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This is the third fantasy about a women in my life. It's standalone from the previous two but if you like this one you may enjoy the others as well.
Vicky was a friend of my wife's who had recently moved away with her family, back to her home town. Partly to be nearer her aging parents and partly because it was far cheaper to live there than in the city. While her employer was relatively accommodating about the move, Vicky was still required to be in the office a few times a year. Since we had a spare room, we were happy to accomodate her whenever she came back. In reality she was typically only in her office for a couple of days and tended to work late, so we really didn't see a huge amount of her even when she stayed with us. But when we did, it was a good opportunity for my wife to catch up with her friend. I also enjoyed having Vicky stay. Vicky was a pretty, petite woman, with mostly small delicate features, other than her large brown eyes. She had golden blonde hair which she would have styled to varying lengths and a great little butt that looked good in tight fitting jeans or a pencil skirt, which was her default work attire. I had always been attracted to her and would regularly fantasise about her, especially when she was sleeping in the room next door to me! She had a fun personality and a dry sense of humor which I also liked, often making the odd mildly flirtatious (or so I thought) jab at my expense.

Her visit this time was a little unusual in that Vicky was going to be in the office four days this week, meaning she would be staying with us for multiple nights. Apparently it was appraisal time and she had a few direct reports to have one to one meetings with. I was of course happy for her to be around for a little longer and it really didn't cause us any inconvenience. While my home office doubled as the guest room, Vicky was always out of the house long before I started work and would leave the room neat and tidy every morning, packing her things away into her bag.

Vicky was arriving on Monday evening. She had already flown in on the early flight and gone straight to work. I expected her to be quite late as usual. My wife was working that evening too, so I assumed I'd probably be in bed before either of them arrived home. Vicky had her own key anyway so I didn't need to wait up for her. However I was surprised when I heard the front door open about an hour before my wife was due back home. I got up from the TV and went out into the hallway to greet Vicky. She was, as anticipated, wearing a dark suit jacket and white blouse, paired with a straight black skirt and tights. She stepped down out of her heels as she came in and placed her bag at the foot of the stairs.

"Hi" I said, delighted to see hear so soon "you're earlier than I thought!"

"Hiya" Vicky replied, "yeah... been a long day so decided not to work too late."

"Fair enough, do you want anything for dinner?" I offered, knowing we still had leftovers.

"That would be amazing!" Vicky said as I motioned her to go ahead of me into the kitchen.

I followed behind her, checking her out as her butt swayed in her tight black skirt.

I pointed to the casserole still sitting on the stove top as I retrieved a plate from the cupboard.

"Help yourself to as much as you like" I said, placing the plate on the kitchen counter "it'll probably need a whiz in the microwave."

Vicky spooned a portion onto her plate and placed it in the microwave as I asked her about her day. Turning to face me, she recounted a few tales of awkward conversations with underperforming staff before turning back to the microwave to realise she wasn't tall enough to read the controls. She looked back at me and pointed at the appliance.

"Ummm" she said, an eyebrow raised.

"Haha, can you not see that?" I teased before moving over towards her and turning the dial at my eye level to the appropriate setting. As the microwave whirred into life, I looked down at her.

"Thanks" she replied, not taking the bait this time.

From my closer position looking down on her, I was now able to see down her blouse slightly. It was unbuttoned at the top. I hadn't noticed her do that, but it was definitely more open than when she had walked in. I could just see the cups of her bra and the gap between them and her chest. Vicky had small breasts which didn't fill her lingerie out fully. Instead, I think she wore a larger bra than she really needed, in order to pad her chest a little to make her seem a bit bigger than she actually was. I glanced around the kitchen, consciously trying to avoid being caught staring down her shirt. We continued talking about her day until the microwave pinged and I lifted the warm plate out to pass to her.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked as she retrieved a fork from the drawer.

"Just a water is fine thanks." she replied.

I filled a glass then followed Vicky through into the lounge, entering in time to see her swing her legs up onto the sofa with a relieved sigh, as she propped her back against the armrest. The motion caused her skirt to ride up a bit, showing off a little more of her toned thighs. I walked over to where she was sitting and placed the glass of water on the table at the end of the sofa behind her. From her reclined position, I towered over her, meaning that as I bent down to place the glass, I was able to look directly down her open blouse as well as her bra, which was still sitting proud of her chest. I could see the clear outline of Vicky's little breasts beginning to rise from her chest before they disappeared into the shadow cast by the dark cups of her bra. It was the most tantalising view I'd ever seen in all my years of trying to see down Vicky's tops.

