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Introducing May
This story has been around for a while, but it is very good!


May lay very still. She knew she was seeing something which
she wasn't supposed to see. A dim light was on in the other end
of the darkened Winnebago. She could see her Aunt and Uncle
lying side by side on the double bed. Sarah, her mother's
sister, and Dan, her husband, were kissing. They were lying on
top of the cover, with their feet towards where May lay in the
sofa bed with her two cousins, Jack and Sally. May could see
that the two adults were dressed for bed, and they were just
lying there together with their arms around each other kissing.

May couldn't believe that she was here. She hadn't seen her
cousins in several years, but two weeks ago, her Aunt Sarah had
called her mother and asked if May would like to go on vacation
with them. Her mother had agreed and they had stopped in the
middle of the night to pick her up at her house. They were going
to drive during the night so that they would be at the camping
park before morning. Her mother was supposed to drive down in a
few days to join them. Her two cousins, 15 year old Jack and 14
year old Sally, had been sacked out on the sofa bed in the middle
of the travel vehicle when she got on board. They had waked up
and the three of them had talked and giggled for a while before
going to sleep. They had just fallen asleep in their clothes
there on the sofa bed together. May was on the right side of the
bed, towards the back of the vehicle, Sally was in the middle,
and Jack was snoring on the other side of Sally.

May had half-waked when she felt the big Winnebago bumping
over rough terrain. Shortly after this she had been vaguely
aware of her aunt and uncle moving past where they slept to the
back of the trailer, and realized that they must have reached
their destination. She had just about dozed back off when she
heard her aunt giggle. She had peeked to see what was going on
and discovered that they were smooching. Her aunt had on a short
gown and her uncle had on pajamas. Now as she watched, she saw
Dan sliding his hands all over Sarah's big tits, and then she saw
him pull the strap of her gown down and take hold of her bare
tit. As she watched, she saw him lower his head to her breast.
With his head in the way, she couldn't be too sure, but she had
the impression that he was kissing her tits. Dan slid down on
the bed a little, and, as he moved, his crotch came into May's
view. She almost gasped aloud at what she saw. His pajama pants
were bulging! From the way his pants were sticking out, she knew
he had an "erection" as the books on sex called it. Then she saw
him slide his hand up between Sarah's legs, pulling her gown up
as he did so. When he reached her crotch, she opened her legs
and May saw him slide his finger right up inside of her pussy!
From the angle she had, she could actually see his finger
disappear through the black hair and go up her slit. She saw her
aunt reach down and slide her hand inside the waist of Dan's
pajama pants. From the way Sarah's hand was moving back and
forth, May knew that her aunt was stroking Dan's penis. She held
her breath as she watched.

After several minutes, she saw her uncle raise up and slide
over on top of her aunt. She saw her aunt pushing his pajamas
down, and she almost gasped when his butt came into view. She
had never seen a man's butt, and she was very excited at getting
to view her uncle's. She realized that she was "sexually
aroused" as the books called it. She knew her virgin 13 year old
pussy was wet with juice. She had played with her pussy enough
to know the excited feeling.

She saw her aunt pull her legs up, her knees sticking up on
each side of her uncle's thighs. She knew that they were about
to have sex, or "fuck" as some of her more experienced friends at
school called it.

May saw her uncle's buttocks tighten as he pushed against
her aunt, and she realized that he must have just put his penis
inside of her vagina. May almost giggled out loud. She was
thinking in the terms which she had seen in the books. Her
friend, Jill, would have said that he just stuck his dick in her
pussy. As she watched, she saw her uncle's buttocks tighten and
relax as he thrust into his wife and then withdrew. May lay very
still and watched his butt, looking at the way the muscles
tightened and relaxed as he repeatedly thrust and withdrew,
thrust and withdrew. Dan was doing it faster now. His buttocks
were clenching and relaxing at a much faster rate. She could
hear her aunt sort of moaning and groaning in time with Dan's
thrusts. It sounded like her aunt was really enjoying what she
was getting. May saw Sarah's hands slide down over Dan's ass.
Sarah had hold of his butt checks, pulling and pushing,
encouraging him in his thrusts. Suddenly, she saw her aunt's
legs jerk upward and heard her begin to kind of moan and cry.
She say her uncle shove forward hard and hold tight up against
her. His buttocks were clenched tightly and she could hear him
gasping and groaning. She realized that they must be "climaxing"
and that his organ must be shooting his stuff up inside of her.

After a few moments, they lay still. May was hoping that
her uncle would raise up and that she would see his dick when he
pulled it out of her aunt, but they just lay there. May drifted
off to sleep before the couple moved, so she didn't get to see
Dan raise up and slide off of Sarah and pull his pajamas up.

May was awakened by a hand shaking her shoulder.

"May, rise and shine," she heard Sarah's voice. Sleepily,
May rolled over onto her back. She had been having the most
wonderful dream. She had been watching her uncle's bare butt,
thrusting and pushing. But it had been her he was thrusting and
pushing into!

Looking around, she saw that Sally was sitting up beside
her, rubbing her eyes and Jack was sitting on the side of the
sofa bed on the other side of Sally. Sarah laughed at them.

"You guys got a lot more sleep than we did last night, and
we're having to wake you up," she laughed at them. "Come on,
I've got breakfast ready." She motioned toward the front of the
vehicle, and May saw that the booth-like table was set with bacon
and eggs. Dan was putting forks on the table. The kids didn't
need any more encouragement. All three of them scrambled off the
bed and headed for the table.

After breakfast, they all went out together to look around
the camping park. They were parked in a wooded section near a
river. There was only one other vehicle in that section of the
park, a big conversion van, parked three campsites away. There
was a small building next to the conversion van which May guessed
was some sort of bath house. Their campsite was all the way on
the end of the row, and it had a picnic table and a campfire

They walked down the road past the conversion van and when
they rounded a curve in the drive, May saw a swimming pool ahead.
Beyond the swimming pool, there were more campsites, and what
looked like a lodge. They walked on down to the swimming pool,
and discovered that there was a concession stand alongside it.
The kids went around to inspect the pool while Dan and Sarah
walked on down to the lodge.

"Hey, look over there," Jack whispered to the girls. He was
looking back up the road in the direction of their campsite. The
girls saw another girl coming down the road. The new girl was a
cute looking blond, a little on the chubby side. The thing which
had attracted Jack was her figure. She had large bouncy tits
which were threatening to fall out of the skimpy halter top which
she was wearing. Her shorts were so tight that it looked like
she had been poured into them.

"Jack's hormones are acting up," Sally giggled to May as the
girl approached them.

"Hi," she said as came up to them. She looked to be about
15 years old, and was quite pretty in spite of being just a
little heavy. May and Sally realized that her greeting was
really directed to Jack, but they all responded. They found that
she was from the conversion van which they had passed on the way
down, and that she was there with her mother and father, who were
still asleep. Her name was Bunny, and she had been hoping that
someone else her age would show up soon. Again, she seemed much
more interested in Jack than in the other girls. They talked to
Bunny until Dan and Sarah came out of the lodge and called them.

"Bunny's hormones are acting up, too," Sally giggled to May
as they trotted over to where the grownups were waiting.

"The bath house is available for us to use," Sarah told
them, "so we won't be stuck with the tiny shower in the bus.
"Besides the van we passed, we're the only ones on our side of
the swimming pool right now."

They looked around the area some more, then they all headed
back for the campsite except Jack, who was over by the pool
talking to Bunny again.

Dan and Sarah were walking several yards ahead of the girls,
with their arms around each other.

"I wonder how they are going to manage being in that trailer
with us for a whole week," Sally giggled to May.

"What do you mean?" May asked.

"Well, they like to screw a lot," Sally explained. "Jack
and I hear them going at it almost every night. I wonder how
they are going to manage with us in the same room with them."

May giggled and whispered what she had seen the night before
to Sally. Sally got very excited, wanting to know all the
details. She was disappointed when May confessed that she had
not seen Dan's prick.

"You should see it," she whispered. "It's huge! Much
bigger than Jack's!"

"You've seen them?" May asked.

"Sure," Sally replied. "Well, I've never seen Dad's hard,
but it's bigger soft than Jack's is when he's got a hardon," she

"You've seen Jack's hard?" May asked with disbelief.

"Yeah, and you probably will too, before this week is out,"
she giggled. "And I'll bet Bunny will see it too, if Jack has
anything to say about it," she laughed.

When they came up to the bath house, Sally called out to her
parents that they were going to stop there.

"I've gotta pee," Sally told May. May was feeling the urge,
too, so the two girls went into the ladies side of the bath
house. When they got inside, they realized that they could hear
a shower running. It seemed to be coming from the men's side.
Sally held her finger up to her lips, indicating to May to be
quiet. May wondered what her cousin was up to. She followed as
Sally moved silently into the shower area. She seemed to be
looking at the wall separating the men's and women's areas, then
she grinned and motioned to May to follow her. She moved right
up to the wall and pointed to two holes in the wall. She bent
down and peered through one of the holes. May bent over and
looked through the other hole. What she saw made her blood boil
up! There was a naked man in the other side, standing under the
shower. He was on the other side of the shower from the wall and
had his back to the girls. May could see his butt, all hairy and
hard looking. As they watched, he turned around and faced
directly towards the girls! They could see his prick, hanging
down between his legs. To May, it seemed huge. The man, who
looked to be about the same age as Dan, was soaping his stomach.
He slid his hand down to his crotch and began to soap his large
hairy balls. Then his hand came up and encircled his large
organ, sliding up and down along the length of it, covering it
with soap. As the girls watched, they saw his prick beginning to
stiffen as his hand slid up and down it. It got stiffer and
stiffer, rising up until it extended straight out from his
crotch. May couldn't see as well as she would have liked to,
because of the soap covering it and his hand sliding up and down
on it. However, she could see the large purple knob, coming into
view each time the man's hand moved down towards the base of the
huge shaft. After several moments, the man turned back towards
the shower head and began to wash the soap off of his body. When
he turned back around again, the girls saw that his dick had
softened, and was now pointing out and down, rather than standing
up as it had been. The man turned back toward the shower head
again, and let the water run over him a few more moments, then he
turned the water off. He moved out of their view through the
door into the main dressing area.

Sally quickly moved out of the shower area and began to
search the wall in the main dressing area. Finally, she spotted
some more peep holes. The girls found, though, when they looked
through, that the man had finished drying himself off and was
putting his clothes on. They watched until he had completely
dressed, and they saw him leave the bath house.

As soon as he had gone, May suddenly realized that she was
becoming desperate to pee. Evidently, Sally was feeling the same
way, because both girls rushed into the stalls to do their
business. When May came out, she met Sally coming out of the
next stall.

"Wow, did you see the size of his dick?" Sally giggled.

"Yeah," May replied. "But how did you know about the knot

"Oh, there are always peep holes between the men's and
women's sides in these places," Sally told her. "I've peeked
through lots of them."

"Hey, that means that they can peek at us, too," May
suddenly realized.

"Oh yeah, I've been peeked at lots of times," Sally told
her. "I usually give them a good show when I know they're
watching." May couldn't believe her ears, but the idea sounded
so exciting that she hoped she would get a chance to show herself

"I'll bet that was Bunny's dad," Sally guessed as they
walked back toward the campsite. They didn't get a chance to
discuss it any further at the moment, though, because Sarah came
out of the vehicle as they approached, and called for them to
hurry and help them set up camp.

They busied themselves getting folding chairs and other
equipment out of the vehicle and setting up camp. Jack returned
and joined in the work. He and Dan hung a large hammock between
two trees while the females arranged the camp furniture around
the entrance to the big camping bus. May noticed that, for some
reason, Dan seemed to have selected a place to hang the hammock
which was isolated from view. It was in behind some trees and
bushes, and was visible only from the bus.

After they had finished arranging the campsite, Sarah
commented that she could use a shower and asked the girls if they
would like to join her. They got their clothes and towels and
walked down to the bath house. May was thinking about the holes
in the wall, and she was sure that Sally was thinking the same
thing. She decided that she was going to watch the holes to see
if she could tell if anyone was watching.

The three of them quickly undressed and went into the shower
area. It was one big area, and was not divided into stalls. May
turned on the shower and began soaping herself, keeping an eye on
the knotholes across the room. Sally was using the shower head
next to her and Sarah was just beyond Sally. Sarah was a tall,
well-built woman. Her tits were large and firm, jutting out
proudly from her chest. Her stomach was slightly rounded, and
the juncture of her legs was covered with a thick bush of jet
black curls. Sally, like her mother, was tall, with firm tits
standing up proudly, accented by her flat youthful stomach.
Unlike Sarah, who was a brunette, Sally was a redhead like her
father. Her auburn curls were matched by a thin covering of rust
colored curls between her legs. May, being a year younger than
Sally, was not as well endowed. Her titties were much smaller,
being about the size of oranges, but her nipples were very large
and puffy, about like silver dollars, almost covering her still
developing titties. Her cunthair below her flat stomach, was
almost nonexistent, being a thin growth of short blonde curls.

