Weeks had gone by since Adam and I had hooked up, there was now only one week till the tournament, I was ecstatic, Adam and I frequently made-out, hugged, held hands everyone now knew that we were gay, we hadn’t done anything like sex yet but were building up to it, I wasn’t going to push Adam into something he wasn’t ready to do, so I waited, nothing truly important had happened it was just training sessions after training session, since the first incident we were really careful to not over do it.
It was 12:52 training was almost over, it was them four versus Adam and I, Jeremy was left, earlier he had told us he had learned a new trick and wanted to show us, so far he’d shown us nothing.
Jeremy: So we have eight minutes left you guys ready for my new little trick?
Kyle: Sure go ahead we can handle it!
Jeremy went rigid brought his legs together and his arms apart like a human cross, rocks from the floor start to slowly incase his body the rocks creeped up his body, turning him into a human rock. He was now a giant rock; you could barely see the tiny holes in his rocks that served for eyes. A small line appeared in the rock-like beast.
Jeremy: So how do you two like it? So much fun right? Get ready!
Jeremy charged us, came up and slammed down where we once were, we had side-stepped, we were each on the side of him, Adam sent a continuous freezing blast towards Jeremy, his rock-like body started to freeze over, once about three inches of ice formed on top of Jeremy I jumped up and kicked down upon the head of the rock body, it cracked in half, and there shivering was Jeremy.
Kyle: You wanna keep going Jeremy? Have another little trick for us?
Jeremy: Actually yes, yes I do have another little trick for you guys.
Jeremy jumped back and a giant dome started to form around him.
Kyle: Damnit! Now what are we going to do?!
Adam: Kyle, I have an idea follow me.
He kissed me and ran towards the dome and jumped on top of it. I followed him trusting in the plan I didn’t know about.
Adam: Ok Kyle, back up and stand exactly opposite of me stand about two feet away.
I followed his plan we were standing exactly two feet apart on top of the rock dome.
Adam: Ok, I need you to shoot your fire blast exactly on top of my ice blast.
Kyle: Ok, I don’t know where you’re trying to go with this but, I trust you.
We started all that happened was that the two blasts cancelled each other out right on top of the dome. We did this for 5 minutes, until the dome collapsed under us and water and Jeremy poured out, we fell onto the gym floor.
Adam: Hah! I knew it would work!
Adam got up and used the water to freeze Jeremy to the floor.
Kyle: I don’t understand what you did Adam.
Adam: Ok so the dome was probably strongest near the bottom to prevent us from drilling through with our powers, so I assumed the top would be weaker but it would still take us awhile to get through so when we combined our powers water was created, it leaked through the dome and since the bottom was the strongest it didn’t leak out the water, Jeremy had to dissolve the dome to get out or he would’ve drowned.
Jeremy was still struggling on the floor to get out of the ice prison.
Kyle: Nice, Adam I wouldn’t of thought of that
A bell rang signalizing that a change in periods had occurred we had to leave, Adam flicked his hand and the water evaporated including the icicle shards that had subdued the other three. We rushed out the door and back to the dorm, the superintendent had permanently moved the twins and Jeremy and Will next to us, that way we could get them whenever we felt like for training at night.
We got in our dorm and Adam took off his shirt and shoes.
Adam: Well Kyle I’m going to take a shower before lunch, go tell everyone they got twenty minutes before we go grab lunch. (The superintendent gave us the ability to eat whenever we felt like for ‘training’ reasons).
I went to tell them, by the time I got back Adam was almost in the door.
Adam: Hey Kyle, you can join me with you want.
I stripped off all of my clothes with lightning speed, and rushed into the shower where I could see Adam’s naked figure through the foggy glass. I opened the door.
Adam: Dude so cold! Close it quick!
Kyle: So Adam why such a change all of a sudden? I thought you were happy with the level of relationship we were at, at the moment?
Adam: Well, during all this training I knew that the level we were at would never go faster unless I pushed it, because you wouldn’t move unless I did, which I love you even more for.
