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Night at EZ's
Thirty minutes into Friday, Tina was sitting in
Razor's parked SUV just outside his strip club, EZ's.

An enormous wave of anxiousness washed over her as she
stared at the blinking lights that encircled the
building; she studied the entrance, the Budweiser beer
banners, and the large, well-lit marquee that promised
the "most beautiful women in town". Looking down at
herself, the teenage girl could only sarcastically
think, Women?

Razor was on his cell phone. From what the girl could
gather he was speaking to one of his partners, but she
wasn't exactly sure what the conversation was about.
He'd been pretty quiet to her for the last ten minutes
or so, ever since she'd finished giving him a blowjob.

She sighed and looked away. She couldn't believe her
behavior, and was afraid of what she was becoming. She
looked out toward the club again and, for the
hundredth time since getting into Razor's SUV, wished
she had cancelled when she'd had the chance. After
leaving Joey's, she had almost done just that.

After returning from the 12-year-old's, she had taken
her third shower that day. It'd been a numb shower.
Her body and her mind had been numb and her parting
words to Joey, that she was "no good", had swum around
in her brain, unwilling to let go. She'd stood under
the hot stream of water for what seemed like forever,
her young mind unable to focus on anything clearly.
And after finishing she had gone out to her bedroom,
dripping wet and completely naked, and had picked up
the phone.

But she hadn't dialed the number. After listening to
the dial tone for some time, she had slowly put down
the receiver, dried off and gotten dressed.

She had decided to wear the nicest dress she owned,
one that she had purchased the year before for the
homecoming dance. She felt odd wearing it now. That
night had been her first date with Leon. Things had
been so much different! Everything in her life had
been so much different.

But the dress hadn't changed much, though Tina thought
it felt smaller than she remembered. Perhaps she'd
grown a bit. It was a red, slinky long-sleeved v-cut
dress which stretched around her petite young body to
about five inches below her panties. It was a simply
styled, nylon fabric dress which highlighted her
slender neck and tight small body. The sleeves were
tight to about her elbows, then loosened up and flowed
around her wrists. Its length revealed the difference
in her size since its purchase: she didn't remember
having to push it down so much the year before! So
either the dress had shrunk, or she'd grown an inch or
two. It was hard to say.

After dressing she'd quickly done up her hair. The
dress didn't look right with her hair down, she'd
decided, so she decided to wear it up. She used her
brush to pull her blonde hair back and up, and then
had used a barrette to bunch it together near the top
of her head. This caused some loose strands to come
cascading down which she had quickly brushed around
her ears and down her neck, which Tina decided looked
pretty sexy: it was, after all, all the rage in
Hollywood! And for a final effect, she had pulled two
long strands of hair out near her temples so that they
hung down her face to either side.

After she finished, Tina had stared at her sad
expression in the mirror and realized that she was
looking pretty good. She actually looked great.

She hadn't had time to enjoy her new appearance long,
though. After applying a little make-up to cover up
what remained of her black eye, she had gone out to
the living room to wait because it was nearly time.

It was then that the 16-year-old had almost broken
down. What she'd told Joey an hour or so before had
come back to her with a vengeance: she was no good.
And perhaps tonight would seal that. She was, after
all, going to officially become a prostitute.

And then she saw Razor's large SUV pull up outside her
trailer and she'd known she was out of time. So she'd
simply grabbed her purse, turned off the lights, and
headed out to the truck.

Razor had whistled when she got into the truck. She
was feeling angry and had to force herself to thank
him after he complimented her for her appearance. And
a few moments after that, she had snapped at him when
he'd asked her if she was "excited" that she would be
making money soon.

"Oh, yeah," she'd said sarcastically. "I can't wait to
'ho myself out, it's been my lifelong dream."

Right after she'd said it she'd known it was a
mistake. Suddenly the truck lurched off to the side of
the road, and stopped. They had been coming up on the
exit to the freeway and were now parked on the
shoulder of a rather busy road.

"What the fuck did you just say?" he'd snapped after
the truck had stopped.

His tone was scary to the young girl, and it jolted
her out of her bitchy mood immediately. "N-nothing,"
she'd said.

He was staring at her, and he didn't look happy. "You
going to get a fuckin' attitude with me, now? That

She had shook her head and struggled to find words to
apologize as cars whizzed by on the road.

"Maybe you aren't ready," he said next. "Maybe you
need me to bring you the fuck home, to your shitty
little trailer, huh?"

"No, no," she'd stammered. His sudden anger had been
unexpected, as was the threat of taking her home. He
seemed like he meant it.

"No, fuck you," he'd spat. "I'm taking you home. You
acting like a spoiled little brat isn't what I need.
You're wasting my time."

Then he'd thrown the truck into reverse, spun out
insanely fast, back onto the busy road, and sped away
the way they had come.

"NO!" Tina had cried, tears welling up in her eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Fuck you," he'd said. "I shoulda known you were too
young for this."

"I'm not too young!" she'd sobbed. "I'm so sorry, I'll
be better, I need this, please!"

Silence followed for a moment as she sobbed. For the
first time since leaving Joey's she felt like herself
again, as if the fog she'd been in had lifted. And she
found herself scared, and upset, and desperate: how
would she get the money for Saturday now?

Then, to her huge relief, the truck had once again
pulled over and stopped. Tina, sniffling, had looked
up at him expectantly. He was still looking pissed.

"You gonna stop being a bitch?" he'd asked.

She nodded imploringly.

Then he had sighed, shook his head a moment, and said,
"Alright. I'll give you another chance. One last
chance. But don't you ever disrespect me like that
again or I'll send you packing, you hear?"

She had nodded as relief welled up through her. "I
will, I won't, I swear," she had stammered.

More carefully this time, Razor had turned the truck
around again. Then he'd said, "Why don't you show me
you're mature enough for this, then? Show a little

Wiping away the tears from her eyes, she started to
ask, "What do you-," when she saw. He had pulled out
his dick from his jeans, and it was semi-hard.

Just as they pulled out onto the freeway she began to
go down on him.

It was an awkward angle to give a blowjob, and Tina
had found her ass sticking up behind her as she
struggled to give good head in the speeding SUV. This
hadn't seemed too bad to the young teenager, though:
after all, she had blown him before. Doing it with the
truck moving was just something new. At least he
wasn't angry anymore.

"That's good," he had encouraged her as she bobbed her
head up and down in his lap. "Suck me off, show me
you're sorry..."

She gave him the best blowjob she could, and had
frankly been relieved to have something to distract
her from her thoughts. She kept bumping her head into
the steering wheel at first but Razor didn't mind, and
it hadn't taken long for the girl to get a good rhythm
going. She bobbed her head in low, until her teeth
nearly touched his jeans zipper, then pulled back
while stroking his shaft with her small left hand. She
did this over and over, never quite able to deep-
throat at this angle, but causing him to sigh and
breath low above her all the same.

Once she really got going he had continued to
encourage her, each time sounding less angry than

"That's it, not bad, slower, faster..." he instructed.

She hung on his every word. She'd wanted to do the job
right, and it was actually turning her on blowing him
in the truck like this. Every time he said her name
she'd felt even more excited, until finally he was

When he turned on the dome light, Tina hadn't thought
much of it. Perhaps he'd just wanted to get a better
look at her. And then he'd suddenly said, "Okay, I'm
going to cum... keep it in your mouth but don't

She'd followed his instructions, and soon her mouth
was full of his warm sticky sperm. When he was done
cumming she pushed herself up and fell back into place
in the passenger's seat, wondering why she wasn't
allowed to swallow and feeling a breathless tingling
up and down her body.

Then Razor had said, "Look."

She looked. Riding side-by-side with the SUV was a
large semi-truck. The driver, an overweight black guy,
could clearly be seen staring down at her with a grin
on his face.

Struggling from surprise not to swallow, she had
turned to Razor, eyes wide.

"He's been watching for a while," Razor had explained.
"Does that piss you off?"

Tina was blushing at this point, but she shook her
head. In truth, it really didn't piss her off that
much. Instead, she found herself feeling somewhat...
excited! To be watched like that by a stranger was,
sexy, almost.

"I think he deserves something," Razor then said. "Why
don't you show him those small titties of yours?"

Tina blushed further. Her heart was racing by now in
excitement and embarrassment, but she realized that
she had to do what Razor suggested. This was obviously
some sort of test.

So the teenager had slowly sat up in her seat, turned
toward the large truck keeping pace with them, and
began unzipping her dress. When she finally looked up
at the man again his eyes were wide and he was
obviously having trouble keeping his truck under

At that point, Tina had smiled. She wasn't sure why:
perhaps it was because she felt in control somehow.
This guy couldn't hurt her, he couldn't even touch
her! As she smiled a dribble of cum had leaked out
from between her lips, just as she pulled her arms out
of the dress one by one. At this point Tina had
realized she growing wet: it was the rush of
adrenaline surging through her body, she would later

Her bra came off quickly, and Tina hadn't hesitated to
press her small tits against the window of the SUV as
the man watched on. Just then, the window began going
down and a rush of air began blowing inside the truck.
Tina had to struggle to stay up.

"SHOW HIM WHAT'S IN YOUR MOUTH!" Razor had yelled over
the roar of the wind.

Pushing her body up higher, Tina had then leaned out
the window somewhat and opened her cum-filled mouth.
She couldn't be sure the man saw anything at first,
but when the wind began blowing the sticky cum away
she heard him blow his truck's loud horn.

Feeling the rush continue, Tina made a show of licking
the rest of the sperm off her fingers after wiping it
from her face. Her eyes maintained contact with the
trucker's as she smiled sexily.

When the window began going up again Tina had pulled
back in time, and blown the trucker a kiss. Once the
window closed she leaned back in her seat and felt
satisfied, somehow. She almost felt like laughing!

Or, better yet, like fucking.

And then Razor had asked, "You want to fuck him?"

Tina's heart stopped at his words. "Uhm..." she began,
breathlessly. Not once during the flashing had she
wanted to fuck _him_. Though she'd grown horny, she'd
thought of Razor.

"He's gesturing for us to pull over," Razor explained.

Tina looked back at the truck. Sure enough, the
trucker had turned on his interior lights, too, and
was repeatedly pointing to the shoulder of the

Not knowing what else to say, Tina had taken a deep
breath and said, "If you want me to."

Just as she finished saying that Tina had been thrown
forward as Razor slammed on the brakes.

Okay, she had thought, no biggie, I'm going to fuck a
stranger, I'm going to do that later anyway...

And just then Razor had sped up again, pulling across
two lanes and onto an exit ramp.

"Good answer," he had then said, smiling. "Very good.
But I don't want you to fuck him. You did good, did
good... that was hot."

Tina had sighed in relief.

And that's when his cell phone had rung for the first
time. Tina had lit up a cigarette as Razor talked, as
they made their way back onto the freeway. They had
apparently missed their exit when she had been going
down on him but it wasn't long before they were parked
in the lot of EZ's.

Now Tina was lighting up another cigarette. The rush
and horniness had left since then, though only minutes
had passed. And that rush had been replaced by
anxiousness. She continued to wonder whether or not
she should have cancelled the whole thing when she'd
had the chance.

