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For those of you who have read any of my previous stories you know they are not just paragraph after paragraph of sex, there actually is a story. I won’t vouch for how good the story is, that is for you to decide. But if you are looking for constant sex you should return to the main page now so you won’t be disappointed.


I was cold and uncomfortable, but mostly just bored. I’ve been sitting on the ground, just inside the tree line, overlooking a wide expanse of pasture spreading out below me since late afternoon. A quick look at my watch showed it was just past 4 AM now. Behind me a mountain gradually climbed several thousand feet. It was August, and damn hot during the day, but I was high enough in altitude here that it could get very chilly at night. When I got here it was pretty hot so I left my jacket in the jeep. Not one of my brighter moves.

I was a good ten miles out of town. Dan Jennings has a nice spread here. In fact he has the largest ranch in the county, but this part of it is quite a distance from his ranch house; which partially explained why I was stuck out here. He has been losing several head of cattle every week for the last couple of months. He and his four sons had tried to catch the rustler but every time they staked out a pasture no one showed up, or a couple head would disappear from another herd.

He finally called the sheriff Monday morning and the sheriff called me Monday afternoon. I am the low man on the totem pole around here so his plan fell on me. But to be fair, I would have ended up with it anyway. I man the sheriff’s substation here so it was in my territory. The nearest deputy to me was a good twenty miles south. This part of the country is pretty sparsely populated. My town has barely fifteen hundred people, a movie theatre with one screen; a couple of diners, a few bars and a relatively clean motel provided all our entertainment. We were too small to have a police department so I was it. The downtown area was about eight blocks long with the usual small businesses a small town like ours needed. A state highway ran through the middle of the downtown to provide us with some connection to the rest of the world.

I shifted my legs around trying to get my right leg straight. Eight months ago I was still in the Army and the personnel carrier I was riding in through Ghazni, Afghanistan took a hit from a RPG and left me with a leg peppered with shrapnel. It helped me decide to leave the Army at the end of my tour, and for the last eight months I had been making a steady recovery to my old self but my leg was not quite there yet. Oh, I could still walk or run fine, I passed the physical for the job, but I was left with a frequent unexplained ache.

Once I was semi-comfortable I scanned the area again. Maybe another hour and I would call it a day. There was a full moon and from here I could see the entire herd of cattle Jennings kept on this range. I wasn’t about to begin counting but there had to be over five hundred head. From where I was sitting I could easily see the two roads that angled their way here from the state highway, about two miles away. One of them eventually became the old abandoned logging road I had parked on. From my vantage point I should be able to spot anyone attempting to get to this herd.

My jeep was about a quarter mile behind me, well hidden back in the trees on that old logging road where it started to make its way up the mountain. The only people who used it any more were deer hunters. I had walked the rest of the way here. I thought it best to get here early and be out of sight in the almost non-existent case I saw someone.

I had pretty good duty here. Not much had happened in the six months since I had taken the job. I was pretty much my own boss; nothing like my experience as an MP in the army. The sheriff was stationed in the county seat, a lonely eighty-mile drive from here. I would drive over once every couple of weeks to meet with him and the other deputies and discuss the activity, or more the case, the lack of it. I had grown up here but after high school I joined the Army. My parents had moved away shortly after I left but they had kept our small house here. They thought they might use it as a summer getaway or as a rental but with my return they gave it to me. The pace here can be pretty slow but after two tours in Afghanistan I was looking forward to some peace and quiet.

After another hour passed called it a night and hoofed it back to my jeep and headed towards town. My preferred diner in town was just a block from the sheriff’s station and it was packed even at this hour. Quite a few of the local farmers and ranchers tended to get up early and come down for breakfast, or just coffee, before beginning the day’s work. I liked the crowd and usually joined in, it kept the lines of communication open, but this morning I was beat. My office had two cells and on days like this, when I did not want to go home and both cells were empty, I’d lock the door and sack out on a bunk in one of the cells.

In spite of the chill I felt up on the mountain, it was still pretty warm here in town, even at 6 AM. It was one of those weeks were it was over a 100 in the shade and only cooled off to 90 during the night. I went into the first cell, stripped, and just crashed on top of the cot. It was a short three hours later when the phone insinuated itself into my dream. It became the alarm at our base in Afghanistan warning of incoming mortar rounds. I rolled off the cot in a sweat looking for my helmet. It took a few seconds to realize where I was. I got to my feet and walked out into the main office to answer the phone.

“Sheriff’s office, how can I help you”?

“Tom, its Bill”. Bill was the sheriff. “What took you so long? The phone must have rang twenty times. Don’t you work for me any more”?

“I was outside talking to someone and just stepped in and heard it”. I was thankful I had closed the blinds when I came in this morning. I was standing in the middle of the room buck-naked. Hopefully I also remembered to lock the door. “So what’s up”?

“Check your email in a few minutes. I’m sending you a video file from a bank robbery that occurred yesterday in Magalia. I think it’s the same guy that has been hitting a bank about every three months around here for the last couple of years. It has been spread out between several counties so we did not notice the pattern at first. He’s hitting our county about once a year and I think our turn is coming up. I want him this time”.

“What’s so special about this video”?

“This is the first time we got a good look at his face”.

“Okay, I’ll watch for it. I’d better go now”. I was trying to get off the phone so I could get dressed. With my luck that door is not locked and with the closed blinds I would not have any warning until someone opened the door. And no doubt it would be one of the local mothers walking in on me with my dick hanging out. Then I’ll be known in the rumor mill as the perverted war-damaged vet.

Then Bill got my attention again, “What’s the hurry? Oh, I almost forgot, how did it go last night at the Jennings place? See anything”?

“It was one of the more boring nights of my life. I did not see a thing. I’ve got to run but I’ll watch that video as soon as it shows up”. I quickly hung up before he could get talking again.

After hanging up I checked the door, I was okay; it was locked. I went back to the cell area and showered and dressed. When I was finished I came out and began opening up shop. I opened the blinds, unlocked the door and then sat down at my laptop. I saw that I had several emails. A couple of the usual “We’ll make your penis so big you’ll need headlights”. Another from a new widow in Nigeria that needed my help transferring funds and a couple from the guys in my outfit still stationed in Afghanistan. “Incoming mail” still showed at the bottom of the window. I waited a couple of minutes but it was still ‘incoming’. It must be a pretty good-sized file. I deleted the garbage and read how things were going in Afghanistan. The file was still just a quarter done after fifteen minutes. There is no DSL in the boonies. I decided to get some breakfast and check it when I got back.

At the diner all the tables were taken but I saw Henry sitting alone in a booth by the window so I went in and joined him. He was retired now and had probably been here talking to his buddies since the sun came up. He was an old friend of my father and I had known him all my life. We had breakfast or lunch together a couple of times a week. We were chatting about nothing in particular when I looked out the window and saw a tall striking blond walk by; she looked to be in her mid-twenties, a few years younger than me. I just caught a glimpse of her face before she turned to cross the street walking away from me. She had to stop at the curb as a semi and trailer drove by on its way out of town. It was Jerry Blair, a local trucker. He left every Tuesday morning for a cross-state trip. He wouldn’t be back until Saturday night.

Henry looked up and saw me staring out the window. “Pretty isn’t she”.

“I’ll say”. It was pretty warm out already and she was wearing white shorts and a polo shirt that hugged her body, really showing off her shape. She had a nice tan; long slender legs and the shorts set them off perfectly. She had to be close to 6 foot. She was the perfect height for me. I was a bit tired of the short girls I had dated in town. Of the available girls, the tallest must be around 5’3”. Lay on top and your chest smothers them.

Henry was watching me with a smile on his face, “You don’t recognize her do you”?

“I don’t think I would forget someone who looks like her”. She had crossed the street and was now standing in front of a dress shop talking with another woman. They must be good friends, they hugged and now it looked like they were going to stop and talk for a while. “I would have remembered if I had bumped into her in the last six months. Who is she”?

“She did not always look like that. She was a bit shorter and down right skinny. Do you remember Paula Banks”?

“Yes. She was a skinny little girl who used to hang around the house making mooneyes at me back when I was in high school. Are they related”? I had not thought of her in years though I had one very distinct memory of her in the tree house in my back yard.

“You might say that, though she wasn’t that little. She was just a few years younger than you. That’s Paula”.

“Wow. She has certainly changed. Why haven’t I seen her around since I got back”?

“She comes and goes. She will be here for a week or a couple of months and then takes off and is gone for a month or so”.

I looked out the window to see her standing across the street looking my way. She gave a little wave towards me. I started to raise my hand to wave back when another truck drove up, stopped and blocked my view.

She did not look like the girl that caught me up in my tree house one afternoon jacking off while watching Mrs. Henderson nude sunbathing in her backyard. Mrs. Henderson had a high fence that blocked the view from the other houses, but up in my tree house, hidden in the leaves, you had a great view. My girl friend at the time would not do more than kiss when we made out. I relieved a lot of internal pressure those summer afternoons watching Mrs. Henderson.

