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Brother and two 'big girl' sisters have fun in barn
BIG GIRLS DON’T CRY by JackassTales…tale # 22…If you don’t like incest stories then this tale is probably not for you. If you like teen sex stories then perhaps you might like it anyway. Most of my stories are about incest. If you would care to check out some of these other tales just click on the JackassTales name above. Thanks for reading.

Big Girls Don’t Cry

It’s been said that they grow them bigger in the country. Well, I don’t know if that’s really true or not. What I do know is that, at 17, I’m what some folks call a big ‘strapping’ boy. My six foot tall frame easily carries my 180 pound body which is made up of solid, muscular tissue and bone. I’m strong, healthy, and full of masculine virility.

As to virility, well, one of my past girlfriends once said, “Goddamnit Jess, you’re ‘hung like a horse’!” Of course now, the girl was exaggerating somewhat. We have several horses on our farm and some of those horse cocks are damn near 2 feet long! Hell, my little old man-sized cock is only a little over 7 inches long! I must say though that my cock becomes a big chunk of swollen meat when it gets excited.

Shit, that big fella inside my jeans was swollen and excited right now! I’d gone down to the barn to pitch some hay to the horses and cows. I saw two of my sisters milking a couple of our cows. Ordinarily, I’d never paid much attention to these girls, but today I was especially horny. Hell, I was either going to have to jack-off soon or get me some pussy! Damn, there wasn’t anything in this world I liked more than pussy!

Now, I wasn’t the only guy who didn’t pay much attention to my sisters. The two were a couple of tall ‘big girls’. And by big, I mean ‘fat’. I know this word is not politically correct. In truth, I’d say the girls were closer to being ‘chubby’ than fat. At about 5-foot-ten each, I’d guess each girl probably weighed near 200 pounds, or more.

My sisters’ height and weight had been a sore spot for both girls. Guys just didn’t go for big girls. Neither girl had ever had a serious boyfriend and I’d bet a hundred dollars that they’re both still virgins. I knew the girls were none too happy about the situation, but I’d never heard either of them cry about it.

I stood in the doorway to the milking shed and stared at my sisters. They were sitting on milking stools with their heads bent over against the side of a cow. Both were dressed in ragged jean shorts and tops which were a little tight on them. There was something about the way they leaned over that drew my attention. Their shirts had hiked up and I could see the crack of their asses before they disappeared into their jeans!

Hell, those were two of the nicest ass cracks I’d ever seen! This got me to wondering if the asses that were covered up were just as pretty as the cracks. I began studying the girls with a more studious eye. At 18, Sally was a blue-eyed blond with a bubbly personality everyone loved. I swear I couldn’t see any bra straps under her pale-blue top! Well, I couldn’t see any straps under the other girl’s green top either. Brenda, at 16, was a green-eyed brunette who was just as sweet and personable as her sister. I had me some nice sisters, I did.

But hell, I wasn’t looking at these girls as sweet sisters! No, my horny teen mind was looking at a couple of possible pussy providers. Wicked I was for even thinking of it, but I wanted my cock inside one of those nice girl’s cunts!

Each of my sisters had a firm grip on two big, milk-swollen cow tits. They were squeezing and tugging forcibly. Streams of warm milk and cream squirted into the milk buckets between their legs. Without thinking, I spoke aloud, “Hey, I can do that!”

Sally and Brenda twisted their heads to glance at me. The two innocent girls smiled at me and continued milking. As the oldest, Sally responded to my comment, “Big deal, Jess. Anybody can milk a cow.”

Seeing my sisters’ smiles made me realize that the girls were actually very pretty in the face. They were a lot prettier than I’d ever noticed before. I smiled right back at them and said, “Sally, milking cows is not what I meant.”

Curiosity compelled Brenda to open her eyes wide in puzzlement. She voiced the question they both wanted answered, “Jess, if you didn’t mean milking, then what did you mean?”

Mischievous teasing entered my voice as I answered, “Girls, I meant that I can squeeze and tug on myself and make milk and cream splash into your milk buckets.”