He pushed me against the wall and kissed me, down my body, moved down to my dick, he started to suck on my dick, it felt amazing, he ran his tongue on the underside of my dick it took about five minutes of this to bring me to climax, I wondered if he would swallow my cum or spit it out.
Kyle: Adam…! I’m Cumming!
Adam swallowed most of the cum and then brought his mouth up to mine and started to share my cum with me, it was a bit salty, but I liked it.
Adam: C’mon Kyle we got to go and get ready for lunch.
I kissed him and turned off the water, opened the door to the shower and threw Adam a towel, I started to dry off, opened the door, started to grab clothes for Adam and I, opened his drawer and started to look for underwear for him and I found the cutest thing! A bright-pink thong!
Kyle: Dude! Adam! Come here! What are these! Hah!
Adam: Hey! Those are mine!
He ran through the shower door and grabbed the thong from my hand, he was blushing, he pulled out a regular pair of boxers and pulled them on quickly.
Kyle: So where did you get that?
Adam: That’s for me to know, and you to never find out!
He grabbed the rest of his clothes and rushed out the door. I knocked on the door of the other four quickly and tried to catch up with Adam, but he froze the floor and I slipped and fell on my ass. Will and Jeremy kind of figured out what happened and ran after Adam, who was slowly pulling away into the distance Matthew followed suit, Kevin stayed behind to help me clean up.
Kevin: Dude what happened, you two were fine when we left you?
Kyle: To tell you the truth, and don’t tell anyone else, I found a bright-pink silk thong in Adam’s underwear drawer, and he freaked out, grabbed em’ and ran out. I tried to run after him but you can see where that got me.
Kevin: Dude those are mine! Adam asked to borrow them for something special for you two tonight!
Kyle: Wait what!?! Why did he need those!?! And why do you have a thong!?!
Kevin: Umm… Adam told Matthew and I not to tell you, but we’re gay too….
Kyle: Why did he ask you not to tell me and why did he ask you for your thong?
Kevin: I dunno, but I wasn’t about to tell him no so I did it. C’mon let’s go to lunch maybe you can make things up with Adam.
We jogged to the cafeteria where I saw Adam eating alone because he had created a giant ice dome around himself; the other three were sitting at another table looking extremely concerned.
Matt flew over and started to yell.
Matthew: Dude! What did you do to hurt Adam! He’s in there crying!
Kevin: Matthew calm down it was a misunderstanding; I’ll explain it to you later ok?
Matthew: Fine, but the excuse better be good! Or I’m going to hunt you down for hurting Adam.
I walked over to the ice dome and melted a hole through, I saw Adam crying and before the tears would hit the lunch table they would freeze and shatter. I moved over to comfort him.
Kyle: Adam, I’m so sorry, how can I make it up to you, please forgive me.
Adam: Go away!
He pushed me and threw an icicle at me; luckily he wasn’t really aiming and hit me in the foot instead of my chest again.
Kyle: Argh!
I clutched my foot and fell onto the icy floor, it started to bleed as the icicle melted from my right foot.
Adam: Oh my god! Kyle what have I done!
Kyle: Ugh! It’s not your fault Adam…
Adam dissolved the dome as water crashed around everywhere and ran back moments later with a small first-aid kit, brought out bandages, ripped off my shoe and sock and started to bandage my damaged foot. Ten minutes later all the water was gone and everything else was fine, except for my bandaged foot, but it was already healing so the only thing I was worried about was Adam.
Adam: Kyle! Will you please forgive me! I hurt you again! I’m so sorry!
Kyle: No Adam, will you forgive me! It’s all my fault! If I didn’t make you mad earlier you wouldn’t have hit me!
Adam: Let’s agree to never fight again.
Kyle: Ok, I promise, so why did you ask Kevin for his thong anyway?
Adam: What! He told you!
Kyle: Only that he and Matthew were gay and that you asked to borrow his thong.
Adam: Oh, Ok, well let’s just put this all behind us for now and go do something fun.
Kyle: Well we need to eat real quick cause they’re waiting for us.
We ate in a rush, and ran out the door with the twins and Jeremy and Will in tow, we headed for the training grounds, there lay a football field, we split into teams of three Kevin, Adam, and I versus Jeremy, Will, and Matthew, we got ball first and Kevin was the quarterback the idea was if he need to move the ball he could move it with wind without breaking the ball.
