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A slow desent into mother/son perversion
(Driving Tommy crazy!) The setup to chapter 3.……………………………

Yah! That’s right; my cavernous pussy left gooey wreckage on Tommy’s leather desk chair!

I was intrigued to watch my watery spew flow down a path of creases that were imprinted on the top cover of the cushion. With the help from my long red fingertips pushing It, the juice eventually pooled in the soft depressions were my son’s tender, naked buttocks contact the soothing leather.

The dissimilarity in color of my special mixture and Tommy’s black chair was extremely arousing to see, and I really wanted the little Neanderthal’s to realize that his brazen mother marked her territory! (With an exclamation point)!!

After calming down from my kinky high I showered.

My body felt refreshed and relaxed, I wanted a clear head and I needed a plan for dealing with my perverted son’s activities.

I wish to digress from my story for a little while to tell you about my family….

First of all it pretty small, it’s just my son and I. When Tommy was conserved his father was 14 year old.
It wasn’t a relationship that I was proud of especially since I was only 16 at the time.
I really didn’t want the sperm donor knowing that Tommy was his child.
Considering our young ages we were and other forbidden reasons (which I won’t discuss right now), I figured holding the information from him and everybody else would keep things less complicated.

My high school education was put on hold for the first 2 years of my son’s life however, I was truly blessed that both my younger twin siblings Mitch and Tasha helped me out a great deal raising him.
They both took turns babysitting, feeding, and playing with their little nephew. All the while I worked several low skill jobs just to put food on our table and clothes on our backs.

My mother and father were also very supportive, they bought him the extras in life that I simply couldn’t afford at the time and of coarse sheltered both of us until I could get a leg up in life.

Then one day while I was shopping for groceries I was approached by the owner of a popular gentleman’s club on the outskirts of town.

The hansom proprietor introduced himself as Paul Taylor and proceeded to pitch a dancing position to me working at his club, he said I could make a very good living as an exotic performer.

I listened to his words with great caution! At first I thought he was using a pickup line.

Paul projected himself unknowingly very charismatic and said that I was the perfect trifecta.
I looked young and had a green-eyed angelic face, capping it off with a 5’10” body that was beyond compare. The only thing that he would change about me would be my breasts.

My face hardened with anger by Paul’s bold statement! It was flushed with a bright red hue as I dictated to Paul that I was a 36c and I didn’t need to get any larger!

Scared that I was going to walk away! Paul qualified his remarks by saying that I didn’t necessarily need to be larger just firmer with a more sculpted with a rounder appearance.
Paul added that the women that has had breast enhancements done typically make about 50% more in tips per night than naturally busty performers, and they get asked out for “special events” more frequently to even further increase my monetary potential.

Overcome with Dollar signs in my eyes along with the ring of a cash register in my head.
I was less angered by his provocative statement and he started to make good sense to me.

To sweeten the deal Paul offered to pay for my elective surgery if I signed a 1 year contact with him to exclusively perform at is club.

I was very excited his offer, so I agreed!

Several months passed and my life was finally getting more financially stable after performing in Paul’s club.
I loved the look of my newly formed breasts! And I have to say I’m glad that Paul suggested my improvement because they surely appear perfect. My jelled tits obscenely stretched from my chest like two inordinately filled water balloons ready to burst. (Yep, big, big, big tips indeed)!

Paul was a great boss to work for. He was always true to his word. I was never pressured into having sex with his “guests”. And I was always escorted to any private parties that I performed at. (Keeps down the unwanted wrestling matches).

Working at the club really opened up my eyes to how a man’s brain really works.
The more complicated they appear, the simpler the mind. As demonstrated by their actions it really comes down to one old clich?Men generally think with what’s in between their legs!
Over time I’ve developed certain skills as to how to exploit that flaw of theirs for my advantage.

The only side effect that I noticed while working for Paul’s club is that I became exceptionally self aware of my perfect body.
I loved using it to visually stimulate customers. My mind was in a constant state of arousal.
Just the thought of all those men watching my skilled figure from the audience would love it for me to come down to fuck and suck them. It would make my pussy flow like a river. Seriously! I had to change my panties several times a day!
I also discovered this was a real good money maker for the fact that I would sensually rub my used, dirty panties in the faces of my male clients as I seductively danced for them.
And for an added kicker I made sure to momentarily dip my lingerie in their mouths to give them a taste of my Sweet, Sweet, Honey!
The guests loved my performance. And my deviant actions usually brought me much larger tips at the end of the night.