I went and sat at the opposite end of the sofa to her. Even with her legs fully extended, Vicky was short enough and the sofa long enough that there was plenty of space for me to sit.

"It's good to finally put my feet up" Vicky announced, between mouthfuls of food.

"Heels not so comfortable?" I asked, remarking on the shoes she had kicked off upon arrival.

"Just been in them too long" Vicky replied, "my feet are killing me!"

Vicky's diminutive feet were resting just a few centimeters from where I was sitting.

"Want a foot massage?" I asked, casually.

Vicky looked a little surprised by the offer at first, but I took her lack of immediate refusal as tacit approval and wrapped a hand around each, pressing my thumbs firmly into the balls of her feet and making circling motions over her tight muscles. Vicky made an involuntary groan of satisfaction as I massaged her soles, before moving on to delicately and somewhat sensually rubbing each of her toes between my fingers. I had no idea what I was doing and was just making it up as I went, but it seemed to be well received regardless.

"You're really good at that" Vicky encouraged, closing her eyes and scooting down to lay her head back against a cushion. "I feel better already!"

Her feet were now resting on my lap, one of her heels unintentionally (I assumed) pressing into my cock. In the process of sliding further down the couch, her skirt had ridden up even further, to the extent it was now a mini skirt. I tilted my head to try and peak underneath it, but couldn't really see much. Her legs were still together and her tights obscured anything more exciting from view. I kept working on her, venturing a little towards her ankles as well, but didn't push my luck. In my head I was trying to figure out if I was reading too much into the situation or if this was as flirtatious as I thought it was. Casual friends don't give each other foot massages do they?! Vicky was a fairly reserved person... surely she didn't think this was totally normal behaviour for two married people?

I got my answer when we both heard the front door opening. Vicky opened her eyes and swung her legs round off my lap, sitting up and straightening her skirt in the process, pulling the hem back down towards her knees. She tucked her hair back behind her ear and noticing her blouse was revealing rather a lot, she re-buttoned it. Then she got up from the sofa and took her plate and glass back out into the hallway, greeting my wife on her way to the kitchen.

"Hey!" I heard Vicky gush as she closed the lounge door behind her.

Well that was definitely something! I knew it and, more importantly, it hadn't escaped Vicky's notice either! Clearly it was far from innocent in her mind given her reaction. But was there scope for more I wondered? She had enjoyed the foot rub certainly, but I wasn't sure if she had just gotten carried away or if my crush on her was not entirely one sided. I wasn't going to find out tonight though. I left my wife to catch up with her friend over a cup of tea while I retired to bed. But I couldn't stop thinking about Vicky that night.

In the morning I awoke to an empty house. The girls had left for work around the same time, leaving me to sleep for a bit longer before I had to get up to start my day. After washing and dressing I made my way into the guest room and spotted something odd. Vicky's overnight bag, usually left on the bed, was sitting on my desk chair and it was unzipped. I opened my laptop and turned it on then peered inside the bag.

Placed neatly at the top, I could see a black lace trimmed bra, folded over. It was the same one Vicky had been wearing the previous night. I recognised it clearly from my view down her blouse. I picked it up and smelled it. The fabric was infused with Vicky's scent, so it was definitely the one she had been wearing. Underneath, also neatly folded, were a pair of black lace panties. I held them up at eye level, allow them to unfurl to inspect them. They were a combination of silk and lace trim with a little decorative gold logo stitched into the waist. I held them closer and immediately detected a much stronger, slightly more musky, smell. Still very much like Vicky... but different. Holding them to my nose I inhaled and savoured the moment I first smelled her pussy. I took several more sniffs, and my cock began to swell. I wasn't sure if leaving these on display had been an intentional move or if it was just an oversight as Vicky had been packing up to leave the house. I was hoping it was the former.

I folded both items back up and returned them to Vicky's bag, trying to make sure they were just as I had found them - but I couldn't remember exactly how her underwear had been folded. It didn't matter anyway. Throughout the morning, despite my best efforts not to be distracted by them, I kept pulling them out her bag. At lunchtime, I retrieved her panties once more and, holding them to my nose and mouth, I jacked off, beginning to hatch a twisted plan to satisfy my growing desires towards this temptress.

