A mother catches sight of her son's cock, and decides she needs to see it again. All characters are 18+
Kierston Lamberton was a MILF. She was only 5’2”, with platinum blonde hair, D-cup breasts, a narrow waist, and generous hips. She kept her pussy totally bald. She worked out every day, and was always mindful of what she ate. All of her son’s friends wanted to fuck her, and she knew it.
Her son Kain kept himself in similarly good shape. He played a different sport every season, leaving him with a toned athletic physique. At 6’3” he towered over his mother. Unbeknownst to her, Kain’s greatest physical asset was his enormous penis. It was 10” long and as thick as his wrist. He was proud of it, but it also impeded his love life. Most girls his own age were scared of it.
The two of them lived together in a house on the outskirts of town. It was a nice house, but far from any neighbors. Kain’s father had left when he was still young. He and his mother grew closer because of this. They loved each other very much, but in a way that was normal for mothers and sons. Until something happened to bring them even closer.
One day, Kierston caught her son masturbating. Kain was in his room jacking off. His door was slightly open. Kierston was doing laundry. As she walked down the hall past her son’s room, she noticed movement out of the corner of her eye. When she peaked in through the cracked door, she saw her son lying naked on his bed stroking his manhood. She was shocked. She knew she should look away, but his dick was so big and it had been so long since she had been with a man that she couldn’t help herself. She stood in the hallway and watched as her son masturbated to completion.
By the time she saw his balls tense as he spurted an extremely large load all over his belly, Kierston was extremely wet. Quickly throwing the laundry into the washer, she went back to her room. She knew it was wrong, but the sight of her son’s orgasm had left her too horny to think straight. Taking a vibrator from her dresser, Kierston fucked herself to several intense orgasms, thinking of her son the entire time.
For the next few days, Kierston tried to put what she had seen out of her mind. She tried to behave normally around her son. However, she could not stop thinking about his enormous cock. No matter what she did, every night she wound up masturbating while thinking about it. She tried watching porn to distract herself, but she found herself comparing the pornstars’ members to her son’s. She tried fantasizing about exes and movie-stars and coworkers, but somehow their faces always wound up morphing into her son’s. Every time she saw Kain, all she could think about was the monster in his pants.
Kierston realized she needed to see it again.
She approached Kain one Saturday. Kain was watching TV on the couch. Screwing up her courage, Kierston approached her son.
“Kain, there’s something I need to talk to you about.” She said nervously.
Kain muted the TV. “Sure, Mom. What is it?”
Kierston took a deep breath. “I accidentally saw you masturbating the other day. There’s nothing wrong with that, everybody does it. But I couldn’t help noticing how large your penis is. It’s been a while since I’ve been with a man, and I know it’s a strange request from your mother, but I liked seeing it. I can’t stop thinking about it. I was wondering if you’d be willing to show it to me again.”
Kain was stunned. He did not expect his mother to ask something like that, or to be so blunt about it. But he was excited. What Kierston didn’t know was that her son thought she was extremely hot. He had his own fantasies about being with her. Sometimes when he masturbated, he intentionally left his door open. He like the idea of his mother seeing him do it. Knowing that she had, and that she liked it, was making him hard.
He pretended to think about it for a moment, then nodded slowly. “Ok, I know it’s a little weird, but I guess I don’t mind showing you. You’re my mom, after all. I trust you. Where do you want to do it?”
Kierston was flooded with relief and excitement. “I want you to be as comfortable as possible. Why don’t we go to your room?”
The two of them stood and headed into Kain’s room. Kierston closed and locked the door behind them. Kain stood by his bed awkwardly. The two looked at each other. They didn’t know how to proceed. Kain broke the silence.
“So do you want me to just take off my pants, or…?” He trailed off.
Kierston swallowed the lump in her throat. Her ears were ringing and her vision was getting fuzzy from the excitement.
“Whatever works best for you, baby.” She said. Her hands were balled into fists at her side. They were trembling.
Kain nodded at his mother. He grabbed his belt buckle. He was nervous. Just like his mother, his hands were trembling. He fumbled the belt off. Next he unbuttoned his jeans. Kierston’s eyes were locked on her son’s groin. Kain could see where his mother was looking. It made him aroused, but increased his nerves. Because of the bulge in his pants, he had difficulty pulling down his zipper. He took a deep breath. Hooking his hands into the waistband on his pants and underwear, he pulled both down in one swift movement. His engorged 10” member sprang into view.
Kierston gasped. She held a hand up to her mouth. Her son’s cock was so much bigger and more beautiful than she had anticipated. Her knees went weak and she could feel a surge of moisture in her panties.
Kain stood shifting his weight from one foot to another. The glassy look in his mother’s eyes only made him harder. However, he wasn’t exactly sure where to take it from there. He wanted to do more, for his mother to do more, but he wasn’t sure how to make that happen. So he stood at let his mom stare at him as long as he wanted.