My ever developing craft absolutely came in handy in the bedroom. I definitely got off learning all of my lovers depraved darkest fantasies; my desire was to act them out for them. This fed my polluted hunger for perversion. And I savored every moment of it! (I turned into such a little slut)!

Two years passed and Tommy was now 4 years old, I accumulated an extensive bank account which enabled Tommy and me to eventually move out of my parent’s home.
The responsible side of me needed a chance to grow up and become a real mother to my little boy
I always tied keeping my unprincipled lifestyle from surfacing around him. So I quit my risqu?ob, bought a home, furthered my education and eventually opened an upscale health and beauty salon in another state.

My hope was that my slutty past wouldn’t follow us across the country mainly to keep Tommy from knowing his shady mothers past. I want him to grow up with a normal start to his life!

Enough of my background skipping ahead to Tommy’s adolescent years I knew that I was in for a bumpy road. However I didn’t expect his deviance. (I guess the apple don’t fall from the tree after all)!

(Back to the story)……………………………..........................................................................................

Showing some signs of nervousness I bit by lip and thought “Two hours to go until Tommy is home and how am I going to deal with him“?

Then an imaginary lightning flash blinded me!

I, at that moment decided to throw every inhibition away and yelled out “if it’s a mommy slut he wants then it’s a mommy slut he gets”!

Poor unsuspecting Tommy was going to have his prick teased at every opportunity “little does he know that his framework he has been building has woken something up in me that I don’t know if I will be able to control” I thought with the sound of a evil laugh!

(AND NOW FROM TOMMY’S POINT OF VIEW)…………………………….......................................

I’ve been jerkin off while dreaming about my milf!

When I was 11 or 12, I was looking for my dog Rocky in my mother’s bedroom I accidentally found a storage box underneath ma’s bed.

I was curious to see what was inside so I slid back the lid and peeked in keeping my ears open towards the hallway. I wanted make sure mom didn’t catch me going through her stuff.

I looked at all the different junk mom had secretly stored in the Rubbermaid container.

There were a few objects that clearly could recognize what they were.
Sometimes late at night when I couldn’t sleep I would sneak downstairs and watch adult cable infomercials on women’s special stimulator's, strap-ons, vibrators and dildos. So I had a good idea of what they were for. I just couldn’t comprehend how my mom was using them?

I picked out her collectibles one by one; fooling around with all the different shapes, colors and textures I couldn’t believe my eyes that my mom had all this stuff!

Questions rolled through my mind “why does mama need these things”? I thought.

Time was running out, I figured ma was due to come up here any moment; I had to get out of there!

I carefully put everything back as I found them and quietly slid the container back under the bed so mom didn’t know I was snooping around in her things.

Clean and pure thoughts of my “White bread” mom gradually diminished throughout the day.
I started to look at my minx of a mother with teenage, raging hormone driven lust. And I would do anything to support my passionate feelings for her.

That night while I was supposed to be doing my homework I did something I’ve never done before.
I surfed some porn sights that specialized in older women and their toys.
It was pretty simple really all I did was type (mom & vibrators) in my favorite search engine and you wouldn’t believe all the neat stuff that came up.
There was a plethora of graphic pictures of beautiful older ladies fucking themselves with their plastic a rubber dick.
All I had to do was imagine that anyone of the women was my mom as I slowly & lightly stroked my little stiffy, in a matter of a minute. I experienced best feeling I’ve ever had down between my legs. And then it happened, my first sperm shoot.
At first I didn’t know if I pissed myself or what happened! All I knew is that I felt great, and I needed to do more of that.

After several months went by I became quite an expert cocks-man, I was whipping my skippy like there was no tomorrow! At least 5 times a day. Without my mother being wise to my newly found activity.

