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A boy accidentally catches a glimpse of his friend's father's cock, and when he's caught staring it leads to a night he will never forget.
Everything changed the night of Gabe's birthday, during the big sleepover down in the basement at his dad's house. Mr. Dirksen was so much more laid back than any of the rest of our parents, and especially Gabe's mom; he'd even bought us beers, and given Gabe a couple of porno movies for us to watch if we wanted, just on the condition we didn't go blabbing to our folks about it. Like that was ever going to happen! I hadn't liked the taste of the beer much, but of course I'd still finished off my share, not wanting to wuss out in front of the other guys. Everything was great, until Jace had announced his need to go take a piss, jumping up and hurrying into the bathroom—it was like just hearing the words triggered a sympathetic response in my bladder or something, and I couldn't even wait for him to finish! I had no choice but to run to the one upstairs, sitting down and awkwardly angling my porno-induced erection down into the bowl, sighing with relief as I finally softened enough to let me drain my tank. It was on my way back downstairs through the kitchen that it happened.

Gabe's dad was there, standing in front of the fridge looking for a snack. I guess he hadn't heard me there, or maybe he'd been doing some drinking of his own, because he didn't seem to have noticed his robe was hanging open, showing off his enormous, thick, eight inch flaccid cock! God, it was huge! So, so much bigger than mine, easily twice the size, and he wasn't even hard! He was even bigger than the ones in the porno we'd been watching downstairs! I could hardly even believe it, and just stood there gaping at it like an idiot.

“Shit!” he exclaimed, quickly covering himself again as he noticed me. “Sorry about that, Alex! Didn't see you there. I thought you boys were all downstairs.”

“I, uh... I just had to take a leak,” I explained lamely, trying like hell not to let myself look down at the huge bulge still visible through his robe. God, what was wrong with me? Why was I suddenly hard again, and twitching in my jeans? “The one downstairs was occupied, and I couldn't wait.”

“Yeah, beer will do that to you, especially when you aren't used to it,” he chuckled. We just stood there for a moment facing each other, and he had this odd look in his eye, like he was measuring, or evaluating me somehow as he looked me up and down, like he could see something I couldn't. It was disconcerting as hell! I just wanted to get out of there, away from him and his stupidly huge cock... but I couldn't make myself move. “Did you like what you saw?”

“What? No!” I gasped in shock and reflexive denial, vigorously shaking my head. How had he known?

“It's okay. There's nothing wrong with liking to look,” he smiled, slowly opening his robe again, my eyes going wide as he revealed himself once more. He looked even thicker now, twitching a little... oh my God! Was he starting to get hard, from having me look at him like this?

“Have you ever touched another guy's dick before?” he finally asked, speaking quietly so we wouldn't be heard downstairs. He needn't have bothered; the guys were all so wrapped up in watching that porno, I was sure they hadn't even realized I was gone! I shook my head, nervously licking my lips.

“Go ahead, give it a try,” he suggested. “I wasn't much older than you, my first time. I know you want to.”

I didn't want to, I didn't! But somehow, I couldn't stop myself from slowly stepping forward, reaching out to take him tentatively into my hand. His skin was so hot! And he was so heavy, and thick! I began to gently stroke him, just a little bit, just to see what it was like—it was so much different than touching my own! He grew quickly, a full nine inches now, stiff and hard, and so thick my fingers couldn't touch my thumb as I wrapped him in my hands, one above the other, giving him long, slow strokes now. I couldn't believe what I was doing... but it felt incredible, holding him, having him responding so eagerly to my touch!

“Suck it, Alex! Suck my cock!” he moaned, but that was finally enough to knock me out of my trance, to make me realize what I was doing, and where! I let go of him and took a half-step away, glancing at the open stairway to the basement, certain that any moment now one of the guys was going to come upstairs and realize what I'd just been doing.

“Come with me,” he said then, turning me around and sliding his hand down to my ass, giving me a squeeze. I was powerless to resist as he escorted me out of the kitchen and down the hall into his bedroom, locking the door behind us. He removed his robe completely, hanging it on a hook, and looked at me with such unbelievable hunger in his eyes it made me gulp! He stepped over to his bedside table, where a bottle of whiskey and a glass tumbler waited. He poured a hefty amount... but instead of downing it himself, he offered it to me!