But she knew, the same as she'd known after her shower
and the phone had been her hand, that she had no
choice. The loan sharks her dad owed would be back on
Saturday and Tina had promised them money. God knew
what they might do if she didn't have it, not only to
her, but to her father, too.

Fucking asshole, she thought, tears nearly forming in
her eyes. This was all his fault! The entire week,
everything, was his fault! From the moment he'd
punched her in the eye up until know, all of it had
been caused by him. Why did she even care if he got

He's never even been a real dad anyway, she thought


"Are you okay?" Razor asked.

Tina was startled at the sound of his voice. She
looked down at the clock: it was 12:35, now. She
nodded, not knowing what to say. She was somewhat
surprised at the tone of genuine concern his voice

"You look really fucking good," Razor said to her,
smiling. "I mean it."

"Thanks," she responded, her voice a whisper.

He reached over and brushed a long strand of hair from
her face. After pulling into EZ's she'd had to redo it
somewhat, since the wind from the flashing had messed
it up.

"You don't have to be nervous," Razor whispered.
"Nothing bad is going to happen to you."

She nodded. "I'm okay," she said.

Then, to her surprise, he said, "Look, I'm sorry about
earlier. I was just worried I'd made a mistake about
you and I get pissed off when I think I made a mistake
about someone. You know?"

She didn't respond. She didn't know what to say.

He smiled. "I'm glad I didn't make a mistake. The way
you acted back on the freeway... that proved it. You're
going to do well here, make some good money. Don't

She nodded again. Suddenly she felt stupid, like a
little kid: she'd asked for this! She wanted to be
here, had chosen to be. She felt embarrassed that
Razor saw how nervous she was. Thinking quickly Tina
said, "It's not this, I was just, thinking about...

He leaned back. "What about it?" he asked, obviously
not believing her.

Hands trembling, Tina finished her cigarette and
flipped it out the window. Then she said, "I, uh,
really have to go to class tomorrow. But, I missed the
last three days... without permission... so my dad needs
to bring me."

Razor nodded. "But you said he's out of town?"

"Yeah," she said. "So I'm just, pretty much fucked I
guess. Until Monday at least."

"I understand," Razor said kindly. After a brief pause
he continued, "Tell you what. I'll bring you in myself
in the morning."

She looked at him in surprise. "Really?"

"Sure," he responded, shrugging.

"But what if... I mean, what if they don't think you're,
uh, him?"

"They'll believe me. Trust me, I'll make sure of
that," Razor grinned, his eyes turning hard. Tina
shuddered at the sight: there was an underlying menace
there which thrilled her and terrified her at the same
time. It was similar to the look he'd given her
earlier after she'd pissed him off.

She couldn't help but smile in disbelief now, though.
"That is so... thank you, Razor! ... You don't know how
much... I mean, I've been so worried..."

"You don't need to worry," he interrupted the girl.
"Not about anything. Okay?"

She stared at him and felt genuine relief and
appreciation. For the second time this week, Razor's
generosity would save her. First when he'd given her
the money to pay her dad on Monday, and now this.

Plus, she reminded herself, he was giving her the
opportunity to earn money for herself, now. She owed
him a lot.

And, she thought, he hadn't done anything bad to her!
If anything, she'd been bad to him. She realized now
that she really had deserved his anger earlier when
she was acting like such a bitch, and vowed not to
behave like that again.

"Alright," Razor finally broke the silence which had
filled the truck. "We'd better get in. Just stick
close to me and make sure you don't say anything,
alright? It's going to be really loud so just follow
my lead.

"I'm going to bring you through the main bar, just so
you can see it. You won't be working there. But after
that I'll show you how to get in and where you'll be

"And after the bar closes," he said, as if he were
giving the best news in the world, "I've chosen you to
entertain some special guests."

"What... does that mean?" she asked.

Razor smiled. "The bar closes at 2am. Has to, because
of our liquor license. But occasionally we have... after
hour get-togethers. Tonight a group of five high
rollers from Texas, oil men, are going to be here.
They usually stop by whenever they're in town, and
they always want a special show. And I've chosen you
to be one of the two girls entertaining."

Tina nodded, unsure of the significance of this.

Razor looked slightly annoyed. "You said you needed
money, right?"

"Yeah," she responded.

"Well, there's not enough time for you to make much.
But these guys tip big, really big. All the girls beg
me to be there when they're in town, but I've chosen

"Thanks," Tina finally said. Realizing her tone, she
added quickly, "Seriously, Razor, thank you... I'll do a
good job. I promise."

He nodded after a pause. "Okay," he said. "Let's get

"And remember," he reiterated, "Whatever you do, stay
close to me. I don't want you getting lost."

"Okay," Tina responded, her anxiety level rising once

They got out of the truck and headed towards the club.
Tina's legs felt rubbery and she couldn't stop pushing
down her dress. She kept looking around the parking
lot, filled with cars, and the blinking lights of the
building. It all felt so surreal.

Upon entering, Tina's senses were immediately
overwhelmed by the darkness, the flashing strobe
lights, and loud rock music. The bouncer, a large
Mexican looking man, merely nodded respectfully at
Razor as the two passed by.

As they proceeded farther into the main bar, Razor was
stopped several times by people he knew wishing to
talk to him. This gave Tina a chance to take in her
surroundings, and catch her breath.

Along one wall stretched a long bar, behind which were
three attractive women dressed in tight white shirts
and black miniskirts. They were bustling to fill
glasses and take orders: every barstool was taken,
filled by men of all sizes and ages. The clientele
included men from their early 20's to late 50's,
wearing everything from suits to factory jumpsuits.
But none of the men were paying attention to the
attractive bartenders. Instead, they were turned with
their eyes fixed in the opposite direction.

That's where the main stage was, and as Tina panned
over toward it, her heart skipped a beat. The stage
was T-shaped, its long walkway stretching out into the
heart of the room then forming a wider stage which
reached out, creating the top of the T. The stage was
lined with soft lights, but the floor itself was white
and lit from underneath making it glow. Mirrors on the
ceiling and flashing strobe lights made the whole
scene appear unlike anything Tina had ever seen.

It was about four feet off the main floor and along
all sides were chairs filled with slack-jawed men
drinking beer, holding out money, or flirting with
scantily clad women. And on the stage were the

Tina immediately saw that they were beautiful.
Presently the two young women, probably in their early
to mid 20's, were writhing around poles set up along
the walkway. They were both wearing high-heeled
stilettos, skimpy thongs, and tight, tiny tops which
barely covered their large chests. Both women spun
around the poles expertly, dropped to their knees on
the floor, then continuing their erotic dances up and
down the stage.

Tina watched with amazement. The women were not only
experts at this, they seemed to be enjoying
themselves. Perhaps it was an act, but if so, they
were damned good actresses! They were continuously
smiling, licking their lips, squatting toward the men,
and basically behaving as if they were getting off on

Tina heard an announcer over the loud rock and roll
music announce the next song, ending his rapid speech
by saying, "...and that's song number two gentlemen, you
know what that means!"

A loud burst of applause mixed in with whoops of
approval erupted from the men. Tina felt pushed from
behind as a couple men surged toward the stage, drinks
in hand. She regained her stance and then looked
around, confused. Razor was still talking with a
large, beefy man who seemed pissed off. When Tina
looked back at the stage, she suddenly understood the
crowd's excitement, though.

The women were taking off their tops. One of the two,
with larger breasts and bleach-blonde hair, pulled
hers off nonchalantly then immediately continued her
dance. The other, however, made a real show of it.

She was definitely the more attractive of the two,
Tina thought. She was a tall, slender Asian woman
probably 20 or 21 years old. She had a bigger chest
than Tina without a doubt, but it was smaller than the
blonde she danced with. Her hair was short and jet-
black, and she was wearing dark eyeliner on her pale,
Asian face.

And she knew how to please the audience, that was for
sure! She unclasped the front of her tiny covering
then paused. Tina noticed that many of the men
continued staring at her, though the other dancer was
now topless. This black-haired woman then began to
writhe with the song, swinging her body ever so
subtly, as she ran her hands up her sides. Then,
gripping a pole with her left hand, she swung onto it
fast enough to force her top open. When her breasts
were suddenly revealed, a whoop of appreciation came
from the crowd. Tina found herself smiling, too.

This stripper wasn't just a dancer: she was a
performer! She had the crowd in the palm of her hand.

Tina found herself gripping Razor's arm tightly as the
show continued. She was amazed at the way the women
received their "tips". She saw the blonde crawl over
to a group of men near the stage on all fours, then
take their money by pressing her breasts together
around it. The black-haired woman, meanwhile, slid
down from a pole onto her butt, scooted forward, and
then dangled her legs over the shoulders of one of the
men near the stage. She then lay back and winked at
the other men while he pulled the waistband of her
thong away from her slender body, shoved in a couple
of bills, then step away. The dancer then leaned
forward, kissed his forehead, and swung her legs
around and stood in one expert, catlike motion.

"TINA!" Razor yelled in her ear.

She jumped, then blushed in embarrassment. She looked
at him.

"THAT'S LUCY!" he said, pointing to the Asian cat on

Tina gulped and nodded. How could she compete with
her, she wondered?

Razor then gestured for her to follow, and she let
herself be led away, all the while holding his arm and
taking in the scene of the barroom. She noticed that
many of the strippers not currently on stage were
sitting with the bar's patrons: on their laps and
otherwise. She also noticed one woman with red hair
lead a man by the hand toward the back of the room.
There was a door there.

Ahh, Tina thought.

She continued to follow Razor around tables and past a
couple booths. She noticed that many people,
waitresses, strippers, and customers, were stepping
out of his way as he approached. They must know him,
she realized. All the same, Tina caught several of the
men she passed stare at her, some with curiosity and
others with longing.

Tina couldn't help but feel flattered: for men to want
to look at her while those two beautiful women were
dancing naked on stage was a huge compliment!

Eventually they reached a door opposite the way they
had come in. Another Mexican-looking man sat on a
stool outside it, and even in the dark atmosphere he
was wearing sunglasses. She heard Razor yell at him,

The large man shrugged his hefty shoulders, then
gripped the doorknob and opened the door for Razor.
Tina followed him inside.

Once the door shut behind them, and the music was
deafened, Tina caught her breath. She'd been holding
it, she realized. Razor smiled at her.

"And that's EZ's," he said. "The main floor, anyway,
but definitely not the most profitable part.

"Back there," he pointed down the long hall, "is the
way you'll come whenever you arrive. There's a door
behind back of the building that'll get you in: just
buzz and someone will open it for you.

"No one is allowed back here except for the staff.

She nodded. It was hard paying attention, she
realized, because the sights and sounds of the main
bar area were still overwhelming.

He led her down the hallway, pointing out his office,
the employee bathroom, and finally the dressing room.
They went in and Tina was surprised at its size: there
were a dozen make-up tables, two sofas and a recliner,
and several clothes racks. Sitting on the couch were
two women in their early 20's, and at one of the make-
up tables was a third, perhaps in her mid-thirties.
Tina thought she recognized her.

She looked again. She did recognize her. And then
realization dawned, and Tina nearly gasped in shock
and surprise:

She didn't only recognize the woman, she knew her. It
was Ms. Masons, her next-door neighbor.

Joey's mom.