At the end of the day, instead of switching off my laptop and folding it shut, I installed some motion detection software for it's webcam and set it to remain powered on, with just the screen turning off after a few minutes. I left the room then re-entered five minutes later to test it. As I entered, the light next to the webcam lit up, but the screen remained blank. I walked around the room then left. When I returned to the laptop a second time, I unlocked it and confirmed that it had captured my actions on video. My spy camera was set up.

I didn't see Vicky at all that evening as she was out for dinner with some work colleagues until late at night, but I was excited to discover what my laptop had recorded come the morning. I was awake early and heard the girls preparing to leave. As soon as I heard them both go out the front door I got up. Entering Vicky's room I was disappointed to find the laptop lid was closed. I opened it up, confirming it was still powered on, then I unlocked it. There were a few captures on the drive. The first couple were my test ones, then a third of Vicky entering and exiting the room when she first arrived home, followed by two more, somewhat larger files.

I opened the first one. Vicky again walked into the frame, carrying a toothbrush and towel. As she walked past the desk, something caught her eye and she examined the laptop closer - I guessed this was where she spotted LED indicating the camera was on. But she didn't close the lid. She tilted the camera up slightly, then Vicky put her toothbrush and towel down on the bed and stood facing the laptop for a moment. Looking directly at it, she began to unbutton her blouse, starting at the top working her way down, slowly, peeling it open with her fingertips, like she knew she was being watched. She eventually parted the white fabric revealing her bra and flat, toned stomach and navel.

Then Vicky unzipped her skirt at the side and slid it off her hips, but the camera angle prevented me seeing below her waistline. Smiling, she turned around and slipped her blouse off her shoulders and down her arms, exposing her bare back. She was thin, and I could make out each vertebrae as they rose up, eventually disappearing under her bra and her flowing, shoulder length hair. Freeing her hands from her sleeves, Vicky reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, allowing it to fall of her shoulders. I watched intently as she bent over and disappear from view, clearly pulling her panties down, but I couldn't see anything other the faintest hint of the cleft between each of her butt cheeks. When she arose back into the frame, she looked over her shoulder, straight at the camera and reached behind to fold the lid shut.

I scrubbed back through the video, pausing to rewatch her blatant strip tease. Stepping frame by frame as she closed the lid, but the motion blur obscured any detail. My cock was standing erect in my pyjamas and I grasped it, stroking back and forth as I watched Vicky undressing for me over and over, longing for a way to make the camera pan down! Zooming in on the mirror in the background I tried to see if it would reveal any further secrets. But alas no. I was so caught up in the excitement that I had forgotten about the last remaining video file. Eventually, having extracted all the pleasure I could from the first video, I remembered.

I hastily opened the second video file and watched intently. The black screen flashed white as the laptop lid was opened again, the camera trying to adjust it's exposure settings to compensate for the brightly lit room. As it eventually adapted, Vicky came into view once more. This time she was standing further from the desk, nearer the bed, and the screen was not tilted so far back. I could see almost her entire body other than the lower part of her legs and feet. She was wrapped in a bath towel and her hair was wet.

One again smiling, turning her back to the camera, she undid the towel and allowed it to drop to the floor. This time I had a completely unrestricted view of Vicky's perfect bare ass. Her cheeks were flawless and her toned glutes tucked under to meet her equally toned legs. Seeing her completely naked - albeit just from behind - was on another level from the tease she had given me in the previous video. Her body was pristine. Not a single imperfection visible on her pale skin. Once again Vicky looked back over her shoulder to the camera as she reached out to shut the laptop lid. This time however, she was too far away and in the higher light level, as she turned and stepped backwards to fold the lid closed, she exposed a fleeting glimpse of the side of her right breast, visible just below her arm. It was a single frame but I paused it there and finished jerking myself off as I stared at her incredible body. I thought about what it would be like to put my hands on her ass and spread her open, how her cute little breasts would feel cupped in my hands as I slid my rock hard shaft deep inside her tiny, tight little pussy.

I blew my load over my pyjamas then headed into the shower to clean up and try and compose myself for work. If there was ever any doubt about Vicky's intentions, there wasn't anymore. She had recorded those videos knowingly and what's more, she knew I had been trying to record her. Our desires were both now clear to each other... the question was, how far did she really want to take things? Perhaps she was just teasing me for the thrill. I knew I wanted to go all the way with her and I could think of one way to ensure I got what I wanted, whether or not she did too.

