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Mary Anne Eckhardt pressed her face against the shuttle's view port, in an attempt to see the approaching ship. It was huge, a long silver arrow lying dormant in space with many silver bugs swarming around it.
"Wow, it's big," Mary said in awe. Her breath steamed up the view port and she lost her view of the ship. Rather than wiping it off, she sighed and turned to the crisp young ensign sitting next to her. He looked even more apprehensive than she was.
"I... this is my first assignment," he said, swallowing nervously. Mary would have like to believe that her closeness was making him nervous, but she knew better. A first assignment was always scary. You never knew what to expect.
"Keep your mouth shut and do what everybody else does and you'll be ok," she said patting him on the hand. He scowled down at her hand and she pulled away.
"Hey, lighten up," she growled.
"Sorry, I don't like to be touched," he said by way of apology. "You're a petty officer, what's it like. I mean on a ship?"
"Every one is different, depending on who you work for and the commanding officer. Most of them are great. I haven't heard any rumors about the Joan Of Ark since she's newly commissioned, but I'm sure it's fine too."
"But we'll be stuck in deep space for three years. What if it's not --- ok, I mean?"
"Then you grit your teeth, do what you're told and live with it, sir."
"Oh boy," he sighed, even more apprehensive than before.
"Don't worry about it, we all have our first ships. Just remember to salute aft, then salute the officer of the deck when you board. After that some petty officer will undoubtedly take care of you until you learn the ropes."
"A petty officer?" he seemed offended.
"Sure. Who do you think runs this fleet, the Captain?" she asked, trying to keep a straight face.
"Why yes, I..."
"Everybody line up, we have a five minute window. Anybody who's not off in three get's kicked off!" A chief petty officer shouted from the front of the shuttle.
"See," Mary pointed with a half-smile. The ensign swallowed even more and nodded convulsively.
"Your bag," Mary pointed to the bag in the overhead compartment. He apologized and pulled the bag from the rack.
"Your other bag," she pointed to the compartment under the seat. The ensign looked at the chief, then quickly ducked to get his other bag. Mary wondered if he would have abandoned it if the chief was watching.
"Officers first, enlisted last!" The chief shouted. Mary gave the ensign a little shove. He went to the front of the shuttle reluctantly.
"He'll be just another asshole shouting orders in a month," a woman leaned over and whispered in Mary's ear. Mary turned and smiled.
"God save us from asteroids and ensigns," Mary said and they both giggled. "I'm Mary," she extended her hand.
"Ruth, Ruth Toliver. So how did you rate the Joan Of Ark?"
"I was on the William Perry," Mary said, suddenly uncomfortable, "they gave me first choice of assignments."
"The asteroid duster that exploded?"
"Yes, it was a deep space exploration ship like this one, but much smaller. I barely made it on the second of the only three lifeboats to escape."
"Wow, a medal of honor winner, huh?"
"It's in my bag," Mary patted the side of her canvas bag with a smile.
"Glad to meet you. I was transferred from HQ, no war stories here. I did two tours so I'd have enough points for this," she pointed out the window at the silver ship, now laying alongside.
"It's better that way, believe me. When a stranded crew becomes desperate enough to draw straws to see who will get eaten, then it's best to stay home."
"They didn't, did they?" the woman asked in horror.
"Didn't what?"
"Didn't eat anybody?"
"No, but I'd rather not talk about what we did eat. I may never eat again," Mary said with a look of disgust.
Mary nodded and shuffled forward as the line began moving.
"Well if you ever change your mind about eating, buzz me," the woman whispered, very close to her ear. "I wouldn't mind being eaten just a little."
"Ruth!" Mary said in surprised embarrassment. She turned and stared at Ruth. Their faces were an inch apart. Ruth's smiling eyes looked deeply into her own.
"Well I wouldn't," Ruth whispered and they laughed together. Mary had no idea how prophetic that statement would turn out to be, in a pleasant sort of way.
Within 24 hours, Mary was installed in the Captain's Office. In 36 hours the atomic generators were powered up and the Joan Of Ark got underway leaving the supply ships, maintenance ships, shuttles, and well-wishers in it's wake like a thousand little silver leaves scattering on a fall pond.
As soon as her paperwork was caught up Mary headed directly for the sexual recreation lounge. The lounge was the talk of the fleet, and she had been dying to try it out. It was new technology, a small world constructed of holographic images, with real and holographic people. Their true shapes and identities were masked with a holographic overlay. She didn't realize how effective that masking was until her first encounter in the lounge.
Mary sat in the booth and filled out the form on the screen. She first selected "Gone With The Wind" of course, but that selection was filled for the next two weeks. She added her name to the third week, and moved on to something she could participate in now. There was an epic sea battle going on in one section of the lounge, she stared at that selection undecided, for a moment, then on inspiration she began programming her own sub-menu into the battle. Finally, after much work, she sat back and looked at the screen, very proud of herself. She opened the metal door and slid into the weightless room with a giggle of laughter.
Ruth sat in the still-warm chair and recalled the menu Mary had been looking at.
"That little imp," Ruth said in admiration, then programmed herself into the hologram. She looked around quickly, then turned off the screen and followed Mary through the same door.

