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Continuing the confusion of my life with new encounters, new professed Love and sex, even if a murder of the office manager and his wife seem to take precedence at times....
Ex-Daughter Grown Up, Part 8 – Love & Sex: Confused
(Introduction: if you have read parts 1-7, you will know the people involved: a husband back working in the country he loves and where his grown-up 17y.o. step-daughter from a previous marriage has arranged for her ‘daddy’ to be taken care of by others during her school semesters back in her adopted Australia, where she lives with her mother, the ex-wife. I had to go to one of our northern offices again for problems which had cropped up for our business, having just had more overnight sex and sleep with my ex-Vietnamese wife, Ha, mother of Yen, and she stirred me –as she had always done, in my heart, like no other woman ever had until her daughter had become a woman…and until I had learned I couldn’t trust her, ever, even if I still loved her also…my mind had to get back to work as I checked-in to fly out…)

Sitting in the bar with 45 minutes to boarding, I realized I should call Ping and let her know I would be away for a few days. It wasn’t so early, so I dialed, and she answered sleepily.
“I’m sorry, Ping, you sound asleep! I wanted to tell you I am flying up to Liem’s office now, some problems there, so I will be away for a few days probably. You feel free to go to the house, do your clothes’ washing or whatever when you get back from your study week, ok, and I will see you when we both get back. ‘Bye em.” I pressed ‘off’ and let her return to a sleep-in. No doubt, she would later phone Liem, her cousin, or Tuan, who worked in the hotel I would stay at, also a cousin of them both, and one or the other would surely be in touch with Yen again soon! My offices and wherever I went was a conduit of news to Yen.
On the plane later, I ate breakfast and made some notes, and walked out of the terminal to find my car – but also Liem waiting with the driver. She greeted me formally as we walked to the car parked close by; once inside, we proceeded to talk about Ping and other matters. I also had the photos to show her, but not here in the car!
At one point, Liem began talking about Anh Duc, but I motioned her to be quiet – that was a subject for discussion in private. We stopped at a mini-mart to buy me some beer and milk, and at the hotel, Liem said she would let me check in, go home to her Mum’s, and come back to take me to dinner this evening; fine, I agreed, thanked Liem and the driver, and was shown to my room – the same one as last time, naturally!
For reasons I understood, I was tired, so after unpacking what I needed, I lay on the bed and slept. Two hours later, I washed, cleaned my teeth, threw on my home shorts, unpacked my clothes and hung them up, and phoned down for some hot water to make my afternoon caf?While waiting, I took my camera out and dusted it and cleaned the lens, then loaded a new film just as the knock came at the door. It was a young waiter I knew slightly, his name was Bo; he was young, maybe 20-21, and cute, and I was pretty sure a ladyboy, given he had a lovely, feminine face, light make-up, and gentle mannerisms. He didn’t have breasts, but seemed to be working on it as he did have slight mounds under his shirt, and nipples which were poking out.
He was very slender and walked with a nice sway of hips as he brought the thermos to the table. I sat on the side of the bed as I clicked the auto winder to the first frame, and he turned, started “Oh, I thought you were taking a photo of me! Oh, that’s an old camera, not small digital.” “Yes,” I agreed “old, but it still takes more beautiful photos I think.” The folders of photos of the girls were actually laid on the bed beside me, and Bo spotted them, asking if he could look as he sat demurely on the bed also, the folders between us. “Sure – but you mustn’t tell anyone outside this room, ok?” I gave him the first folder of Ping, and I went to make my coffee, offering him one or water but he said he was fine as he coo’d over the photos, squealing at Ping and putting his hand over his mouth when he came to her flamboyantly portraying her modeling abilities – against the very same patio doors a few metres across the room. He squealed even louder when he recognized Tuan next, and again when he stared, mesmerized at the final series on one roll which showed the three of them – Liem, Ping and Tuan – in bed, naked together, but I felt so proud I had shot them very artistically.
“Oh, Anh Steve, you and the camera take beautiful photos! Can you take me like some of these?”
He jumped up, swayed to the balcony door and wrapped himself around it rather like Ping, sliding his arms up and down the glass and then down his body. He certainly was alluring, but the light was too bright at the moment, so I motioned Bo inside, had him sit in the chair and look at the world outside the balcony doors; he was good – he had a wistful expression, yet he portrayed beauty in the moment, and I took a few different shots. Then I stopped (when I felt my cock unexpectedly grown in my shorts) and explained it would be more beautiful later in the afternoon if he could, and wanted, when the light was softer with the lowering of the sun. He agreed immediately, said his shift finished about 4p.m. and if he could come then and wash himself and freshen his looks, would that be ok? I smiled at his enthusiasm and agreed, standing to get him a tip for the hot water; he protested, but I pushed the money into his shirt pocket – yes, there was a definite mound under there I felt – and guided him to the door. When there, he looked down at me, at my shorts; “You like taking my photo, Anh Steve?” He smiled and lifted his hand to lightly graze my cheek with long nails;
“I like to photo all beautiful ladies, Bo, simple as that.” He beamed a smile at me, but almost cried as he ran out. I hadn’t been making a nasty joke; it was clear Bo felt more like a woman than a man, and I had no problems with that, and indeed: he was more beautiful than handsome, hence my own cock’s response!
I tried, without much hope of success, phoning Anh Duc’s mobile and home phone, which Liem had given me, but as expected, there was only an automated voice advising the mobile was off/out of range, and the home number just rang and rang. Nothing else to do for now, so I drank my cooling coffee as I prepared notes of possible actions to take tomorrow at the office, at the bank and at our lawyers. When I sat back, opening a beer, and turning on the TV for some light relaxation, I realized I hadn’t eaten lunch; never mind, dinner in a few hours, so I flicked channels and found some replays of last night’s football from the UK.
When it finished, I noticed it was almost 4p.m. so I rushed into the shower, shaved and began washing my hair, just as the door bell rang.
I cleared the shampoo from my face, grabbed a towel and ran carefully across the floor to open the door for – “Tuan!”
“Hello, Anh, I wanted to come early and see you; but you had better go back and finish!” “Tuan, you know Bo? He should be coming soon, so you can let him in; I told him I would take some photos – oh, and you can look at the photos, there on the bed, while I shower. Ah, it’s nice to see you Tuan.” “You too, Anh,” she smiled.
I pushed the shower door almost closed, and turned the water back on, lathering, conditioning and washing, and finished. In the midst, I heard the door bell, and muffled talking, and then I was finished and drying myself when Bo opened the door, asking if he could shower also. I was a little awkward as he glanced at my body, towel length-wise draped down my front: are we two men, which is ok, or male-female, which I decided was also ok, so I continued drying as Bo began removing clothes. He said “You aren’t very fat, Anh Steve, and maybe your muscles could do with some refining, but you look pretty good!”
I blushed, and he laughed; when his shirt was off, I saw what he meant; he had defined, very cute boobs, but he also had defined musculature, and was taut everywhere. “You are also certainly not fat, Bo, but you do have a beautiful body; I think we should highlight that in some photos, ok?” He said “I am in your hands, Anh, anything you want – I would just like some photos as erotic as those of Tuan and those other girls, please!” I was finished, slipped on my shorts as Bo removed his pants and underwear, his back to me; when he stood up to step into the shower, I had to admire his smooth, firm buttocks, dark brown in colour naturally. He turned quickly to face me – caught as always, I blushed – and he smiled, but he at least spared me further embarrassment by sliding the curtain across, as I returned to brushing out my wet, long hair.
In the main room, Tuan was laying back on the bed flicking through the photos. I took a beer from the fridge, gave Tuan a glass of water, and left her to it as I settled in the chair opposite, watching her. Clearly, she was aroused, constantly crossing and uncrossing her legs, one hand slipping down to touch her body somewhere.
And now I looked at what she was wearing, which hadn’t registered earlier when I was surprised by her arrival. A short denim skirt, smooth, brown legs laid out below, tiny feet twitching; her top was a pink v-neck cotton, smooth over her flat abdomen, but swollen by her breasts; I knew they weren’t big, but were lovely held in my hands.
She closed the last folder – that would be the final ones in the park behind her staff quarters – just as Bo exited the bathroom, a towel wrapped around as a woman would: tightly, to show a small cleavage; he had applied some face make-up and looked so sweet and cute, and in truth, a very pretty woman, though I assumed he had a man’s penis below.
Tuan groaned as she sat up on the bed, “Anh, those photos are wonderful! You sure no trouble printing them?” she asked a little worried. “No, Tuan, my print shop does them very discreetly for me, Ping has one copy and these are the master sets, that’s all.” “Oh, they have made me feel so hot, if you know what I mean…” “Yes I do, em; they do the same to me.” “And me!” threw in Bo, and we all laughed. “In fact, I could even ‘jump’ you right now, Bo!” flirted Tuan.
An idea flashed, and I said “Well, Bo, you wanted some erotic photos; that sounds a pretty erotic idea to me, after I take some of you at the balcony doors like before; how about it you two?”
In response, Bo dropped his towel; he had a silk pair of thong panties on, the front covering his manhood effectively, but equally displaying it, and he twirled to show the thin straps up the crack of his bottom, beautifully dividing those smooth, small buttocks, and linking around his waist. He leaned against the glass door, “Like this?” he asked. I got my camera, set a chair on the balcony and framed him; then I began my work, arranging the towel around him discreetly, but provocatively. His face was already into the emotions and he portrayed a sexy photo-model easily as I snapped off some frames, re-arranging him as I wanted, holding his hips while I swiveled him into position, and feeling thrilled at the touch wherever my hands rested on his body. I got back to work until deciding that was enough, I directed him to the bed to join Tuan; with the blinds fully open, the light was nice and soft, yet enough without flash, and I said “Ok, you two, whatever you want, whatever you feel, let yourselves feel it, want it, show it – and I will photograph it. Bo, leave your panties on, they are erotic just themselves! I promise, I will only interrupt to hide your faces enough so no-one can ID them, and interrupt to change to my one more film, ok?” But they weren’t even listening, as they faced each other; I pulled the quilt down and screwed it up at the bottom of the bed, like they had kicked it off in passion, and shot them as each smoothed a hand against the other’s cheek, closer, then when their faces were touching, yet hidden, they both began roving their hands elsewhere, Bo’s on Tuan’s breasts outside her shirt, Tuan’s hands down Bo’s body between them, but hidden – erotic but hidden, all left to the imagination: what is she doing?
I moved constantly, close-ups of hidden faces pressed together, of hands in stimulation on the partner’s body, of hands buried in secret places. I stopped when Tuan rolled back and groaning, removed her shirt; I snapped a shot while she was lifting it over her head, and another as Bo now encased a bra-covered breast. Then my film finished, and as I rewound it and changed for a new one, I also got a beer, and sat back just watching them for a few minutes;
I did jump up to take two shots when Tuan began removing her skirt – it bloomed in my mind that the photos I had taken would look like a montage of seduction, from a clothed Tuan to…to what would be the climax was yet to be framed. I sat back with a cigarette, a voyeur for now, as Bo and Tuan headed further on whatever path they were on.
My own cock wanted to join them on the same path, but I shook my head and willed it down as I got back to work as they lay flat back on the bed.
And then I shot as Bo’s hands rested on Tuan’s panty-covered pelvis, and Tuan’s was clearly inside Bo’s own panties: and he had grown, no doubt, under her fingers. As I felt pre-cum leaking inside my shorts, I quietly interrupted them, leaning down over their faces to suggest they sit up against the headboard, so I could get different shots. Tuan grabbed my face with one hand and smashed her mouth against mine, tongue forcing entry and pushing down my throat; then I felt myself pulled away and across to Bo’s mouth for the same. I had never kissed like this before, but Bo was as a woman kissing a man, and it was as arousing as Tuan’s a moment before:
And so I kissed back, slurping my tongue inside his mouth, and entwining his tongue in mine for a long, delicious meeting. I eased back, said “My job is to take photos of you two – back to work!” I ordered them upright against the headboard, but then ordered them to swap sides, and for Tuan to remove her bra; she didn’t hesitate, and nipples and breasts burst forth eagerly. No faces, as I set Bo to raise his chest to show his boobs, and he was delighted, and I framed and got two sets of breasts side by side; and then I framed two panty-clad pelvic regions, their hands clasping down their thighs between them: happy lovers it seemed. Legs and feet entwined were the focus of my next shots, and then I had to ask “You want erotic naked, front and rear – no faces?” Bo and Tuan looked at each other, and each removed their panties; Tuan was shaved smooth and bare, Bo was also mostly shaved, and his prick was smaller when released from his panties, but it was hard. I rolled them together closely, not sure what they wanted to do, but for myself wanting to hide them sufficiently so it wasn’t a porno shot.

