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His wife is reluctant to she her true sexual feeling to her husband for fear of his disapproval. This has the husand upset and askes his boss for assistance.
My name is John McGuire. I am a crew boss for a construction crew that does all of the town's maintenance needs. I was awarded the position due to my PI on all government levels. I am 24 years old and single. I am wealthy and need not work, but it keeps me busy and I like the work. I control a group of five to eight men and two women. The women were appointed by the town's councilpersons. They are the daughters of two of the councilpersons; both of the women are 18, maybe. Their assignment is flag persons. They are unskilled and are not required to do any construction work. The girls are very friendly and are not easily offended. They get along well with the crew and both are well built. The males range in age from 18 to 38. They are all good workers although sometime I have to motivate them. They treat me well and are constantly trying to kiss ass. I am in charge of who and how much time they work. I try to be fair. Another thing is on some jobs certain guys can do the work and others can't. I try to give them all an opportunity to train in different areas, but the deadlines come first. I can't keep the main road closed for more then a full day; it kills the business economy. So on critical jobs we bust ass and on non-critical jobs we slack off a little. I give the estimates and I am seldom questioned. On occasion the mayor will ask me to see if I can get it done sooner, due to his political needs. I usually comply; after all he is a supporter of mine. So every one appears to be happy. We have very few complaints. We are even, on occasion, helping out some of the citizens with their problems. We are a very close community.

I was sitting in the mobile trailer office, when Mike Votey knocked on the door and asked if he could speak with me.

"Sure Mike come on it."

"John, Mine if I eat in here, it's really hot outside. The guys said if it's all right with you, we will eat in shifts, as long as you don't mine the company. We would like to eat in here?"

This was a common practice when it was hot outside. It worked in everyone's favor. I had a crew working all of the time and they got to eat in my office, on the road, in air-conditioned comfort.

"Sure no problem." I said. "So how is marriage treating you?"

Mike was recently married, well a year or more.

"Well, some things could be better." Mike said.

"Really? Not getting enough?" I joked.

"No, getting enough, but not all that I want."

I didn't respond. I figured if he wanted to talk, I'd let him. He had a beautiful wife. She had a perfect figure and a smile to kill for. I'd give a weeks pay to have her for a night.
Karen knocked.

"Come in Karen. What's the problem?" I asked.

"I need batteries." She said.

"You know where they are. Help yourself."

She went over to the cabinets and knelt and got the batteries out of the bottom draw. Mike was staring at her. She got the batteries and gave me the old one. She then left the office.

When the door closed. Mike said. "Man, I would love to slip my cock between her lips. She has the sexiest lips I've ever seen."

I smiled. His wife had sexier lips. "I guess the grass is always greener on the other side." I chuckled.

"What? You don't like her lips?" Mike asked.

"Mike, I like all girls lips, especially on my dick." I said.
"I guess all guys do." Mike stated.

"Girls don't seem to mind it either." I smiled.

"Some do! Some don't even like to be eaten out." Mike said.

"I never met a girl that didn't like a guy licking her snatch." I said.

"Yes you have, you just didn't know it." Mike came back.

So that was what he meant, his wife was not into oral. I figured I would bust his chops so I said. "If a woman won't do a guy or let him do her, there is something wrong with the guy, not the girl! "

"Yeah, right!" He said.

"Oh, sorry Mike. I didn't mean to upset you."

"Nah, your probably right."

I said nothing.

"So how do you get a girl that is reluctant to do it to do it?" Mike asked.

"Hell, I'm not gonna tell you so you can get Karen to do it and be unfaithful to Carrie." I said.

"Oh, no. Not for Karen, Carrie won't do it." Mike said.

"Oh." I said with regret in my voice.

"So how can I get Carrie to do it?" Mike asked.

"I don't know Carrie that well, Mike. If she is like most women, she will love it once she gets started. You have to figure out a way to get her started. Usually a good way is to bring her close to finishing and then stop or move to something else with her." I said.

Mike thought for a while.

"She can outlast me anytime. If she wants to come she can with or without me."

"Mike do you really want to talk about this with me?" I asked somewhat reluctantly.

"John, I really need help. If I don't get help, I'm gonna wind up trying to get Karen."

"That would be suicide for your marriage and your job!"

"Yeah, but if I don't get a BJ soon, I'm gonna divorce Carrie. I need oral." Mike said.

Mike had a big problem. I've heard of marriages breaking up because the couple was sexually incompatible. That is what usually led to swapping spouses. "Can't you hold yourself from coming until she needs to climax and then withdraw. You have to make her beg for completion. When she is really hot and ready, she will do anything to finish. All people have a point of no return. You just have to control yourself."

"What guy can control himself? I never heard of one." Mike said.

I smiled now it was my turn. "As you said to me before, you have met one but didn't know about it. I can control myself completely. I can finish in two minutes or two hours, depending upon when I want to finish."

"No way! No guy can do that!"

"Yes way, I can."

"So if I set you up with Carrie, you could get her to blow you and let you eat her out?" Mike said.

"Whoa! I didn't say that!" I said.

"Could you?"

"Well, I probably could. Obviously there are never guarantees. But if Carrie likes sex, Yes I could get her to do it to me and let me do it to her. But how the hell could you set it up? She is not a slut."

"No, but she does have a weakness."

"Mike think about what you're saying." I said.

"I have. I would do almost anything to get Carrie to allow and do oral. If I can set it up, will you try?"

"Ok." I said reluctantly.

"Can you really control yourself that well?"


"I have an idea. Let me see if I can set it up. You don't mind proving your control, do you?"

"Depends on who I'm proving it to and with." I said.

"Ok, let me see if I can arrange it. I'll talk to you later this week."

"Ok, if you really think it will help you." I thought to myself, I will be happy to have sex with your wife.

Mike went back to work and the guys alternated their lunches in the mobile home office.

On Thursday, Mike came to my office early. "John, I think I have it setup, if you agree to the terms of the agreement?"

"Ok, Mike shoot."

"Carrie's sister, Ashley has been divorced for a year now and has not been with a man in over a year. She is sexy as hell, and really needs a man. She is very pretty and Carrie wants to help her. So, I told Carrie that you could control your orgasms and she didn't believe it. I told her that I was willing to bet you that you couldn't. She suggested that we allow you and Ashley to get together to prove it. I asked her how could we prove it? She said that I should get together with Ashley and you and she suggested a way to prove it." Mike smiled.

"Ok." I said warily, waiting for him to continue.

"She said that I go first with Ashley. She suggested oral. Then since she knew I would come almost immediately, that you have to beat me and come faster then I did. Then I would fuck Ashley and you would fuck her and have to last longer then I did. Ashley would be the timer."

"I see no problem yet?" I said.

"The bet is this if you lose your owe me $400.00. I then asked her what happens if you win? She thought for a second and said we owe you four hundred dollars. I said to her, you don't need money. How about you spend the weekend with him. You're using me to be part of the bet, you should have to be part of it too." I said.
"What did she say?"

"After about two hours of talking, I got her to agree."

"I have to hear this from both Ashley and Carrie for me to believe this."

"I told her she would have to be there for the meeting and to verify what the rules and prizes were. They both agreed."

"Ok, when?" I asked.

"Tomorrow night. I can't lose. I get a BJ from Ashley and hopefully you get Carrie to change her ways." Smiled Mike.

"I hope you can handle my being with Carrie." I said.

"If she changes, It will be no problem. In fact, if she likes it, I may allow her to be with you when she wants to be. Ashley may also want to be at your disposal, if you impress her."

"We'll see." I said.

Mike left and went to the locker room and changed into his work clothes and picked up his work gear.

The next day at noon, I told the guys that if they finished this part of the road, we could get a jump on the three-day weekend. It was Memorial Day weekend.

The guys finished at around two and I let them off for the rest of the day. This allowed the construction site to be cleared and the return of the normal traffic flow for the holiday.