"So this is where you'll get ready," said Razor. Tina
barely heard him. Her heart was racing in shock and
utter embarrassment as she started at her neighbor.

"Any table is fine to pretty yourself up, except the
first two," Razor explained.

"Okay," Tina replied as softly as possible. If she
could have, she would have disappeared. But it would
have been too late because just then, Carol Masons got
done applying some lipstick and had turned to see
Razor and the new girl.

Tina noticed the woman's look of surprise. She looked
away from the older woman's gaze and wished to God she
was anywhere else. She waited for Ms. Masons to call
her name.

She didn't, though. Instead she just stared. Tina
could feel the woman's eyes on her.

"Oh," Razor said, as if noticing the three women for
the first time. "These are three of our dancers. Those
two are Ashley and Sabrina," he stated, pointing to
the two girls on the couch, "and that's Sonya."

Carol looked back into the mirror as Razor said her
name. Sonya, Tina thought. A stage name.

Tina looked toward Ashley and Sabrina, just to look at
somebody else. Both were skinny, very cute, and so
similar in appearance that they could be related, Tina
thought. One was slightly taller, about 5'10", but
both had light brown hair, large C-cup breasts, and
milky white skin. They also wore matching outfits:
tight, neon green shirts with numbers on them ("04" on
the taller one's; "12" on the shorter one's). The
shirts came down to just below their belly buttons
where a couple of inches of skin began before turning
into tight black-nylon shorts. They were very pretty,
if a bit weird looking: the taller one's hair was in
pig-tails, and she had glitter on her face. The
shorter one, Ashley, also had the glitter but her hair
was short: it looked like she'd chopped it off without
much regard to its final appearance, yet the way it
spiked up all over her head actually looked really

"Girls," Razor said, addressing the women for the
first time, "this is Tina. She's new."

There were genuinely nice "Hello's" coming from the
two on the couch, but to Tina's relief "Sonya" didn't
say a word.

"Okay," Razor said, after a brief moment of awkward
silence. "Shouldn't you girls be out on the floor?"

The taller of the two girls on the couch, Ashley,
said, "We're just taking a little break..."

"She's drunk," Sabrina sighed, grinning as if it was

"Oh, I am not!" Ashley said, playfully slapping the
other woman on her arm.

"I don't give a fuck," Razor said interrupted. "Get
back out there or get the fuck out."

"Fine," Sabrina said, standing up. Tina noticed her
wobble for a second, giggle, then saunter toward the
door. For the first time Tina noticed the girls' tall
tube-socks and tennis shoes, and it dawned on her:
these two were dressed up like soccer players! Tina
briefly wondered if a lot of the girls dressed in

"You two would make more money if you weren't so
fucking lazy," Razor said coldly as they approached.

"Yeah, we know," Sabrina replied, smiling devilishly.

"We're not lazy," Ashley pouted.

Tina noticed that Ms. Masons hadn't moved from her
place at her make-up table, and that Razor apparently
didn't mind.

"Okay," he said to Tina. "Stay here a second. I'll be
right back."

"Where you going?" she asked anxiously.

He turned back to her and grinned. "Relax! I'm just
going to check the receipts at the bar. I'll be back
in a second."

Tina watched as he left the room, following Ashley and
Sabrina back into the main bar.

Tina stood nervously after the door had closed. She
looked around the dressing room, unsure where to
settle her gaze. She certainly didn't want to look at
Ms. Masons. Or say anything to her. But she suddenly
had no choice.

"Tina," the older woman said. "What in God's good name
are you doing here?"

Tina froze. "Hi, Ms. Masons," she whispered.

The woman stood up. She was tall, and although she was
36-years-old, she was still very attractive. Her
breasts were large double-D's, yet still relatively
firm. Her body was voluptuous: she was about 5'11"
tall with wide hips and a narrow waist. She was
beginning to look her age, Tina thought, but was still
plenty sexy.

Presently she was wearing nothing more than a red silk
bra with matching panties. Around her shoulders she
had a light, thin silk robe which went along nicely
with her lingerie. Tina averted her gaze, not wanting
to see Joey's mom like this.

She approached Tina, staring at her with her large,
cat-like eyes. Her face was pretty in a domineering
sense and her curly blonde hair was worn up making her
seem even taller. And as always, she had large hoop
earrings in her ears and maybe a bit too much make-up

She felt like a little child about to be scolded by a
teacher as Ms. Masons studied her. She'd known the
woman for years, since she was a little girl, and knew
her son even better. She felt completely ashamed at
being seen by her here. Tina continued to stare at the
ground rather than look her in the eye.

"So," Ms. Masons said once she was standing right in
front of the girl. "You're going to work here."

Tina blushed. She stuttered, "Uh... I d-don't know... it's
just temporary, Ms. Masons..."

"Bullshit," the woman smiled. It was not a happy
smile. "Do they know how old you are?"

Tina nodded, eyes still downcast.

"Shit," Carol said, shaking her head. "Fucking Razor,
always trying shit like this. What're you gonna do, be
a hallway girl?"

Tina finally looked up. "I'm... not sure," she said,
honestly. "Razor said something about lap dances, and
a party later, and..."

"A party?" Carol asked, surprised.

Tina shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. Some guys from Texas,
or something..."

Carol took a step back. She looked like she'd just
lost her best friend.

"With Lucy?" she asked, softly.

Tina nodded. "Are... you okay, Ms. Masons?"

The woman was shaking her head. "Fucking asshole," she
said softly. "Fucking ASSHOLE!" she yelled.

Tina stepped away. "Ms... Ms. Masons?" she asked, fear
in her voice.

Suddenly the woman snapped a cold look at Tina. The
teenager shuddered. "I shoulda known it was you,"
Carol suddenly spat. "When I heard Razor talking to
Needles about some tight little white-trash girl, some
stupid little slut he'd fucked earlier this week. It
was you, I should have known it'd be you."

Tina gave her a dirty look but struggled not to say

Carol went on, hands now on her wide hips. "I helped
fucking raise you, you know. When you were little, and
your dad was passed out or gone or whatever, remember?
I used to help you out. This is the thanks I get?"

Tina didn't remember her experiences with Ms. Carol
when she was a little girl very fondly: most of it
involved her helping watch Joey, or doing the dishes,
or cleaning her living room. But Tina didn't mention
any of this. Instead she asked, "Ms. Masons, I don't
understand... what are you talking about?"

"Like you don't know," Carol spat. "You come in here
with that skinny little body and young, tight little
cunt, and you don't realize what's going on? Are you
that stupid?"

Tina bit her tongue.

"Honey," Carol said softly, voice dripping with
insincere concern, "you're his new bitch, didn't you

Tina gulped. "It's... just temporary..."

"He gave you my fucking place tonight!" Carol roared.

Tina flinched and backed away involuntarily. She'd
never seen Ms. Masons so mad.

"This is my bar, little girl," the woman continued.
"Razor may own it but I run the girls. Get it? They
need a leader and I'm it. I make the most money and
see the most important clients. How DARE you come in
here and try to change that!"

"But, no," Tina said, voice wavering in anger and
fear. "I don't even know... I don't want to change
anything! I'm just here to earn some cash, then I'll
be gone! And Lucy..."

"Fuck you," Carol said icily. "Don't mention that
chink-bitch to me. Is she your friend, now, or
something? You become her little whore, too?"

Tina's face blushed a deep crimson. She'd backed up
nearly across the room, but now stopped at the end of
one of the couches. Carol had kept pace and stopped,

"Ms. Masons," Tina said. She didn't understand the
older woman's anger, couldn't fathom it, but decided
to try and appeal to the woman's gentler, maternal
side. There wasn't much gentle about this woman, Tina
knew: this woman had treated her like a slave when she
was little. She beat her own son - innocent little
Joey - on a regular basis. But there had to be
something there, Tina figured, that was motherly!

This in mind, Tina took a deep breath and said, "I
swear, I don't even know Lucy, and I don't even know
anything about this bar or anything! I got in trouble,
you see, BIG trouble... they're gonna hurt me, Ms.
Masons! I need money, that's all, and Razor offered...
this job... I took it. That's all!"

Carol seemed to consider this. Then the older woman
grinned again: a cold, nasty grin that sent shivers
running up Tina's spine.

"Leave now, then," Ms. Masons said calmly. "I'll give
you whatever money you need."

Tina gulped and slowly shook her head. She didn't
believe her. "I can't," she whispered. "I..."

"You want me to tell your dad you're a prostitute?"
Ms. Masons continued sharply.

"Please don't!" Tina begged, her lower lip trembling.

"You don't want him to know what a piece of trailer
trash he's raised?"

That was it. Tina snapped. She was frightened, yes,
but she was also angry. How dare anyone - how dare
THIS WOMAN - judge her like this!

"At least," Tina said, voice rising in anger and
trembling with fear, "I've had no choice so far! At
least I'm gonna be something in a few years, not some
middle aged single-mother in a shitty little trailer
home fucking guys to make end's meat!"

Tina regretted it as soon as she'd said it. Suddenly
she felt her face get slapped, extremely hard, causing
a loud whacking sound to fill the otherwise empty

She nearly stumbled over the couch from the blow.

Carol said in a cold, menacing voice, "How DARE you!

"You fucking little CUNT!" she yelled, pushing the
girl backwards. Tina was already off-balance, and now
fell over the armrest of the sofa and onto its seat.
She struggled to get up, but it was too late. Carol
came down upon her, gripping the girl's wrists in her
hands and pressing her body down upon the small
girl's, pinning her.

"You lying little TWAT! All I've done for you, you
treat me like this!?"

Tina struggled to get free, but only managed to slide
back on the couch until her whole body was laying upon
it, only her ankles resting on the armrest, now.

"I fucking TRUSTED you to watch my boy!" Carol cried
as she shook the young teenager. "I bet you wanted to
FUCK him, didn't you!? I bet you couldn't WAIT until
he was older, you fucking lyin' little SLUT!"

Tina blushed and cried as the woman hurled insults at
her. Try as she might, though, she was unable to push
the woman away.

Ms. Masons managed to shift both of Tina's wrists into
her own left hand, and her grip still remained
impossible to break. Now she used her free right hand
to violently grasp the teenager's left breast though
her dress.

Tina howled in pain at the sudden violation. "You like
that?" Ms. Masons asked. Her voice had grown
dangerously soft, nearly playful, a stark contrast to
the teenager's screams. "I bet you do, I bet you like
all kinds of nasty sex, don't you, hon? Is that why
Razor wanted you here? Did Lucy do this to you, too?"

"RAZOR!" Tina was now screaming, tears streaming down
her pretty face.

"Shh, shh," Carol cooed. "He's not coming. Don't you
know why he left you with me? To 'check the receipts'?

"Stop it, STOP!" Tina cried as the woman continued to
twist at her small left breast, right at its nipple.
In the back of her mind, Tina was trying to figure out
what the woman meant: was she saying Razor left her
here like this on purpose?

"I initiate all the new girls," Ms. Masons continued.
"I give the final interviews, you little CUNT... and
you've failed. Razor lets me, see? He knows he has

Tina stopped screaming and was now merely blubbering
hysterically in pain and humiliation.