When satisfied, I took some, and then had Bo spoon Tuan from behind, taking his beautiful buttocks, and reversed to take Tuan’s equally inviting smooth rear and another of their breasts pressing against each other. I checked and had four frames left, so I asked if Tuan could get on top of Bo, and then reversed with Bo in a missionary position, catching Tuan’s breasts flattened out to the side – oh that was nice, I thought!
“I have two shots left, what do you want?” Tuan jumped up, naked and uncaring and came to me, reaching for the camera; “I want to take the last one, Anh; you get on the bed with Bo, and I will give directions until it looks perfect, ok Bo, Anh?”
I looked at Bo, who smiled enigmatically, and did as ordered – “No shorts, Anh!” ordered Tuan, so I sat on the bed and slipped them off, then lay back, but turning on my side to hide my erection, at full size and leaking pre-cum constantly. Bo spooned closely behind me, placing one hand over my hip and reaching to grasp my cock…”Wait!” said Tuan, and she ran over to throw the sheet haphazardly over Bo’s hand, over my prick – tasteful, I thought as a photographer – even as I felt Bo’s fingers gliding through the slickness along my wet cock, and then I became aware of his jumping penis pressed against my buttocks, also leaking juices. Bo used his left hand, his arm pressed against my back, to smooth my hair aside, and allow him to nuzzle his face against my neck, while his right hand continued to slide slowly up and down my prick under the sheet. Tuan had been quiet, but now she said, almost breathlessly “Ready, 1…2…beautiful!” and the click of the camera vaguely registered in my overloaded brain, as my emotions threatened to boil and burst – where, I had no idea, but they were in turmoil!
“Now, last one; what do you want people – Bo, these are yours, what do you want?” Tuan waited, and Bo considered; “Can I direct this one, Anh – and you will do what I order?” I rolled back to face him, “One more, Bo, yes I can do as you want – romantic and erotic is ok, but no full faces, ok?” He pulled me over to roll on top of him, laying down the length of his body with my own, and naturally two cocks pressed together; I could feel the slickness of pre-cum, from us both I assumed, but there was plenty of it as our cocks jumped against each other, and Bo’s hips rose involuntarily to press up to me, and I couldn’t do other than tauten my buttock’s and leg muscles and press back against him.
“Tuan, put the sheet covering just half of Anh’s Steve’s buttocks, but our legs and feet exposed, and our upper bodies exposed, and then take the shot length-wise, head to toes, ok when I say ‘ready’?” Tuan agreed and covered me ever so slightly, and Bo laid his hands on my buttocks, one on the sheet, the other on bare flesh, and I curved one between us to grasp his nipple, and the other to curl under his neck to lift his face to mine. As my lips were about to touch his, Bo squeaked “Now, Tuan, oh now, now, now…”
And then he thrust his mouth up at mine, tongue extended, delving into my own pressed downwards and opened to him, and his hands clamped with nails into the flesh of one buttock and even through the sheet covering the other one!
God, I had never felt this before, as I ground my hips against him, two cocks jousting like lances of knights of yore, slick and stiff, and Bo used his hands then sliding down to my crack and under me, his fingers getting slipperier by the nanosecond as they ploughed through the juices under us, and he finally grasped my cock and loved it in his hands, as now I turned my own tongue into a sword in his mouth, probing and stabbing him everywhere it could reach – into his heart and soul.
And then, moving my hands so I could delve between us and grasp his breasts and nipples and tweak them and squeeze them and hold them, he raised his hips and buttocks from the bed under me, and he slipped my cock straight in to his man-cunt; just like that.
I had never been here before, but with breasts under my hands, and what felt like a woman’s vagina enclosing my prick, this was no longer a photo session: I backed off, and away, not sure where I wanted to be or where I wanted to go.
Bo was even stronger, however, and he held me back to him and shot great belches of hot liquid between us – youth versus age wins. “Oh, I am dead, or in heaven, or maybe both!” Bo wailed under me, and I leaned in to kiss him, show him he was indeed alive; I did not pull totally away again when I felt him finishing, but did bend my head down between us and slurp up his cum: I loved this from women, so I needed to taste and experience it with Bo.
It was less sweet than – Tuan’s – and salty, but still creamy, and it was the essence of all Life, so it was therefore Beautiful, and I told Bo so, as I lay back beside him.
“You are a beautiful lady, Bo; thank you for showing me how it would be if we were to make love – but I am not ready for that, sorry.” I kissed his lips, and he hugged me, and it was as nice, as wonderful, and romantic, as with anybody.
Tuan sighed loudly; “Sorry, we ran out of film – but it is all on my mobile’s video! Anh, Bo -that was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! Thank you for sharing it with me.” I laughed, as did Bo; “Sorry, em, I wasn’t even thinking about you!” “Nor me!” added Bo. Tuan pointed her mobile’s camera at us, said “Say you’re sorry!” Bo and I did, then I just relaxed for a few moments, before I rose, kissing Tuan as I went past to the bathroom.
Tuan called to me that she was going to Liem’s house, and be back for dinner, about 6.30p.m. I turned on the shower and shouted out “ok”, guessing it was now about 5.30. I yelled to her to take the photos to Liem.
I shampooed my hair yet again, and then lathered my body, gently feeling my cock, remembering where it had almost been – inside Bo’s vagina – and vowing never to refer to Bo as a man, or even ladyboy, again: Bo was a woman, and gave me herself as a Woman. Before I could turn on the water to rinse, that Woman was inside the bathroom and standing under the water with me, and Bo turned me to ruffle the water through my hair as the shampoo cascaded down. I wiped my eyes of water, and felt Bo’s hands smoothing the remaining shampoo and sap down my body, before she said “I’ll do the conditioner, Anh Steve” and she smoothed it through my hair, put the bottle back and used her long fingernails and fingers to untangle my hair. I leant back against her body, her breasts – her nipples – poking against my back, and wondered where I was heading this time. I turned my head to say “Bo, I am confused, but I know what we did was beautiful, and I loved you.” She wept against my cheeks, holding me tight against herself.
“I have never said this to anyone, Anh, but: I Love You, Anh Steve.” She nestled into my neck, “I will be back to you, Bo, but I have nothing to promise you – but, I will be back.”
I handed her the driest towel, and I brushed my hair as Bo dried her body, then we each walked naked into the room, and Bo dressed. She smiled wistfully, it seemed, and prepared to leave, but I stopped her and invited her to dinner with Liem and Tuan.
She smiled brightly, said she would be back at 6.30 after she repaired her hair and make-up and dressed for dinner; she also lived in the staff quarters just behind the hotel proper. She kissed me deeply and bounced out, happier now.
I laid out my jeans and a nice shirt – a change from comfortable shorts – and settled back to catch the 6.00p.m BBC news with a beer.
Life was good, if confusing, and while I tried to concentrate on the news, it was Bo who kept flashing into my thoughts. Then the guilt when Yen came also into my mind.
After the sport section, I dressed and just sat when the door was knocked on; I opened to find everyone there: Liem, Tuan and Bo, all dressed to kill – or maybe to seduce! Tuan had changed again, and now she and Liem both wore simple dresses; simple, cotton or nylon – I am just a man, how would I know! – Thin shoulder straps, demurely covered over their breasts – Liem’s bigger than Tuan’s – and falling to just below their knees; Liem’s a seductive blue, Tuan’s a contrasting white, but both hugging their bodies along every curve and down over their hips.
I stopped gawking and let them enter, admiring the rear view as both Liem and Tuan kissed my cheeks and walked past inside, before turning to admire Bo; she was most changed: she wore black pants, but they were unisex insofar as – well, they were just pants! As both men and women wear interchangeably. Her top was a short-sleeved cotton one, perhaps a size too small, so nipples poking forward, but not really obtrusively. But, under the bottoms of her pants, she had sandals with a slightly higher heel, adding a little to her height, but also proclaiming herself as a woman. She had styled her hair and applied new make-up, with a delicate pink lip gloss highlighting her smooth-skinned face. I gently touched cheeks, careful not to rub off any make-up, and told Bo - and the other girls, they all looked beautiful, and I would be the envy of every man in – whatever restaurant we were going to.
Bo answered “You also, Anh, look very handsome” and Liem and Tuan chorused those words. Indeed, in my Levi’s, I knew they showed my slender body off well, not egotistically, just that they did mould to my body well. I asked if they wanted anything to drink; shakes of heads, so I swallowed my beer, locked the balcony doors, checked I had money etc, and off we went.
Liem dropped back to walk with me, following Tuan and Bo down the corridor; “Have a nice, restful afternoon, Anh?” she asked; “No, I had some work to do, em, almost made me too tired to come out for dinner!” “I bet” Liem replied, “looking at Tuan’s video almost made me faint!” I blushed as we entered the stairwell, and headed down the back way; I didn’t need anyone to tell me this was because both Tuan and Bo worked in the hotel, so no need to advertise themselves by exiting into the lobby.
Liem said to me “You are so intelligent, Anh, you understand Vietnam and Vietnamese people so well!”
We exited into the rear parking courtyard and Liem pointed to the taxi she had ordered earlier, and we climbed in, Liem in front to direct the driver and we three in the back, Tuan forcing me into the middle even though my legs were the longest and I was also the oldest: where was due respect for an ‘old man’? “Ah, but you are also the most popular, and both Bo and I wanted to be close to you, Anh” whispered Tuan, when I had voiced the question, as she and Bo both closed their inside legs against mine in the middle. I rolled my eyes, and settled back to go wherever.
In the end, it wasn’t far – hardly ten minutes, and I was happy to be on a river, with a breeze blowing across the water as we left the taxi, Liem paying for now, and she led us into the restaurant, where clearly she had made an earlier reservation, and we were expected, and shown to a table for four on the edge, with the river flowing beside us. I sat closest to the bamboo-hedged side and let the others decide/fight where each sat; when I turned around, it was Bo beside me, and two girls opposite, Tuan pouting somewhat. A waitress came over, and she was cute, and I engaged her in conversation – as much to annoy the others as to ask questions – and eventually I told her the girls could order the food, while I would have a beer please, and specified Heineken. I motioned to Bo, who ordered the same as Tuan and Liem: cocktails, with whisky on the side! I asked her to bring the drinks first – especially my easy beer – and she did, leaning over my shoulder closely to put ice in my glass, then pour the beer, until Bo asserted herself and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, effectively ending any leaning-over by the waitress. Bo’s fingers grazed across my neck, and dug one time as the waitress left, but when I winced, looking at her, she was smiling at me.
“Bo” I moaned “I didn’t do anything, just being friendly with the waitress! Her name is Thinh, by the way!” Which earned me a dig with nails even more! I pulled away, laughing, and sat back to have a cigarette, away from the three of them discussing the menu and what to eat.
Tuan was opposite me, and so I guessed it was her foot emulating her cousins and friends in the south, prodding up over my thighs to my groin. I decided it was time for ‘payback’, so I slid my even longer leg straight across and under Tuan’s dress, direct to her groin, which I found naked, bare and open to my probing toes, which I promptly used to burrow inside.
All the while I smoked, picked up my glass and nonchalantly drank my beer, asked Bo if she could refill it and add some more ice, and never even noticed – outwardly – when Tuan squeaked and squirmed around my big toe, and then as she moaned, I leant over the table – enabling my foot to exert even more pressure against her groin - and offered ‘Cheers!’ to everyone when their cocktails arrived. Liem and Bo raised their glasses, and slowly Tuan joined us, her eyes glazed, and her voice quavering.
I wished everyone what they wanted, but reminded them to be careful of wanting too much. Tuan groaned and slumped back into her chair as I removed my toe from her vagina, tickled her thighs on the way out, and kept smiling right throughout. I looked at Tuan “Are you ok, em? You look drunk already!” She answered she was ok, hot a little, so I turned to Bo and Liem and asked what they had ordered to eat, giving Tuan time to recover – and to decide I had bested her this time!
We chatted, ate and drank, having a good time; Tuan smirked across the table at me, a look which seemed to say ‘I’ll get back at you – sometime, somewhere.’ I smiled blankly at her. After two cocktails and whiskies, the three of them were well tipsy, while naturally I was fine; however, like most Vietnamese, they often seemed to get drunk very fast, but then just kept on at the same level, perhaps soaking up the alcohol with prolonged eating! I stood to find the bathroom and, spotting me, Thinh offered to direct me towards the rear of the restaurant, and then leading me around a corner further. I had a ‘beep’ going off in my mind as I remembered Ha, the waitress in Hanoi, when she led me to the toilet – after she had raped me in a small adjoining room!
As I walked behind Thinh, I – obviously – stared at her; she was short and slim and her legs below her tight black uniform skirt were, typically, slender and looked smooth to the touch. Her buttocks were taut, and her hips swayed nicely at each step, while her black hair hanging down her back swayed to the same rhythm. She stopped abruptly and turned side-on to me, but lost in my scrutiny and thoughts, I walked right in to her, at the last moment putting my hands up reactively, and found one on her shoulder and the other gliding across her breasts as I fell forward. She caught me on the way down, and stopped me with my head clasped against her bosom; for a fleeting moment she was smiling down at me, my face upturned to her, and then I moved my feet to regain balance and stood up, mouthing apologies again and again. Thinh said “You go in here, Anh Steve – I heard the others give your name; and you know mine, right, since your face was right against my name-tag: here.” She placed a finger on her left breast, swelling it with a breath, where ‘Thinh’ was on the tag; “I actually knew it before em - I looked there before, but yes, this time I got a very nice close-up. I should go to the toilet, thank you, Miss Thinh.” “Anytime, Anh Steve, just call for me.”
I was standing over the urinal as Bo entered; there were only the two of us, and I asked Bo why ‘she’ didn’t use the Ladies’ room. Bo looked shyly at me as she entered a stall, “I am not yet ready to be able to do that, Anh, but I hope one day I can.” I felt for her, it must be a hard life to choose, and there must be barriers I couldn’t even imagine, let alone imagine climbing them and hoping for acceptance as the prize on the other side. I could only admire Bo’s courage, and silently wish her well.
I washed my hands, smoothed my hair and rejoined Liem and Tuan at the table, Thinh hovering to refresh my beer; I looked at her sweet, cute face as she brushed her hair back, and my eyes flickered down again to her name tag –well, to her breasts, yes – and they looked a nice size to be held in my hands. I shook my head clear and glanced up to find her silently laughing at me as she turned away, walking behind the girls to add ice to their whiskies, this time facing me with a tongue out sliding around her lips as she stared hard across the table. My cock was growing under the table, and my face was reddening – I could feel it - and Bo’s return was a welcome diversion. Thinh moved away.
I knew that sometimes young Vietnamese, or Thai, or Laos ladies befriended me because ‘foreigner’ and ‘rich’ seem to be thought of together, however wrong that might be and often is, but sometimes I hoped they just thought I was nice and fun to have fun with. I hoped so, hoped the latter rather than the former. I gave up on such thoughts and returned myself to the present table and company and rejoined, eating a little more and drinking a little more.
The other three were very tipsy, gave up the cocktails but ordered a bottle of whisky and soda, which Thinh dutifully prepared, almost able to do so while looking constantly at me, seeming to enjoy my discomfort under her gaze. In all my 50+ years I had never lost this, perhaps ‘boyish’, inability to refrain from flushing red at the slightest provocation, and indeed I was feeling hot and bothered in these moments. When Thinh came behind me to pour more beer and add ice into my glass, she ignored the others and leant down closely over my shoulder as her left hand placed the glass on the table; she was pressing into my shoulders with her breasts, while her right hand snaked under my hair and grazed across my neck lightly, creating shivers.

Before she left, she slid a card from her fingers into my shirt pocket, patting my chest, and nipple as hard as it could get underneath the material. As she stood up and moved away, I groaned involuntarily, and Liem tried to focus her eyes to ask “Are you ok, Anh?” “Yes, Liem” glancing up at Thinh, who was watching me over her shoulder, “I must have been having a dream!” I picked up my beer and drank half a glass, but motioned Thinh away when she half-turned to come back and fill me up again – I reached for the bottle myself in an act of self-protection, even as I could sense Thinh laughing.
Feeling a peculiar longing, I ordered ice-cream, and the others followed suit with their choice of dessert; I ate gallons of ice-cream in my earlier years, but rarely now, but enjoyed immensely the one or two times a year I had a momentary craving: now was such a time, and as Thinh delivered it to the table in front of me, I spooned a mouthful and let it slide on my tongue and flow creamily down my throat, my eyes closed in delicious concentration. “Oh Anh” said Tuan from opposite “that was so sexy, watching you do that! Eat some more, please.”

