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A daughter agrees to a movie night alone with her Daddy while Mom's at work, but she never could have guessed where it would lead.
I yawned and stretched as I closed the front door behind me, dropping my backpack and toeing off my sneakers, finally able to adjust myself in my bra without anyone around to see. It was a lacy new red one I'd finally convinced Mom to buy for me, and though I loved how cute it was and the way it lifted my full, firm, and annoyingly heavy D-cup boobs, it wasn't exactly comfortable after wearing it for more than fourteen hours in a row. This whole sports-medicine, team-trainer thing was really going to take some getting used to, especially when the team had late games, like tonight. There were compensations, don't get me wrong—getting to watch the entire senior football team walking around half-dressed while they came in and out of the training room to get taped up more than made up for any inconvenience or discomfort on my end! It was just going to be an adjustment, was all.

“Welcome home, sweetie! How was it tonight?” Dad called, having heard the door. I walked around the corner to find him sitting in front of the tv in the den, a bottle and tumbler of scotch on the coffee table in front of him. He wasn't on call this weekend, and Mom was already off to her shift, so he had clearly decided to take advantage.

“Not bad,” I stifled another yawn, tucking a long, blonde strand of hair behind my ear as I half-sat on the arm of the couch. “One obviously dislocated finger, but his parents were there watching so I didn't really even have to do anything, they just took him off to emerg. to get it x-rayed, yanked back into place, and splinted up. Other than that it was pretty much just handing out ice packs for some minor maybe-sprains and re-doing tape that came loose. We lost twenty to twenty-six.”

“Well, shame about the loss, but here's to no work for me!” he grinned, lifting his glass in mock salute, and I laughed. Dad hated football, like he hated all contact sports, nearly as much as he hated motorcycles; he was an orthopod, Mom an intensive care nurse, which is how they'd met. I was going to be a doctor too, though of course I had to tease that I was going to choose something more exciting than being a bone-carpenter like him. “Are you hungry, sweetie? I'm happy to whip something up for you if you like.”

“No, I'm good,” I shook my head, hiding my smile. He'd already given me money for supper, so I wouldn't have to come back and forth and could stay at school studying until it was time to start getting the boys ready for their game. He meant well, but though he was totally amazing at just about everything else he ever tried, I'd have had to be a lot hungrier than I was before I'd willingly subject myself to his cooking!

“How about a movie night, then?” he suggested. “It's been a while since we had one, just you and me like we used to.”

“That depends,” I smirked. “You going to carry me up to my bed and tuck me in when I fall asleep on the couch?”

“Always!” he laughed, and I agreed. I moved to slide down next to him, but he took my hand and pulled me over to sit in his lap, instead, wrapping his arms around my waist and squeezing me tight, softly kissing my cheek.

“Just how much have you already had to drink?” I laughed, squirming happily in his arms. His breath was peaty and hot on my skin. He hardly even drank, not really, but it was a comfort-smell for me, one I always associated with him.

“Oh, only a glass or two,” he claimed, but I was quite sure he was understating the truth. “Do you want to try some?”

My eyebrows raised in surprise, and I bit my lip. I was allowed to share a tiny sip of Mom's champagne on New Year's, and sometimes a little bit of wine at big dinners with extended family, but that was it—certainly never any of Dad's scotch! Of course I was going to try some! I reached for his glass, twisting around to look at him so I could double check, and when he smiled and nodded encouragingly I took a sip.

“Ugh! That is vile!” I shuddered, wincing and moving my tongue around in my mouth, trying to get rid of the taste. “How do you actually like this stuff?” He laughed and moved to take his glass back, but I held on. I gave it a moment for the taste to finish fading, then cautiously tried again. It had the exact same result, except for causing an even bigger laugh. I shook my head and gave him back his glass, which he happily finished off before setting it back on the table.

“The more for me, I guess,” he teased, kissing my cheek again, giving me another squeeze and softly rubbing my sides with his hands. “You pick, sweetie.”

I grabbed the remote and our couch-blanket, spreading it out to cover us while I started searching for something to watch. Mom wasn't here to roll her eyes the whole time, so I picked a trashy-looking spy thriller. I'd never heard of it before, which meant it was bound to be full of bad acting and plot holes you could drive a truck through, but as long as it had a bunch of guns and explosions I knew Dad and I would have a blast. I started it up, set the remote aside, and snuggled back against his chest resting my head on his shoulder, my arms crossed atop his around my waist.