"Shh, dear! What? Did you think you were something

Tina struggled anew as she felt the woman's hand slip
off her breast then slide down her side. It quickly
reached the hem of her dress and began to make its way
back up.

"Thought your little pussy was so tight that he'd
'protect' you? Huh?

"Let me tell you something," the woman breathed into
her ear. "You're not special. You're nothing. Just
another piece of meat, another girl for the hallway.
Another desperate, stupid bitch! The only thing you
have going for you is your age, but believe me, that
doesn't last.

"You're nothing," Carol concluded. Nothing to me, and
nothing to Razor."

Tina couldn't believe the woman's words. She felt
embarrassed, humiliated, used. She HAD believed Razor,
after all. But Carol was right about at least one
thing: Razor hadn't come. Tina began to realize that
he wouldn't be coming, either.

He'd left her here for this. He'd lied to her. Just
like all the men in her life had lied to her, she

She gasped loudly as the woman's hand made its way up
her outer left thigh, then right up to the waistband
of her panties.

"It's been a while since a girl failed an interview,"
Carol said softly as her hand gently played with the
waistband of Tina's panties. "Your friend Lucy did,
too. But she ended up liking this..."

Tina gasped as the woman suddenly pulled on her
panties, causing them to dig painfully into her

Carol laughed. "Remember the last time I touched your
panties?" Carol mused, voice full of nasty delight.
"Remember when you were eleven? I taught you all about
your new body. Remember?"

Tina remembered. It had been her, after all, who'd
explained puberty to the girl. But though she'd
touched her a bit to show her how to use feminine
products, she'd never touched her like this.

This was intimate. Violent. Dirty. And sexy.

Oh, God! Tina thought desperately.

"Relax, stop struggling," Ms. Masons whispered. "You
can still work here, you just need to learn your
place... and I want to see how tight this pussy really
is... what all the fuss is about..."

Despite herself, Tina had begun to relax. Not from
acceptance, but from defeat. What could she do?

She felt the woman's hand slide under the waistband of
her panties, then slowly make its way between her

Tina lurched forward in one final, desperate attempt
to escape when the woman's hand made contact with the
light fuzz just above her pussy.

She was immediately rebuked: Carol slapped the girl
hard in the face again. Tina cried at the sharp and
sudden pain, then gave up. Though her arms were free
now, what could she do?

Please, oh God, I don't want this, Tina thought
desperately as her young body went limp.

"Relax, Tina, relax," Ms. Masons purred. "I'm sure
you've done this before... had a woman's hand down here,
right? Lucy's maybe? One of your friend's?"

Tina cringed as Carol's hand roughly gripped her
pussy. "No, please, no..."

Carol laughed like she was drunk. "No? You've never
messed around with any of your little girlfriends?
What's that rich-girls' name... Michelle? The one with
the big tits? You never had your tongue in her hot
little snatch?"

Tina blushed. She hadn't. She'd never been with
another woman, nor had she ever wanted to. She began
to struggle again, but it was only for show: she knew
she was too small, too weak, to stop Carol, now.

"It doesn't matter," Carol hissed. "You will, soon.
Does that turn you on?" Tina felt Carol's hand squeeze
harder upon her lightly fuzzed pussy mound. "Does that
get you all wet?"

Tina was sobbing again. This was all too much.

And then she felt the woman, her next-door neighbor
who had taught her how to use a tampon years earlier,
press her boney right index finger between the folds
of her pussy.

Tina's back arched automatically. She felt the finger
press into her roughly, dryly, unrelentingly. She
shuddered, then she collapsed, issuing a long exhale
of air as she did.

" tight," she could barely hear Carol say. "Nice
and tight. Tight, trailer-trash teenage pussy. Razor
was right!"

Tina stared dazedly up at the woman's neck. She felt
so small and vulnerable and helpless beneath her. The
invading finger - Carol's finger - continued to press
into her dry hole.

Realizing that she couldn't escape, Tina instead
attempted to distance her consciousness away from what
was happening. She tried desperately to think about
work - Holiday's - and school. Joey. Her friends. Don
and Larry. Anything else!

As Carol continued to expertly slide her finger in and
out of Tina's vagina, the teenager found herself
thinking about all those porno's she'd seen with women
having sex with each other. Had those actresses really
wanted it, or had they ever been forced to, like this?

Tina dazedly pondered whether or not the fact she was
beginning to enjoy Carol's finger made her a lesbian.

"Oooo," Carol suddenly whispered. "You're getting all
wet! Very good, little girl, very good..."

Tina sighed. She was good, she thought to herself.

Tina felt the woman's finger pull out as the woman
pulled herself off of her small body. She wasn't
surprised when Carol then pulled Tina's panties down
her legs. She didn't resist it, either, only laid
there, sort of staring up at the ceiling, neither
happy or sad, the only emotion in her young mind that
of arousal and numbness. When her panties were off,
the girl found herself spreading her legs slightly,

Carol didn't get back on top of her. Instead the woman
kneeled on the floor and whispered into Tina's ear,
"I'm going to teach you who's really in charge here.
Remember what I said? Not Razor... me!"

Tina didn't respond. She could feel the woman's lips
on her left ear. It made her shudder.

"Mmm," Carol continued as her left hand slid back down
between Tina's spread legs, "I never thought I'd see
you like this... I remember when you were only ten,
remember you used to do my dishes and I'd pay you a

Tina was ignoring her. All she wanted to feel right
now was the finger that was sliding playfully up and
down her slick slit, and the soft lips lightly
brushing her ear.

Suddenly she felt the woman's tongue come out and lick
her earlobe. Tina moaned softly at the sensation: it
was too much!

"Oh God, Ms. Masons," she said breathlessly, dreamily.

At that exact moment two things happened. Carol's
finger slid back into her tight pussy, nearly causing
the young girl to cum. Also, Razor entered the room.

Tina heard him yell something. She was so close to
cumming that her mind didn't want to focus on anything
else. But then Carol's finger was suddenly out of her,
and her mouth was no longer sucking on her earlobe.

Tina heard yelling. Dazedly, she looked up. Carol had
scrambled to her feet and was backing away, but Razor
was screaming at her and marching right at her.


Tina leaned up, a look of confusion and longing on her
sweet face. She saw that Carol had a totally different
expression, now: fear.

Then she saw Razor slap the woman incredibly hard, so
hard that Carol dropped to her knees and sobbed

"Get the fuck out," Razor said. His eyes were wide and
insanely angry. His whole body was tensed up like he
was about to kill somebody.

"I-I-I," Carol was blubbering.

"GET THE FUCK OUT! NOW!" he screamed.

Tina was now sitting up, wondering if she should do
something. Maybe she should leave! Maybe Razor was
angry at both of them. She didn't know what was going

Carol then stood up, and ran to her make-up table. She
grabbed her purse, a shirt and shorts, then stumbled
towards the door.

When the door closed, Razor turned to Tina. She
recoiled instinctively, afraid he was going to hit her
or something.

"Are you okay?" he asked, shortly.

She nodded stupidly.

"Hang on," he said.

He left the room suddenly. While he was gone Tina
pulled her panties back on, stood up and adjusted her
dress, and lit a cigarette.

She was shaking all over. From fear, and also from

She looked at the door. Maybe she should leave.

Just then it opened. When Razor came back in he seemed
a bit calmer. He came straight to Tina, sat down on
the sofa, and pulled her to him.

"I'm so sorry," he said.

Just then Tina burst into tears and cried.


"She's nuts," Razor was explaining about fifteen
minutes later.

Tina had cried most of that time. As always, after the
rush and horniness were gone a flood of regret had
filled her mind. The way she'd acted was inexcusable:
to be turned on, by a woman, and Ms. Masons no less!
To simply give up and then, like some total slut, try
to cum like it was all that mattered. She felt dirty
and confused and just plain awful.

But she calmed down after she stopped crying. Razor
had carried her to his office, where she was now
sitting on a nice leather chair slowly sipping a beer
in her trembling hand.

She was thankful to be okay, now, thankful that Carol
had been lying: Razor hadn't tricked her after all.
Razor had saved her, not only from Carol, but from

She had gotten so close to climaxing from a woman.
What would she have done if she had? How could she
ever forgive herself?

"Ever since I bought most of the bar two years ago,"
Razor continued, "she's been a problem. Constantly
challenging my authority, thinking she's more
important than she is."

"She said that she... did that... with all the girls,"
Tina said softly.

Razor shook his head in frustration. "No, she doesn't.
But she used to, apparently, back when Duke owned the
place. He supposedly had a deal with her, that she had
final say in who got hired or not. But I put an end to
that, though she's tried what she did to you with...
several others."

"Lucy?" Tina asked.

Razor nodded. "That was the last one. How'd you know?"

"She really hated her," Tina said softly.

"Yeah, I guess she would," he sighed. "See, after Lucy
started she immediately became the most popular girl
we have on stage. You saw her: hot little body, and
she knows how to use it. Sonya got really jealous and
ended up, well, 'initiating' her.

"I didn't find out until two weeks after it happened,
and believe me I was pissed. But Lucy had moved on,
and Sonya swore she'd never do it again." He shrugged.

Tina nodded. The beer was helping calm her down, and
she was thinking a lot more clearly. She asked, "Are
you going to fire her?"

Razor shook his head. "I don't know," he said. "Maybe.
But she does bring in a lot of clients... do you think I

Tina was surprised he asked. She thought for a moment
then said, "I don't... think so..."

"Why not?" he asked.

She took a deep breath. It was time to tell him. "I
know her," she said softly.

She explained to him that they were neighbors, and had
known each other for a long time. Razor seemed
surprised at first then just nodded.

"I knew she lived in a trailer but I've never been
there," he said.

"What if she tells my dad?" she asked, worriedly.

"She won't," he said firmly. "I'll make sure of that.
I won't fire her, at least for now, so that I can keep
an eye on her. Okay?"

Tina nodded. She believed him.

"She's just getting old," Razor finished. "She's old,
and pathetic. Already she doesn't get as many clients
as she used to... five years from now she'll be out of a
job. And she knows it."

That made Tina realize something. "But... didn't you
say that your girls made a lot of money?"

He nodded.

"Then, uhm... why does she just live in a trailer?"

He looked at her. Without so much as a pause he said,
"Come with me, I'll show you."

They walked back to the dressing room. It was empty.
Razor went straight to Carol's make-up table, opened a
drawer, then after rummaging around pulled out a
little baggie.

"See this?" he said, holding it up.

The bag was small and empty. Empty except for traces
of white powder.

"She's a druggie?" Tina asked in surprise.

Razor nodded. "Big time. Heroin addict. She shoots up
on her feet so no one will see the track marks, but
everyone knows.

"Two-thirds of what she makes here either goes up her
nose or into a vein."

Tina was initially surprised, but then realized it
made sense. Carol had always been eccentric,
unpredictable, and had violent mood swings. She would
leave at weird times of the day, and sometimes when
she got back she looked like hell.

"Okay," Razor said. "It's almost 2am, now. We're going
to close. And you didn't even get to work." He seemed
a little annoyed.

Tina shrugged. "The party...?"

"Still on, if you're up for it," Razor said.

Tina thought for a moment. Then she said simply, "I
need money." It was true.

And of course, what else could she do? What else could
she say?