I did, swallowing slowly each mouthful, and then dripping the last spoonful onto my tongue, drop by drop. With my head tilted upwards, I felt Tuan’s foot reaching up my legs to my groin, but already a hand was there, but it wasn’t Bo – she was clapping her hands, Liem was too drunk to see or do anything, and I savoured the lingering taste of the ice-cream as I felt a soft body down against my back and knew, then, it must be Thinh. “Oh, Anh, I will remember what ice-cream does for you: this is so big, it must be full of cream” Thinh whispered in my ear before gliding away, and Tuan’s foot now reached the same mound of my pants, and she squealed in glee “Oh, Anh, you must really like ice-cream – want some more?” I shook my head, as much to say ‘no’ as to try and clear it. I looked around – no Thinh – did I dream or am I drunk or didn’t Tuan or Bo see her?
I sat up straight in my chair, asked Tuan and Bo if they had finished, as we should get Liem home, so we agreed and I motioned for Thinh to get the bill, as I passed her on my way to the toilet again, telling her I could find it this time, and smiling when she asked ‘are you sure, Anh?’
I returned, paid the bill, tipped Thinh and the restaurant generously and received a tickle of fingers with her thanks, “See you soon, Anh – I hope.” Bo and Tuan struggled up, and I let them support Liem, but she suddenly laughed, said “I was just resting!” and walked out quite well by herself, while we all laughed and I sidled past Thinh with a smile.
We took a taxi and I was dropped off at the hotel first, saying good night to the others with kisses on cheeks, and reminding Liem we had serious matters to work through in the morning. Business-like, she said she would have a car pick me up at 08.30, and they all said “Thanks, Anh, we have had a good day and evening.” I picked up my key and went up to my room; 8.30p.m only, so figured to watch TV, and I took off my clothes; as I folded them, remembered the card Thinh had put in my pocket. I pulled it out; it was a card for the restaurant and she had added her name and mobile number. I held it in my hand, together with my mobile, as I removed my pants and got a beer, deciding to sit out on the balcony with nothing on – nobody either side after I had checked. It was too late to phone Yen, as I had planned, but after I put Thinh’s number into my memory,
I pressed ‘call’; she answered after two rings, said “Hello?” questioning tone in her voice as she wouldn’t know it was me. “It’s Anh Steve, em, do you remember me?” She laughed “Ah let me see….You had nice Levi’s and a nice shirt on, long hair, brown, glasses, sandals which you took off whenever at the table, and a big ‘something’ in your jeans. You also couldn’t find the men’s room, and you like looking at women as they walk in front of you, and you like breasts, and maybe you like men or a ladyboy, and you are embarrassed easily, and you are cute – oh, and you give generous tips to your waitress…is that the man I think is calling?” “Well, maybe some of those items describe me, but not sure about ‘cute’” “Oh, trust me, Anh: you are very cute, that’s why I instantly liked you. Where are you now?” “At home, well in my hotel room, home for now, for a day or three. Actually, it is still so early, maybe I could come back there and have another beer; not much fun alone in a hotel room.” “What hotel are you at?” and I told her. Thinh paused, and I could hear her talking away from the phone; “I’ll come and pick you up in ten minutes ok, but I will wait on my bike outside on the street. ‘Bye, Anh” and she rang off.
Well, good idea or not, I had done it now, so I put my beer in the fridge, had a quick wash and cleaned my teeth, and re-dressed, but with only a lighter, quality t-shirt this time; checked my money supply, cigarettes, tissues and key, but as I walked out the door I realized sandals on my feet might look better! Oh, I was in for another situation, I could feel it coming!
I handed my key in at Reception, ordered room service breakfast for the morning, and wished the staff a good evening, as I wandered nonchalantly outside ‘for a walk’ I had told them. Well, I did walk outside and onto the pavement, and slid on the back of a bike which stopped for me when I saw the flowing hair of Thinh swirling around her smiling face. “Hang on” she said, and I did as she wheeled around and took off, my hands grasping her hips tightly as she opened the throttle, and she laughed as she shifted herself back on the seat and pressed hard against my groin, seeming to know what she would find there, and she did. We were back at the restaurant in less time than the taxi took – maybe 4 minutes versus 5 – and Thinh parked and then resumed a hostess’ role and ushered me inside, leading me again to a table overlooking the river. She cocked her head and I said “Beer, please – no ice-cream!”
As the minutes ticked over, the restaurant began emptying, and I reminded myself I too had a busy, or at least messy day ahead, so another beer should be enough to send me home to bed – ‘to sleep’, I smiled to myself. With fewer customers, Thinh seemed able to spend more minutes returning to my table, topping up my beer after a single mouthful at times, until I asked her if she was deliberately trying to get me to drink faster, and thus drink more. She smiled “Why would I do that? What are you like drunk – good or bad man?” I shook my head “I never get drunk, em; if I feel even close, I stop. I hope also that I am always a ‘good’ man. And you, do you drink Thinh? Do you get bad or always stay good?” “If I am not working, Anh, I have some drinks, and I try to be good – sometimes I am!” “Well, show me, Thinh – here, drink with me” and I held my glass up to her; this was acceptable in Vietnamese restaurants, and in no way rude or bad behavior if done in a friendly manner. It was ruder for a waitress, or waiter, to refuse, and it was only a problem if many patrons pressed a waitress/waiter to have too much – as I had indeed seen done countless times, usually by Vietnamese men.
Thinh showed she could drink by swallowing the three-quarters of beer left in my glass, licking her lips as she put it down, asking “Would you like another one, Anh?” “Looks like I need one, em – yes, please.” I watched her walk away, model-like with hips and legs swinging with that gait which the catwalk women seem to perfect. She looked over her shoulder, watching me watch her, and I tried to look away – but not fast enough as we both knew. I felt a hot flush over my face, and raised my empty bottle to her, asking her to hurry for a refill: I needed cooling down, yet again.
After several more beers, perhaps 3 for me and one and a half shared with Thinh, I needed release a full bladder, but I waited until Thinh was absent and decided I could creep safely to the men’s room alone. I was almost there when Thinh appeared, heading towards me, swaying a little; “Are you ok, em?” I asked, concerned I had let her get a little too drunk on my beers; she brightened immediately and took hold of my arm, “Oh, you are a nice man, Anh, to be worried about me; yes, I am fine, just joking with you!”

My arm was crushed against her breast, and she held it there as she turned and walked me to the toilet, letting one of her arms dangle down between us, until she was able to place her hand across my groin. I was hard, and she made a noise, before saying “You get like this because of me, Anh?” “Not sure Thinh, maybe - but also maybe because I need go to the toilet!” and I eased her away and rushed inside, where indeed I had to go very fast.
I finished, deciding definitely, I was paying the bill and going home, and made my way back to the table; settling, I waited until Thinh looked and motioned for the bill. When she came, I paid without checking – had Liem or any other woman been here, they would never let me do that – tipped the plate and Thinh – again – and she bowed and thanked me. I didn’t wait for her to return, but on my way out she ran up behind me, “Anh Steve, the manager wanted to thank you, but if you need go, he told me to take you home.” “Oh, ok em, thank your manager for me, but yes, I need go home; tomorrow has enough problems without me drinking too much. Thank you, Thinh.”
I waited while she went to her bike, and then slipped on behind, automatically grabbing hold of her hips before she would probably roar off; she didn’t, rather opening the throttle gently, and leaning back to say to me “Sometimes slow is better, right?” I smiled at the double-entendre, and had to agree! But I still held her, though now around her waist a little closer; and she snuggled back against me closer as she meandered along. She stopped perhaps 100m from the hotel entrance, in the darkness between street lamps, and I lifted my leg over to get off and walk home, but Thinh grabbed it and swung and turned me, and somehow I was sitting with my back against the handlebars, and in Thinh’s lap, and she plastered her lips against mine, and her hands grasped me hard around my waist, pulling me right against her. Her tongue forced open my mouth and snaked inside, and twisted around just like a coiled snake – freed and able to do what it wanted, and she didn’t stop for long moments, while I progressively melted under her, even if I was actually sitting on top of her. She was wanton and wanting, pushing her hands up under my shirt and digging nails into my back, around my ribcage and pulling on my nipples. This wasn’t exactly fair as I couldn’t do anything, precariously balanced as I was, and only able to grasp at her breasts through her uniform shirt.
I felt the shine of approaching headlights, and in my haste to disengage fell right off the bike to the side, luckily on the grass verge rather than the hard road surface, and putting my hands out ended up sitting on my bum – just as a motorcycle reached us; perhaps I looked like an unhappy boyfriend with his lady sitting there on the bike, laughing no less, while I sulked at her side – at least, that’s how I hoped he/she/they saw it, if indeed they even looked.
I stood trying to appear unflustered, but probably the pole in my jeans gave me away to Thinh, who reached for me again. I backed off “Thinh, I have a busy day tomorrow; I really should be home asleep. I will call you, ok?” I leaned over to kiss her cheeks, avoiding her mouth, “Nice to meet you, em” and I strode off waving as she started her bike and rode past, blowing a kiss to me. I brushed my clothes, smoothed my cock down, got my key at Reception, wished ‘good night’ and, happily noting it was only 11p.m., took off my clothes, washed and went to sleep in a blink.
My alarm woke me, showered and dressed when breakfast arrived, ready for the car and off to the problems.
At the office, Liem greeted me with a caf?and I put my laptop and briefcase in the meeting room, but firstly went to see Ms. Tinh, the chief accountant, and nominally second-in-charge in the absence of the manager, Duc. I wished her ‘good morning’ and asked her to come with me into Duc’s office next door. She confirmed she hadn’t been able to contact him either, his driver had been to the house but no-one answered, and so between us we searched his drawers and trays, but it was fruitless and we found nothing extraordinary. We sat and I ran through my list of items to do; Tinh agreed, only asking about the Police, but I suggested we firstly phone the Bank to arrange an appointment asap, and also our lawyers for the same purpose. I left her to do this, and returned to the meeting room to finish my coffee. Liem entered, asked if I was well, and I pointedly asked if she was – after last night. She said brightly ‘fine!’ and indeed she also looked ‘fine’, as I followed her out to the main general office area and went around all the staff, smiling even as I asked if anyone knew where Anh Duc might be, or if they knew of any problems.
I mostly watched their faces for reactions, rather than the expected ‘no’ and ‘nothing’ answers, but I didn’t detect anyone blatantly telling lies, or so it seemed to me. Lastly, I went to Duc’s secretary, who was visibly upset, but she could only tell me what Liem had already: Duc had been angry half last week, talking to her rudely, and obviously he had some problem, but she had no idea what it could be; then he just didn’t show up, and appeared to have disappeared. I smiled at her, added a clich?‘don’t worry’ and went to Tinh’s desk and sat down opposite her.
She finished her phone call “Lawyers say we should meet them before we go to the bank, and one of them should then come with us. They also suggest they notify the police on our behalf that Anh Duc is missing along with company property – the money and the car – and ask them to issue an alert. Do you agree, Anh Steve?” I thought of the ramifications, for Duc, for the office staff, and for the Company, but really we had no choice but to consider he had stolen from us. I nodded, asking Tinh to tell the lawyers to advise the Police, and then get here to our office fast for a session before the expected police visit, and for Tinh to arrange an appointment at the Bank straight after lunch with their Manager.
I went to the meeting room and phoned my boss with an update, also asking him if he was aware there was $35,000 plus in the account here, and he said he had approved an extra 25,000 when Duc asked a week or two earlier, saying there were some tender documents coming out for jobs and bid bonds would be needed if we wanted to participate. That answered my unspoken, until then, question as to why the office had so much USD in their account – though it begged a further question: bid documents aren’t that expensive..? At face value, it therefore appeared Duc may have been preparing for longer than a few days.
My boss told me to stay there for a couple more days, not only to co-ordinate matters, but also to make sure the office could function until, as seemed likely, a new manager could be appointed. He then asked if I could fly from here direct to Hanoi, where the new project was ready for ground-breaking this coming Friday, and since he couldn’t make it, wanted me on site as the company’s representative. “You will reimburse all my laundry bills, won’t you? I didn’t bring clothes for a week or more!” He laughed and agreed, before returning to the serious matter and voicing my own concern also “I hope Duc is ok, whatever the story is.”
The rest of that day passed with meetings: lawyers, police investigators, and the Bank. About 5.30, I sat down with all the office staff before letting them go home; in truth, we had nothing to tell them: the bank insisted they had followed procedures, and it did appear so, and naturally Duc had been removed as a signatory and I had Liem stand-in as second authority for the future; the police would issue bulletins to their offices and posts to look out for Duc and the car, and would try and interview family and neighbours; the lawyers had records of all we had said and done; and our insurance company had been notified, and they would cover the losses if unrecovered. Finally, no, there was no word of Anh Duc, or of his wife, and I asked everyone to pray for their well-being in whatever the problem was. We broke up somberly, and all headed to their homes, but I held Tinh and our Design Manager back to ask if we had any potential bids due now or soon. Ling, the designer/architect chief, said yes, there were two new projects about to issue documents, but the documents would only cost $500 each.

He asked if we could still go for them, and I agreed if the office had already decided they were possibilities, and I asked Tinh to arrange to have money transferred from the home office and I would confirm it. He sighed, shook his head “I can’t believe Anh Duc would just steal it, really I can’t.” I concurred and truthfully was more worried about Duc as a person than about the company’s (insured) property.
The car took me back to the hotel, and in my room I just slumped on the sofa with a beer, removing my shirt and pants and just sitting there in my underpants while I sighed over the day’s stressful events. I rose and peeked out the balcony door: no-one either side, so I took a cigarette and my beer and sat on the balcony, the sun just disappearing, and a nice evening breeze blowing. I relaxed and willed myself to be calm, nothing more to be done today, and perhaps not even tomorrow: just waiting to see what would develop, if anything.
My door bell rang, and I resignedly found my shorts and went to open it; it was Tuan, in uniform so I guessed she was still working. “Just wanted to see how you are, Anh; Liem said it was a difficult day.” “I’m ok, Tuan, thanks, just relaxing; you are working now?” “Yes, I am on evening shift, so finish at 10p.m. and going now for dinner on my break. If you need anything, Anh, just ask for me.” She smiled coyly and I laughed “I will, Tuan, but not tonight; I am worn out just now. Bye em.” And she skipped away as I closed the door.
Hardly had I reached the balcony, when Bo came knocking, flying into the room when I opened the door, and grasping me in a cuddle. “I have thought about you all night and all day, Anh Steve!” she gushed. “Hello to you also, Bo” I answered “What’s up?” Bo stepped back, apologizing, and flushed; “I just saw Tuan and she told me you were home, and I wanted to just come and see you. Now I must get back to work, see you later maybe Anh…?” “Maybe tomorrow, Bo; it’s been a hard day at the office, and I am still thinking about it all, so don’t know what I am doing at the moment.” With a sad expression on her face, I ran my hand along her cheek, and she perked up a little as she left. I sighed and went back to my beer, wishing I had asked Bo for some ice, but deciding against it for now.

Not unexpectedly, Liem then phoned me to say her mother wasn’t so well, so while she had hoped to come and see me tonight, she couldn’t and hoped I would be ok; I told her to take care of her mother, and I would take care myself. ‘Who’s left?’ I wondered, to check up on me? Actually it was a long list and I almost turned off my mobile, but restrained myself in case of work.
I decided on a shower to refresh myself, washed my hair, shaved and sat on the chair while I turned on BBC news, catching up on world affairs. Now I did phone down for some ice as my beer was only cool, rather than cold, wrapping the towel around my waist when the waiter arrived, not Bo this time; I tipped him and he smiled thanking me. I put some ice in my glass, the rest in the freezer and sat back down until the news finished. What to do now? Hungry – not really, too early for me; get some fresh air, now that was an idea, and go for a walk. I dressed only in shorts and a light shirt, sandals, loaded my pockets with money, tissues, hotel card in case I got lost, and found Thinh’s restaurant card with those items, so idly slipped that in my pocket also, as I closed the room, and left my key at Reception, telling Tuan I was going for a walk when I saw her downstairs. She said to be careful, but if I turned left I would come to the river and it was a nice walk that way. I smiled thanks, and did exactly that, not hurrying, feeling the light breeze, thinking more than looking until I did reach the river. I had my phone and, on impulse, I dialed Duc: no response other than the automated voice again. I put it away and wandered along the road beside the river until I found a small restaurant where I entered and sat on the river’s edge and ordered a beer and ice. There were a few others there eating dinner; one table of four in front of me, with two girls facing me, and a young man and probably his wife/girlfriend with their backs to me. The girls facing me kept looking, no other foreigners in here, and perhaps rarely were, so I was the novelty visitor – happens a lot, since I choose my bars or restaurants same as locals rather than a/c, cocooned, expensive places normally frequented by foreigners: mine were invariably cheaper, and a lot more fun. Next time I caught the girls smiling, I smiled back, raised my glass and spoke a toast to them in Vietnamese; they stopped giggling and were impressed, nodding their heads in acknowledgement and lifting their own glasses, causing the boy and girl to also turn towards me and toast also. I put my glass down, turned to face the river with my thoughts, and let them get back to their food. I had no idea what I could do tomorrow at the office, other than to sit and wait and help Tinh give the office some confidence to keep moving forward. I sighed, just as a voice asked at my left shoulder “Excuse me, do you speak Vietnamese, Anh?” I turned, seeing both of the girls from the next table standing there, almost sisters in appearance, and typically Vietnamese: not so tall, slim, beautiful, long black hair…so attractive, and so many everywhere. Both of them had white blouses and black skirts: University I identified. “Yes,” I replied in Vietnamese, and went on to give my name and ask theirs: Ming and Jin, and to tell them my company had an office here, just chit-chat for a few moments. One girl asked if they could sit with me and practice their English for a few minutes; I agreed, as politeness dictated I must, and they sat opposite me. Switching to English, I offered them a drink and they declined, theirs were at the other table and they were fine, thanks. We chatted, but I had to ask questions to get them to relax and try out their English; they were hesitant, but slowly told me they were actually sisters, their older sister was the other girl with her boyfriend, and their mother only let their sister go out if one or both of them were with her. They were at University, one year apart, but both studying Business Management, now in final year 4 and 3, and they confirmed my guess: this made them 22 and 21 years old. They asked about my job, where I had lived, and were fascinated when I rattled of a few of the many countries I had been lucky enough to have been to in my life – especially as they had yet to ever go outside Vietnam. Time passed, and next beer order for me, they also accepted and agreed they would share one bottle of beer between them. I soon understood why when they began giggling, but it was more in fun than drunk; their sister turned to check on them at times, but mostly had her head close to her boyfriend’s in quiet conversation, satisfied I was no danger. I had to go to the toilet and when I returned, the girls had swapped seats: Ming, the older, on my side, and Jin now opposite me. I sat, and Ming asked “Is this ok, I asked Jin to take a photo of me with you?” “Yes, its ok, but honestly I don’t like myself in photos, so I apologize if it’s not so good. I actually take photos quite well, and prefer to be on that side of the camera.” “Oh, Anh, I am sure you will look fine – please.”
Jin held up her mobile and Ming leaned in close to me, head on my shoulder, but when she held up her hand with fingers in a ‘v’ sign, I grabbed it and pulled it down under the table; she squeaked, and I mumbled “not in my photos!” and then I gave my best natural smile. Jin snapped a couple, Ming wrapped an arm around my neck for some more, then she leaned across me, wrapped both arms around my neck, pushed her breasts against my chest, and leaned her head back looking at the camera; I placed my right arm around her to hold her close, and my left hand, under the table on her leg where her skirt had ridden up high. She shivered and Jin took photos, as Ming’s expression changed as I ran my fingers up and down her thigh, close but not too close to any dangerous spots, but she opened her thighs, pressing down on the growth in my groin, inviting more. I promised myself: one little swipe for one more photo, and I moved my hand under her skirt and slowly reached for her crotch – no panties was not what I expected! I looked around to see if other patrons were watching – relieved: almost empty.