I went home and when I got there, Mike called and said that they would be over at around eight o'clock. I changed the bedding in the master bedroom and laid out an abundant amount of clean towels and robes. I put some KY Jelly on the nightstand and made sure the maid service had cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen was clean. The refrigerator was full of different kinds of drinks and luncheon meats. The house was in tiptop shape. I had dinner and put the dishes into the dishwasher and cleaned up after myself. I sat down to relax until around seven then I showered and changed into some comfortable casual clothes.

At eight O'clock, almost on the minute, the doorbell sounded. I went to the door and opened it.

Mike said. "This is my wife Carrie and this is Ashley my sister in law."

"Please come in, welcome to my home." I could see the girls checking the place out and they were both impressed with my home. While they checked the house out I checked them out. Carrie had beautiful shiny black hair. Her eyes sparkled and her mouth was sensual and when she smiled she lit up the room. No one touch of makeup on her face, except for a light reddish-pink lip-gloss. Ashley had blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She smile was attractive, but when she smiled her upper lip folded in showing her upper gums and teeth. It was nice but not my favorite type of smile. From what I could see they were both very sexily built. Carrie was trimmer, taller and a little bigger in the chest. I was going to be happy to fuck them both silly.

"Oh what a beautiful home." Said Carrie.

"Yes," Agreed Ashley, "This is magnificent."

"Thank you ladies. I always appreciate compliments on my home. My decorator would love to hear your praises. I'm sure she would thank you as well."

I escorted them into the living room and they sat down.

"Mr. McGuire do you live here all alone?" Asked Carrie.

"Please, call me John. I think under the circumstances, a first name basis is more appropriate, don't you?" I smiled.

"I guess. This is unbelievable. I can't believe that this is real yet." Smiled Carrie blushing.

"Yes I do live here alone." I said.

"I guess you're never lonely with all of this?" Said Ashley.

"As much as everyone else. But I also have my privacy when I want it." I smiled.

Both girls nodded.

"So, I find this offer very interesting. If I understand the terms of the agreement, if I win the bet, I have three days with you, Carrie. If I lose, I still have had some very special time with you Ashley. How can I lose?"

"You can lose four hundred dollars." Said Carrie.

"Without trying to degrade Ashley, she is worth a lot more then four hundred dollars. It is a bargain, for me." I smiled.

"No offense taken. I am more than happy to spend time with you, whenever you may feel the need to." Smiled Ashley.

"Thank you, Ashley. I will take you up on that offer I assure you. Both of you are very beautiful. Are you sure your sisters?" I asked.

"Why?" Asked Carrie.

"Well, blonde and jet black, tanned and light skinned, tall and shorter, big breasted and smaller breasted, everything any man could want. I can see nothing wrong with either of you. I assure you, If I win, I will be one of the luckiest men alive. Mike I envy you." I smiled.

"Well, Mike has never been with Ashley, I don't believe." Said Carrie.

"But she is the only one I trust to be fair and honest. I know after today if she needs help she will ask me before she ever does anything with Mike."

"You can count on that Carrie." Said Ashley.

"So the rules of the bet are?" I asked.

"Ashley will determine what method to use to cause you to have an orgasm. She will use the same method on both of you. The first time John, you must complete in less time then Mike does. The second time you must complete in more time then Mike does. It is that simple. Ashley will be the timekeeper. Her decision is final, since she will know when either of you completes." Said Carrie. "We came in one car. I will leave and when you have finished, beep me and I will return. Either, I will be staying and Mike and Ashley leaving or all three of us will leave four hundred dollars richer. If I stay, Mike will pick me up at eight o'clock on Monday evening. Agreed?" Said Carrie.

"I just want it stated that if you stay, what are my limitations, if any?"

"The only limit is that you will force nothing on me and there will be no pain or markings of my body, outside of the normal love making." Said Carrie.

"You will allow me to touch you and enter your body correct?"

"Yes, but there will be limits there." Said Carrie.

"I can not accept those terms. If you decide that any orifice or all are off limits, then I gain nothing from you. I expect to make use of any orifice that I may believe that you want used." I said.

"I trust you to use good manners and judgement and will honor any reasonable objection. May I ask why you are concerned?"

"Well, I am rather well hung. You may think that you are unable to handle what I have. I assure you that you can and will like it. Please, excuse my directness, but I have had no women, that were unable to handle what I offer." I said.

"If Ashley can handle it, then I will handle it." Said Carrie.

"Ok, then we are in agreement. I hope to see you later for a few days." I smiled.

Carrie blushed. "Good bye for now. Good luck, Mike! Have fun Ashley. Good bye John." Saying that I escorted her to the door.

I walked back to Mike and Ashley and showed them to the Master Bedroom and the bathrooms. Ashley came out in a robe and Mike was also in a robe. I went into the bathroom and came out in a robe.

"Whenever you are both ready. There is a stopwatch clock on the night table. Please ignore me." I said.

Mike went to Ashley and started to hug her and kiss her.
She hugged Mike and kissed him back. After a few minutes Mike removed his robe and she remover hers. They were both naked. Ashley kissed her way down Mike's body and engulfed his cock when she got to it. Two minutes later, Mike came. She stopped the clock at two minutes and forty-five seconds. She went to the bathroom and used a mouthwash and returned.

Mike put his robe on and went and sat in the chair.

When Ashley came out she sat down in the bed and asked for a minute to compose herself. Her legs were spread enough to allow me to fantasize. By the time she was ready I was almost there.

"Ready John?" She asked.

"Sure Ashley." I went over to her and she hit the clock.

I started to kiss her and removed her robe in one motion. She released my belt and started to hug me. She felt my cock press into her tummy. Her eyes shot open and looked down. She dropped to her knees. "Oh, my god!" She managed before she gulped my cock into her mouth and started to play with my balls. Thirty seconds of this and she was rewarded with more cum in her mouth then she could swallow. But she tried.

When she hit the clock it was one minute and forty-three seconds and she was about 20 seconds late.

She explained to Mike. "It was my fault that I hit the clock late, he actually did it in about one minute and twenty-three seconds."

Mike tried to hide his pleasure, but smiled. "Ok, we trust you Ashley." Then trying to look disappointed.

Ashley came back and was still caressing my cock. After she got a rise out of me she remembered that there was more to follow and she went to the bathroom again.

She came out and lay on the bed. "Mike let me know what you want to do, but the clock starts when you enter me, ok?"

Mike went over to the bed and started to lick her pussy.
"I need to get you wet." Mike explained.

After five minute and forty-one seconds on the clock, Mike finished.

Ashley came once. She went to the bathroom and cleaned herself well. She came out and said. "I'm ready whenever you are John."

"Mike, do me a favor and get her ready for me please."
Mike looked at me then went down on her again. I went to the head of the bed and presented my cock to her mouth. She greedily took it into her mouth. When I was fully erect I told Mike,
"Mike please move. If you want more go to her mouth, please."
Mike did.

I started to enter her pussy slowly an inch at a time. I was fully in her after about five minutes. She started the clock. She came at least twelve times before I finished. I took her first in missionary position, and then I turned her on her side and entered her from the rear side. I moved her onto all fours. I entered her in doggie position and thumbed her asshole. Mike came three more times in her mouth. As I changed positions Mike followed her mouth. After about an hour of slow steady fucking I increased my pace and came. She just lay there, not moving. I told Mike. Take her ass. He did. I went and showered.

After Mike finished in her ass, she came back to the living. She climaxed with Mike in her ass. Then Mike and Ashley took showers and Mike called Carrie.

All I heard Mike say on the phone was for Carrie to bring a change of clothes and an overnight bag.

Twenty minutes later there was a knock on my door. I answered it and escorted Carrie to the living room.

"Are you ok?" Carrie asked Ashley.

"Oh my god, Yes. Thanks Sis. I didn't know how much I missed being with a man." Ashley said.