As May lathered her tits, she glanced at the peepholes
again. She thought she saw a movement behind one of the holes!
Being careful not to appear to be stareing, she looked closer.
Yes! She was sure she could make out an eye behind one of the
holes! Someone was watching! She glanced at Sally. Sally
looked at her and nodded imperceptibly at the hole. Yes, Sally
had seen it too.

May kept her front towards the hole, lathering her titties
and squeezing them, aware that her large nipples were becoming
quite hard. She glanced at Sally and saw that she was facing
directly toward the peep hole and was washing her pussy, her legs
slightly apart, giving the watcher a look directly between her
legs. Sarah, beyond Sally, had her back to the peep hole. She
dropped her soap on the floor and bent over to pick it up, with
her ass pointing straight toward the hole. May realized that
whoever was watching was getting a perfect look up between
Sarah's legs. When Sarah straightened up, May saw her glance
toward the far wall. Well, how about that, Aunt Sarah knew they
were being watched and she was showing off, too. For several
minutes, all three females continued to wash themselves and
expose themselves to the unseen watcher. Finally, they turned
off the water and moved to the dressing area. May sat on a
bench, with her knees straight toward the holes in the wall
across the room. She saw movement behind a hole and spread her
legs, drying her pussy in full view of the watcher!

When they were dressed, the three girls casually gathered up
their things and walked out the door into the fresh sunshine.

When they were alone, May and Sally talked about what had
happened in the shower. Sally agreed with May that her mother
had been aware of the watcher and had deliverately exposed
herself. The girls decided that it must have been Bunny's
father, because both Jack and Dan were stretched out on lounge
chairs at the campsite when they got back there.

After lunch, the kids decided that they wanted to go
swimming. Dan and Sarah said they would "take a nap" while the
kids were gone. They got their bathing suits and headed for the

"Well, Mom and Dad will be going at it while we are gone,"
Sally said as they walked along together.

"Yeah," Jack agreed. "Don't you wish you could see them do

"May saw them," Sally told him. Jack got very excited and
wanted to know about it. At their insistence, May recounted
everything she had seen in the darkened trailer. She saw Jack's
pants bulging as she told the story. Sally saw it too.

"Jack," she giggled. "You had better cool off before we get
to the pool, or they might not let you in."

Jack just grinned and reached down and pushed his bulging
lump down.

The girls went into the girls side of the dressing room and
changed into their swimming suits. When they emerged from the
dressing room, they found Jack already in the pool. They both
jumped into the water and soon were splashing and playing in the
water. There was no one else in at the time, so they had the
pool all to themselves. They were chasing each other around,
splashing and dunking each other. May and Sally had teamed up on
Jack and had succeeded in dunking him twice. When he came up the
second time, he reached for Sally, but she got away. Suddenly
turning on May, he grabbed her around the waist and fell
backwards, taking them both underwater. When they surfaced,
laughing and blowing water, May was aware that Jack still had his
arms around her waist. He pulled her back against him. She
suddenly became very aware of something pressing against her
butt. She realized that he had a hardon. She could feel it
pushing against her. He slid one hand up, under the water and
she suddenly felt his hand close on her left tit through her
bathing suit.

"Jack," she giggled. Sally came back up beside them. She
saw Jack's hand on May's tit under the surface of the water.

"Copping a feel, Jack?" she asked.

"Sure," he replied, giving May's tit a squeeze.

"Better not let your girlfriend see you doing that," Sally
told him, nodding toward the end of the pool. Bunny had just
emerged from the dressing room door, dressed in the most skimpy
bikini that May had ever seen. Jack's hand immediately left
May's tit and he swam off toward the end of the pool toward

"Too bad she showed up right then," Sally said. "I think
things were about to get really interesting. Did he have a

"Yeah, I could feel it up against my butt," May told her.

"Well, we'll get some action from him, but I think we're
going to have to share him with Bunny," Sally observed.

The two girls got out of the water and got cokes from a
machine and sat down at a round table by the pool. They sat and
watched Jack and Bunny wrestling around in the water. May could
see that Jack had a big hardon when he surfaced once and rolled
momentarily onto his back. May also saw that Bunny didn't miss
the show he had given for her. The two kids in the water
continued to splash and wrestle around for a while, then they
moved up to the side of the pool next to where the girls were
sitting. Bunnie was up against the side of the pool, and Jack
was against her back. Both girls knew that he was rubbing his
hardon up against her ass. She pretended to be talking to Sally
and May, but the girls could tell that she was having a hard time
concentrating on the conversation.

Finally, Sally suggested to May that they get out and go
explore the rest of the camp. May agreed and Jack and Bunny
didn't seem to be sorry to see them go.

They went into the dressing room and got their clothes.
Sally suggested, with a twinle in her eye, that they go to the
bath house to change back into their clothes.

As soon as the girls entered the bath house, they checked
out the peep holes. They were disappointed to find that the
other side was not occupied at the moment. They then proceeded
to get dressed. May was wearing a shortsleeved blouse and blue
jeans over her bra and panties, and Sally was wearing a
sleeveless blouse and short shorts over bikini panties with no
bra. They had just finished dressing when Sally suddenly held
her finger to her lips. They listened and heard whispers coming
through the wall. They went into the shower area and discovered
that the sound was coming from behind the bath house.

"It's Jack and Bunny," Sally whispered in May's ear. "Let's
sneak around and see what they are doing."

The girls went out the door and make their way around behind
the bath house, cirling back through the woods to come up behind
the building. Peeking through some bushes, they saw Jack and
Bunny right up against the bath house. Bunny was leaning with
her back up against the wall and Jack was in front of her. He
was kissing her and he had one strap of her suit top down. He
had her big tit in his hand, pressing and rolling it around while
he kissed her. Then he bent down and took her nipple in his
mouth and started sucking on it. From their vantage point, the
girls could see that the front of Jack's bathing suit was bulging
almost to the point of bursting.

As Jack sucked Bunny's tit, he began to slide one hand down
over her stomach. When he reached the top of her bikini bottoms
he slid his hand inside and straight down between her legs. Even
though the material of her suit was in the way, the girls could
see that he was sliding his finger around in her slit. Then his
hand moved even deeper down in her suit.

"He's got his finger up her pussy," Sally whispered to May.
Sure enough, that is exactly where Jack's finger was. He was
sliding it slowly in and out of her pussy, his hand moving in her
bikini as he fingered her. While he was doing that to her, she
reached down and began to squeeze his dick through his bathing
suit. She slid her hand up to the top of his suit and was just
about to put her hand down the front of his suit when a voice
began calling Bunny's name. It was a woman's voice, obviously
Bunny's mom, and it was coming from the direction of the
conversion van. Bunny jumped and reached down and pulled Jack's
hand out of her bikini. She quickly pulled her strap up and
disappeared around the side of the bath house toward the women's
entrance, so that it would appear that she was coming from the
women's side of the bath house when she emerged into view.

Jack was standing there looking very forlorn. Sally giggled
and grabbed May's hand and emerged from their hiding place. "Too
bad," she told Jack. "You were just about to score."

Jack jumped. "You were spying on me."

"Aw, you know you don't care," Sally said coming up beside

Jack laughed. "Of all the dumb luck, her mother would have
to call her right then."

"Yeah, left you with a big hardon, didn't she," Sally
laughed at him. Then she and May turned and went around the side
of the bath house, leaving him standing there.

When they got back to the campsite, they found Dan and Sarah
stretched out in a couple of the lounge chairs. Jack came into
camp a few minutes later. Sarah asked if they had enjoyed their
swim, but did not ask why they had come back separately.

After supper, they all sat around the table in the front of
the vehicle and played cards until about 10 o'clock. Sarah told
them that she and Dan were going to a late night party at the
lodge. They said they thought they would go to bed, since it had
been a long day.

Sarah suggested to Jack that he get ready for bed in the
small bathroom in the vehicle, out of deference to May's modesty.

"At least until she gets used to us," Sarah told him.
"After all, she isn't used to our casual ways. I hope you don't
mind the three of you sleeping in one bed," she told May, "but
Jack will be on the other side of Sally from you."

"I'm not as shy as Mother may have led you to believe,
Sarah," May told her aunt.

Jack went into the little bathroom, and Dan went back into
the back bedroom. The girls quickly shed their clothes and put
on their sleep wear, Sally wearing a babydoll pajama set and May
putting on a gown and matching panties. When Jack came out of
the bathroom, he had on a pair of pajama bottoms with no shirt.
The three kids piled up in bed, with Sally in the middle, and
Sarah and Dan left for the party.

The kids lay quietly for several minutes. Finally, Sally
broke the silence.

"Jack, I'm surprised you aren't slipping out to see Bunny,"
she said.

"She had to go into town with her folks to visit somebody
tonight," he said.

"You almost got her this afternoon," Sally grinned at him.

"Yeah, a few more minutes," Jack said wistfully.

"I noticed you were pretty interested in May's titties until
Bunny showed up at the pool," Sally continued.

Jack was raised up on one elbow, looking across his sister
at May. "Yeah, you've got nice tits, May," he told her.

Both girls laughed. Sally pointed down at Jack's bulging
pajamas. "Why don't you show her that and maybe she'll show you
her tits," Sally suggested.

"How about it, May?" asked Jack. "Will you show me your
tits if I show you my dick?"

May looked at the bulging pajama pants. "I guess so," she

Jack reached down and unsnapped his pajama pants. He opened
them wide and his dick popped out into the open, sticking
straight up toward his belly button. Quickly, he stripped the
pants down off of his feet and kicked them off onto the floor.

"Wow," breathed May, staring at his dick. She could see the
veins bulging in the shaft with the swollen purplish-red knob on
the end. Jack reached down and wrapped his fingers around the
shaft, slowly sliding his hand up and down along the shaft.

"Now, show me your tits," he said.

"Sally has got to show hers, too," May said.

"Sure," Sally said taking hold of her pajama top and pulling
it off over her head with one smoothe movement. "Now, your

May got up on her knees and took the bottom of her gown in
her hands. Slowly, she pulled it up and pulled it off over her

"Wow, May, they're beautiful," Jack said, stareing at her.
May blushed hotly. "You're both beautiful," Jack said, looking
at his sister. "Now show me your pussies."

Sally lay back on her back and slowly pushed her panties
down. When she had them all the way off, she spread her legs and
reached down and used her fingers to pull her pussy wide open,
revealing the pink folds inside. Jack's fist was sliding up and
down his dick with a regular rhythym, stroking up and down as he
looked at his sister's pussy.

"Now, show him yours," Sally told May.

May lay down on her back and reached down to take hold of
her panties.

"Let me do it," Jack said. He crawled over the prone Sally,
his dick bobbling up and down as he moved. He knelt on his knees
beside May and took hold of the waistband of her bikini panties.
Slowly, he began pulling them down. He gasped as her pussy came
into view. Then he pulled the panties all the way down and off
over her feet. He sat back on his heels, looking down at his
pretty cousin's pussy. Then he stretched out on his side between
the two girls, propping himself up on one elbow, looking at May.
Sally raised up and looked down at Jack's dick.

"Why don't you jack off for us?" she suggested.

"OK, if both of you will finger yourselves for me," he said.

"Sure, we'll do that, won't we, May?" Sally agreed.

"Yeah, I guess so," May said. "You go first," she suggested
to Sally.

"OK," Sally agreed. She flopped down on her back and spread
her legs. The other two kids raised up so they could see, and
Sally began stroking her pussy with her fingertip. She slowly
began to let the tip of her finger delve down into her crack,
tickling her hard clitoris. Then, she used her fingers to pull
her pussy wide open, showing the juicy pink interior. Then,
using the forefinger of one hand to rub her clit, she slid the
other hand down and began to slide the fingertip down into her
cunthole. Stroking and fingering, she began to get more and more
excited, playing with herself while the other two watched. Then,
suddenly, she became very red in the face, and climaxed, arching
her back and shoving her finger all the way up into her pussy.
Finally, she lay back, breathing hard.

"Now, you do it, Jack," May said.

"You first," Jack said.

"No, you do it, then I'll do it," May said.

Jack slid off of the bed and stood at the foot of the bed
facing the girls. They lay on their stomachs and watched as his
hand began to slide up and down his hard dick. Faster and faster
his fist pumped on his dick, until he was nearly jacking himself
into a frenzy. The girls watched with mounting excitement, as
they waited for the eruption. They didn't have long to wait.
Suddenly, Jack thrust forward, his dick sticking out through his
grasping fist. It was almost like his dick had erupted, a huge
glob of white stuff shooting out the end and landing on the bed.
Jack groaned as another spurt shot out, landing just short of
where the first had hit. Spurt after spurt shot out, flying
through the air. Finally, the spurts turned to a drible and

Sally jumped off of the bed and grabbed a towel, handing it
to Jack. He wiped his hand and dick off, then wiped up the
puddling come from the bed.