Farm girls my sisters might be, but these two sheltered young females were too virginal and innocent to know what I meant. I don’t believe they’d ever seen a guy’s cock in their lives and they most certainly had never seen a guy’s cum shooting out of his cum hole.

Sally laughed at my ridiculous claim. She said, “Oh Jess, boys can’t make milk or cream. Why, that’s just crazy talk!”

Brenda echoed her sister’s sentiments, “Yeah Jess, only females can make milk and cream and they make it in their breasts. There’s no way boys can do it! I know you can’t do it!”

I was on the point of laughing at the girls’ innocent naivety, but I didn’t. Instead I quickly countered, “I bet you I can!”

Sally and Brenda snapped back, each speaking the same words, “I bet you can’t! I bet you anything you want. What do you want to bet?”

I knew what I wanted, but I pretended indifference. I shrugged my shoulders and nonchalantly said, “If I can’t do it, then I’ll finish your chores for the day. If I can, then you’ll have to do something for me. Ok?”

The girls were so sure they would win they nodded their heads as a sign of agreement to the bet. We even sealed the deal with handshakes. The girls then watched in astonished disbelief as I unzipped my pants and pulled them and my underwear down to my knees. It was a warm summer morning so I had no shirt on either.

The girls gasped aloud as my swollen cock sprang free. Their eyes gazed in mesmerized fascination at the erect manhood before their eyes. My work-hardened hand gripped the thick, meaty shaft firmly and I began to stroke. My own eyes looked at two pairs of sweet, luscious lips which my own lips were begging to kiss.

Increasing my rhythm, I pumped my meat and thought about pussies. My cock summoned forth seminal fluids. Streams of milky, creamy semen and sperm shot out and splashed into the milk buckets between the girls’ legs. I milked until I was dry and then shook the last few drops into their pails.

The girls’ faces were flushed with unexpected excitement. They couldn’t believe what they’d just witnessed with their very own eyes. As I pulled up my pants, I said, “Ok girls, what about the bet? Do I win?”

Sally looked at Brenda. Brenda looked at Sally. Unspoken words passed between the two sisters. Sally finally answered, “Ok Jess, you win the bet, although we don’t think that was really milk and cream coming out of your…your thing. But, we said if we lost the bet then we’d do something for you. What do you want us to do?”

I didn’t want to scare off the two innocent girls by being too bold. My answer came out as soft spoken words, “Well, I’d like to play with your tits for a few minutes. That’s all, just raise your tops and let me touch and play with your boobs. Will you do it? A bet is a bet. Will you pay off?”

Again, the sisters looked to each other. They had a short whispered conversation which I overheard, “We have to pay off the bet. Don’t we? I’ll do it if you will…ok I will if you will.”

The girls pulled their milking stools closer to me and lifted their tops. I dropped to my knees on the straw-covered floor in front of them. Hell, I’d been right when I thought I saw no bra straps. Neither girl had on a bra. What I now saw just about took my breath away. Four of the nicest tits I’d ever seen in my life jutted out before my eyes!

Goddamn, if my friends knew my sisters had tits this nice, I’d have to fight them off with an ax handle! But, for now these big beautiful boobs were mine all mine. We raised fruit and vegetables in a huge garden near our house. I’d say these breasts on my sisters’ chests were about the size of fully ripened cantaloupes. Boy-o-boy those big mammary mounds were gorgeous! I silently asked myself, “Were the hell do I start if I’m going to play with them?”

I started by grabbing a handful of tit from each girl’s chest. I cupped each tit tenderly. I’ve got big hands, but hell one hand was not enough to do justice to those magnificent mounds! I played with all four tits one-handed, but I wasn’t really getting the job done to my satisfaction.