The afternoon I remember I was up there naked, peeking through the leaves and beating off, just ready to cum, when I heard a voice behind me, “Whatcha’ doin”?

I about jumped out of the tree. I turned around, dick in hand, expecting to see my mother. “Nothing”, I said as low as I could. Any louder and Mrs. Henderson might hear and that would be the end of her sunbathing. Instead I saw Paula standing on the ladder, head and shoulders in the opening to the tree house looking at me. She looked down at my groin, smiled, and then climbed the rest of the way up. I froze. My clothes were behind her in on a makeshift table.

Paula spent a lot of time at our house. She lived alone with her dad a few doors down from us. Her mother had died when she was five. She was twelve and in the eighth grade now and my mother had become something of a surrogate mom to her. I was a senior in high school so of course she tried to hang around me and just as certainly I tried to stay away from her.

I don’t remember much of what we said but I do remember she walked over to where I was standing and looked through the leaves of the tree. She moved a limb and saw Mrs. Henderson. She was lying on a lawn chair without a stitch on. She must have been trying to tan the inside of her thighs, as her legs were pretty far apart. I remember her smiling when she saw what I was looking at. She turned to me. I was still holding onto my cock. She got down on her knees in front of me. “You can watch her while I take care of this”. She replaced my hand with hers and began pumping me.

I remember looking down at her. Her little hand pumping away on my cock, her face just inches away with her mouth open, breathing hard. Seeing her mouth open like that I was tempted. I had heard the other guys talking about how great it was when their girlfriends gave them a blowjob. I hadn’t got my girl friend to touch my cock, much less give me a blowjob. I put my hand behind her head and tried to give her the idea of what I wanted by pushing her mouth towards the head of my cock.

Her head moved only an inch closer before she resisted, closing her mouth tight. She looked up at me and shook her head. She seemed angry. When I moved my hand away she looked back down, continuing to jack me off. She really seemed to know what she was doing. I barely lasted a minute or so before I began squirting cum all over her t-shirt. When I was finished she pulled on my cock to get me down on the floor with her. She pulled off her now wet t-shirt, then her shorts and panties and sat down on my now wilted cock. She had decent tits for such a young girl. They were not big but really well formed. That was the closest I had ever been to bare breasts and I took a good look now that they were staring me in the face. She leaned forward and I reached out with both hands and touched her breasts, feeling the swell of them, the nipples getting hard in my fingers. She began squirming around on me, grinding my cock underneath her. I could feel myself getting hard again.

This isn’t right. She is only twelve: She’s an eight-grader, I’m a senior. What if my friends find out? I’ll never live it down. She is really good at this. Oh, I want to fuck her so bad. Is this her first time? Where did she learn this?

I watched as Paula lifted up and reached between us to grab my cock, now completely hard again. She pointed it up at her pussy and began to lower herself on me. The purple head was just touching the lips of her pussy when I heard my mom calling for me. Paula didn’t budge, whispering, “Ignore her” but I jerked my hands away from her breasts.

“I can’t. She knows I’m out here. If I don’t answer she’ll come up here and find us”.

Paula reluctantly got up. She slowly began putting her panties and shorts back on; watching my face as I stared at her body while I put my jeans on. I had a little bit of difficulty zipping my jeans. I hoped it would go down before mom saw. Paula then grabbed my t-shirt off the floor and put it on.

I think I drove mom somewhere on an errand while Paula stayed behind, leaving later so mom would not know she had been there.

I felt bad about doing that with an eight-grader so I really avoided her for the rest of the year before graduation and then leaving for the Army. I could just image the ribbing I would take from the guys if they found out, not to mention her dad. He was really protective of her. He would not let her go out with friends unless he was there.

In the time it took for that memory to flash by, the truck started moving and I could see across the street again. Paula was gone. I looked up and down the street but she was no where in sight.

“What does she do”?

“I really don’t know anymore. She keeps pretty much to herself. She was the smartest girl to come out of this town. A couple of years after she hit high school she started looking like you see her now. You were gone and in the service by then. She was in all the school plays and was quite the actress. She had a lead in a couple of Shakespeare plays. She was the Homecoming Queen her senior year and entered a number of beauty pageants. She won the county pageant and was a runner-up in the state. She was also a real brain in science. When she left for college we didn’t know if she was going to end up in Hollywood or become a scientist. I know she was studying physics or chemistry or something like that. It was some kind of science. But then the old story, she met someone at college, fell in love and got married. He was a studying to be a minister. Everyone was surprised when she dropped out and they came back here. We thought she was much too ambitious for that. He was the minister at the Methodist Church here in town for a while”.

“For a while”?

“They went on some kind of missionary trip to South America three years ago, Costa Rica I think. They were supposed to be there for a month or so but her husband got sick about a month after they got there. He had a heart attack or something and died down there”.

“Heart attack? How old was he”?

“He was a couple of years older than Paula, maybe twenty-two”.

“Wow, that’s young for a heart attack. Did he have a history of heart problems”?

“I don’t really know. We didn’t know him very well; he wasn’t here long enough. His family was from out of state. She was all alone then. Her dad died the year before in a house fire. They think he was smoking and fell asleep. I heard scuttlebutt that she had an insurance settlements of several million from the husband and her dad. I guess she can afford to travel around. I thought she might go back to school but she didn’t”.

We shot the bull for a while longer. I glanced out the window every so often but Paula did not make another appearance. Then I noticed the time. I needed to get to work. I said my goodbyes, paid my tab and made my way back to the office. I checked my email and the file was ready. I clicked on the attachment and settled in to watch the video. The resolution was pretty decent. It showed a bank lobby with no customers present. The door opened and a man walked in. He looked to be a bit taller than average, maybe 5’11 or 6 foot, and was a fairly thin, maybe 135 lbs. It was difficult to be sure about the weight because he was wearing baggy overalls. He had a small well trimmed beard and mustache, dark glasses and was wearing a fishing hat. He kept his head down so I wasn’t getting a good look at his face.

As I watched, he walked over to a teller and passed a note with his left hand. His right stayed in his pocket. The teller looked up at him quickly, then, visibly shaken, went to three stations, filling a bag with bills before returning and handing the bag to the man. The man tipped his hat to the teller and turned to walk out of the bank. I could tell the file I was watching had had been spliced together from other files because the camera angle changed. I was now watching him walk towards the door from the door camera. Just before he got to the door he stopped and looked up at the camera. He stood there for just a couple of seconds and then, with a very small smile, waved to us before walking out of the bank.

When the video reached the end it automatically looped and started over. There was something about it that that bothered me as I continued to watch. I supposed the beard and mustache could be false but I just could not put my finger on what was causing that nagging feeling. Was it someone I recognized? After the third pass the feeling was still there but just as vague. I began watching everything else, avoiding looking at the bank robber. Maybe the robber has an accomplice and that’s what I’m picking up. When nothing obvious jumped out I watched out the bank’s window, watching car and foot traffic, the reflections in the window; still nothing but that nagging feeling would not go away.

After almost two hours watching the video I finally closed it. It was time to get to work. Maybe when I look at it again later I will figure out whatever it is that is bothering me.

I finished up some paperwork, had lunch, drove around town a few times and had the rest of my day taken up working on a minor traffic accident just out of town. As it began getting dark I decided to do one last good deed. I drove a few miles out of town to a small lake, the high school kid’s favorite make-out and partying spot. I found a couple of cars parked there with a party getting ready to start. I confiscated a couple of cases of beer and sent the kids on their way.

I made my way back towards town and was about a half mile out; surrounded by English walnut orchards, when I remembered something I had seen earlier in the day. I quickly drove home, parked the jeep and switched to my Prius. Its quietness and black color would be perfect for what I wanted to do. I quickly headed back out of town and it took just a few minutes to get to the dirt road through the walnut orchards that I wanted. I left the main road, turned off my lights and drove slowly through the orchard for about a quarter mile. It was quite dark now but a partial moon gave me just enough light to find my way.

I pulled off the dirt road into the trees. About a hundred yards ahead of me I could see the lights of a single house surrounded by orchards. I reached over and turned my radio down. I did not want a call to come through alerting everyone to where I was.

I drove closer and stopped while I was still a couple of windrows in the orchard; about twenty five yards from the house. It would be almost impossible for anyone to see me here in the trees and in the dark unless they were looking for me. The house was set back from the highway several hundred feet. It was still close enough that you could hear the trucks going by. The highway made a sharp turn right at their property that caused the trucks to gear down and then back up after negotiating the turn.

I was facing the side of the house with the living room to my right. The curtains were open and the room was well lit. As I sat and watched, Linda walked into the room. Linda was Jerry Blair’s wife and Jerry was going to be out of town for a few days. Linda was going to be alone. That just was not right for someone as good looking and sexy as Linda.