Most nights I lay awake at night masturbating imagining mom using her sex toys, but only visualizing mother abusing her pussy soon wasn’t enough to stimulate me like when it was all new

I decided to create more a definite boost for my jerk time by studying mom’s habits, documenting her life by covertly using photography and I also started to tape recorded her conversations with her friends and current boyfriend named Mark. It was almost like I was making mom my science project.

Mark was a well built but uptight layer in his late 20’s that practiced real estate law locally in town.
He was so big he looked like he should have played pro football instead pushing a pencil all his life.
When he stood next to mom her teased spiky blond hair on the top of her head only came to the bottom of his thick neck, (and mom is 5’10” tall)!

Now, I must admit I was very young and didn’t know much about sex at the time accept for what kids my age picks up around his equally green friends and of coarse the internet. But secretly studying moms sexual habits really opened my eyes to what kinky sex is.
I would consistently blow my sticky wad into my bed sheets listening to my mom’s sexually, vulgar mouth assault Mark during their tape recorded fuck sessions.

I started becoming jealous of Mark fucking my gorgeous mother with weekly regularity. And that made me pissed!

My obsession grew beyond my control for my Ma (along with my dick)!
But just recording mom’s lusty voice wasn’t enough to fulfill my fantasies of her. I needed to see her incredibly tight body in action.

For my Christmas mom bought me a high performance camcorder with remote control. It was the smallest high resolution camera made with an infrared mode selector switch for night vision.
It was to be used for our family outings such as our annual zoo trip, Holidays, and family vacations.
This was going to be my instrument of choice for my next level of spying on her. (Oh yah, mom bought nothing but the best for her spoiled little boy)!

My mind visualized a blueprint of mom’s bedroom to figure out the best place to install the camera inconspicuously. I needed to hide it there before New Years Eve as I knew Mark would be coming over to “celebrate” the holiday with mom and I wanted to visually capture their special night together.

Time was running out. It was three days before the holiday, and I really needed to get the camera set up.

Mom left the house for a little while to get us a pizza for dinner and with the house empty it gave me the opportunity to place my movie maker in its new home.

I selected the least obvious location which was in her ceiling vent at the furthest corner of her room. This was directly across from mom’s king sized four poster bed.
I tested the camcorder with the lens at its widest setting and it viewed about ¾ of her bedroom. (Gotta love the new technology lens)!
Carefully I removed the screws from the cover and kept them off for quick accessibility when I retrieve it. And I also placed a piece of black foam in front of it (to keep the camera’s mechanical noise down); l had to cut a hole in the center of it (not obscure it view of the lens or the sensor so the remote control would work).
I used the function several times with the remote and it worked perfect!
My job was done and I was set to make some home-made porn of my mother, all I had to do was anxiously wait for the opportunity.

My plan was to make myself conveniently disappear for New Year eve so Mark and mom would have the entire night to themselves uninterrupted!
An order for me achieve this I was to deceive ma by asking her if I could stay overnight at Tyler’s house who was a buddy of mine down the street.
Mom’s facial expression poorly covered her obvious excitement for the thought of a night filled with unbridled sex, but her overachieving parenting skills took over when she asked me 20 questions about the circumstances at Tyler’s house that evening, I answered everything correctly and she agreed.

The big night finally came and I prepared everything.
I climbed the tree outside ma’s bedroom window and tested the remote again to see if the camera would work by being operated from out there thru the glass, (It worked flawlessly)!

With mom in the shower pampering herself previous to Mark entering the driveway, I quietly snuck back in to her bedroom and did a final inspection one hour before I was to leave for the night.

Entering her room I looked on ma’s bed and noted black satin sheets covering the top of it and directly in the center was her unique treasure chest filled with goodies, I leaned over to peek inside and noticed ma added quite a few more toys to her collection since I saw it last.

“HOLY SHIT“! I screamed as my jaw dropped to the ground when I hoisted out from the box this fucking huge black rubber dildo!
I was stunned at the thought mom could successful be penetrated by this monster? Honestly, a baseball bat at the fat end was the best way to describe the width of the thing. And man! was it long, with my fingers extended flat out to meet the tip the length of it came up to my elbow. Wow!
As I studied it closer for some strange reason I was turned on by it, perhaps it was the size and shape of it or maybe it was the thought that my mom masturbated with it. But I couldn’t resist putting the tip of it in my mouth to taste it.
I wished it would be flavored with ma’s pussy. But no! It was very smooth feeling on my tongue and tasted like rubber should, almost chalky and bitter. I licked it up and down slowly making sure to cover the entire length secretly hoping ma would do the same unknowingly tasting her boy’s dried saliva.