"Now, May, its your turn," Jack said. May lay back on the
bed and spread her legs wide. Jack stood at the end of the bed,
looking right up between her legs while Sally lay beside her,
watching intently.

May slid her hands down between her legs and slowly pulled
her pussy open for them to see. She was feeling very excited,
and she knew that her pussy was already wet. Blushing, partly
from embarassment, partly from excitement, she began to rub her
clitty. Slowly sliding her fingertip over the protruding little
nubbing, she began to slide the other hand down farther into her
slit, letting the tip of her finger swirl around in the tight
opening to her cunt hole. Slowly, she began to slide her middle
finger up into her hole. When it was about half way in, she
began to slide it in and out, fingering herself while she
continued to tickle and rub her clit with the finger of the other
hand. Looking down the length of her body, she saw Jack stooping
down and looking directly up between her legs. He raised up and
she realized that his dick was rock hard again. Suddenly, he
crawled onto the bed between her legs.

Jack slowly slid his hands up the inside of May's thighs.
When he reached her pussy, he used his fingers to hold her pussy
lips wide open while he watched her fingers work on her own

"Why don't you do it for her?" Sally asked him. In
response, Jack slid one finger down to where May's finger was
sliding in and out of her pussy. She pulled her finger out and
he gently and slowly slid his own finger up into her hole. She
gasped as she felt it slowly going all the way up into her cunt.
No one else had ever had a finger in her, and having Jack doing
this to her was much better than doing it herself. Jack began to
slowly slide his finger in and out of her. He used the tip of
the forefinger of his other hand to rub her clit. He gently
rolled the little button back and forth as he fingered her. May
began to feel the rising excitement which she knew meant that she
was about to come. Suddenly, gasping for breath, she thrust her
hips upwards toward the thrusting finger and began to jerk,
gyrating her hips wildly on his thrusting finger. She was
coming! Bigger and better than she had ever come before.

Finally, May lay still. Jack pulled his finger out of her
juicy pussy and looked down at her. "May, you are beautiful," he
told her. She smiled at him. Looking down, she saw that his
dick was still sticking up, hard as it could be.

Suddenly, Jack lowered himself down on top of her. She
could feel his stomach against her stomach, his chest pressed
against her tits. She felt his lips contact her lips, his tongue
coming in between her lips. Then she felt his dick come up
between her legs, the end sliding right into her juicy slit.

"No, Jack," she suddenly gasped, pushing against him. He
began raising up and down, trying to find her cunt hole with the
end of his dick.

"No," she said again, almost in a panic. Sally grabbed her
brother by the shoulders and began pulling on him, trying to pull
him off of her.

"Jack, stop it," Sally was telling him. Seeming to come to
his senses, Jack suddenly raised up and rolled off of his cousin.
He looked over at her, the disappointment showing in his eyes.

"Jack, I've never done it," May told him.

"Neither have I," Sally said. "Jack, you can't do it to her
if she doesn't want to," she told him.

"I know it," he said. "May, I'm sorry. All of a sudden, I
just wanted so badly to fuck you."

"I know," she told him. "I wanted to do it too, but I was
scared. Maybe we'll do it some other time."

"Wow, I hope you'll let me watch if you do," Sally said.

"Let me do it to you," Jack said, half playfully and half

"UhUh," she replied. "You've tried before, and I've told
you that I feel funny about letting my brother fuck me. Besides,
I'm a little scared too."

"Well, let me finger you," he said sliding his hand up
between her legs. Sally giggled and rolled onto her back,
spreading her legs so he could get to her. May raised up and
looked over his body, watching his finger slide in and out of
Sally's pussy.

Looking down, May saw his dick sticking straight out in
front of him. She reached down and boldly grasped it in her
fist. Jack grunted as she began to slide her hand up and down
the length of the hard shaft.

Sally raised her head and looked down, seeing what was going
on. "Oh, yeah, you do him while he does me," she told May. May
continued to slowly jack on Jack's dick. She delighted in the
feel of it in her hand. She couldn't believe how the outer skin
slid up and down on the shaft as she pumped it up and down. And
when her hand went all the way out to the end, she marvelled at
the velvetty smoothness of the big red knob. Juice was flowing
out of the slit in the end and running down over her hand,
lubricating the shaft as it slipped back and forth in her fist.

Looking over at Sally, May saw that she was getting red in
the face, huffing and puffing through her nostrils. Jack's
finger was sliding in and out of her pussy, pumping in a pool of
pussy juice. Jack was beginning to thrust his dick through May's
pumping fist, now. He was contributing as much to the jacking
off as she was.

Suddenly, Sally let out a little shreik and grabbed Jack's
hand. She shoved on it, driving his finger all the way up in her
pussy and holding it there. She was coming.

And Jack was right behind her. With a sudden thrust that
nearly jerked his dick out of May's hand, he began shooting off.
Spurt after spurt of white cum shot from his dick, splattering
against Sally's hip, as May continued to slide her hand up and
down the slippery shaft. Finally, it quit spurting. May looked
down at the juice running down all over her hand. She was amazed
at how swarm and slippery it was.

Jack pulled his finger out of Sally's pussy and reached for
the towel. May released his dick and watched him wipe the juice
off of Sally's hip and then wipe his dick off. Then, turning
toward her, he took her hand and wiped it off with the towel. He
grinned at her and she smiled back.

"Hey, we better get our clothes back on," Sally said. "Mom
and Dad may be back any time." Realizing that they were all
three lying there naked and that Dan and Sarah might walk in the
door at any time, the three youngsters quickly scrambled back
into their night clothes. They turned on the TV set and lay and
watched TV with Jack between May and Sally. The girls nestled up
against him and they all watched TV until they fell asleep, which
wasn't long in the satisfied state which they found themselves
in. When Dan and Sarah came in, they found them snoring
peacefully with the TV still going. Sarah went over and turned
the TV off, then stopped and looked down at the sleeping youths.
Her brow went up, a puzzled look on her face when she realized
that Jack was sleeping between the two girls. Then, as she moved
around the foot of the bed, she noticed the towel lying on the
floor at the foot of the bed. When she picked it up she noticed
that it was stiff in places. She examined it and then a broad
smile went over her face as she recognized feel of dried cum on
the cloth. She stood a few moments and looked down at the kids,
wondering just how far they were going. She was somewhat
surprised at her reaction. Jack might be screwing his cousin.
She then suddenly realized that if he had, he had done it in
front of his sister. Then she realized that he might have
screwed Sally, too. Sarah was surprised at how excited that
prospect made her feel.

The kids spent most of the next morning at the swimming
pool. Bunny had evidently not come back yet, because she had not
put in an appearance. They didn't get to do anything of a sexual
nature while they were at the pool because Dan and Sarah were
there also.

Sarah had told Dan about her suspicions from observing the
towel and she had been surprised at his reaction. His response
had been one of "Do you really think they are messing around?
Hey, maybe we could watch them?" They had decided that they
would keep their eyes open for anything going on.

About noon, Bunny and her parents returned to camp. When
they were all walking back to the campsite, the big conversion
van pulled in just as they were passing the parking place it had
occupied. Bunny jumped out and called to them, so the three kids
stopped to talk to her. The girls didn't hang around long,
because it was evident that her attention was directed to Jack.

When they got back to camp, Sarah asked them where Jack was
and when they said he was with Bunny, she just smiled. When Jack
got back, Sally asked him if he had made a date to see her and he
told them that he was meeting her behind the bath house again
after lunch.

Jack ate quickly and made his exit as soon as possible.
Sally suggested to May that they spy on him again, so the girls
slipped off as soon after Jack left as they could. Sarah saw
them go into the woods in behind the campsite, as she noticed
that they turned toward the bath house before they were
completely out of site.

"I wonder what they are up to," she wondered to herself.
Dan was stretched out in the hammock, so she decided to follow

May and Sally made their way through the bushes behind the
bath house as quietly as they could. When they reached the same
vantage point they had enjoyed the day before, they peeked out of
the bushes. They were delighted with what they saw.

Jack and Bunny were up against the back of the bath house
again. Jack had Bunny's blouse unbuttoned. She wasn't wearing a
bra and he both hands full of her big tits. His jeans were
bulging so that it looked like the zipper would split. As they
watched, Jack bent down and took a large nipple in his mouth and
started sucking. It was obvious that Bunny liked what he was

Sarah almost came up on the girls before she realized it.
If they hadn't been so intent on looking through the bushes at
something, they would have seen her. She backed up a little and
made a slight circle so she could see what they were watching.
Pushing the bushes apart silently, she peered out. She almost
gasped at what she saw. Jack was sucking Bunny's big tits and he
had his hand between her legs feeling her pussy through her
shorts. As Sarah watched, she saw Bunny reach down and squeeze
Jack's bulging crotch through his jeans.

Jack let Bunny's tit slip out of his mouth and stood up. He
reached down and unzipped Bunny's shorts, then pushed them down
over her hips. She wasn't wearing any panties, either. She had
really come dressed for action. She quickly stepped out of the
shorts and then knelt in front of Jack. She unfastened his pants
and tugged them down to his knees. She immediately pulled his
shorts down as well and wrapped her fingers around his throbbing
dick. She slid her hand up and down the length of it a couple of
times, then stuck out her tongue and licked it right on the end!

May and Sally gasped when they saw Bunny lick Jack's prick
and then take the end of it in her mouth and start sucking on it.
Jack looked like he was in heaven. He was leaning back against
the side of the bath house thrusting his hips at Bunny's mouth.

Sarah had a clear view of her son's dick sliding in and out
of Bunny's lips. She was amazed at the size of his organ.
"Takes after his daddy," she thought to herself.

Jack knew he couldn't last long with Bunny's mouth sucking
hungrily at his prick. Suddenly, he knew he couldn't last at
all. He let out a gutteral grunt as his cock suddenly exploded
in her mouth.

May and Sally could tell that Jack was coming in Bunny's
mouth. They could even see her throat working as she swallowed
the powerful spurts which he was shooting in her mouth. When he
finished coming, she licked his dick clean and stood up.

She whispered something to him and leaned back against the
side of the bath house. Jack knelt between her legs, his jeans
and shorts down around his ankles now. He used his fingers to
open her pussy wide and then began to lick up and down in her

"The little rascal is going to eat her," Sarah thought to
herself. Sure enough, Jack was doing exactly that. Sarah could
see his head working as he tongued and licked the juicy pussy in
front of him. Bunny must have been pretty hot, because he didn't
have long to work on her before she grabbed his head and shoved
it hard up between her legs. She almost suffocated him, holding
him prisoner there between her legs while she came.

When she finally released him, he reached up and pulled her
down beside him. His dick was pointing straight up again. Jack
pushed Bunny down on her back and crawled over her. From her
hiding place, Sarah could look straight up between their legs.
She saw Bunny pull her legs up and spread them wide. She saw
Bunny's hand come down and grab the hard dick and guide it to the
juicy hole between her legs. She saw Jack lunge forward and sink
the full length of his prick straight up her cunt hole. He held
it there for a moment and then began to fuck her.

May and Sally could see Jack's dick appear and disappear
beneath Bunny's pulled up leg as he fucked her. As they watched,
they saw her reach down and grab him by the ass, urging him on.
He didn't really need any urging, however, as he was
enthusiastically fucking her. Harder and harder, faster and
faster, he screwed her. Suddenly, she began to gasp and whine,
and then Jack let out a series of grunts and buried his dick up
to the balls in her as he shot his wad up her pussy. She was
obviously coming too, as she held on tightly to his ass.
Finally, Jack raised up and pulled it out of her.

Sarah could see her pussy gaping open when Jack's dick slid
out. She saw a big glob of cum slide right out of the girl's
pussy. Jack stood up and pulled his shorts and pants up. Bunny
put her shorts back on and buttoned her blouse. Jack kissed her
on the lips, then took her by the hand and led her away around
the side of the bath house.

Sarah stayed very still, as she watched the girls come out
of the bushes and go up to the spot where the fucking had taken
place. They looked around and giggled as they talked to each
other about what they had seen. She heard Sally say to May,
"Boy, after watching that, I can hardly wait to have it done to
me. I really want to lose my cherry!"

"Me, too," May agreed with her.

"Are you going to let Jack do it to you?" Sally asked her

"I don't know, probably," May replied. "I think I would
like to try what he and Bunny did with their mouths first,

"Yea, me too," Sally replied. "Playing with him and letting
him play with us is fun, but I think it's time to do a little

May nodded in agreement as the girls made their way off
through the woods.