"Well, I guess you won fair and square. Here are the car keys, Mike. See you on Monday." Carrie said as she kissed him good bye. From her reaction, she tasted her sister on Mike's lips.

"Tastes like you had a good time." Carrie said making a face.
Mike blushed.

Mike helped Ashley to her feet and escorted her out of the house.

I was alone with Carrie. She was nervous and was shy.

I showed her to the master bedroom, which I had stripped of the bedding and put new bedding on the bed.

"We will be sleeping here this weekend. Please make the bed so that you will feel comfortable in it." I smiled. "Relax, I am not a monster. I will be kind and gentle with you. You are to beautiful to be treated badly."

She smiled and went into the bedroom and closed the door. I waited for her to come out. An hour later the door opened and she came out in a very sexy negligee.

I smiled. "Very nice, beauty and class. Thank you."

She smiled shyly.

"Please come sit with me." I said.

She sat next to me, but nothing of hers touched me.

I moved a little closer to her and my PJ covered legs touched against her negligee. She stiffened.

"Was Mike your one and only?" I asked.

"Yes, we were high school sweethearts."

"I think that you will find that being with a different male will be a very enjoyable experience. My body is different then Mike's and you will experience new and enjoyable feeling that your body is not used to feeling. You will be stretched and feel sensations in parts of your body that have never been touched. I am sure that you will enjoy it. Be patient and try to enjoy this opportunity."

"Thanks, John. I'll try."

I started to caress her smooth black hair and brought it to my nose and smelled it. "I love the smell and touch of your hair. These senses are all new to me and very exciting."

Her breathing began to increase in depth and frequency. I picked up her hand and brought it to my lips and kissed it. Caressing her fingers with mine.

"Your hand is so petite and soft, even your hand is sexy. I can't wait to feel it caressing my manhood."

She took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh.

"Do you prefer word like breasts as opposed to tits?" I asked.

"What ever you like, I like either." She said.

"Good. The old saying about wanting a proper woman for a wife with company and a slut in bed is true. Are you as slut in bed for your husband?" I asked.

"I try to be, but it is so difficult. I love him so much."

"What you and I are going to be doing is not love, but sex. You can try whatever you want with me. I will only think better of you for it. I am sure that Mike would want you to be a slut for him to, when you are having sex, not love."

"Do you think so?"

"Oh, yes. You have a pussy between your legs. Most men want to touch it with all of their body and want you to touch them with all of your body. I don't love you, but I would gladly lick your asshole, pussy, feet or any other part of you that you want licked. It is pure sex and lust. You should feel the same. My body is flesh and blood just like yours. My cock in your cunt was made to be together. Any cock in your cunt should feel right. Sex is not love."

"So even a ten year-old boy should feel good then?"

"That's right. Any stimulation there should feel good."

"I don't believe that."

"Remember the last time you doubted me?"

"Yeah, that's why I'm here."

"Still doubt me?" I asked.

"Yeah about a young boy. I do."

"Think about it. I have to go to the bathroom." I went to the bathroom and called Mike. Then my nephew Donald, he was ten. I asked him to come to my house tomorrow, with Mike's permission.

When I came out I sat next to Carrie. I kissed Carrie a very polite kiss no open mouth or tongue. I kissed her a few times this way trying to get her to open her mouth and start to become the aggressor. After a few minutes, she started to open her mouth a little, still waiting for me to lead her. I didn't. I could feel the heat of her body against me and she started to breathe deeper again. I moved my face away from her and brushed her lips with my index finger. She closed her eyes and kissed my finger. I reach down my PJ's and got the fluid off of the tip of my cock on the finger and coated her lips with it. Her eyes open to the smell.

"What was that?" She asked.

I said. "What was what?"

"That smell?"

"I don't smell anything."

She licked her lips and shrugged.

I smelled her neck and shook my head and shrugged.

She unconsciously continued to lick her lips.

I returned my index finger to her lips and she opened her mouth a little and licked my finger. I pressed my finger gentle into her mouth and she played with it with her tongue. I kissed her neck and her ear as she sucked on my finger.

I whispered into her ear softly. "Let yourself go. I won't be telling Mike what we do together. Do anything that you've always wanted to try. This may be your last chance to make Mike happy. He is doing all of this for you. He is madly in love with you, and I think he believes you need some help in learning."

She sighed around my finger. She put her hand in my hair and turned my face to hers and showed she wanted to kiss me. I removed my finger and leaned into her lips. Her mouth opened and she started to kiss me. I played with my tongue on her lips and she responded by brining her tongue into play with my tongue and lips. Her arms went around my shoulders and she pressed her tits against my chest. I placed my hands on her side and cheated up under her arms, with my thumb making contact with the sides of both tits. She turned a little to one side so that my thumb went moving toward her nipple. Her one hand came up behind my head and caressed my hair as she pressed my mouth down on her mouth. Holding the kiss I stood and brought her to her feet with me. I pressed my right leg between her legs and my one hand slide down to her ass. I press my now erect cock against her tummy. When she felt me hard against her, her eyes opened wide. I whispered, relax. I won't hurt you. She gulped. I smiled. I started to caress her back and ass holding her close to me as I continued to kiss her. She began to get excited as I guided her hip so that her pussy slid against my thigh. With the negligee on her body, her pussy slid over the silk and created friction against her pussy and she really started to get into her sliding motion. I found the button to her Negligee and unbuttoned it. I guided it off of her shoulders and it slid to the floor. She had a matching black bra and panties. They were totally transparent. They appeared to be made of a lace pattern that allowed one to see right through to the flesh in some places. Her pink nipples show teasingly through the bra. I went for the bra hooks and unhooked the bra. I moved the straps off of her shoulders, but the bra remained in place. Her tits pressing against my chest held it in place.

"Remove my top" I said. She reached down and pulled it over my head, as she did her bra fell to the floor. She quickly pressed into my chest again.

I slid my hands inside of her lace panties and held each ass cheek in my hands. Caressing and squeezing them. I whispered.

"Your breasts feel wonderful against my chest. I can feel your nipples standing out hard against me. Your ass is so smooth and firm. You are really in very excellent shape. I want to see your pussy now, is that all right with you?" I asked.

"Oh, yes." she whispered into my ear. "Please, I want you to see me naked."

I released her and dropped to my knees. I put my thumbs inside of her panty waistband and looked up into her eyes. Her eyes were half-closed in passion. Her mouth was open, as she sighed and breathed heavily. I guided her panties down her legs to the knees and then released them. They descended to her feet unassisted. She stepped out of them by holding on to my shoulders. My eyes never left her face. She licked her lips. I brought my head down and stared directly at her cunt. I leaned in and kissed her mound. Her body moved as if confused. Both pulling away and pressing forward at the same time. She was afraid, but her body liked what it felt. I stood up and kissed her again. She pressed her hip into mine and kissed me passionately.

"Now it's your turn. Please remove my bottoms and don't be afraid. I won't hurt you." I whispered.

She looked me in the eyes. Her eyes looked up into my eyes and she smiled. "Ok."

"Remember, if you want to do something, just do it." I smiled.

She bent down on to her knees and unsnapped the pj bottoms. She could see the outline of my cock. She guided the pj's down my legs, but her eyes never left my cock as her mouth opened in surprise at what she saw. I stepped out of the pj's and she stared at my cock. Her hands went to my thighs to support her balance. I placed my one hand on the side of her face. This distracted her and she looked up.

"Don't worry. It is there for your pleasure, not pain. I will take it slow and easy, giving you plenty of time to adjust. Trust me, you will like it." I smiled as I caressed her cheek.

She stood up and pressed into me. She felt my cock, come in direct contact with her mound and she shivered at the contact.

"Wow! That is huge!" She said looking into my eyes.

I smiled. "Just remember, slow and easy in the beginning. After you get used to it, you will really enjoy its size. Remember Ashley handled it without any problems."