Ming moaned loudly when my fingers found her pussy and Jin took 3 fast photos as I –reluctantly to be sure – removed my hand and sat her up, which had the added stimulation of placing her lap right on top of my groin, where she squirmed – too much – before moving aside. “My turn for some photos” said Jin, as she stood and moved to my side, hauling Ming up and handing the mobile to her. I struggled in the few seconds available to wipe down my groin and try and straighten my cock so it was not so noticeable, and then held Jin at arm’s-length until I had drunk a few mouthfuls of beer, precious seconds to calm down. Jin, perhaps because she was slightly younger, was more quickly frivolous – and she had a shorter skirt, and a tighter blouse – and she dispensed with the initial innocent photos, rather purred and smiled for the camera as soon as she enclosed my neck in a circled, tight arm, and laid herself draped across me. My cock sprang up, painfully tight in my shorts – why hadn’t I worn jeans, or at least pants, I asked myself – and Jin didn’t help by grinding against me as she decided on a comfortable position. She wiggled around on me, so I placed a hand on her thigh to press down and try and keep her still.

Ming said she wanted to try the video, so Jin took this as an invitation to squirm even more, press her ample breasts against me and curl fingers up my neck to stroke my face; she pulled my head down towards hers, but I resisted, exclaiming “Em, we cannot do this here, you know that – and so do I!” “Sorry” she answered, “I guess I am feeling a bit excited and didn’t think Anh; sorry Anh.” She was contrite and her eyes looked downcast, but when she had released her hands from my neck, she only moved them down to my body, taking my hand and placing it up under her skirt – and anyone could guess, it was laid against a bare pussy also! Don’t these girls wear panties to Uni? I wondered, but passed my fingers through the sparse hairs covering her nakedness nevertheless, drawing a gasp and an open mouth, and open thighs, where my fingers found a slickness of juices and I traced it to its source, sliding up and down her slit a few times, then settling on a protruding clit at the top. I pressed against it, enclosed it within thumb and forefinger for a few moments, until Jin had to stifle a squeal and jumped in my lap. Then I eased off, backtracking down her slit gently, and out from under her skirt.
I lifted my fingers to my mouth, smiled at the camera as I sucked the juices off them, and then gave them to Jin to do the same. She almost swallowed my two fingers, sucking lasciviously, and I laughed then and sat her up and away. “You girls are rather bad girls aren’t you?” I asked, as I resettled in my chair and straightened myself a little, before pushing my chair back for a cigarette and some beer.
“No, Anh, we aren’t really, but something about being here with you made us, both of us, do things we wouldn’t normally do!” Ming said, and before she could continue with the expected apology, I retorted “Oh, of course, first time with a ‘foreigner’ – so now you can boast to all your friends right?” “Oh no, Anh Steve, these are for us – promise; we might never see you again, and I am sure Ming and I want to remember you.” Jin was speaking as if upset at my allegation, and then she found a tissue on the table, a pen from her sister, and wrote something down before handing it to me. “Of course, if you did want to see us again, you might need these to contact us – maybe tomorrow?” “I’ll keep this, girls, and now you should go home and do homework, and I will go home to bed – to sleep! Look, your sister looks ready for you also.”
“Oh, she just wants to go off with her boyfriend; what about you, Anh, need a lift to your hotel? We have our bike here and can drop you off, if you are ready to go home?” Jin asked, laying her hand on my thigh at the same time; in response, I signaled for the bill, and cursorily checked the number of drinks before paying; “I need go home, girls; not only haven’t I eaten dinner yet, but I expect a busy day at the office tomorrow. But, ok, I will be happy if you can take me to my hotel, thanks girls.” We stood, Ming and Jen spoke to their sister who smiled at me and nodded, and we exchanged ‘byes and headed out. Ming went to collect the bike, while Jin and I walked to the exit of the car park to wait, Jin leaning on my arm closely. “Do you and Ming have boyfriends, em, or lots of them?” “No, we don’t, though we have been out with boys, of course, but none special and none of them have gotten what they all seem to want – know what I mean, Anh?” “Yes, Jin, I understand – hard today to not give in, right, but congratulations if you have been able to wait for the ‘right one.” Jin continued almost as if I hadn’t spoken. “
“They just aren’t gentlemen, are too young, don’t have any experience with ladies, don’t know how to treat them with respect – but we think you do, Anh Steve, so Ming and I have chosen you, and since Ming is older she gets first with you tonight, and me tomorrow.” She was so matter-of-fact about it all, and I felt I had been sold as an object in an auction without even my knowledge let alone participation in the decision-making.
Before I could speak further, Ming rode up, and Jin ushered me on first behind Ming – not usual for a male to be between two women – and then she straddled the bike behind me. Jin pressed herself hard up against me, and I was thus forced hard behind Ming, my groin painfully hard against her buttocks and even more as she slid back an extra few cms towards me. Jin placed her arms around my waist, hands dangling downwards as Ming opened the throttle and we headed out, turning left – “Hey, Ming, my hotel is the other way, please.” I leaned in over her shoulder to speak and she reached one hand behind her to find my arm and wrap it around her body, high up close to cupping her breast, before moving it lower to rest in her lap, then swapping hands on the handlebars to do the same with my other arm.
Thus occupied, I only then registered Jin’s hands had settled in my own lap and were tugging my cock back, away from being squashed against Ming through my shorts, before crawling up to my waistband and pulling it away from my hips enough to delve a hand inside, inside my briefs and finding that which she sought. She gasped as she held it, big in her small hand, and she tugged and clawed her fingers up and down its length, found some moisture on the end and rubbed it and my cock end in her fingertips. I was losing control of this situation – fast! So I removed my hands from around Ming, placed them on her shoulders, and leant into whisper in her ear “Ming, stop the bike; we have to talk, now.” I turned my attention then to Jin as I felt Ming braking, and removed her hands from my pants, dragging them reluctantly all the way out as we pulled over and stopped. “What’s wrong, Anh, “Ming turned her head around to ask “Didn’t Jin tell you what we had decided?”
“Yes, she did, Ming, but that is exactly my point!” I attempted to speak strongly but not harshly; “Ming, Jen, you can’t just decide what to do with me without asking me – is that fair?”
“Does that show respect for me, when what Jin said is ‘boys don’t show respect to you’?”
“I am really flattered and honoured you have asked me to be your first, and certainly Jin knows I find you both beautiful and arousing…” Ming interrupted “What do you mean – what does Jin know?” “This, chi Ming, feel this, and you will know Anh wants us…” and Jin reached for Ming’s hand and guided it to my throbbing, stiff prick, and Ming drew in her breath, but only for a few moments until I reached down to draw their hands away, and continued “...But truly this should be happening when you find someone you love, or at least find someone so attractive and appealing that it then feels right, right for you both at that moment – not after making a plan about it! But that can’t be me, I am sure; you just met me, don’t know me, and finally: I couldn’t give you full concentration tonight, as my office has a big problem, and my mind is on that – that’s why I was just sitting having a beer and thinking at the restaurant. Truly, if we were to make love, I would want it to be as perfect as possible, but tonight it couldn’t be.

Now, ladies, do you understand, and could you please turn around and just take me home, and then you go home and I hope remember what a fun time we had – and perhaps think of me until next time, ok?”
“Anh, it does feel right for me tonight, with you” Ming was twisted facing me, leaned her face to mine and kissed me strongly, “But, ok, I can accept we maybe should have invited you into our plan, sorry, and can we make another plan?” I rolled my eyes, but agreed I would call them and do just that – if they still wanted whenever it was – but now wanted to go home. Jin had been quiet for some minutes, “What about tomorrow night, Anh, that was to be my turn – can we plan for then?” I leaned back against her breasts, lifted a hand up over my shoulder to stroke her face and said, “I don’t know tomorrow, Jin, do you? The world has a habit of interrupting a lot of plans; I will call you, I promise em.”
Ming pressed the starter, flashed a signal and we turned, heading for my hotel. I motioned Ming to stop some 50m from the entrance, kissed them both on the lips strongly and told them they were beautiful, young women, and again promised I’d be in touch.
I waved them off and wandered nonchalantly into the hotel lobby for my key, noting it was 10.30p.m and absently registering both Bo and Tuan should have finished and gone home. I was emotionally exhausted, wanting nothing more than a snack of some sort, a beer, and maybe an hour of TV to put me to sleep for the night. I wandered to the restaurant and found a menu, and had one of my odd cravings for a hamburger; the waiter said that would be fine, noting I wanted it well-cooked, and promised me twenty minutes maximum as I headed for my room.
Twenty minutes gave me time for a quick shower, put my clothes in the laundry basket to be washed tomorrow, grab a beer and settle on the sofa to see what was on TV. Perfect timing, as the bell rang and my meal arrived, a signature and tip later, a quick look to make sure no lurking friends waiting in the hallway, and smiling to myself, I closed the door, and sat down and enjoyed this treat of a rare hamburger – it was very enjoyable too! I finished and put my head back; a while later, I woke with a start, and a hardon staring up at me, and realized I had dozed off.
I smiled, recalling both what had woken me, and why my cock was throbbing: I had been dreaming of being lost in a forest populated by virgins…and they looked like Ming or Jin, all of them! I tidied up, put my tray outside my door and locked it. Feeling mischievous, I found the paper with the girls’ phone numbers and after entering them for storage in my mobile, I sent them both the same sms: “Going to sleep lonely by myself, and wishing you were here to cuddle my body” and I added an animated crying symbol before sending it off. Naughty, but fun, I told myself, as I cleaned my teeth and slept through the night, not even registering the two clicks which signaled incoming messages on my mobile.
In the morning, I had plenty of time for a leisurely breakfast, but opted only for toast and coffee before the car arrived. I tried to phone Liem, but she didn’t answer; strange, I thought, but then the driver found me finishing my caf?and we left. In the car, I then read the messages in my phone from Ming and Jin; both complaining I hadn’t invited them to stay the night with me. I smiled, knowing they now had my mobile number, but hoping that wouldn’t be a problem.
At the office, noticing a police car downstairs, I walked in to a mass of confusion, and my own added to it and any further thoughts of Ming and Jin were gone.
I found Tinh and Liem together, and didn’t even need to ask: ‘what the hell is going on?’ Liem was clearly upset and from her garbled words, I gathered the Police had found Duc and his wife dead in their car, and the car pushed into a lake a few kms out of town. I was shocked, but only had questions at the moment. I asked Liem for some coffee, then I said to Tinh we had to get everyone to the meeting room, and where is the Police officer? I left Tinh to gather everyone, and then spent five minutes getting the facts, as much as there were, from the officer. After ten minutes, I carried my caf?nto the meeting room, quieted everyone, and told them, point for point, what was known. “Now it is time to go back to your desks, do what work you can until we know more. The Police will contact the families, and we will tell you everything more we learn when we know the facts, ok people? But, now, we can’t do anything, except do our jobs as best we can, please. Tidy up what’s necessary and we’ll close the office at lunch-time, but first I need you, the Company needs you, to make sure we are on top of current matters, whatever they are in your own areas, thanks.”

They all filed out, hopefully calmed enough for a little while, but useless gossip and speculation served no purpose: cold and callous, maybe, but at least some order was restored to chaos. I picked up the phone when the room was emptied, and dialed my boss. He was equally shocked, but approved of my actions thus far, and my decision to send the staff home shortly. I asked what he wanted me to do, and was not surprised when he said stay here until funeral arrangements were made; he would fly here when details were known, and then either he or I would go on to the Hanoi project opening. He said all was under control down south, so nothing urgent for me to worry about there – just try and keep order here and find out what had happened if possible.
Next, I spoke to my secretary and asked her to courier up any urgent in-mail waiting for me, and asked her to advise Long of my movements, and also to let my housekeeper know.
Those items taken care of, I checked the time and choosing when I expected they’d be available at their respective lunch-times, I phoned my wife in Thailand just to let her know where I was at the moment; and then Ping, who understood but said she missed me; and finally Yen, who said she was sorry for me, but brightened when telling me she would be over in just 3 more weeks. “I miss you, Daddy Steve” and she rang off laughing in my ear.
With another caf?n hand, I spoke with Tinh, followed by a slow circuit of all staff at their desks, a chat with each one, and ended at Duc’s secretary’s desk. She was upset and teary, and I only asked if she knew anyone else from Duc’s family we might contact. She knew they had no children, and also knew Anh Duc had a brother, but she had no idea of either his name or contact details; we would have to wait for the Police to advise us, so I let her go home now, there was nothing at all she could do, and she was probably also concerned about her own job’s future.

Tinh advised the Police had called her: they had recovered the bodies and had sent them for autopsies; they had also found Duc’s briefcase in the car, but it was virtually empty, only business cards and odds and ends – no papers from the office, and no money. They would phone Tinh when they had contacted their families.
There was now nothing at all more to be done here, and rather than torture staff further, I called to everyone to gather, telling them we really had nothing further to tell them, and letting them all go home. Someone asked about work tomorrow; I thought for a moment, asked Liem to put a list together of everyone’s mobile and/or phone contact details for the rest of that day/night, and told them they should come to work tomorrow, but adding it could be a late start, 9.30-10,00a.m would be acceptable, and we would advise further if anything changed. They nodded and packed up, thanking me as they left over the next short while. I told Tinh to call me anytime there was any news, and said she and I would have to start serious discussions on the business tomorrow; she nodded in understanding, and also departed, leaving Liem to lock up when she and I left.
I asked Liem for a photocopy of the staff contact list, and we went out together, after Liem had changed the answering machine message to advise the office would re-open for normal business tomorrow. I said that had been a good idea – we didn’t want potential clients to give up when nobody answered the phone the rest of the day. She smiled as we exited, asked what I’d be doing for the afternoon; I pondered before replying, “Try to get my mind around what’s happened, but just relax.”
She asked about dinner, as now she would go home and take care of her mother, who was still a little unwell; I said I would let her know later, and she went for her bike while I used the car to the hotel, and told the driver he too could go home. In my room, Tuan was there, finishing the housekeeping; she smiled on seeing me, but then asked how things were as she knew about the office manager and his wife already. I flopped in the chair, and Tuan fetched me a beer. I smiled in thanks and told her it was all still really confusing and we didn’t know anything except Duc and his wife were dead, and the office was in shock.

