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High humidity and hot lady
"Sweaty" Pt2 & 3.2
by Julius
Copyright 2005

Pt, 2

Mitzi wasn't sure what to do. Pull up her shorts and
go home? Keep her cool and stay? She looked down at
Matthew's cock, sighed and stayed.

"Hi Kim, what's hapnin'?" this from Matthew.

"Fell asleep and they went to beach without me."

"Mitzi, this is Kim."

"Er, hi Kim," said Mitzi. Matthew's sweet cock stayed
erect. How in God's name did he manage that?

Kim grinned at Mitzi and knelt behind the sofa,
forearms on the top, her chin resting on her hands.
Dear heavens, thought Mitzi, is she just going to stay
and watch? Suddenly shy under the girl's gaze Mitzi
didn't want to expose her breasts. Silly really, she
thought, when her shorts were round her ankles.

Matthew's erection finally showed signs of subsiding
and Mitzi cursed Kim silently. She got to her feet and
stepped out of her shorts, Kim stared at her and Mitzi
was suddenly, sadly aware of the age gap.

"How old are you Kim?"

"Eighteen, same as Matt. How old are you?"

"It's rude to ask a woman her age," said Matthew,
perhaps feeling left out, "and she's not my mother,
Mitzi lives next door."

"Oh," said Kim, sounding a little disappointed.

"I'm forty-eight Kim," Mitzi sighed and turned to sit
beside Matthew. She felt tears swell her eyes, her
bare old thigh against his bare young thigh. Christ,
why hadn't she locked the door, better yet, bought a
new lawn mower?

She closed her eyes for a moment. Waiting perhaps,
for Kim to take the hint and just go. Really she
didn't know quite what to do. Then she felt Kim sit
beside her. "That's cool, my mom's forty-one."

Mitzi thought about departure again and looked
ruefully at her crumpled shorts on the floor. Could
she mange enough dignity to get them on? She leaned

But Kim produced the remote. The screen flickered to
life. The tape must have been running, the scene had

"Kim!" said an embarrassed Matthew.

"Hey!" exclaimed Kim, staring.

A girl with remarkably red hair was sprawled in a
chair while a man buried his face between her thighs.

Matthew reached across Mitzi for the remote. Kim
snatched it away.

"No! Let's watch this," she snapped, suddenly in

Three pairs of eyes stared at the screen. Mitzi felt a
strong urge to giggle.

"Ever do that Matt?" Kim asked.

Matt said 'no' in a soft voice and Mitzi knew he
wished he could tell the girl 'yes'.

"Would you like to try?" asked Mitzi. She put her hand
to her mouth, astounded, horrified that she'd uttered
the words.

Matthew grunted and eased forward. Mitzi felt near to
panic. Time to be going, she felt old and she felt
very stupid.

Matthew moved off the sofa with clumsy grace and onto
his knees at Mitzi's feet. His hot hands rested on her
knees. "Can I try?" he asked very quietly.

"Won't Kim mind?" Mitzi asked.

"I don't care," Kim sounded as if she cared very much,
"it's not like we're an item or anything."

Mitzi's body didn't care about codes of behaviour, it
was still running on cock-induced heat. She found
herself wriggling her ass towards the edge of the sofa
and spreading her legs.

She wondered if this was Matthew's first close up of a
real pussy, a real, in the flesh, open pussy. Mitzi
slid her hands down and peeled herself farther open.
"Oh wow!" she heard him breathe the words. He looked
up into her eyes, suddenly very young and very shy.

If he'd been watching the videos there could be no
real surprises surely. "Look if you like," she told
him, wishing Kim was somewhere far away. But Kim was
silently watching the little tableau. Maybe she was
wondering where this was all going.

Mitzi had begun trimming her pubic hair a few months
back and thought herself rather daring. Now she gazed
down at the line of dark brown hair leading up from
her pussy towards her belly button. She could see her
own pinkness and the paler button that was her clit.
She held her breath as Matthew slowly leaned forward,
poked out his tongue and licked her.

Mitzi's body jerked and went rigid. Matthew raised his
head quickly, as if afraid he'd hurt her.

"Don't stop, don't you dare stop," Mitzi's voice was a
hoarse croak.

He leaned forward again and pressed his mouth over the
junction of her labia and sucked gently as if knowing
what to do. His tongue found the firm nipple that was
her clit and he began to do all the right things.
Mitzi sobbed and squirmed under his face.

She gave a little scream and her thighs squeezed
together, clamping his chest. Then she opened her legs
and began bucking against his face.