"Ok." She smiled.

"What a beautiful face you have." I kissed her again and her passion rekindled. This woman had some very oral tendencies. She loved to be kissed and sucked on. She apparently also liked to kiss and suck on her mate, as well. I think that once she has tried it, she will be extremely oral with Mike.

I walked her to the bedroom. She lay down in the middle of the bed on her back. I lay at her side. My left hand went to her soft black hair on her head and caressed it. I traced my finger over her face, her forehead to her eyes, her eyes to her nose, her nose to her lips. I caressed her cheeks and moved to her ears and neck. I looked down her body from her neck to her feet and back up again.

"What a magnificent body you have. I would love to kiss and lick every inch of your body." I said returning to her face.

She did a full body blush. "Thank you."

"No, thank you."

My hand went from her neck down to her tits. I circled the tit, where the swelling ended on her chest. I play a figure eight with her tits with my index finger. She started to close her eyes again in excitement. Her chest arched into my fingers.

"I love you hair. The softness and smoothness of it and the smell, they are enough to excite me. If you were the test person, rather then your sister, I may have lost this bet." I smiled. "Any man to have you, is indeed one of the luckiest men alive."
She just smiled and blushed.

I continued to circle her tits and began to slowly close on her nipple with my finger. I kissed her forehead and followed the route that my finger had previously taken, stopping at her neck. By now my finger had reached the edge of her nipple. I stuck my finger into her mouth and she sucked on it. I removed my finger and returned to her nipple. I spread her saliva around one nipple and gradually got to the middle. I squeezed her nipple between my index finger and thumb and pulled it away from her and allowed it to slip through my fingers. As her nipple snapped back her tit vibrated. I smiled and did it a few more times. Her eyes were focused on her nipple and the manipulations I was doing with them.

Her hand slowly crept down her body to come into contact with my cock. On first contact, I jerked and smiled, closing my eyes. Her eyes shot to my face and then she wrapped her hand around my cock. Her hand could not close on both sides of my cock. She slowly started to move the foreskin up and down. Her eyes focused on what she was doing as I continued to manipulate her tits. I leaned in and started to lick her belly up to her breasts. I circled her alveoli with my tongue and then licked her nipples. Her grip tightened on me as she arched her chest into my mouth. I licked her nipples for a few minutes, then covered her right nipple with my mouth as my hand compressed her tit that I was sucking on. She started to moan and undulated her hip. Her hand on my cock was becoming sporadic in her pumping of me. She was becoming very excited. I continued working her tits. Her hand came to my head and gently pushed my head down.
Well, I thought. It looks like she might be ready to be licked between her legs. I reversed position with my head down toward her feet as I let my finger continue down her body to her belly button. I started to lick her belly button, then over her ovaries. My fingers went to her thighs and pressed them out. She spread her legs in a wide beaver. I ran a finger up and down her slit from as far between her legs as I could reach then back to her clit. Her hip lifted to try to get my finger inside of her. I was on my side, as I looked up at her. My cock was about a foot from her mouth. She was studying it with her eyes and hands. I pulled her ass cheek causing her to lie on her side facing me. I lifted her one leg and again got her to spread her legs with one leg with her foot near her but and her knee straight up. I traced her pussy and then concentrated on her clit. My head was inched from her cunt. I stared to finger her cunt. As my finger slide into her, she moaned and released her grip on my cock. I slide my hip forward a few inches. I wasn't sure whether I should go down on her first or try to get her to start kissing or licking my cock first. I know if I got to lick her first, she would be lost to sucking on me, but if I let her go first, she may not be ready for it yet. So I started to finger fuck her and figured I'd play it by ear. Her hand returned to my cock and I started to thrust into her hand. Every once in a while the tip of my cock brushed her lips. She didn't retreat. I slide a little closer to her face. Now almost every thrust touched her lips. Her lips were becoming covered with my pre-cum. A few more thrusts and I felt her tongue as she licked her lips. I pressed forward and her lips opened and held my cock between her lips. I eased about four inches into her mouth and she started to explore my cock with her mouth. Success! I thought. She started to bob her head and play with my balls. I figured she did it once, she would do it again. She seemed really into it. I placed my mouth over her mound, as I fingered her cunt. My tongue gently touched her clit every so often. She had three orgasms on my tongue.

I was close to coming. "Carrie, I am coming, swallow what comes out!" I said.

She grabbed my cock with both hands and pressed as much of my cock into her mouth as she could. She didn't gag; it slid down her throat as I came. She didn't miss a drop. She continued to suck even after I was done.

"Ok, Carrie. Let me finish you now." I said.

"You have three times." She said.

"I know, but my turn to help you finish big."

I repositioned myself between her legs and started to eat her out, the way she deserved to be satisfied. When I concentrated on her, she was multi-orgasmic. She just built higher with each climax. After about ten minutes of licking her she passed out.
I rested in the bed with her; she cuddled up next to me as she slept.
A warm feeling around the head of my cock awakened me. Carrie had my cock in her mouth and was looking at my face when I woke up. I smiled.

"I guess you have decided that you like doing that?" I asked.

She shook her head, not taking her mouth off of my cock.
"Come for me, please." Carrie said. Returning to my cock.

After a few minutes of looking at her beautiful face full of my cock, I came. She swallowed every drop.

She crawled up my body and lay on me. Her thighs were on either side of mine. She rested her head on my chest. "John, you are so easy to be with, I don't even feel guilty."

"No need to feel guilty. Mike knows what we are doing and he is all right with it. As long as you go back to him when it's over."

"Oh, I will. I love Mike. But as you explained, this is pure sex between us. I have always wanted to give a guy a BJ, but I was afraid that Mike would think less of me for it."

"He won't. He loves you and anything that you want he will do to you or for you. Talk to him about what you want or need. He is a good husband." I said.

"Is your cock really going to fit in my pussy?" She asked.

"Easily, after you adjust. Just don't use things this big unless your spouse has one this big. You will stretch after a while of constant use."

"What is too much."

"Each couple differs, depends on both the guy and the girl."

"Oh, more experimenting?" She smiled.
"I have never heard a report being specific on this subject." I laughed.

"Thanks for saying all of those nice things about me, it made it a lot easier for me."

"I meant every word of it. You are beautiful and extremely sexy and fit. As I have said, thank you. So far, you have been one of the best woman that I have ever been with."

She kissed me. "Are you going to take my only virgin hole?"

"If you like." I will gladly do it for you."

"We'll see. I'm a little nervous about that one."

"I will not do anything that you don't want done. Please don't stop me from taking your cunt though. I have dreamed of that one."

"Never! I am dying to try to fit you into me." She giggled.

We got up and had breakfast nude.

After cleaning up, there was a knock on the door. Carrie ran to the bedroom and I donned my robe.

I answered the door and my nephew Donald was there. "Come on in Donald. You just follow my lead. Don't say anything about why you're here."

"K Uncle."

We went and sat down by the TV and he turned on some cartoons.

"I went into the bedroom and told Carrie that my nephew was here. I asked Mike if I could bring him over when you’re here and he said that I could."

"Why John?" Carrie asked.

"Well, Donald is a very experienced kid, actually. I usually use him to take my girlfriends ass virginity. He is the right size and loves it. When he is done with you, I can take you. He is very young, but very grown up for his age. He is very discrete. It's up to you though." I said.

"Mike is all right with this?"

"Yes, I spoke to Mike about it and he said whatever I thought was best, as long as you agreed."

"Will Mike know about him coming here?"

"Mike dropped him off. But he need not know whether Donald took part or not. That is up to you."

"Can I think about it?" Carrie asked.

"Of course, come out and meet him. You'll like him." I said.

"How should I dress?" Carrie asked.

"From naked to fully clothed. He is used to seeing my girlfriend naked."

"Ok, give me a few minutes."

