It was a wonderful London school trip for the class. A two nights stay in a hotel sharing a room with two of my classmates.
After a long bus trip and dinner we were allowed to check into our rooms to chill out and get used to our surroundings. The rooms were nothing special, just a twin room with a third single bed pushed in the middle. I was in with two other lads, Ross and Greg.
Conversation soon started and quickly moved to which girls in the class we liked and Ross saying how he'd like to fuck Rebecca and how his big cock would fill her up. Greg and I laughed nervously, none of us really knew much about sex or what we'd do if the situation presented itself!
"Lets see your pubes then boys" said Ross out of nowhere. Greg and I were both confused but said "ok?". We were all sat on our beds in just t-shirts and boxers so I knelt up first and pulled down my boxers to reveal my soft cock surrounded by a small bush of black pubes and my balls noticeably hanging below. Both Greg and Ross's eyes widened. I don't think that's what they expected to see. Greg was next and did the same showing his pube-less soft cock and a small, bare nut sack. This time my eyes widened, I thought I'd be the one with the smaller cock but here I was more developed than Greg and now eager to see what Ross had to show. Ross hesitated and rather than show his manhood, just said "Oh I used to have pubes like yours Ben but I shaved them off...anyway isn't it time we went over to the other guys rooms?"
We had all agreed to meet at the room of another group of guys to chill and eat some snacks. Greg and I got our shorts on and went to head for the door. "Are you coming Ross?" I said, "No" he replied "I've got a headache so I'm staying here"
Greg and I went off to the other room, after an hour I said I was going to head back to our room. I was tired and ready to sleep. Greg said he was going to probably sleep in the other room and made himself comfortable.
I got back to my room and found Ross watching TV on the bed. "What was it like?" He said, "Fine" I said "Greg's staying there I think".
I took off my pants and my t-shirt and was stood just in my boxers. I could see Ross staring at my body which was just starting to show some very fine chest and underarm hair. I then saw his eyes drop to look at my pants. Ross took his own t-shirt off to show a bare chest, thin but toned pecs and lightly toned but visible abs. I'd never really looked at another guy in this proximity before but damn...he looked good. I checked down at his boxers and was sure I could see the outline of his cock making a small tent in them was I wasn't sure.
"How long have you had pubes like that then Ben?" He said. " A few months I think, can't really remember" I said. "What about your cock, does it make cum yet?" I had no idea, I didn't really know what he meant. "Err...don't think so, how would I know?" I asked. "Well it'll come out when you wank" Ross said, slightly excited in his tone. "I've never tried" I said nervously.
"Shall we see who's can get the biggest boner" said Ross...."Ok?" I said nervously. Ross came and knelt on the bed in front of me, still in just his boxers. I sat still just in mine, legs slightly apart. I could feel my cock starting to swell in my boxers and was aware I was starting to tent in them too. "Lets get them out at the same time" I said. Ross smiled and began to remove his boxers, I followed suit. By now my cock was almost fully erect.
My first sight of Ross' cock was of it fully erect too. It was about 3.5in in length, quite thin, cut and with a slight downward curve at the tip. I could see it was fully hard though and standing firmly to attention against Ross' hairless groin. His balls were quite impressively hanging low. The sight of this hot, naked boy in front of me had made my cock swell and it was starting to feel different. I could feel a weight in side of me, like something wanted to push out of it. In comparison to Ross my cock was that of a man's. It still had some growing to do through my teens to adulthood but right then it stood proud at approx. 4.5in long. There wasn't much difference in length but was telling was the difference in thickness. I was uncut and my cock was almost as thick as it was long at just under 4in girth. Mine curved to the left, quite noticeably. Ross's eyes bulged.
"Fuck..." he said, breathing a little heavier. "That's fat as fuck...". My face reddened, I didn't know if that was a compliment or not. We were both stood up on our knees facing each other.
Ross moved forward and pushed his groin against the tip of my cock. In return his was about an inch away from my groin. The curve of my cock meant it brushed against his shaft and as I moved my cock over the top of his, his was almost completely hidden. Ross and I were now face to face and I caught him looking at my mouth, then down to our cocks and back up again.
I reached out my hand and touched his butt cheek, it felt so smooth and firm. "OWW" he exclaimed "Don't be gay!". Then he realised knelt there, both cocks touching was probably as gay as we could be and laughed. I removed my hand and sat down. My hard cock coming to rest against my stomach. "Now what do we do?" I said. I kind of knew the answer but was asking so Ross would take the lead.
"Can I touch your cock?" He said "Its obviously thicker than mine and its bent so I want to see what it feels like" I wasn't sure my cock could grow any more but it definitely pulsed when he put his right hand out and took my cock in a firm but pleasant grip. "Wow...that's...." he didn't say what but began to gently stroke my shaft, up and down. It felt amazing.
I told Ross to come and sit next to me and then I took his much smaller and thinner cock in my hand. I started to stroke him too. We both began to stroke each other faster each stroke now being the full length of each other's cocks. I could feel an urge building in my cock, my breathing was a little faster, a little more shallow and I got the urge to push my pelvis forward in time with Ross's strokes. I noticed I was gripping Ross's cock quite tight, I couldn't help it, what he was doing to me was so good.
I let go of Ross's cock and two strokes of mine later I got the best feeling I'd ever experienced as my first ever orgasm hit and three small ropes of cum shot out of the tip of my cock and onto my stomach, my leg and Ross's hand.
"ERRRGH" he went, half in shock and half pleased at what he'd done. He'd never seen or felt cum before and now he had his class mate's cum on his hand.
He rushed to the bathroom to clean himself up leaving me sat, covered for the first time in my own juice and not really knowing what to do next.
I got up and followed Ross to the bathroom. He washed his hands whilst I wiped the cum off myself with tissue paper.
My cock had gone soft now. His was still hard but we were both still naked and both buzzing about our shared experience.