The girl on the screen was coming or at least
pretending to. But Mitzi wasn't pretending, she was
having the orgasm of her life or so it seemed right

And then, she was begging him to stop, trying to push
his head away from her pussy. Sensory overload had hit
her. Matthew raised his head, breathing hard. Her
breasts seemed about to lift out of her bikini top
with each breath. Was she laughing or crying, she
didn't know?

"Oh Matthew, Matthew, that was beautiful. Beautiful,
beautiful, beautiful."

"Really?" he said, sounding amazed at his success.

"Mmmm," murmured Mitzi, her eyes closed, she was awash
in the afterglow.

She let her eyes peep through her lashes and watched
him. He was sat back on his heels. His hand was to his
mouth. It was wet, his chin was wet. She could see him
sniffing his fingers, smelling her.

She looked down at his cock, it was rigid and drooling
precum. A gossamer strand joined him, by mere
molecules, to the carpet. There, she thought, was a
young man who badly needed to come.

"Matt," Kim had spoken so quietly he'd barely heard

He looked at Kim, "What?"

She was blushing scarlet, "Would you do that to me?"

He looked at Mitzi, asking silently.

Mitzi was watching him, a half smile on her face. "Go
on Matthew, do it to her, she'll love it."

He moved awkwardly sideways on his knees, his cock
waving. It looked huge, jutting from his slim body.

Kim clicked the remote, turning off the TV. She got to
her feet and unsnapped the waistband of her jeans.
Sliding the zipper down she stopped with it half way.
Perhaps shy at the prospect of exposing herself to the
kneeling boy.

Mitzi watched him. He was knelt in front of two women,
both in need of his services. He must wonder if he's
died and gone to some sort of young man's heaven, she

His hand kept straying towards that gorgeous penis and
he glanced first at her and then at Kim. He really was
desperate for release. His cock was as big as any
she'd seen. She felt drawn towards it, like his hand.

Finally Kim slid the zipper the rest of the way and
pushed her jeans down. She was slim, barely with a
woman's body yet. Sitting down again on the sofa she
spread her legs. Mitzi waited, holding her breath
while Matthew studied the girl's charms. She hoped he
wasn't making too many comparisons between young and

Matthew swallowed audibly and moved forward on his
knees, placing his hands on Kim's thighs. Mitzi slid
off the sofa and knelt beside him. The appeal of that
cock couldn't be denied a moment longer. She reached
and touched its head with her finger tip. Matthew's
body went rigid and he groaned.

"You pleasure Kim and I'll sit here and play," Mitzi
told him. The cream dispenser lay on the floor, she
picked it up and pumped out a palm-full. Matthew's
eye's widened as he realised what she was going to do.

"Well?" Mitzi prompted, her eyes going from his face
to Kim's pussy.

He lowered his face between Kim's thighs. Mitzi smiled
at Kim and she smiled nervously back. The girl's eyes
closed and she writhed her young ass on the sofa,

"Oh God," exclaimed Kim and her hands flew to the back
of Matthew's head, to pull him closer? To stop him
getting away?

Mitzi closed her cream-filled hand around his cock,
marvelling at its thickness. He gasped as she touched
him and thrust into her fist. The feel of that lovely
erection in her hand was unbelievable. Her pussy
clenched as she imagined it plunging into her body.
Silently begging him not to come just yet she opened
her hand trying to delay him.

"Don't stop," she heard him beg, his words muffled as
Kim tried to press him into her crotch, "Please let me

Mitzi fancied she was powerless to stop him and
squeezed his cock and began pumping.

In seconds he was sobbing and his come was jetting.
Mitzi kept stroking and Matthew kept coming. She
watched in delighted fascination as her hand milked
him, watching the lessening power of each successive
spurt. She almost cried, wanting all that inside her.
Wanting, wanting, despite her recent climax, she and
her body wanted, needed that cock.

Matthew's cheek rested on Kim's thigh and he looked at
Mitzi while his chest heaved. Mitzi guessed he'd
forgotten the pussy inches from his face. He was the
picture of happiness while two women were left waiting
and wanting. Typical male, she thought.

It was her shorts he'd spent himself onto, she shook
her head and smiled. Somewhere, close by, a cell phone
twittered idiotically and Matthew's hand searched
between the cushions.

"Yeah, sure, okay, fine, I'll be there. Bye." Matthew
switched off and looked at Mitzi. "My dad got an
earlier flight. Gotta go pick him up."

Only minutes later, Mitzi and Kim were watching him
drive away. Fine for him, Mitzi thought, he got to go
down on both of us and get's jerked off by me. Where
does that leave Kim and me?