“I miss this,” he whispered, squeezing me in his arms again and giving me another kiss on my cheek. “You used to sit in my lap all the time when you were little. Do you remember?”

“I remember,” I smiled shyly. The truth was, I missed it too. But I also remembered what Mom had told me, when she'd had 'the talk' with me after I'd gotten my first period. She'd taught me about all the icky, annoying, physical stuff I had to look forward to, of course... but she'd also explained how young ladies couldn't always do the same things they'd done when they'd been little girls. How the changes to my body meant I would have to start wearing bras, and that it was no longer appropriate for me to sit in Daddy's lap the way I did, because doing that could excite him in ways daughters should never do to their Daddies. I hadn't really understood what she'd meant, back then. I knew now, of course... but it just felt so good, having his arms wrapped so tight around my belly, holding me so close, feeling his breath on my cheek! What could it really hurt, just to enjoy cuddling with him like this again? I was sure it would be fine.

The movie was every bit as wonderfully bad as I'd thought, but honestly, I was hardly even paying attention. It just felt so good snuggling with him under the blanket, his hands slowly, constantly rubbing up and down my sides. His top hand, his left, was even gently bumping against the underside of my boob sometimes! I'd felt kinda weird about that at first, but I knew he wasn't doing it on purpose. And besides, it really did feel good being touched there, even if it was just by accident! I was a good girl, I'd never let a boy touch my boobs before... but my mind was going about a million miles a minute, imagining what it would feel like to really be grabbed and squeezed, instead of just having Dad bump against the underside a little. Just thinking about it was making me really hot between my thighs, and when I squirmed a little to try to relieve the itch and make myself more comfortable, Dad moved too, and suddenly I could feel something hard and thick pressing up against me under my butt!

My eyes went wide and I tried not to audibly gasp. I'd given Dad an erection? I hadn't meant to do that! It looked like Mom had been right after all, I never should have let him pull me into his lap! I tried not to move anymore, not wanting to make it even worse... but feeling it pressing up against me like that was making the heat between my thighs grow and grow! I just couldn't get it out of my mind, the fact that my perfect, sexy Daddy thought I was sexy too! I bit my lip, hard. I couldn't think like that! He was my Dad, not my Daddy! Calling him 'Daddy' had been cute and innocent, when I'd been little. Doing it now... no, that would be a sex-thing, if I called him that now! But as much as I tried to resist, I just couldn't stop myself from squirming a little in his lap, feeling that amazing hardness rubbing against my butt and the top part of my thigh! Goodness! Just how big was he, that he reached all the way down past my butt and onto my thigh? Dang it, I was a good girl! I was! I couldn't let myself keep thinking like this!

He moved a little too, then, scooting forward a bit on the couch and leaning back, angling us so I was now kind of laying on top of his chest a little. I felt guilty. It must have been to make his erection less uncomfortable, I thought, though I wasn't quite sure how that could be the case; if anything, I was feeling it even more now than I had been before! He moved his hands, too. His left was still stroking my side, still gently brushing the underside of my boob. But his right... his right moved down, onto the top part of my jeans, and he just held it there! He wasn't fully between my thighs or anything, he wasn't actually touching my kitty... but his hand was so close now, it sent the heat I was feeling down there right off the charts!

That was it, for a while. My pulse was pounding, my breath hot and fast, just from imagining what he was so close to doing to me, but wasn't. And no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't stop myself from slowly rubbing my butt on Daddy's cock! But then the movie took a turn. The two leads, who had been bickering and fighting with each other the whole time so far, took refuge in a dimly lit, seedy-looking motel room, temporarily safe. One thing led to another, and before I knew it they were all over each other, nearly ripping off each other's clothes in their haste! She pushed him down onto the bed and climbed up on top, her modest, somewhat cone-shaped breasts looking incredible as she began to ride!