Sarah knew that the conversation she had heard meant that
Jack was not fucking his cousin or his sister, but it also meant
that the girls were ready and that it would probably happen soon!
She suddenly realized that she was desperately needing to piss.
She made her way around to the front of the bath house.
Suddenly, on an impulse, she went over the the entrance to the
men's side. She listened silently. She didn't hear anything.
She looked around. There was no one in sight. She looked around
the entrance into the inside of the bath house. There was no one
inside. She had always wanted to pee in the men's room! She
decided to take a chance!

As May and Sally made their way through the woods, May
suddenly realized that she needed to pee. She told Sally to go
on without her and she turned back toward the bath house.

Inside the men's room, Sarah was perched on the pot with her
shorts and panties down around her ankles. She spread her legs
and released her bladder, causing the water in the pot to sing
with the stream of piss she cut loose in it. Shen she finished,
she wiped her pussy and reached for her clothes bunched at her
ankles. Suddenly, she became aware that someone was watching
her! Bunny's father was standing just inside the door, looking
at her. He didn't say a word, he just walked slowly toward her.
Her eyes were drawn to the huge bulge between his legs. She sat
still until he stood in front of her. He extended his hand to
her and she took it. He pulled her to a standing position and
immediately kissed her.

There she stood, with her shorts and panties still down
around her ankles, being kissed by a man she had never really met
before. Sarah could't believe it. This was more like one of her
wild fantasies than reality. She felt his hands close on her
breasts, cupping them and feeling them through her blouse. She
wasn't wearing a bra, and she knew that he could feel her nipples
hardening through the material of the blouse.

Finally, his lips left hers and he unbuttoned her blouse.
He pulled it wide open, exposing her beautiful breasts to his
view. She knew that he had seen them before, through the
knothole in the wall. She moaned as his hands closed on her
boobs, palming and rolling them on her chest. She felt his hand
slide down over her belly, straight down between her legs. His
finger slipped down into her crack, finding her clit. She moaned
as he rubbed her clit, then slid his finger farther down and up
into her cunt hole. Her pussy was creaming around the invading

May had entered the other side of the bath house. She was
about to pull her shorts down to pee when she heard a moan
through the wall. Her need was immediately forgotten! She moved
quickly to a knothole and looked through. She couldn't believe
her eyes. There was her aunt, standing kind of spraddle legged
with Bunny's father's finger up her pussy! As May watched, she
saw Sarah reach down and unfasten the man's pants, pushing them

Like father, like daughter, Sarah thought to herself as she
found that he didn't have on any underwear. She wrapped her
fingers around the huge dick standing straight up in front of his
belly. Slowly, she slid her hand up and down along the length of
it, naturally timing her strokes with the strokes of his finger
in her pussy.

He stepped back, reaching down and freeing his feet from his
pants. Then he gently turned her around so that she had her back
to him. She stepped out of her shorts and panties and leaned
over, bracing her hands on the toilet tank. He moved in close
behind her, taking hold of her hips. Sarah spread her legs and
reached back between them and took hold of the mighty weapon
pointing at her. She guided it straight to it's target and
gasped in pleasure as he sank the full length up in her pussy
with one thrust.

May was watching excitedly, as she saw the man starting to
screw her aunt. From her position, she could actually see his
dick going in and out of her, because the knot hole through which
she was looking was low and they were facing directly away from
her and really quite close to her.

Sarah couldn't believe she was doing this. Here she was,
leaning over a commode with a stranger's dick sliding in and out
of her pussy! And it felt soooo gooooood! He was really balling
her now. His hard thrusts were shaking her all over. From her
position, May could see her aunt's tits shaking as the man rammed
her. Sarah could feel the climax coming. Then suddenly, she was
there! And so was he! She could feel him spurting in her as he
grunted in her ear.

May watched the man pull out of his aunt then help her to
straighten up. Then he moved up to the toilet and stood right
there and started to piss. She heard her aunt giggle and saw her
reach down and take hold of his prick and aim it. When he
finished peeing, she saw her aunt shake it and then give it a
little pat.

When the couple in the other room had dressed and left, May
quickly relieved her bladder and headed back to camp. When she
got there, she found Sarah stretched out on a lounge chair
looking like she was totally relaxed. Dan was asleep in the
hammock and Jack and Sally were sitting on the couch (folded up
durin the daytime) in the vehicle watching tv. When she came in,
she found that Sally had told Jack that they had watched him and

"Say, what took you so long to get back from the bath
house?" Sally asked her.

May hesitated, then told them about seeing Bunny's dad screw
Sarah. Jack and Sally couldn't believe their ears.

"Wow, I knew Mom was hot to trot, but I thought it was only
for Dad," Jack said.

"Well, why shouldn't she want it?" Sally said. "After all,
you want to get in every girl's pants that you meet."

"Oh, I think it's fantastic," Jack said.

"Yeah, so I see," Sally replied, looking at his bulging
crotch. "And so soon after Bunny, too." Jack laughed and
reached down and rubbed his hardon through his pants.

The kids quickly quieted down when they heard someone at the
door. Dan came in and flopped down beside them to watch tv so
they didn't get to talk about it anymore.

A little while later, Sarah came into the vehicle.

"Dan, we told that lady on the other side of the park that
we would bring Sally down to look at her doll collection this
afternoon," she reminded her husband.

"Oh, yeah," Dan groaned.

Sarah explained to Sally that they had met a lady with some
rag dolls for sale. Sally collected them and was eager to go to
see them.

"Do you want to go, May?" she asked.

"Uh, I don't think so, if you don't mind," May replied.

"We'll be back in about an hour," Sarah told Jack and May.
"When Sally gets to looking at rag dolls, we have a hard time
getting her to leave."

The three of them left and May was alone in the bus with
Jack. They sat there for a few minutes watching TV. Then,
suddenly, Jack slid over next to May and put his arm around her
shoulder. May looked at him and smiled. Jack leaned over and
kissed her right on the lips.

May liked the feeling of Jack's lips on hers. They were
soft and warm and it did something to her. Jack continued to
kiss her, opening his mouth and slipping his tongue between her
lips. She extended the tip of her tongue and flicked his tongue
with hers.

The two kids continued to kiss, openmouthed and hard. As
they kissed, both of them began to gasp for breath. Finally,
their lips parted and they looked at each other.

"Wow," May exclained.

"Did you like that?" Jack asked.

"Ummmhmmm," May replied, leaning forward for him to kiss her
again. Their lips began to work against each other, their
tongues twisting and licking at each other. May wrapped both
arms around Jack's neck as he kissed her. She felt his hand
sliding up her side and then around between them. He had his
hand on her tit through her blouse! She purred in his mouth as
he began to palm and feel her little tittie.

After a few moments of this, May felt his fingers fumbling
with the buttons of her blouse. She giggled and brought her
hands away from around his neck to help him unbutton her blouse.
He pulled it wide open and reached up and pulled both bra straps
down! She gasped as his hands closed on both bare titties. He
kissed her lips again, then began to kiss his way down her neck
and down onto her front. Slowly, he kissed his way down to her
budding breasts. When he reached her right breast with his lips,
he kissed his way around the small tit and then moved up to the
swollen nipple. May gasped loudly when his lips closed on her
nipple and he began to suck on it. She cradled his head in her
arms as he nursed at her budding breast.

Moving back and forth from one breast to the other, Jack was
working May up into a real stew. He slid his hand down over her
hip to her leg. He slipped his hand between her knees, and began
to move his hand back up the inside of her thigh.

May felt the warm hand sliding up her leg and she knew he
was headed for her pussy. When he reached her crotch, she gasped
when he slid his hand over and palmed her pussy through her
shorts. He rubbed his hand up and down on her pussy through her
shorts for a few moments, then he began to try to get his finger
inside the tight leg of her shorts.

"Jack, wouldn't it be easier if you just took them off?" she
whispered in his ear.

Jack didn't waste any time complying with her suggestion.
He quickly unzipped them and pulled them down over her legs and
off as she raised up to help him. He then slid his hand back up
between her legs and felt her pussy through her bikini panties.
He could feel the heat through the thin material, and the
moisture seeping through them. He hooked a finger under the leg
and pulled the crotch to the side. He palmed her bare pussy,
then slipped a finger into the top of her crack. She groaned as
his finger found her clit.

Jack looked down at the beautiful sight. His finger was
slowly sliding deeper and deeper into the juicy little slit. The
thin blonde curls hid none of her slit from his view. Slowly, he
inched his finger deeper into her slit until he was twirling his
fingertip in the entrance to her pussy. He was amazed at the
juice! Boy was she hot!

May suddenly raised up and grasped the top of her panties.
Lifting her ass, she quickly peeled them down and off. Jack
immediately slid his finger back up into her pussy when she
spread her legs for him to get to her. Slowly, he pumped his
finger in and out of her.

May couldn't believe how good it felt. But she wanted to
sample some of the other things she had observed today.

"Jack, why don't you kiss my pussy like you kissed Bunny's?"
she whispered to him.

Jack didn't hesitate. He slid to the floor and knelt in
front of her. She pulled her legs up and spread them wide,
propping her heels on the edge of the sofa as she leaned back.
Jack kissed his way up the inside of her thighs. When he reached
her pussy, he flicked his tongue out and licked the end of her
hard little clittie. She gasped and jerked every time he licked
it. He ran his tongue up and down her slit, tasting her gushing
juices. He licked his way down to her brimming hole and thrust
his tongue as far up the entrance as he could get it. He opened
his mouth wide, covering her whole pussy with her mouth, sucking
and licking everything he could get to. He slid his finger up to
her hole and slowly pushed it all the way in as he licked her
clit. He began to pump his finger in and out of her, licking her
little bud of a clit. He fastened his lips around the tiny
morsel and began to suck it, licking the end of it as his lips
pulled on it.

May suddenly grabbed his head in both hands, pulling him
hard against her pussy, as she let out a little shreik. She was

Finally, she released his head and he raised up and grinned
at her.

"Stand up," she told him, raising up to a sitting position.
Jack did as he was told, standing up in front of her. Her
fingers tugged his zipper down and opened his pants. Quickly she
pulled them down below his knees, then she stripped his shorts

His dick was standing up proud and hard, pointing right up
at his belly button. She slid one hand up between his legs,
feeling his balls. The other hand clasped his dick and began to
slowly slide up and down along the shaft. She pumped it several
times, looking at the juice seeping out of the slit in the end.
Then she leaned forward and stuck out her tongue. Tentatively,
she touched the tip of her tongue to the end of his prick. She
liked the taste! It was strong and kind of sour-sweet. She
licked the end, swiping her tongue all around the head. Jack
groaned with pure pleasure!

May pursed her lips and kissed it right on the end. Then,
slowly moving forward, she let her lips slowly enclose the end of
his dick, sliding down until she had the whole knob in her mouth.
She pressed forward, taking some of the shaft in her mouth.
Slowly, she took more and more until the end of his prick was
against the back of her throat. She could see that she had a
little more than half of it in her mouth. That was not quite as
much as Bunny had managed to swallow, but it would have to do
until she got more used to it. It was about to gag her, as it

May then slowly let it slide out of her mouth until only the
end was in. Then she reversed directions and repeated the
movement. She could tell from Jack's groaning that he was really
enjoying it. He began to contribute to the movement, sliding his
dick in and out of her mouth. She was using her tongue on the
underside of it as it slid in and out. She was also exerting as
much suction as she could.

May was afraid that Jack would lose control and jam it down
her throat, so she wrapped her fist around it at just the right
place to control the maximum depth that she wanted. Suddenly,
Jack groaned and gasped and May felt the dick in her mouth begin
to throb. She knew he was about to shoot his load, so she
withdrew her mouth until she had only the knob in her mouth and
began to suck hard. Bam! Jack cut loose in her mouth. The
first wad almost shot down her throat without her swallowing, it
spurted out with such power. Swallowing rapidly, May tried to
keep up with the gushes of hot juice spurting from the end of his
dick. Finally, the spurts slowed to a dribble and then quit.
She sucked the last of the juice out of the piss slit and let his
dick slide out of her mouth.

May looked up at Jack and drinned. He was still gasping for
breath, but he smiled at her.

"Oh, May, that was wonderful," he told her.

She grinned at him, wiping the corner of her mouth with the
back of her hand. "It tastes different from anything I've ever
tasted before, but I liked it," she told him.

Jack sank weakly down on the sofa beside her. He kissed her
on the lips, then leaned down and gently kissed each breast.

Suddenly, May jumped up. She heard voices coming up the

"They're coming!" she told Jack. Quickly, they grabbed
their clothes and put them on. They were sitting on the sofa
watching TV when the door opened and Sally entered, followed by
Dan and Sarah.

Sally looked at them and immediately knew that something had
happened. She couldn't wait to find out what they had done.
Sarah also knew that something had happened. She could feel it.

"Hey, let's go for a walk," Sally suggested.

The other two agreed and out the door they went. Sarah
quickly told Dan her suspicions and the two adults decided to try
to follow them.

The three kids set out through the woods. As soon as they
were out of earshot of the van, Sally asked what they had been up
to. May and Jack grinned at her.