Tuan said she had just finished, was there anything else I wanted; “Actually, yes, em, there is” as I began stripping off my shirt, undid my belt, but then, smiling at her, I went into the bathroom and changed into the shorts I had left hanging in there. Coming out, I added today’s clothes to the laundry basket, and asked if she could get these all washed by tomorrow – otherwise I would be going around town naked with no clothes to wear! “Oh, we can’t have that Anh; I would have too many girls – and men, probably – to fight off! They will be washed and ready in the morning. What about dinner – I finish at 6p.m today?” “Liem asked me also; let’s say you check with me about 5 and we’ll see how things are, ok Tuan?”
After Tuan left, I made some notes in my daily diary about events and actions of today, and decided I was hungry, so I had a quick shower and donned my last good pair of shorts and a shirt, and wandered downstairs. I didn’t fancy the hotel restaurant, food was good but I could buy the same meals outside for half the price, and the beer for even less than half, so I left my key at the desk and wandered out to the roadside, just as Bo was walking in. Her face lit up.
I had Thinh’s restaurant card in my pocket, mixed in with others and bits of paper and money, and told Bo I was going to eat lunch, so she pulled over a motorcycle taxi for me, asked “What about dinner tonight, Anh?” I said Tuan was going to check with me later as I wasn’t sure at the moment, and she waved ‘bye as I gave directions to the restaurant. As I paid and turned, Thinh was there at the entrance, greeting me and leading me to a table. “Hello, Anh – you didn’t phone me” she pouted for a moment, handing me a menu, and querying if I wanted a beer, to which I nodded. When she returned I ordered a bowl of beef pho-noodles- and explained the messy two days with the office it had been, and now it was worse with two people dead. She sweetened her expression and offered her apologies, said she hadn’t been complaining, but had only hoped to see me again. I assured her it was ok, nothing she or I or anyone in the office could do, so I had sent everyone home and now I was here for lunch and some beer; I noted the restaurant was busy for lunch but said I didn’t mind waiting a while, had nothing urgent to do, so I would be happy to watch people and life walk up and down. “Will you be watching me, Anh?” “Maybe” I smiled.
As Thinh, swayed away, without a doubt I was watching, and she knew it without even turning around: she was really quite mesmerizing, at least to me, and if what I needed was a distraction today, well: Thinh was certainly capable of offering that, whether she tried to be or not.
I drank and finished my beer before my meal arrived, and Thinh returned with another bottle, standing at my side as she put ice and beer into my glass. I couldn’t resist and stretched my hand out under the table to stroke her leg under her uniform skirt, creeping up to her thigh before she had finished pouring, and around to the back of her thigh as she shivered and placed my glass down, my hand falling away as she walked off to serve another table. I ate my noodles, and then, just as I formed the desire, Thinh appeared with a fresh, warm small French bread loaf, the kind which Vietnam makes second only to the original in France. I loved it, and missed it when I was outside Vietnam, so I broke it and used the pieces to soak up the soup and make a mess around my mouth, a tissue in hand. I was full and had to stifle a ‘burp’ quietly behind my hand, before sitting back and thinking ‘oh, I won’t need dinner tonight.’
Another surreptitious burp and I was relieved of the bloating feeling, so I lit a cigarette and looked around at my fellow diners and the staff wandering around, following my usual routine of building stories around them: one day, all these stored or forgotten images would come together in the book or stories I wanted to write.
Thinh walked towards me, and I smiled as I thought: yes, she would figure quite prominently in any story. “Why are you smiling, Anh - is everything to your liking?” “Oh, yes, Miss Thinh, the food was wonderful, the beer is wonderful, the atmosphere is wonderful, and you are ok, also!” She moved close to the table and made as if to kick me, and I jumped back in mock fear; “I can be ‘wonderful’ as well, Anh Steve; wait here until I get my afternoon break soon, and let me show you.” I didn’t answer, but did ask for another beer, and another bucket of ice, effectively agreeing to be here longer.
About 2p.m, Thinh came over and said she would be finishing, would I like to go for a ride with her; she had to re-start at 4p.m so we couldn’t go far, or maybe just to her apartment around the corner…?
We could buy some beer to take, just relax, she said. I asked for the bill, and agreed to the latter. However my mobile rang, and all possibilities, all plans disappeared as I answered Miss Tinh’s call; the Police had contacted Anh Duc’s brother and he had phoned Tinh and advised the Police had released the bodies after a quick autopsy: bullets in each of them gave an easy diagnosis of cause of death! I gasped, but listened as Tinh gushed out the story.
Duc’s brother had been in contact with Duc’s wife’s family, and they had agreed to hold pre-burial rites at Anh Duc’s house, and asked if the Company could help at this time, as he had no other close family, both parents dead, no others nearby, and he didn’t really know his sister-in-law’s family well. I agreed with Tinh and told her to ask Liem and others from the office who could help with discreet preparations, and I would be in the hotel waiting to know what I could do, or when I should go to the house. We left it there, and after telling Tinh to remain calm, I hung up, and turned to find Thinh standing there with the bill, looking concerned.
I gave her a weak smile, said I had to go, and we’d have to postpone, sorry, so I paid and gave her a tip for both herself and the restaurant, and walked out to find a motorbike taxi, but she ran after me and said she could take me home as she was finished work now, so I climbed on behind her and she took me to the front entrance of the hotel. I said I would call her but didn’t know when, but Thinh said she had heard most of my conversation and understood some people had died and there were problems. I thanked her, walked into Reception to get my key, and had the useful thought: I have no clothes to go to pre-burial rites! Actually, my jeans would be ok today until my other pants were ready in the morning, but I needed a black or white shirt. Luckily, I met Tuan just then, and as a guest to the housekeeper I knew cleaned my room, I asked her and the reception staff if they could direct me to a shirt shop nearby as I had an urgent need for a white one. Tuan said, “Wait here for a moment, please sir” and she ducked into the Manager’s office, reappearing after a few minutes with a brand-new shirt, same as the waiters wore, no logo, just a new white shirt. Tuan said she could have it washed and pressed in two hours and would bring it up to me.

When I asked Reception to put the cost on my bill, Tuan said the Manager had given it to me after Tuan explained briefly about Anh Duc and his wife – clearly Liem had called her, probably to make sure she would take care of me, so I popped around the Reception counter, knocked and bowed my thanks to the Manager seated at his desk. He waved my thanks off, said the Hotel, and he were both pleased to render assistance. I thanked the staff and Tuan, took my key and went up to my room, feeling weary, or drained – not surprisingly as I had never been involved in any murders before!
I got a beer, stripped, and called my Boss to tell him the latest as I knew it. He was aghast, and when I said I had no idea if it had anything to do with the Company matters or was a personal problem, he couldn’t offer any suggestions either. I told him I would confirm burial time and details later that evening or tomorrow, after things had calmed and after I had seen the families later this evening I expected, but it would be normal, as he well knew, for three days mourning, meaning Thursday burial – when he or I were supposed to be en-route to be at the project start-up in Hanoi.
We left it there until I had more details, and also advised I would seek an interview with the Police for the morning; finally, he said we also must protect the office and the Company, and decide what to do about a new Manager – just items to consider he added, but he was right: not only Life must go on, but certainly business also. My door-bell rang as I hung up, and I threw my shorts back on, to find Bo there, almost crying. “What’s wrong, Bo, what’s happened to you?” In response, she – this man-lady/ladyboy I had only known for two days – threw her arms around my neck as I kicked the door closed, and sobbed tears onto my bare skin. In grasping me she had also whacked my back with a plastic bag she was carrying, and she said “Sorry, Anh, Tuan told me what happened, and she sent me to buy you some more beer, and now I am so upset for you – you must be feeling awful!” I took the beer, counted and then got enough money and gave it to Bo as I tried to soothe her “Bo, Bo, don’t be upset; nothing has happened to me, but yes I am upset for Anh Duc and his wife who are dead, and for their families, but Bo, I am all right.”

I cuddled her lightly and smoothed her hair; “Bo, if you are a Buddhist, as I am as best I can, then you will know that all Life is suffering, and if we are good people, the New Life will be on a better level. This is what I hope for Anh Duc and his wife.”
Bo sniffled and I gave her a tissue from the box, disentangling, and waiting for her to calm down. “I know that, Anh, but it is you I care about and am worried about – remember I told you my feelings for you, Anh, and part of that is worrying about those you Love.” I shushed her “Bo, no need to worry, I am fine, promise; what you need worry about is keeping your job, so thanks for the beer, you and Tuan, and now you should get back, and we’ll see each other later, ok?” I moved her gently to the door, opened it and lightly brushed my lips on her cheek as she went out, a final sniffle and she gave me a wan smile. Poor Bo, she was very sensitive, of that there was no doubt – but it was something I needed be mindful of to avoid hurting her.
I lay on the bed, thankful I had a long book I had brought for this trip, and read a few pages before deciding an hour’s nap would be a good rejuvenator, and it was, as I woke one hour and ten minutes later, calm and somewhat refreshed as I headed to the bathroom, shaved and showered. I made a coffee and sat out on the balcony, thinking to bring my phone, and lit a cigarette, watching the wisps of smoke puff into the air and disappear, just as peoples’ bodies do I philosophized: bloom and wither, and disappear into the beyond, while the inner Self – well, that depends on one’s outlook on what Life and Death are. My phone rang and it was Liem this time, advising she had called the driver and he would pick me up at 6p.m. and take me to Duc’s house – was all that ok with me? I glanced at the clock: 4.30; “Yes, Liem, as long as Tuan arrives with my shirt before then, I will be ready.” I was joking, but Liem answered seriously, “Oh, Tuan is on her way to your room now with your shirt, Anh, don’t worry. I have to go and telephone the other staff, Tinh will do some and I will tell the rest - see you later Anh.” I rolled my eyes as she rang off before I could tell her I was joking, but then Tuan did arrive with my freshly ironed shirt, and she sat with me for a few minutes to check I was ok. She would be changed and would come with me in the car, if that was ok – she didn’t know Anh Duc or his wife, only from office dinners she had met him, but she would be there to help support Liem.
There was no need for me to thank Tuan – it was typical Asian caring, not so much expected to be given, but rather just give. Full stop! I agreed to everything and kissed her cheek as she let herself out, glancing back to smile at me.
As arranged, Tuan came for me and the car was waiting, driving us to Duc’s house, where all the office staff were either there or arriving also. After greeting Duc’s brother, and the mother of his wife and some sisters, I was handed some incense sticks and I entered the open room where the two coffins were laid with photos of each at the ends; I performed the rites for the dead, as indeed I had done for quite a few during my years here, and bid them farewell to the beyond. A large tarpaulin-covered area was outside, and I joined Liem and Tinh at one of the tables, while others did the same, and more people came, some left, and all equally aghast at the events which had led to this.
After about two hours, Tinh urged me to leave, enough was enough, and said all staff would be at work tomorrow; I nodded, but now was not the time to hold further talks. Tuan would stay and go home later with Liem.
Duc’s brother confirmed Thursday would be the burial day; the families had agreed to that being the third day of mourning and burial.
The driver took me back to the hotel, and I thanked him for working this evening. Although there had been food at the funeral house, I hadn’t eaten, and whilst not hungry, after five minutes in my room, I needed to be distracted: I ran through my options on people distractions: Liem and Tuan were both busy, Bo was serious and I wasn’t sure I wanted that just now; Thinh at the restaurant would probably eat me alive after raping me, and Ming and Jin wanted me to take their virginities – that was also too serious a matter for tonight. However, I did decide to walk to the same riverside restaurant where I had met them: it was a nice walk, cheap, cold beer, and though I hadn’t eaten there last time, was sure I would find something I liked. I checked my pockets for necessities and headed out, declining offers of calling a taxi or motorbike, and walked along the road until I reached it, walking in to a smiling young lady who directed me to a table overlooking the water, and returned within a minute with a Heineken and ice.
I looked up at her quizzically; “I remember you from the other night, Anh Steve, and thought you would drink this. My name is Hong; would you like a menu, sir?”
“Thank you, em, that’s very good service from you – ah, Miss Hong.” She poured my beer, and added ice, my eyes travelling from top: beautiful, framed by long hair; big breasts under a tight, light-blue t-shirt top; slim, flat waist covered by a straight black skirt which ended quite a way above her knees. She turned and I reached my study at her bottom: nice, as long legs strode away, taking my eyes with them until I shook my head – well, she had certainly distracted me! I picked up my glass and swallowed, sighed, lit a cigarette and turned my head to watch the lights reflected on the water, feeling rather melancholy for a while. I didn’t notice Hong return, gently reaching for my glass, after delicately uncurling my fingers from around it on the table; she smiled “My job is to take care of you, sir, may I refill this for you?” “Yes, em, and please don’t call me ‘sir’; in Vietnamese, ‘anh’ is ok, or even just ‘Steve’ from you, but in English ‘sir’ is a hi-so term for men with big heads normally – and I hope I am neither, I am just a man.”
She smiled again, putting my glass down, “Just a man, Anh…? Seems to me that should be enough for most women; it would be enough for me, I am sure.”
“Would you like something to eat, Steve?” Enough pussy-footing around, I said to myself, which is what I seem to have been doing for days now with all the new people I had been meeting and playing games with.
As I was about to be direct and tell her that what I wanted to eat wasn’t on the menu, but was standing in front of me, I glanced up to find Ming standing there beside Hong; she smiled and said “Hello, Anh, did you forget we were eating together today?” Ming turned to Hong, said ‘hello’ and asked for a fresh lemon juice while ‘we’ looked at the menu before ordering. Hong turned, disappointed, and I stood as Ming sat opposite me; she was not in her uniform, rather a denim skirt and a boob tube top, covered by a light cotton jacket, open to display her attributes but enough of a cover to be able to appear demur on demand. Her hair was pulled to the side, hanging long over one shoulder and she had long, or big, circle ear-rings bobbing; quite beautiful and my idea of what to eat took a changed course.
Now I took a mouthful of beer, ordered another when Hong returned with Ming’s drink, and as I toasted Ming, I looked at her before speaking. “Ming, you look beautiful, and I think I know what I would like to eat now.” I mentioned the Vietnamese for ‘oyster’ which, I had learned to my embarrassment many times, I pronounced like the word for ‘vagina’. I deliberately mispronounced it now, and Ming blushed and squeaked, covering her mouth. I wish I had my camera for these moments, I said to myself, remembering then Tuan had said she had left them at Reception for me, not yet having given them to Lien with all that had been going on the past two days. I returned to the menu choices, but decided Ming could order better than I, and truly I eat so little these days food was never a priority of mine. Ming decided and I motioned Hong over to take the order, plus two beers as now Ming indicated she would enjoy one. We chatted, she asked me to explain how I spoke Vietnamese so well, and she was interesting, between mouthfuls of food after it had arrived, telling me about her life here and a lot of interesting points about the local area, sounding more and more that a photo tour would be in order one day, and I mentioned to her that idea.