"Alright," Razor said after a moment. "But you're
going to be up late. Are you still gonna go to

She sighed. "I have to," she said. She really didn't
want to, but as always, she hadn't much of a choice.

"Well," he nodded, "We still have a little bit. Let me
explain what you'll be doing on a normal night."

Tina felt her stomach knot-up. She looked around the
empty dressing room. "Okay..."

Razor said, "Follow me."

He led her down the hall to another room, the "Monitor
Room", to explain it all. After entering, he dismissed
another large bouncer who was sitting in there and
settled into a chair. Tina sat down, too, in front of
a stack of small, black-and-white monitors. There were
thirty of them in total, all displaying different
areas of the bar. Razor then pointed out all the areas
of the strip-club that she would be working in, and
what she would have to do.

It was so simple: she would wait in the V.I.P. room,
just off the main floor, for someone to ask for a lap-
dance. If they wore a colored wristband she would give
them their "dance" in one of the little stalls of the
V.I.P. room, and try to get as many dances as

"You can make a lot of money just doing that," he
explained. "Some girls, they just work the V.I.P.
room, and make pretty good cash. But you'll make

That sounded ominous, Tina thought, but realized what
he was getting meant. He explained that if the
"customer" was wearing a black wristband instead of a
colored one, she had to offer to bring him to a
"private" room downstairs.

Razor pointed to the monitors as he explained this.
"That's where the private rooms are," he said. "We
have eight regular ones and a ninth Executive Room.
That's only used for special occasions, like the Oil
Men tonight, for example."

Tina nodded as she stared at the rooms. They were
small, simple, even dirty looking in a way. It was
hard to tell on the small, black and white monitors.
Presently, all eight of the regular rooms were empty.

Razor went on to explain how it would work. It seemed
simple enough. Basically, a stairway in the V.I.P.
room led down to a hallway in the basement with the
eight regular rooms. The bouncer there would give her
a key and she'd bring her client to one of the rooms,
and try to get as much money for whatever it was he
wanted to do.

"You charge whatever," Razor said as if that was a
great thing. "Get as much as you can for whatever it
is he wants... trust me, you'll make a lot."

Whatever "it" he wants, Tina thought, stomach
tightening. She realized immediately that "it" would
be some sort of sex.

"We listen in on the negotiations, just to keep you
honest," he went on. He flicked a switch and speaker
came to life. "We're listening to room seven." He
flicked the switch off.

"You keep 60% of whatever you make down there," he
continued. "You pay out before going back upstairs.
Usually you'll want to shower before going back to the
V.I.P. room, but it's up to you."

To her relief, Razor emphasized that she didn't have
to do anything she didn't want. And that included sex.

"If you get to a room and the guy wants something you
just don't dig," he said, "for example, he wants to
spank you or whatever, just tell him it's no deal.
Most guys just want a blowjob or straight sex,
sometimes anal. You're into all that so you should be

She blushed, because he was right! Anal, straight-sex,
oral... hell, she'd done all that and more in the past
few days alone!

After he was done explaining all the little rules
(like no drinking; no showing up late; etc.) he
emphasized again that she'd always be safe. "We have
monitors everywhere, as you can see. Plus, we employ
over a dozen bouncers a night, and everyone's wired.
We can get word to anyone virtually anywhere in

She nodded, then yawned. It was getting late. She
promised herself she would think over all this again
later, but right now, she just wanted to get the night
over with.

"So, when's the party?" she asked.

Razor glanced at his watch. "Soon," he said. "After
the bar closes. "I need to be sure you understand all
this. Next time you won't have me holding your hand
all night, okay?"

She nodded, and tried to perk up.

"All of our clients pay $20 for a wristband to enter
the V.I.P. room," he reiterated. "But not all
wristbands are equal. When a client has become a
regular and has... otherwise, proven himself, we offer
him the chance for an upgrade: from a regular
wristband to a black one. So don't ever worry about
cops or nothin'... only offer a bedroom to a black-
wrister and you'll be cool."

He went on, repeating pretty much everything he'd
explained already. It was hard to pay attention, Tina
was so tired!

I might not even be back, she thought to herself. It
was definitely a possibility: after she paid off those
loan sharks, there would be no real reason to return.

"Any questions?" he asked, glaring at her.

He realized she hadn't been paying attention. Thinking
quickly she asked, "I'll make most of my money, uhm,
doing the... lap dances?"

"Nah," Razor said. "Not once you get good, at least."

Razor stood, called the bouncer who he had disposed
back in, and led her back to the dressing room in

Tina felt guilty. He seemed pissed again, but what
could she do? So much had happened in one day, it was
late, and all she wanted was to take a nap!

Once back at the dressing room, Razor sat down in
"Sonya's" chair. "Party will be soon, now. No other

"Nope," she said.

That word, "Nope", sounded so weak, so stupid, that
Tina blushed immediately after its utterance. Razor
saw. As she blushed he asked, "You do... *know*...
what a lap dance is, right?"

The truth was, she didn't. She'd figured out by
context that it wasn't a simple dance, and that it
wasn't sex either. That had been good enough for her.

"Okay," Razor sighed. "Come over here. I'll show you."

Slowly, Tina stood up from her own chair. She stood
before Razor feeling sort of stupid, and totally
vulnerable. And she was aware that his eyes were
judging her young body, and her own self, as she stood
there meekly before him.

Her heart-rate, finally calmed since the Carol
incident, increased again: she felt that woozy feeling
once more, that tingling below, the peripheral
hardening of her nipples. Her small chest began
heaving. She thought about Joey for a second, for some
reason, before shaking it off.

"Relax," he grinned. "You'll get used to this. Get
over here."

She followed his gestures, and soon was straddling
him, her legs spread wide apart: it made her dress,
way too tight and too small already for even her
girlish body, ride right up to her waist. But she
didn't feel embarrassed, she realized. She was getting
comfortable with Razor.

Or comfortable with acting like a slut, she thought

She shook away the thought and placed her small hands
on his shoulders, nearly collapsing her body against
his when she did. Her immature young mind was suddenly
flooded with feelings of forbidden desire. She
remembered the last time she'd been in a position like
this: with Don and Larry. Only hours before. When
she'd been getting doubly fucked by them.

She shuddered at the memory.

"That's it," Razor cooed. "Just like you're gonna fuck
me. Scoot forward."

His hands then gripped her young ass roughly, and
pulled her toward him until her crotch was lined up
with his. Her dress had ridden up all the way by this
point: she was, basically, wearing only panties from
the waist down.

"Okay," he whispered. "You gotta grind down on me,
now... just like fucking, only with clothes on."

Tina obediently complied. Suddenly she was sliding her
young butt forward and backward on his lap, not
reluctantly, but willingly. She was doing it
inexpertly but with motivation: and finally she felt
his hard on pressing through his pants against her
panty-covered pussy. A crack of electric pleasure ran
up her body.

Her hands gripped his shoulders tightly, her
fingernails digging through his shirt and into his
skin. When she opened her eyes, she saw he was
grinning. "Enjoying yourself?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered simply. She saw no reason to lie:
she really was enjoying it! She felt in control, on
top, grinding her pussy back and forth on his clothed
crotch: it was stimulating her clitty in a rough,
abusive way, but she was doing it. She was getting off
on him!

Lap-dances, she was quickly deciding, might not be a
bad way to earn some money.

"Now get naked," he then said, encouragingly. "Show me
your tits. But don't stop the rockin'..."

A minute passed, during which time Tina unzipped her
dress down her back while managing to keep up her
sexual rhythm. Unsnapping her bra had taken but a
second more, and her tits were quickly freed. She
watched with much satisfaction as Razor's eyes became
energized at the sight of her small, teenage breasts.

"That's it," he hissed. "Now, remember though, they
can look but not touch..." Yet he said that as his
hands, still on her ass, began to slide up her back.

"Uh-huh," she whispered. She knew he wasn't being
completely serious.

She enjoyed herself for a few more minutes, grinding
back and forth on his hard-on, never realizing how
pleasurable a "dry-hump" like this could be. She was
practically ready to cum!

The sexually crazed girl then nearly jumped when she
realized that they had an audience.

She looked over to the right. It was Sabrina, one of
the "soccer sluts" from earlier.

"What is it?" Razor growled just as Tina began to feel
embarrassed at being seen like this.

"Sorry!" the sexy young woman exclaimed. She was
playing with her hair, still in pigtails, as she said,
"Ashley's really drunk now... she started fingering
herself onstage..."

"What!?" Razor exclaimed. His hands didn't leave
Tina's now sweaty back, though. Tina caught her breath
and realized he wanted her to continue, despite
Sabrina's presence. And she wanted to, too. The
feeling of his hands sliding roughly up and down her
glistening back, from her shoulders to her ass and
back again, was tantalizing and quickly blocked all
feelings of modesty she may have.

"Sorry! I'm sorry," Sabrina was saying meekly,

"Where's Needles?" Razor demanded. Tina barely heard
him. All she could hear was her own heart beating, and
the sound of her panties sliding continuously up and
down the length of Razor's hard-on. She found herself
wishing it was inside her, that they were naked and
fucking like primal animals...

"He's out there... on the floor," Sabrina said, eyes

Tina found herself looking at the sexy, slutty soccer-
girl who seemed so submissive in front of Razor. In
fact, she was feeling even more energetic, the heat of
an upcoming orgasm intensifying.

"Tell him to get her the fuck off stage," Razor said,
shortly. "And tell him to close the fucking bar! It's
past 2 now, ain't it?!"

"Yes," Sabrina whispered. Tina swallowed slowly as the
young woman looked at her, a smile nearly formed at
the corners of her mouth. Tina nearly smiled back.

"What is it?" Razor asked. His hands were no longer
playing up and down Tina's back.

"Just," Sabrina said, looking back at Razor. "Uhm,
Needles was saying that, uhm, we could stay open
late... I mean, it's five after and he said that--"

Tina was nearing a good orgasm. She felt total control
over it, she could manipulate it. She could slow her
grinds against Razor's body to prolong it, until just
the right moment.

She was lost now, lost in this carnal act. Her pussy
against his dick, both covered, her tits exposed. She
would cum soon, maybe now, maybe wait a moment more:
the fact that a stranger was watching seemed only more
sexy to the young girl. She would cum, soon, now,

But suddenly Razor was pushing her away.

"Wh-what!?" she asked stupidly, nearly falling to the
floor. She managed to catch herself and stand on
wobbily legs, breasts still exposed, bra still
dangling around her body, dress still bunched up
around her slight hips- an impending orgasm denied for
the second time in an hour.

Razor had stood. "This is fucking bullshit!" he was
yelling as he stepped toward the soccer-slut. "Go tell
the girl's we're closed. Start at the VIP room. NOW!"

Sabrina complied, running off instantly. Razor then
looked at Tina.

"Sorry. Needles is one of my partners," he said
bitterly. "And he's a fucking idiot. I gotta go take
care of things."

He began to walk away. Tina stared after him
breathlessly, her small body charged to its sexual
limit and her adolescent mind pissed off and
heartbroken all at the same time.

"Your outfit for the party," Razor called over his
shoulder, "is number twenty-four on the rack. Put it
on and get ready."