My wiener was getting instantly stiff. I wanted to jack off and cum on her silky smooth bed sheets as I imagined the possibility that mom was going to use her fuck toy in her heavenly snatch tonight.
I had to wait for the replay for I was going to jerk off to tomorrow, ALLOT!!!!!!

A definitive thump of the shower’s water valve being shut off was all I heard. I needed urgently get out of her bedroom. But before vacating, I closed her window blinds and pulled them up barely high enough to leave a small unnoticeable gap so the remote had a clear line of site. “Everything is set“! I said as I left the room making sure everything was as I found it.

A half hour later I heard mom walk into the kitchen to bid me goodbye, (click, click, click). I was stunned in which the way mom was provocatively dressed!

My eyes scanned her from head to toe. Her blond, bitchy, shoulder length hair which was usually styled with tormented volume was now cascading straight down to the middle of her back with platinum streaks running throughout.
It was pulled back enough to expose her trashy 3” silver hoop earrings along with 5 silver ball studs that outlined the perimeter each of mom’s sensual ear flaps.

Her green eyes squinted, and appeared smoky with the expert use of her hand using much darker colors than I’ve ever seen her wear before. I now knew what the term “bedroom eyes” meant.

She covered her plush lips again with a darker more natural shade of plumb but was top coated with an unusually super high luster. I thought to myself “I would love to know the feeling parting those shiny pouted lips of my 30 something mother with her son’s teenage dick”!

The tightest dress I’ve ever seen mom wear was on display in front of me tonight. It was bright red and VERY! VERY! Low cut.

Ma must have exerted great effort to squeeze into the dyed cow skin one piece dress. Its shiny lacing up the front hugged her perfect figure like a shrunken leather driving glove. Its plunging neckline which was cinched so tight against her exposed tits they were pushed together and the lacing looked like red grill marks against her tanned skin. The opening continued all the way down to her navel and prominently displayed it’s piercing with another silver stud.

I wondered if my mother was previously pierced or if she had it done for the occasion? To the best of my knowledge she never shown her sexy belly or even possessed any sluttish clothes like this before?

Mom was standing in the kitchen doorway and pirouetted in front of me and said “well what do you think”?

I don’t know what she expected but Ma obviously didn’t plan on my trance like state reaction.
Words couldn’t come from my mouth. I tried, but I couldn’t move my lips!
I just stood there lookin like a total dork for about a minute, with my sandwich in hand. I was ready to drop it because of my loosening grip.

“Honey, Honey! Are you alright” she said with concern?

I regained some composure to say, “Mom you look wonderful”! I sounded with enthusiasm. But what I really wanted to say was if she was my slut, I would have her to look that way all the time!

“Good, I didn’t want to appear too over the top” ma said as she down looked at her foot and slid her red, patent leather pump towards me showing off it’s brilliant glassy shine against the super white ceramic tile floor.
She walked past me to the window above the kitchen sink stretching over the lower cabinet to see if Mark’s car was in the driveway. Ma was negligent to the fact that my eyes were glued to her 5” spikes which gave the presentation of extending her already flawlessly sculpted legs.

Mark was one lucky bastard to be tapping that, I thought. And then my overwhelming feeling of jealousy of him returned. I wanted mom to be my personal slut in the worst way! I knew I couldn’t have her in that way and that desperate feeling was going to drive me crazy!


Anonymous readerReport 

2010-07-25 11:23:36
very nice story can't wait for more, and please ignore the ignorants they don't appriciate a good story like the rest of us


2009-09-16 10:22:38
wheres chapter 3 ????????????????

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-06-25 11:48:59
chapter 3 please


2009-02-16 02:19:29
very nice


2008-09-16 22:59:23
Good story. In chapter 3, get mother and son fucking each other and get mom pregnant. Get mom's boyfriend out of the picture. Just mother and son fucking each other and having many babies.

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