Linda walked around turning off the lights until the house was dark. A few seconds later, a light came on in the bedroom facing me. A bed filled the view through the open window. I watched as Linda walked around the foot of the bed and then walked out of sight. When she returned she had taken off her blouse and shorts and was now just in her bra and panties. She had a fantastic figure, great legs, flat stomach and nice breasts, not too large, not too small. She disappeared to the left again and was gone for a few minutes before she reappeared, this time nude. She walked to the side of the bed, pulled the sheet and blanket to the foot of the bed and then once again moved out of sight. The room was suddenly dark. Well that was not going to help. The room reappeared in flickering light. She had turned on the TV and was now lying in bed watching.

I reached behind me and grabbed my binoculars from the backseat. Once I had them focused it was like I was standing outside the window. She was lying there in the nude watching TV, flipping channels, looking bored. Perhaps there is something I could do to relieve that. After a few minutes she put the remote down but did not turn off the TV; I could still see her naked body with the lights flickering across it.

As I watched, her hands began moving around her stomach, up to and around her breasts and then down to her pubic hair. It was very erotic. I was beginning to get hard. She had large nipples. One of them was erect; sticking up in the air while the other was lying over, still a bit deflated. That was no longer my problem as I was fully inflated. One of her hands moved up to squeeze one breast and then the other while she used the other to move her fingertips through her pubic hair. She was a true blond.

She lifted up her knees and spread them apart. While one hand moved back and forth between her breasts the other hand was getting more active between her legs. Where she had been lightly rubbing herself before I could tell she was putting much more into it now. Her hips would occasionally rise from the bed. Her left hand moved from her breasts down to her stomach. Her breathing had gotten faster.

Well enough of binoculars, she could use another hand, maybe two. I started to put the glasses away when the radio squelched. Damn it! Instead of turning it down, I should have turned it off! I walked off, several rows away from the house and answered the call. Great, it was central dispatch. A call had come in from Mrs. Danning regarding a prowler. Mrs. Danning was eighty with terrible eyesight. She could not see a prowler if he was in the room with her. It was probably wishful thinking. Unfortunately, she was the Sheriffs aunt. I had to answer the call. Fortunately she lived at the edge of town, not too far from here. Maybe I could get there and back quickly.

I watched Linda through the glasses while I started the engine. I saw no sign she heard anything. She was still quite preoccupied. It took about ten minutes to get to Mrs. Danning’s house. Fortunately that was how long it took for my erection to go away. Another ten to convince her there was no peeping tom trying to get a look at her in her undies, and just talking to her, probably the real reason she called was she was just lonely, and then another ten to get back to my spot in the orchard.

As I got closer my erection was returning. In my mind I could still see her there, naked, spread out on top of her bed. It took very little to add myself to the picture, lying on top of her, toes dug into the mattress for traction.

Damn! The window was dark. I was too late. I rubbed my cock through my pants for a moment and then made a decision. I turned the radio off and got out. When I got up to the front of the house I set down on the front porch steps and took off my boots and socks. I tried the door; it wasn’t locked. Just as I started to enter the house I heard a truck begin to gear down. I stopped and waited until it made the turn. Just as it began accelerating I stepped inside and quietly closed the door, using the noise from the truck to mask any noise I made.

I stood there for a moment, listening. It was quiet in the house. There was enough moonlight coming through the windows that I could see the room. I carefully walked over to the sofa and put my boots down on the floor. I took off my shirt and then my pants. I pulled my boxers down over my erection and laid them on the arm of the sofa. I reached down and grabbed my cock and squeezed. I needed to relieve some of the tension.

I started down the hall towards the bedroom. The floor gave a loud squeak under my weight and I froze. I waited a minute and heard nothing so I continued down the hall. When I reached the end of the hall the door on my left was open. When I looked in I saw Linda, still nude, asleep, lying on the bed. It was quite warm and she had not pulled a sheet over her. A ceiling fan was circling slowly above the bed. It created just enough of a breeze to give some relief from the heat.

Linda was still lying on her back with both hands above her head. Her nipples, so erect before, were now lying a bit sideways, like tall buildings, collapsed. Her knees were no longer raised and spread out to the side. Her legs were now flat on the bed but still spread fairly apart. As I looked from her legs up to her face, and then back to her legs, I decided there was more than enough room for me between them.

Her mouth was open and I watched her chest rise and fall as she breathed in and out. I began slowly stroking myself with my right hand. I looked at her open mouth and thought, maybe later. I carefully reached out and touched her left nipple. I very lightly moved it around with one finger. It responded by gradually expanding until it was fully erect, much like myself. I reached over to Linda’s other nipple, rubbing my open hand over it, letting it tickle my palm. She let out a soft moan but did not wake.

I moved down to the foot of the bed. Now would come the difficult part. At what point would she wake up. I carefully began climbing up on the bed between her legs, trying to not make the bed shake. The bed was jostling around a bit but she did not move and her breathing did not change. I finally reached a point where my knees were between her hers and my hands were on the bed alongside of her, even with her breasts. I moved one knee up just a bit more, putting a slight pressure on the inside of her thigh. She responded by lifting her knees up a few inches and then spreading her legs wider. I wonder what dream she is having now.

I tilted my hips down so my cock was pointed at her pussy, just an inch away. I shifted up just a bit more so that the head moved up against her lips. Pushing ever so slightly against her I could feel her lips part and I easily slid in just a bit, not even the whole head. Her earlier masturbation had left her wet, that was going to help. Linda moaned very low and I felt her thighs move slightly wider. I lowered my body to hers until my chest touched just her nipples. I swayed a few inches, side to side, letting her nipples drag on my chest. Another low moan escaped her lips. She lifted her hips up towards me and I slid into her another half an inch. It felt so good in her. The breeze from the fan was cool on my back but it was hot inside of her. I was dying to plunge deeper into her.

I finally could not take it any longer and pushed farther in. Her eyes flew open in shock and her mouth closed. I reached up quickly to where her arms crossed over her head at the wrists and held them both in my left hand. With the slight moonlight coming through the window behind me my face would be dark. I was sure she could not tell who was on top of her. She began to squirm under me, trying to move up, to get me out of her. I immediately lowered my body so my weight, while still partially on my elbows, succeeded in pinning her to the bed. Her mouth was now by my ear. As I pushed deeper in her she said “No”, followed a few seconds later with “Please”.

She pushed up at me with her body but that just resulted in my finally sliding completely into her. She started to say something but I put two fingers on her lips and whispered “Quiet”. I could feel her thighs trying to move back together but it was much to late for that; I was settled in between them. The only thing they could do was push against the outside of my thighs, which accomplished nothing for her, but feeling them pressing against me just made me hotter.

I pulled myself back so just the head of my cock was still in her. I paused there for a few seconds, looking into her eyes. Then I thrust my hips forward, burying myself completely in her and held it there, my pubic bone pushed tight against hers, savoring the feeling, the heat of her body radiating into mine, her pussy enveloping my cock. I let my body sink down against hers. She tried to say something again but I moved my fingers away and covered her mouth with mine before she could form a word. My hips seemed to move on their own as I began slowly sliding in deep, pulling back, almost out of her and then back into her. It felt so good in her. She was tight around my cock. In less than a minute I could feel her hips begin to move with my motion, her hips meeting me as I thrust into her.

When I first kissed her, our mouths were closed. Now, as I began slowly began opening mine she opened hers as well. Our tongues began flicking back and forth, dancing with each other.

I moved my left hand away from her wrists, freeing them. She immediately wrapped her arms around me, holding me tight to her. I slowly removed my lips from hers, waiting to see if she would cry out. When she didn’t I began kissing her neck, then nipping at the top of her shoulder with my teeth. Each time I slammed back into her I could feel her head bounce up on the bed and a little cry escaping her.

I moved my hands down under her hips so I could pull her tightly against me as I thrust into her. She moved her mouth to my ear and began sliding the tip of her tongue around, sometimes taking my entire ear into her mouth. That is a real trigger for me. I wanted to wait for her but I had not been with anyone for a couple of weeks and I just could not last any longer. It was like an electric current was running through my body, from head to toe. I thrust into her again as deep as I could and held it. Then with a loud grunt I finally let go. As each stream of sperm left my body for hers I pushed hard into her trying to get as deep into her as I could.

When I was finished I collapsed a bit on her. It was so comfortable there, still deep in her, at least for the moment, the fan above us beginning to dry the sweat covering us. Once I caught my breath I moved one of my legs to the outside of hers, my cock reluctantly sliding out of her, and rolled over onto my back pulling her partway with me. She breathed a sigh of relief, “Thanks, I thought you were going to smother me there”.

I put my arm out and she lifted her head up onto my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her, giving her a hug. We lay there relaxing, the hum of the fan and the breeze very comforting. In the distance I could hear another semi gear down, make the turn and then accelerate away. Just as it faded out in the distance she said, “That was not nice, not waiting for me, but I did like the surprise. What took you so long to get here”?