“Yours are better,” Daddy purred against the side of my neck, kissing softly as his left hand slid fully up to my breast, giving me a squeeze! I gasped, trembling in his embrace. I knew it was so, so wrong, that I should tell him no, that he had to stop... but I couldn't make myself say the words! It had to be the scotch talking, and making him touch me like this... But he wouldn't have said it if some part of him didn't actually think like that, would he? So... Daddy really did like my boobs? Even more than he liked the girl on the screen? I could hardly believe it! And how did this feel so good, having my own Daddy touch me like this? It was incredible! But it was wrong, so wrong, I knew it was! And I was a good girl, I had to tell him to stop! Only... I didn't want him to stop. Not ever! It felt so good! But... I couldn't say that either, I just couldn't! I could tell Daddy was waiting for my reaction, for me to do or say something, anything, in response to his touch! I couldn't tell him to stop, I couldn't tell him not to stop... I chewed my lip, and started rocking my hips, grinding my butt harder on his dick. Daddy waited just a moment more, and I'd thought maybe I'd made a mistake—but then his other hand moved too, sliding between my thighs! I trembled and gasped, stroking the backs of his hands with mine, holding him in place, silently telling him what I couldn't make myself say.

“You are so amazingly sexy, baby!” he whispered, sucking gently on my earlobe, making me moan. “I love you so much!”

“You too!” I gasped, my eyelids fluttering closed at the intensity of what he was making me feel. “I love you, Daddy!”

“Mmmm... I like that, baby!” he breathed heavily. “Call me that again!”

“I love you, Daddy!” I repeated, swallowing as I worked up my nerve. “Please don't stop, Daddy! This feels so good! I love the way you're touching me like this!”

“I won't, baby!” he promised. “I'm never going to stop!”

Only... he did. Not right away—I got several amazing, perfect minutes first. But then all of a sudden his hands were retreating, and I almost cried in disappointment and need... until I realized he was undoing the fastenings on my jeans! I sighed with relief as he quickly moved to slide his hand back down, then gasped with surprise as I felt him slipping underneath my panties, too, his hot, strong hand touching me directly skin on skin in my most private, sensitive place!

I trembled in his arms as he began gently stroking my lips, the sensations so incredible I almost didn't realize he'd slid his other hand up under my shirt, now tightly kneading my breast through only the thin, lacy fabric of my cute new bra. It was incredible... but now that he was actually touching my pussy, I needed more! I pushed myself up—I could tell he was confused and concerned for a moment, but it was faster to just reach back and unhook myself than it would have been to explain. He chuckled, immediately slipping his hand in underneath, squeezing tight and pulling me back down to his chest. Only this time, instead of letting him go back to sucking on my earlobe and kissing my neck, I twisted around a little, and started kissing him straight on his lips!

I closed my eyes again, moaning happily into his mouth. Maybe I didn't like scotch when I tried drinking it myself, but the taste of it on his lips was something else entirely! I could hardly believe it. My first ever kiss with a boy, and it was with my own hot, sexy Daddy! It was amazing! And his fingers were incredible, digging so deeply into the soft, yielding flesh of my breast, my firmly erect nipple pressing against the center of his palm! He started teasing at my lips with the tip of his tongue, and I welcomed him eagerly. I didn't know quite what I was doing, but I tried to mimic him as best I could, and he seemed to like it well enough. Then he started teasing my other set of lips! I moaned happily, just trying not to bite his lip too hard as he entered me with his middle finger, slowly, gently coaxing me open for him, sliding in and out. The hot, wet squelching sounds made me feel so self-conscious at first... but Daddy really seemed to like it, his kisses growing even more passionate, so I was gradually able to relax and enjoy it too. Then came his second finger, and from that point on about all I could do was lay against his shoulder and tremble in his arms! I could hardly even keep track of what he was doing to me down there; sometimes sliding in and out, sometimes holding himself deep and moving around inside, always with his hand pressed softly against my clitty. I'd tried playing with myself before, but it was nothing at all like this! It was like there was this enormous wave of pressure building slowly inside of me, trying to get out, making me feel so hot! I was breathing heavy and fast, like I was in the middle of running a race or something, when all I was doing was laying in Daddy's arms. Suddenly something was happening, something I'd never felt before—I held my breath, my eyes going wide, my thighs starting to shake! Pleasure unlike anything I'd ever experienced, coursing through my body in waves, making me scream! Daddy held me tight, his fingers moving even faster inside me as he carried me through. It seemed to last most of forever, but finally the mind-blowing intensity of it slowly started to ebb and fade, random aftershocks of it still making me tremble and moan for several minutes afterwards until it went away completely.

“Wow, Daddy...” I moaned tiredly, finally able to get out the words. “Did you really just make me cum?”