With that, the door shut behind him, and Tina found
herself alone in the large dressing room, horny as
hell and confused and frustrated.


After he left, Tina had seriously considered
masturbating. She was ready to explode from arousal,
and she couldn't think clearly. But then girls from
the bar began to enter, chatting loudly and quickly
filling the dressing room.

For a few minutes the room had been packed and
incredibly loud. It seemed like all the women knew
each other: they wanted to brag about how much they'd
made that night, or compliment one another on how
they'd done onstage, or make plans for what to do
after leaving. None of them, though, had paid any
attention to the 16-year-old blonde sitting at Sonya's
make-up table.

And that had been just fine with Tina, although she
did keep an eye open for the cat-like Asian girl she'd
be partnering with later: Lucy. She never came.

Ashley and Sabrina were the last of the girls to
leave, and had been the only ones to say good-bye.
They hadn't changed like most of the other girls, and
Tina had been impressed at how sexy Ashley seemed even
while stupidly drunk.

"Ohhhh," Ashley had said, wagging a finger drunkenly
in Tina's face, "yoor tha one, the party tonight?
Hmmm?" She then laughed in a friendly sort of way.

"Ignore her," Sabrina sighed, holding the other woman
up. "She's really, really fucked up! Have fun tonight,

"Sure," Tina had said. Sabrina smiled to the girl and
waved, and Tina smiled as well as she watched the two

After they were gone the room was once again empty.
Tina had again considered masturbating, but the mood
really was no longer there. All she could think about
was the future: was this her future? Would she be a
lap-dancing prostitute in this seedy little bar? Or
would she just do this one "party" and be done with it

Yet in a way this "party" she would be going to, with
Lucy and the Oilmen, was worse than what she would do
on any other night. Razor had explained what her
normal duties would be so calmly that it didn't even
feel like a big deal now. Giving lap-dances for cash,
and occasionally bringing back a "black-wrister" to a
private room for sex, didn't seem all that bad. At
least it wouldn't be constant, non-stop sex like she'd
first imagined.

On the other hand, this party. What the hell was going
to happen at the party? And why hadn't Razor returned
to explain it?

Finally, Tina shook her head and realized she had to
get dressed. She went over to the rack, found the
outfit numbered "24", and put it on.

Soon she was dressed up in a really slutty "cowgirl"
outfit. A costume, made perhaps for a little girl or a
really slutty adult. She studied herself in the mirror
after putting it on, and rolled her eyes in

The outfit consisted of a sleeveless denim top which
tied off just below her breasts; a pair of brown
daisy-dukes which were so tight that she'd barely been
able to button them up (even without panties on); and
tall, knee-high cowboy boots which were incredibly
uncomfortable to walk in. The boots were actually very
nice, a little too big for her feet, but probably cost
around $200 retail. She kept looking at them, walking
around a little, then sitting down after feeling
stupid for doing so.

Topping off the outfit were the accessories: a belt
with two gun-holsters that hung off her bony hips, a
cheap plastic sheriff's badge pinned over her left
breast, and two fake plastic guns kept in the

And, of course, she was wearing a cowboy hat. It was
red and had a wide rim which encircled her head and a
leather strap which hung around the back of her head.
She'd brushed her hair out, as the hat didn't fit
properly in its current do. Now her blonde hair could
clearly be seen under the hat, hanging down to its
normal shoulder-length. She lamented the time it'd
taken to put it up earlier- such a waste!

She thought she looked ridiculous, like one of those
teenagers who still trick-or-treated even though they
were in high school. But in a strange sort of way she
had to admit that the costume was sort of sexy: she
looked like a skinny, slutty young cowgirl. The shorts
accentuated what was, she thought, her best feature-
her ass- by clinging to it tightly, while also showing
off her firm, flat belly. Plus, the boots made her
strut sort of as she walked, and added inches to her
height making her stand maybe 5'8" tall.

Suddenly the door opened. Tina began to stand up,
expecting Razor, but instead saw her "partner".

The Asian woman looked like she'd just got done taking
a shower: a towel was wrapped around her incredibly
sexy body and her dark hair was still slightly damp.

When she saw Tina, she smiled. "Hi!" she chirped. "You
must be my partner tonight, huh?"

Tina nodded as the girl walked over. Tina was
surprised at her voice: sweet and American, without a
trace of an accent. She appeared so completely Asian
that Tina had unconsciously figured she was an

Lucy extended her hand. "Lucy, nice to meet you," she
said, smiling still. Her smile was full, with pearly
white teeth, and genuine looking, too.

Tina shook her hand. The woman was taller than her,
even with the boots on: about 5'10", Tina figured,
making the short girl feel even shorter. The woman's
hot body was more intimidating up-close: she was
skinny in a womanly way, with a large firm chest,
probably c-cup, and fully developed, mature curves
from her hips to her waist. Her Asian complexion was
soft and alluring, as were here large eyes and thin

Tina felt inferior next to her. She thought of how
she'd performed onstage earlier, which made her feel
even more inadequate.

"I know you're only 15," Lucy smiled. "I've never
worked with anyone so young!"

"Uhm, sixteen," Tina said softly, embarrassed.

"Oh! Sorry," Lucy said. She stood back again and
looked the girl up and down. "Damn, though! You sure
do make a sexy little cowgirl!" she laughed.

Tina smiled, blushing.

"The Texans are going to love you," she continued,
smiling still. "I can see why Razor risked hiring you.
I mean, you're cool right? You're not gonna go crying
to your mom and dad about this or anything?"

Tina rolled her eyes. "God, no!" she exclaimed.

Lucy smiled wider. It seemed like this young woman was
caught in a perpetual smile, and it made Tina feel

"Good!" she winked. "I'm cool with working with you,
then! I'm going to be your Injun." She winked again.

Tina couldn't help but grin: that smile was just too

A moment later Lucy got dressed, and Tina couldn't
help but watch. She really was incredibly beautiful.
An Asian princess, Tina thought. She wondered briefly
what she would look like dressed up like a ninja from
one of those Kung-fu movies Leon used to make her

When she was done dressing she turned and modeled for
Tina. If Tina made for a sexy cowgirl, the teenager
thought, then Lucy made for an even sexier Indian!

She was wearing an incredibly short, suede-leather
mini-skirt which barely covered her firm round ass. On
top she was wearing a matching tan-colored bikini,
made of the same type of suede leather, which was so
small Tina couldn't believe it stayed on. It was
styled with rips and designs, allowing one to see the
Asian flesh through it.

Lucy had also put on a pair of leather moccasins and,
of course, a tight head-band with a single red feather
sticking out at its front.

"Wow," Tina said, breathless.

Lucy grinned, then said sarcastically, "You know, I
don't see how Native American women walked around like
this all day!"

Tina laughed.

Lucy then led the girl out of the dressing room. As
they entered the hallway, Tina looked around
awkwardly. No one was there. The whole bar seemed
quiet: the music was off and there wasn't a sound to
be heard. It made the poor girl even more on edge.

"You're really soft-spoken, aren't you?"

Tina blushed. She replied nervously, "I'm just... This
is just new to me..."

Lucy stopped and turned. "It's okay, you don't have to
be worried or anything," she said. "You know the deal,

Tina shook her head.

"Really!" Lucy exclaimed. "Wow! Razor really just
threw you in, didn't he?"

Tina nodded.

"Okay," she said. "This is what'll happen. It's really

Tina listened intently as Lucy explained what was to
be done: how it would begin, what would most likely
occur, and what she should say and do.

When she was finished, Tina was frowning and her eyes
were wide. Her heart rate had increased and all her
nervousness returned, amplified even, and she felt her
knobby legs wobbling furiously.

"Are you going to be okay?" Lucy asked

Tina swallowed hard. She felt tears forming in her
eyes, and blinked them away. "Y-yeah, I'm fine," she

Lucy frowned, a stark contrast to her radiant smile.
"It really is going to be okay," she said. "Trust me.
These Texans are big ol' teddy-bears. Just follow my
lead and trust me, we'll make a lot of money
tonight... because the better we do, the more they'll
pay us afterward."

Then she grinned wickedly. "And I want to make a LOT
of money tonight!"

Tina forced a smile. "Okay," she said simply.

"Okay?" Lucy smiled. "Don't just say 'okay'! Say,
'Ohhh, Lucy, mmmm, I'm so HOT right now... I just HAVE
to get off..."

Tina giggled despite herself as Lucy continued with
her fake, sarcastic imitation of a horny woman.

"No, no, please, let's just cum... oh, I so need to cum!
Fuck me, oh, yes, I'm SO SO horny, keep on fucking me,

Tina couldn't help it. She was laughing now! Lucy was
just too much: too animated, too funny.

They laughed together for a moment. Lucy grinned,

Tina nodded, smiling once more. She felt better! Lucy
made her feel comfortable, had calmed her down.

"Let's do it, then!"

They made their way to the basement through a door in
the hall. At the end of the stairway was another door,
and Tina could see light coming out from underneath
it. She also heard voices behind it, loud male voices
laughing and chatting boisterously.

"Okay," Lucy whispered. "This is the 'executive'
lounge... basically it's the only fancy room in this
dump! Are you okay?"

"Yes," Tina said, honestly. Lucy's demeanor, coupled
with her words, had really had an impact. She now knew
what she would be doing, yet she was no longer upset
by the thought of it. It would be okay.

Lucy made it seem so natural!

"Alright, then," the Asian hottie winked. "Showtime!"

They walked into the room together. It was a large,
very nice room lit well by several lamps. In the
middle of the room were two black leather couches
directly across from each other. On each couch sat two
men, all of whom turned and looked over at Lucy and
Tina as they entered.

"Hello, boys!" Lucy said lightly as she strolled into
the room. She was holding Tina's hand.

Between the two couches was a low, wide coffee table,
probably five feet square and about two feet off the
floor. There was a chair set up at each end, nice
high-back leather chairs, each currently occupied,
too, bringing the count of men up to six.

All of them, Tina saw, were smoking cigars. Some were
nursing glasses of liquor, all were watching them.

Lucy led the two toward the table. On the way she
whispered, "Remember, they *love* you... You're in
charge now, not them!"

Tina nodded but couldn't say anything. She was getting
anxious again, and found herself gripping Lucy's hand
tightly as they continued toward the table.

"Whoo-eee!" said one of the six men, a Texas twang in
his voice. "Look at this, now!"

Tina blushed. The men were all richly dressed in nice
suits, and two of them wore cowboy hats, too. Those
two were the oldest: probably in their early 60's. The
other four were younger, maybe in their late 30's, and
wore more contemporary suits. But they were all
grinning at Tina and Lucy, dressed in such slutty
costumes, and silence filled the room as the Cowgirl
and Indian neared the table.

"Our li'l Injun," said one of the men wearing a cowboy
hat. "Lookin about tasty enough to eat, I reckon!"

Lucy didn't respond, but Tina saw her wink at the man.

She then led Tina onto the coffee table. Tina felt her
whole body begin to tremble, and she was reminded of a
time back in the 7th grade when she'd been in a school
play. She was experiencing a similar form of stage
fright now: all the men were staring at her. Judging
her. She nearly tripped as she stepped up onto the
"stage", her high-heeled boots still causing her

Was Razor watching right now from the monitor room,
she wondered? How would he react if she messed this
up? She swallowed slowly and resolved not to let that
happen. She did, after all, owe him. For several

"Okay," Lucy said to the men once the two were
standing on the stage/table, right in the middle. Tina
felt as if she were on an auction block or something,
the way the men watched her.