“Oh yes, Anh, there are many beautiful things around here, and I could show you, but I am sure Jin would want to come too; can we do that one time, Anh?”
I thought: one more girl and it could be a repeat of my last big photo assignment! “Yes, Ming, not sure when, but sounds good to me,” and I smiled, already picturing what I expected would be two nymphs in front of a camera – and deciding two would be enough. She turned serious for a moment, but when I asked ‘what is it em’ she smiled and returned to her food without responding. I nibbled at the food Ming placed in my bowl, but had soon eaten sufficient for my body, and settled back to drink and watch Ming as she ate everything almost. “How many kgs are you, Ming?” “Maybe 49 now, after all this food” Ming patted her stomach, “but normally about 47 – too fat for you, Anh?” “Oh no, em, you look…well, you are beautiful and certainly slim, not at all fat.” She thanked me, ate one more spoonful of rice and pushed her plate fractionally away - signifying finished, and held her glass to mine in a toast. I lit a cigarette and lay back in my chair as Hong came and asked if we would like anything more…
I looked at Ming, and when she shook her head, I asked for one more bottle we could share and then the bill please Hong.
Hong clearly felt we would soon leave, and showed her displeasure at the changed situation, since Ming had arrived, with a glare at Ming, who coyly smiled back and then laughed outright when Hong had walked away; “She wanted you for herself, Anh, but if you also want I can call her back.” “Very funny, Ming, I only met her five minutes before you arrived; but she was nice to look at, only look at, when I was just here alone!”
“So, Anh, what do we do now?” I thought for some moments, shrugged my shoulders, and she took over; “Your hotel is ok having visitors, Anh, I am sure because it is a private one, not one of the ones under central control; perhaps you could introduce me as a student – which I am – and you are going to teach me some things: which you are, aren’t you, Anh?” She finished the idea with a seductive voice behind her question, and I debated with myself for as long as it took me to register a jump in my jeans. I nodded “Yes, if that is truly what you want, Ming; but what about getting home, what will your mother say?”
That smile again “Its ok, Anh, if I am not home by 11p.m Jin will know I found you, and she will tell Mum I am staying with my sister in her apartment. You see, I came here last night also, looking to see if you were here, and we had the same plan when I came again tonight.” I was quite astounded at her perseverance and her ingenuity, but worried about her Mother; she assured me her mother wouldn’t be asking her sisters anything, and she wasn’t hurting her mother so not to worry; this was her time she finished, taking the bill when Hong arrived, confirming it and I paid, tipping Hong, and we rose and walked out. Ming collected her bike, and I slid on behind, accepting her body when she settled back against me, and lightly holding her hips as we rode off to the Hotel, where she parked, we got my key without question, and they handed me the bag of photos Tuan had left, and we were in my room.
Ming looked around, chose the sofa to sit on, and then asked if she could look at the photos she spied in the bag. I mulled over the dangers, but agreed, saying I was going for a shower while she looked at them.

I was finished and emerged dressed in my shorts before Ming had closed the last booklet; when she did, she looked at me: “who are all these girls?” and she stared at me, waiting. “They are all cousins, friends of my ex-daughter’s, and we have dinner and fun together, so they asked me to take some photos.” “Gosh, they are so hot, and exactly what I would like you take for me and Jin together, ok Anh – right there at those doors the same as these” referring to the ones of Tuan I had taken as she posed there. “Yes, Ming, can do, but only in an afternoon – I don’t like flash photos, so I prefer nice soft, afternoon light, and one day, ok em.”
She smiled again, and asked if she also could shower and freshen in my bathroom; I told her she would find a dry towel in there as she began tugging her t-shirt up, starting to remove it still there in front of me. With her head covered, I stepped behind her and before she had removed it fully, I slid my hands on her back and unclasped her bra, sliding around her ribcage as it fell loose and enclosing her breasts – almost, as they were large and full – within my hands, fingers tweaking her nipples to erection.
She moaned as she threw off her shirt, and I released her to ease the bra straps from her shoulders, turned her around and crushed her body to mine while my mouth sought her neck gently, sliding up and to her mouth where I lightly kissed her, lingering there until she opened hers to me, and I slipped my tongue inside and played with her own, slurping out her saliva and my own, pushing my mouth more to hers while my hands were pushing her from her buttocks against the hardness she must be able to feel from my groin. I felt her skirt zipper there, and I slowly drew it down, moving myself back and my hands to her hips to help the skirt slide down, pushing it at the same time as I let my hands move over the smooth skin of her abdomen and hips and around to her buttocks still covered by nylon panties, tingly to the touch. She forced her tongue against mine and into my own mouth, urgently and her hands squeezed down between us to feel my cock through my shorts, and she trilled a sound into my mouth. I eased back slowly, pushed against her hips and when I could, said “You were going for a shower, weren’t you Ming?” I stepped back further, looked at her beautiful body, and told her it was so, holding her hands out to the sides from trying to cover her body; “Oh, Ming, in front of me, you have nothing to hide, it is all wonderful.” I reached my hands to her cheeks and slid them down her neck, over her shoulders to her breasts, pausing, but continuing over her flat stomach, poking one finger in her belly-button causing a shiver, and then to her hips, sliding inwards to join both hands on her upper pelvis, outside her panties, but showing where would be next they would like to wander. She really was breathtaking, and she was also breathless, and I steered her through the door of the bathroom, leaving it to her to decide to close or not; she hadn’t spoken a word. I retreated for a beer and a cigarette out on the balcony, and also while I let my cock calm down.
I was swallowing the last of my beer when Ming’s voice behind me asked “Is this what you meant by: nothing to hide, Anh?” I turned and found her draped around the balcony door behind me, naked and provocatively bending and sliding against the door post. “Maybe you should go home now, Ming, and come back and do that again tomorrow when I have new films and the right lighting.”

I was joking, but indeed she was emulating Tuan’s antics when I had taken her shots here on the balcony – however, Tuan had been dressed, and Ming was a flower in bloom in all her naked glory, shy but wanting not to be, young and inexperienced but wanting not to be. She pouted when she understood what I had said, and I jumped up to laugh and explain I had only been joking. She threw her arms around my neck and I smelled her freshness, but my breath wasn’t, so I excused myself to the bathroom, cleaned my teeth and gargled, and washed my cigarette-smelling hands and face. When I returned to the main room, Ming was in bed, just the sheet pulled up to cover her breasts, her hands clasped outside, resting on her stomach: she was waiting, but she didn’t know exactly for what, so I could see the fearfulness and concern in her eyes and on her face. “Would you like me to turn off the light – though I would rather not, would prefer to look at you in the light, but it is up to you what we do Ming, it is all up to you.” “I want to see you also, Anh Steve, are you coming to bed now?”

In answer, I removed the towel I had wrapped around my waist, glad I was only half-erect at this stage, and I turned so she could see my skinny bum as I hung the towel back on the rack in the bathroom, but on second thoughts took it with me and threw it on the end of the bed, just in case it was needed. I let her run her eyes over me, skinny I knew already, but her concentration was not really anywhere but my groin, and I stiffened further at her looks, before I pulled the sheet back off her and feasted my eyes on her body.
I looked even as I felt, commencing at her toes, which she jerked away a little; “It’s ok, Ming, lovers can touch anywhere – even feet” and I pulled her flat again, playing with her toes and massaging her soles for a minute or two, before sliding up her calves, opening her legs as I went until I was able to kneel between them, facing up her body. Her eyes were closed and I leant on my hands either side of her body and stretched up to place my lips on hers very lightly, allowing the tip of my cock to bend where it felt her body and slide up with me, without poking it anywhere. She kissed me, opened her eyes “Anh, you remember I have never done this before, don’t you?”
“Yes, Ming, I do, and anytime you want to stop, as I told you before: it is up to you, Ming. My hope is to show you what making love can be, and try and make it as beautiful as you might imagine – but I will do nothing without your ok, understand me em?” She nodded, and I kissed her again, pushing myself on my hands back down to lick her calves and slowly ascend over her knees, softly massaging the skin, marveling as I always did at the smoothness, and to her thighs, using my tongue more to lick and slurp from the outside in, and she opened them wider as I slid my knees further up between. My hands reached the crease where thighs join the pelvis and I stroked them, edging inwards and downwards to her hairless pussy below my eyes, before lowering my head slowly and licking along the same course as my fingers had been a moment ago, but my tongue didn’t stop, licked down to the ‘v’ of her pelvis and found the top of her slit. Pausing, with my tongue tickling over the same spot, I allowed my hands to rove upwards along her sides, meeting in the middle over her abdomen, spreading, fanning across her ribcage and re-centring up and over two mounded breasts heaving with breaths;
I squeezed them lightly, trying to push them into smaller mounds, trying to fit them within my stretched hands, but not quite: women’s breasts bobble around like jellyfish, you can’t compress them into a smaller space than they need – they just push out somewhere else, they are beautiful and succulent and enticing. I left my hands to play as they wanted, gently, but hoping it was also stimulating for Ming, and concentrated again on my tongue as my head dipped lower and I slipped further down her slit, stopping when a ‘bump’ on my tongue signalled my lips to grasp around her clit, which elicited a squeak, and shudder from Ming. I nibbled with my lips, and lightly held the erected knob in my teeth, my tongue slurping around all else, until she shuddered again and again, and my next slide of my tongue began finding moisture welling below, and I concentrated now on moving my knees back, stretching my arms to their full length to maintain their stroking of her breasts and nipples, but wanting my mouth to burrow for access to those juices, and my tongue to drink it and mouth to suck it like a melting ice-cream, not wanting to waste any.

I spread my knees, forcing her thighs further open, and raised my head for a moment to study her; her outer lips were pink and tinged with a greyish-brown, but her inside was pulsing and blood-engorged, a reddish-pink, and I put my mouth back down, licking this time from the bottom to the top, retreating until I began stiffening my tongue and probing entry. During the next few minutes of tongue-fucking her inner few cms, I paused every time Ming tensed, continuing when I felt her relax, pushing in further, moving my head to reach my tongue and scrape it along her walls, breathing and sniffling juices through my nose, and then she burst forth with a gush of juice, and this tensing was not in apprehension: this was a body jerking in heightened emotional and bodily orgasm. I kept my mouth and tongue where they were, but released her breasts and pulled my hands between us, to her vaginal lips and I opened them fully with fingers, allowing me to furrow a path just a little more with my tongue inside, and she squealed this time and jumped her pelvis up, burrowing me further to the limit.