Tonight was the last night Vicky was staying with us, she was due to head home after work tomorrow so I knew I had one shot. When she eventually arrived home and got chatting with my wife, I offered to make them a cup of decaf tea before bed and both accepted. I went into the kitchen and started to boil the kettle. Then I removed the medicine box from the cupboard and found some sleeping tablets that my wife had been prescribed a year or so ago. There were still a few left in the packet. Keeping an ear out incase either of them came through, I crushed a few tablets under a spoon and split the resulting powder between the two tea cups. Topping off with water and milk, I let the tea brew for a while, hoping to mask any taste.

Both women drank their tea without complaint and after 30 minutes or so we all headed to bed for the night. My wife and I usually read for a little while in bed, but I knew the tablets had started to take effect when my wife elected to turn her light off earlier than usual, saying she felt quite sleepy.

"Me too..." I lied, turning off my light as well "an early night wouldn't do me any harm either."

I listened carefully for a while, until I heard her fall into a deep sleep, with slow deep breaths. I wriggled around in the bed a little, to see if it would cause her to stir, but she didn't move. She was out like a light. I got out of the bed and walked around, noisily testing how effective the drug was... I didn't really know if it would keep someone asleep or not. However, I was relieved to see that my heavy footedness made no difference.

I walked out into the hallway and could see that Vicky's light was turned off. It was about 10:30pm. Approaching her door, I knocked. Then I immediately panicked. In my haste to see if she was also asleep, I hadn't prepared any excuse to come calling at night if it turned out she was in fact awake! Thankfully there was no response. I cracked the door and peered inside.

"Vicky?" I whispered.

There was no answer. I listened carefully and could hear her breathing slowly and regularly too. Pushing the door further I slipped inside. It was warm! She must have had the heating cranked up. But I guess it suited my plans... wouldn't want her getting a chill afterall. I closed the door behind me as I stood silently in her room. I was now committed.

I walked over to the bed and could see Vicky lying in the middle of it, with just a single pillow. The others were on the floor. Her left arm was raised over her head resting on the pillow and her right arm was under the duvet. She looked to be in an even deeper sleep. Her breathing somewhat shallow but still observable. I had a sudden panic that perhaps I had over estimated the dose required... there wasn't much to her after all, compared to my wife's build.

I lifted the duvet cover and pulled it down to Vicky's knees. She was wearing a blue button up pyjama top, made of silk with white piping and a matching pair of shorts which had ridden up her legs, revealing most of her thighs. Her right arm was resting over her stomach. I carefully lowered myself down on the bed to sit next to her, watching her closely for any sign that she might be waking. But she lay almost motionless throughout, only her chest rising and falling ever so slightly.

I reached out, and placed my hand on her warm, smooth leg, caressing just above her knee, up her inner thigh towards her silk shorts. Her soft skin was without blemish. I couldn't believe I was now able to stroke the legs I had been ogling only this morning. I reclined next to her, propping myself on my arm, moving my hand off Vicky's supple thigh onto her little childlike hand, stroking it gently too. Then I let my hand slide off hers and up her stomach, gliding over the smooth silk material onto her unsupported breast. I shivered as my fingers contacted Vicky's fleshy mound under the slick fabric and my cock started to harden. Vicky didn't move.

I massaged her little breasts, in turn, to no response from Vicky and my own pyjamas started to tent upwards as my shaft strained against the cotton. Then, emboldened by Vicky's lack of reaction, I picked up her limp wrist, and moved her arm over, resting her palm on top of my bulging trousers, before returning to fondle her some more. My hands glid across the cool thin silk easily and I could feel every undulation as my fingers passed over her still soft nipples, squeezing and rubbing her firm uplands.

Having her hand resting on my erection was pleasing, but I longed to feel her skin on mine, so I lifted her wrist temporarily and pulled my trousers down, tucking the waistband underneath my balls before placing Vicky's delicate hand back upon the exposed base of my rigid swollen member, her relaxed fingers curling gently around my scrotum. The sensation caused me to clench a little and my cock lifted, causing her hand to slide over my skin enjoyably. Holding her wrist lightly, I repeated the movement of her palm up and down my throbbing stiffy a few times, delighting in her warm, gentle touch.