Kim gave her a peck on the cheek and walked off
homewards, her cute little ass squirming in her jeans.
Mitzi walked towards her dead lawnmower. The wetness
of Matthew's cum on her shorts was chill against her
hip and thigh.

Half an hour later she sat on her front step nursing a
bottle of beer and trying to muster the energy to go
and shower. The sun was lower in the sky but there was
no breeze and she felt sticky all over.

Mitzi wondered what would have happened without Kim's
arrival. God but Matthew had such a lovely cock. She'd
nearly had it between her tits; 'breasts Matthew,
breasts.' Her shorts were tight into her crotch and
she squirmed and wished. At that moment she knew what
she'd like and where she'd like it.

She put the empty bottle down and wondered if she
needed another. Below her navel there was a terrible,
needful feeling. It was summer and she was lonely and
... oh hell! She went inside for that other beer and
came and sat down again. Mitzi closed her eyes and
remembered the swollen cock she'd held, what wonderful
thing it was, if only.

A car turned into next door's driveway and Matthew got
out, he was alone. She waved to him as he slammed the
door. He hesitated and then walked across to her.

"Would you believe it? I get to the airport and they
tell me dad's plane had a mechanical problem or
something and the flight's cancelled. He won't be home
'til tomorrow."

"Would you like a beer Matthew?"

Matthew said he would and she sent him in to get it
from the fridge. Leaning back with her elbows on the
top step she wondered about what to do with him now
she had him back. The beer was making her just a
little giddy and she realised she'd had no supper.

She realised too that Matthew had accepted the offer
of a beer and would surely stay long enough to drink
it. Perhaps ... she smiled and little butterflies
began their fluttering in her stomach. Perhaps ...

Matthew appeared on the top step. She patted the step
beside her, "Sit a while and keep an old lady

"You're not old Mitzi," he told her, he hesitated over
the 'Mitzi' as if wanting to call her that but
wondering if her should address her as 'Mrs'.

"A lot older than your Kim."

"Yes, but you're a woman, Kim's just a girl."

Mitzi let that slide. "Would you like some supper, I
for one, am getting hungry?" she wanted him to want to

"Uh huh, I'm starving too," Matthew said, a little of
the boy showing through.

"I'll phone for a pizza, a big one, what toppings
d'you like?"

"Everything, cept those fish things," she thought him
sweet and the little butterflies fluttered harder.

Mitzi phoned for the pizza and came and sat down
beside him again and picked up her beer. She looked at
him and said softly, "You never did get to put your
cock between my tits did you Matthew?"

He grinned in the growing dusk, "Breasts Mitzi,

She clamped her thighs together and wrapped her arms
around her knees, hugging herself, squashing her
breasts, trying to contain the heat building deep
inside her.

"Sweaty" Part 3
by Julius
Copyright 2005

They sat in silence for a while.

"They say how long?” asked Matthew.

"Maybe forty-five minutes, said they're busy. Can you
wait that long?"

"I guess," Matthew said, his voice sounded doubtful.

Mitzi decided she couldn't wait that long and said,
"Come stand in front of me Matthew."

He got to his feet and moved round to face her. It was
almost dark now. She was sure nobody could see them,
shadowed by the big maple. Mitzi wasn't that sure she
cared. She put her hands on his thighs and slowly ran
them up under his shorts.

"You've got good legs Matthew, long and strong."

He shuffled awkwardly and she moved her hands to the
zipper of his shorts, found the metal tag on the
slider, lifted it and ran the zip down. It made a
soft, slow buzz as it moved. Matthew breathed in,
sounding loud in the evening air. She slid a hand into
his shorts and found his cotton briefs. She felt his
cock, stiffening under the soft fabric.

Mitzi ran her hands up his legs again and found the
waist band of the briefs. She slid them off his hips,
down his thighs until the crotch of his shorts held
them. His penis sprang out of his shorts to wave,
erect now, in front of her face.

There it was again, that lovely, strong, young cock.
Mitzi's heart seemed to beat in her throat. She felt
herself trembling. Taking his erection in her hand she
pressed her cheek against it and slowly turned her
head, moving her lips along the velvet of him.

Matthew groaned above her and she felt his hand in her
hair. Her tongue tip found his tiny slit and she gave
him a little, sucking kiss. She savoured the sweet
saltiness of his precum. Moving her mouth and his
cock, she painted her lips with his slickness. He
seemed suddenly too big for her hand and Mitzi felt a
yearning, a helpless wanting, she'd not felt in a long
forever. Mitzi was losing it.