“I didn’t think you needed me. From what I saw earlier you had a real head start on me”.

She looked over at me. “You were outside earlier? Why didn’t you come in”?

“When I got here you were in bed beginning without me. I got a call and had to leave. When I came back the lights were out. I would have left but the thought of your body in here, all neglected, was a bit too much. Besides, our motto is “Serve the Public”.

She lifted a leg over me and climbed on top of me. “I think you have a bit more serving to do. Do you think he is ready for the public? Jerry is not going to be home until tomorrow night so I want to take advantage of this. Can you stay the night? That gives me tonight and tomorrow morning”.

She was moving her hips around on mine, trying to encourage some response from me. I could feel the stirrings. It was not going to take long. I smiled and said, “Perhaps he needs more encouragement”.

She giggled, “Perhaps he does. So, what kind of encouragement do you think works best”?

“I’ll let you decide. Whatever you think will get him in the condition you want him in and in the shortest time”.

She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and then got off me and turned around on her hands and knees, facing towards my feet. She took my semi-limp cock in her hand and moved him around, pointing him this way and that. “He doesn’t seem to need a lot of encouragement”. She then bent her head over me and sucked me entirely into her mouth; running her tongue all around me. This was not going to take long at all; I could feel myself growing rapidly.

Linda pulled me from her mouth, “Oh, he likes this”! She licked me up and down my shaft, and every couple of passes would take me in her mouth again and run her tongue all around the head. She pulled me from her mouth, “I think you’re for prime time”.

I lifted my hips up, trying to get her to continue. “Please, a little more”.

“I don’t know. It might be too much excitement for the little guy. He might blow his top. Then where will I be”? But before I could say anything she took me in her mouth again and began working her way up and down my shaft.

She was right. It would not take much of this before I would be cumming on that tongue. I reached down to pull her up to me. As she moved around to straddle me I heard a new truck in the distance, one more gearing down to make the turn; at this point just loud enough to hear over the drone of the fan.

Linda had finished turning around and now was sitting astride me. She reached down, grabbed me firmly in hand, positioned me to her satisfaction, and then slowly sat down on me. I was once again comfortably buried inside of her.

She sat there for a moment, not moving, a smile on her face, just enjoying the sensation of me buried to the hilt inside of her. She began moving her hips, slowly back and forth, rubbing her clitoris against me. It seemed a lazy motion, but then she had all night.

I started to reach up to cup her breasts when I realized something was bothering me. I continued running my fingers around her breasts, teasing her nipples by not touching them, but there was something wrong. Linda had begun rocking faster on me, working her way to a climax.

Then it hit me, what it was that was wrong. I grabbed her by the waist, and rolling to the side, tossing her off of me. As I moved to get out of bed she cried, “What are you doing”? I moved around the bed towards the door. “Where are you going”?

“Wait here. I’ll be right back. I have to check something”. I heard her say something in reply but I was already out the bedroom door, quickly moving down the hall with my dick waving side to side. I could be wrong but if I wasn’t there wasn’t much time. A truck had geared down for the turn but had not geared back up. Why? I didn’t like the obvious explanation.

When I got to the front door I carefully peeked out the front window. There was Jerry, Linda’s husband, about 100 feet down the driveway, walking towards the house. He would be here in a few seconds; I had to move fast. I hurried over to the sofa, grabbed my clothes and headed back down the hall to the bedroom. Linda smiled when she saw me return but then noticed my clothes under my arm. I saw the confusion on her face but before she could say anything I said, “Jerry is walking down the driveway right now. He will be here in just a few seconds. Clean up. I’m going out the back. I’ll call you tomorrow”.

Before she could answer I ducked out, headed for the backdoor. When I got there I quickly looked out the window. Jerry had not circled around the back. I opened the door a crack and then waited. When I heard the front door open I slipped out the back and carefully closed the door. I ran as fast as I could into the orchard and then circled around to my car. I put my pile of clothes on top of the car and looked for my boxers to start getting dressed. Damn! I looked through them again; still no boxers. Where did I leave them? I looked up at the house. The light was on in the bedroom and I could see Jerry standing beside the bed. Linda did not look alarmed and Jerry did not appear to be hostile. That could change if my boxers were found in the house. I walked back to the edge of the orchard and looked across the grass. Not much light but they did not seem to be there. That left the house.

I went back to the car and finished dressing. I was ready to go but took one more look at the house. The bedroom was dark. I was about to get in the car and leave when I saw a red light appear at the window and then go out; a few seconds later it appeared again. I had seen that many times in Afghanistan. Jerry was standing by the window, smoking a cigarette. I knew he could not see me but that did not make me feel any better. Thank god I had switched cars. With my lights off I made my way through the orchard and finally was approaching the main highway. I was about to turn on my lights and pull out on the road when a car passed by headed away from town; Greg Townsend, the town hotshot. He was a senior jock, good looking and full of himself. Going that direction, and I could tell there was someone else in the car with him, he had to be headed to the lake.

I was trying to tell myself to just let him go. My problem was that over the last couple of months I had a couple of parents of thirteen-fourteen year old girls complaining that Greg was a bit too forceful with them. I could not tell who was in the car with him but I should check.

By the time I pulled out on the road Greg was a few turns ahead of me. I couldn’t see his taillights so I just headed to the lake. If he wasn’t there I would head back to town in and go to bed.

As I approached the turnoff I turned off my lights. The car would be quiet enough not to be a problem. I turned in and there was Greg’s car. I parked a distance away and looked at his car for a minute. Now where would I find them? I couldn’t see any heads in the car but that did not mean they were not inside. I grabbed my flashlight, got out of the car and began walking towards Greg’s car. As I got closer I could hear some sounds of activity in the back seat. With another couple of steps I could see a young girl, completely nude, lying against a pillow wedged against the far door. Greg, at least I assumed it was Greg; I could not see his face, just his bare back and butt, had his head buried between the girl’s legs.

I started to raise my hand to rap the flashlight on the side of the car when the girl looked up at me. It was Cindy Jennings, Dan’s daughter. She had to be what, fourteen, maybe fifteen? Greg had some balls. Cindy had four older brothers. They would beat the crap out of anyone fooling with their sister, assuming Dan didn’t kill him first.

Just as I was about to tap on the car Cindy put a hand with one finger raised to stop me. She held it there, put the other hand on Greg’s head, keeping it right where she wanted it and then closed her eyes. I froze and just watched.

Greg moved his hands up to Cindy’s breasts, squeezing them, rubbing her nipples. I had to admit; even if she was just fourteen or fifteen, she had nice breasts. After a few minutes her breathing started getting faster. She lowered her hand and now had both hands on Greg’s head. She thrust her hips up at his face a couple of times and then let out a long high-pitched cry.

As she relaxed back on the seat Greg began moving up on her. He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her down so she was lying flat on the back seat. “Now it’s my turn”. Cindy said, “Wait”.

Greg did not even slow down. He had climbed up on her and was trying to get his dick in her. Cindy tapped him on the side of the head, “Look out the window”.

Greg, focused on trying to line-up his cock with her pussy said, “Who ever it is tell them to fuck off”.

Cindy looked up at me with that ‘Well, aren’t you going to do something’ look. I guess that’s my cue. I took one more step and rapped the side of the car several times with the flashlight.

Greg did not even flinch, “Get the fuck out of here. Can’t you see we are busy”?

“Yes Greg, I can see you are busy. Since you are over eighteen, and Cindy is what, maybe fifteen, I think you will be busy for the next five years or so if you stick that in any further”.

Greg was up like a shot, hitting his head on the top of the car. Behind him I could see Cindy, laughing quietly at him. I motioned with my flashlight, “Okay kids, out of the car”. Greg climbed out followed by Cindy. They stood beside the car still nude. Neither of them made a move for their clothes in the front seat though Greg was making an effort to cover his erection with his hands. I was trying desperately to look at Greg and not stare at Cindy; fourteen, fifteen, whatever she was, she was just drop-dead gorgeous. I was not about to be the first to suggest they get dressed.

“Well Greg, what are you going to do when her father finds out about this, or maybe worse, her four brothers”?

Greg had been looking at the ground in front of him. Now his head shot up. “I didn’t know she was under eighteen. You won’t tell them will you? I promise I’ll never do it again. I’ll take her home right now”.

“Greg, you thinking she is eighteen is so stupid I won’t even go into it. You must have thought she was the oldest freshman on campus. You don’t need to take her home. I’ll take care of it”. I motioned to his car, “Now get out of here”.

Those were the magic words. Before anyone could stop him he turned, jumped in the car and was peeling out. It was just a moment before Cindy started running after the car yelling, “Greg, you asshole! Stop”! She ran a few more steps but by now he was just a set of taillights in the distance. When she turned around and looked at me I could see she was pissed. I would be too if he just drove off with my clothes. She began walking back towards me with her hands on her hips. I was trying very hard to look in her eyes and not at her breasts, or lower. Her breasts were jiggling slightly, up and down, as she walked back to me. Thank god for peripheral vision. From the good look I had earlier, they were perfect. I had to remind myself she was just fifteen. I was not sure, and could not take another took to be certain, but it seemed like she had trimmed her pubic hair to a very small patch just above her pussy.