Kierston’s hand moved on its own. Her eyes were locked on her son’s member. She had thought it was large to begin with, but the more she stared the bigger it seemed to get. It was practically pulsing. With every heartbeat she could see more blood filling it up, making it larger and harder and thicker. As she stared salivating at it, her hand reached out. Her delicate fingers wrapped themselves around the shaft. It felt so warm to her touch. She marveled at how smooth it was. It was like a white-hot bar of iron in her hands. It was thick enough that her fingers couldn’t close around it. Kierston was practically drooling. She gave it a few slow strokes. Her son moaned as she tentatively played with his member.
“Is it ok if I touch it?” Kierston asked, several moments after she had already taken it in her hand. Kain nodded. With her son’s approval, Kierston gripped the mouth-watering cock even more firmly. She began stroking it faster. She wanted to get a closer view. Kierston squatted in front of her son. His one eyed monster was now pointing directly at her face. She didn’t stop stroking it the whole time. Kain moaned and his mother’s mouth dropped open involuntarily. She couldn’t believe how beautiful her son’s raging erection was!
A viscous drop of precum oozed out of Kain’s dick. Kierston watched it leak out. A moment later the scent hit her. It was like a freight train. After so many years, the musky scent of a man’s juices was overwhelming to her. Without thinking, she leaned forward and stuck out her tongue. Gently she licked the tip of her son’s cock. The flavor of the precum exploded on her tongue. She swirled it around in her mouth. A fresh gush of fluid spilled into her panties. A trail of slimy fluid hung between her lips and her son’s penis.
Kain could only look down wide-eyed at his mother. He could hardly believe that she had just licked his cock. But Kierston needed more. She needed real cum in her mouth. Kierston leaned forward. She planted several wet kisses on her son’s swollen nutsack. His cock rested throbbing on her face. Kain leaned back and groaned.
“Oh fuck Mom that’s amazing!” he said.
Kierston smiled. She could hear in his voice how good she was making her son feel. She grasped him with one hand. Her lips slid along the underside of his cock. She kissed up the entire length. Kain let out small moans of pleasure as she worked her way up. By the time she planted her lips on his tip once more he was in almost unbearable ecstasy. Kierston rested his head against her pursed lips. She looked up and saw the pure pleasure on her son’s face. Her tongue darted out of her mouth. Tentatively she licked her son’s pisshole. She wanted every drop of fluid he could produce.
Kain looked down at his mother. Their eyes met. Unbridled love and lust passed between them. Kierston smiled. She opened her mouth. Then she plunged her head down on her sons cock. The movement was rapid yet smooth. Kierston was out of practice, and her son’s dick was extremely large. She could barely fit it in her mouth. Still, she took as much of it as she could. His bulging head filled her mouth. She could feel herself salivating as the potent taste of his dick hit her tongue. Kain groaned in pleasure. He’d fantasized about it for years, but never actually expected to have his mother suck his cock.
Kierston took a moment to adjust to the thick meat filling her mouth. Then she began sucking it. She sealed her lips around it. Slowly she began bobbing up and down. When the throbbing tip hit the back of her throat she choked a little. She let a few inches slide out of her mouth, then forced herself back down trying to take as much of it as she could. She wanted her son to feel good. She wanted to sate her hunger for cock.
Eventually she built up a steady pace. She used her tongue to lick the underside as she slurped up and down on her boy’s beautiful member. Sometimes she’d stick her tongue out and lick his pendulous nuts. Precum seeped from her son’s cock and she savored the flavor. Kierston unbuttoned her jeans. The heady masculine taste of her own son was driving her crazy. She couldn’t help herself. As she continued slurping down as much of her son’s length as she could manage, she jammed her hand into her panties. Her underwear were a soaking mess. Her clitoris was stiff and engorged and she rolled it gently between her fingers. Pleasure shot through her body. She let out a moan. The vibrations ran through the length of Kain’s cock and he moaned in turn.
Abruptly Kain surged into motion. He was in ecstasy, but needed more. His cock felt so good in his mother’s mouth he was no longer thinking clearly. Reaching out, he put a hand on either side of his mother’s head. Gripping her firmly, working his fingers into her hair, he held her head and began thrusting his hips. He needed to get off.
Kierston was shocked for a moment as her son grabbed her face and started fucking it. His first thrust pushed his spongy head past her tonsils into her throat. She gagged on her son’s dick. This only made the blowjob feel better for him. With his dick fully inserted into her gullet, Kierston could no longer breath. He wasn’t trying hurt her, but the strength in her son’s hands was obvious. She couldn’t break free of his grip, even if she tried. Kierston thought about signalling him to stop for a moment. Then she realized her hand was working double time on her clit. Her pussy was pulsing, her wet insides roiling with pleasure. Being used like this, having her face forcefully fucked by her son’s oversized cock, was turning her on like nothing she’d ever experienced before.
