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Alice is married off to a tight fisted Scot. The young blonde really sturts her stuff in the marraige bed.
[b]Alice Gets Hitched 7 by Will Buster

As can be imagined, a pregnant, used mistress can be rather difficult to palm off. Difficult, that is, unless a large dowry accompanies the lusty little vixen. Alice was no exception to this social rule so prevalent in late Georgian England.

Alice’s belly was now thick with healthy child from the almost constant amorous attentions of Lord Elton. The baron of Kingston manor had thoroughly enjoyed both of Alice’s tight, responsive holes for months now but keeping true to his promise, it was time to purchase respectability for the young wench who wasn’t yet fourteen.

John Mcnare was nobody’s fool. He was the son of a modestly well to do merchant. However, it was his sire’s belief that the young man would be more successful if he set up his own business before inheriting the father’s holdings. For this reason, the two hundred pound dowry that would accompany Alice was quite an enticement, over and above the young girl’s exciting charms.

John wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. He’d been traveling through Lord Elton’s neighborhood, looking for new customers in his newly developed silk goods business when he’d heard about the tender lass and her not so unusual predicament. However John was a hard bargainer and when he went to see Lord Elton it was with a design to line his pockets with even more wealth.


Lord Jim shook the merchant’s hand. Inwardly the baron disguised a contempt for this trade person. Outwardly he was the soul of gentility and excellent manners. “Be so kind as to try some of my Madera, young man. And please be seated!”

John was a robust twenty years old and although he was dressed simply, his clothes were well cared for and clean. His long, brown hair was well combed and his sharp gray eyes missed nothing. He sipped appreciatively from the wine glass and began the negotiations in a mild, Scot brogue. “I hear tell, your grace, that there be a young lass that ye be interested in proffering to wife. Mayhap I may be of service to ye, provided the dowry be adequate and the young lassie sound of mind and body.”

James grinned, “She be sound enough, though she be five months along. I think she will bear many young ones when she is properly wived. I take it you heard about the lass in town?”

John smacked his lips. “Aye, to be sure! My dear father has been after me for some time to wive profitably as I needs must increase my business to his satisfaction. My sire be a hard man but there’s not a fairer man that walks God’s green earth, I dare say.”

James was wondering where this was all going. So he relaxed back in his chair and watched the younger man with wariness. The silence in the study was broken only by the grandfathers ticking and the Scotsman’s impertinent voice.

“Could I see the lassie now?”

James raised his eyebrows and nodded. “I see you are brisk for business mister Mcnare.”

With that he rang a bell and once the butler was told to bring the wench, Alice soon appeared in the study. She obediently curtsied in front of the two men.

Alice said nothing but she looked with interest at the stranger that sat across from her loving lord. Her belly stuck out from the dress she was wearing, testifying to her acquaintance with the pleasures of lust. Her face flushed as she noticed the young man noticing her. James motioned for her to approach. “This is John McNair, my dear. He’s interested in you so why don’t you sit on his lap and let him become a little better acquainted with you.”

A moment later, Alice slid onto the young Scot and looked up into his kindly gray eyes. His hands were moving over her hips, swelling belly and then her small breasts. She moved her face up and quickly captured his mouth with her open kiss. She’d already been told by her lord to act wanton and forward if any man showed genuine interest in her obviously attractive charms. Her tongue darted against his and he gasped softly at the pleasure that his young body was receiving. She looked so young and innocent and yet her bulging belly and salacious kiss told him that this girlish woman knew the ways of carnal copulation. Alice was a carnal whore and they both knew it.

After a few minutes, James finally said, “I think that you’ve received a good enough sample mister Mcnare. It should be obvious to you that she finds you attractive and she’s very affectionate by nature and comportment.”

Reluctantly the Scot released the young vixen although she continued to sit on his lap. Her body weight and warmth was having an effect on him but somehow he regained his composure.

The young Scot cleared his throat and re-assumed his business like tone.” So, what are you offering for dowry Sir James?”

“Well I promised the lass a good marriage and I’ve read your letter of reference that you tendered to my butler this morning. I should think that two hundred pounds should be enough to help you overlook her family condition.”

“I’m not sure my father would be willing to bless the match for less than five hundred pounds my lord. It will be a tricky matter to hide the wanton behavior from my family unless I take the wench to London or Bristol for quite some time.”