As I slipped my tongue out, needing to suck in deep breaths, my finger replaced it, gliding back along her walls, easier to control than a tongue and stronger, albeit bonier as it tickled and played with her insides. I left my hand there but slid my whole body up Ming’s, allowing my weight to slowly press against her until our bodies were joined. I kissed her cheek until she turned her mouth to mine “This is you, Ming, and it is a beautiful taste…” and I closed my mouth to hers allowing her to use her tongue to slurp at my wetness, hit her taste buds and to know what she produced in orgasm (of course, she may have done this to herself before, but the taste of a man at the same time would be new). She moaned as she sucked and clung to my back, digging. She released and said “Oh, Anh, I am ready for more, please, you are beautiful and I want you.”
I removed my hand from her cunt, and allowed my cock to rest between her legs, my whole body now pressed on top of her, my hands up and feeling the sides of her breast mounds pushed outwards by my weight; I kissed her lips, moved to her neck and her ears, nibbling the earlobes as I loved to do.
Ming moaned and writhed against me, and I said “Ming, the best way to do this, if you still want this – is…” and I rolled her over so she was on top.
“First time for a woman, if you sit up there, you can control me, control it all: when you want and when it feels good, do you understand me?” She nodded, and I smoothed my hands down over her breasts and placed them on her hips, raising her enough to allow my waving cock to be under her. As if afraid she might never feel it again, or afraid of what it might do, Ming’s hands grasped it, and she guided it to herself, feeling the tip penetrate and groaning, but not stopping, slowly releasing her hands and allowing herself to sink. She stopped for a moment when I felt her hymen, and she gritted her teeth, and sat down on my groin, full length inside as she squeaked, but didn’t scream. I held her hips to stop her moving until she felt accustomed more to a prick inside, to absorb whatever thoughts a girl might have when she knows her virginity has gone –forever.
“Oh wow, this is amazing, you are so big inside me; I can feel you filling me, and throbbing, and I am throbbing with you, Anh!”
“Oh, I can feel everything right through me, right to my soul, to my heart, there are feelings everywhere…even in my toes!” She wiggled them against my hips, as I smiled, pleased for her and with her. The wiggling continued with her hips and she felt the new sensations, so I put upward pressure on her hips and helped her learn the motions of making love: slowly and quickly, different strokes, different depths, long minutes for her to feel it as much as possible, and her head twisted even more when I let her control it and moved my hands to caress her gravity-lengthened globes of breasts in them, rougher now with her nipples and causing more moans and squeaks until she raised up to my tip and plunged herself down, and then she did scream, and clawed her fingers on my chest where her hands had been resting, and she ground her pelvis down, my pubic hairs being twisted out by their roots it felt like. I held her ribcage and made her fall backwards down the bed, but kept her pinned to my body, joined at our groins, until I was on top. I slid her back up a little so her head wasn’t falling off the end, and made us comfortable; “This is called the ‘missionary position’ Ming, but don’t ask me why, it just means the normal, man-on-top position.”
“Listen to me, though, to enjoy love-making, you and your partner should do it any way it feels nice: that is how to make love, which is what I would like to show you more of now.”
I relaxed my arms until I was again laying on top of her, buried to the hilt inside, and I kissed her everywhere I could reach, slowly allowing my body to slide a little down, and thus my cock to withdraw to her opening, where I stopped while I feasted on her nipples for the first time, catching them in my teeth and tugging while my tongue licked around and my mouth tried to swallow each one. I could have stayed there, but now was not the time, so I leaned up again, cock sliding inside as I did, kissed her lips, and then I reared up to my tip and plunged myself to the depths – deeper than we had been before, and she erupted at the first bottoming she had had. She was so wet already, I couldn’t have known if she poured forth more juices, but I was sure she was orgasming around my prick, it was sucked and swirled as if in a tsunami, and she twisted her body under me, clawed at my arms and moaned unintelligibly, but it vaguely sounded like ‘yes, oh yes..’ and I eased back and gave some gentle, shallow probes with my cock, 5..6..7…9…
And then I plunged yet again, feeling her thrust up against me, and I repeated that three times, and she felt against me like she was climaxing again.
So I did it all again, feeling myself strong tonight and wishing to give her everything she might have dreamed of, and much she couldn’t have, while I could. I finally slowed when I had the guilty thought that under me was Ming, who had been a virgin until a short while ago, and she was probably very sore under my onslaught. I hadn’t cum, but felt no concern about that; what I wanted was to hear what Ming felt, but it was several minutes of my gentle caresses, still inside but not thrusting, pulsing and feeling, and then I rolled us to the side and she said “Oh, Anh “and she was crying, tears running down to flood on my cheek, “That was more beautiful than I ever imagined.” I held her close, but it wasn’t time for words, and I think we, or I, even dozed for a few minutes, then I started as my cock wilted and was slipping out; Ming sighed “Don’t go, Anh, stay there” and she pushed against me in a vain attempt to prevent the inevitable. I laughed a little, “That’s what happens normally, Ming, means it’s time for a rest. Trust me, you need a rest, and I sure do!”
She giggled and snuggled against me, and I was happy. “Can I go to sleep here, Anh, if I promise to leave really early in the morning – and I have to be home, anyway, before my mum wakes.”
“Yes, Ming, that’s fine, but, as your ‘teacher’ in these matters, I would like you to go to the bathroom; you will be sore, that’s normal, but you might have some blood – that’s also normal, I hope you already knew – but you will feel more comfortable if we both have a quick shower: after all, that was pretty hot work, wasn’t it?” I patted her bottom and watched as she groaned a little getting off the bed, but she smiled at me, and gingerly walked to the shower stall. I checked the bed, some blood, so I laid the towel, the one I had left on the bed earlier, over the spots, just so Ming wouldn’t get spooked about it; it was more important how she felt, as I moved to the bathroom and joined her under the water.
“How do you feel, Ming?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around her, then squeezed some soap into my hands and washed her back and neck, and down over her lovely buttocks to her thighs. “Oh, Anh, I am in a dream, it must be a dream as I feel I am floating somewhere! “
“But I don’t want it to be a dream, because I am a Woman now, and I want this to be real – it is real, isn’t it Anh?”
I turned her around, soapy hands on her breasts, and after I kissed her lips, nodded “Yes, Ming, it is, and I hope the Reality is even better than a Dream.” In response, she moulded herself against me, pushed her tongue through my lips and stuck it as far as she could reach, sucking my essence into her. Her hands now found my growing thickness, and she just played with it until it was fully engorged, and she asked “Anh, should I have asked you to put on a condom?” I smiled “Yes, you should ask this every time, Ming, but in my case, even if I had cum, which I didn’t, I can’t make you pregnant – because all those little fish swimming around in most men aren’t in me: I had a vasectomy a long time ago; as for ‘safe sex’ yes, you should have, but again, for me, you are ok as I only had an HIV test recently and I am clear. But, yes, you really must ask other men, doesn’t matter these days how much you trust someone, it is possible. Perhaps I should have used one to protect me against you, oh dear, should I?” But I was laughing and even though she punched me lightly on the chest, she knew I wasn’t serious: if you can’t be safe with a virgin, then nothing in the world is safe anymore I thought.
“Does this want to do it again, Anh” Ming asked, as she fondled my cock lightly. “Believe me, Ming, it does, but not tonight because I know you will be sore enough tomorrow, and I hope I never cause you pain, Ming, so ‘this’ will be all right, thanks for asking, sweet Ming.” I kissed her and pushed her out after she had washed her pussy, groaning a little as she then rinsed off, and while she dried herself I washed myself quickly, clear of sweat and juices and feeling contented. Ming looked and then handed me her towel and padded off to bed, where I joined her. “Sorry about the blood, Anh” Ming apologised as she snuggled down against me; I turned her facing away from me, curled an arm over her body and cupped a breast, my other arm up her back and hand stroking her neck; I kissed all over her neck and back as I replied “Virgins seem to have some blood, Ming, it’s a natural part of Life – just like making love: and that’s what we did, Ming. Good night em, sweet dreams.” I kissed her as she squeezed my arm and I closed my eyes.
I woke with a start to the trilling of a – oh, a mobile phone’s ring tone; a body leaned over me and said “ssshh, I have to go home Anh, go to sleep again.”
And then Ming cuddled me in her arms for a time, her breasts warm against me and her legs entwined with mine, before I felt her kiss me and leave the bed. I was aware of her using the bathroom, the light on, and her quietly getting dressed, and she leaned down to me, face close as she kissed me and she said “Oh, Anh, I wish I could have stayed here, right here; if I never feel love again, I feel it for you now, and it is beautiful, more beautiful than I could ever have dreamed.” Another kiss and she was gone.
I dozed, not heavily sleeping again, until my own – much quieter – alarm woke me fully. I lay in bed remembering, not only Ming, but also the trauma of Duc and his wife, and I jumped out of bed to write a note: check Duc’s email.
It was only 06.00, but I phoned Duc’s secretary anyway, asked if she knew his password, and when she answered in the affirmative, I asked her to get up and meet us at the office. I wasn’t sure why, but I felt strongly Duc might have left something to explain.
I then woke Liem and Tinh and said I’d see them at the office.
The rest of the morning passed as a blur; there was a message from Duc to himself, though why he didn’t send it to others I couldn’t guess – protection for us? – maybe, but it explained he had taken the money to try and gather evidence on the people who were extorting from all local construction companies who might be trying to win contracts: pay the extortionists, or they/we would have no fair chance. Clearly, Duc said something wrong, or too much, and he was killed; why his wife was with him no-one could fathom, but his email left enough information for the Police to find and arrest several men before the day’s end: case all but closed.
I decreed a long lunch at Company expense for all staff, and we toasted Duc and his wife’s memories, and his ideals, misguided as they may have been, and as tragic as the consequences they caused. I closed the office, with Tinh’s agreement, for this day, and tomorrow for the burial, but I made an impassioned plea for all staff to consider their lives and the Company’s, and return to work as normal Friday.
Everyone acknowledged that and agreed, and lunch broke up. I asked Tinh to phone the Boss and update him, deciding I would recommend to him later that Tinh should be the new Office Manager, so surreptitiously I was putting her ’in the loop’ with him.
I was tired and drained and went back to the hotel and fell on the bed to sleep, hoping not to dream anything. I heard my mobile ringing, but I ignored it, as I did when a beep announced an incoming message: I needed my brain to shut down for a while, and it did.
It was much later when I woke, the light was softening and I had a vivid flash of wanting to photo Ming and Jin, but a) I had no film, and b) it just didn’t seem appropriate on this trip, so I would promise to do so next time. I phoned down for some hot water to make coffee, rinsed my face and cleaned my teeth, before Tuan arrived with the thermos flask. “How are you, Anh, Liem says you helped to solve the mystery.” I smiled at her, opening the flask and pouring water into the cup I had prepared; “Not really, em, it was just an idea which was in my head when I woke up this morning.”
Mentioning that reminded me there would have been some blood on the sheets and the towel when – Tuan? – cleaned the room this morning. I looked at her, felt myself flushing, but she was grinning “Did you have a bloody nose last night, Anh, or maybe blood from those scratches on your back? Though actually, it looked to me more like a lady’s blood, and bright red virgin blood at that. I trust she learned about ‘making love’ rather than just ‘sex’, Anh.” I relaxed, not one for lying anyway; “Are there really scratches on my back, Tuan?” “Yes, Anh, look like the ones I gave you last time – and I am sorry for that, Anh – and you should put some antiseptic cream on them; I’ll bring some back in a minute.” She turned and left the room, and I tried to see my back in the mirror, but it was difficult, so I shrugged and sat on the balcony to have my coffee and a cigarette. Tuan knocked and entered, and came out and soothingly rubbed some cream on me, asking if I would be well enough to go again at 6p.m to Duc’s house; “Very funny, em, yes I will be well and ready.” She lightly smacked my back signifying finished, but left the tube of cream for after I had showered – silly to put it on now, I thought, until Tuan said she would come back before I put my shirt on and apply more. “Oh, all your clothes are hanging in the closet, by the way, even your white shirt which I found this morning and took to wash.” I kissed her, “You will make a man a very good wife one day, Tuan, and I hope he is a very good husband for you.” She fluttered her eyes a moment, stretched up to put her arms around my neck, and whispered “No-one will compare to you, Anh Steve, so I doubt I will ever be married.” She was serious, but she was so young; I wouldn’t hurt her by laughing her comment away, but squeezed her back gently, kissed her cheek lightly, and tried to be kind when I said “Tuan, you’ll be surprised by how many young men come chasing just for you – as long as you choose the right one carefully, Someone is out there just waiting for You, I am sure. Now I should shower and shave and look good for you, as best I can, when you are ready.” She sniffled and kissed me, left without a further word.
I did as I said, as did Tuan, and we left for a slightly more relaxed evening at Duc’s home; at least tonight everyone knew the suspects were held by the Police, and that Duc had been trying to do a good thing. When I bowed with incense before Duc and his wife, I thanked them, and wished them a better, new life.
While sitting having a drink with the others, I realized I hadn’t even checked my mobile since waking up. The missed call was from my Boss’ secretary, so I phoned her, apologized, and she said it was only to tell me the Boss would be arriving on the first flight in the morning, and she had already spoken with Tinh a few minutes before to arrange a car to bring him straight to the Catholic Church for the service and burial. I thanked her, confirmed with Tinh, and she said sorry she hadn’t yet had a chance to tell me. I told her I intended proposing her as the Office Manager, in addition to her chief accountant’s role for now, and suggested if she had any ideas or thoughts she should be ready to present them to the Boss after the funeral.
Next I checked my messages; there was one from Ming, telling me I was right: she was a little sore today, but felt wonderful. She asked if she and Jin could come that afternoon, so now I felt guilty and I phoned her in a quiet corner, apologizing and explaining I had thought of them, but didn’t feel quite happy taking photos just now. She understood, but they wanted to see me, so I agreed I would be able to have dinner with them a little later, after I left here, so we arranged for the same restaurant we met.
I had a fleeting thought of Hong, the waitress at that restaurant, but figured Ming and Jin were enough to handle both me and Hong!
I bade my farewells to Duc’s brother and his wife’s family, confirmed the service would begin at 08.00 and Liem, standing next to me, confirmed the car would pick me up. As we walked away Liem said she hoped my next trip could be calmer and maybe we could get together, be more normal for a day or two. I smiled and agreed, remembering how much I had enjoyed being with Liem last time and how interesting I had found her. I left in the car, directed the driver to the restaurant and said I could walk home from here thanks, and confirming he would be at the hotel at 07.30
I walked in and Hong met me, said I looked very handsome dressed up, and leading me by a very cute bottom and nice legs to a table by the riverside, where I told her there would be 3 for dinner. She appeared disappointed, but had a smile as she asked what I would be eating tonight? I blushed and said I didn’t know yet, but a beer to start would be good.

Her clothes tonight showed her body off to the same extent as last time, just a colour change: a red t-shirt attracting my eyes to her chest as in the proverbial ‘red rag to a bull’; she let me look for a few moments, asked if that was all I wanted – for now – and I nodded and watched her sway away in her black uniform skirt, sure I would be ready when she caught me watching, but women seem to have a 6th or even 7th sense, and she twisted around before I could and smiled warmly at me, acknowledging what she took as a compliment – when, truthfully, I was perving with sex on my mind and in my pants!
My attention was diverted when Ming and Jin walked towards me; I stood to greet them, and my first thought as I watched them cross the few metres to the table was: wow, they have done themselves up for this dinner! They were dressed the same, in fact almost the same as Hong, but different colours, Ming in a white top, Jin in a pink, but both with tight, short black skirts, legs appearing long below and, it seemed, lengthened by high-heeled shoes. I almost whistled, but restrained myself to a “Good evening, ladies, you look wonderful and – yes, sexy!” They smiled, and sat, Ming motioning Jin to sit beside me, and she sat opposite me.
Hong came to the table with a forced smile, handed the girls a menu, and took their orders for a beer, and I asked for another for myself. The girls discussed the food they wanted, and I sat back, glancing down at Jin’s crossed legs under the table – skin so smooth to the eyes, and my hands itched to touch it. Ming asked “What would you like, Anh?” and she was smiling when I jerked my head up and focused on her. “Ah – to eat - Ming, I am easy, I eat a little of almost anything, whatever you girls want will be fine, I am sure.” I moved my chair back a little to have a cigarette, and it also allowed me to see Jin’s legs from thigh to feet, which was a bonus. Hong returned with the beers, took the food order while standing at my side, after refilling my glass, and brushed her skirt against my arm she was so close. Perhaps I should have suggested another restaurant, but too late now I reprimanded myself, as my cock throbbed at the latent excitement all around.
We clinked glasses and wished ‘good health and happiness’ and Jin began the conversation by baldly saying “Ming could hardly walk today, Anh; she walked like she had been riding a horse for hours!”