Then, still growing in hubris, I reached over and undid one of Vicky's buttons. The resulting gap was enough to slide a finger through and make direct contact with one of her still soft nipples. I felt the bumpy skin of her areola and then her protruding teat. While it was long enough to stand proud, it was not yet fully engorged. Withdrawing momentarily, I licked the tip of my finger then resumed stimulating her, trying to coax her nipple to full erection. After a little work on both Vicky's breasts, I removed my hand to admire my accomplishment. Vicky's successfully inflamed pokies pushed the silk of her pyjamas up into the air, like two little circus tents sitting atop rolling hills.

I took hold of her wrist again an began to reposition it, rotating it to place her hand underneath my hard shaft, wrapping her fingers around it and holding them in place as I began to rock my hips, forcing my boner to pass through her now clenched fist. Her grip was too loose on it's own, but my holding her fingers closed around myself, was enough to pull the skin of my shaft back and expose my reddened glans. A little pre-cum trickled from the tip and ran onto Vicky's thumb as I felt her fingers instead of mine jerking me off.

The arm I was propped up on was tiring a little, so I lay down next to her fully, my head resting by hers on the same pillow. I looked intently at her, but she continued to breath slowly and regularly, her eyes closed. I leaned in and placed my lips on Vicky's soft rosie cheek, kissing her gently then watching for movement. Again there was none. She smelled delicious. Swapping hands I kept her gripping my ever more engorged shaft as I reached over to undo another button of her pyjama top. The gap was now large enough that my whole hand could fit through. I eagerly grasped the soft flesh of one of her firm little mounds directly and squeezed it, more forcefully than I had done before.

For the first time, there was a sign of a limit being reached. Vicky's regular breathing paused and she inhaled in a more pronounced way. I released my grip on her breast and she resumed her previous pattern. It almost sounded as though she had enjoyed it. I withdrew my hand from within her shirt once more, and undid all her remaining buttons, pulling her shirt open, to finally see the sight I had longed for this morning. Her breasts were beautiful. Her pale flesh rose from her chest as undulating hills to little pink-brown areolae encircling her towering darker teats. The only other feature visible was a small birth mark, on the lower half of her right breast. I wished I hadn't left my phone next door, I wanted to photograph her perfect naked body to enjoy later.

I leaned over her chest and placed my lips on her petite frame, licking the soft skin of belly and breasts, then running the tip of my tongue over one of her swollen nipples, eventually planting my mouth over it and coating it in saliva. Flicking my tongue back and forth over it and sucking on it intently, I was no longer paying attention to Vicky's state of consciousness. My hand wandered down over her flat stomach and my fingers momentarily probed her belly button, pressing my middle finger into it and moving it around inside as I suckled on her long firm teat as if nursing. Content with my exploration of that orifice, I continued south, the tips of my fingers finally contacting the waistband of her shorts, before venturing under that boundary. I felt the soft texture of cotton as my fingers passed over Vicky's pubic mound descending down between her legs, pressing into her tender, plush vulva.

I was so focussed on exploring Vicky's body without restriction, that I had failed to detect the movement of her head as it turned towards me. Only when she moaned audibly did I snap out of my trance. I backed away and froze, releasing the grip I had of her hand around my cock, watching her face closely, my other hand still down her shorts. She was beautiful. Her little features were almost childlike, other than her large brown eyes which, thankfully, remained hidden behind her still closed eyelids. But I could detect them moving rapidly back and forth underneath. She was dreaming, and I wondered if I was too.

I breathed a quiet sigh of relief and my heart rate decreased a little. I got up onto my knees carefully, continuing to monitor Vicky. Her lifeless hand moved as I got up, eventually resting on my protruding hard-on, the weight of her limp arm pulling down upon it as though Vicky were manipulating it herself. It was a little uncomfortable of a position but her hand pulling on it was arousing.

Placing a finger inside the elastic on each side of her shorts, I inched them down over Vicky's hips, carefully pulling them out from between the mattress and her butt, eventually revealing the plain white panties underneath. I got Vicky's shorts almost down to her knees then swallowed hard as I inspected her final piece of underwear. She had stirred several times as I pulled her shorts down, I didn't want to risk waking her. So instead, I simply pulled the front of her panties aside. Doing so exposed a tuft of blonde pubic hair and at last, her tiny fleshy slit, from which two larger, dark pink, crinkled labia protruded like the petals of a flower. Gently pinching each one, I slowly peeled them open, mesmerised as little strings of her sticky secretions glistened in the low light before collapsing under tension. Eventually her lips fully parted to reveal her pearly clit nestled where they met. Pinning her perfect pussy open between my thumb and forefinger, I licked another finger and ran it through her warm, moist slit, finally making contact with her firm little pleasure spot.