Normally, James would throw out a shred bargainer like this Scot but the truth of it was, there had been no takers so far except the dissolute or men far past their prime. “You forget yourself young Mcnare! Two hundred pounds is a lot of money after all. However I wish to see Alice properly taken care of so I’ll go three hundred pounds and that’s an end. Are you content?”

John Mcnare was content. He’d been able to pry an additional hundred pounds off the noble gentleman who was probably the father of the little babe that was stirring inside Alice’s pregnant belly. However the thing that had sealed the deal for him was her breathtaking beauty and her young, vigorous energy. When the deal was struck, Alice instantly lay back on John and whispered into his ear. “Oh John, I’ll make you so happy. We’ll make so many children together.”

A few hours later, the local vicar performed the ceremony, the money was handed over and the new couple quickly availed themselves of a local hotel. John thought his cock would burst through his britches, all the way through the lengthy supper but somehow he held himself back until his new Alice was with him in the privacy of their hotel room.

John was quickly stripping off her dress and under garments. He wanted to explore this new and exciting vision of loveliness that he’d just been paid to marry. Three hundred pounds would go a long way to insuring his success. Now he could purchase the materials without using credit which would dramatically increase his profit margins. He would be scrupulous to. Once his business was established and he’d inherited his father’s concerns he would make sure that his wife’s dowry was totally accounted for with interest. His young body might have been inflamed with sudden lust for this girl but he was still an honest man.

His cock stiffened to painful stiffness when she spoke her most enticing words into his ear.

“I’ll show you delights you’ve never even dreamed of, John. After all, you are my husband now and by the laws of the church I must submit to your will and give you comfort anytime you wish it.”

By now her breast were completely exposed and he hungrily suckled on them while his hands pushed down the remainder of her clothing. They toppled onto the bed and he finally got his britches and shoes off. Sure enough, his new bride had a swollen belly and she pulled his face down to hers while his hands felt up her bare skin from her cunt, over her bulging stomach and onto her budding young tits.
She gasped, “Quick! Enter me and possess me! I need you! I wanted you from the moment I at on your lap. Ooooh John! Fuck me!”

Her lips sucked on his and their tongues danced. John could not hold back any more. With an impetuous lunge, he entered her steamy sleeve of soft, squeezing vices. He knew she wasn’t a virgin. Yet he was surprised at her tightness. Deeper and deeper he forced his cock. Her wet, grinding heat was driving him wild. Again and again he buried his cock to the balls, impaling this young wench and making her all his. He didn’t care if the young bitch had already been sired. Her beauty and her firm young cunt were giving him the most pleasure he’d ever experienced. He held her close, enjoying the rich, creamy texture of her youthful skin and obvious animal energy. She met his downward thrusts with jerking grips that threatened to milk out his essence in mere seconds.

With a loud howl, he released his squirting fluids into her already pillaged womb. “God wench! God! Ye be hot as hell!”

Alice giggled, “You’re such a sound man, Johnny! Fuck me again! I’ll do anything you want! I’ll suck your cock or you can stick it into my little ass hole. I’m all yours my new husband. I need to reward you for giving me the undeserved honor of becoming your wife!”

He looked at her with disbelief written on his young, bearded face. “Ye can do all that? My God! Did ye learn all that from his lordship?”

Alice was still gripping his cock with her powerful vaginal muscles. “Yes my love! He taught me everything. He lost his wife some time ago and he needs the lust of young girls to satisfy his body. He’s currently using my younger sister Meg for his pleasure. She is his new bed wench and when she is eventually gotten with child, he will have to marry her off as well.”

He was inwardly torn between jealousy and lust. He wanted to slap this slut silly and at the same time he wanted to utterly ravish her holes and mouth like she’d offered to do for him.

His voice trembled with passion. “Ye say your sister be younger than you? This lord Elton must be a pervert or something. Well you’re mine now lassie. All mine! Show me more!”