“Shouldn't I be the one asking you?” he chuckled, squeezing me and softly kissing my lips, staring lovingly into my eyes. “Have you never had an orgasm before, baby?”

I bit my lip, slowly shaking my head, worried what he would think.

“Then I am even more honoured, baby, that you let me be the one to give you your first,” he smiled, gently kissing me again. He slowly pulled his fingers out of me then, bringing up his hand, and I could hardly believe what I saw!

“Did I really make all that?” I gasped. I thought boys were the ones who were supposed to make creamy white goo during sex, not girls!

“Sure did!” he laughed, staring me straight in my eyes as he slipped his fingers deep inside of his mouth. I gasped as I watched, but he just hummed appreciatively, sucking and rolling his tongue, then pulled them out again clean. “You are delicious, baby! In fact, if you aren't too tired yet...” He rolled us over sideways before I knew what he intended, making me squeak in surprise. I ended up on my knees on the couch, Daddy easing himself down to the carpet behind me, yanking down my jeans, then slowly, slowly doing the same with my panties. He started out kissing his way back and forth across the curves of my butt, slowly stroking the backs of my thighs.

“You are incredible, baby!” he murmured, the movement of his lips softly tickling my skin. “I can hardly believe how you can have such huge, amazing tits, but still have such a perfect, cute little ass, and such gorgeous, slender thighs!”

“You really like it, Daddy?” I moaned, crossing my arms on the back of the couch for support, resting my head as he began to play. I felt so dirty, and sexy, having him describe my body like that! Not talking about my breasts, or boobs, but my tits! And my ass, instead of my butt! I'd never heard him talk like this before! “You aren't just saying that? All I ever see online is guys drooling over big, juicy butts all the time.”

“Not all guys, baby,” he said, and though I had my eyes closed and wasn't watching him, I could still hear the huge, happy smile in his voice. “And it hasn't always been that way. I'm old enough to remember when a tiny little ass like yours was considered the absolute ideal of feminine beauty! Call me a conspiracy theorist if you like, but I'm pretty sure the entire body-positivity movement was started by a bunch of jealous, fat old hags, who all got together and decided they were going to try to shame and gaslight men into wanting the kind of women they wanted men to want—namely themselves—rather than the kind of women men actually want, like you! I know I can't possibly be the only man left who still loves tiny little asses like yours... but I think we've all just learned to keep our mouths closed about our preferences, if we don't want to get publicly shamed and called pedophiles just for liking skinny girls who we actually find attractive!”

“Well... just as long as you like it, Daddy!” I giggled. I wasn't sure about the rest of what he was saying, but ultimately what any other guy thought about me didn't really matter, not anymore!

“Oh, I do, baby! I like it very much indeed!” He spent another few minutes kissing and squeezing my butt, partly because he liked it—and so did I!—but also I think because he knew I needed a bit more of a break first before he could start with what he really wanted to be doing. But he gradually started moving closer, slowly working his way inwards, and I swear the first time I felt his hot, wet tongue swirling around my tiny, sensitive little clitty, I nearly passed right out! He took a tighter grip on me then, holding me in place, and really dove right in! I thought for sure I was going to thrash myself out of his grasp and right down onto the floor! Between the licking, the sucking... the nibbling! I was a mess. But Daddy was amazing, and so strong I could never get away. Not that I wanted to, not really—but it was just so intense, what he was making me feel, my body couldn't help but try to escape!

I came again, even harder than he'd made me do before, howling into the night and creaming all over Daddy's face as I involuntarily shook and jerked my hips. It was amazing... only this time, he didn't stop! He gave me no rest at all, just laying right in to my poor, defenceless little clitty with his tongue! I whimpered and begged, and now I really was trying to get away, but Daddy was having none of it! He just tightened his grip on my butt, holding me down against his mouth! I couldn't believe what he was doing to me, what he was making me feel! He forced me through two more faster but equally intense orgasms after that first, before he was finally willing to back away.