“You asshole! You let him go with my clothes”. Oh great. She isn’t pissed at him. She’s pissed at me. Her right hand moved up to slap me. I grabbed her right wrist and then her left as it began to rise. Holding her arms apart only made her look more desirable with her breasts sticking out at me. She squirmed around, trying to free her hands. Finally in frustration she butted me with her chest. That only succeeded in starting a rise in me.

I was looking at her chest, noticing how erect her nipples were, how large and pink they were, trying to get a peak farther down to check on her hair, or rather, the lack of it when I noticed she had stopped squirming. When I looked up I saw her watching me with a little smile on her face.

“Look, I did not tell him to leave with your clothes”.

“Are you going to let go of me? Or are you just going to stand there staring at me”?

I let go of her hands. She did not seem the slightest bit embarrassed and she made no move to cover herself. I pointed behind me at my car, “Come with me”. I turned and walked towards my car without looking back to see if she followed. When I got there I opened the trunk and rummaging through some supplies I kept there. “What were you thinking, being out here with Greg? Don’t you know his reputation”? I found the blanket I was looking for, turned and held it out to her.

She gave me one of those ‘Just how stupid are you’ looks, “Did it look like I was in any trouble? I think I was doing fine”. She looked at the blanket like it might bite her. “That’s all you have”?

“I’m afraid I don’t carry wardrobes for teenagers around in my car”. When she did not take the blanket from me I unfolded it and hung it around her shoulders. She let it hang loosely. Her breasts were still plainly visible and yes, her pubic hair was trimmed.

I opened my door and motioned for her to go around to the other side, “Well come on, get it. I’ll take you home”. She wrapped the blanket a bit tighter around her and walked around the car and got in. We rode in silence until just before we reached the road that would take us to her home.

“You can’t take me home like this. I need some clothes. Take me to Sara’s house. She lives over on Fourth”.

“I don’t think driving a naked teenager around town is such a good idea for me”.

“Well you can’t take me home naked. I don’t think my father would think to highly of that”.

She was right; I would probably end up as the fall guy. “I know where some clothes are that you can use”. I passed the road to her home and continued on into town. Cindy closed her eyes and laid her head back against the headrest as we drove. As she did this she let her hands relax to her side the blanket parted open clear down below her belly button. Her breasts were once again peeking out. I felt myself getting hard again. I looked up and corrected my steering before I drifted off the road.

It was almost midnight. We did not pass anyone on the road as we took a back way to the Sheriff’s Substation. I pulled around the back so no one would see Cindy when I took her inside. When we got to the back door Cindy was at my side as I keyed in my code so we could get in. We went through a second door that put us in with the cells. Cindy looked through the bars, at the small spaces inside, “Maybe this would be a good place for Greg”. She pointed at one cot with some clothes folded on it. “Are you missing someone”?

I motioned for her to follow me, “Those are mine. Sometimes when I’m working late I crash here”. I walked through the door into the main office and went over to a wall covered by cabinets.

Cindy looked around the room, “Do you have any coffee? Never mind I found it”. She dropped the blanket on the floor beside me and walked across the room to the coffee maker.

I was finding it very difficult to concentrate on clothes for her, “Hey, the curtains are open. People can see in here. I want to keep my job”. I forced myself to look away and open a cabinet. I pulled out a couple of pairs of pants and shirts and set them on the counter.

Cindy poured herself a cup of coffee and walked back over beside me. “I’m sure you have seen a naked girl before”.

“Not one that’s fifteen. You are fifteen aren’t you”?

“Yes, a couple of months ago”. Cindy sat her cup down on the counter and picked up one of the shirts. “These are pretty lame”.

“That’s all I have. Take it or leave,” I had to stop there, she might leave it. Nudity certainly did not embarrass her. “Just put one of them on”.

Cindy took one of the shirts and then reached for a pair of the pants. When she lifted the pants up a leg fell down to the counter and knocked her cup of coffee off the side. I reached for it but I was way too late. The entire cup’s contents spilled onto my thigh. Christ that’s hot.

Cindy dropped the clothes on the counter, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to”. She grabbed one of the shirts and began dabbing at my pants, sometimes on my thigh but most of the time right on my dick. I was dancing around, my leg burning from the hot liquid soaking my pants. “You have to get those off right away so the burn won’t be so bad”. She began tugging at my belt. I was trying to push her back from me. My back was to the counter so it was difficult to get away. She brushed my hand off her shoulder, “Oh please, I have four brothers at home. You don’t have anything I haven’t seen before”.

I was torn; here was a completely naked girl trying to get my pants off. Yes I know, she’s just fifteen but that same naked girl had given me a hard-on some time ago. I was going to be imitating a tent pole in my boxers if she got my pants off. I wanted to do the right thing.

Just as I reached down again to try and push her away a light flashed in the window. I looked up to see a pickup stop in front of the station and Dan Jennings, Cindy’s father, got out. I froze. Unfortunately that gave Cindy all the time and approval she needed to unzip my pants and pull them down to my ankles. I heard a snort from her followed by “My, my. I guess you have taken a few peeks at me; and like what you see”.

I looked down, oh fuck, my boxers; I had forgotten I was not wearing any. My now fully erect cock was pointing straight out at her, the dark purple head swollen and glistening with lubricant. Cindy gave a little laugh and slapped my cock lightly so that it swayed back and forth. “I think he likes me. Can I take him home”?

I looked back up. Dan had closed the door and was now coming around the front of his pickup. He would be here in just seconds. There was no way to explain this: Maybe the spilled coffee would explain my pants down, the boyfriend speeding off with Cindy’s clothes might explain her nudity. But only one thing explained my erection.

I grabbed her with both hands, “You dad is outside. He is going to be in here in just a few seconds. We both looked around. There was no time for clothes and it was too late to escape out the door to the cells. Cindy moved over to my desk, ducked down and got in the well. It was a huge desk. The sides went all the way to the floor so unless Dan walked around to the back he would never see her.

I was still trying to figure out what to do with myself when I looked up to see Dan was just a couple of steps from opening the door. With my pants around my ankles, I shuffled the few steps to my chair, sat down and pulled myself to the desk just as the front door pushed open. My legs would not fit in normally with Cindy there. I tried to jam myself in but just succeeded in hitting the head of my cock on the edge of the desk. I looked up; Dan had closed the door and was walking towards me.

Just when I decided this was going to be a disaster I felt Cindy push my knees apart and tug on my legs. With my knees apart I could fit in around her. I could feel her shoulders against the inside of my thighs. This did absolutely nothing to relieve my hard-on.

“Deputy”, Dan was now standing in front of the desk, “I cannot find my daughter”.

Trying to stay calm enough to talk was hard. Cindy’s hands were on the inside of my thighs and slowly sliding their way up, “Where is she supposed to be”? I wanted to reach down and move her hands but that was going to look awfully odd to Dan.

“She said she was going to stay overnight with a friend of hers, Becky. They were supposed to be working on some project”. Dan began slowly pacing back and forth in front of my desk. I was about to ask a question but held back when he started talking again. I completely missed what he said because just at that moment Cindy wrapped both hands around my fully erect cock and pulled it down towards her. I could feel her trying to move forward between my thighs but there just wasn’t enough room. Her left hand released its hold and I could feel it move up the outside of my thigh.

“Tom? Are you listening to me”?

I looked up to see that Dan had stopped in front of the desk and was looking down at me. “I’m sorry Dan; I guess my mind was wandering, thinking about where Cindy might be”. As soon as the words were out of my mouth Cindy squeezed my cock hard with her right hand. I guess she wanted me to know where she was. “What was it you were saying”?

Before he could say anything, ‘Whoosh’, my chair dropped about six inches. As her hand moved back to grip my cock I realized she had been reaching for the height control of the chair. Dan looked down at me with a question on his face. Before he could say anything I said, “I need a new chair. This old thing is worthless”. Looking back up to him with my desk now around chest level I felt like a second grader. “You were saying about Cindy”?

After a moment’s hesitation Dan said, “I was saying I wanted to check on Cindy. That no-good Townsend kid has been hanging around trying to take her out. I’ve told Cindy to stay away from him, she is too young and he is too old for her but you know teenagers.
Plus I don’t like what I’ve heard about him lately with some younger girls”.

At that point I almost lost it. I felt the head of my cock encircled by what could only be Cindy’s mouth. It was warm in the office but it was burning up under my desk. She slowly took more of me into her mouth.

I wanted to just slump down in the chair, close my eyes and let me self go but then I noticed Dan was still talking, “…called Becky’s house but she wasn’t there. Becky said they had talked about getting together tonight but Cindy never showed. Becky thought Cindy might have had a date instead”.