Mary rocketed through the cool, clear waters for several minutes, enjoying her sleek body and the great speeds she could attain. Suddenly, needing air, she shot toward the surface. She broke through to open air and turned a somersault, gasping in as much air as she could hold through her blow-hole, then landed tail-first in the water to break her fall. She balanced on the tip of her tail, watching the far-off battle between wooden ships with soft, gray eyes. She chastised them soundly with a series of squeaks, clicks, and squeals, then leaped skyward and dove deep, using her pointed nose for a rudder.
In sudden fear she noticed a shape moving alongside her. She looked over to see a sleek male dolphin only slightly larger than herself.
"Who are you? This is my world," she said with squeaks, clicks, and whistles.
"I'm Raymond, your holographic partner," the other dolphin answered in the same language.
"My partner? I didn't request a partner," Mary said skeptically.
"The computer always provides you with a partner. What good is an adventure without somebody to share it with?"
"Then you're not real?" Mary asked skeptically.
"Of course not, how could I be? Nobody knows you are here, do they?"
"No, I guess not," Mary brightened. "So what do you want to do?"
"How about a race? The loser nuzzles the genitalia of the other."
"They what?" Mary asked in horror.
"That's how dolphins mate, silly. They dance in the water, intertwine their bodies, then nuzzle each other's genitalia until they are aroused. Then they mate. It's a very intricate process."
"Skip the race and show me the other," Mary ordered. "I haven't had my genitalia nuzzled in a long time."
"If that is your wish," the dolphin nodded with a toothy smile and moved closer.
"First we swim close and touch bodies," Raymond said. She could feel the warm water from his breath against the sensitive skin of her face.
"Now we swim around and around, touching bodies as we press against each other," he said, putting his words into action. Mary was amazed at how delicate her dolphin skin was. She could feel the slightest touch, the most gentle of caresses against her body, and each touch aroused her more.
"Oh, wow, it's working," Mary sighed. She was aware of sinking lower and lower into the depths of the ocean as Raymond nuzzled her neck, chest, and finally her genitalia. She gasped and stiffened as the long, pointed nose probed deep inside her, parting the rubbery envelope of her sex and gently stimulating it. Soon his long, narrow tongue slid out and up inside her. Mary gasped and moaned as the long member impaled her.
"Oh, Raymond, that feels so good," Mary said, enjoying the lavish licks he was giving her vagina. At times the long tongue slid into the very deepest portions of her womb, tasting, touching, and exploring her inner depths.
"I'm glad you like it. You taste delicious, by the way."
"Thank you," she said coyly as the long tongue licked and probed her sex.
"I want you in me, Raymond," Mary gasped.
Raymond swam back a few feet and fanned the ocean with his tail. Mary's eyes widened when she saw his stiffened member standing up in front of him.
"Are you sure you're ready," he teased.
"Oh, yeah, I couldn't be more ready. Stay there, I want to ride you," she said approaching quickly. He held his place in the water as she swam close and gently impaled herself on his foot long penis. She squealed in delight as the entire length of the penis slid deep inside her. They swam frantically, propelling the penis in and out of her rubbery sex hole. They swam, rotated and fell down and down as Raymond pumped his huge member in and out of her vagina. Mary had no warning. She burned and tingled from the moment she began, then, suddenly, her orgasm struck with the force of a tornado. She screamed long and hard as her loins spasmed, clenching and unclenching his long member. The liquid heat was consuming her loins, the penis seemed to grow even larger. She panted and relaxed slightly, until Raymond began moving again. Her eyes widened in joyful horror as her vagina began to spasm again. She arched her back and screamed in her high-pitched dolphin voice, until the second orgasm passed, leaving her limp and lifeless.
"I must go now, another comes," Raymond said suddenly.
"Oh no, I can't take any more," Mary shook her sleek head.
"This one is different, a companion of the same sex," he said with a toothy smile and turned to disappear into the dark ocean depths.
A sleek pink dolphin suddenly appeared, swimming around her. She was a beautiful female with a gentle voice.
"My latent homosexual tendencies must have triggered you," Mary said with a smile. "I'm not sure I want to try this right now, Raymond has more than satisfied me."