"What do you mean?" Jack teased his sister.

"I know you two did something while I was gone," she
replied. "Now tell me what you did. Did he fuck you?" she asked
her cousin.

"No, but he licked my pussy and I sucked his dick," May told
her, wanting her to know about it. "And it was fantastic," she

"Wow," Sally exclaimed, as they came up to the little clear
spot behind the bath house.

Dan and Sarah almost lost the kids trying to follow them
through the woods, but Sarah was pretty sure she knew where they
were going. Sure enough, they soon peeked out at the back of the
bath house and found the three of them there. Sally was leaning
back against the side of the bath house with her blouse wide
open. Jack was sucking her tits while May watched. After a few
moments, Jack knelt down and stripped Sally's shorts and panties
down and off. Wasting no time, he used his fingers to open his
sister's pussy and went to work on it with his tongue.

"Wow, look at that," Dan gasped. "And look at Sally. She's
growing into some kinda woman."

Sarah smiled. She wasn't surprised to hear him say
something like that. She had suspected for sometime that Dan was
fantasizing about his daughter. Up against the wall, Jack was
really working Sally over. His head was bobbing and working from
side to side as he worked on her pussy with his mouth and tongue
and lips. Suddenly, she let out a little squeal and grabbed his
head, shoving it hard up against her pussy as she climaxed.

"She's gonna smother him," Dan chuckled. Suddenly, he
raised up a little and tugged Sarah's shorts and panties down.
She was on her knees, so this was easy to accomplish. She looked
back at him and smiled as he dropped his pants to his knees and
knelt behind her. She reached down and stripped her shorts and
panties completely off so she could get her legs apart. As soon
as she spread her legs, she felt the end of his huge dick nudge
it's way up into her gash and felt the end slip back and forth in
her slit. Dan pulled it back up against her pussy hole and then
pressed forward, lodging the end in her cunt. He took hold of
her hips with both hands and slowly pushed forward, sinking the
full length of his cock in her juicy pussy.

Dan suddenly realized that she was really juicy. Much
juicier than he would have expected. She felt like she had cum
in her cunt! He pulled his dick out of her and looked down at
it. It was coated with a heavy deposit and he recognized it as
come! Another man's come! Sarah looked back at him, wondering
what he was doing. He pressed forward and slid it into her
again, up to the balls.

Sarah suddenly realized that Dan was fucking her in the come
left by Bunny's father. She didn't know whether he realized it
or not, but if he did, it wasn't slowing him down. He was
screwing her with long steady strokes.

Up against the bath house wall, the girls now had Jack's
pants and shorts down and both of them were kneeling in front of
him. Sally was sucking his dick while May played with his balls.
Dan and Sarah could see their daughter's mouth clearly as she
slurped back and forth on the boy's dick.

"Look at the size of Jack's dick," Sarah whispered back to
Dan. "It's easy to see that he's your son!" Dan just chuckled
as he continued to screw Sarah dogfashion.

Jack was getting close to the point of no return again.
These two girls were driving him wild. He couldn't believe it.
Here he was with his cute cousin playing with his balls while his
own gorgeous sister sucked voraciously at his prick. He was
watching her lips as she slid her mouth up and down on him,
taking fully half the length of his cock into her mouth on every
stroke. He felt his balls tighten. UnOh, here it comes, he

Sure enough, Sally felt the big dick in her mouth jerk and
she knew she was about to get a mouthful. She pulled her head
back until only the end was in and sucked hard. She was rewarded
with a big spurt of come quickly followed by another and another.
She swallowed his spurts as fast as she could.

"He's coming in her mouth," Sarah whispered back to Dan.

When Jack finished coming in Sally's mouth, he sank to his
knees, his dick slipping from Sally's mouth as he slid down. He
leaned back against the wall, gasping for breath. Suddenly, he
realized that someone was pushed against him. It was May. She
was pushing her pussy against his face, wanting to get sucked
again. Jack just grinned and obliged her, opening his mouth and
sliding his tongue up her slit as she spread her legs and
straddled his head. Sally sat beside them, watching her brother
suck her cousin's cunt.

Dan pulled his dong out of Sarah's pussy and slid the end of
it up and down in her asscrack, smearing the thick juice coating
it around in her crack and on her asshole. Then, taking his dick
in his fist, he put the end against her asshole and pushed
forward. Her rectum opened slightly, letting the end of his dick
nestle just inside her brown ringed hole.

Sarah grunted as she felt her husband's prickhead enter her
rectum. Then she felt him push forward, sinking about half of it
up her butt hole. She looked back at him to tell him to take it
easy, but it was too late. He withdrew a little, and then shoved
forward suddenly, sinking the whole thing in her widely stretched
ass hole. She groaned as she felt her ass being stretched wide
open. She was used to Dan fucking her in the ass, but he usually
entered her gently, not like this. He began to screw it in and
out of her tight ass. She relaxed and began to enjoy it as the
initial pain subsided and her rectal opening became accustomed to
the presence of the big prick again. She could see May,
obviously having a climax, with Jack's face buried in her snatch.
She wondered what they would do next.

After May finished coming, she slid down to the ground
beside the other two kids. She looked at Jack and saw that he
was hard again. Sally saw it too. Both girls went after his
dick, with Sally winning the initial favors, taking as much of it
into her mouth as she could. She sucked for a bit, then removed
her mouth and let May get to it.

Dan and Sarah couldn't believe their eyes. The two girls
were doubling up on Jack, taking turns sucking his cock. Dan
continued to fuck Sarah's ass as they watched. Sarah could feel
her body tightening up as she neared a climax from the butt
fucking she was getting. She knew that Dan was close, too.
Suddenly, it happened. She was climaxing, and she felt the big
dick up her butt jerk and jump as it shot a load of cum deep into
her bowels. Finally, it was over. She realized that she had had
her eyes closed. When she looked back toward the bath house, she
saw May's mouth slipping off of Jack's dick, with come running
out from between her lips. She had sucked him off.

Dan and Sarah remained still, coupled together, while the
three kids got dressed and left.

As soon as them were gone, Dan pulled his softening dick out
of his wife's ass and said, "Sarah, I want to know who fucked you

She groaned. She looked back at him and was surprised to
see the look on his face. It was not pain or disappointment, but
excitement. His dick was hardening again as he waited for her

Sarah told him that she sneaked into the men's room and had
been surprised by Bunny's father. She admitted that he had
screwed her. Dan's hand dropped to his now hard dick and he
began to slide it up and down jacking on it. He asked her to
tell him about it, and she did, giving him all the details as she
watched him jack off while she told him. As she related the
story, she began to play with her pussy, fingering herself in
time with Dan's fist strokes on his dick. Suddenly, Dan raised
up and pushed Sarah down on her back.

"I'm gonna fuck you in his cum!" he grunted at her, dropping
down on top of her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he
flexed his hips, suddenly driving his dick up to the balls in her
pussy. She pulled her legs up and wrapped them around his waist
as he fucked her pussy, banging in and out so hard that her big
tits were sliding up and down on her chest. Suddenly, she let
out a scream as she began to climax and she felt Dan's dick
spurting up her cunt, his come mixing with that of the other
man's come which was already in her.

When the kids got back to the campsite, they found it empty.
They went in and turned the TV on again, but they didn't have
long to wait before Dan and Sarah arrived. They didn't offer the
kids any explanation as to where they had been, and of course the
kids didn't ask for one because they didn't want to be asked
where they had been.

That evening, at supper Sarah told them that she had talked
to May's mother, Ruth, on the phone earlier in the day. She
would be arriving the next day, probably sometime after lunch.
After supper, they all went to the swimming pool. The cool water
felt nice as the kids splashed and played together. They were
joined by Bunny soon after thye got in the water. Bunny's
mother, Betty, and father, Ray, sat at the pool side and talked
to Dan and Sarah. Sarah was very excited, sitting there beside
Dan talking to Ray, with Dan knowing that she still had Ray's
come in her pussy mixed with his own. She glanced down at Dan's
crotch and saw that it was bulging. She also saw that Betty had
noticed Dan's hardening dick. Betty was sitting dorectly
opposite from Dan, and she was leaning back with her chubby legs
apart, giving him a good view right up between her legs at the
skimpy crotch of her bikini bottom. It was so tight that her
crack was clearly outlined by the cloth. Sarah wasn't sure how
much of Dan's hardon was due to Betty's display, but she was sure
that Ray's presence after fucking her was having an effect on
him, too.

Suddenly, Betty stood up and announced that she had to go
pee. The women's john in the dressing room was out of order, so
she was going to have to go to the bath house. Ray had gone over
to the office to check on something with the campground manager.
Betty said she might as well get Bunny to walk back to the bath
house with her, because it was dark. Sarah said it would be a
shame to take Bunny away when she was having a good time, and
suggested that Dan walk her to the bath house. Dan looked at
Sarah and saw her wink at him.

Dan and Betty made their way back up the dark road to the
bath house. When they got there, Dan noticed that the lights in
the women's side were not on. He told Betty that he would turn
them on for her. The two of them entered the bath house and Dan
struck a match, lighting the room up so that he could find the
light switch, which he turned on.

"Now I've gotta go do this on the other side," he said.
"It's just as well that I came with you, cause I've gotta go

"Well, just use this side," Betty told him. "There are two
toilets in here. She entered one stall and Dan walked into the
stall next to her. He unfastened his bathing suit and pushed the
front down, pulling his dick out. He heard a low whistle and
looked at the partition between his stall and Betty's stall. He
hadn't noticed when he came in, but the partition had a big hole
right in the middle of it. He was standing there with his dick
out in plain view of Betty. He could also see her. She had
pulled her bikini bottom down and was sitting on the toilet with
her legs spread. He could see right down between her legs and
was amazed to see that she had a shaved pussy!

"Don't let me stop you," she told him. "I like to watch a
guy piss." Dan heard the sound of her piss hitting the water as
she cut loose. Dan released his bladder and aimed the heavy
stream of pee at the toilet bowl, looking at Betty as he did.
When he finished peeing, he shook his dick, which was beginning
to get stiff. Betty giggled.

"I like to watch a guy do that," she told him. As Dan stood
and watched, Betty spread her legs and wiped her pussy.

Dan suddenly moved out of the stall and into the adjacent
stall, standing right there in front of Betty, with his hard dick
sticking straight up out of the top of his bathing suit, which
was still pushed down almost to his balls. Betty smiled at him,
reaching for his dick. Dan moved up in front of her so that she
could get hold of it. She slid her hand up and down the length
of it, then leaned back on the commode and spread her legs.

"I've got a hot juicy hole down here that should just about
fit that big thing," she told him, reaching down and pulling her
pussy lips wide open. Dan quickly knelt in front of her, pushing
his bathing suit down to his knees as he did. Betty slid
forward, propping her plump ass on the forward rim of the toilet

Dan quickly moved up close between her legs. Taking his
dick in his hand, he rubbed the big head up and down in her hot
juicy slot then he slid the end straight down to her cunt hole.
She grunted as he slid it smooothly home in her, sliding in all
the way to the balls. He reached around her and unfastened her
bikini top, pulling it off and dropping it on the floor.

Betty giggled, "I think this is the first time a guy ever
put his dick up my pussy before he got his hands on my tits."

Dan chuckled and began to slide his dick in and out of her,
fucking her with the full length of it.

Back at the pool, Ray returned and asked where Betty had
gone. When Sarah told him that she had gone to take a pee and
that Dan had walked her to the bath house, Ray laughed.

"I hope you don't mind your husband getting screwed by
another woman," Ray told her, "because there is no way she is
going to go to that bath house alone with him without getting in
his pants."

"Well, they won't be the first ones to do it in there, will
they," Sarah told him.

Ray chuckled, "You've got that right," he told her.

A little while later, Dan and Betty came back down the road
and joined the others two at the table where they sat. As Dan
sat down, he winked broadly at his wife. Ray didn't miss the
wink, and he didn't miss the sleepy eyed look his wife always got
when she had just been screwed.

"Well, I gather you like bald pussy," he grinned at Dan.

Dan looked at him and smiled. "We christened the women's
side, since you and Sarah had already done it in the men's side,"
he told Ray.

It was well after dark when they decided to leave the pool.
Sally asked Sarah about going to see the rag dolls again. Jack
and May didn't want to go with them, so they headed up the road
to the campsite. They stopped twice in the shadow of trees to
kiss. The first time, Jack felt May's tits, and the second time,
he pulled the top of her bikini down and sucked her nipples. She
pushed his head away and told him to wait until they got to the
trailer. He dared her to go the rest of the way with her top
down off of her tits, and she laughed and took off running, her
little titties flopping in the moonlight. Jack ran after her,
surprised at how fast she could run. He caught her at the door
to the van.

Jack wrapped his arms around her waist before she could get
in to door. He pulled her back against him, with both arms
wrapped around her. He kissed her on the neck. She relaxed back
against him, feeling his hardon pressing against her ass through
both their bathing suits. Jack slid his hands up and palmed her
little titties, squeezing them and pinching her nipples.