I was exhausted and spent, my breath coming in heavy, shaking gasps. That had been incredible! Already, the one he'd given me with his fingers had been the best thing I'd ever felt in my entire life... but then to make me have three more all in a row like that using his mouth? I was in heaven! A bone-tired, sweaty, and really rather sticky heaven, but absolute heaven just the same! I twisted around at my waist to look at him, not quite sure what I was about to say but knowing I had to thank him for the unbelievable gift he'd just given me. Only, what I saw as I turned took my breath away and stripped all other thought from my mind; Daddy's amazing, thick nine-inch cock, out of his pants and twitching in his hand, like some sort of dangerous animal staring predatorily at my pussy! I glanced upward into Daddy's eyes, my own full of shock, doubt, and no little amount of dread—he was huge, and my pussy was anything but! But Daddy just smiled at me, his other hand comfortingly stroking my hip, as he placed himself against my lips and gently started to rub.

He was so hot, and thick! I immediately understood the method behind his madness, the lubrication of my multiple previous orgasms making it so much easier than it otherwise would have been as he carefully started to push. It was still really difficult, but I trusted Daddy implicitly. He was going slow, easing me open carefully the same way he'd done with his fingers earlier, only much, much more. It seemed to take a really long time, but it's possible that was just my anxiousness talking. I could hardly even believe it when his huge, swollen crown finally popped all the way inside, making me gasp and moan. It got easier, after that; now that he was finally inside, and he could actually start thrusting a little, it started feeling so much better!

Daddy soon lost his shirt, dropping his pants and boxers as well, then stripped me of my shirt and bra. I felt kinda silly, still having my jeans and panties around my knees... but I also kind of liked it, feeling restrained like that, and knowing it meant Daddy had wanted me so much he just hadn't been able to wait! He reached up to my heavy, swaying breasts, grabbing hold and using them like handles as he began slowly working his way deeper. I loved that so much! I started pushing myself back at him, so eager to take it all, wanting to feel him all the way inside! I wanted to give him everything, my whole self! I wanted to pleasure him with everything I had, with everything I was—I wanted to love him, and to make love to him, with my entire being! He was so big, I wasn't sure he'd all even fit, but I'd never been more determined to succeed! It was a close thing, too; I was sure he was only about an inch from coming bursting out my stomach when I finally felt his hips pressing up against my butt. I pressed back hard, moaning and trembling, forcing myself to take every last bit, and loving every moment of it!

Daddy slapped my ass! I yelped, jerking against the impact, my inner walls tightening around his cock in surprise and making us both loudly moan. He squeezed the newly-sensitive flesh where he'd struck me, holding tight, and changed his technique; he was still going pretty slow, but forcing himself all the way deep on every single thrust now. It felt amazing! And already I could feel the beginnings of yet another orgasm, slowly creeping up from within. It felt so much different than the last ones, deeper, and wider somehow; I didn't know quite how to describe it, even to myself. It took longer, but even before it arrived I could somehow just tell it was going to be a big one! I developed a hitch in my breathing, my hips rocking seemingly of their own accord, forcing me roughly down to meet every thrust of Daddy's cock. It was coming closer, and closer... I took a deep, final breath, wincing my eyes shut and keening through my teeth!

“Do it, baby!” Daddy commanded, spanking me again, even harder than before! “Cum for Daddy! Cum on Daddy's cock!” As if I had any choice!

“Daddyyyy!” I squealed, the orgasm ripping from within like a hurricane, tearing me apart! He had no choice either, letting go of my breast, grabbing my hips, holding on tight! I couldn't believe how absolutely incredible it felt, having that huge, thrusting cock deep up inside of me as my walls pulsed and clenched! It must have felt pretty danged good for Daddy, too, because I could still hear him moaning, even over the sound of my wail! I came down from it slowly, and Daddy took it easy on me while I did, but he didn't let me relax for long; he slid his hands up to my breasts again, lifting me this time until my back was pressed hotly to his chest. We started kissing over my shoulder, which distracted me from just what he was doing with his arms at first—his left he wrapped around me, grasping my right breast, while his right trailed downwards. My eyes widened, but he only grinned, confirming what he intended.

He started taking me for real then, harder and faster than anything he'd done so far, pushing with his hand on my mound to hold me in place against his thrusting, his fingertips rapidly rubbing my clit! I gasped and moaned, clutching desperately at his wrists, holding on for dear life as he vigorously, almost violently had his way with my body! I tried to keep kissing him, but about all I could really manage was panting against his lips.

“God I love your pussy, baby!” he moaned. “You're so tight, and wet, and hot! You're fucking incredible, baby!”

