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Sorry Chpt. 1 is mainly for introduction
Hi, I’m Kyle Simon and I attend the academy for especially gifted and abnormal children, it’s a school for children born with special talents, elemental manipulators. Me? I’m a fire bringer I can do all sorts of stuff, throw fire, heat things with just a touch and when I get a little outta control I melt things that I touch, each student is paired with another in a two-man for everything, they share dorms, classes, and when training occurs their obviously partners.
I’m 5feet and 3 inches, with slightly long black hair (just past my ears) I wear contacts and I’m slim but fit. My partner’s name is Adam; he’s white, just a bit taller than me slim, short black hair and is an ice caller. You would think I would hate him, I mean he’s my opposite, but it is the complete opposite I wanted him, badly I loved the way he stared into space during class, and his piercing blue eyes.
My other friends include the Lundy twins (Matthew and Kevin), we call them the tornado twins because they’re both really strong wind callers, Will and Jeremy (will is a thunder caller and Jeremy is an earth bringer), and Shelby and Samantha their both water callers. The twins are both pale skinned with cropped blond hair and gray eyes. Will has long brown hair with black glasses and eyes to match, Jeremy short black hair, slim always tank tops to show off his ‘muscles’ even though we’re all 13 none of us have bulging muscles.
My story starts half way through the year it was the middle of sparing practice and I was once again on a team with Adam I loved it every team has to have one ranged and one physical fighter, for our team I was the physical fighter I would engulf my hands in flames so I had fiery punches as I was backed up with Adam throwing ice shards, every once in awhile we would switch it up though and I would be ranged but today was a normal day as we sparred the twins.
Kyle: Hah! Kevin you got no skill we’re owning you guys!
Obviously we all trained for non lethal attacks just incase someone got hit with something dangerous, I just got a punch directly to Kevin’s chest and he backed off I also had just started to start fighting with palms when I hit him in the chest with a palm it sends a blast of heat through their body which momentarily stuns them. I just tested it on Kevin and it had an insane effect as he started tripping over himself.
Kevin: Dude what the hell was that!!
I reached my hand down to his neck and poked him in the head.
Kyle: Dead...
I looked over and Adam had just subdued Matthew on the mat.
Kyle: Nice job Adam.
Adam: Thanks dude.
The instructor told me and Adam that we had to go to the superintendent.
Adam: Why do you think he wants to see us?
Kyle: I dunno, maybe it’s something good?
Adam: I doubt that he never sees someone unless it’s for punishment.
We walked into his office.
Superintendent: Hello Mr. Simon, Mr. Moffett, how good you could see me today my name is Mr. Owens.
Kyle: So why did you want to see us?
Mr. Owens: A new event is being held schools like ours from all over the world are going to compete in a tournament to see who is the strongest; if we win our school would get recognition beyond compare and money that this school needs for technological advances. I want you two to make it to that tournament, we will post sign-up sheets tomorrow for a preliminary tournament to decide which group goes to the tournament, I’ve seen you two spare, you’re easily the best in class, I just wanted to make sure you two sign-up, if you would like you can do it now.
He brought out the sheet, from his desk and handed us a pen.
Kyle: Adam it’s your choice if you want to do it I’ll go.
I had to score points with him I wasn’t going to pressure him into anything.
Adam: Sure I’m up for it.
We left the office; we were excused from all other lessons to day and went back to the dorm to relax.
Kyle: So what do you want to do Adam? We have the whole day off.
Adam: Why don’t we go for a swim? No one should be there we would have the pool for ourselves.
Kyle: Sure! Let’s do it!
We went to the pool on campus and quickly stripped down to our jammers, (they’re like Speedos but go down to your knee) Adam was hard but tried to hide it; I didn’t want to give myself false hope so I dismissed it and dived into the water.
Adam swam up next to me and jumped on me trying to wrestle me to the bottom of the pool, even though the pool was only 8ft deep I wasn’t the greatest of swimmers, I mean fire plus water typically doesn’t mix.
He dragged me down to the edge of 7ft then I grabbed him and then lifted him over my head.
Kyle: Ready to give up now Adam?
Adam: Put me down Kyle!
Kyle: Beg for it!
Adam: Never!
He started to get really cold, I had to drop him, and he splashed into the water as it started to frost over. I started to heat the water again and a small mist appeared over the water.
Adam surfaced and look at me the gaze was extreme both of us thinking the same thing as the other but too shy to admit it, you could cut the tension with a knife.
Adam went back under the water, swam under my legs and surfaced behind me, brought his head to the back of my head,
Adam: I win!
And splashed me in the face with freezing cold water.
Kyle: Ah! That was a cheap shot Adam!
We wrestled around in the pool for another hour before we got out and headed to our dorm for showers.
Adam showered and came out in a towel, once again a bulge showed but I dismissed it, he moved over, shaked off all the excess water onto me, he smiled.
Adam: Your go.
Kyle: Thanks.