I went outside and invited Donald to have some breakfast. We sat in the kitchen and Carrie came out there after a while. She was dressed in a robe and pj's.

When she walked into the kitchen, Donald said. "Wow! You are beautiful."

"Why thank you." Said Carrie impressed.

"Carrie this is Donald, Donald this is Carrie."

They shook hands.

"So what grade are you in Donald?" Carrie asked.

"Sixth grade." Said Donald.

"And how old are you?"

"Ten, almost eleven."

"Have you got any girlfriends?"

"I don't have a girlfriend yet, but I have been with girls."

"Oh, a little man already?"

"In some things, yes. In others, waiting for the opportunity."

"In what things are you a little man?" Carrie asked.

Donald looked at me for a hint.

"If you ask him a question the answer might surprise you." I said.

"So, surprise me. I've learned a lot this weekend, so far. Nothing would shock me now, and I am going to learn as much as I can this weekend."

"Tell her, Donald."

"I have fully service three grown women over 25 years old, for three days. Anything they wanted I did for them and they did to me. I loved it. They loved it and I look forward to helping other women that may need it. I go to the doctors every month and I am healthy. I do it for fun, not money."

Carrie's mouth hung open.

"Don't be so surprised. We have girls the same age in this town doing their fathers, mothers and their friends. We have everything a big city has. Still sure you want to learn this weekend?" I said.

"I do want to learn, I'm just not sure I could do it." Said Carrie.

"Remember what I told you. Your body doesn't care who is doing what to you as far as sex is concerned. You will not love Donald and he will not love you. It is just plain sex. What form of sex excites you the most?" I asked.

Carrie hesitated. "I guess kissing and being fingered." She blushed.

"Carrie kiss Donald." I suggested.

She looked nervous.

"Just kiss him. Donald, take it very slow, ok?"

Donald looked at Carrie and smiled. "She is so pretty, it will be hard, uncle."

Carrie smiled.

"Carrie go sit on the couch, Donald go brush your teeth."

Carrie went and sat on the couch. I followed her. "Trust me."
Donald returned in a few minutes. He went to the couch and kneeled next to Carrie on the couch. He breathed softly on her face.

Carrie smiled, his breath smelled great and she could smell his body was clean.

Donald sniffed and he smiled. "I love the smell of your hair." He ran his hands through it and smiled. "It is so soft and clean. There are no tangles in it." He cocked his head as he continued to run his hands through her hair.

I saw Carrie relax a bit.

He placed his small hands on her cheeks and turned her face to him. He explored her face with his eyes, cocking his head to the side to get a better look at her face. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

Carrie couldn't believe that this young boy was starting to cause her body to begin reacting to his mannerisms. He hugged her. She hugged him back.

"You are so beautiful." He whispered.

Carrie sighed. Carrie felt her nipples against his chest and they were reacting to the contact. He pulled his face back and looked into her eyes and kissed her nose. As she smiled, he put his lips to her mouth. She felt his lips brush against her teeth. She opened her mouth to avoid hurting his lips on her teeth. She felt his tongue touch her teeth. She reacted by touching his tongue with hers. Her eyes closed and she began to enjoy the small mouth on hers. Her hands went to his small ass and pressed his hip into her.

She wanted to see what this little boy had in his pants.
The kiss broke and Donald moved away from her. Her eyes dropped to his shorts and she saw the shorts were tented, but she could see the size of him.

"So, what do you think? Do you think he could excite you?" I asked.

"He already has." Carrie giggled. "So do you have something worked out, or is each case different?" Carrie asked.

"No two people are ever the same, it is always different. I want you to finish him first, so he will not be so quick when he actually enters your ass. You can bring him off any way that you want to do it. It's your choice. But let's go to the bedroom for this. I have trained him in hygiene and his body is totally clean. You can suck or lick any part of his body if you want to do it."

When we got into the bedroom Donald stood by the bed.

"You have to tell him what to do, like strip, undress me, lie on the bed, bend over and hold your feet, whatever you want. You control how you wish to bring him off." I told Carrie.

"Any suggestions?" Carrie asked.

"Sure, Donald remove your sneakers and socks then go stand by Carrie." I said.

I whispered some things to Carrie and she smiled and said. "Ok, that sounds reasonable."

After removing his shoes and socks, Donald went and stood in front of Carrie. He removed his shirt and undershirt. She stripped his shorts off and then removed his under shorts. His cock was just starting to rise. She ran her hands over his body and was actually enjoying the experience.

"Please lie on the bed, Donald."
He did as instructed. She took hold of his cock and said. "Wow. You are quite impressive." She stroked it for about a minute then leaned in and took it into her mouth. Her hands went under his knees and put his legs over her shoulders. His asshole came into view. She was busy sucking his cock.

"Please lick my balls!" Donald requested.

Carrie released his cock and started to lick and suck his balls. She then slid her tongue into his asshole and jerked his cock faster. His hip lifted off of the bed and she then covered his cock with her mouth and sucked him the rest of the way through his orgasm. She was surprised when he unloaded a small amount of cum into her mouth. She savored it in her mouth before swallowing it.

"Wow, you can cum?" I didn't realize that."

"Wow, that was my first time. You are really hot!" Said Donald.

Carrie went back and started to suck his cock again.

"Sorry Carrie, maybe later. He has to prepare you for your anal event." I said.

Donald was in no rush, so I let her continue. I removed her clothes as she continued to suck Donald off again.

"Wow. I can see why women like young boys. It really different then with men, not better, but different." Said Carrie.

"Do you have any other surprises for me?"

"I don't discuss your session with me in front of others. That stays between only you me and the other participants." I said.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know." Carrie said.

I smiled. "Be patient."

"Please lie on your back." Instructed Donald.

Carrie looked at me then Donald and she did as instructed.
Her hands covered her pussy.

Donald smiled. "You do realize that when I take your ass virginity, you will be on all fours. I will see your pussy, ass and tits hanging between your legs. So there is no need to hide anything from me. Relax." He said with a smile. "You are beautiful all over."

"He is very comforting." Carrie said.

"I know, that is why he is here." I said. "Wise beyond his years."

"Now I get to explore your body." Donald said. He straddled her chest and bent to kiss her. He kissed her for a minute the slid up and placed his cock and balls between her tits and massaged himself between her tits.

She looked down interested in this new sensation. He was very good with what he did. Her nipples responded immediately and she was already getting wet between her legs. His cock was four inches long and about two inches around. Hs balls were tight against his body with very little hang. They could both be cupped in her one hand, without spillover. After about two minutes, Donald slid down her body so he could suck on her tits. This put his cock at the top of her pussy slit. He pressed the head of his cock between her pussy lips as he spent five minutes sucking on her tits. Her hips were moving against his cock, but due to the angle all she could do was rub off on his cock. When he finished with her tits he slid down and started to lick her cunt. Her hands went to his head and she came a few times.

"Ok, Carrie up in all fours, please." Donald said.
Carrie was totally ready to cum. She moved onto all fours very slowly. Donald positioned himself behind her and applied the KY jelly that I had handed to him. He caressed her ass cheeks for a minute, while working one then two fingers into her ass hole. He grabbed his cock and entered her pussy and humped that for about two minutes then pulled out and positioned his cock at her ass hole. He pressed forward and entered her ass hole to the balls. His balls slapped against her clit. He fucked her for five minutes. She climaxed twice. His fingers worked her clit the whole time that he was in her ass.

He pulled out and headed for the bathroom to clean up. Carrie just lay there groaning.

"My god I never thought that I could possible enjoy that. He was great."

"I keep telling you to trust me. I know what is the best for you." I said.

Donald came out in twenty minutes and came over to the bed and kissed Carrie. "Thank you, that was one of the best times that I have ever had. If you need my services, ask my uncle. Ok?"

"Thank you Donald. I really enjoyed myself too. If I need you, I will contact your uncle. Thanks for everything. Bye."