Frustrated, I gave up on the one-handed tit playing. I turned to Sally and grabbed one of her tits in a two-handed hold. I played with that tit and massaged the quarter-sized dark-pink nipple and the two-inch pale-pink areola. Irresistible temptation drew my mouth toward the beautiful expanse of white breast meat. My ravenous mouth sucked on Sally’s nipple. Hungrily, my lips and tongue kissed and licked every square inch of the girl’s delicious boob. With the same tit-starving hunger, I gorged myself on the other breast.

I wasn’t forgetting Brenda. I moved to her chest and greedily kissed and licked each delectable teen tit. So tit-hungry was I that sucked with enough force to call forth squeals of protest. I forced my tit-crazy mind to slow down and told my mouth, my lips, and my tongue to play a little more gently. Hell, I didn’t want the girls to tell me to stop!

Neither sister told me to stop. Neither reminded me of the fact that the bet called for a ‘few minutes’ of playing with their tits. A few minutes had long since passed. Time flew by in a blissful fury of tittie playtime fun. One girl, I couldn’t tell who, said, “My arms are getting tired holding up my top.”

I had a simple solution to that little problem, “Girls, just go ahead and take your tops all the way off. Then you can put your arms down. Hell, I’m nowhere near ready to stop playing with your beautiful breasts! Damnit girls, I didn’t know you two had such wonderful baby-dolls hidden down here!”

Shyly, the girls stripped off their tops. Sally blushed bashfully and hesitantly asked, “Jess, do you really, really like them? Don’t you think they’re too big, too fat, and too gross? Brenda and I think guys are put off because we are too big, too tall, and too chubby. Do you think we are?”

I answered candidly, “Truthfully girls, yes, I used to think so. But now, oh good god girls, I think you two are the sexiest, most gorgeous, most desirable female beings I’ve ever known in my life!”

As a reward for my truthfulness and sincerity, the girls jumped from their stools and began smothering my face, cheeks, and lips with kisses. The sides and front of my naked muscular chest was cocooned in a big tit and plump flesh sandwich.

Abruptly, the girls pulled away. Sally’s face reddened and she spoke apologetically, “Oh god, Jess! We didn’t mean to kiss you on the lips like that. Boys don’t like the idea of kissing us. Not one boy has ever kissed either of us. Who wants to kiss chubby big girls? I bet even you don’t! Do you?”

I answered sternly, “Well Sally, there’s another bet you girls would certainly not win! Why, I like your kisses just fine! But, you two are kissing too fast. How about we slow down and try a few slow kisses? And Sally, since you asked, I’d like to start with you first.”

I sat my sister’s hands on my shoulders and pulled her body against mine. Wrapping my arms around her back, I crushed her ample bosoms against my rock-hard chest. My lips pressed against hers. My lips were too dry and so were hers. I moistened mine with my tongue and then I licked hers. This time when I kissed her, our slippery wet lips molded together in and erotic, joyful display of genuine affection.

I kissed her again and she kissed me with a hungry, ‘love struck’ obsession. Sally acted like she was a girl who’d been dying of thirst and had just found water. She put her heart and soul into the kisses she was sharing with her brother. Finally, when she came up for a breath, she sighed and said, “Oh god Jess, I love kissing you! I’ll love you for kissing me like this until the day I die!”

Brenda then came into my arms. This young sister of mine was just as thirsty and hungrily obsessed with kissing me. Our mouths, and lips, and tongues played merry games of thrilling oral delight. This girl too spoke words of endearment, “Oh goodness Jess, I didn’t know kissing would be so good! I never knew a boy’s lips could make me feel this happy! Jess, I love you, too!”

I realized that I loved my sisters, too, and I told them so. Love and lust had been overwhelmingly aroused in me. My cock was again swollen and begging to once more get out of my pants. Kisses were fine and so were tits, but hell, I wanted some pussy!

I twisted the girls around so that their backs were pressed against the sides of my chest. My arms encircled their fleshy waists and I played once more with their tits. I was unsure as to how they would react to what I planned to do next. But hell, I wouldn’t know if I didn’t just do it!