The bright sign on the top of the car that slowed
opposite the the house was all that stopped her
fucking him right there, right then, on the lawn.

Matthew was fighting to get his zipper up. She prayed
he'd be careful as she went inside for her purse.

The pizza delivery guy held out the box and said he
was sorry he was late. His eyes never left her breasts
while she fumbled for the money and Mitzi glanced
down. The edge of her right areola peeped above the
bikini top, she was in danger of falling out of the
bra. The lad left with a big tip and a bigger grin.

The smell of the pizza drifted into her nostrils and
she heard her stomach growl, two hungers now. She
turned and reached for the door. "Let's eat," she said
over her shoulder to Matthew.

As she headed for the kitchen, swollen labia and worn
denim moved gently together; an exquisite torture. She
wanted to stop, to hold her legs tight together and
get control of herself. Mitzi wondered just how wet
she was down there. 'A pussy in torment,' she smiled
to herself. She and her pussy had been in torment,
ever since she'd first peeped in on Matthew that

They sat across from each other at the small kitchen
table and wolfed down pizza. Mitzi was on her third
beer and Matthew on his second. She felt a little
light headed and wasn't the least surprised to hear
herself say, though a mouthful of food, "You're going
to fuck me tonight Matthew."

Matthew choked and stared at her. His face was scarlet
as he struggled for breath or tried to contain his
embarrassment, or both.

"Will I be your first?" she asked softly.

He nodded, looking as if he wished she wasn't. He
murmured something that she didn't catch.

"That's wonderful, you can be my first ever virgin. A
first for us both, beautiful."

His eyes dropped to her breasts which rested, barely
in her bikini top, on the table. The longing in his
eyes brought a lump to her throat. He looked so young
and so desperate.

She took the last wedge from her half of the pizza and
gazed at Matthew. They should shower first she
thought. Her skin was moist and sticky, the evening
was nearly as hot as the day had been. She could smell
the musky, woman-scent of herself drifting up. Her
armpits were wet and, as if to underline the facts, a
drop of sweat trickled down into her bra. There were
still tiny pieces of grass on her forearms from the
mowing. Damn it, she was a mess - but oh god, so
horny. She squirmed on the chair and clamped her
thighs together as if to keep her heat from pouring

She was too hungry for that cock, to go through
showering. Poor fidgeting Matthew was probably wishing
he could go jerk off in his basement. Perhaps not, his
eyes were fixed on her breasts and one hand was under
the table. She could see his arm moving slightly,
steadily. He was trying to comfort that lovely penis
of his.

She got up from the table and closed the blinds and
leaned over the sink. It had to be now, she had to
have him. She'd die if she waited. "Fuck me Matthew,
just like this." She reached for the snap on the
waistband and slid the zipper down, her shorts fell to
her ankles.

Mitzi turned her head to watch him. He fumbled with
shaking hands at his own shorts and presently they
went down. The briefs followed and she stared at his
waving penis as he struggled out of his tee shirt. He
was beautiful, she thought.

He bent and fumbled with his shorts and produced the
condom. It must be the one he'd had in the basement
that afternoon.

"No," she said, "no don't." Stupid she knew, but
surely this sweet virgin ........

Matthew came and stood behind her. She unsnapped her
bikini at the front and her bosom poured out, free.
One heavy breast in each sink. She inhaled her own
body odour and waved her ass at Matthew.

His hands rested on her hips and she reached awkwardly
down and back, between her legs. As if sensing what
she wanted, Matthew flexed his knees. She found and
grabbed his cock and he groaned in real pain as she
bent him down. She couldn't’t believe how hard he was.

Dipping at the waist and going up on her tip-toes to
raise her ass, she brought his cock-head to her eager
wetness. Instinct took over and he thrust. Through her
fist, into her, up and in, in one blissful plunge.
That whole, sweet, hot cock, buried in her. Her pussy
had begged for it, wept for it; now he was hers, she
his. She was filled full, opened, pierced, impaled.
She wanted to weep with the pussy-stuffed joy of it.

Matthew stayed frozen for a short eternity. "God!" he
gasped, "it's beautiful. How can it be so hot in
there, so, so ,so ...?" he hadn't words.

Mitzi clenched her pussy round his cock and just held
him, utter joy on her face.

"Oh fuck ...," he exclaimed, she knew no pussy had
ever done that to him. She delighted in his surprise.

Then he withdrew; so slowly she marvelled at his
control. In again - the long sweet slide of him. Out,
until just the head of him held her labia apart. She
wondered how it must feel to have a cock and to do
that to a cunt.