"You guys ready?" Lucy asked innocently.

She knew them, and they knew her, Tina realized. She'd
done this before, or something like it, with these
guys. That was reassuring somehow.

"Boy, are we, li'l lady!" said one of the men wearing
a hat. The others nodded and agreed, loudly.

Tina found herself biting her lower lip. Her stomach
was full of butterflies and she had to force herself
to breath. This was much worse than that play! They
were judging her body, now, maybe thinking ahead to
what it would look like naked, what she may do to

But, she realized, she wasn't afraid, exactly. She was
just embarrassed, which was a whole lot different.
This realization gave her strength, and the teenager
found her smile grow more genuine as a result.

The eldest of the men, with a bushy moustache, then
said, "Tell me, li'l one, what's yer name?"

Tina managed to turn her smile into a sly one. She
answered, "Why, I'm Sheriff Tina, sir! What's yours?"

The man chuckled, as did the others. Tina blushed.

"Well, gosh-darn!" the man laughed, slapping his knee.
"Sheriff Tina! I bet you're all of fifteen years old...
Dang perfect!"

Tina continued to smile. She crossed her ankles and
looked down at her boots, feigning a shyness she no
longer really felt. "I's sixteen, sir," she said,
remembering to play her part. Cheesy accent and all.

"Whatever, darlin'! All I kin say is that Razor sure
knows how to pick 'em!

"But come on, now! Let's get it goin'!"

Tina knew that was her cue. It was time to begin. And
she was as ready as she'd ever be.

"Gentlemen," she began, a little too loudly. She
caught herself, and heard a couple of the men chuckle.
She glanced anxiously over at Lucy, who was playing
her part perfectly: standing tall, jutting out her
breasts. The perfectly proud, slutty Indian.

Tina started over.

"Gentlemen! I've done caught this here redskin on the
prairie, trying to, well..."

Tina paused. She forgot her line!

"What were you doin', Savage!" called one of the men
to Lucy.

Tina breathed out in relief when Lucy began to speak.
"I hunt land of ancestors. I done no crime."

She winked at Tina.

Tina smiled. "She did more than just a'huntin'!" she
declared, her confidence growing. "This local savage-
slut done try to steal cattle from good workin' boys
on the rail! An' then she gone 'round flashing her
heathen titties, tempting the good Christian men!"

The audience, enjoying this little show, booed Lucy at
this point. Tina felt a rush of adrenaline: she was
doing it!

She turned to Lucy, who was hanging her head in
feigned shame. "She will dance for us now!" Tina
declared. "As a test! If she does t'well, she may yet
escape the noose for her crimes... but if she goes
tryin' to escape, she'll meet the rope for sure!"

The men clapped and hollered.

Tina stepped off the stage. She felt energized, alive!
Still, she was a little relieved to be done, for now.
She'd done her little role well, the men had accepted
it. Now she could just relax a moment as Lucy did her

Immediately she felt hands on her waist, though, and
she was pulled roughly backward into the lap of one of
the Oilmen, the same she'd been bantering with a few
moments before, with the bushy moustache.

"Why donch'ya have a seat, li'l sheriff?" the man

Tina managed to keep smiling. She remembered what Lucy
had said: When in doubt, smile and obey. She said,
"Sure thing, sir!"

Suddenly, Lucy was dancing. There was no music, no
real style, yet Tina couldn't help but be entranced
just the same as she watched from the old man's lap.
The Asian Beauty knew how to use her body, how to
swing her hips enticingly, how to thrust out her ample
chest at just the right moments.

Meanwhile, the elder Texan whose lap she sat upon was
whispering in Tina's ear, "You sure are a sexy young
thing, darlin', and that's the truth..."

Tina didn't respond. The man's arms were around her
small body, engulfing her, his hands lying gently on
her thighs. It felt... sensual. And Tina relaxed back
into him.

As Lucy's seductive dance continued, Tina felt the
Texan's hard-on grow against her young butt. She
wiggled it instinctively, knowing what he wanted. She
glanced over and saw the man sharing their couch
leaning forward, chomping on his cigar and watching
Lucy, a hard-on also now straining against his pants.
All of the men were watching the slutty Indian dance.
Except, maybe, for one.

"Okay, li'l sheriff," the elder Oilman whispered, "I
think your 'captive' needs a good lesson."

At first, Tina didn't know what he meant. Then she
remembered what Lucy had told her before, and she
slowly slid off of the man's lap, feeling his hard-on
drag against her butt as she did.

All eyes were suddenly on her. Hands trembling
slightly, Tina gripped her fake guns, pulled them out
of their holsters, and pointed them at Lucy.

"Okay!" she called, trying to get in character again.
"Enough, now, ya dang Injun'!"

Lucy stopped dancing. Beads of sweat were dripping
down her pretty Asian face, and she had just a hint of
a smile there. Her hair was disheveled from the
dancing, but the headband and feather still rested
perfectly atop her head.

"You want other?" Lucy asked, voice breathless, still
trying to sound like an Indian from one of those old
black-and-white Westerns.

Tina kept the fake guns pointed at her 'captive' as
she crept back atop the table. She found herself
grinning slightly, from embarrassment but also from
excitement. This was so surreal!

"Yes," she said. "Get on your knees!"

Slowly, the slutty Indian obeyed.

Whoops of encouragement came from the Texans, puffs of
cigar-smoke issuing out of their mouths in the

This was the moment of truth. For a brief moment Tina
felt awash in fear and humiliation again, but she
quickly steeled herself against it: this had to be
done. And it was nothing. It was a game! A little
show. Nothing more.

"Pull... I mean, pull down my pants, Injun'!" Tina
ordered, voice soft yet maintaining an edge of
eagerness. She was staring down at Lucy, who was
looking up at her.

Lucy began by unzipping Tina's shorts. The men's
voices were loud with encouragement, now, but all Tina
could focus on was the sight and sensation of Lucy's
delicate Asian fingers pulling down on her zipper.
Then she watched as Lucy continued by unbuttoning her
shorts. She felt goose bumps form on the skin of her
pale, teenage legs.

Don't do that, she thought desperately. Stay in
character, don't get carried away...

Finally, the delicate hands of Lucy the Indian rested
lightly on Tina's hips, under her fake gun-belt. They
pulled downward.

And then the shorts were gently tugged down Tina's

She wasn't wearing any panties: they hadn't been part
of the costume. Tina was suddenly naked from the waist
down, and the men, strangers all, were getting a good
look at her naked teenage ass and pussy. Lucy was down
there, too, inches away from her lightly fuzzed cunt,
a slight smile still on her lips.

Tina's hands were trembling uncontrollably. Her heart
was racing. Yet she still managed to step out of her
shorts, kick them away without losing her balance, and
keep her fake guns pointed at Lucy's head.

"Lick me," the teenager hissed.

She'd had to say it, but was surprised that she had.

"Yeah, whoo-eee! Go on, you stinkin' Injun! Lick that
cunt!" yelled one of the Texans.

"Make her eat you, Cowgirl!" yelled another.

All their calls were mixed together. All the men were
leaning forward, a couple chomping on cigars, a couple
sipping on glasses of whisky. All of them with eyes
intent upon the scene before them.

The slutty Indian then placed her hands lightly on
Tina's hips, sending a chill up the Cowgirl's young
body. She felt her knees begin to wobble as Lucy's
head pressed forward and her tongue slide out from
between her lips...

And just as it occurred to her that this was actually
going to happen, the confused teenager yelped, "OH!"
when contact was actually made.

Lucy knew what she was doing, and the men could see
that, and Tina knew it. But Tina didn't even care
about those men anymore, or that this was a woman's
tongue on the folds of her vagina. If she cared she'd
be miserable. She was tired of being miserable.

All she could think about was the rush of sexual
energy throughout her body!

Lucy continued to lick her there, down slightly, then
all the way up again. Tina shuddered at the intense
pleasure of the woman's tongue parting the lips of her
labia: forcing it apart, up, then down again. Tina's
knees were shaking violently, and she clumsily placed
her feet farther apart to give her partner better
access. Her toy guns were no longer placed at the
Indian's head: they now rested on Lucy's shoulders,
just to keep balance.

"Call me names!" Lucy suddenly whispered from between
her legs, between licks at the girl's young cunt.

Tina barely heard her but immediately complied,
remembering her role suddenly. "Go on," she panted.
"Asian-uh, Indian-oh! In-injun-slut! Make me cum-oh!"

The men laughed at her attempts to sound demanding.
She was no longer very convincing as a dominant
Cowgirl, but they didn't care. Tina glanced around to
her left and right to make sure they weren't angry,
and found them in awe instead.

This gave her even more confidence. Tina let the guns
drop from her hands and she gripped Lucy's shoulders
tightly. She didn't care where it came from, but
relished the sensation of a tongue expertly sliding
from her clit, to her slit, to her hole. Again and

And again. And again.

She could cum right now, she knew. But instead, she
was suddenly pulled down to the table.

Before she could respond she felt one of the fake guns
pressed against her head, right against her cheesy
cowboy hat.

"Like this?" Lucy asked, in character.

Tina just shook her head in confusion. This hadn't
been part of the plan! Lucy was improvising. Tina
squirmed beneath the bigger woman until she felt
Lucy's hand between her legs.

"Or this?" she was asking.

"Uh, wh-what?" Tina stammered, not knowing what to

Suddenly Lucy's lips were pressing against hers.
Tina's body froze: froze completely and utterly. She
felt her heart stop. She heard the men's applause fade
away. She felt herself disappear...

And then she felt Lucy's tongue press into her mouth,
and Tina came to life again. She didn't care at all
anymore what was going on! She had to enjoy this
moment. It felt so good, it was so dominating! Her
pussy felt electrified, her titties felt so charged,
everything else was but a blur of detail, surely not

The Oilmen, all six of them, were now standing around
the table looking down on the Slutty Indian making out
with the half-naked Cowgirl. Tina felt their eyes,
heard their voices, but was only concerned with Lucy's
finger pressing against her moist hole. Her body
surged at the intrusion, but unlike her experience
with Carol earlier, she didn't mind that she was
enjoying it.

She focused on that, and the tongue in her mouth. Her
hands were meanwhile sliding up and down Lucy's sexily
full body too, begging for more. Her head was spinning
with carnal, nasty desires, desires which would have
made her feel disgusted just hours before.

When Lucy managed to pull Tina's blue-denim top up and
off, Tina didn't care. Her small breasts didn't
embarrass her since they seemed to please the men, who
whooped in appreciation. And being free, her tits felt
soft and natural and sexy as hell!

She continued to kiss with Lucy, the Indian, eagerly
and fully as the Asian's finger slid inside her with
little fanfare. Tina wasn't sure which was more
exquisite: the soft lips, the wet tongue; or the soft
finger, in her wet pussy.

Then, as her orgasm was building to incredible
heights, she felt Lucy pulled off of her.

Her eyes widened and she saw all the men staring down,
Lucy's limp body in one of the men's arms.