"Jack, why don't we go inside?" May finally whispered. Jack
released her and followed her into the big vehicle. As soon as
they were inside, May lay down on the sofa and Jack stretched out
beside her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as his lips
found hers and they began kissing passionately.

May felt Jack's hands on her tits, squeezing and pressing
them. It felt sooo gooood! Then he slid down and began to suck
her tits, going from one to the other to lick her nipples, then
suck them.

As he continued to suck on her tits, Jack slid his hand down
over May's flat belly to the top of her bikini bottom. Not
hesitating, he slid his hand inside the waist band and straight
down between her legs. She jerked as his finger found her clit,
already hard and standing up proudly. He rubbed his finger back
and forth over it, causing little groans of pleasure to come from
her lips. Then he slid his finger down into her wet, juicy slit
and right up her pussy hole. She groaned as his finger slid in
and out of her wet cunt hole.

May was really getting into this. Jack's finer up her pussy
was driving her wild and his mouth sucking her tits wasn't
exactly turning her off, either. She felt him raise up and pull
his finger out of her pussy. She raised her hips to help him as
he tugged her bikini bottom down over her hips and off. He
grasped his bathing suit and quickly stripped it down and off,
then he was lying beside her again, kissing her lips and sliding
his finger back up her pussy. She just wrapped her arms tightly
around his neck and kissed back, licking his tongue as it flicked
in and out of her mouth.

She felt Jack rolling on top of her. He was still kissing
her but his finger wasn't in her pussy now. Then she felt his
hard dick against her belly, then sliding down, the end of it
nestling in her thin pussy hair. She felt it going down between
her legs. She realized that she was about to get fucked!

With a groan of passion, May pulled her legs up, bending
them at the knee and spread them wide. She felt Jack's dick
between her legs. It was sliding around all over the place.
Then she felt him raise up a little and reach down between them.
She felt the back of his hand against her mons as he guided his
dick to her wet slit. She could feel his shaft sliding up and
down in her slit. Then the end of it found her hole! He pushed
gently and the end was actually in the mouth of her pussy! He
pressed forward and it began to go in. Then she felt a stab of
pain down there. He pulled back a little and pressed forward
again, causing her to groan into his mouth.

He pulled back again, then pushed forward hard. She groaned
as her hymen stretched before the invading prick, then gave way.
He slid in up to the balls! He was in her, all the way!

Jack couldn't believe it. He had actually taken his
cousin's virginity. His dick was buried up to the balls in her!
And boy! Was she tight! And hot! He couldn't believe how hot
her pussy was around his dick. It was like he had it buried in
an over! He held very still for a few moments, letting the
excitement of being in her pussy for the first time calm down.
He didn't want to shoot too soon. He wanted it to be good for
her. After several moments, he felt like he was under control,
so he slowly withdrew his dick and slid it back in again. When
he did, she moaned passionately into his mouth.

May couldn't believe it. He was screwing her! She could
feel his big dick sliding in and out of her pussy! It would pull
way out, almost coming out of her hole, then slide back in again,
all the way in. It was the most wonderful thing she had ever
felt. It was even better than getting her pussy sucked.

May was so excited she was panting. Jack was raised up on
his elbows now, his hips working as he pistoned his dick in and
out of her frothy, tight little pussy. May's hands slid down
Jack's back to his hips, urging him on.

Jack was in a sensual whirlwind. He was trying desperately
not to let it get away from him. His dick felt like it was
caught in a vise, but a hot oily vise. He couldn't believe how
good it felt. Bunny's pussy was like a cave compared to May's.
He knew he couldn't hold out much longer. He felt May's hands on
his hips, urging him on. Then he felt her hands move around and
grab his ass. Her fingers fastened tightly on his ass cheeks.
Then, suddenly, she was jerking wildly on his ass, urging him to
pound into her. A shreik came from her lips. She was coming!
Jack raised up even higher and suddenly began to drive his dick
into her really hard. She screamed and jerked her legs upward,
opening her tight pussy wide to his slamming dick. With a grunt
of release, Jack jammed his dick up to the balls in her and
erupted, shooting spurt after spurt of hot cum deep into her
virgin pussy.

Through her delirium, May could feel Jack's dick jerking in
her pussy. She felt the hot jets of come shooting deep into her.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled on his ass,
holding him tightly against her as the wave of passion swept over
her. She felt him collapse on top of her, his breath coming in

Finally, Jack raised his head and looked at her. She smiled
at him.

"Oh, Jack," she crooned. He grinned at her and kissed her
tenderly on the lips.

Jack raised up and pulled his dick out of her pussy. He sat
up and looked down at it. It was standing open, his cum running
out of her hole and down her crack to her ass. He gently reached
down and ran his finger up and down in her slit.

"Am I bleeding any?" May asked him.

"I don't see any," he told her.

"I'd better go and wash it," she said.

They both got up and Jack followed her into the tiny little
bathroom. She turned on the water and wet a washcloth. Jack
took it from her and she spread her legs. He knelt in front of
her and gently washed her pussy. When he finished, he planted a
kiss right on her cunt hole, causing her to gasp.

"Now, let me wash you," she said, pulling him to a standing
position. She knelt in front of him and gently washed his dick.
She giggled when it began to get hard again. She leaned forward
and suddenly took it into her mouth. She sucked as much of it
into her mouth as she could get. It hardened in her mouth, then
she let her lips slide slowly off of it and looked at it.

"We'd better get dressed," she told him, standing up. He
nodded agreement and they went back to the sofa and put their
bathing suits back on. Jack turned on the TV and sat down beside
her, putting his arm around her shoulders. She slid her hand
down to his crotch and gently squeezed his still half hard dick
through his suit.

As they sat watching TV, May began to play with Jack's dick
through his bathing suit. He moved so that she could get to it
easily, stretching his legs out in front of him. His prick was
standing straight up in his bathing suit, reaching almost to the
waist band. May was rubbing her hand up and down along the
length of the shaft, squeezing and playing with it. Suddenly,
she pulled the waist band of his trunks out and down over the
front of his dick, letting it stick out of the top of the trunks.

She slid down beside him and suddenly took as much of it as
she could into her mouth. He groaned as her hot mouth engulfed
his prick. She began to slide her mouth up and down on it,
sucking as she fucked his dick with her mouth. He sat and
watched hier lips sliding up and down the shaft. It occurred to
him that the others could come through the door at any minute,
but he didn't have the will power to stop her suctioning lips.

May was also very aware that they could be discovered at any
moment. The danger made it all the more exciting to her. She
was determined to bring him off before they got caught.

May was sucking hard, her head bobbing up and down as she
worked Jack's dick over. Suddenly, he gave a groan and came in
her mouth, spurting his juice down her swallowing throat.
Finally, she raised up and gave the end of his dick a kiss and
let the waist band of his trunks back up. His dick was still
clearly outlined in the front of his trunks and she was wiping
her mouth with the back of her hand when the door opened and
Sarah came in, followed by Sally and Dan.

Sarah didn't miss the guilty look on their faces or the
clear outline of Jack's dick in his trunks. She knew they had
been up to something, but she wasn't sure how much they were up
to. Sally also was aware, but she didn't know how far they had
gone either. Dan also noticed his son's dick outlined in his
trunks and was sure that something had been going on. He assumed
that jack had probably screwed his cousin or had been about to
screw her, but he wasn't sure.

Sarah went into the kitchen and fixed a snack for them, then
told them that it was time to hit the sack.

"Oh, boy, I guess I'll have to change in that tiny little
bathroom again," Jack moaned.

"Oh, I don't guess there's any reason to do that," Sarah
laughed. "I'm sure May is comfortable enough with us now not to
be embarassessed." After saying this, she went into the back
section, leaving the curtain open as she peeled off her bathing
suit. Dan was in the process of stripping his suit down. Sally,
not one to miss a chance, kept an eye on her father as she peeled
of her suit top. She wasn't disappointed. Dan dropped his suit
and stood there in full view of both girls with his bare dick
hanging down between his legs as he put on his pajama pants.

Jack quickly skinned out of his suit and put on his pajamas.
May, who was a little slower undressing, couldn't help sneaking a
glance at his dick, and she didn't miss seeing Dan's monster,
either. Jack had his eyes on both girls as they undressed and
put their gowns on. Jack also didn't miss his mother, as Sarah
stripped off her bathing suit and pulled on a short little gown.
Sarah noticed that neither of the girls had put on panties with
their short gowns.

Soon the trailer was quiet. Jack lay there, listening to
the heavy breathing of the others. He lay beside his sister,
snuggling up close to her. It wasn't long before he heard the
regular snoring of his father in the other end of the big
vehicle. He waited a little longer, listening carefully until he
was sure that he could also hear his mother's heavy breathing as
she slept beside her husband.

When he was sure they were all asleep, he snuggled up
against Sally. He was surprised to find that she was also awake.
He slid his hand up under her gown to her pussy, finding that it
was nice and juicy. Suddenly, Sally reached down and pulled his
hand away from her cunt and whispered in his ear, "Come on." She
slipped quietly out of bed and Jack followed her.

Sally eased the door open and led the way outside. Jack
followed her as she led the way to the hammock. She sat down in
the hammock and reached out and pulled Jack up against her,
spreading her legs and letting him hunch right up against her
pussy. His dick instantly sprang to full attention.

"Jack, did you and May screw tonight?" Sally asked him,
gasping with pleasure as he pushed her gown all the way up and
ran his palms over her tits.

"Yeah, we did it," Jack told her. "Now, I want to do it to

"I want to do it too, Jack," she told him, unsnapping his
pajama pants and letting them slide down to his ankles. She took
hold of his hard dick, sliding her hand up and down along the

"Oh, wow," Jack exclaimed, slipping his hand up between his
sister's legs and pushing his finger straight up her juicy pussy.

In the van, Sarah, raised up carefully and looked out the
window over the bed. In the moonlight, she could see Sally
sitting in the hammock with Jack standing up close against her,
his dick sticking up between her legs. Sarah could tell that
they were playing with each other.

Sarah's movement had awakened Dan, and he raised up to see
what his wife was looking at. He gasped when he saw his son
standing between his daughter's widespread legs playing with her
pussy while she played with his dick.

"Are they gonna fuck?" he whispered.

"Shhhh, don't wake May," Sarah told him. "It sure looks
like it," she added.

Outside, Sally was wanting Jack's dick up her pussy. She
had laid in the bed thinking about this while waiting for
everyone to go to sleep, and she was hot and ready. She reached
down and pulled Jack's finger out of her pussy, the pulled on his
dick. As he moved up against her, she guided the end of his dick
to her pussy hole. Jack couldn't believe it. She had always
said she wouldn't let him do it to her, but she was actually
putting the end of his dick against her hole with her own hand.

Jack reached down and hooked his arms under his sister's
knees, lifting her legs. She lay back in the hammock, her hand
still holding his dick to her pussy entrance. Jack began to push
his dick against his sister's hole. The end went in, but he hit
her hymen, and he needed more leverage to get the rest of the way
in. Releasing one leg, he reached up and grabbed her shoulder,
pulling her toward him as he suddenly jabbed his hips forward.
That did it! He heard her gasp of pain as he sank into her hot

Jack leaned forward over his sister, sliding his hands up
under her shoulders to stabilize her and the hammock. She pulled
her legs up and spread them wide, offering him total access to
her tight hot pussy.

Jack began to screw her, working his hips back and forth in
time with the movements of the hammock. Sally groaned as she
felt his dick sliding in and out of her pussy. She couldn't
believe that she was finally fucking her brother!

Inside the trailer, Dan couldn't believe what was going on.
Here he was, peering through a window watching his 15 year old
son screw his 14 year old daughter, and he was so excited by what
he was seeing that he could hardly stand it. What's more, he was
wishing desperately that it was his dick sliding in and out of
his daughter's hot, tight pussy. He glanced sideways at his wife
and saw that she also was extremely excited. Her breath was
coming in excited gasps as she watched the action in the hammock.
Dan suddenly realized that Sarah might even like to et screwed by
her son. The thought of watching his son screw his wife excited
him even further.

In the hammock, Sally was nearing orgasm. Her brother's
prick was slamming in and out of her pussy furiously. She could
feel his balls hitting the cheeks of her ass every time he thrust
it into her. Her legs were pulled up high, wrapped around Jack's
waist. Her pussy was wide open to his hard thrusts, taking every
inch he could get in.

Jack was wild with excitement. He had wanted to fuck Sally
for so long, and now he was actually doing it! He was driving
his dick into her with wild abandon and she was taking it all and
loving it. Her firm tits were rolling up and down on her chest
from the force of his humping. He looked down and watched his
dick appear and disappear in the red curles between her legs. In
the moonlight, he could see his dick glistening with the juice
which coated it.