So, do it, I did. I unbuttoned two jean-shorts buttons. I unzipped two zippers. My mind silently screamed, “It’s now or never!” Slowly, my hands slipped in under the waistbands of two pairs of panties. I reached in deeper and came upon two curly bushes of hair. Unconsciously, I wondered if the color of the girls’ bushes matched the color of the hair on their heads.

Digging down deeper, I found the pussy treasures I sought. My hands cupped two well-developed, large-sized pussy mounds. To my surprise, I found out that both Sally and Brenda’s pussies and panties were already dripping wet from feminine vaginal excitement.

Undeterred by the slippery wetness, I played with the girls’ pussies. My hands and fingers squeezed, tickled, and teased the abundance of warm, moist feminine flesh. My sticky-wet fingers found a welcoming home inside two vaginal openings. I dug in as far as I could. Whimpering protests let me know I was digging too roughly against virginal hymens.

I was having a good time playing with pussies, but hell, I didn’t want to make the girls cum. Not yet, I didn’t. If there was any way I could, I wanted my cock inside one of those nice, wet cunts. I wondered what the girls might say about that. Shit, these big girls would probably run away and cry!

The girls must have been reading my mind. They pulled my hands out of their panties. They scooted away from me and had a whispered conversation. They then came back to my side and faced me. Acting as the spokesperson, Sally said, “Jess, Brenda and I are both virgins, but we don’t want to be. No boy has ever shown any interest in…in fucking us. I guess we’re too ugly and fat! Jess, we’ve talked it over and we’re just wondering… Jess, would you…? Would you have any interest in…in taking our virginity from us? We’d both love to give our cherries to someone we love and we love you!”

Damn, my cock jumped excitedly! It was swollen so big it was about to bust the seams in my britches. I answered hurriedly, “Goddamnit girls, I told you you’re not ugly or fat! Why, you two have really pretty faces. Now, I’ll admit that you are ‘full figured’, but hell every inch of your figures are pure feminine delight! I’d fuck you in a heartbeat and be damn proud to do so!”

Elatedly, the girls again threw themselves at me and rained kisses all over my face. When their impassioned attack began to fade, I stood and pulled my sisters along with me. I grabbed up two ratty, old horse blankets and led the barefooted girls into the hayshed.

I threw several square bales of hay onto the dirt floor and arranged them into a square. I spread the two blankets out to make a comfortable bed. I directed the girls to pull off their shorts and panties and climb onto the makeshift bed.

Panties and shorts went flying off. The naked girls sat on the edge of the blanketed hay bales. Before lying back, the girls had another secret, whispered conversation. This time when they faced me Brenda was the spokesperson, “Jess, you’ve played with our pussies and titties. So, before you…fuck us, can we… Can we play with your penis? Just for a few minutes would be enough. Neither one of us has ever even touched one. But, both Sally and I think you have the most beautiful penis in this whole wide world!”

Without awaiting my permission, Brenda unbuttoned my pants. Sally pulled down my zipper. Together, the girls stripped my pants, underwear, socks, and shoes from my body. My exposed manhood burst out in all its fully erect glory. Damn, I couldn’t believe how big, hard, and horny I was! I’d never felt so proud to ‘show-off’ my manly cock to anyone before. For some reason, I wanted my sisters to really enjoy touching and playing with me. I loved these sweet girls, these sweet sisters of mine.

I was still standing when four feminine hands grabbed onto my cock and began to play. Not one inch of my swollen shaft went untouched. My balls were squeezed, juggled, and bounced. Fingers ran through my pubic hairs combing, pulling, and tugging. Sally’s voice heatedly inquired, “May we kiss it, Jess?”

Again, without waiting for an answer, the girls began kissing my meaty shaft. Warm, wet lips and tongues kissed and licked with a frenzy of cock-hungry desire. The girls’ lips were moving so frenziedly that the head of my cock accidentally slipped into a mouth. Sally’s mouth, it was. The girl recoiled in fright. The girls had heard of cock sucking, but neither had ever done it.