"Say, Cowgirl," said the eldest one, the same one
she'd been sitting on a few minutes before, "you don't
seem to have tamed this here savage!"

"More like she's tamed you!" smiled another of the

Tina gulped. Her young eyes were wide with longing,
her small chest was heaving. She didn't know what to

"I think it's about time I showed you how the West was
really won!" grinned the eldest man.

Tina began to lean upward from her lying state, just
as the 60-something Oilman crawled up onto the table
and pressed his hefty form over the small girl.

"Oh, God!" Tina cried in surprise.

"Shh, girl, just relax, now," the man said.

Tina adjusted her body, which was only clothed now
with the belt and the hat and the boots. She spread
her legs wide and stared over toward the couch where
Lucy had been brought. Two of the other Texans were
leaning over her.

"I gotta," began the man, his voice strained, "show
ya, honey!"

Tina hadn't heard his zipper come down. She hadn't
realized his cock was out, and aimed at her tender
young pussy-hole. She was oblivious to all this,
because she was so preoccupied with the eyes staring
down at her and the fate of Lucy.

But that changed the second the eldest Texan's cock
began to press against her slick young cunt.

"Oh, JESUS!" she cried out in shock.

The three men still standing over her laughed. Their
boss, their leader, who was beginning to press into
the teenage-Cowgirl, merely grunted.

"That's, uh," he panted, "'Oh, Mr. Blackwell',

Tina squirmed upon the table as the fully clothed man,
old enough to be her grandfather, continued to press
his cock into her wet cunt. She had no idea how big or
thick it was: it felt huge!

"Oh, fuck, FUCK!" she cried obscenely.

And now Tina's immature brain no longer cared about
Lucy, either. Or anything. It was fixated only on Mr.
Blackwell and his hard penis, which was sliding down
and into her tight teenage pussy.

Tina threw her head upward, causing her cowboy hat to
fall off, as she draped her arms around this man's
heaving, bulky frame. His gut was pressing against her
flat belly, his hands were flat against the table, as
he forced his dick inside her teenagedly-tightened

Tina cringed and cooed and salivated at the myriad of
sensations that engulfed her. She was ready to cum
now, finally, ready to explode a night's worth of
sexual build-up!

Instead she jerked. She shuddered. She spasmed
underneath him, and wrapped her legs around him, and
mewed at the top of her lungs. The orgasm wasn't
centralized: it was all over. All over her mind, her
tits, her pussy: everything! She came hard, jerkily,

Yet it felt incomplete. It'd been so decentralized, so
all-over. She still felt it, tingling around her, but
she felt like she could come again, maybe better, in
any second.

The orgasm had made her body relaxed somewhat though,
and she realized that she was being fucked. Hard.
Really hard!

Mr. Blackwell's cock was pounding itself in and out of
her tight box, over and over again. Tina gulped and
stared, eyes watery, at his reddened face straining
above her. She felt his slippery dick sliding over her
clitty with every thrust, and whimpered breathlessly
as it did.

And then: "Come on, Cowgirl!" he was muttering. Tina
gasped and tried to catch her breath as he said, "Here
it comes!"

She felt his cock spurt out its seed right into her. A
moment later he was breathing heavily, no longer
fucking her, only trying to catch his breath. He
slowly collapsed upon her, squashing her small frame
beneath his elder, fatty bulk.

When he pulled himself up Tina gasped loudly to catch
her breath, the feeling of Good Sex emanating
throughout her mostly naked body. She laid there for a
moment, reveling in the aftermath of such a good yet
confusing cum. And then curiosity sunk in and Tina
turned her head and looked over toward Lucy.

The Asian Goddess was getting fucked in the pussy. And
in the mouth. Two guys at once! And she looked damn
fine doing it, too, if such thing were possible. Tina
tried to sort out all these sensations but was
incapable of doing so, for a part of her kept saying,
"Dirty! Dirty! Wrong!"

But another, more carnal part, remained adamant: "This
is good! This is fine!"

She slowly pulled herself upward, and slid toward the
edge of the table. She felt a trickle of gooey cum
leak from her vagina. Once at the table's edge,
though, she looked at Mr. Blackwell, who had taken a
seat on his couch once again.

Before she could say anything he said, "Take the rest
off, cowgirl."

He was lighting a cigar.

Tina complied dazedly, as if in a dream. She threw the
hat, which had been hanging around her neck, away. She
unlaced her boots and kicked them off, too, then began
to take off her belt, when she was stopped.

"That's alright," Blackwell grinned. "You look damned
sexy, just like that!"

Tina blushed. She was only wearing the belt, now.

She sat at the edge of the table, the sounds of
fucking and sucking coming from behind her as Lucy
serviced two men. Tina wanted a cigarette. And, maybe,
a shower. She felt spent, but pent-up. Her body had
that freshly-fucked feeling to it, that demanded rest
but needed more!

"Here," said one of the men who was still with her.

Tina looked over, half expecting a cigarette. Instead,
it was a cock.

She looked at Mr. Blackwell, feeling resistant
suddenly. But the older man just nodded.

Tina sighed. Remembering where she was and why she was
there, she managed to smile. Then she turned toward
the dick, which was average in size, and gripped it
lightly in her hand.

Just as she did she felt her other hand pulled
forcibly to her right. It was placed on another cock,
from another Texan.

Two hands, two dicks, Tina thought.

I can do this! she told herself. Almost done, now. Not
much further to go.

She began jerking them off simultaneously. At first it
went well: both penises swelled in her young hands,
and it was good. She remembered with a thrill the last
time she'd jerked off two guys at once, only days
before! But then the fourth man stood before her.

She stared at him. He reached out and gripped her

She groaned with desire at his touch: he was a strong,
younger man in his 30's, reaching down to her small
body and gripping her breasts as if they were his. But
he was also pressing her backwards, forcing her to
lean back onto the table.

She managed to continue jerking off the two other men,
who moved along with her. She was now on her back,
breasts being mauled by the man above her, a dick in
each of her small girlish hands, jerking wildly,
almost inexpertly.

When the man in front began to press his cock against
her, she was only barely surprised. Somewhere, in the
depths of her horny, perverted young brain, she'd
expected it. She thought of Joey.

His cock wasn't like Joey's. It was bigger, meaner,
rougher. And it pressed against her gooey hole with
little regard to that hole's owner.

Tina squealed. She froze the handjobs, trying to
adjust to the size of the cock fucking its way inside
of her. Her legs splayed away from each other and she
scooted her butt forward, heaving upward her pelvis.
This was going to be a big one! Could it give her the
orgasm she desperately wanted?

Did she even want that orgasm anymore, she wondered?

And then, yet another dick, was pressing against her

"UMPH!" she muttered in surprise, even annoyance.

It was one of the two guys who had been with Lucy, she
realized. Now he was with her, and she was forced to
open her mouth and take his cock in.

It would have been so easy to lay their, like a little
rag-doll, and let them just use her like this. She
even considered doing that. There was only one

Her body wouldn't let her! It was charged up,
confused, starved, nasty. Her mind quickly became
carnal again, too. So she began jerking the two guys
to her left and right with feeling again. She felt so
depraved, so completely sluttish! Dick in each hand,
dick in her pussy, dick in her mouth.

And then, tongue on her tits. She gasped and opened
her eyes widely, and saw Lucy there, her face buried
into her small pieces of tit-flesh.

They were all fucking her! Was this what it had really
been about? Getting her into this? Making her so horny
she didn't care? Her body flayed around on the table-
top as she stared, with her large, wide eyes, into
Lucy's, whose tongue was expertly flicking at her

The dick in her mouth was no problem. Tina knew how to
give a blowjob, and instincts took over. The dick in
her left hand? He seemed to be ready to cum any
moment. He was no problem.

But the cock in her right hand? Angry. Mean, and
angry, and unrelenting. Several times the man gripped
her young wrist and secured it in place, almost
showing her how to do it. It was annoying.

As for the dick in her pussy, well, Tina felt
stretched and stuffed. It was large. Had he fucked
like Razor, she would have cum several times by now,
she was certain. But he was sort of lazy: just the old
in-out, in-out. Boring, but brutal and uncaring.

Her legs flailed about. She started when Lucy bit
lightly into her nipple, and sucked harder on the cock
in her mouth in reply.

Then, the guy whose cock was in her left hand suddenly
came unto Tina's face. She continued jerking
involuntarily on the other dick, then sputtered and
blinked as the degradation set in. Gobs of cum on her
lovely, young face. She felt embarrassed somehow!

Without warning, cum filled her pussy, too. She felt
fuller, dirtier than she'd thought she would. She
grunted around the dick in her small mouth as she took
the semen of a stranger up inside.

Lucy's hand came down to her cum-filled, now dickless
pussy and, without any fanfare, began to finger the
teenage girl with abandon. The finger drew long
strands of sticky sperm with each withdraw from the
teenager's poor cunt.

"Tina," she heard the hand-job man to her right moan.

Then his cum spurted onto her forehead, into her hair,
and dribbled over her still jerking fist.

Finally her hands were free. She used them to grip
Lucy's head, massage it. She could feel the cum in her
hands wash into Lucy's lovely black hair.

"Okay, cowgirl!"

Tina gasped in surprise as the man whose dick was in
her mouth began to spurt cum down her throat. It
wasn't that bad, actually. It was just sudden, she
told herself.

Then Lucy stopped, too.

Tina laid there. Naked, mostly, save for her cowgirl-
belt. Her breasts were heaving, her limbs spasming
slightly. She stared up at the ceiling.

"God damn," she heard Mr. Blackwell say, his accent
thick as ever. "You sure was a good girl tonight!"

Tina didn't smile, nor did she frown. She just stared
at the ceiling. The feeling of cum inside her, and on
top of her. She'd just been so utterly fucked. Yet all
she could think about was that Lucy had stopped, too,
and was gone.

"Cowgirl brought low," said one of the men,

"Shuddup!" said Mr. Blackwell. "She done fine. Done
jus' fine!"

Tina wasn't listening. She was staring upward still,
as her body trembled in the aftermath of a vicious
fuck-and-suck cycle. She thought of little Joey.

She thought of school. And longed for Lucy's touch.

A female voice asked, "Anyone ready for seconds?"

"Sure are!" said four of the six men at once.

Tina grinned stupidly. She'd heard that. But who was
that female? Was that Lucy?

When they pulled her exhausted body off the table,
Tina knew what was expected. She allowed herself to be
placed on all fours, and readied her small, 16-year-
old body for the cocks again.

None of it mattered. Part of her wanted it, part of
her wanted something else, part of her wanted just to
sleep. But she was getting used to not getting what
she wanted.

And soon, the six big Oil Men were ready to violate
her young body once more. It made Tina feel wanted,
the teenager realized in the back of her crazed,
exhausted young mind.

She was doing a good job.



2006-11-09 22:14:09
the story took to fuckin long to get to the good partrs dumbass


2005-10-19 11:53:47
very very good storie slut but shes her daddys slut


2005-04-24 02:10:38
You are a talented writter! I've enjoyed all your chapters so far!! Keep up the good work!


2004-08-23 17:33:37
Well written. The author knows what she is doing.


2004-06-06 23:00:01
gotta love a good gangbang

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