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A pair of sexy orange G-string panties shakes up my otherwise dull life.
Fbailey story number 195

Orange Panties

I am what you call semi-retired. I only go into the office for a few hours each morning. My two sons can run the business just fine but I still need a reason to get out of bed each morning.

One day my wife told me that I had a young female admirer. She said that it was a sweet little girl that lived down the street. Then she proceeded to tell me all about her such as the fact that she was about fourteen years old, had nice brown hair down her back, a pretty face, and that she had a very nice figure. I really wasn’t paying too much attention to her because I really had no idea who she was talking about and besides the words out of her mouth were fourteen-year-old JAIL BATE. That was all that I needed in my life at my age. I am almost sixty-one years old and very happily married. I sure didn’t need to upset that any.

My wife grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs to our bedroom. There on the bed was a very sexy pair of orange G-string panties. They were brand new and they were just lying there perfectly displayed on my pillow.

My wife had found them first and thought that it was cute. Then my wife told me of the young girl coming to the house, asking her all kinds of questions about me, and then using the bathroom before she left. Afterwards my wife found my panty present.

I picked them up and as has been my custom forever, I held them up to my nose and smelled of them. They had basically no odor at all and I told my wife so. She smelled of them too and asked me if she should tell the young lady that I wanted a fragrance the next time she comes by. Jokingly I said that she could.

I inspected the orange G-string panties to find that they were ‘Secret Treasures.’ That was a sexy name for a sexy pair of panties that was for sure. They were size 5 and made in some country called Macau, which is just another name for China. Macau is located about fifty miles south of Hong Kong. The small lacy triangle that would go above her ass crack had small delicate ruffles along the edges. The front triangle was quite a bit longer than I would have expected. It was lacy and see through along the top half but it was lined on the lower half with cotton of the same color. If that were meant to soak up any pussy discharge it couldn’t be much at all. The cotton triangle was only two inches across on the one end and a point of the other end four inches away. I must admit that some of my wife’s G-strings are even smaller but with longer strings.

That afternoon we had an ‘afternoon delight’ for the first time in many years. The thoughts of those tiny panties having been that close to some wonderful young pussy just seemed to excite me.

Apparently my wife had passed on the message because the very next day when I got home my wife told me that I had a young visitor again that morning. Once again I was dragged up the stairs to our bedroom. There on the bed was the same pair of panties. This time however they smelled strongly of perfume not pussy. I accused my wife of spraying them. She pulled out the other pair of panties that I had put in my own underwear drawer the day before. Then she told me to smell her bottles of perfume if I though that she had sprayed them. Then she stormed off. Well I did smell of her bottles. I also knew my wife very well over the years and she only used a few perfumes and they were all accounted for and they did not smell like the orange panties.

As she teased me through the rest of the day I told her that I wished that they had smelled like the young lady herself. My wife said that she would mention it to her the next time that she saw her.

Of course that called for another ‘afternoon delight.’ My wife was more than cooperative and accommodated my sexual need. She had said it many times before but she said it again, “She didn’t care who got me excited as long as she gets to fix it.” She knew full well that she didn’t always get to fix it but she still liked to say that to me.

When the young lady came by the next day my wife suggested to her that she not use any perfume on her panties so that I could smell her nature fragrance. My wife also suggested that she should play with herself and poke the panties up into her pussy to get some extra fragrance on it for me too.

When I walked in the house that day I said hello to my wife and went straight up to my bedroom with her right on my heals. I saw the orange panties on my pillow and checked my underwear drawer to find the other two pair still there. I had even sealed them up in zip-lock bags to preserve the scent. I also dated them.

My wife watched me as I walked over to the bed and picked up the sexy orange panties. They were slightly damp this time and they had a very definite feminine odor. I inhaled deeply. As the aroma filled my nostrils, blood filled my penis.

Our ‘afternoon delights’ were becoming quite regular so it was no surprise when I tossed her on the bed and started removing her clothes as she cooperated fully with my every desire. I ravished my wife’s body that afternoon. I peeled all of her clothes off from her body and admired her nakedness. I kissed her nipples and played with them as I had a thousand times before but that time I was trying to envision what my young admirer’s breasts looked like and I told her so. I checked out her pussy as I had a thousand times before and told my wife that I would love to see my young admirer’s pussy too. Then I slipped my cock into her opening and made love to my wife for the third afternoon in a row. I don’t know if it was a record for us but I sure thought it might be. We had made love at bedtime for the last twenty years or so. As you grow older together you fall into a certain pattern and sex in bed at night was one of those patterns. We needed to spice up our love life. Hey we were already doing that.