It wasn’t long before Kierston came. She felt like such a slut, getting off so hard on having her face brutally used by her own son, but couldn’t argue with the toe-curling orgasms she experienced. The more she came the looser her muscles felt. Kain noticed it too. Every few minutes his mother would tense up, the hand shoved deep into her pants would pause for a moment, and reverberations of her moans would shoot through his rock-hard cock. He tried to make sure he was inserted as deeply as possible in his mother’s throat every time this happened. Afterwards, he could see the relaxation enter her body. Pretty soon, his firm grip on her head was the only thing keeping her upright. Her throat loosened, too, and after each orgasm Kain was able to slam his cock deeper into her esophagus than before.
It became too much for him. Part of Kain wanted to keep pounding his mother’s facehole all day, but a bigger part of him was desperate to cum. By the time Kierston had had her third self-induced orgasm, Kain was frantically fucking her mouth like it was a pussy. Kierston’s nose pressed into her son’s pelvis with every thrust, his tense heavy balls slapping her chin with a force that was almost painful. Kain didn’t announce when he was cumming, he was to far lost in his own lust for that. But through her orgasmic haze Kierston was able to tell it was about to happen. Kain’s grip on her head grew firmer. He pushed his powerful member past her tonsils and buried himself deep in her throat. He threw his head back and let out a primal scream as he held his mother’s face hard into his body. Soon Kierston could feel his cock pulse as he shot his load directly into her stomach. She could feel his balls pulsing against her chin. Her vision began to vibrate and go dark on the edges. With 10 inches of thick manmeat forced down her gagging esophagus and her nose fully smothered by her son’s tummy, Kierston couldn’t breath at all. If her son didn’t finish cumming down her throat quickly enough, she would pass out. Panic was close to setting in.
Kierston groaned on her son’s dick, the vibration of her voicebox directly stimulating his manhood. Slipping another hand into her pants, she inserted three fingers into herself as she continued frantically rubbing her clit. Being used as a sextoy by her son, the loss of control as he took charge, the imminent risk of asphyxiation, all were pushing her into levels of arousal she didn’t know possible. She was crying and whimpering on her son’s dick as he finished unloading directly into her stomach. The last pulsing surge of cum shooting from his dick pushed her over the edge into her own unbearably powerful squirting orgasm. Panties and jeans were both soaked.
As Kain withdrew from his mother’s mouth she collapsed to the floor. She lay on her side coughing and gagging. She tried so hard to keep down her son’s cum, but the rough use of her epiglottis prevented it. Kain watched in mounting guilt as his mother hacked up a substantial glob of his semen into her petite hand.
“Jesus, Mom, I’m so sorry!” He said. He was worried he’d ruined everything between them forever. “I don’t know what came over me, I shouldn’t have done that to you!”
Kierston looked up at her son through red-rimmed blood shot eyes. Tears stained her cheeks, and her breathing was still ragged. Looking him dead in the eyes, she held her hand up to her mouth and slurped down all the cum that had come back up.
“Don’t be, baby. That felt incredible! I came so many times! How long until you’re ready to go again?”
The question was rhetorical. Watching his mother ravenously lick his spend from her hand had Kain at full mast in an instant. Kierston chuckled to herself. She had forgotten the joys of youthful virility. Her laughter was cut off in an instant. Seeing his slutty mother show her true colors like this sent Kain into overdrive. He snatched her by the arm and hauled his mother to her feet. He wasn’t being intentionally rough, using only a fraction of the force he could bring to bear, but Kierston could only squeak in arousal at how aware she was of his superior strength.
As Kain yanked his mother up he turned her around. He pulled her into him. Her ass was pressed into his groin and he ground his exposed member into her. Pressing his face to her, he licked her cheek and neck before planting several kisses on it. Kierston was moaning and panting the whole time.
Then Kain pushed his mother away. She planted her hands on his bed as he bent her over at the waist. Feeling his hands grasp her pants Kierston stood with her feet shoulder width apart. She inhaled sharply as her son yanked her already unbuttoned jeans down in a rough, swift motion. Her soaked pink panties came down with them. The feeling of the air on her drenched pussy told Kierston she was totally exposed to her son. She wanted it as badly as he did. She leaned further forward and arched her back for him.
Kain ran his hand over his mother’s vulva. She was unbelievably wet. Wetter than any other girl he’d ever been with. He took a step forward and placed the head of his cock against his mother’s slit and rubbed it around. He used his penis to smear their combined juices all over her womanhood. Kierston gasped when her son’s wet, throbbing tip grazed her sensitive clitoris. It was already fully out of it’s hood. Kierston could tell how good her son’s balls would feel slapping against it as he fucked her.