“But she said she felt ‘fantastic and happy’ – maybe she will tell you what happened to her yesterday, or last night, because all she gives me is an irritating smile!” I was pretty sure Ming had told Jin, and decided I could play the game; “Oh, what happened, Ming, are you ok, can you ride a horse?”
Ming blushed a little but replied calmly “No, it wasn’t a horse, and I thought I might have had a dream, but today I am sure it was a real experience – maybe an alien or a super-being abducted me, and raped me I think!” she finished in a whisper, leaning close to the table. “Oh, that’s terrible, Ming! How did it feel, was it a man-thing, did he hurt you; I hope not!” I continued. “Oh, it was a ‘thing’ from a man, Anh, trust me it was, but no, ‘it’ didn’t hurt me; in fact, if this super-being could come back and take me again, I really think I would enjoy it even more!” I gulped at my beer, enough is enough I told myself, while feeling my cock throbbing at the conversation’s content, and I was also sure Jin’s hand didn’t accidentally reach across to my groin and feel the jumping bulge constricted in my pants. As in all good literary tales, Hong and a waiter now arrived to place dishes on our table and we all, I think, gave a sigh and calmed down a little.
Beer helps also, so I asked Hong for some more, but also asked where the toilet was, feeling in need of more time to cool down. She led me across the other side of the restaurant, and pointed down the stairs; I asked “Hong, I hope the toilets don’t flow straight out into the river?” She smiled, “No, Anh, I promise; we have a cleaning and recycling system down there also, and all the waste is pumped back and turned into fertilizer. I was really surprised when I first started to work here, but the boss is very clear that we don’t pollute the river – would you like to see it?” I was amazed, and nodded yes, and she led me down the half-lit stairs, but first I needed the toilet so she took me there, said she would wait. When I had emptied my bladder and adjusted my half-hard cock in my pants, noting it was not just an open urinal drain heading out (as in so many Asian waterside restaurants), I washed my hands and my face, adjusted my pants once more, and stepped out, straight against Hong’s body and a mouth finding mine, engulfing mine, and I tasted a new woman in the few seconds before I broke away. “I couldn’t wait, Anh, I had to do that!” she stepped back, smoothed her clothes, “Now, the filtration system is this way.” And she headed off down a corridor.
I followed her as I did want to see it, but I was also drawn by the magic a woman can exert on a man, a weak man such as I seemed to be these days.
We came to a room which said “Authorized Entry Only” in Vietnamese, but Hong led me in, and for a few minutes I was fascinated by the works in front of me – most unusual for a riverside restaurant here to even consider the environment, so I was impressed. As I said ‘we should go’ Hong, perhaps inevitably, backed me to the door and began kissing me again, stronger and harder than before, and she pressed her breasts and legs and pelvis against mine against the door. She grabbed my hands and pulled them around to her buttocks, and twisted her skirt up, pressing against me, not a heavy girl but strong, and she reached between us, frantically undoing my belt and clasp and zipper and reaching in until she had my cock in her hands. I tried to say “Hong, another time…” but she bit my lips and kept my mouth covered with hers, as she pulled my cock under her skirt, to a bare, dripping cunt, and then she pushed my hips down until my rod could feed into her and she thrust so I impaled her to the roots of her body, and she screamed and pushed and screamed even more.
She came in an instant, shuddering, but not for a second relenting on the pressure against me, and I could even feel the door bending outwards under the strain, and I decided to help her finish faster, so I dug my hands into her buttocks and squeezed them and her as I thrust, and she let my mouth go to thrash her head back and howl, still jumping against me, my cock continually hitting the ends of her insides and sparking her orgasm into renewed sensations, again and again. It was so violent, so one-sided, I couldn’t even conceive of cumming myself, but she kept on until her own pleasure was beyond maximum it seemed, and she had to slow and gasp for air, and slide backwards letting my cock slide down and out.
She leaned up and kissed me, more gently this time, “I have read romantic stories of cumming again and again, but I never thought I could…I had to have you, Anh, I knew you would give me something special the first night I saw you, first foreigner to excite me, but you have just given me Paradise! I didn’t think I would have time to be nice about anything, so I had to do this when I could and where I could, and as fast as I could.”
“But, oh Anh, thank you so much” and she kissed me deeply and then backed away, smoothing her skirt, while I leaned down to pull up my pants and re-dress. I placed my hands on her breasts, fondling them through her top and bra; “If we do this again, I want it to be a little slower and a little more romantic Hong, ok?” I rubbed her nipples with my thumbs, erecting them, and she moaned against me, “Oh, yes, Anh, anything” and she reached behind me to open the door. I made a detour to the bathroom again, as did Hong beside me, and we both washed our faces and straightened our hair, leaving with Hong leading me by the hand to the stairs, where she resumed her working demeanour and politely pointed me to my table.
Ming and Jin were still eating, so I couldn’t have been away for too long, even with all that had happened; they looked at me, and I said I was having a look at the recycling plant downstairs – in my business we needed to be thinking of the environment more every day, and I was very happy to see this restaurant cared also. The girls were satisfied, and went back to polishing off the remaining food, while I drained a bottle of beer very fast, and looked up to find Hong there with a refill and more ice; “Thought your, ah beer, might need cooling down, Anh”.
“Hong, you have worked so hard, and done a great job taking care of me and us, please share a toast of my beer” and I held up my glass; “Thank you for everything, Anh; see you soon, and ladies” and she drank half my glass!
Jin placed her hand on my thigh and squeezed as Hong moved away; “Anh, I don’t need Ming to confess you and she had sex: I can tell; so what about us, you and me, I want sex the same?” I looked shocked at her “Ming and I didn’t have ‘sex’, Jin, promise. Tell her Ming: ‘we didn’t have sex’” “He’s right Jin, we didn’t. But we did ‘make love’, little sister, and I found out there is a big difference between the two, trust me.” Ming looked at me, and smiled, and Jin noticed as she exploded “I knew that’s where you must have been last night! You promised me also, Anh, and I would just settle for some sex!!”
It was time to dampen her spirit, and I was sorry, but I had to, at least tonight; “Jin, that was last night, but in the morning I have to go to a funeral; I hope you understand that tonight is not the best for me to feel and give you what you want. Besides, you are a year younger than Ming, so you have time to wait a little if that’s what you want, ok?”
“I want you, Anh – what about tomorrow?” “Nobody knows tomorrow, Jin, we will see.” I clasped her hand under the table and squeezed it, and she fumbled for my dormant prick and gasped as she realized it was hard and ready; she moaned and looked like a fish gasping for air out of water, and I laughed, “Stop it Jin, people will think you are sick!” “I am sick and getting old waiting for my first time!” I lifted my glass and we all toasted good health, and I called for Hong and asked for the bill. (Mental note: I need get some more money tomorrow).
I made Jin sit in front of me on the bike this time so I could have at least a little control, and they dropped me near the hotel entrance, where I quickly pecked each of them on the cheeks and waved good night as I walked into the foyer and asked for my key. A quiet night is what I wanted, and so it was, until my alarm woke me and I prepared for the funeral.
It was, naturally, a sombre occasion, but the Buddhists amongst the mourners, me included, are able to see a death as also a re-birth, not unlike the Catholic notion of resurrection, but in a far more down-to-earth way:
All depending on one’s suffering and actions within the Buddhist Dhamma in the life ended, and the new one beginning. A time of farewell and equally hello, is how I always felt it.
Afterwards, the Boss and I, Tinh, and Liem – who Tinh asked to join us – went to the office and discussed business matters. The money and car were insured, forget about those items; the Boss agreed Tinh would take over the office management, and it was after accepting, Tinh proposed Liem be elevated to Chief accountant as she felt she needed to concentrate on building the business and couldn’t do justice to both positions. That was agreed, and Liem would finalize Duc’s salary and entitlements, and the Company, the Boss proposed, would cover all the funeral expenses. Business done when the Boss had signed a letter of authority appointing Tinh, until a new formal announcement was made, the Boss asked if I could leave this evening and go to Hanoi in his stead, allowing him to fly straight back to HCMC as he preferred. I asked Liem to arrange flights, and while the Boss headed for the airport, I left for the hotel to pack up, wishing Tinh and Liem success in their new roles, and promising to be in close touch and back soon.
Liem soon phoned me, confirming a car at 5p.m for a 7p.m flight, where a car would meet me and my hotel had been booked. I thanked her, wished her well, and asked her to call me with any problems anytime.
I had plenty of time, so I made necessary phone calls and sent messages: my housekeeper, Ping, Yen, Ming and Jin – promising Jin ‘next time’ – and also Tinh, Liem’s younger sister, our receptionist in the Hanoi office, just to confirm car and hotel; she said “Happy to have you back again, Anh; I will be with the car at the airport so I can update you on arrangements for tomorrow’s ground-breaking, see you soon!”
I showered for some reason, packed, readied clothes to wear this evening, and: had nothing to do for hours! I decided to go personally and say ‘bye to Thinh at the restaurant, and eat some lunch also. A short motorcycle taxi later, Thinh beamed a smile at me as I entered. “I’ve been waiting for you, Anh, where have you been?” I gave her a quick summary of the past few days when she returned with my beer, and a menu. “And what would you like to eat today, Anh?” she asked with a glimmer in her eyes. I asked for fried eggs and bread – this was usually a breakfast order, but was easy, and Thinh agreed.
I craved Vietnamese bread, and asked for the freshest she could find, as I so enjoyed eating it fresh. “There are other ‘fresh’ things not on the menu, Anh; just ask me; doesn’t matter if for breakfast, lunch or dinner.”
I smiled, raised my glass to her, and she left to place my order, returning with both my food and another beer, raising an eyebrow at the bottle, and I nodded, as she placed it all on the table. I sprinkled black sauce on my egg, broke my bread and slopped up the eggs with it; delicious, but messy, and I had to wave to Thinh when my tissues ran out, and she ran over, even daubing at my mouth with one, when my hands were busy wiping the mess off. “Thinh” I mumbled, “You shouldn’t do that; I will go and wash my hands in a moment, really!” “Do you remember where the bathroom is, Anh?” she queried with a smile, and I remembered well, I said, “funny things seem to happen around bathrooms.” She laughed, turning away to display the same taut behind and smooth legs under her skirt that I remembered from my last walk to the bathroom with her. She turned, yet again catching me, “Would you like ice-cream now, Anh – I remember how you liked it.”
“Not for lunch, em, thank you, is there something else perhaps?” “Anything at all, Anh, anything…” and she turned again and walked away, as I stood up, smoothed the napkin down my pants to flatten my cock, and headed for the men’s room: I was lost after the first right-turn! Last time I had been staring at Thinh’s body from behind and clearly not paying attention, as I now turned left, right reversed, and still couldn’t find it. A hand grasped my arm “Do you need some help, Anh?” and Thinh steered me left and right and we were there, and I had to avert my face to hide the embarrassment I felt. “Thinh, what do you want from me, because I can’t give you much, really I can’t.” “Oh, Anh, I would like what I wanted the other day: just the chance to be alone with you, and show you I am more than a waitress in a restaurant. Come on, toilet is here.” She turned towards me, looked over my shoulder, perhaps checking no-one in view, and leaned in to give me a gentle kiss on both cheeks, no hard, savage mouth on mine a la Hong yesterday – just a gentle touching and equally gentle prod to steer me the right way. I went as instructed and came out to find her waiting for me, only to lead me back, – how can there be so many corners, I wondered – to the table.
I finished my beer, didn’t want another, and motioned Thinh for the bill. When she came over to hand it to me, she said “I am on a break now, Anh, would you come with me for a while, please?” I thought for a moment, while getting my money out, and nodded. She ran off to settle the bill, and I shook my hand when she turned, so she thanked me from a distance and handed my tip to the cashier, before almost skipping away, returning within a minute to nod to me she was ready.
We went to her bike, and she started and headed out of the restaurant, around two corners and only about 200m and we parked; “Why don’t you walk?” I asked, and she just laughed as she took my arm and led me to a bungalow across the other side from where she parked. “Nobody else lives here, Anh, I am alone; come on in, I have a beer in the fridge if you would like..?” ‘No thanks, Thinh, but can I borrow some toothpaste to rinse my mouth, and wash my face and hands?” She led me to another bathroom, very clean and orderly, as indeed was the outer room I had entered, and she handed me a tube and pointed to the soap, leaving me and returning with a small towel. I smiled at her.
When I returned to the other room, she called out “Come upstairs, Anh” and I did, finding Thinh in her bedroom’s bathroom, showering; she stopped cleaning her own teeth for a moment to say “Make yourself comfortable on the bed, Anh, I will just be a moment.” I wasn’t sure what she meant: undress and be comfortable, or just sit on the edge? Before I finished finding the answer to my own problem, she appeared, a towel held around her loosely, and she asked “I thought you would be in bed, Anh,” she looked at the confusion on my face and came to stroke my cheek, letting the towel almost fall away “I meant for you to get in bed, Anh, is that what you want as I want?” I nodded, began unbuttoning my shirt as Thinh knelt in front of me and took over, and her towel fell away. I sucked in my breath at the sight of her; her breasts were large, but it was the darkness of her aureoles and the gigantic nipples poking straight out, inviting me, and I leaned over and pulled one into my mouth, my lips closing over its firmness, and I pulled her shoulders around and twisted her on to the bed behind me, never letting go of that nipple as I lay her down and knelt with my face all over her breasts, changing to her other nipple now and sucking as if life was within.
Thinh moaned and groaned, tried reaching for my shirt to finish her job, but gave up as a spasm shook her, and left my shirt to reach for my jeans, one button and a zip and she was reefing them open and pushing them down as far as she could reach, enough for her to push hands inside my underpants and grasp and gasp at the throbbing rod inside. She pulled her hands out, held the side of my head and pulled it up gently, squirming further up the bed, and then leaning up to stick her tongue up and burrow within my mouth. I kissed her equally hard for some moments, and then came up and away, kneeling on the bed between her legs. Thinh moaned in frustration, but calmed when she saw I was busy undoing the remainder of my shirt buttons and then untangling and removing my jeans and briefs.
She stared at me, “You are a bit skinny, Anh, but not all of you; come here please.” I was as naked as she, and I lay with her on the bed, above her and between her legs and thighs, my cock twitching at its proximity to its birthplace, but I put my mouth back to her cheeks and began kissing her all over, from eyelids to nose to mouth, neck and ears, burrowing under her hair to the nape of her neck, and down her shoulders, wanting – but waiting – to return to her breasts, but I did suck on her mounds and her ribcage, while my hands idly stroked her thighs and hips and lower abdomen. Thinh shivered, and I then dived for her nipples, bringing them to full erection with a mouth on one and a hand gripping another with a gentle, full hold. She sighed as I sucked like a baby, chewed her nipple with soft teeth nips while trying to swallow her whole breast and suction something from her into me. But that essence of her was lower, and my cock could feel it as it became slick and wet, nestled as it was between her thighs, and I began a gentle moving of my hips, prodding my cock around, and when Thinh lifted her pelvis, I was inside and sliding into a chute of pulsing walls and flowing juices.
She squealed, and I thrust to the end, once but slowly, so she would know the extent to which I could reach; she gripped her fingers into my shoulders, but her body pressed up to me, so I knew I wasn’t hurting her. I reflected, for a fleeting moment, that I had made love with Ming, but hadn’t cum, and I had – done what – been ravaged by Hong, and hadn’t cum, but I didn’t want to just yet, wanted Thinh to feel satisfied, so I rolled her over until she was on top, and she reared up on her arms, bending her pelvis down against my cock, and she shoved against me, crying out and throwing her hair about. I now had two hands and they enclosed most of her breasts within my clasp, and I moulded them in my fingers, pushing them up and down and around, pinching nipples, rubbing my palms from bottom to top, and up to her ears to rub those, even as Thinh was bouncing herself to another orgasm and she sat hard down on my when she tensed and I felt it also: a gush of juices and a body which just stopped and sat there like a plaster statue. She flopped down against me, and I again rolled her, a rag doll moaning and groaning, but now I controlled matters, and I eased back and slid my tip in the shallows of her vagina, a few small wiggles, and out to the end, and then a slow, deep push – but not to the full length – and withdrew, leaning down to kiss her lips gently, my hands fondling her breasts squashed under us, and sucking up her bottom lip for a moment as I drew myself back up, and after tickling my cock tip at the entrance of her, I felt myself rising and swelling and begin throbbing almost painfully, and I knew it had to be now, as I slid or shoved or thrust – I didn’t know, but it felt like a million miles of her love tunnel that I was probing into, and when my cock hit the centre – of the earth, of the universe, of Thinh! – the storm burst and the Rain fell from the Clouds of my mind and it was torrential, and I knew I was emitting sounds, but they couldn’t be words, they were primeval grunts and shrieks, and a Man had just mated with a Woman, here and now, and the Woman was screaming out her own feelings, and thrashing in unison with my failing thrusts into her body as it equally thrust up against me: Man and Woman were equal and united and were One.
The Rain poured down my body, and under me the Woman was wet also, as I lowered myself on top of her body, and it was minutes before hearts stopped thumping against each other’s chests, and the Rain became sweat, salty and slick when I began licking Thinh’s skin under my mouth, and she moaned and slowly became calm, and the Clouds lifted from around me, and I totally collapsed, my head finding its natural resting place on a Woman’s breast and I licked at her nipple and felt myself at peace.
“Have I died and been re-born?” mumbled Thinh, not speaking to me directly – perhaps to a God. “Oh, Anh, did you do this to me?” “No, em, we did this; we did, together, not just one of us could have made this magic.” I kissed her and she tiredly responded.
It was long minutes later when I had the energy to roll to the side, keeping a hand clasped on Thinh’s breast, but allowing us both to breathe easier. I had to remember my responsibilities, so I reached out for my crumpled pants, found my mobile and saw the time: soon I would have to go back to my hotel. Thinh spoke “I know, Anh, you have to leave, just another few minutes and I will shower and get ready for work and take you to your hotel – though how I will be able to work tonight, I don’t know. Anh that was amazing, I saw things somewhere during that which I can’t explain, feelings I can’t get back now: they were there, and now they are gone – and I want them back!” she cried in exasperation. I rolled and cuddled her, deciding not to talk, not to try and explain what I felt had happened: that we had reached the summit of the mountain, and the Cloud and the Rain had been waiting for us: only us.
A while later I trudged into my hotel room, having kissed a tearful Thinh ‘bye for now; and before heading for the shower, called down for hot water for caf?I showered, felt little better, and consoled myself with thoughts of a sleep on the plane, and a long night’s sleep ahead. I was wrapped in a towel when Bo knocked and brought my water. She wanted to sit and talk, I could sense it, but I had to say “Bo, I have to get ready and go; see you next time, ok em?” Bo looked crestfallen, but resigned, and said “I hope it is soon, Anh, really I do; I will send someone up for your bag – 15 minutes, ok?” “Thank you, Bo, and please ask Reception to make up my bill. I will be back again Bo…”
To the airport, check-in, on the plane, and I slept the whole flight, finding Tinh and the driver waiting for me at the airport. On the drive Tinh advised the car would pick me up at 07.30 and get to the site for the 08.00 ceremony; fine, no problems I said.
At the hotel, I checked in, said good night to Tinh, and as she walked out a voice behind me, and a hand on my arm, “Hello, Anh, I didn’t know you would be here, what a coincidence” I turned to find Ha, my ex-wife, smiling broadly at me, as beautiful as ever, and I groaned and rolled my eyes: this chapter closed – for now.

(End of Part 8)

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2013-10-25 06:23:18
rnSXaY I really like and appreciate your blog.Thanks Again. Much obliged.

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