The next day I found a forth pair of the identical orange panties on my pillow and a Polaroid picture of my young admirer’s breasts. I couldn’t see her head and I couldn’t see her pussy. As excited and happy as I was I still wanted more. I felt cheated. I was going to stay home the next day and wait for her.

Sex that afternoon was a lot more hushed than it had been before. I was more excited too, probably from looking at those wonderful youthful breasts in that picture. My wife enjoyed our ‘afternoon delight’ a lot more too. She seems to like it a little more aggressive.

That Friday morning I was all set and waiting for my young admirer to arrive when I got a call from my son. There was a problem at work that I had to address. Damn it to hell. I really waned to see that sweet little thing.

Sure enough just as soon as I got home there was another fresh pair of orange panties on my pillow. They were still moist and fragrant and there was another Polaroid picture with them. This time it was a picture of her pussy. It was a young pussy too. It had fine sparse dark brown hairs on it. It was opened up wide and I could see her pink inner lips. One delicate finger was visible in the picture and it was holding her pussy lip to one side. It was great but it still wasn’t enough to satisfy me. I wanted more. I wanted a lot more. This teasing was driving me absolutely crazy.

My ‘afternoon delight’ that afternoon was vigorous to say the least. I had so much pent up energy and sexual frustration that I couldn’t stand it another minute. I threw my wife back on the bed, reached up under her skirt, and pulled her panties down to her feet and off. I reached inside my pants for my rigid cock and drove it into her hard. She let out a squeal of delight and giggled like a little schoolgirl. I slammed my hips down into her over and over as I fucked my wife with a renewed passion. I gave her comforts and desires no mind, all that I knew was that I had to cum and that if I couldn’t cum in the young pussy that I wanted too then I would cum in my wife’s pussy, and cum I did. I filled her with more cum than I had mustered up in the last few days. I drained my balls of everything that they had to offer. When I finished fucking my wife I just rolled over and fell asleep dreaming of my young admirer.

Saturday morning I was up bright and early as I always was. The neighbor kid was mowing my lawn, the trash men were emptying my cans, and the birds were singing. It was a beautiful day too with a blue sky, a few soft white clouds, and no rain in the forecast.

After breakfast my oldest son and his family dropped in for a brief visit. They were on their way to visit my daughter-in-law’s parents for the weekend. Danielle didn’t want to go with them because it was just too boring for her. There was no one her age to play with. Boohoo!

My wife asked Danielle to stay with us for the night and said that her parents could get her on their way back Sunday. Danielle’s mother was pleased and thanked us for keeping her. That way she wouldn’t have to listen to Danielle whine the whole way there. Well that didn’t take very long. My son and his wife were gone and I was taking Danielle’s suitcase up to one of the spare bedrooms. Actually to her father’s old bedroom.

While the girls were fixing lunch for us I couldn’t help but wonder if my young admirer was going to stop by. I looked at Danielle and her hair was up in a beautiful bun. I love her long brown hair. I started to compare Danielle to my young admirer. They were about the same age and had about the same hair from my wife’s description. I tried to envision what Danielle’s breasts and pussy might look like. Then I dismissed that thought from my mind and ate my lunch.

As we ate my wife told her granddaughter about my young admirer and about the little orange panties that she had been leaving for me. To my surprise my wife even told Danielle about our ‘afternoon delights’ and how excited I got thinking about the young lady that belonged in those panties.

Of course Danielle was now interested too in seeing the panties. My wife pushed me into it so I took Danielle up to my bedroom to show her a pair. My wife was right there with us. I opened my drawer and took out the last pair.

Danielle smiled as she saw them and asked me about the zip-lock bag. I told her that it would preserve the odor longer. She asked me about the date and I told her that I sort of had a collection and that she was holding number five from Friday. She turned the bag over and saw the Polaroid. She blushed and turned it back over again. Then she asked me about the picture. I too blushed as I told her that it was just a gift from a young admirer and that that was all there was to it.

Then Danielle asked me where the pair from Saturday was. I told her that they hadn’t arrived yet. Danielle told me that they had. She lifted up her skirt and pulled down the orange G-string panties that I had come to know so well. She smiled at me and placed them neatly on my pillow. Danielle reached into my wife’s closet, pulled out a Polaroid camera, and clicked a picture of her face to put on her panties.

Danielle stood back next to my wife and together they shouted out, “Happy birthday.”