“This will help,” he said. I took it from him nervously, and gave it a sip—it burned as it went down, making me gasp and choke! He chuckled, and just kept looking at me until I'd swallowed it all. Then he took the glass, poured himself one as well, and quickly belted it back before setting it aside.

“Let's try this again, shall we? Now... how about you get down on your knees, and suck my fucking cock!” he commanded, and this time... this time, God help me, I obeyed! I dropped down and took him back into my hands, leaning forward to give him a soft, slow kiss on his crown. I didn't know what I was doing, I'd never been with a girl before to experience this for myself... but the girls we'd been watching on the pornos downstairs had started out like this, and I tried to copy them as best I could. I wasn't doing a very good job, I knew. He was just so big, and thick! I could fit hardly any of him into my mouth. But I tried my best not to scrape him with my teeth, sucking and swirling my tongue, stroking him with my hands and playing with his big, hairy balls. He seemed to be enjoying it at least, moaning and closing his eyes, holding my head in his hands as he gently thrust his hips, slowly fucking my mouth. I felt good... proud, that I was making his respond like that! But then he was pulling away! I almost panicked, wondering what I'd done wrong, wanting to fix it, to have that thick, hot weight filling my mouth again!

“Strip, and get on the bed!” he ordered, as he went to the tv and dvd player he had atop his dresser. I didn't want to, didn't want him to see... but it was like his commands were short-circuiting my brain or something, like I just couldn't resist! I took off my shirt, my jeans, my underwear... even my socks. I wasn't sure where or how he wanted me to be, so I sat in the middle, nervously leaning back and supporting myself on my arms, my tiny little dick sticking pathetically up in the air. The video he'd ***********ed started to play, and my breath caught in my throat! I'd never seen anything like that before—a sexy little Asian girl, completely naked and dancing seductively for the camera... with a small, hard dick between her thighs, only slightly larger than mine!

He climbed up onto the bed with me, pushing me down to my back, straddling my thighs, taking his cock in his hand. He slapped it on my dick, making me gasp and moan—his huge, thick, nine-inch monster, punishing my skinny little four-inch prick, and my small, vulnerable balls! I whimpered piteously at the abuse he was dishing out, but made no effort to protect myself or get away. Worst of all, no matter how much it hurt... my tiny little dick remained shamefully, pitifully erect the entire time!

“Onto your hands and knees!” he commanded next, climbing off of me and retrieving something from his bedside drawer. I did as he said, biting my lip. I was dreading what I knew had to be coming, but I just couldn't say no to that huge, amazing cock!

The lube was cold and wet on his fingers, and it hurt as he began working them into my ass. The girl on the video had met her partner now, a big, heavily muscled black man, and she was down on her knees, eagerly sucking his cock! He wasn't quite as big as Mr. D., I thought, though it was close. I tried to focus on the video, to relax and forget what was happening to my ass. But then the fingers withdrew, the pressure and pain increasing exponentially as he replaced them with the incredible stiffness of his cock! I couldn't help but start to cry, burying my face against the blanket and grasping tight with my hands. He just kept pushing, and pushing, rocking himself against my resistance, gradually forcing me open for him. It felt like my asshole was on fire! The girl on the video was in the same position as me now, looking like she was having a far better time! Finally the thickness of his head popped through, three or four inches of his shaft seeming to slide in all at once! I trembled and moaned, but he just grabbed hold of my hips and started to thrust, working his way slowly but inevitably deeper!

“You like that, don't you baby girl?” he growled. “You like having this big, hard cock up your slutty sissy ass!”

“I'm not a girl!” I gasped in denial, twisting to look back at him and shaking my head.

“Aren't you?” he laughed. “You have a cute little clitty, like a girl! You're taking my cock, like a girl! That makes you a girl in my book! How much more of a girl do you think you need to be?”

“Oh, God...” I moaned.

“I want to hear you say it!” he demanded. “Tell Daddy you're his good little girl, and you love taking his big, hard cock! Say it, Lexi-baby! And make your voice all girlie when you do!”