Donald left. I had called a cab for him and it had pulled up as he finished kissing Carrie.

"Now, What other surprises do you have in store for me?"

"The other surprises, I will not clear with Mike. You can if you wish. I will not. If you don't want Mike to know, then you have to tell him, not me. Understood?"

"But first, I need some relief and your pussy needs some real man cock."

"Ok, let me shower.'

She showered and returned to the bed that I had finished refreshing the bedding on.

"Can I take a nap for a few hours?" Carrie asked.

"Sure, I'll wait in the living room for you."

Three hours later, Carrie came out of the bedroom.

"Hi John are you ready for me?" Carrie asked.

"Always." I smiled.

"Now what are some of the other surprises? Before we begin?" She asked.

"I told you before. Do you have any thing you would like to try?
Old men, young, teen or old women, rape, gangbang, dogs, blacks, S&M or B&D. I can provide all that you want. Think about it while we enjoy ourselves."

"How old are the young girls?"

"I currently have between 8 to11 available, for females." I said.

"Do you have incest?"

"Yes, mother/son, father/daughter, brother/sister and other variations."

"Wow, I would have to think about that."

"Remember, this is your only opportunity to experience some of these. You and your husband have agreed to allow me complete control." I said.

"Ok, I understand."

She came over and kissed me.

We started to touch and kiss each other. She was becoming bolder and trying to do things that she was reluctant to do before. She surprised me when she rimmed me. I didn't think she was into that, but evidently she enjoyed it with Donald so she wanted to see if she would like it with older guys. It really seemed to turn her on. I of course, returned the favor and she really like doing and receiving. Under the disguise of a very shy and nervous woman was a slut just waiting to break out? She was becoming what every husband wanted a shy, modest, conservative wife in public and slut in bed. Lucky Mike!
Eventually I was poised between her legs with my cock in hand. I pressed the head of my cock against her pussy lips and I saw them separate and the head of my cock entered between her lips. I saw the ring around her pussy open and allow the tip of my cock to enter her hole. The orifice seemed to squeeze the tip of my cock. She was well lubricated and the rest of the head slipped easily inside of her. I pressed four inches into her and then stopped as she showed signs of needing time to adjust. I move back out and slowly back in. Her feet wrapped behind my butt and pulled me into her. I let seven inches into her, then withdrew again. On my next entry into her she took all ten inches and my balls bounced off of her ass.

"I think I can taste your cock!" She said with a smile and giggle.

"Please John do me! I need it all inside of me."

The first real thrust I made, I could feel the tip of my cock hit her cervix. It seemed to enter the mouth of her womb. I fucked her cunt for about twenty minutes, before she passed out. After five minutes of fucking her she was one big orgasm. I could not distinguish if she ever stopped, until she passed out. I pulled out and figured that she would be here for a while, no need for me to cum every time. I'm not a female. I have limits. I lay there with her and just held her and kissed her. She was hot and very beautiful. Best of all she was becoming very receptive to anything.

She awoke after about fifteen minutes and her body was already excited. She grabbed my cock and guided it into her cunt and she rode me this time. I came with her third orgasm. I liked this position with her because I could see my cock enter her and I could play with her tits and ass. I could also, see her facial expressions, they were super.

She rolled off of me and held my arm against her. She loved the physical contact and security.

After she got her breath she asked. "Old men? How old?"
"Forties, fifties, sixties and older if you like." I said.

"Really? Can they still get hard, the older ones I mean?"

"Not as hard as teens, but they can last forever and have better techniques."

"What about the difference with girls?"

"Younger receive better and you can enjoy their lack of knowledge, teens you can lick all day, older give and receive, better. They are adjustable, if you want to receive more they are willing. I know three lesbians, but they will try to make you theirs."


"Yes. You can suck them and/or jerk them. They can fuck you in the cunt, ass or mouth. They can't get you pregnant. They come in all sizes. The first few times you should use a handler. He/she controls the dog."
"Some women like blacks, because they treat white women as sluts and degraded them. Not all are that way. They are very proud of their size, usually. They are usually very big."

"You said rape and gang bang?"

"Yes, with rape you are completely under their control. They can do anything that they want with you. Usually, they don't scar or mark your body permanently. They can have any of the above mentioned combinations to use or abuse you. Sometimes there is only one rapist. Gang-bang is a group of people; you chose age, sex, color and any other special groups. You dictate the methods and holes they can use. This is a very controlled form of rape, with rules. When you are done, you will be well fucked and won't do anything for a week. One other group falls into this, sort of. If you want all three holes used at the same time by different people, animals and possible both hands. Then they switch positions the one in one place moves to another place. This is a more controlled method of a gang-bang."

"People actually do these things?"

I smiled. "More often then you can imagine." I smiled.

"Wow! It all sounds so tempting, but scary. I might like to try some of the safer ones."


"Old men, girls, maybe a small dog and a controlled gang-bang. Can my face be hidden?"

"Sure. Anyway you want it. I can set it up so you can blow a group of guys and they would see your face. Or they can fuck your ass and pussy without seeing your face. But of course this will take me some time."

"Which one can you set up for this weekend?"

"Old men, girls and dogs. I may be able to take you to a porn place and you can service guys through a hole cut in the wall."


"Cunt, mouth or ass."

"She got an evil grin on her face. I always wanted to try that. Can we do that today?"

"Tonight if you like."


"Can you get an old man and a young girl?"

"I can get and old man and his grand daughter. She is very young.
I spoke to him and he said his granddaughter wants to learn about sex."

"Really? And she wants to?"

"She said she would like to have someone lick her pussy."

"She doesn't care whether it is a boy or girl?"

"I don't think so. If she wants, I'll do it for her."

"Ok cool."

I made the call and they came over right away. The girl was eleven. The grandfather was sixty-three.
I let them in and showed them to the living room. I knew the old guy for years. He liked young girls. I sometimes used him in the gang-bang scenes.

"So who is first?" I asked.

Jennie said. "Me please, that way you can all watch."

"Who would you like to do it for your Jennie?" I asked.

"Her, she is very pretty."

"Ok, let's go inside then." I said.

"Have you bathed recently Jennie?"

"Yes, just before I came here. I washed myself really well."


Jennie had a cotton dress on that came to her knees. She had the beginning of breasts and was a very pretty girl. She was a blond hair, blue eyed girl.

"Jennie, my name is Carrie. Sit in the bed, please."

"Ok." Jennie said as she sat on the bed.

Carrie was in a dress that came to her knees as well. But she didn't have panties on.

Carrie removed Jennie's shoes and socks. Lifted Jennie's dress and slid her panties off. I took them and noticed that they were wet already. I smiled. I gave then to grandpa and he sniffed them and licked them.

"Jennie please stand up." Carrie said.
Jennie stood and Carrie removed her dress. Jennie stood there in front of us naked.

Grandpa and I complimented her pretty body and cute little tits and cunt. Carrie ran her hands up and down Jennie's body tweaking her nipples as she did.

Jennie smiled and twisted away from the tweaks. "That feels funny."

Carrie positioned Jennie in the middle of the bed and had Jennie shoot us a beaver. The blond hair on her pussy, hide nothing from our eyes. Carrie spread Jennie's pussy lips with her fingers and made contact with Jennie's clit with her tongue. Jennie's legs flopped open like a frog, ready for dissecting. Her mouth hung open and her eyes stared of into the distance. Her tongue stuck out the side of her mouth in total relaxation. Carrie licked her from her ass hole to her clit and Jennie just lay there. I lifted Carrie's dress exposing her pussy to grandpa.

Grandpa kneeled between Carrie's leg and began to lick her cunt.
I took out my cock and walked to Jennie's face and brushed my cock across her lips. She opened her mouth and took the head of my cock between her lips and sucked and worked her tongue on my cock. Now Jennie started to arch her hip into Carrie's
face trying to guide Carrie's tongue to the good spot. I didn't move my cock in Jennie's mouth, for this was her time. Jennie was enjoying my cock in her mouth as she began to smile up at me as I feigned pleasure. That isn't to say that it didn't feel good, but I acted it up a little for Jennie.