I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, the water turned steaming hot, just how I liked it, I started to think about Adam, how much I liked and wanted him, I finished my shower and moved over to the sink to comb my hair and put in new contacts.
Kyle: Fuck!
Adam rushed into the bathroom,
Adam: What?
Kyle: I ran outta contacts I don’t get new pairs till tomorrow!
I finished combing my hair and put on clean clothes then got out the glasses that I dreaded. I thought they looked moronic I hated them and they restricted my movement they always fell off, and I never got a clear view that I had with contacts.
Kyle: How horrible do I look?
Adam: Aw! I think you look so cute!
Kyle: Thanks? I guess?
I couldn’t just say I loved his opinion, could I?
Adam: And you’re just the cutest little fire breather ever!
He started to mercilessly tickle me onto the bed, I grabbed him and flipped him onto the bed and started the tickle torture him back, after an hour of doing this we went to sleep we needed a good night’s sleep so we would be ready for the tournament.
We got up at 7 and started to warm up in the dojo as others started to arrive, the superintendent came in and announced the rules we could use our powers but no fatal or lethal blows. We breezed to the final round, we were up against the twins, it was easy we had just beat them yesterday but I was a bit worried cause we hadn’t seen them use their powers in weeks.
Adam jumped back and unleashed ice shards to start things off as Kevin sidestepped and made a lunge at me I heated my hand and grabbed his fist as it flew towards me as I burned his hand. He instantly jumped back holding his hand in pain; it would only hurt for another hour. I moved in for the offensive but Matthew shot a wind blast at me and I flew to the floor a couple of feet away next to Adam.
Adam moved next to me as the air around us got colder and colder, an ice block formed in front of us to defend us from the wind torrent. I lobbed a fireball over trying to get over the torrent but it landed into the torrent and sailed back into the ice block melting a good part of it. We split up and rushed the pair of twins from both sides me with heated hands and Adam with a hand incased in ice in the shape of a sword, both twins turned to Adam and sent an air wave towards him, he moved his icy hand in front of him to cut the wind. The twins jumped back knowing they were in trouble and created a small tornado that incased them deflecting all attacks and keeping them safe, this tornado was their downfall. I moved about a foot away and started to slowly send a continuous wave of fire into the tornado, it slowly heated up until the heat inside the tornado was unbearable and both twins fainted from the heat.
Adam: Nice job Kyle! They’re ok though right?
Kyle: Yea their fine just a little heat exhaustion.
The nurse pulled the twins away as the superintendent announced us the winners.
Mr. Owens: Good job you two, I knew you would win.
Adam: Thank you sir.
Mr. Owens: Now about the tournament it will be held in nine weeks you guys need to start training harder for it, I have cancelled all classes but the physical ones, you now have four hours of sparring with any team you choose and we will be putting you two on a strict diet for maximum strength.
Kyle: Man are you serious!?!
Mr. Owens: Yes, very serious no more junk food for you Kyle, Adam I know you’re a vegetarian so you just keep to your diet.
Adam: I will.
Mr. Owens left the room, we went to the two beds sitting against the two residing walls we sat down and started to talk.
Kyle: Man I’m already hating this!
Adam: It’ll be ok maybe you should go veggie like me?
Kyle: No…. I like meat…
Adam: Ok then, just try and eat healthier you don’t have to sacrifice eating meat but you just have to eat better.
Kyle: Ok……
Adam: Let’s grab some sleep, it’s getting late.
Kyle: Ok
We awoke at 9:00 to start our training, we showered dressed and showed at the dojo by ten, and we saw the superintendent waiting for us at the door.
Mr. Owens: Ok boys, time to start your basic training.
He led us through the door and every boy team in the school (genders were separated to discourage P.D.A) the Lundy twins were there and will’s team.
Mr. Owens: You two will choose, two teams to challenge and train with for basic training, those two teams will also be exempted from class to train with you two.
It was an easy decision, the twins and Jeremy and will were both really good teams, even if they weren’t our friends we would still have picked them.
Adam: We choose the tornado twins and Jeremy’s team.
Mr. Owens: Ok you three teams please move over here, the rest of you, back to class.
We moved together into the middle of the floor, we decided that a 3v3 match would be best, but it would have to split up a team, Adam and I decided to split since it would make us better individually. It was me and the twins versus Adam, Will, and Jeremy; we moved to the opposite corners and started.
Kyle: Ok guys go for Adam, I’ll handle the other two….
We split-up, I headed for Will and Jeremy, I got in range and shot a fireball towards Will, Jeremy brought up a stone wall and negated it, he pushed the wall towards me, I side-stepped and sent another one, I threw it so Jeremy would jump out of the way and then sent an illusion it was designed to scare not hurt, it worked will brought up his arm to stop the fire ball as I brought up my foot and kicked him in his chest and into the wall.