Kevin: Hike!
Adam and I broke into a zigzagging pattern, but our plan dissolved when we saw that Matthew knew what Kevin was doing and countered his wind with his own. Adam ran up and cooled the air around Matthew to the point where he shivered and stopped his torrent the ball lurched forward from its suspension in air and fell straight into my hands, our first touchdown of many.
Several touchdowns later, and a tie game 7 to 7, our ball and we all agreed last touchdown wins, and we had agreed to no more powers, Kevin hiked the ball, Adam rushed off to the left and started to zigzag to confuse Jeremy, I had to deal with the twin and Will, I ran through and pushed them out of the way, I ran towards Adam, Kevin threw the ball into the air, I put on a burst of speed, the ball sailed higher into the air, way too high for anyone to reach, I turned around and cupped my hands, Adam took the hint and jumped off my hands and caught the ball in the air landed and ran towards the touchdown while everyone besides me stared in awe at how well of a team Adam and I were.
Kevin: And they were fighting just this morning hah!
Adam came running over.
Adam: Wasn’t that great! Right Kyle?
Kyle: Yea Adam, it was perfect.
We embraced in a kiss.
Kevin: Good try Matthew, but we still win.
The twins embraced in a kiss, shocking both Will and Jeremy.
Will: Wow, we felt alone until Adam and Kyle got together now we feel like conformists!
Kyle: Wait, you guys are gay too?
Jeremy: So now are whole group is gay hah!
Just to prove a point Will kissed Jeremy.
Adam: Well I’m tired I’m going to take a shower and hit the hay.
Kyle: Ok well, you head on over I’ll be with you in a minute.
Adam ran off the five of us started a slow walk back to the dorm, they knew I wanted to talk to them about something or else we would have all ran back together.
Kyle: Have you guys had sex yet?
The twins: Of course.
Kevin: Well it’s unfair to judge us towards you two cause we’ve been together our whole lives, you guys meet here.
Will: We’ve done it though too, we started last year, Jeremy’s the greatest.
Matthew: Well I’m sorry, but he’s nothing compared to my Kevin.
Kyle: Nope, Sorry guys Adam wins he’s the best.
Kyle: So should we have had sex yet?
Matthew: Well there’s no real way to tell, when the time comes, the time comes, and believe me you’ll love it.
Kyle: Sex can’t be that good? Is it?
Kevin: Well I don’t know about Adam, but we love it.
He brought Matthew close to him for emphasis.
Jeremy: We do to.
Kyle: Oh, well I apparently don’t know what I’m missing.
Will: Dude you have no idea.
Kyle: Well it doesn’t matter when Adam is ready, I’m ready, let’s head in guys Adam is waiting for me.
We ran in, I waved good-bye as I walked into my dorm, it was completely dark. I turned on the lights. There was Adam naked except for the thong I found that morning.
Kyle: Well isn’t this a surprise?
I moved over and led Adam in a passionate kiss towards the bed; I started to kiss around his neck.
Kyle: So are we going all the way tonight?
Adam: What do you think? Ah! Don’t stop Kyle that feels good!
I kissed down to his belly button and then down towards his dick, I started to lick around the base of his dick and all I got from Adam was encouragement. I started to suck on it, bringing my tongue around the base and swirling it whenever I came up for air, he came within a minute. His cum tasted so good I swallowed it all.
Adam: I’m sorry, it just felt so good.
Kyle: No it’s fine you taste so good. So are you ready Adam?
Adam: Yea, I think so I was fingering myself before you came to loosen up.
He took a quick suck of my dick to get it wet and flipped over onto his stomach, I brought my dick to his ass and I pushed one inch into his ass, the head, I heard a loud *pop*.
Adam: Ow! That hurts!
Kyle: Sorry Adam, do you want me to stop?!?
Adam: No I’ve wanted this forever I’m not stopping because it hurts.
Once his pain was through I slowly inched in the rest of my five inch dick, once it was in to the hilt I slowly went in and out, the feeling I was getting was incredible.