Soon she was on top of him, sucking his cock while he tasted her slit. He held her ass cheeks far apart and stabbed his tongue as far as he could inside her oozing pussy. His fingers were quickly jammed into both her holes. Her cock stuffed mouth, muffled her moans and squeals as she writhed from one climax to another. For a young man, he knew a few tricks of his own. She reasoned he must have had a few tumbles in his day because he sure knew which spots to tickle and nibble. With urgent strokes, she swiveled her mouth down on his rod. Her sucking mouth and swirling tongue soon had him at the peak. The young wife felt his meat tense and twitch and then jets of his cum jolted into her throat. She gagged a bit, but swallowed most of it with her experienced gullet. She couldn’t count the times she’d drained Lord Elton’s cock in just this way. John’s cum tasted different though. John’s seed was richer and more flavorful. Alice smacked her lips after she’d finished eating off John’s cock juices. They were in no hurry. It was still relatively early on their marriage night.

Soon he was pounding her pregnant pussy once more. She was screaming for him to fuck her harder and faster now. All restraint or pretense to civility had been long since abandoned. He took her from above and then doggie style and still the two lovers strove to increase each other’s delights. When he needed to recover, he sucked her pussy greedily. When she wanted him inside her, she made sure he was re-stiffened with her extravagant oral tricks. The marriage night was a festival of totally unrestrained carnal play. Alice even coaxed him into fucking her rear end once. He was surprised that he could fit all that meat into her anus and she was surprised at how gentle he was.

In the morning, Alice turned over and woke her new husband with a long kiss. “My sweet husband, I do love you even after such a short time. I’m sorry I didn’t come to you as a virgin. To be sure you are a better man than Lord Elton, even if he be noble. I will love thee as long as ye be an honest man.”

John looked deep into her eyes with a solemn gaze that almost frightened her. “Well spoken wench! May God keep me so. Of a truth, I took you because of the dowry. But now that I have shared your love, I would have taken ye without a shilling. Ye be fine Alice. However, I do think I need to become a little better acquainted with ye.”

Her smile was pure radiance in the early morning light. “Take me again, my sweet husband! I love the way you explore me.” “

A few moments later, Alice straddled him and her juicy pussy slammed down on his upright prick. Alice wanted him again and she wasted no time in showing her need for his manhood.

She gasped with genuine passion. “You see? I want you to know be better! Fuck me Johnny! Learn what you need to learn about me!”

He thrust upward into her down strokes. It was heavenly. Her sex sounds added to his delight. He grabbed her tits went suckled them in turn as his dick jerked up into her wanton paradise. She crooned, “Fuck me Johnny! Fill me with your rich seed! Make me all yours! Oh God! God! Aaaaahhhhh! Don’t stop! More! Don’t stop! Yes! Put it to me honey!”

Her body convulsed and shuddered as she climaxed again on that new cock that she was learning to worship. John was young, strong and quite handsome and she took to him like a duck to water. His virile body was inflaming her carnal insides as if his cock were a red hot poker! She craved that special full feeling as he stretched her cunt wider and wider. He wanted her and that was enough for her. She squeezed and jerked on him with vigorous downward swivels and strokes. Soon she felt his wet warmth drench her inner box and she fell on him, giggling and then sucking his tongue into her wanton mouth.

Alice then whispered the words he craved to hear. “I love you Johnny! Please keep fucking children into my belly you hot stud! I want an even dozen before I’m through!”

He grinned up at his new bride. “What? Only a dozen, lassie? I’ll be pumping brats into you till you’re forty you winsome wench!”

Then he became serious. “Alice, I don’t know what the future will bring us. I don’t know if I’ll be wealthy or not. I don’t know if we will live to old age or not. But there’s one promise I’ll make ye. I’ll love you till the day I die. If any man tries to harm you, they’ll have to do it over my dead body!”

Tears came to Alice’s young eyes. Her fair hair was totally mussed from the carnal rampage they'd just gone through.

Her voice quivered with sobs of utter joy. “Oh Johnny! I’m the happiest wench in the world! I know I swore to be true to you in church. But now I say it again in our marriage bed. I’ll be true to you John. Just keep loving me and loving me and loving me!”

His fingers were flicking around her slit and anus, re-examining what he’d already conquered. He didn’t answer her with words because his mouth was suckling greedily on her left breast. She smiled down at him and whimpered a little as his fingers slipped into both of her holes at the same moment.

She crooned, “Ye be a very naughty boy, sweet Johnny. Ooooo, yes! Stick another finger up my ass! God’s wounds! Ye be hot for me, my randy husband. We can skip breakfast, don’t you think?”