"A male can never truly satisfy a female," the beautiful pink dolphin said as she gently swam around Mary.
"I'm not sure I believe that," Mary said with a smile.
"You should, it's true," the dolphin said, then slid gently against Mary as she passed. Mary gasped and sighed as the sensitive skin touched her own.
"You see, I can do something that Raymond can't," the female dolphin said happily.
"Wha... what's that," Mary was finding it hard to speak. The female kept swimming close and caressing her as she passed.
"I know when to touch you, where to touch you, and how softly you want to be touched. Raymond could never learn that. Only another female truly understands."
"Mmmmaybe your right," Mary said as the female passed again.
"I don't have a long penis, like Raymond, but we can nuzzle each other instead. Some believe that's even more fun," the dolphin said and approached again. This time she pressed her body firmly against Mary's. Mary could feel it in every fiber of her being.
"I'm not sure I want to nuzzle another female's vagina, even a holographic one," Mary said as the dolphin sent shivers up her spine.
"Try it, sweet lady. See if you like it," the dolphin said and gently rotated until her tail was past Mary's face. Mary was looking directly at the female's vagina. It was soft, sweet smelling, almost irresistible.
"Well, why not, it's only a dream," Mary said and moved closer. The other dolphin suddenly licked her vagina and Mary squealed excitedly, thrusting her pelvis forward. She wished that she had arms to hold her in place. She extended her long tongue experimentally and found it about the same length as her real one. She slid it into the rubbery folds of the female and tasted. It was absolutely wonderful. She found herself licking the other female enthusiastically, lost in a world of her own. She felt every action she made, done to her, like a delicious, wonderful, mirror of delight.
"You taste and feel so delicious," Mary finally paused for breath. "I wish the females of my species were as wonderful as this."
"They are, believe me," the other dolphin said and continued licking.
"How do you know?" Mary asked, then plunged her tongue into the rubbery folds of her vagina.
"I was programmed to taste and feel like a real woman, silly," the dolphin said quickly and nuzzled deep inside her.
Mary could no longer talk. Her loins were burning and needed release. She probed the outer folds of flesh with her long, stiff, tongue, then found the clit hidden just inside the outer folds of the vagina. She licked it brutally while the other female moaned and withered with her own face in Mary's crotch. Mary felt something long and wide shoved inside her vagina, and realized the other dolphin was using a fin. She tried experimentally and found that her own fin would fit nicely into the female. She worked her fin in and out while she licked and tasted the beautiful pink female. They both exploded simultaneously, withering, moaning and squeaking as they thrashed in the weightless environment of the ocean.
It was a long time before Mary's vagina stopped exploding and she could finally relax with her body pressed against the warm female.
"You were absolutely wonderful," Mary sighed as she snuggled close to the dolphin's tail.
"So were you, Mary. I'm glad you finally got around to eating me, a little," the dolphin smiled and turned to face her.
"Ruth?" Mary squealed in surprised wonder.
"In the flesh, sweetie. Well almost," she spread her fins with a toothy smile.
"Ruth, I'll beat you half to death for this," Mary said laughing.
"Not without arms, sweetheart. So how did you like it?"
"I think I'd like to see more of you, as you really are," Mary said thoughtfully.
"I'm glad. You have no idea how hard it is to proposition another woman, without taking a chance on losing a friend. It's a heartache, but times like these make it all worthwhile."
"Let's get out of here and try it in the flesh," Mary said suddenly.
"Ok, but I'm saving your program. I like it here. Maybe I'll try Raymond myself, when I get adventurous."
"He's all yours," Mary laughed. They both swam toward the entrance.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-03 17:26:54
Hmmm....something fishy's goin' on here.


2005-02-01 08:46:51
Once you've had a dolphin, you never to back to black.


2004-07-03 01:11:53
Odd but hot.


2004-04-10 17:05:17
kktlkjskjv nj btjoijt bjhut lhjtiuh hljthi ljuiç tlkjiii çpofd bblkytçzyzkh lyjoi(_y boij('çyo(,hyp'y_-byç_bk' ypoitzyç-''-(jy 'à(i'-i è'é ài' à' à ymlrkaùr oi rçi


2004-03-17 23:45:17
Dolphin sex? How'd they know how to do it?

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