Sally looked towards Brenda for guidance. Hell, that girl didn’t know any more about cock sucking than her sister did! Yet, that younger sister of mine was game to try anything. Brenda leaned forward and plopped the head of my cock into her mouth. She licked and sucked awkwardly.

Inexperienced and naive, yes Brenda was, but the girl’s ‘hands on’ training was soon paying off. Her mouth released a flood of saliva which lubricated the rigid rod she was sucking on. Before I knew it, the girl’s head was bobbing up and down on my spit-lubricated shaft. My wet cock was disappearing deeper and deeper into my sister’s deep-throated mouth. Goddamn, it felt good!

Suddenly, Sally grabbed a handful of her sister’s brunette hair and pulled her head away from my cock. She spoke harshly, “Goodness Brenda, don’t make Jess’ milk and cream come out yet! We want to save it so he can fuck us. But, I saw how you did it, so I want to suck him for a minute myself!”

Without saying another word, Sally’s lips took Brenda’s place on my cock. Her mouth was already dripping wet with cock sucking anticipation. Again, my shaft became imbedded in a girl’s cock-hungry oral cavity.

Sally’s cock sucking was no less energetic than her sister’s had been. In fact, this girl’s sexual wantonness had been aroused to the point where she was loosing control. In a furious flurry of kissing, licking, and sucking, the inexperienced teen wench swallowed in every inch of my elongated, engorged shaft!

Oh shit, guys are not programmed to handle this much cock sucking pleasure! I let Sally play just a little while longer, but then I grabbed her curly blond hair and forcibly pulled her head away. My voice was none too gentle when I said, “Damnit Sally, if you girls want me to do some fucking, then hell, you two had better stop sucking!”

After shoving the girls back into a reclining position, I dropped to my knees before them. My eyes gloried in the sight of so much naked female flesh. Never again would I think of these girls as being ‘fat’. They were certainly plump, full-figured ladies, but hell every inch of their feminine bodies were well-proportioned, sexy, and erotically stimulating! Big girls they were, but they were ‘my big girls’ to love and play with as I wanted! And, what I wanted was to fuck them. I wanted to fuck them both! I hoped and prayed for enough teenaged sexual stamina to do just that.

It was about goddamn time I was getting myself some pussy! I scooted over between Sally’s legs and spread her fleshy thighs wide apart. A bush of curly blond pubic hair matched the color of the hair on her head. This thatch of feminine curls was not too thick to cover the generously-sized pussy mound beneath.

Damn, I’d never seen so much beautiful pussy flesh on any one girl in my life! I just had to eat some of that gloriously sexy feminine fruit. My head descended and my mouth captured Sally’s clit. I had a mouthful of stiffened, protruding vaginal meat. My cunt-hungry mouth sucked greedily. My pussy-crazed tongue flicked and licked enthusiastically. Sally’s ass wiggled and her voice whimpered softly.

I didn’t stop with this girl’s clit. I kissed, and licked, and sucked on every delicious morsel of feminine flesh between my sister’s legs. My tongue descended into a sweltering hot, sticky wet, virginal vaginal hole. I was paying no attention to the flood of female moisture coating my mouth and face. I licked and lapped the juices in an effort to keep from drowning. I tongue-fucked this girl’s pussy as deep as I could. Sally was sighing heavily.

Old barns have several distinctive aromas in them. These scents competed for my attention. I smelled hay and straw. I smelled cow shit and dirt. But, the most overpowering scent I smelled was the sweet, erotic aroma of hot pussy! I had this smell in my mouth, on my tongue, on my lips, and in my nose. Damn, I love the smell of fresh, wet-hot pussy!

Speaking of pussy, hell it’s about damn time I was getting my cock dipped into a deep, dark cunt hole! I maneuvered my body into a suitable position between my sister’s legs. Grabbing my blood-engorged shaft, I gently entered Sally’s virginal vaginal hole.