Grandpa got to his knees and was about to position himself to enter Carrie, but I shook him off. I gestured to him letting him know, not to enter Carrie, but to rub her pussy lips with the head of his cock. He got the message and smiled. Grandpa grabbed his cock and began rubbing it between the cunt lips of Carrie. She moaned into Jennie's pussy, which caused Jennie to moan onto my cock. It was a chain reaction, but no one got hurt, we all smiled.

I saw that Jennie was starting to climax, so I removed my cock from her mouth and knelt close to her face and whispered to her.

"This is going to feel a little strange, sweetheart, but after you adjust to it, it will feel great and you will love it."

She turned her face to mine and smiled, a little unsure. I kissed her face all over trying to help her into her first orgasm. It worked as she kissed me back. I kissed my way down to her nipples and played with them as I spoke to her.

"Enjoy it Jennie. Let yourself go. Feel the pleasure of Carrie's mouth on your body. Let your body do what it wants to do." Her hip pressed into Carrie's face and her hands went into Carrie's hair pressing Carrie's head into her cunt.

"Do you like Carrie's tongue licking your sweet wet cunt?"

"Oh, yes! It feels so good with Carrie's tongue inside of my cunt! Oh, Yes! Deeper, please! Yes, yes, yes, yes., yes!" Exclaimed Jennie.

Her first orgasm took control of her and her hip lifted Carrie's head as she pressed her cunt into Carrie's mouth. I pulled Jennie away from Carrie and nodded to grandpa. He entered Carrie swiftly, but gently.

I went down on Jennie, as I positioned her hip at the side of the bed and placed her legs over my shoulders. I licked her ass and pussy going from one to the other. Her hands went to my head and pressed my head into her sweet little cunt. My hand went between her legs and played with her cunt and asshole. She came again on my tongue. When Jennie came down a little, I pressed the head of my cock just inside of her cunt, it slide in rather easily, she was very excited and I was sure she had used either a hairbrush or dildo before. She was not as innocent as Grandpa believed her to be.

"Who has been in our pussy before?" I asked her.

"No one just my mom's fake dick. It's big and black." Jennie said.

"I think she misses dad, a lot."

"Well, maybe we can help her, what do you think?"

"Um, she doesn't know grandpa wants to fuck her. Maybe we can talk mom into it?"

I smiled. "Maybe?" I said. I didn't try to enter her any further, she was still very tight. I circled my hip keeping my entry into her at a minimum. The hip action was stretching her, so entry into her would be easy, but she needed a smaller cock inside of her for her first time. Too bad that Donald had left. Oh well, I thought another day, will have to suffice.

After Jennie came on my cock again, I pulled out and we watched Grandpa and Carrie for a while, then I took Jennie down and we had some lunch. Grandpa came down an hour later and sat with us and had something to eat. Carrie was napping again.

"So Grandpa, I understand that your daughter is in need of some cock, what's the story?"

Grandpa looked at Jennie, then me. "Since when?" He asked.

"Grandpa, since daddy is on the road all of the time, she is using a fake, cock to fuck herself. I peeked at her and she is making believe it is you doing it to her."

"Why didn't she ask?" Grandpa said.

"I don't know? I asked you when I wanted help." Said Jennie.
"I guess, but you're a young girl. Older girls have more hang ups then younger ones." Smiled Grandpa. "I take care of it, Jennie."

We all showered downstairs and Jennie and her grandpa left.
Carrie woke about two hours later and came downstairs for something to eat. I sat with her and asked her. "So how do you like grandpas."

She gave me a great big smile. "Better then the hurry up way that younger men rush through sex. I loved it. I think all women should have a grandpa lover once a week and a teen once a week. They should also have a young girl join them once a week with a guy, either young or old."

"I'm very happy to see that you are a healthy woman and really enjoy having sex. I hope you're ready for tonight?"

"I am! I bet every woman alive has dreamed of this. Why don't more women try it?" She asked.

"Fear. Most woman would love to try it, but who can they trust." I said.

"I guess that I am lucky to have Mike and a friend like you." Carrie said.

"Thank you. I hate to blow my own horn, but you are correct."

"Leave your horn alone, I blow it for you?"

I smiled. "Anytime, as long as Mike doesn't mind."

"Oh, I meant that I will pass the word to my friends, but I will gladly blow your physical horn any time that you want me to do it." She giggled.

"Guess, I was thinking of how well you do it. But yes on both counts, I would appreciate it."
Carrie bathed and we got ready to leave. I had her wear sweat pants and brought a change of clothes and two towels, one to kneel on and one to clean up. I also had her bring baby wipes and tissues. Most booths in a porn place have tissues and a waste paper basket in the booths, but I wanted to be sure. Some of those places can be messy. I called ahead and asked a friend of mine that ran the place to secure a booth and clean it well before I got there. He knew what I was up to. He told me to see him when I arrived. He would assure the anonymity of my guest. I requested a booth near the back entrance with a booth on both sides with sliding panels, that way if she wanted she could suck and be fucked at the same time. My friend arranged it.
We left for the Porn Palace at around eight o'clock. I parked around back and told her to lock the doors. I had a van with shaded windows, no one could see inside of it. I went in the front door and Frank was there. He handed me two keys, one for the back entrance and one for the locked booth. I smiled and went out the front door and went to the back. I told Carrie that when I waved her in she should get out and head for the booth. Go into the both and lock the door. I would join her in a few minutes. I told her that I have the key to the booth. Relax, no one could get in with her. I opened the rear entrance and then the booth. I checked around then went to the rear and waved her in. She ran to the booth and locked it. I went out the back, locked my van, reentered the rear of the Palace. Locked the rear door. I went to the front and gave Frank the nod. He smiled and close the one side so all traffic came to our side. A red light over our booth door indicated it was occupied. This would attract guys looking for help with getting relief.
I went into the booth and joined Carrie. She was a bit nervous so I had her sit in my lap and relax. We heard the door on the booth to our right open and close. I waited a few minutes then had her slide the door between the booths open. A cock and balls appeared through the opening. It was average size and clean looking, it had a soapy smell. I nodded to Carrie and she went for it with gusto. Within a minute, she was rewarded with a cum mouthwash. She swallowed it all. The guy withdrew and then the booth on the left was occupied. Carrie turned and opened the sliding door. Another average cock and balls came through the hole in the booth. She immediately began to suck on it. The booth on the right became occupied. I opened the sliding door. I turned Carrie's hip toward this door took her hand between her legs and pulled her pants and panties to her feet. I guided her hand to the cock and she pressed it into her cunt. She had one in her mouth and one in her cunt. I massaged her tits for her. She was fucked twice in her cunt and three times in her ass. She blew ten guys. I rejected three with no action for hygiene.
She closed the last door and said. "That's it for me for now." I turned the occupied light out. I left locked the door and checked the area, when clear I escorted her to the van. I returned inside and gave Frank the keys.

"Thanks John. She was great."

"Hope you enjoyed it."

"Oh, I did twice."

I left by the front door and returned to the van.
She was talking non-stop all the way home about how great it was and how she had always wanted to do something like that.
I drove her back to my house and she headed for the bathroom to clean up. She went directly to bed. She was worn out from the evening's fun.

I was up at around 8:00 o'clock. I was expecting one of my contacts to come with her three dogs. She did this service gratis for me since it usually provided a client for her and her service. I went to the door when I heard the knock.
I opened the door and Lynne and her three dogs were there. I invited them in and she put the dogs in the cellar. It was cooler there and more comfortable for her pets. We sat down and had some coffee and donuts. She usually brought donuts when she came. We talked about the prospective client and she seemed impressed with my progress with her over just two days.