Cindy began caressing my balls with the fingers of one hand as her head slowly moved up and down my shaft; taking me deeper in her mouth and then moving back out to just suck on the head. She pulled me out of her mouth and ran her tongue from my balls up the length of my shaft to the head then running her tongue around the glands, finally taking me back in her mouth.

“Well Tom, you are the cop. Do you have any suggestions”? I was quickly brought back to my dilemma. I’ve got a fifteen year-old naked girl’s mouth attached to my cock. Her father is standing in front of me looking for her. The only suggestion I could think of was for Dan to leave so I could pump as much sperm as I could into his daughter’s mouth. God she was good at this. I was straining to lift my hips up without Dan noticing.

“Well Dan, I chased some kids away from the parking spots out by the lake a couple of hours ago. It has been a while. If she is with him, there is a chance they may have gone out there. Since that is kind of out towards your place why don’t you go out there and check. I’ll do a quick run around town and then check a couple of spots out on the county road that the kids stop at sometimes.

Dan started to turn for the door, “Okay but call me if you find her”. He opened the door to go out and then looked back at me still sitting at my desk. “Aren’t you coming”?

I waved for him to go ahead, “I’ve got one last thing to do. It won’t take long. I’ll be cumming in a minute”.

Dan nodded to me and then went out the door. I watched as he walked around his pickup, got in and then drove off.

I tried to push back from the desk. Cindy had the base of my cock gripped in one hand and the rest of it firmly stuck in her mouth. As I pushed back, inch-by-inch, her head slowly came into view. I watched her head begin bobbing up and down faster. “Cindy! Are you trying to get me killed”? Her mouth opened up just a bit around me and I heard what had to be a giggle. “It isn’t funny. Your dad would have killed me if he found us. And if he didn’t I would have ended up in jail”.

Cindy pulled her head back so that I was no longer in her mouth. She looked up at me with a smile; the head of my cock less than an inch from her lips. “Do you want me to stop”?

Do I? No, I don’t. But then she is just fifteen. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in jail. “Yes I do”. I watched her for a few seconds and then her tongue flicked out and licked the head of my cock. “Stop, you can’t do that”.

Cindy ran her tongue slowly around the head then stopped and said, “Oh, a challenge. I love a challenge”. While I watched her, my hands stayed on the chair armrests, never moving: making no effort to stop her, Cindy once again began licking the head of my cock. When I did not do anything she took me back into her mouth and began moving her head up and down on me again.

I finally gave in, closing my eyes and sliding down lower in the chair. Cindy began teasing me by pulling her head back until I would almost fall out of her mouth. Each time she pulled back I lifted my hips to stay in her mouth. I felt a hand pull one of mine from the armrest down towards my knee, eventually to her breast. I moved my other hand on my own to her other breast, lightly squeezing them, rubbing my fingers around her nipples.

I worked my hands down to her stomach and then back to her breasts. Then that familiar tingling spread over my body. It was building in my balls. It felt like my cock was expanding, getting harder. I was just seconds away from cumming. I needed to warn her. She might not like my cumming in her mouth. “Cindy, I’m going to cum”.

She began pumping the base of my cock faster with one hand while her mouth started moving around in a kind of circular motion on the head. I finally could not take it any more and exploded in her mouth. She made one small choking sound as the first stream of sperm caught her by surprise, hitting the back of her throat. Her tongue began sliding around the head of my cock as I continued ejaculating, streams of cum quickly filling her mouth. With each squirt my hips lifted up until finally I was finished and collapsed back in the chair.

Cindy continued to lick the head very slowly. With my now wilting condition, she was able to take my entire cock in her mouth with no trouble. With my cock still in her mouth she tilted her head up so that she could see my face. If this had not been the second time I had cum in the last couple of hours, her cute face looking up at me with my cock buried in her mouth, would have produced another instant hard on for me. .

Cindy slowly pulled her head back, watching me the entire time, until just the head was still in her mouth. Then she took me in her hand, gave the head a couple of final licks, and let me go. “You can let go now”.

I looked down. I still had her breasts firmly griped in my hands. I reluctantly let go of her and move my hands up to my thighs.

She rested her arms on my spread knees. “Well, nothing to say”?

I was not quite sure what to say. I obviously enjoyed it but she was just fifteen. There were serious consequences for me. I stammered a couple of times trying think of what to say. I finally I got out, “Why did you do that? You knew your father was right there. You could have gotten me killed”.

She smiled, “Oh don’t be so serious. You were much more fun under the desk. I don’t think daddy would be that mad. Besides I owed someone a blowjob and I preferred you to Greg because you won’t be blabbing to all your friends tomorrow; and you’re cuter”. She looked down, “And bigger, though not right now”.

She hopped up and walked over to the clothes we had been looking at before and began dressing. “We need to get going before daddy comes back”.

I stood up and pulled my pants up. By then she was dressed and walked back up to me. “You don’t think my nipples stick out too much in this shirt do you”? Before I could say anything she had taken my hand and put it up against her breast.

I jerked it back but not as quick as I could have. “Now stop that”. I needed to get her home before someone got killed, namely me. And then I needed a very cold shower.

In my car Cindy came up with a simple plan. I drove out to the old county road and then called him on his cell. I told him I had found Cindy walking towards town and was taking her home. Cindy would later tell her dad that the boy she was with had given her the ‘put out or walk home’ line and she walked. We both agreed that it could not be Greg. Dan deciding to talk to Greg would only have negative consequences for me.

On the way to her house Cindy kept putting her hand on my thigh and then slowly letting her hand slide into my crotch. It felt nice but I knew it had to stop. After moving her hand away a half dozen times I finally said, “I’ve told you, you have to stop that. You are going to get me in serious trouble. I should never have let you”, and here I had a bit of trouble getting it out, “You know, what we were doing”.

Cindy interrupted me, “You didn’t like your blowjob. I guess you came in my mouth just so I wouldn’t feel bad”.

“No, that’s not what I mean at all”. How could I say this right, “You are beautiful. You do give a really nice, uh, you know, uh”. I was sounding like a twelve year-old. “Yes, it was nice. I’m just trying to say it cannot happen again. You cannot tell anyone it did happen”.

I was keeping my eyes on the road and I could tell that Cindy was staring straight ahead also. “You sure think a lot of yourself. Who said it was going to happen again”. Cindy crossed her arms below her breasts and did not say another word the rest of the way to her house.

When we arrived I stopped the car and started to get out to walk her to the front door. Cindy quickly got out and then looked back at me. “Don’t bother. I know my way”. But before she closed the door she smiled again. “I did have a good time tonight. I hope you did too. Let’s consider that our first date”. Before I could say anything she closed the car door and ran up to the front door.

I decided it would be best to hurry out before Dan showed up and started asking questions where my answers might not match Cindy’s. On the way back I could not help comparing Cindy with Linda. Linda really knew what she was doing in bed; oral sex was great and she was really nice looking, but I could not help wondering how Cindy would compare in bed. I’m going to get hard now every time I get near a desk.

Once I got home everything kept running through my mind; what could I have done to stop it? Could I? Would I if I could have? It took a couple of hours before I finally drifted off.

The next couple of weeks passed quickly. Linda called to say we had better cool it. Jerry was sticking around the house. He was only making day trips, keeping an eye on her. He obviously suspected something.

I saw Cindy a couple of times from a distance with friends. One time she saw me and gave me a little wave. I nodded back but tried to keep a distance and not encourage anything further.

When I woke up on the 4th and went outside I knew it was going to be a hot one. Even at nine in the morning the sun was already beating down. People were lining Main Street waiting for the July 4th parade to start. I went across to the diner, grabbed a donut and coffee and joined Henry at the curb to watch. When the action finally started Henry and I stood up to get a better view. An Army Honor Guard leading the parade was coming into view a couple of blocks down. It was followed by a grammar school band. There were also some small floats by town businesses and a number of children’s groups; some dressed in costumes, some just leading their pets, glad to be part of the parade.

A larger float, all decorated with paper flowers, carrying the county fair queen and her princesses all aboard, waving at everyone. They were a mix of girls from the various high schools in the county. I was just starting to look away and almost missed her. Cindy was one of the princesses. She looked fantastic all dressed up. Well, to tell the truth, she actually looked better all undressed.

Cindy spotted me with Henry and waved a bit more vigorously than she had before. Henry noticed and asked, “Does Cindy know you”?

“We met a few weeks ago. I helped her out of a tight spot with her dad”.

Henry chuckled, “Just be sure you don’t help yourself into a tight spot. Her dad is pretty protective of her. He has been mom and dad to her since her mom died”.

“I didn’t know. When did that happen”? By now the float had passed on and the local high school band was marching by playing something familiar for some old musical.

“Oh, I think it was five years ago. No, it was six. She got cancer and went pretty quick”.