Suddenly, Sally grabbed his ass and pulled him hard against
her, moaning as she came! Jack threw his head back and snorted
through his nose as his dick spewed spurt after spurt of his cum
deep into his climaxing sister's tight virgin pussy.

Dan and Sarah watched silently as the kids slowly
disentangled themselves from each other and came back toward the
van. When they slipped quietly inside and back into bed, there
was no sign that their parents were wide awake. The curled up
together and were soon asleep.

Early the next morning, May was awakened by movement in the
room. She saw Dan looking through the window next to the door.

"What are you looking at?" she asked, raising up in bed.

"Shhhh," Dan whispered to her. "There is a deer and two
fawns out here." May jumped out of bed and rushed to the window.
She got there just in time to see a shadow disappear into the

"Ohh, I missed them."

"Maybe if we went out, we might catch a glimpse of them,"
Dan said. "Everybody else is asleep, nobody will miss us."

"OK, let me put some clothes on," May said.

"Aw, it's too early to run into anybody," Dan said.
"They'll be miles from here if we wait."

Dan had on nothing but pajama pants and May had on a gown.
She realized as they went out the door that she didn't even have
on any panties. Dan led the way as they made their way into the
bushes, going in the direction the deer had gone. After several
minutes of moving through the brush, Dan suddenly came to a stop.
May moved up beside him. They peered around a tree and saw a doe
and two fawns drinking from a small stream. They stood, frozen
in their tracks for several minutes, watching the animals.
Suddenly, the doe raised her head, sniffed the air and looked
directly at them! In a flash, all three were gone, almost
seeming to dematerialize into the woods.

"Wow, that was something," May breathed.

"Yeah, they were beautiful," Dan agreed with her. He
glanced down at his niece, dressed only in a thin gown and
decided that the deer weren't the only thing that was beautiful.
In coming through the brush, May's gown, which buttoned up the
front, had come unbuttoned down well between her titties. May
saw where he was looking and looked down, suddenly realizing that
her gown was haning open far lower than it should have been for
modesty's sake.

"Uncle Dan," she giggled. "You are staring at me."

"Sorry, May," Dan replied, still looking.

May glanced down at his crotch and saw that his pajamas were
beginning to bulge out!

"Dan!" she giggled. "You're getting a hardon." Dan just
laughed and May reached up and slowly pulled the unbuttoned gown
over to expose one of her firm little titties. Dan moved up to
her and put his arms around her. He bent down and tenderly
kissed her on the lips. When their lips parted, Dan looked
around and then led May over to a soft grassy spot.

They lay down and Dan immediately kissed her again. She
responded by wrapping both arms around his neck. Dan's hands
moved inside her gown to her titties as he kissed her. She
grunted into his mouth as he began to palm and caress her tits.
Then his lips traveled down her neck, across her front, to her
tits, opening her gown wide as he did. May gasped again as his
lips closed on a big soft nipple, gently sucking it in between
his lips.

May lay back and enjoyed her uncle's sucking of her tits.
He moved back and forth, going from one to the other. She felt
his hand move down over her stomach and slide between her legs,
gently palming her pussy through her gown. He slid his hand down
her leg, then back up the inside of her leg, pulling her gown up.
When he reached her pussy, she opened her legs, feeling his
finger dip down into her slit.

Dan was amazed at how wet she was. Her pussy was already
flowing with juice. He slid his finger down over her clit,
massaging and rubbing the little button. He heard her gasps of
pleasure as he stroked her clit, then slid his finger down to the
entrance to her pussy itself. Gently, he inserted a finger tip,
then slowly slid his finger up into her hot wet tunnel. He was
amazed at how tight she felt, even around his finger. Boy, she
was really going to feel tight when he got his big dick in her!

May lay back, feeling the finger sliding in and out of her
pussy. She reached down and found his dick, huge and hard in his
pajamas. She slipped her hand inside the opening and wrapped her
hand around the huge prick. She couldn't believe how big it felt
in her hand. She wondered for a moment if it would fit in her,
but she was determined that she was going to try it. Slowly, she
slid her hand up and down along the length of the monster rod.

Dan suddenly raised up and pulled his pajama pants off
completely, leaving him naked. He then lay back down beside her,
kissing her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he
raised up and moved over her. She pulled her legs up and spread
them wide and she felt his huge prick slide down between her
legs. She felt the end of it move into her slit, then begin to
slide up and down in her wet juices. It felt so good!

Dan could feel the heat from the mouth of her pussy
everytime his dick slid down between her legs. He was just
sliding it up and down in her slit, enjoying the exquisite
sensation it produced on him and observing that it seemed to be
affecting her the same way.

On one of the downward movements, the end of his dick dipped
into the mouth of her pussy. He felt the hot wet heat from her
cunt on the end of his dick. Pushing a little farther, he felt
the end move up just inside her cunt hole. She gasped as he
pushed it a little farther in, getting the knob and about an inch
of shaft into her tight channel. Withdrawing a little, her slid
forward again, sinking about half of the shaft into her tight
yielding tunnel. Withdrawing and sliding forward, her gradually
fucked his way up into her tight little cunt until he had the
whole thing up inside her. She had her arms wrapped tightly
around his neck, her breathing and gasps of pleasure telling him
that he was not hurting her.

Dan began to fuck her, sliding his dick slowly in and out of
the tight hot hole of pleasure between her legs. He raised up on
his elbows and used his hips to thrust and withdraw, thrust and
withdraw. May was obviously enjoying everything he was giving
her. Her face was flushed, her eyes shining, her breath coming
in ragged gasps timed with his thrusts which buried his tool deep
into her on every inward stroke.

May couldn't believe how good it felt. When Dan's dick had
started going in, she had felt her tight little pussy stretch
around the end of his dick. She had thought for a minute that it
wasn't going to fit, then it had started sliding in deeper and
deeper, her pussy stretching to accomodate it. It had felt
absolutely fantastic as it began to go deeper and deeper on every
stoke. Now it was going all the way in and all the way out. And
the huge dick was rubbing the underside of her sensitive little
clit on every stroke. It was driving her wild. It felt like it
was hitting her backbone every time it went all the way in! She
felt stuffed and stretched, but it was wonderful!

Dan began to pick up speed, fucking her harder and faster
now. She was tossing her head back and forth, seeming to be
almost out of control with pleasure. Suddenly, she pulled her
legs up, pressing her feet against his ass, urging him on. He
began to really pound into her in earnest now, slamming his dick
in and out of the tight slick channel. Suddenly, May Let out a
little shriek, and she was coming. Dan was right with her, his
dick shooting powerful spurts of hot cum deep into her pussy. He
couldn't believe how intense his orgasm was. And she seemed to
be having one just as intense. Her face was screwed into an
expression of pure physical pleasure, her eyes tightly closed.
Finally, they lay still, his dick still buried up to the balls in

Dan raised up and looked at her. She smiled at him.

"Oh, Dan," she moaned. When he pulled his dick out of her,
her pussy seemed to stand open, like it regretted being vacated.
She moaned softly when she felt it slide out of her.

When they got back to the van, they found the other
occupants still sleeping. May crawled back into bed and Dan went
into the kitchen and put the coffee on.

When Sarah woke up, she smelled coffee. She raised up and
looked around. Dan wasn't in bed. She got up and went forward
in the van, finding her husband sitting in the kitchenette
waiting on the coffee. She kissed him on the cheek and sat down
beside him. She playfully reached down and slid her hand inside
the front of his pajamas. She gasped. His dick was coated with
dried cum! She looked questioningly at him. He grinned
sheepishly. She stood up and crooked her finger at him. He got
up and followed her outside.

May had been awakened by her aunt passing the bed on the way
to the kitchen. She watched through slitted eyes, and realized
that Sarah suspected something. When her aunt got up and
motioned for Dan to follow her outside, May was afraid that Dan
was in trouble for screwing her. When they closed the door
behind them, May slipped out of bed and moved to the door. She
didn't hear anything, so she opened the door and went outside.

When Sarah got outside, she went around the end of the van,
and Dan followed her. She stopped and turned to face him.

"Who?" she asked simply.

Dan didn't know how she was going to take this. He was
afraid she would get upset and hold it against May. He

Just around the corner of the van, May heard the simple
question. She knew what her aunt was asking. She peeked around
the van and saw that Dan was hesitating about answering. On
sudden impulse, to protect her uncle, May stepped around the van
into her aunt's line of vision.

"Please, Aunt Sarah," she pleaded. "Don't be mad at him."

Sarah saw the look on May's face. She suddenly realized
that the youngster was trying to protect her uncle. She smiled
at May.

"Honey, I'm surprised you could take that big dick of his,"
she told her softly. "Was it really good?"

May suddenly realized that Sarah wasn't mad. She seemed to
be excited by knowing that Dan had screwed her.

"It was absolutely fantastic," May told her.

"Well, you two are going to have to help me make it with
Jack," she told them. Dan grinned. May's mouth dropped open in
surprise. Then she smiled broadly.

The three of them stayed outside whispering for several
minutes, then they went back into the van and woke the other two
kids to help get breakfast. The all ate breakfast in their night
clothes, then they got dressed, all just stripping down and
changing in front of everyone else.

May couldn't believe what was about to happen. She had
admitted to her aunt and uncle that Jack had screwed her, and
they had told her about seeing Jack and Sally outside the van
last night. Now, Sarah was wanting her to help her get in Jack's
pants, a feat which May was sure would be easy to accomplish, and
Dan was wanting to screw his daughter. May was also sure that
Sally would accomodate that wish for him.

After breakfast, Sarah asked if anyone was interested in
taking a shower. Everyone seemed to want one, so they all
gathered their clean clothes and headed for the bath house. When
they got there, the guys went into their side of the house, and
the gals went into theirs. The girls quickly stripped off their
clothes and went into the shower area. They were soon lathering
themselves under the water. Sarah quickly washed herself and
left the shower area, telling the girls to take their time.
Still naked, she moved to the entrance to the bath house and
peeked outside. She found herself looking directly at Dan,
peeking out of the men's side. Giggling, she quickly moved
around the corner and past him, into the men's side. Dan slipped
around the corner into the women's side.

Sarah moved silently back toward the shower area, where she
could hear Jack humming to himself as he bathed. She peeked in.
He was standing with his back to her, lathering his chest with
soap. She moved silently up behind him and slid her arms around
him. He nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Mom," he gasped. Looking at her, he suddenly realized that
she was totally naked.

"I though you might like some company," she told him.

Jack stammered, not knowing what to say. However, not all
of his anatomy was bashful, as his dick immediately rose to full
attention. Sarah's hands slid down over his stomach to his
crotch. She wrapped one hand around his hard dick and slid the
other down to cup his balls. Jack gasped with pleasure as his
mother's hand began to slide up and down along the length of his
hard prick.

In the other side of the bath house, Dan moved silently back
to the shower area. He peeked inside. May smiled at him, and
motioned him inside. Sally had her back to him. She suddenly
realized that someone else was coming into the shower and glanced
over her shoulder to see who it was. She gasped loadly when she
saw her father coming in, totally naked and with the biggest
hardon she had ever seen in her life! He moved directly ove to

"Hello, sweetheart," he smiled at her.

"Daddy," she gasped. She looked at May and saw a big smile
on her face. Her father moved up against her backside and slid
his arms around her, cupping her full breasts in his big hands.
She felt his hard dick pressing against her back. May moved up
behind Dan and slid her hands down between him and his daughter,
stroking his dick. Sally suddenly realized that May had known he
was coming. She looked around for her mother. Then she heard a
muffled gasp from the other side of the wall and realized that
her mother was over there with Jack.

"Wow, I don't believe this," she giggled, as Dan's hand slid
down between her legs, a finger slipping into her juicy gash.

"Do you object?" Dan asked.

"What do you thing?" she smiled, turning to face him. She
slid her hand down and took his dick in her hand, May sliding her
hands on down to cup his balls.

On the other side, Sarah was kneeling in front of her son.
She had a mouth full of teenage dick. She was sucking greedily
as his dick slid in and out of her mouth. She suddenly released
his prick and stood up. She leaned back against the shower wall,
spreading her legs and pulling Jack up against her. She slid her
hand down between them, guiding his dick between her legs. Jack
groaned when he felt his dick slide between his mother's legs,
engulfed in her hot slit. She pulled it up and he thrust, and
half of his dick suddenly slid up into her hot wet cunt. She
wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled one leg up, wrapping
it around his waist. Jack slid his hands down and took hold of
her ass, lifting her and pushing her back against the wall. She
brought the other leg up around his waist when she felt his hands
grab her ass. His dick slid in up to the balls. Jack groaned.

"Can you hold me up?" she asked him.

"Sure," he grinned at her, beginning to fuck his dick in and
out of her pussy.

"Ohh, Jack," she groaned.

