like she was trying to strangle the life out of my dick, every muscle in her body seeming to go into spasm at once. I held on tight, supporting her weight and holding her in place as her legs kicked out from under her, giving her not a single second of relief as I continued violently having my way with her! I was so close myself by that point... maybe just another couple of minutes. Andi squealed and begged, fought and cried, but the walls could have come tumbling down around us and still there'd have been no way in hell I'd have let her go! Finally... it was time.

“Ohhhh, take it, baby!” I growled, giving her a final, vicious thrust as my orgasm came crashing through me. “Take Daddy's cum! Take it all!” Again and again I thrust into her, lost to the indescribable pleasure of her tight little pussy clenching around my sensitive cock, filling her up with my seed, emptying myself into her virgin, teenage womb! God, she was incredible! Such a tiny little thing, and taking her daddy's cum every bit as well as her mother used to do!

I nearly collapsed, waving back and forth. Andi finally got her knees back under her, ever so slowly grinding herself on me, sending residual tremors of pleasure cascading through us both. I leaned forwards carefully, sliding my hands from her hips to her perfect, round little breasts, pulling her up and back against my chest.

“Thank you, Daddy!” she murmured sleepily, twisting to meet me in a long, slow kiss over her shoulder. “That was amazing!” Unlike her sister, Andi seemed not the least bit concerned about the prospect of me knocking her up. So either her orgasm had taken so much out of her that she wasn't thinking about the potential consequences yet, which would have been so out of character for her I couldn't quite believe it... or she already had thought about it, even before she'd snuck into my bed that morning, and she'd decided that she wanted to have my babies, too!

“Thank you, baby!” I replied, gently fondling her firm little titties as we made out. “You are incredible!”

“I guess I owe you a 'thank-you' too, little sis!” Chellie giggled up at us, still gently massaging her own breasts. “If I'd had any idea what a good little pussy-licker you'd turn out to be, I'd have started making you go down on me ages ago!”

“You're about to get the chance to pay that favour back, sweetie!” I chuckled down at her. “Slide on down the bed a bit here... Andi, you spin around and get up on top of her; I want you to feed her my cum out of this pretty little pussy of yours, while you're sucking your own off my cock!”

Andi gasped, eyes opening wide in surprise, then smiled bashfully.

“Yes, Daddy!” she obediently agreed, giving me one more little wiggle on my cock to make me moan, then pulling slowly off of me and moving to do as I'd said. Chellie was being slow on the uptake, still staring at me in shock at what I'd just ordered them both to do... so I reached out, grabbed her by the ankles, and pulled her down the bed. She was still squealing in surprise as Andi swung her leg over her head and dropped herself directly onto her face.

“Mmmph!” Chellie yelped, Andi gasping and giggling happily, shimmying her hips to grind herself down into place. She leaned forward onto her elbows, opening wide as she stared up at me, invitingly extending her tongue. I crawled forwards on my knees, her eyes tracking side to side following the swaying of my cock. She bobbed down eagerly the moment I came withing reach, sucking and swirling her tongue.

“Not bad... I've never actually tasted myself before,” she giggled, popping me out of her mouth and starting to lick the parts that she couldn't reach without choking. “We taste pretty much the same, hunh?”

“The same... and delicious, the both of you!” I agreed with a grin. “Something you girls definitely both inherited from your mom!” She smiled shyly at the compliment and comparison with her mother, happily returning to what she'd been doing. I let her finish, then lifted her up onto just her knees again, crawling the rest of the way forward to meet her in another kiss. She was moaning into my mouth, mostly from what Chellie was doing to her, but I contributed what I could with my hands on her sexy little ass and titties. I held on tight through the orgasm Chellie gave her, then laid us both back down on the bed with her, the girls cuddling in close on either side of me.

“I trust I don't need the belabour the importance of not letting anyone find out about this?” I asked.

“Obviously!” Chellie giggled, kissing the side of my chest.

“Don't worry, Daddy. I'm sure I can speak for both of us when I say we're not going to let anything screw this up! We love you, Daddy!” Andi said.

“So, so much!” Chellie agreed. “Making love to you... and, uhh... to each other, too, I guess, when you tell us to...” She buried her face deeper into the side of my chest at that, blushing brightly. “Well... it all just makes us love each other even more, Daddy!”

“God, I love you girls so much!” I said, squeezing them tighter against my sides, choking up more than a little as I felt the tears of love and gratitude welling up in my eyes.

“This does mean we get to sleep here with you from now on, right Daddy?” Andi asked.

“It had better!” Chellie chimed in with a grin. “You have no idea how much it sucked, having to go back to my own bed after, when we were trying to keep you from finding out about us!”

“Wasn't my fault!” Andi giggled back at her. “If you'd just invited me to join you from the start, it wouldn't have been an issue in the first place! In fact... I think you still owe me one, for sneaking in here this morning and simplifying things, so you two don't have to sneak around any more!”

“You think, hunh?” Chellie smirked

“Uh hunh!” Andi nodded seriously. “But it's okay... I know exactly how you can pay me back!”

“That wouldn't happen to have anything to do with eating your pussy again, would it?” Chellie asked suspiciously.

“As a matter of fact, I think it just might!” Andi giggled.

“Oh, I'll eat your pussy again, you little brat!” Chellie retorted, reaching across my chest to tickle Andi under her ribs, her very most vulnerable spot. “I'm gonna pin you down, and take a nice, big bite!”

“Eek! No! Stop it!” Andi squealed, replying in kind. The pair of them squirmed and fought across my chest, and I just held them close, enjoying every minute of it. They finally agreed on a truce of mutual exhaustion, and I trooped them off with me to go try out showering together. It was more than a little crowded with all three of us in there at once, but we were all equally determined to make it work, soaping up and washing each other off, considering the cramped quarters just one more excuse to hold each other even closer.

I could hardly believe everything that had happened, everything that was still happening—the unexpected twist our lives had suddenly taken, and the direction in which we were now headed. But as I cuddled and kissed my two perfect, beautiful baby girls, naked and sexy under the warm spray of the shower as they shared a grip on my hardening cock, eager to get me back to having more sex with them just as soon as they could get me ready again... I couldn't imagine what I may have done to deserve such a pair of miracles in my life. I just knew that I would be eternally grateful, and that I would spend every moment of my life from then on trying to be worthy of their love!


2025-03-11 05:32:56
By far the best story you have written. Should be a part 2 though with him sharing them into their new life as young mothers.

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