“You! You are!” I gasped, unable to find the breath for any more words than that. Daddy understood, tightening his grip on my breast. He pressed his lips firmly to mine for a moment, until we both broke off and started panting again. What he was doing to me felt so amazing, not just better than anything I'd ever felt before, but beyond anything I'd ever even imagined might be possible! That thick, pounding cock was stretching me so deeply, finding pleasure spots I'd never even known I had! And already I could feel another orgasm building, welling up from deep inside, so, so slowly, but with even more weight and power behind it than the last one had! I whimpered in pleasure and anticipation... I was still new at this, but already I could tell this one was going to be something special! Higher and higher the pressure built inside of me, until it felt like I was about to burst! Even then it somehow just continued to grow, Daddy's huge, amazing cock taking me so deep and hard and fast!

“Daddyyyy!” I screamed, full-throated and piercing as the wave finally broke. I wailed and shook, my breath coming in desperate gasps as the pleasure crashed through me over and over again, never seeming to stop! It was too much! Too intense! I started to cry, then to sob, huge, heavy tears cascading down my cheeks! And this time... this time, Daddy didn't slow down! If anything, I think he might actually have sped up! My orgasm just kept going and going, the feeling of Daddy's enormous, pounding cock deep inside me refusing to let me down off my peak! I was like a rag-doll in his arms, barely even able to hold on to his wrists anymore as wave after wave of indescribable ecstasy sapped me of my strength. I was so far gone, I didn't even understand what it meant when Daddy started to growl and grunt, his cock pounding into me the hardest he'd done yet. It was only when I felt the huge, wet heat of him shooting inside me that I realized, screaming again as the flood of Daddy's hot, incestuous seed forced me to an even stronger, mind-shreddingly intense release!

I think I may have actually passed out for a moment there, right at the very crest of it all. I guess that's what happens when you're cumming so hard you forget you need to breathe! I came back to myself panting desperately in Daddy's arms, his one hand still clutching my breast, his other now on my belly, lovingly stroking me directly above where his huge, hot load was slowly seeping deeper into my fertile, unprotected teenage womb!

“Oh my God, Daddy... did you really just cum in me?” I asked, though of course I already knew.

“You bet your pretty little ass I did, baby!” he murmured, softly kissing my neck.

“But... I'm not on birth control, Daddy! What if you get me pregnant?” I gasped, on the verge of panic!

“Why else do you think they make morning-after pills, baby?” he chuckled, squeezing me tighter in his arms. “We'll be okay. I know I shouldn't have... and I'll make sure to pull out for the next little bit, and cum in your mouth, or on your tits or face instead, until we can get you on birth control so we know you're safe! But for our first time together, I just couldn't resist!”

“Our first time?” I smiled shyly, embarrassed that I hadn't thought about a pill myself, but reassured now that I knew Daddy had a plan. “Meaning, there will be other times, too?”

“You'd better believe it, baby!” he laughed, kissing me hard on my lips. “You were incredible! There's no way in hell I'm giving you up now! My only worry is how on earth I'm ever going to go without you! It's going to be bad enough already, on the days your mom has off; I don't know how I'm ever going to manage, on the weeks she's working days!”

“You'll just have to stop taking late surgeries on those days, is all,” I giggled, squirming happily in his arms, the movement making him moan as my walls stroked his overly-sensitive cock still inside me. Mom worked twelve hour shifts, seven to seven three days per week; it might be a little tricky, but we could make it work! “Assuming only having me for an hour or so will be enough for you to finish?” I teased. With all the extra stuff we'd just done leading up to the actual sex, we'd passed our hour mark some time back.

“Not half as long as I'd prefer...” he teased back. “But if it's between that or nothing, then I like the way you think!” he chuckled again, and we made out over my shoulder until he softened enough to fall out. “Have you ever tasted yourself, baby?” he then murmured into my lips. I gasped, my eyes going wide as he stepped back a little and I spun around on my knees, seeing the absolute flood of creamy white girl-cum now covering his cock, and all the way down to his big, heavy-looking balls! I slowly shook my head, whether in answer to his question or denial of his request, I wasn't sure which. But I didn't resist as he lifted me down to the carpet, lovingly stroking his fingers through my hair, and I looked up into his eyes as I took him hesitantly into my mouth.