Adam: Faster Kyle.
I sped up
Adam: Faster
I sped up again.
Adam: Faster! Oh God that feels so good!
I started to ram into him with all my worth, the feeling was amazing, but too much I came in ecstasy. Adam came quickly after.
Kyle: Oh my god! Adam you’re amazing.
Adam: You too, it felt great after the pain.
Kyle: So I’m tomorrow then?
Adam: Sure, you stud.
Adam kissed me and then promptly fell asleep, I quickly followed.
I woke up first; Adam was so cute lying there spooning under me.
Kyle: Hey beautiful, you up? How ya feeling?
Adam: Erm…. My ass hurts, I’m tired, and last night was the greatest.
Kyle: Tonight will be great too, just you wait.
I gave him a quick kiss, and got up turned on the shower and pulled out a towel.
Kyle: So you going to join me?
Adam needn’t reply he got up and went with me into the shower, I bent down and started to suck on Adam’s dick, and repeated everything I had done last night, I was half-way when a knock came, I was annoyed, I was in the middle of something!
Kyle: I’ll get it, and then I’ll finish you up!
I got up, toweled off really quickly, put the towel around my waist, and opened the door. Kevin was at the door.
Kyle: Hey dude!
Kevin: So you guys finally did last night?
Kyle: How’d you know?
Kevin: C’mon Kyle we sleep next door, we can hear you. What’re you guys doing now?
Kyle: Well do be honest; I was kinda making Adam happy, if ya know what I mean.
Kevin: Can I join in? Matthew won’t be back for another twenty minutes, and I know he’d be fine with it.
Kyle: Uhh, sure I guess.
I let Kevin in quietly; he quickly stripped down to his birthday suit.
Kyle: Very hot Kevin.
Kevin: I’m the same as Matthew in every way physically.
He was 6 inches hard just like Matthew supposedly... We quietly steeped into the shower, I went in first to distract Kevin, the plan was I get him in the ass while Kevin takes it too.
Kyle: Hey baby, how ya feeling?
Adam: I’m ready for you again if that’s what you mean.
I slowly put my dick in his ass again just in case he was still sore, I started to fuck him in good time, he started to moan loudly, he closed his eyes, and then Kevin sneaked up and positioned his ass right over Adam’s dick, and impaled himself on it, Adam’s eye’s bugged out and he moaned so loudly I had to kiss him to muffle it.
Adam: Oh god, that’s feels so good! I’m Cumming!
Adam and I came at the same time; I sucked Kevin off so he didn’t feel left out. We all toweled off, a knock came at the door. I went to answer it. It was Matthew; he seemed a bit steamed that Kevin had fun without him.
Matthew: C’mere Kevin you’re mine for the next ten minutes, and then after lunch you’re getting punished for doing it with Adam and Kyle.
Kevin: Oh, don’t hurt me too bad!
Kevin and Matthew left in a passion of kissing, supposedly to get ready for lunch.
Kyle: So sexy What you wanna do?
Adam: Well considering you just fucked me five seconds ago I think you can cool your jets just a bit until after lunch.
Kyle: Ok, that’s fine let’s finish getting ready.
We picked out clothes and got our training gear ready for later that night, and by the time we finished it was time to leave, we went to get Will and Jeremy, and the twins. I went to grab the twins while Adam got the other two.
Adam: Hey, Kyle let’s hold lunch off for another thirty minutes ok? Will and Jeremy want to show me something; go have some fun with the twins.
And with that he closed the door behind me while I stood there in the hall, psyched to have some fun but a little disappointed that Adam left me really quickly, hopefully the twins would make me feel a lot better. I knocked on their door.
Matthew: Oh hey Kyle, we’re almost ready for lunch, just let Kevin get dressed.
Kyle: Change of plans we have thirty minutes, I’m to help you punish Kevin.
Matthew beamed.
Matthew: Well ok, then this should be fun.
Matthew came in as Kevin was pulling up his pants; he pushed him back onto the bed and pulled his pants off once again.
Matthew: Hey Kyle grab the rope off the table will you?
I grabbed the rope and we started to tie Kevin spread eagle on the bed.