“That’s tough”. I was about to add more when it hit me. I looked back up the parade route and yes, that’s it. “Henry, I’ve got to go and check something. I’ll catch you later”.

I walked down the sidewalk a block, waited for a car carrying the mayor and his wife in the parade to pass and then crossed the street. Jim Blocker, one of my schoolmates, and now the president of the local bank, was standing in front of his bank watching the parade. We had known each other since we were two or three. I played guard next to him at tackle for our four years in high school.

He saw me as I crossed the street, “Hey Tom, how are you doing”?

“Great”, I answered. “I need a big favor from you. Can we go inside”?

We were inside for just fifteen minutes, just enough time to further, if not confirm, my suspicions. On my way out I said, “Thanks Jim. I owe you”.

“How about dinner tomorrow”?

“Sounds good, the diner good enough”?

After he nodded I waved goodbye and walked quickly back to the office. I checked a couple details, made a couple of call, and then left out the back door. I don’t think I had enough for a search warrant but so many things added up. I thought I might be able to just bluff my way through.

I got in the squad car and began driving towards my house. A few doors away I pulled to the side of the road and parked. There in the yard across the street was Paula. She was on her hands and knees in a t-shirt and shorts, hair pinned up on her head, working in a flowerbed at the base of the porch. She looked every bit as good there in the dirt as she had the other day on the sidewalk.

I pulled my service revolver out and prepared it the way I wanted it. I got out of the car and began walking towards her. She hadn’t noticed the car pull up and continued her ministrations. I got right up to her and it was not until my shadow fell in front of her that she became aware that she was not alone.

She looked up at me behind her, “Tom! You surprised me”. She raised up and turned to me but stayed on her knees. “It has been years. How are you doing”?

The sun was behind me and it was making her squint to see me. “I’ve been fine. I heard about your Dad and your husband. I’m sorry for your losses”.

“Thank you Tom”. She put her hand out to me. “Help me up. I can’t see you up there”.
I took her hand and helped her to her feet.

She looked at me, holding my eyes with hers, “I always told Daddy that those cigarettes would kill him some day”. Then a smile broke out on her face, “But that’s history. What brings you here”?

“I have something I need to talk to you about”. She looked back at me expectantly. “Why did you do it”?

I could see the question forming in her face, “Why did I do what”?

I waited several seconds and then raised one hand up to my shoulder. She looked at it blankly. I slowly began rotating my wrist back and forth: the princess wave. It just took a few seconds for the recognition to show on her face before she broke out in a smile.

“That was stupid of me wasn’t it? I shouldn’t have tried to be cute”.

I lowered my hand, “We need to go downtown and talk”.

“But that does not mean anything”.

“By itself no, but add in the makeup and acting experience you had in high school. Then your bank records kind of confirm it”.

She had just opened her mouth to say something but that stopped her. “My bank records”?

“You made big deposits in your account after every bank robbery; in fact almost the exact amounts of each robbery. That was not smart. That is enough for a warrant to search your home”.

“I see. I guess we will have to go in and straighten this out”. She raised her muddy hands, “Can I at least go in and clean up”.

Before we started in I informed her of her rights and then pointed at the house and said I would follow.

We walked up and into the house. She started up the stairs and I followed. “I’m just going to clean up. I’ll be right down”.

“If you want to clean up I’m going to have to stick with you”.

I followed her inside and then up the stairs to her bedroom. As she crossed the room towards the bathroom she pulled the t-shirt she was wearing over her head and dropped it on the floor followed by her shorts. Turning to me in bra and panties she pointed to the bathroom, “Do you need to follow me in there also”?

I just motioned for her to go on in, “Just leave the door open a crack”.

She went in and pushed the door partially closed. From where I was standing I could see her in a mirror as she went up to the sink. She took off her bra and panties and tossed them in a wicker hamper. She looked fantastic, nice full breasts, not huge but definitely very nice. There was no sag or droop to them. She had certainly developed very well in the last ten years or so since I last saw her.

I continued watching as she washed her hands and arms. As she dried her hands her breasts swayed back and forth. I was mesmerized. I’m not sure when she stopped moving. I finally realized she was just standing there holding the towel. I looked up and saw her watching me in the mirror with a smile growing on her face.

“You know, I remember that time in your tree house. I tried a number of times to see you there again but I think you were avoiding me. Does Mrs. Henderson still live there”?

My face felt hot. I must have blushed because she laughed softly.

She pulled the door open and walked up to me; still naked. Once again I noticed her height. She was just an inch or so shorter than I. She came up really close to me, her nipples almost touching my shirt. I put my hand on the grip of my weapon in case she made a move for it but the only movement I could feel right now was in my pants. I was definitely getting an erection.

“You really disappointed me back then. You squirt your cum all over me and then disappear”. She reached out to my shirt and began unbuttoning the top button. “Maybe there is something we can work out now”.

She continued with the buttons down my shirt. “Maybe you should begin your interrogation. Drill me here so to speak”. She pulled my shirt off me and dropped it behind me on the floor. I couldn’t believe I wasn’t resisting. When she started to unbuckle my utility belt I reached for her hands and stopped her. She looked up to my face and neither of us said a word. After a moment I made my decision. I unbuckled my belt, turned and walked to a dresser behind me and put the belt and holster on it and then returned to her.

She ran her hands over my bare chest. I thought it was only polite to do the same. I put my hands on her bare hips and then slowly moved them up her waist, over her ribs and then up to her breasts. She tilted her head back and let out a low groan. “Now that is what I wanted you to do back then. Better late than never I guess”.

As I continued fondling her breasts she leaned forward and kissed me lightly. Her hands were fumbling at my belt and then lowering my zipper. My pants fell to my ankles: I kicked my shoes away and then my pants as her tongue began exploring my mouth. Her hands dropped to my butt and pulled me against her, my now completely erect cock, first butting into her and then sliding up her stomach between us. She tugged at me trying to turn us around but I resisted; that would put her closer to my weapon than me.

She moved her mouth away from mine and whispered in my ear, “The bed”. I started to walk forward, pushing her back. She pushed back at me, “No, I want to be on top”. I let her turn me around and I began shuffling slowly backwards, pulling her with me. When the back of my knees hit the bed I wrapped my arms around her and let myself fall backwards onto the bed pulling her down on top of me. We moved into the middle of the bed, her scrambling to stay on top of me. She rose up on her knees and reached down between her legs and grabbed my cock, pointing it up at her

I reached up to take both her breasts in my hands, giving them a gentle squeeze.

She sucked in her breath, “Harder”.

“I don’t think I can get any harder”.

“No; your hands. Your cock is perfect the way it is”. She had the head of my cock positioned right against her pussy and was using her hand to move me in small circles around, barely in, and then out of her.

I squeezed her breasts harder and she arched her back and groaned. I moved my hands down to her stomach and then back up to her breasts, squeezing hard again. My hips lifted trying to get me farther inside of her.

She put a hand on my stomach, pushing down, “Not yet. I’ll let you know when”. Her hand began rubbing the head of my cock faster against her clitoris. She finally relaxed her knees and sagged down, impaling herself on me. With her body flush against mine she began rocking back and forward; first real slow and then gradually faster and faster, grinding against me. We went on like this for several minutes when she suddenly stiffened, scrunched up her face as though she was in pain. I could feel her pussy spasming around my cock, like a fist squeezing a tennis ball. “Harder” she hissed.

I tightened my grip on her breasts, rubbing my fingers over her nipples.

“Yes, that’s it”. She jerked her body several more times against me, pushed my hands away from her and then fell forward to collapse on my chest. Over the next few minutes I waited for her breathing to return to normal while very gently stroking into her; little strokes, pulling back just an inch and then pushing back deeper into her with my hands on her butt holding it tight against me.

Once she seemed recovered I whispered, “My turn”. I wrapped my arms around her to hold her tight and rolled over until I was on top of her. The turn had pulled me out of her. As I lifted my hips she pulled her knees up and then spread her legs wide. I had planned on plunging right back into her but I stopped and raised up on my hands and knees, lifting my body off of her. I looked down at her lying there below me. I bent my head to her right breast and sucked her nipple in my mouth, running my tongue around it for a few seconds. She turned, pulling that nipple from my mouth, presenting the other breast to me. I flicked it with my tongue a few times, teasing her before sucking that one in my mouth.

I finally pulled my face away from her chest and slowly lowered my body onto hers. She moved her mouth to my ear, “Fuck me”. I moved my hips forward, my cock finding her pussy. “Fuck me” she cried, more insistently. I stopped my self from entering her: just holding my cock against the lips of her pussy. I could feel her hips trying to push down against me, trying to get me inside of her. “Please”.

I lowered my weight on her, pushing her deeper in the bed, still holding myself outside of her for a moment longer before finally pushing into her in one long stroke. I held it there, completely immersed in her, enjoying the feeling; the heat of her pussy, the grip of it around my cock. I pulled back and slammed hard back into her, feeling her head bounce up on the bed.