“I...” I stammered. God, this was embarrassing! But what else could I do? My chance to stop this, if I'd ever truly had one, was long since passed. And hearing him call me Lexi, instead of Alex, like I really was a girl... As strange as it was, I had to admit it—that was super fucking hot! “I... I love it, Daddy! I'm your good little girl, and I love taking your big, hard cock!” I said, pitching my voice as high and girlie as I could, just like he wanted.

“Fuck yeah, you do! You're such an obedient little whore, Lexi! Such a good little girl!” he praised, delivering a swift, hard spank on my ass, making me yelp and tense up around his cock, making him moan in turn. Deeper and deeper he worked himself in, stretching me out. The pain in my asshole never quite went away, but at least it started to fade. And there, deep inside of me... it was unlike anything I'd ever felt before, and yet it was instantly familiar all the same; a sensation of heat and pressure building slowly within me, just like when I was rubbing one out, and getting ready to cum! God, how was that even possible? I hadn't even been touching my dick! But I couldn't deny it was happening, growing more and more. And then I felt something else—his hips, smacking hard against my ass! He was fully inside! I couldn't believe it; all those thick nine inches, buried completely up my ass, reaming me out, rearranging my guts! He started fucking me harder, and faster, the heat inside me building to an inferno!

“Fuck meeee!” I squealed. I wasn't even trying to sound all girlie this time, it just came out that way naturally! I was cumming! My tiny little dick was spurting wildly, covering the blanket beneath me as that huge, pounding cock punished my ass!

“Good girl!” he praised, spanking my ass again. “Cum for Daddy, Lexi! Cum on Daddy's cock!”

I whimpered and moaned throughout, the orgasm so much more intense, lasting so much longer than any I'd ever been able to give myself! I loved it! I loved cumming on his huge fucking cock! I told him so, and he laughed, spanking me again and starting to fuck me even harder! Even after the orgasm itself finally faded away, it was like the heat and pressure of it never did! It was amazing! I started pushing back against his thrusts, wanting to be good for him, wanting to pleasure him like he'd just pleasured me! He lasted so much longer than I ever did jerking myself off... but finally, finally I could tell it was time, his grip tightening on my hips, his cock pounding into me the hardest yet!

“Beg for it, Lexi!” he commanded, his voice so incredibly sexy and gruff! “Beg for my fucking cum!”

“Please, Daddy, please!” I whimpered in my girliest voice, eager for it now, no longer even wanting to resist! “Please, give it to me! Give me your cum, Daddy, please! Fill my tight, girlie ass, Daddy! I want it so much!”

“Oh, take it baby!” he growled, ramming in hard, making me yelp and squeal as the wet, burning heat of his load burst inside of me. “Take Daddy's fucking cum!”

“Daddyyyy!” I wailed, the feeling of him cumming in me somehow pushing me over the edge once more! I looked down at myself in shock as it was happening; I was completely soft after cumming the first time, barely two inches long now and no thicker than my thumb! But that didn't seem to matter any more, squirt after squirt of watery white jizz shooting out in all directions as my dick...—no, my clitty!—as my clitty flapped around under the force of the incredible fucking I was taking!

We both came down, twitching and gasping as any move either of us made sent tremors of pleasure racing through us both, panting hard to gather our breath.

“Good girl, Lexi! Good fucking girl!” he praised, tightly squeezing and caressing my ass as he remained deep inside. He didn't say it in so many words, but I understood; his hands on me were a silent thanks for a job well done. He spanked me one last time, then pulled out, leaving me whimpering at the unpleasant empty feeling he left in my ass. He eased himself off the bed and walked into his bathroom to clean off, and after another minute or so getting my wits together I followed. I wasn't sure quite what to do with myself, but he handed me a face cloth soaked in warm water, and that helped, both with the necessary cleaning and the continued soreness in my ass.

“I trust I don't need to tell you how important it is we keep this between ourselves?” he asked, looking me seriously in my eyes through the mirror.