Kyle: So you’ve been a bad boy haven’t you Kevin?
Kevin: Oh yes guys, punish me.
I moved under him and started to tease his ass with my dick, and then when he moaned I shoved my whole dick up his ass in one push.
Kevin: Oh god!
Matthew moved over and started to make out with Kevin to muffle the moans so people didn’t complain about the noise. I brought the rest of my body around Kevin and Matthew and started to fuck Kevin quickly and simultaneously heat up so as to not burn them but make it hot to the touch, I moved my mouth to Kevin’s neck and bit down just enough to bring up a drop of blood.
Kevin: Oh god, Kyle faster, faster!
I sped up, Matthew moved down and positioned himself over Kevin ass, and impaled himself on Kevin’s dick, moaning in ecstasy, all three of us went to climax in under a minute.
Kevin: Oh god guys, that was insane.
Kyle: Dude, Adam has to do this with us.
Matthew: Sure you just name the time and place, we’ll make it fun.
Kyle: good.
Kevin: Ok, you guys wanna untie me?
Kyle: Yea let’s start on that.
We untied Kevin and dressed, turns out it had been 40 minutes since I arrived at the door of the twins, I went over to Will and Jeremy’s dorm and knocked.
Unknown: One sec!
Adam answered the door.
Adam: Oh hey Kyle, so how were the twins?
I saw a small wet spot on the bottom of his shirt.
Kyle: They’re great, I can see how well Jeremy and Will were, but let’s not just have random sex unless they come to us ok?
Adam: Ok Kyle if that’s what you want.
Kyle: C’mon let’s grab some lunch it wouldn’t do to feel weak three days before we have to leave for the tournament.
Adam: Ok, I’m feeling hungry too, C’mon everyone!
We finished lunch and headed for another training session, as we entered the building we saw Mr. Owens.
Mr. Owens: Hey guys I got good news!
Kyle: What sir?
Mr. Owens: The tournament has changed just a bit; it is going to now consist of three games, a 6v6 match, a tag team match, and the normal 2v2 match.
Kyle: That’s great, now they can come with us and compete!
Kevin: Yea! That rocks.
Mr. Owens: Yes it is good, and in light of the new events I have come up with a challenge for you guys, today as your last challenge before the tournament, because I want you to rest up afterwards, is a special fight you six versus one person.
We all walked together into the dark room, the lights flashed on and the room was empty except for the seven of us.
Adam: Sir who are we fighting?
Mr. Owens: Why me of course. Do you six know why I’m the superintendent?
None of us knew we just all accepted it he had always been the superintendent.
Mr. Owens: I’m the superintendent because of my skill, I’ve never been defeated.
The six of us immediately circled him, brandishing our elements we got ready to strike him. He moved with speed that was barely visible, you saw him and then you would see the ripple of where he moved to. He moved behind will picked him up by the collar and threw him into a wall. Jeremy started to create a wall around himself but quickly fell victim to the same maneuver and wall. As Jeremy and Will struggled to get into a ready position to combat Mr. Owens, The twins and us brought an elemental barrier together around us first a wall of fire around us, then an inner circle of wind and then ice.
Mr. Owens: Good try you four but not good enough.
He walked up to the barrier we saw him lift up a hand, and then it started to ripple, he brought his hand forward and punched straight through the barrier. We withdrew our powers, shocked by his insane strength. Will and Jeremy rejoined us.
Kyle: Ok I want you guys to try something, Jeremy disturb the ground add in small potholes and rocks, Will electrify the ground, Adam freeze the ground, twins, create a gale to slow him, his speed is his power, if we can slow that we can stop him.
The training room turned into pure chaos as elements poured into the ground, we saw the superintendent stand completely still against the gale way at the back of the room where we couldn’t reach.
Mr. Owens: Great ideas boys, no one has done this to me before and I have to say it’s a great idea but one problem.
I saw the ripple fly along the upper wall.
Mr. Owens: I can run the walls.
He spun around sending a force strong enough to send all six of us flying around the room.
Kyle: Guys, his element has to be wind, he wouldn’t be able to do all of this if it was something else.