Kain was mesmerized by the sight of his penis rubbing against his mother. He loved the way she gasped and moaned as he did it. He loved the way she yelped and jumped when he grazed her clitoris. He loved the way a thick string of fluid hung between them when he pulled the tip back from her pussy. He could have kept toying with her like this for hours.
Kierston was not so patient. The way her son was teasing her had become pure agony. She was so wet. Her pussy needed to be filled so badly. Her son had just the thing to fill it, so why would he not do so? She was getting more and more hornily frustrated with every passing moment.
“Please, baby,” she begged him. She was on the verge of tears. “Please please please stop teasing me and fuck me already. I need your cock so badly. I’ll do anything you want, I’ll be your obedient little fucktoy for the rest of my life, so please stop just teasing me and fuck your mother!”
Kain could not say no to this. He grasped his mother’s hips and lined his cock up with her wet and ready hole. Kierston bit her lower lip in anticipation. Kain plunged all the way in. His mother was so aroused he slid in like a warm knife through butter. One moment he was entirely outside of her, the next he was buried in her to the hilt. Kierston groaned as all the air was driven out of her by the force of her son’s penetration. In that single pleasurable instant, all her frustration evaporated. A single tear of pleasure rolled down her soft cheek. She felt so wonderfully full, like never before in her life. In an instant Kierston knew her talk of being her son’s fucktoy for the rest of her life was no idle offer. Her son’s cock owned her now.
Kierston felt her son’s pendulous testicles slap into her clitoris as his hips slammed into hers. Kierston came immediately. Her legs shook. Were it not for her son holding her by her hips she would have fallen to the ground. The orgasm ripped through her pussy, sending grasping undulations along the walls of her cunt. Kain groaned as he enjoyed the sensations on his dick. Kierston whimpered and sobbed and gasped for air. Kain stayed inserted in her until her orgasm reached it’s conclusion. He gave her a moment to rest. Then he started pumping his hips.
Kierston did her best to support her weight on the bed as her son began pounding her mercilessly. She had barely recovered from her first orgasm when her second hit. Her son’s massive cock hit all the right spots inside her. It was made for her. Her willing body became putty in his hands. Kain took full advantage of that. Her drove himself into his mother with a force he’d never dared use before. He slapped her ass as he pounded her tight pussy. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her around to maximize his pleasure. Any sense that he needed to be gentle evaporated as surges of fluid sputtered out of her cunt all over his thighs. He could feel her muscular pussy spasm every time the tip of his cock grazed her cervix. The woman’s tiny body was entirely at his mercy.
Kain’s orgasm came over him with surprising speed. His mother’s pussy just felt too good. Dimly in the back of his mind he was aware he wasn’t wearing a condom. He spoke up.
“Oh fuck, Mom! I’m close, I’m about to cum!”
Kierston moaned in pleasure at this revelation. She understood the question implicit in it. Not being on birth control, she knew she should tell him to pull out. She didn’t.
“Cum inside me, baby! Fill Mommy with your sperm! I need it, baby. Mommy needs you to cum inside her and fill her womb with your hot spunk!” The words tumbled out of her mouth on their own. It was all true. Her body needed her son’s semen like it had never needed anything before. She would deal with the consequences of that need later.
Kain took her at her word. He gripped her tightly by the hair and pulled his mother up as he slammed deep inside her. Kierston kept her back arched for maximum penetration as her son hauled her face back toward his. She felt his warm lips press against her neck as his cock twitched. Despite how wet and gooey her cunt already was, Kierston could feel it when her son’s cum was expelled into her. It shot into her spasming cunt with a force she’d never experienced before. She could feel it surge inside her, her son’s cum racing to flood her birth canal and soak her womb. It drove her over the edge once more. This orgasm was the most powerful of all for her. Her entire body shook and she cried out in agonizing ecstasy. Fluid squirted relentlessly out of her pussy soaking her son’s balls.
The two were spent. They flopped into bed together, neither able to stand. They were panting. Their bodies shook as they held each other in post orgasmic bliss. Kain pressed his lips into his mother’s and the two made out as they slowly came down from their incestuous mating.
“I love you, Mom.” Kain said, stroking her hair gently.
“I love you too, Kain.” Kierston replied shakily. “I belong to you now. I’ll never stop being your mother, but from now on I’m also your slut.”
Kain’s smile broadened. “Good. Because I plan on using that pussy a lot going forward.”
Kain thrust his hips forward. Kierston gasped as her son’s already hardening cock pressed into her tummy. Then she giggled. She rolled onto her back and spread her legs. Cum oozed out of her pussy as she spread it apart to accept her son once again.