I had completely forgotten that it was my birthday. I had been so preoccupied that it had actually slipped my mind.

Danielle said, “I have a gift for you grandpa but I already unwrapped it. Sorry.” Then she lifted her skirt up to show me the very pussy that was in the Polaroid that I had cherished so much.

Danielle handed the Polaroid camera to her grandmother and said, “You can take seven more pictures while grandpa unwraps the rest of his present if you want too.”

My wife replied, “We bought a three pack of film, remember. I can take twenty-seven pictures of you two making love.”

Danielle walked over to me and gave me a big hug and a kiss before telling me, “I’m a virgin and that is my real gift to you grandpa.”

So I reached out my shaking hands and started to unbutton her pink blouse revealing her pretty orange bra. It matched all of the panties that I already had. I slipped her blouse off her shoulders and down her arms before tossing it on the floor at the foot of the bed. I pulled Danielle closer and wrapped my arms around her in a hug and then I unhooked her bra. As I backed up I just admired my young granddaughter. Then I gently pulled the straps down her shoulders trying not to let the bra cups fall from her breasts. Realizing what I was doing Danielle grabbed one of her breasts and held her bra in place as she shrugged that arm out of the strap. She then held her other breast and removed that strap for me. Then with a big smile on her face Danielle removed her hands and the bra stayed right where it was. I reached out and slowly pulled the bra toward me revealing her fine B-cup breasts and those wonderful nipples that I had seen in the picture. I tossed the bra and dropped to my knees. I just had to suck on those sweet nipples of hers. I had been dreaming of doing that for a couple of days now and I was finally going to get a chance to do it. I worshiped those nipples and the breasts that they belonged too.

As I ravished her teenage breasts Danielle told me that her grandmother had purchased two dozen orange panties and six matching bras for her. She would be giving each one to me for my collection.

Finally I just reached for the snap and zipper on her short skirt and lowered it to her ankles for her to step out of. I was almost face to face with her pussy. That had been the pussy in the second picture and the object of my desire for the past day. I buried my nose in it and inhaled deeply. It was her fragrance that I had smelled from the panties. I would know that odor anywhere. I reached around behind her and cupped her firm little ass in my hands and pulled her pussy into me. She practically fell and pushed me away from her. I was so startled that I almost went into cardiac arrest. Danielle pushed me back enough so that she could get away and then she climbed up on my bed giggling.

Danielle said, “Come up here grandpa.” She spread her legs wide and said, “There, now you can get at it easier.”

I climbed up on the bed and buried my face back into her pussy. She was right, I could get at it much better. I proceeded to give her a better exam than her physician had ever performed down there. I looked at everything, I smelled of everything, I tasted of everything, and I also felt of everything. I even tried to put my ear in there so that I could hear everything too. While I was at it I stimulated her clitoris to several orgasms using my mouth and my fingers. I was in no hurry even though I thought that I would be. I wanted this first time with Danielle to be something that neither one of us would ever forget. I could picture myself a cannibal and eating her, but first I could picture myself fucking her.

I stood up and removed my clothes revealing myself to my granddaughter. She was impressed with my hard cock. To tell you the truth so was I. It was really pretty firm at the moment. I got back on the bed and Danielle wrapped her legs around me. I looked down at this sweet little thing and grabbed my cock in one hand and opened up the lower half of her pussy lips. I placed the head of my cock just inside her lips and then I placed both of my hands up under her armpits.

Just as I sank my cock into her virgin pussy Danielle shouted out, “Happy birthday grandpa.”

I dropped to my elbows on her and felt her firm breasts press into my chest. I pulled my cock out a little and slipped it back in. She was not at all uncomfortable with my size. Danielle told me that she and grandma had been stretching her pussy out a little bit every day and that she had broken her own hymen a year or so ago.

I made love to Danielle for an incredibly long period of time. It was as if nothing mattered, as if time had stood still, and as if I were the best lover in the whole world. To us I was that day. When I finally cum in her I could feel each gob race up my cock and erupt inside her sending millions of sperm into her womb. Gob after gob left my body to join her body. I knew that Danielle had been on the pill for a year or two now but I couldn’t help but hope that just one of those little bastards could find it’s way to her egg and fertilize it. If not this time, then some time in the future. I was never going to give Danielle up. I was already planning on dying while fucking her at the ripe old age of ninety-six. I figure that thirty-five years of fucking Danielle might be just enough for one lifetime.

The End
Orange Panties
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