“Don't worry... I'm never telling anyone, believe me!” I promised. That was so not a worry he would ever need to have! I would absolutely die if anyone ever found out what I had just let him do to me! What I had just done myself!

“Good! And as long as that remains the case... you're welcome to come over for a fucking any time you like, Lexi-girl!” he grinned wickedly, spanking me again and giving me a nice, tight squeeze in his hand, making me blush. He guided me back into the bedroom, going to his wallet, pulling out a business card and handing it to me. “My cell's on here. Just text me first, to make sure I'll be home.”

“Yes, Daddy!” I smiled, submissively lowering my eyes.

“Now go on, baby! Time to get yourself dressed and go back downstairs to the boys!” he smirked. “I wouldn't volunteer anything, but if they pressure you about why you were gone so long, I suggest saying the porn you were watching got you too turned on, and you had to come up and get yourself off in the bathroom before going back. After all... it's not even too far from the truth!”

I smiled shyly, and went to get dressed. I was worried how it was going to go when I got back downstairs... but, typical guys, they didn't even ask where I'd been. They probably assumed I'd just been taking a shit, or something. I went back to watching the porn with them like nothing had ever happened. Only now, after everything that had just happened upstairs... I was definitely imagining myself in the place of the girl, instead of the guy!

That was the first time Garrett fucked me, but it certainly wouldn't be the last. And can you believe, after everything that I'd let him do to me that night, I hadn't even gotten his first name at the time? I didn't learn it until the following week, when I was supposed to be out watching the school football game—the first chance I had to get myself out of the house at night without my parents wondering where I was going. It became pretty much a weekly thing, after that; I would come over, get myself dressed in the sexy lingerie and one of the girlie little outfits he bought for me, do my makeup as best as I could... and then let him absolutely ravish me, as many times as he was able to get it up before I had to clean up and go home!

We kept it a secret until a couple of months after graduation, enough time that we could have conceivably started up a relationship together in between, before he asked me to move in with him full time. In the years since he's paid for my implants, my hormones, the plastic surgery to make my naturally feminine features even more girlie and cute... It threw my parents for a bit of a loop, when I told them everything... well, almost everything! They still didn't know when our first time together had actually been, or the truth about how it had happened! In the story we told people, I'd been the one to chase after him—being so much younger, it was just better that way! But my parents knew I'd never exactly been a typical boy's boy. I'm pretty sure they always secretly thought I might be gay... the truth wasn't that much more of a stretch!

Daddy shares me with Gabe now, every Sunday night when he and his girlfriend Amy come over for dinner—she loves to watch! Sometimes I even get to fuck Amy myself, then sixty-nine with her as I suck my cum back out and she cleans my oversensitive little clitty inside her mouth! Daddy and Gabe jerk themselves off while we do it, spraying all over us before we lick each other clean! I absolutely love her hot, wet little cunny... but not even cumming inside her can compare with the unbelievable intensity of being forced to cum with a big, thick cock pounding deep inside my ass! Gabe has a really nice dick too, eight inches, and almost as thick as his dad's. Not quite as big, but I really love it when they spit-roast me; one of them deep up my pretty, girlie little ass, with the other using my mouth, fondling my tits and cutting off my air with his cock, making me cum for them harder than anything!

It isn't the life I ever would have imagined for myself, that's for sure! And I can still hardly believe what Daddy finally admitted; that he'd seen me going into the bathroom that night, and had decided to stand in front of the fridge with his robe hanging open on purpose! To see if the signals he thought he'd been picking up from me had actually been real, he said! Signals, shmignals... I still maintained I couldn't possibly have been sending signals, when I hadn't even known myself! But I couldn't argue with the results, and I certainly didn't blame him for what he'd done. How could I? I was his kept woman, his stay-at-home little house-wifey, cooking, cleaning, and making myself pretty for him, getting fucked two, sometimes even three or four times a day, cumming better than I ever could have imagined! Far, far better than I ever could have done for myself!

No, I definitely didn't blame him—I thanked him, regularly, with my words and my body both! It isn't the life I imagined... it's better! And I thanked God and Daddy every day, for making the dreams I hadn't even realized I'd had come true in such an amazing, incredible way!
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