His next thrust was urgent, hungry. Now it begins, she
told herself, the ride. Mitzi and Matthew and Matthew
and Mitzi, for the next infinity they were one,
focused around the fusion between her legs. God but he
was splendid. He didn't come like a boy, he fucked her
like a man, driving her time and again against the
counter as she hung onto the taps and heard her
breasts slap against the stainless steel.

She revelled in the never-ending pistoning inside her.
She got wetter and wetter until she could hear the
wetness of their loving, between her legs. Sweat
poured off her. Wet thighs slapping against her wet
ass. He was bruising her, she knew, against the edge
of the counter, but who cared, this was the first fuck
of his life.

She sensed his approaching climax as his fight for
breath got louder and then, the lights began to go on
inside her. Matthew hooked his fingers over her hip
bones and began pulling her onto him to meet his own
frantic plunges. Dear God! He was almost lifting her
off the floor. She could glimpse her breasts swinging
and jostling in the sinks. A moment of near-hysteria
caught at her as she imagined the way she must look.

"I'm ... going ... to ... come ... I'm ...going ... to
... come," one word per thrust, forced from him as he
sobbed his way to orgasm.

Mitzi was coming too. Her belly seemed to coil and
compress. Her whole being rushed inwards towards her
clutching, cock-sucking pussy. She was coming. She
began begging him to fuck her, which was silly, all
considered, but she begged anyway. Fuck her he did -
harder and harder. She felt sweat running, trickling
down her arms, over her breasts. She was going to die
she knew, this was too much for her. She was going to
die of fuck. She .......

His cock pulsed, swelled inside her. She felt the
ripples, through his entire body it seemed, as he
flooded into her time and again.

Her pussy spasmed, contracted, clutched at his cock
and then - she was turning inside out. Their orgasms
seemed to feed on each other. Two needs that consumed
them both.

Matthew humped at her after he'd finished, as if to
prolong this first, sweet madness. She squirmed her
exhausted, wet body under his, as if trying to nurse
the last drops out of him with her suckling pussy.

Then they were done. They stayed there, crouched,
coupled, because there was no way to fall. Her draped
on the counter, him draped on her. They mumbled
breathless, happy nonsense and sweet superlatives. His
cock was slow to soften and she revelled in its
presence, wanting to hold it, keep it in her forever.

Finally, Mathew sank to his knees and wrapped his arms
around her legs, his cheek against her thigh. She
pushed herself upright and turned within the circle of
his arms. Mitzi looked down at him and knew he'd look

He did and she saw him lick his lips, "Thank ...."

She cut him off, "Don't you dare thank me Matthew! I
did you no favours. I wanted it."

He smiled, "Okay, but..."

"I know, I know," she sighed

"Is it always like that?" he asked.

"Should always be beautiful but not always quite so
hot,” she paused and added softly, “there's gentle

He got slowly to his feet and stood uncertainly in
front of her.

She took his hands and made him cup them under her
breasts. "Kiss me Matthew."

She clung to him glad of his strength at that moment.
It was a clumsy kiss but it held them in the magic a
little longer.

Mitzi felt the tickle, the trickle as her pussy gently
wept his juices. The cooling warmth of it coursed
steadily down her thigh, to her knee. It paused there
until more ran from her and then she giggled as it
raced down her calf to her ankle.

He drew away and looked at her, "What's funny?" he was
afraid she was laughing at him.

I'm leaking Matthew," she giggled again, "I'm leaking
Matthew, Matthew."

"Let's go, we need to shower," she told him and took
his hand.


"I'm not letting you out of my sight Matthew. We've
got to play some more."

Her pussy wept another cum tear down her thigh. Mitzi
had plans for Matthew's cock.

cont'd ........................

Anonymous readerReport 

2010-05-23 05:19:56
mmmmmmmmmm i love older women too.they are the best

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-02-18 23:35:56
you are a sexist ASSHOLE. no 48-year-old woman i know thinks of herself as old, and if she's sexually daring enough to take this kind of risk, she's not spending time worrying about whether her breasts are saggy or how she looks next to someone else. guess what? in 2009, lots and lots of women have a HEALTHY attitude about their bodies and their sexuality! grow UP already, you moron.


2008-09-19 13:54:45
SIX stories and you still can't set one out properly? Might make it LOOK longer but it doesn't read any longer.

Anonymous readerReport 

2008-09-09 17:53:59
uggh you kept me going! Keep up the good work I'm sooooo wet!

Anonymous readerReport 

2008-09-06 13:20:50
well written story... looking forward to future renditions...keep up the good work...

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