Mr. Owens: Wow Kyle, I’m impressed no one has guessed my element that quickly in years. Too bad it won’t help.
He sped up again appearing in front of me, lifting me by my shirt.
Mr. Owens: You guys have to work together on offense, setting a perimeter will not work, the tournament is going to be first team to drop, if you hole yourself up you’ll never win.
Kyle: Fine we’ll try offense then.
I grabbed his arm that was holding me up and instantly heated it as fast as possible, it burned him.
Mr. Owens: Damnit!
He dropped me on the ground; Adam came up and froze him to the ground, and kept freezing the areas around his feet.
Mr. Owens was still clutching his hand, as the rest of us regrouped; Adam still kept a constant ice hold on Mr. Owens.
Mr. Owens congrats guys, you burnt me and held me to the ground for a small amount of time that is no small feat.
Adam: What do you mean about a small amount of time? You’re stuck!
Mr. Owens: Oh really? Am I?
He broke the ice shackles instantly.
Mr. Owens: You guys pass, the rest of you may now leave except for Kevin and Matthew, they’re going to stay here in the training room with me for some special training until the day of the tournament, the rest of you relax for two and a half days, and no fooling around.
Kyle: Yes sir!
I was worried about the twins but I couldn’t do anything about it, we slept the day away. The next day came I made out with Adam a bit, but the day was pretty much spent loafing about doing nothing. I couldn’t sleep that night, I felt nervous about the tournament, what if one of us got hurt? What if we lost horrible and the weeks of training still put us behind everyone else? I finally got a few hours of sleep as the clock turned to the wee hours of the night.
A knock came to our door, waking me up, and in the process of getting up I woke Adam who was spooning with me.
Adam: Ugh what time is it?
Kyle: Just go back to sleep Adam, I’ll wake you up when it’s time to get ready.
Adam: Ok.
I opened the door wondering who could be knocking at our door at 4 in the morning. It was Kevin and Matthew, I hugged them.
Kyle: Hey guys!
Matthew: Dude Kyle guess why Owens held us?
Kyle: I dunno tell me.
Kevin: He held us back for special training watch.
They backed up, and sped down the hall with speed that almost matched our superintendent and then sped back.
Kyle: Dude! You guys are insane!
Kevin: Yea it rocks but we can only do it two or three times each and then we’re wiped for a good hour or so.
Kyle: That’ll give us a great advantage in the tournament.
Matthew: Yea, that’s what we thought; now we’re wiped for two constant days of training and are going to sleep for a couple hours till we have to get ready, the superintendent told us that we needed to be ready by twelve.
Kyle: Ok, I’m going back to bed too then, see you in a couple hours.
I went back to bed for a couple of hours, and awoke at nine thirty-two and once again woke up Adam.
Adam: Ugh…. Not again….
Kyle: Sorry Adam, you have to get up this time.
Adam: ergh…. Ok…
Kyle: Come shower with me.
I led the extremely disoriented Adam into the shower and turned on the shower as hot water washed over our naked bodies, it immediately woke up Adam.
Adam: So, you ready for it today Kyle?
Kyle: I really don’t know Adam as ready as I’ll ever be I guess.
I moved closer to him, brought his lips to mine and brought our tongues together.
Kyle: Well with that sort of spirit we have to win.
Adam: Of course we are Kyle what do you think all this training was for?
We finished our shower, and dressed in our school’s traditional battle uniform, complete black with a red collar, and an X forming around the chest. It was cut short, elbows were exposed, and it was a jumpsuit tied tight with a red belt in the middle, with red socks and black shoes. Including white hand wraps. We knocked on the other two dorms and found the other four finishing dressing in the same clothes.
Kyle: So how did you two sleep?
Jeremy: Horribly I couldn’t fall asleep, but Will here slept like a baby next to me.
Will: It’s because you’re so warm and comforting gorgeous.
Jeremy: Aw, thanks.
Will and Jeremy then proceeded to kiss and dress at the same time. We waited for the other four to get ready and then headed down to the entrance to the school where a limousine awaited us to bring us to the airplane that would bring us to the tournament.
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