Feminine juices immediately lubricated my cock with a slippery coating of thick wetness. I had every intention of breaking my sister’s hymen as gently as I could. Yet, my plans were upset by my uncontrollable, undeniable lust and pussy hunger. My hips bucked forward and my rock-hard, stiffened shaft plunged into my sister’s pussy in one quick, violent thrust. The girl’s hymen was ripped asunder. Sally’s scream pierced the silence of the morning. I knew I was hurting her, but this big girl didn’t cry.

Instead of pulling away from the pain, Sally’s pussy welcomed the violent intruder which was forcibly entering her most sacred feminine inner sanctum. The girl’s long, stocky legs encircled my hips and pulled my cock deeper inside her. She began bucking and jumping upwards to meet my inward and outward thrusts.

I was fucking my sister Sally and that sweet girl was fucking me. This girl and I lost track of time and place. For a while, we slowed down and fucked slowly and gently. Eventually, lust and a race for orgasmic relief overpowered us. We began fucking with insistent, hard-hitting poundings of cock into cunt.

Orgasms exploded inside our conjoined loins. Sally began cumming and so did I. Oh god, this was the best orgasmic experience I’d ever had! I knew it had to be Sally’s, too.

The two of us let the blissful carnal feelings carry us away into heavenly happiness for as long as we could. Sally had two more rounds of ecstatic orgasms, but then she fell back on her blanket exhausted. The girl was sexually spent. She’d just had all the sex she could handle for now.

Unbelievably, the same thing couldn’t be said about me! After fucking this big girl, I ought to be pussy whipped and worn out. But hell, I wasn’t! I glanced aside and saw another naked virginal girl who was awaiting her turn at being deflowered. I wasn’t going to disappoint that girl. Nor was I going to deny myself another piece of pussy while I could get it!

Hopefully, my cock and my teen virility would allow me to ‘stand up’ to this pussy deflowering task. My hardened shaft had begun to soften, but I’d bet if I’d eat some of Brenda’s pussy then my big fella would get up and be ready to go again.

So, that’s what I did. I began eating Brenda’s big girl pussy. Lordy, this sister’s cunt tasted and smelled just as good as the other one did! She was just as wet and horny, too.

Brenda was wiggling and squirming all the time I was eating the ample fullness of her nice, big pussy. Brunette was the color of her pubic patch. Again, my face, mouth, and nose became saturated with pussy juice.

Even at six foot tall, I was still a growing boy. At every meal, I always took seconds. I was now having myself a second helping of sweet pussy to eat. And, damn it tasted mighty good! By the time I finished this delectable meal, my cock was hard and stiff again.

Brenda was whimpering and whining with joy and unbearably demanding lust. She pleadingly begged, “Jess, oh Jess please fuck me now! Please fuck me like you did Sally. Please fill my pussy with that big chunk of beautiful meat you have between your legs! Will you do it now please?”

Hell, I wasn’t hard of hearing and I wasn’t the kind of guy that had to be asked to do something twice! Of course I had every intention of fucking this sister of mine. I guided my cock to its pussy heaven home.

With one vicious thrust the entire length of my stiffened cock penetrated deep into my sister’s blistering hot, steaming wet vaginal tunnel. Just as Sally had done, Brenda screamed as her tender, virginal hymen was torn. And, just like her sister, this big girl didn’t cry.

Once again, I found myself enjoying the rhythmic thrill of slow and fast pussy fucking fun. I could tell that Brenda was having a good time, too. Her long, stout legs pulled me against her body. Pussy muscles latched onto my swollen shaft and tried to tug and squeeze the very life out of it. But hell, I’m a big healthy boy and I know how to take care of my endangered cock! In self defense, I pounded my rigid-hard meat into the big girl’s pussy with rapid, vicious, jackhammer thrusts.

At long last, I was able to wrestle my sister’s orgasmic treasure from her virginal cunt. Brenda began cumming. Oh, I knew this girl was cumming hard! Her hot, sweaty pussy sprayed my loins and pubic hair with female cum. Just to be fair, I sprayed the insides of her pussy with what little semen and sperm I had left in my testicle sack.