Vicky let out the same moan of pleasure she had done earlier, but I was less alarmed by it this time. Her eyes remained closed but her mouth had opened a little. I saw my opportunity. Staying on my knees, I shimmied up the bed a little closer to her face. I licked my lips and bent down over her, placing my lips on hers as though about to perform CPR. Allowing a little of my saliva to flow into Vicky's mouth, I inserted my tongue and stroked hers.

I was taken aback when Vicky's tongue also began to move in unison. My eyes were open and I could see hers were still closed, her eyes seemingly still moving around under her eyelids. I wondered who she might be dreaming about and whether, if she woke up right now, she would be pleased to find it was me she was kissing. I pulled away from her and saw that she continued to make little motions with her lips and tongue, as though I were still there. It gave me an idea. I got up onto my knees and grasped my shaft, retracting my foreskin and pressing my glans down onto Vicky's open mouth. Her wet lips moving over my sensitive tip were electrifying! So I pressed further, pushing it inside just far enough that her tongue could caress it. I groaned involuntarily as Vicky frenched my engorged bellend, quickly realising I had to pull out or risk exploding in her mouth right there and then.

Just as I withdrew, Vicky surprised me with a cough - perhaps some saliva had caught the back of her throat - but it was sufficient to make me aware of the gravity of the situation were she to awake and be disinclined towards the liberties I was taking with her. I contemplated this as Vicky coughed again, rolled onto her side away from me and resumed her shallow breathing. I was relieved, and wondered whether I had pushed my luck too far already. I briefly considered redressing her and making an exit, but from her new position, I could see that perfect little peach of an ass which Vicky had intentionally teased me with this morning. It was a temptation impossible to resist and I was determined to conquer her.

Her panties were riding up and revealing her lower glutes. Now that she was on her side, it was easier to pull her panties down around her thighs to expose her ass completely. I pulled my pyjamas off too and perched on the edge of the bed, my back to hers. Then I placed my palm on her flawless smooth ass, squeezing her gluteal muscle in my fingers gently, lifting it away from her other cheek, to expose her dark, clenched asshole. I licked the tip of my finger and ran it down her crack until it rested on her sphincter, then I pressed it gently, drawing a little circle around it in saliva. The desire to push my finger up Vicky's tight little anus was intense but I knew it was certain to wake her and I doubted she would be okay with that, even if by some miracle she was okay with everything else, which in itself was highly unlikely.

My finger continued down over Vicky's perineum, where I detected a little scar, to the entrance to her vagina. She had two kids, so I felt that dipping a single digit in here would not be sufficient to rouse her from her deep slumber. I opened my mouth and put my middle finger all the way in, coating it in a layer of saliva before placing it back at the entrance to Vicky's passageway. I needn't have bothered though. From the moment I slowly pushed my finger inside her, it met no resistance, easily gliding up her warm, slick entranceway. Yet despite having had two children, this was no bowling alley. Vicky was well lubed, but she still squeezed my finger as I probed her fully. The exhilaration of having complete power over her body was like a drug, I had fantasised about exploring Vicky many times and now I was finally able to have my way with her. All I could think about was an even greater high!

Easing my finger out from her tight pussy, I lay down behind Vicky shuffling closer to her, pressing my cock which was still crowned with her saliva down between her buttocks. As I did so, her breathing pattern seemed to alter, as though she were stirring. But it barely registered with me, I didn't care about consequences anymore. All I cared about was finally being inside her. I positioned the tip of my cock in between her thighs and pressed slowly upwards, stretching her open with my rod, penetrating her in a single, slow but fluid motion.

I reached over her and pulled her towards me incase she awoke and tried to break free, at the same time I fumbled between her labia, my finger finally making contact with her clit which I began to rub firmly. I could feel her inner muscles clenching down on my straining shaft as I stimulated her. I doubled down and began to lick her neck and nibble on her earlobe. At last, she was mine!