He was so big and thick, even after he'd gone mostly soft! I still wasn't sure about this, but he looked so happy as I slowly started to suck, I just couldn't say no. At least I didn't taste too bad, not nearly as gross as I'd feared; it was just a little salty, really, kind of like fresh seafood, or an extra helping of sweat on his skin. After a while I even kind of got into it, sucking on as much of it as I could cram into my mouth without starting to choke, then pulling him out and licking up the rest. His balls were actually really fun—I didn't care much for the hairiness on my tongue, but they were so heavy and hot, and made Daddy moan so much when I took turns sucking them inside my mouth, while I played with his shaft with my hands! I kept going long after I had him cleaned up, I was having so much fun. So much, he even started getting hard again! I debated with myself whether I should climb back onto the couch and ask him to do me again... but I decided I wanted to try tasting him this time! I wanted to be in charge! I went back to sucking on his head, bobbing as deep as I confidently could, my hands stroking his lower shaft, bouncing and fondling his balls. He ran the fingers of both hands deeply into my long, blonde hair, holding me tight, gently thrusting his hips! He was being careful not to choke me though, so I didn't mind. It took quite a bit longer than it had while he was inside of me, but I was enjoying myself, and didn't mind that either. Finally I could tell it was almost time.

“I'm going to cum, baby!” he warned. Like I hadn't known that already, but I appreciated his thoughtfulness just the same. I sucked a little harder, stroked a little faster, and suddenly he was groaning, his hot, thick cum bursting forcefully into my mouth! I choked a little as the first jet of it hit me straight in the back of my throat, but I recovered pretty well I thought, sucking and swirling my tongue against the underside of his head until he'd finished giving me the rest. It was so salty, and hot! Like my own cum times ten, when I'd sucked it off his cock! But it didn't taste bad, not really... and I loved the way it felt so thick and slimy on my tongue! He pulled out slowly, trembling, with a huge, satisfied grin on his face. I was smiling too, but carefully, not to let any of it drip out!

“Show me, baby!” he commanded, lovingly stroking my cheek. I could feel myself blushing brilliantly, but I did as he asked, pushing a nice, big glob of it onto my tongue for him to see, opening wide and sticking it out to show.

“Such a good girl, baby!” he praised, still stroking my cheek. “Now swallow it, baby! Swallow Daddy's cum into your pretty little belly!” I did that too, loving the way it felt sliding down my throat!

“All gone, Daddy!” I announced, making my voice little-girlie and cutsie for him, opening wide and sticking out my tongue again so he could see for himself.

“Good, good girl!” he smiled, grabbing me under my arms and lifting me into the air with a squeal, not even letting my toes touch the floor this time as we kissed. He finally set me down again, cuddling me in his arms.

“Can I sleep with you tonight, Daddy?” I asked, hopefully biting my lip as I nuzzled his chest. “Mom doesn't get off work until seven... we can set an alarm, so I promise I'll be out of there before she gets home!”

“I would love that, baby... but all it would take is for her to smell you on her pillow, and we'd be done for! I think maybe I'd better come sleep with you in your bed tonight, instead!”

“That works too!” I giggled happily. My bed was much smaller, but seeing as how I intended to snuggle up as close as humanely possible anyways, I didn't think that would matter very much. Daddy finally helped strip me the rest of the way out of my jeans and panties, and we gathered up the rest of our discarded clothing and turned off the tv. When and how had our movie ended, by the way? I had no idea! Then we headed to the kitchen for a drink of ice water. I needed it more than he did, to take care of the saltiness, but he was feeling pretty thirsty too after all the work he'd put in doing me so good! We separated briefly, me to the hall bathroom and he to his and mom's, to brush our teeth, pee, and otherwise get ourselves ready for bed, then we met again in my room. I checked three different times to make absolutely certain my alarm was set right, then we turned out the light and climbed into bed. We lay down facing each other, my head tucked under his chin, my breasts squished tightly against his chest as he wrapped me in his arms, one hand softly stroking my back, the other one firmly cupping my firm little butt he seemed to enjoy so much!

“Love you, Daddy!” I murmured, softly kissing his chest.

“Love you too, baby!” he replied, returning the kiss in my hair.

I knew it was wrong... but I didn't care! I loved Daddy, and he loved me! Nothing else mattered; not Mom, not the law, not anything, as I closed my eyes and snuggled peacefully down to sleep.
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