He mumbled his agreement with her assessment of the situation. He moved his attention to her right breast and his fingers became drenched from their mutual juices that were oozing out of her pillaged cunt. Her moans and sultry words soon had the desired effect and the young husband felt life returning to his over used cock.

He finally spoke, “Ye be worth a thousand pounds! Hell ye be valued beyond price! Ye look like an angel and your cunt be as hot as hell fire! I don’t believe this but I can’t get enough of ye! Ye be saint and vixen, girl and doxy, darling and wench! Ye be mine, sweet Alice, all mine!”

She wiggled her cunt onto his revived rod. “Stick it in me darling! I want to show my gratitude for rescuing me from that vile creature. You are my new knight in shining armor, dear Johnny. Ooooo! God in fucking heaven! It feels so good when you stick it all the way into my hot cunt! I’ll give you so many children, Johnny! Just squirt your love into me night after night. Ooooohhhhh! You’re so deep in me! Fuck me! Just fuck me!”

She was still on top and she rode him like a jockey riding a big stallion. He heard the sounds of their bodies impacting together and the squishing sounds of their juices as they swirled around his up thrusting member. Alice was his wife and his whore, his salvation and his damnation and so much more. He’d been paid to enjoy this voluptuous creature and he mentally smiled to think that for all intents and purposes he owned the wench. He could fuck her holes and mouth anytime he wished and right now he wished for a lot.

He groaned as the fucking went on. “Show me how much you want me, my fire doll! Fuck me like you want it!”

Her swiveling plunges became more rapid and expressive. She pushed her tits further into his hands and then she screamed in carnal ecstasy. “Fuck my pussy! You hot stud! God! Fill it! Fuck it! Yes! I can’t stop you fucking whore master! Aaaaahhhh! Aaaaaggghhhh!”

He felt her cunt suddenly spasm and grip his cock like a powerful hand, clenching a hammer as the molten metal of his prick got pounded! She shuddered and quivered as her joy erupted inside her. Her young girl cunt juices poured out of her and onto his uplifting dick, balls and beddings.

He felt her wild climax and he responded by gripping her hips and forcing his shaft all the way to her itching womb. “Fuck me you fucking whore-bitch! Fuck me! I want all of it Alice! Give me your fucking heart you wanton little slut! Yes! Yyyyeeeesss! I love you, you wicked fox! Ffffuuuccckkk!!!”

She knew he was on the brink and her mouth re-found his. She shot her saliva into his open mouth and her rhythmic pussy fucking increased to a searing pace. He screamed into her kiss and his seed erupted like some volcano that has just blown its top! He was one with her at this golden moment. His only regret was that this intense ecstasy didn’t last longer. It left him hungry for more of her delectable body.

As his fluids found their new home, he held her close with his strong arms. “I love ye fine, my winsome wench! I didn’t mean to call you all those terrible things but you bring out the worst and best in me, my fair temptress.”

She giggled before licking his ear. “Ye be my husband and you can call me anything you want when you enter me and love me. You can call me whore and I’ll call you stud. When you take me in our bed, I’ll be your loving slut. I’ll sport with you and show you the naughtiest tricks that men do with women. Lord Jim was very thorough. He taught me well but you will receive the rewards. I’ll give to you what I will never give him and never could. I give you all my heart, Johnny.”

John Mcnare was certainly impressed with his new woman. She looked strong, healthy and definitely lusty. Her skin was flushed with her recent passionate bed play. Alice lay on top of him crushing her breasts into his chest and holding him close as if he might get awayfrom her. Then he grinned up at her.

“Ye might be a tainted wench, but from now on your mine, all mine!”

Needless to say, they had a very late lunch.

Anonymous readerReport 

2008-07-11 16:43:04
good for Alice. Sounds like she got a good cock to fuck and a place to rise all the little babies they can make.


2007-09-21 10:31:00
A little query though, what is the time period? Just seems to me that (by the way they ar talking) it was some time ago.With that being the case £500 would an insane amount back then.Otherwise great story.


2007-08-26 18:41:43
Well done. Prego sex is great. How about he takes on the little sister as well. Part 2......


2007-08-26 16:23:29
Excellent idea for a story, and well written. The character's
interplay might have been more intimate, but for a short story it is excellent. Thanks for a good read.


2007-08-23 20:13:41
nice piece of work its excellent continue the story if u can plz

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