Vicky exhaled slowly in pleasure as I bored into her, letting out little whimpers but still seemingly in a dream state. I seized the limited opportunity I might have and continued to thrust in and out, more rapidly. Vicky's breathing intensified and increased in frequency almost immediately. I could feel my excitement building too, bursts of stimulation tingling through my manhood. Vicky's tight, wet pussy clenched down on my primed cock, my tip contacting her cervix as I slid in and out as deep as she was able to accomodate me. In very little time I began to feel Vicky's whole body reacting. Initially it was just her internal muscles, rapidly contracting then releasing but soon I could feel her stomach crunch and as she curled into a fetal position, her legs and arms feeling as though they were vibrating. Then it happened

"Ahhhh" the first discernable 'word' emanated from Vicky's mouth as her nocturnal climax reached a crescendo.

There was a sound of squelching and I felt her warm emissions trickle down my leg as she came in her sleep. Her body rolled like a boat on the waves as each aftershock rippled through her. It was too much for me, I couldn't risk impregnating her so I forced myself to pull out before her spasms could tip me over the edge too. But I held on to her, my arms wrapped around her out of control body, until she eventually settled. Then, silence.

No utterance came from Vicky's mouth. I backed away slowly and Vicky rolled onto her back. Her big brown eyes were open, she was staring at me but saying nothing. Her expression seemed almost vacant, as though she were in some sort of trance. I stood up, a little disturbed by her strange, zombie like appearance. Saying nothing still, Vicky pushed herself up and pulled her shorts and panties completely off, discarding them. Then she sat up and moved to sit on the edge of the bed in front of me, removing her silk shirt at the same time.

My cock was extended like a flagpole pointed at her face. It shimmered in the dim room, as what little light was present refracted through the thick glaze of Vicky's secretions which still coated it. I began to take a step closer to her and before my foot touched the floor Vicky had leaned forward to take me in her mouth, wrapping her lips around my corona. She grasped my wet shaft in her delicate hand and began to stroke it firmly as her tongue caressed my sensitive, glans. She continued to look up at me, eyes wide but almost emotionless, as she passed her lips back and forth over my bell-end devouring it frantically.

I was on hair-trigger already. The visual stimulus of Vicky's fully naked body finally exposed completely to me, combined with the sensation of her little hand sliding frictionlessly over my now aching shaft as she sucked on the tip was too much to resist. As I stared back into her dark, empty eyes, my muscles clenched and my balls lifted as, without warning her, I unloaded a huge blast of cum inside Vicky's mouth. I stumbled forward, grunting a little, and had to steady myself on her shoulder as a second spasm fired during her out-stroke. I propped myself back up and in the process unintentionally pulled my cock from her mouth. A third volley sent a thick rope of creamy cum over Vicky's chin and cheek, dripping down onto her little body. A final more fluid splutter also landed on her chest, dribbled down over her right breast and around her nipple. I stood panting a little. Vicky swallowed.

Then, silently, she lay back down and her eyes closed. Her breathing slowing, her mouth open a little, as though instantly asleep once more. I was confused. Was she even aware of what she had done?

I looked down on Vicky, now sleeping quite peacefully, as my relieved erection began to wilt over her violated, cum-drenched body. Reaching over her I picked up the pair of cotton panties Vicky had discarded on the bed next to her a few moments ago. I used them to wipe myself down first then pulled my pyjamas back on. Then I folded her panties over and used them to also gently clean the semen off her face and breast, taking a final opportunity to kiss and fondle her as I pleased. I wanted to climb under the covers next to her and enjoy her for the rest of the night but I knew I couldn't. I wasn't sure how to leave her... I was certain there was no way to put her pyjamas back on without her waking up so I just covered her naked body with the duvet once more. As I snuck back out of Vicky's room and into my own, holding onto her panties as a trophy, I began to wonder what might happen next, little did I know then that as far Vicky was concerned, nothing had even happened yet!

It was only in the following days (through some wikipedia research) that I realised Vicky had most likely experienced a 'parasomnia'. Apparently during sleep it's as common for women to orgasm as it is men, in fact their genitals can become more sensitive during REM sleep. Far less common however, is for people to actively engage in sex while sleeping, so called 'sexsomnia'. From what I read, it can be trigged by various things. One suggestion was substance abuse. I guessed the combination of the sleeping tablets and what I had been doing to Vicky while she slept induced a carnal desire in her subconscious? Regardless of the cause, I was relieved to read that those who experience it usually have no recollection of what they have done. Just like people who sleepwalk don't know it, Vicky probably had no memory of what had happened to her.

The next morning she was gone and her room was left neat and tidy as usual. I looked down on the now empty bed, thinking about her waking up naked and confused. I held her panties to my face and smelled them, fantasising about her next visit. But I'd need to source some more sleeping pills first...
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