Brenda and I delighted in shared orgasms. We let their joys and thrills join our hearts and bodies in a bond of lust and love. This girl had a few more earth-quaking, pussy-shaking orgasms before she finally surrendered and lay still on the blanket.

This time, I too fell exhausted on the blanketed hay bale bed. I lay between my two big girl sisters. The three of us were a dirty, sticky, wet mess. Our bare feet and knees were covered with barn dirt from walking and kneeling on the dirt floor. Our skin was sweaty from sexual exertion. Their pussies and my cock were coated with a messy mixture of male and female cum blended with saliva and virginal blood.

Unexpectedly, spoken words came from the open hayshed door. I recognized the soft soprano tone of my mother’s voice, “Jess, when you get through playing with your sisters, you three had better wash off in the stock tank. I won’t let you three into my clean house if you’re as dirty and messy as you are now!”

As soon as I heard Mom’s first words, I sprang to a sitting position on the hay bale bed. Sally and Brenda flipped over onto their bellies and hid their embarrassed faces.

Mom turned to walk away, but stopped and said, “If you’re wondering how I knew what was going on down here then I’ll tell you. I was hanging some laundry on the clothesline out back when I heard Sally’s screams and squeals. By the time I got to the barn, Jess you had your head between Brenda’s legs. I knew then why Sally had screamed. I saw her wet cunt dripping with her virginal blood and your semen. I watched you eat Brenda’s pussy and then I watched you fuck her. I must say, you horny teen kids put on quite a good show! I wouldn’t mind watching your next performance. So, don’t you kids worry about me telling you to not do this again. Once eaten, forbidden fruit is hard to resist. I guess we’d better get you girls on birth control. Now, you all clean up and come get your breakfast.”

Mom turned and disappeared from sight. I looked at my trembling, embarrassed sisters. Instead of joining in on their humiliation at being caught, my eyes fixated on two wide, plump, asses. Guys can be vicious and mean at times. Before this morning, I might have cruelly called these girls ‘fat-assed lard-butts’. But now, well hell, I loved the beautiful expanse of luscious, lily-white feminine ass flesh sticking up in front of my eyes!

I slapped each sexy ass with a stinging smack. My head bent over and my lips rained kisses onto Sally and Brenda’s fleshy, flabby ass cheeks. I sat back up and spanked those sweet asses again!

Perhaps my ass whipping was a little too enthusiastic. Squealing from the stinging blows, Sally and Brenda twisted around and lay on their backs. These two girls grabbed me and wrestled me to my back on the bed. The girls then turned to me and snuggled into my outstretched arms.

I lay there on ratty old blankets and held my sweet sisters in a tender, loving embrace. A blond head lay on one of my shoulders and a brunette head lay on the other. My chest and sides were covered with four full-sized ‘big girl’ breasts. The girls each had a long, stocky leg draped over my spread-eagled legs. Blond and brunette pussy bushes were pressed against my hips.

My hands and fingers were playing with the warm, smooth skin on my two sisters’ backs. I turned to Sally and then turned to Brenda. I whispered, “Hey baby dolls, I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you both.”

Sally beat her sister in their race to get kisses. This girl was sweet 18, but had never been kissed until today. As if making up for lost time, the girl kissed me passionately. I kissed her with a newfound blossoming love.

Brenda’s turn came next. She too, at 16, had not had a kiss before today. This girl kissed me with a fervent, ardent obsession. I kissed her with the same obsessive passion.

The three of us snuggled a little while longer. Finally, I had something to say to my two sibling lovers. I spoke softly, “Girls, I’ve got a ‘hot date’ with Becky Sharp later today. She’s a very pretty and sexy girl. And, Becky damn well knows it! She sometimes treats me ‘bitchy’ when I try to get a piece of pussy from her. Why, that girl is nowhere near as sweet and nice to me as you girls are!”

I could tell that my sisters were becoming uncomfortable with my talking about another girl so soon after I’d just fucked them. So, I went ahead and said what I really wanted to say, “If it’s ok with you girls, I want to ‘blow off’ Becky and get myself some more pussy from you two sweet young ladies later today. What do you think? Would you be willing?”