Jeremy went into a rage seeing Will down, he threw up hundreds of tiny rocks all sharpened to point, and sent them flying towards me, I brought up a wall of fire (obviously the gym was created to stop all elements from destroying it) as all of the rocks that hit it disintegrated instantly, the rest flew past, Jeremy brought the remaining for a second pass, straight towards me. I was in trouble I stopped the wall and prepared for a strike I couldn’t stop I protected all my vital points with a small shield of fire that appeared around my heart, other internal organs, and face, I brought my arms up just in case, as the rocks cut me, I felt a searing pain in my leg, a rock had gone through it, I checked for other wounds, I couldn’t walk on my left leg but other than that only scratches. Jeremy had collapsed under exhaustion from the force he had used to lift and control so many rocks.
I leaned against the wall and looked across for the twins, Adam had shot icicles at them and pinned both of them to the wall by their clothes, they were now kicking and screaming to get down, and Adam shot more icicles to ensure his win. I threw two fireballs at him both I controlled to hand in the air and move around to attract his attention, I added more and more balls to the group until there were twenty fire balls in the air floating around.
Adam: What are you doing Kyle? This isn’t time for a light show!
He threw an icicle at me as I tried to side-step and fell, I moved all of the fireballs to incase Adam as they slowly spun and inched closer to him, he threw icicle after icicle to stop them but there were too many. He destroyed four of the twenty fireballs, and created a small opening for him to jump through, I stopped the cocoon of fire and sent the fireballs after Adam he slowly destroyed fireball after fireball, I was too tired to move the fireballs faster, but Adam had the endurance to destroy them. Four were left, I spread them out, he moved to take out another, I sent out another fireball it was an illusion, as he moved to take out my illusion I sent all three at him from behind, he destroyed the illusion as all three fireballs struck him in the back, he cried out. No! I didn’t want to hurt him! He flipped around as he fell and threw an icicle shard at me, I brought my hands to my face, I felt a pain in my chest, I looked down the icicle had melted but, a red spot grew steadily faster on my shirt, I saw Adam get up as I fell into darkness.
Unknown: Kyle, please wake up!
I felt water dropping onto my chest, it hurt, and I shifted my body to move the water off of my wound, wait wound? It rushed back the tournament, the training, the icicle. I flew up in the bed and looked around, I was in a hospital smock, and in a hospital room, on the bed with an IV sticking out of my arm, Adam was in a chair staring at me I could see the tear marks on his face, a doctor had just rushed in summoned by the call from the nurse.
Adam: Kyle! You’re awake! I’m so sorry!
He hugged me causing me to wince in pain and flutter in joy; I noticed a big lump under the back of his shirt.
Kyle: Oh my god! Did I do that to you!
Adam: Yea but it’s no big deal, I did worse to you *sniff*
Kyle: I’m fine don’t worry about it
Adam: No you’re not you almost bled out on the training floor, if I had fainted before I saw you bleeding you would have died.
Doctor: Now, now Adam, that’s enough for today, Kyle just got out of his coma, he needs rest, and you need it to Adam.
Kyle: What! Coma!
Doctor: Yes Kyle, you’ve been out for three days, Adam here, has watched you for 72 hours.
I looked over at Adam, he was crying again, I loved him so much, and after this I knew he loved me too.
Kyle: Doctor could you and the nurse leaves us for a few minutes? Please?
Doctor: You have two minutes, and then I’m kicking Adam out.
The doctor and nurse left the room and I looked at Adam who had now stopped crying wondering what was going on.
Kyle: Adam I have something to tell you…. I’m gay….. I love you….
He was silent…. He moved over to my bed side…. And kissed me.
Adam: I love you too….
He pulled away as the doctor came in and told him to leave, the next few days in the hospital was just a daze no one was allowed to see me, I hated it, I finally did something with Adam and I couldn’t see him.
It had now been one full week since I was admitted to the hospital, the doctor finally released me, and apparently since I was a fire bringer my wounds cleaned themselves and started to heal them on their own.
I was fully healed and ready to do something as I arrived at my dorm room, it was twelve in the afternoon I opened the door and saw Adam in his boxers reading a book, he looked up and dropped the book.
Adam: Kyle! How!
He started to mumble his words together as I moved towards him; I pulled the book down and kissed him.
Adam: How come you’re not in the hospital still! You need to heal!
Kyle: Hey Adam I thought you liked me! Hah! The doctor released me today, I’m all better.
Adam: You know I do I just didn’t think you’d be out so soon.
Kyle: Ok, then prove you love me.
We embraced on the bed, we kissed. I broke the kiss, got up and pushed the beds together to create more room, I rolled back on and kissed Adam once again……..


anonymous readerReport 

2013-07-18 09:43:02
Need better names.. Like fire breather, wind whisperer, thunder clapper (LOL IDK), ice maker but seriously? Bringer is not even a word...

anonymous readerReport 

2012-01-21 14:24:07
Bringer is even a word >.>

anonymous readerReport 

2012-01-21 14:22:59
Fire bringer? What the hell? V.V Stupid.

anonymous readerReport 

2010-09-27 21:48:17
i loved this story keep writing and i agree completely

Anonymous readerReport 

2008-07-15 20:44:06
i agree

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