She grabbed by butt with both hands, pulling me into her with each stroke. Her mouth still at my ear, no longer whispering, cried “Faster”. I was more than willing to comply. I began moving faster, in and out, in and out.

“Harder”. I moved my hands under her butt for a better grip, to keep her tight against me, dug my toes into the bed for traction, as our hips bucked against each other. I could hear little gasps coming from her. I wasn’t sure if it was from the pounding she was getting or if she was close to another orgasm.

I slowed to long steady strokes; I was close and wanted to enjoy the sensation and have it last just a bit longer. She pulled at my butt trying to get me to go faster, “Don’t slow down, faster”.

I could feel the tingling begin. I was just seconds away. I pulled out quickly and began moving up her body. She cried, “What are you doing”? I moved up so that her arms were now pinned beneath my legs. I was almost sitting on her chest with the swollen purple head of my cock right at her lips. I grabbed the shaft with one hand and pushed the head against her lips and moved the other hand to the back of her head.

She let out a long “Noooo”. When her lips parted with the long “oooo” I lifted her head and pushed the head of my cock past her lips and into her mouth. Her tongue tried to push my cock back out but the feel of her tongue rubbing against the head of my cock just succeeded in exciting me further. She tried to move her head to the side to get me out but I let go of the shaft and held her head in both of my hands to hold her still. Her tongue was moving around, pushing at me. I felt her teeth begin to close down on me and I warned her, “No teeth”.

I was so close to begin with that all it took now was just the minimal movement of her tongue and the heat of her mouth and I exploded. Her tongue pushed against the end of the head, trying, I think, to stop the streams of sperm flooding her mouth. As I started cumming I had closed my eyes. When I opened them now I could see she was furious but I was not quite finished. “Swallow”, I commanded.

She just stared back at me. “Come on; swallow so I can pull him out. We don’t want a mess do we”? I watched as she finally swallowed but the anger never left her face, “And how about a few licks to clean me up”. She complied without saying anything and I pulled out of her mouth.

I rolled off her and lay beside her on the bed. She lay still beside me. I could hear her breathing hard from her anger but she remained silent. After a minute she sat up and said, “I’ll be right back. I have to clean up”.

She rolled off the bed, but instead of going to the bathroom she made a dash for the dresser across the room while I remained on the bed. She grabbed my holster, unbuttoned the snap restraining my weapon, and turned and pointed it at me pulling back the hammer. She almost shouted, “The last two men who did that to me are dead”.

I watched her closely. She was close to a breaking point. “Paula, you are a smart person. You don’t want to do this. Just put the revolver down and we can talk about this”.

She lowered her hand to her side, the revolver now pointing at the floor. A little smile spread across her face.

Then I thought about what she said, “What do you mean, they are dead”?

She leaned back against the dresser, “You remember I lived alone with my daddy”? When I nodded she continued, “Daddy started coming into my bedroom at night when I was nine. Our special time, he called it”. She pointed the weapon at me like it was a pen, like she was making a point. “At first he wanted to explain the ‘birds and bees’ to me: Like we did not learn that stuff at school. He asked if I had seen a penis. When I said no, not a real one, he pulled his pajamas down so I could see his. He said this was just for education. Then he asked if I wanted touch it. He had me hold it for a while and it got big and hard. That surprised me. I mean the books say it happens but it was happening in my hand. Then he stopped and left my bedroom. I thought it was over. It was just him teaching me something. A few days later he came back in and this time he had me jerk him off. I did not know what that was at the time: I was just nine”.

I nodded, trying to keep her talking. I moved around so I was sitting on the side of the bed but stopped moving when she pointed the revolver at me again.

“It made a big mess in my bed. I had to sleep with those wet spots all night. The next night, when Daddy came close to making his mess he moved up and put his penis in my mouth and squirted his sperm in me. I was nine. I thought I was going to get pregnant from that. After that it was almost every night. I hated that”.

She began to pace back and forth slowly in front of the dresser. “On my twelfth birthday I had a special surprise. That night Daddy came in, and instead of my giving him a blowjob, he fucked me”. She looked up at me, waiting for a response.

I wasn’t sure what to say, “We didn’t know. Why didn’t you say something”?

“He was my Dad”. She looked down at the floor. “I hated it”. When she looked up again she added, “I liked it”.


“I said I liked it. It felt good. I don’t know if you remember. I was taller than all the guys and smarter than them. I was skinny and flat. I didn’t have any dates for a long time. So, I hated it when Daddy came in my mouth but I liked the sex. Sometime around my thirteenth birthday Daddy moved me into his bedroom. I can still remember his cumming in me in the morning and then my going to school, his sperm slowly leaking out of me all day. It made dressing for gym a little awkward but I felt special”.

I did not know what to say. I just wanted to keep her talking. “That’s why you knew so much about sex in the tree house”.

“Yes, I always liked you. I thought it would be a good way to get closer to you. But I was just a kid to you. You avoided me after that. I think Daddy caught on though. He did not like it when I talked about other boys and I talked about you a lot. In high school, when I had a date, daddy would take me in the bedroom just before they got there to pick me up and fuck me before letting me go out. I think he was marking his territory”.

“Then I came back from college and told him about this boy I met. Someone I really liked. That night he wanted me to give him a blowjob; to cum in my mouth. I told him no. He ignored me and did it anyway. It’s too bad about his smoking. I told him it would be the death of him”.

I thought back, “I don’t remember your dad being a smoker”.

She smiled, “I’m sure you are wrong. After all, he died in a fire caused by a cigarette”.

“You said two men”?

“My husband; he disappointed me. In college he had all these dreams about going to a town like ours, ministering to people. It sounded worthwhile. I gave up a lot to be with him. Then we go on a mission to South America. We are there just one week and he changes his mind and says he has received his calling and it is to stay there, and me with him, to work with the people there. Like my Dad, he also liked oral sex. The night he told me we were going to stay there he forced me to give him oral sex after I told him no. He said it was my role not to object; to do as he, the husband, commanded. He was unfortunate I was a good student in my botany classes. His heart attack was most unexpected. I thought it was best that he be buried there with the people he wanted to serve. His parents understood when I explained how much they meant to him. I also learned from my Daddy. I made sure my husband had a good insurance policy when we got married”.

I was curious, “Why the bank? You have plenty of money”.

“I was bored. I needed something to do: a challenge”.

She had let the revolver drop down to her side earlier, now she raised it back to point at me again. “Now we need to do something about you. I suppose it’s too late for you to get some insurance. The town is going to be so disappointed to hear that you have become a rapist. I put it down to your experiences in the service. You never got over your trauma of getting injured”. She motioned with the weapon for me to stand up. “When you tried to rape me a second time I was able to get away, get your gun, and unfortunately I had kill you”.

I stood, “No one is going to believe I raped you”.

“They don’t have to. The DNA will prove it”.

Now it was my turn to smile, “What DNA”?

“The DNA you”, she stopped. I watched the realization spread across her face, “That’s why you came in my mouth. You planned this all along”.

I took a step towards her, holding my hand out for her to give me the gun. “There is no point”.

The anger she had earlier return, “You bastard”. She pointed the weapon at me with both hands and pulled the trigger. It fell on an empty chamber with a loud click. I had been right earlier to unload the revolver. She pulled the hammer back and tried again with the same result. She turned the revolver around and saw the empty cylinder. She looked up at me with a pleading in her eyes. You and I can have had a good time together. We would be good for each other. I have a lot of money. We could live really well”.

Yes, and I would be number three. I picked up the weapon and lifted her to her feet. “You need to get dressed”.

When we got to the jail I put her in a cell and then called the sheriff and gave him the news. He said he would be right over.

When he arrived a couple of hours later we sat and reviewed what had happened, minus Paula’s and my bedroom antics of course. I also suggested exhuming her husband’s body; there wasn’t anything we could do about her father’s body.

“I still don’t understand what put you onto her in the first place”.

I explained about seeing the queen’s float in this morning’s parade. I cocked my hand to the side and then rotated it back and forth, the queen’s wave. “That started it. Then add her acting experience: Her role in Two Gentlemen from Verona, her banking records’.

“Two guys from Verona”?

“It’s a play by Shakespeare. One of the female leads dresses up and pretends to be a man. Paula played that role in a play in high school”.

The Sheriff shook his head and stood up, “Well let’s get some dinner, my treat. You deserve it. In one day you caught a bank robber and probably solved a couple of homicides we didn’t even know we had”. We started for the door, “Besides, tomorrow you’ll be up all night watching for that cattle thief again”.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-22 03:48:09
Awesome dude ur stories r too good

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-21 11:37:12
Awesome dude ur stories r too good

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-25 20:49:28
9ciXNb Major thanks for the post. Really Great.


2012-06-20 04:29:43
Wow.... this is great

anonymous readerReport 

2011-03-28 18:06:47
Brilliant work. Keep it up.

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