These sisters of mine attacked me with kisses and words of impassioned delight. I heard the words, but they were spoken so quickly I couldn’t tell which one said what. Yet, I knew I heard this, “Oh Jess, that’s a wonderful plan! You can tell that ‘bitch’ to go to go straight to hell! We’ll give you all the pussy you want! You don’t need anymore girlfriends. We’ll be your very own stay-at-home girlfriends and you can fuck us anytime you want to!”

While they were speaking, the girls had my cock and my balls in their hands. I could hardly believe it, but I was beginning to get another stiffened erection! The girls and I had to go and wash off and then have breakfast. With my cock already hardening, I wasn’t so sure about being able to wait until later today to get some more pussy from these girls! Hell, I might have to have some before lunch!

I jumped off the hay bale bed and pulled the girls to their feet. The three of us stood there in all our glorious bare-assed nudity. We hugged and kissed with an excited awakening of forbidden lust and love. My eyes were close to becoming teary from happiness.

My sisters put their heads on my shoulders and I held them in a tender, adoring embrace. I knew the girls were ecstatically happy, too. I began feeling dripping, warm, wet droplets falling on the naked skin of my shoulders and chest. Realization came in a flash. The warm wetness I felt was tears. Why, my big girl sisters were crying!

The end

Big Girls Don’t Cry

anonymous readerReport 

2012-11-24 02:31:39
Hi Quinnlin, I read your Mom's blog cos I want to be a special needs teceahr when I get out of university and so I feel like I've got to know you and your brother just a teeny bit.Anyway, all I wanted to say is that I am a Girl Guide (Girl Scout) leader in England and I am so so glad you found a troop where the girls are nicer to you! I loved being a Girl Guide and I want every girl to have that chance I wouldn't let the mean girls get away with treating you how they did if you'd been in my troop!Best wishes, Katie xx

anonymous readerReport 

2012-08-06 21:30:45
i wonder what the mom will think when she tastes the milk the girls got at the beginning of the story....

anonymous readerReport 

2012-04-12 16:53:13
WOW!!!I love you Jackass Tales. You have given me a splendid idea to seduce my sister who matches Sally and brendas description.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-02-18 18:24:08
One of my daughters has always been a heavy weight like that and everyone knew how miserable she was with her life... no boyfriends and no one paying attention to her when her sister had them by the dozens. One night I took her out to dinner and a movie.. treated her special. Next week, I did it again. On the way home she looked at me and quietly said, "I wish you weren't my dad." I asked why. She said, "If you weren't, I'd kiss you to pieces." I pulled her against me and said, "Don't let that stop you, honey. You can have anything you want from me... I mean ANY thing." I pulled over to the curb.. took her into my arms and kissed her like a woman. She was breathing hard and kissing me back. I took her to a motel and got a room for the night. When we got to the room, I took her to bed and made love to her. She lost her virginity and went home in the morning a woman with her Dad's cum and his baby in her belly. Since then, she's lived and slept with me as a wife. Her sister approves.

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-10-09 03:39:34
I was quite a stud, when I was in my late teens and my twenties, but I hated how girls who knew they were really pretty acted as if they thought their shit tasted like ice cream so, as soon as they started that shit, I dumped them. It didn't take me a long time to figure out that plain looking girls don't often get 'hit on' by a good looking guy so they appreciate it more, when they do. I always had exceptional staying power and control so I made sure they'd been fully satisfied before I 'let go' in them. I fucked litarally hundreds of plain looking girls and most, even if they weren't all that good at fucking, gave it their all because they wanted to please me and insure getting another thorough vaginal massage. (99% of them got a lot more than one solid fucking) The best part was that they never acted as if they were doing ME a favor. Usually, I heard the words "Thank You" or "I love you" right after I'd pumped my cum into them. To me, Attitude is #1, Perf. 2 and looks 3.

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