"Do you think that she really wants to do it with dogs?" Lynne asked.

"It's a tough call. That will depend on her hubby. She will be willing to try it. I think if your boys do a good job, she might be able to get hubby interested. If you're not opposed to being licked or sucking the hubby, you may be able to convince her and hubby. Depends on pleasing hubby. I'm sure the boys will please her." I said.

Lynne got a gleam in her eyes. "Sounds good to me. Please my boys and myself in one shoot. You say the wife is hot looking?"

"Very beautiful. I bet very photogenic as well. But save that for another time. I don't need the hubby mad at me. Got it?"

"Of course John. I never screw with my contacts, unless they want it." She smiled.

"No thank you. I'm doing this as a favor to the both of them. I'm not really in the business of procurement." I smiled.

"Picky, picky!" Lynne smiled.

Lynne had a pretty face and a small set of tits. She had an hourglass figure, thin, but very attractive body. If she were not involved with bestiality, I might have given her a ride. But I, myself, am not into cross species.

Carrie had awakened and I heard the bathroom shower running and the flushing of the commode. I went into the room and told her that we had female company and that she had brought her canines with her.

"Great, do I need to dress any particular way?"

"I suggest a short cotton dress with nothing on underneath. Come out when you're ready."

"I'm famished, could you cook me some eggs, bacon and toast, please?"

"Sure, it will be waiting for you."

I went out and invited Lynne into the kitchen. "Lynne want something to eat?" I asked.

"Ok, how about some eggs, bacon and toast?"

"Coming right up. " I responded.

"I could get used to this real easily."

"Well, I don't mind it. Actually, I usually do my own cooking."

"Sort of like a bed and breakfast." Lynne smiled.

I acknowledged her pun with a smirk.

Carrie came down just as I set the both plates out for the ladies to eat. "Carrie this is Lynne, Lynne this is Carrie."

"Wow John you are correct she is very beautiful." Said Lynne.

"Thank you John and you also Lynne." Blushed Carrie.

"Sit and eat, while it's hot." I said.

The both ladies dug in to the meal and scarified it down like two starving women.

"That was delicious, John. If you ever open up a house for wayward girls, let me know!" Said Lynne.

'She's right John. This is great. I admit it is only breakfast, but it is perfect." Carrie added.

"Thank you ladies. I try to do everything as well as I can."

I went to the guest bathroom and provided Lynne with a toothbrush and told her where the bathroom supplies were.
Both of the ladies made use of the bathrooms and returned to the Kitchen. I had just finished eating and told Lynne, "While I clean up, why don't you introduce Carrie to the boys."

"Good Idea John. If you're ready Carrie?" Lynne asked.

"I guess. Might as well see if I like it."

I headed for the master Bathroom and took care of myself. When I finished, I went to the cellar and Carrie was sitting on a sofa with a set of towels under her ass and her dress hiked up above her waist and a very small dog licking between her legs. Her eyes were rolled back into her head. Her hip was lifted off of the couch and trying to get the doggie tongue deeper into her snatch. I just stayed out of the way. It looked like Lynne had the situation well under control. Needless to say all three dogs got their rocks off and Carrie became a three-hole bitch. She still hadn't had three holes at one time. That was the finally for tonight, a controlled gang bang.

When Lynne finished with Carrie, they exchanged phone numbers and Lynne left with her three pets. Carrie proceeded to the bathroom and cleaned up.

When she came out, she was tired and just lay around on the sofa watching the TV.

After lunch, Carrie asked me. "What was next!"

"Only one other thing that I have planned for you. I have eight gentlemen arriving at around two o'clock. They are here to fulfill your gang bang fantasy. You will have all three holes and both hands full of cocks this afternoon. They are between the ages of 15 and 64. They will use every hole that you have as often as they want to. You have no say in which they use or how often they use it. Understood?" I explained.

"You will be here correct?" Carrie asked.

"Of course, no one will hurt you. All of the guys are from out of town so you will not know them and they will not know you. Do not give any of them your personal information. I stress this. They may try to set something up with you, I strongly advise against it. I know that they can be trusted and all are healthy, but any male would like a second chance with you. Don't do it!"

"Ok, John. I promise."

"If you need something of this nature again, speak with Mike. If he agrees, I can set it up for the both of you. Don't jeopardize your marriage."

"Understood, and I agree with you." Carrie said.

The guys arrived at between 1:30 and 2:00, as instructed. I required them to shower and don terrycloth bathrobes. I kept Carrie in the master bedroom. The guys had done similar things for me before, so they knew the rules. There were two young teen boys, they of course would use her back door before the other, so she could begin to adjust to the double entry more easily. When everyone arrived. I brought both of the teens in first. One went down on her and she sucked the other one. After a few minutes, they switched positions. When I felt she was ready, I applied some KY to her ass hole and had the bigger guys lay on his back as she sat on his cock. She leaned forward and kissed the boy as the second entered her ass. They started to service her. I went out and brought the other six men into the room. I pointed at one and he dropped the robe and went to her face. She saw the cock and engulfed it with her mouth. The next two guys I directed to each of her hands. She now was servicing five cocks at once. The boys came and the other guys replaced them. The guys started to switch positions. Carrie was climaxing continuously. One would stop and another would start. After each guy came one time they each took her individually. No one was allowed to enter her ass and then her cunt, until they washed their cocks off thoroughly.

Carrie handled it like a pro. After about four hours of constant fucking, the guys went and showered as they finished. The teens were the last to leave. Carrie lay there for ten minutes, before she got up and showered. She cupped her cunt and ass as she went to the bathroom to prevent dripping all the way to the bathroom. She came out a half and hour later. Mike was due in about an hour to pick her up. I hope he didn't expect any tonight. Although, knowing Mike, he was with Ashley all weekend. Carrie was totally wasted. To move was and effort.

"So Carrie, how was it?" I asked.

"Oh my god, I have never felt anything quite like it. It was great! I have a feeling that Mike and I may be needing your services again." Carrie smiled.

"You have to go through Mike. I will not do anything for either of you without the others consent." I said.

"I really enjoyed the teens. They are so hard and never seem to tire. The real old guys are great too. They aren't as hard, but they sure know how to use what they have and it just keeps building with them. One of the reasons that I like the teens is because they never stop cumming. I can drink their cum all day and never get enough." Carrie said.

"Is all of your stuff packed?" I asked Carrie.

"Yes, thanks John. This was one of the best weekends of my life. I hope that you had some fun?"

"I had all the fun that I needed. This wasn't for my benefit, but I did enjoy a lot of it with you. Thank you for the opportunity to be with you."

At eight o'clock on the button there was a knock on my door. I answered it and Mike came in with Ashley. "So John, how was everything?" Mike asked.

"I believe that you have awakened a monster in your wife. I hope you can handle it?" I smiled.

"Thank you John. I brought Ashley, because I figured that Carrie may need some help."

"Good call. I think Carrie will sleep tonight."

Ashley and Mike walked in and went over to Carrie.

"So Sis, Are you very tired?" Ashley asked.

"More then I thought was possible without passing out." Said Carrie. "I hope you have satisfied Mike for tonight. I couldn't possible do anything more tonight."

"I'll stay the night if you like. That way you can get some rest." Ashley smiled.

"Great, but tomorrow, I think Mike may not make it to work on Wednesday." Carrie smiled.

The three picked up Carrie's overnight and headed out. I went and cleaned up the house and bundled the laundry for the service and went to bed.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-03 18:43:24
Awesome. What a great boss and friend.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-19 19:00:52
Very good more description needed but very good.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-07-23 01:54:19

anonymous readerReport 

2013-12-10 08:39:39
A where do I sign up! I want everything she experienced. Well, I have already been fucked by my Great Dane and it is incredible. I live his doggy cock and balls.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-05-01 13:58:10
That was horrible!!!!! My five year old writes better than that.

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