In the ladies side, Sally was on her back on the shower
floor. Dan was on top of her, sliding his dick into position to
enter her. She gasped when his dick started making it's way up
into her tight pussy. She groaned as his next thrust buried it
up to the balls in her.

"Am I hurting you, honey?" he asked her.

"Oh no, Daddy," she cooed. "It feels wonderful." May knelt

beside them, bending down and looking up between their legs,
watching Dan's dick slide in and out of his daughter's pussy.

Jack was banging furiously into his mother's pussy. He was
standing in a strained position and fucking his own mother's
cunt. He knew he wouldn't last long. Sarah knew he was about to
come. She was also almost there. The fact that it was her own
son's dick ramming her pussy made it that much more exciting.
Suddenly, she let out a little scream. "Ohh, yes, Jack, I'm

That did it. Jack grunted and jammed his dick up to the
balls in Sarah's spasming cunt. His dick erupted, shooting gobs
of spunk upwards into her womb.

"Ohh, yes, Jack, I feel you coming in my pussy," Sarah

Finally, she lowered her legs to the floor and Jack released
her, letting his still halfhard dick slip out of her juicy pussy.
She reached down and encircled it with her hand, sliding her hand
up and down it, watching it grow straight up again. She smiled.

"Come on, let's go see what is going on in the other side,"
she told him. He looked at her in surprise. She grinned.
"Unless I miss my guess, your father is over there fucking your
sister's brains out." Jack grinned broadly.

When Jack and Sarah entered the girls shower, still naked
and with Jack's dick pointing at the ceiling again, they found
Dan still on top of Sally, banging away at her. May on her
knees, looking up between their legs, watching the action. She
looked over her shoulder and smiled at them.

Jack dropped to his knees behind May. He took his dick in
his hand and rubbed it between her legs. He was about to put it
in her pussy when Sarah stopped him.

"Wait, Jack, try this," she said, taking hold of his dick
and raising it to May's ass crack.

"Oh, Sarah, won't that hurt?" May asked when she felt the
end of his dick pressing against her ass hole.

"Not if he takes it easy," Sarah told her. She used her
hand to rub Jack's dick around on May's ass hole. Then, she
allowed him to push against it just a little. She saw the brown
ring open a little, letting just the tip in. Jack tried to push
harder, but Sarah restrained him. He withdrew a little and
pushed forward a little bit more. May grunted as the entire knob
entered her tight ass hole.

Suddenly, Sally began to grunt and cry. She was coming.
Dan gasped and jammed his huge dick up to the balls in his
daughter's tight cunt, shooting spurt after spurt of hot jets
into her.

Hearing the other couple coming, May and Jack suddenly lost
control. May jammed backwards just as Jack shoved forward and
suddenly his dick was balls deep in her ass. She screamed out in

"Jack," Sarah grabbed him. "Wait, give her time to get used
to it."

"Just wait a minute, Jack," May snorted through her nose.
Jack held perfectly still, with his dick all the way up his
cousin's butt hole.

Dan raised up off of Sally, pulling his dick out of her.
She gasped when it slipped out and ran her hand down between her
legs, feeling her wide open soggy pussy. Dan and Sally got up so
they could watch Jack and May.

Jack was beginning to move now, slowly sliding his dick in
and out of his cousin's tight ass hole. He couldn't believe it.
Her pussy had been tight, but this was unreal.

May was bracing her hands against the floor, pushing back to
match Jack each time he thrust his dick up her stretched ass
hole. It still felt like she was going to split, but at the same
time it felt wonderful. She could feel it sliding in and out, in
and out, slowly reaming her behind.

Watching his son's dick slide in and out of the young girl's
ass had gotten Dan all hard again. His dick was sticking
straight out from his crotch. May saw it sticking out, right in
front of her nose. She leaned forward and licked it. Dan
groaned and moved forward, allowing her to take the end into her

"Wow, look at that, she's taking on both of them," Sally
gasped to her mother.

"She certainly is," Sarah agreed. "But don't worry, we'll
get some more action from them."

Jack was fucking May's ass with long steady strokes now. He
could feel his balls tightening. He knew he was getting close.

Dan was watching the 13 year old girl's mouth slide up and
down on his dick as his son's thrusts into her ass hole moved her
body back and forth. It was almost more that Dan could stand.
He knew that he was about to fill her mouth.

Suddenly, Jill began to quiver all over. She had beaten
both of them. She was coming! And right at the height of her
climax, she felt Jack's dick beginning to spurt in her ass,
closely followed by Dan's dick spurting into her eager mouth.

After everybody caught their breath, they all got under the
showers together and washed each other off. Jack and Dan enjoyed
washing the three pussies and Dan washed May's battered ass. The
girls took turns washing the guys dicks and balls. Finally, they
all got dressed and headed back for the van.

When they got inside, Jack immediately grabbed Sally,
wrestling her giggling down onto the sofa. Sarah laughed at

"Cut it out, you two," she told them. "Ruth will be getting
here soon. It wouldn't do for her to see you doing that."

"Ohh," May groaned. "Mother is coming and we're going to
have to stop fucking." Everybody laughed.

"Maybe not," Dan said. They all turned to look at him.
"Maybe we can just get her to join in."

"Oh, you don't know Mother," May said.

"Maybe I know her better than you do," Sarah grinned at her.
"She didn't hesitate to spread her legs when we used to double
date at the drivein."

"Mother?" May asked, not believing what she was hearing
about her prudish mother.

"And what were you doing while Ruth was getting screwed?"
Dan asked Sarah.

"Well, usually Ruth was getting fucked in the backseat and I
was getting fucked in the front seat," Sarah told him, seeing his
dick beginning to bulge out his pants. "Dan, if you could make
Ruth, maybe she would just join in and we could all spend the
rest of the vacation screwing our eyeballs out!"

"Precisely what I had in mind," he told her.

About that time, they heard a car coming up the road. May
looked out the window and recognized her mother's car.

When Ruth pulled up at the campsite, she was greeted by
everyone piling out of the big camper van to meet her. They
helped her unload her things and take them inside. When she
asked where she should put them, Sarah just said not to worry
about that right now.

After they had talked a little while and May had assured her
mother that she was indeed having a wonderful time (Ruth didn't
know yet just how wonderful), Sarah suggested they all get their
bathing suits and go to the pool.

Dan leaned back in the lounge chair beside the pool. Sarah
was sitting on the side of the chair, her hand resting
nonchalantly on his thigh, just below his balls. As she and
Ruth, who was sitting facing them, talked, Sarah idly let the
back of her hand occasionally brush against Dan's balls. It had
the desired effect. Dan's dick began to harden and stiffen in
his bathing suit. It didn't get totally hard, but it was bulging
enough to be noticable. And, Dan saw, Ruth didn't miss it. She
was trying not to be obvious, but she was looking!

They went back to the van for lunch, and then back to the
pool again. Bunny was there, but her parents weren't. Bunny
told Jack and May and Sally that her mom and dad were "taking a
nap" in the van.

After a while, Dan saw all four kids get out of the pool and
head up the road. That really almost gave him a hardon, knowing
what they were probably going to do.

In the big conversion van, Ray rolled over and looked out
the window when he heard the kids go by. His ears perked up when
he heard Sally say something about butt fucking. He looked down
at his wife, sprawled naked and asleep. He smiled, remembering
how big a climax she had had, telling him about Dan fucking her
while he plowed her pussy. He wondered what those kids were up
to. Knowing Bunny, he would be willing to bet they were going
somewhere to screw. He wondered where they would go. Quietly,
he slipped off of the bed and pulled on his pants. A few moments
later, he slipped out the door.

Slipping into the bath house, Ray listened and heard muffled
voices coming through the back wall. They must be behind the
building, he thought. When Ray got around to the back of the
bath house, he saw four naked kids. Bunny was on her hands and
knees, with Jack on his knees behind her. The other two girls
were watching as Jack worked his dick up into Bunny's ass. No
one had noticed him yet. Sally had her back to him, and May was
on the other side of the two fucking kids. She glanced up and
saw him as he approached them quietly. He held his finger to his
lips. She smiled when she saw that he had his pants unzipped and
his dick was jutting out through the opening. He unfastened his
pants and quietly took them off. He moved up behind Sally, who
still wasn't aware of his presence. She became aware of it very
quickly when he slid his dick up between her legs, though. She
gasped and looked back over her shoulder. Ray just smiled at
her, sliding his dick back and forth in her juicy pussy slit.
Then he took his dick in his hand and guided it to the mouth of
her cunt. She grunted when he smoothly slid it home in her.

A short time later, Sarah saw the three kids coming back in
through the pool gate. She wondered to herself how Jack could
keep up this pace.

The kids slid back into the cool water, to wash the sweat
off and cool off. Sally slipped her fingers inside the crotch of
her bathing suit and washed Ray's cum out of her pussy. May saw
what she was doing and smiled at her. May was the only one who
hadn't gotten fucked. Jack had shot his load in Bunny's ass,
then then he had turned her over and fucked her pussy while her
father was fucking his sister. This had really turned May on,
but she had consoled herself with the memory of getting butt
fucked in the shower that morning while she sucked Dan's dick.

The group returned to the van for supper, and then they all
congregated in front of the TV for a while. When Sarah suggested
that they all turn in early, Ruth was surprised when she didn't
hear a single objection from the kids. Dan and Jack excused
themselves and went to the bath house for a shower. The girls
had showered when they changed out of their suits so they
declined to accompany the guys.

Sarah told Ruth that the kids had been just bunking out on
the sofa bed and that the bed in the back was big enough for her
to share it with her and Dan. Ruth had raised her eyebrows at
that, but had said OK.

When the guys got back, they found the girls already in bed.
The curtain into the back bedroom was pulled, so Jack simply
shucked his pants, slipped his pajama pants on and slid into bed
between the two girls. Dan slipped his pants off and put on a
pair of pajama pants. The kids lay quietly and watched Dan open
the curtain into the back bedroom. The two women were stretched
out on the bed in the moonlight coming in through the window.
They both appeared to be asleep. Dan left the curtain open and
eased himself onto the bed between Ruth and Sarah. the kids saw
Sarah raise her head and give Dan a quick kiss, then lie quietly.
Ruth appeared to be asleep.

Ruth had gone to sleep almost as soon as she lay down. She
didn't know when Dan got into bed, so she had no idea what time
it was when she was awakened by a hand sliding over her from
behind and cupping her breast. She lay very still, realizing
that the hand had to belong to Dan. She thought at first that he
was reaching out in his sleep and thought he had hold of Sarah's
tit. She just lay there, feeling the hand gently squeezing her
breast, and enjoying it. It had been a long time since a man had
felt her tits. Suddenly, she realized that Dan knew exactly what
he was doing, because she felt his body ease up against her from
behind. She felt his hard dick up against her back! She didn't
quite know what to do. She really didn't want him to quit, but
she was afraid her sister would wake up. She felt the hand on
her tit slide down over her stomach to her crotch. It probed at
her pussy, but since her legs were together, it couldn't get to
her. The hand then went on down and began to pull her gown up!
She lay very still. The hand had her gown up to her waist, now.
Then, she felt a bare dick up against her ass! Dan had opened
his pajamas. She felt the dick move down and probe between her
legs. In spite of herself, she parted her legs a little and let
the dick slip between her legs, nestling right up against her
pussy. She felt a hand on her leg, lifting it, then the dick was
probing her slit. She couldn't believe this! Dan's prick felt
huge, sliding back and forth in her slit. Then, she felt him put
the end against her hole and press forward. It was going in!
Inch by inch, the big thing was moving up into her rapidly
creaming pussy! If Sarah woke up now, she and Dan were both in
deep trouble! Dan began to move his dick back and forth in her,
slowly sliding it in and out of her pussy.

In the other room, all three kids were watching the
proceedings in the bedroom. They all knew that Sarah was not
asleep, but just pretending to be. They could see right up
between Ruth's legs, and they were watching Dan's big dick slide
slowly in and out of Ruth's pussy. May was delighted to be
seeing her mother getting fucked! She felt something against her
back, then realized that Jack was about to do the same thing to
her that Dan was doing to her mother. She smiled and parted her
legs, grunting quietly when his dick slid home in her hot pussy.

Dan was beginning to move more vigorously now. Ruth was
really afraid he was going to wake Sarah up. She glanced over
her shoulder and was surprised to see Sarah's arm wrapped around
Dan's neck. Sarah was kissing him on the ear while he was
fucking her! Sarah raised up quietly and smiled at Ruth. She
reached across Dan's body and grasped Ruth's hip, pulling her
back tight against Dan, letting her sister know that she was in
favor of what was going on. Dan began to screw her even more
vigorously, now. Ruth quit worrying about what was going on and
just lay there and enjoyed it. Suddenly, Dan rolled her over on
top of him. She found herself lying on her back on top of him,
her legs spread wide as he fucked upwards into her pussy. Then
her eyes focused on the scene in the other room. Her daughter
was lying on her side with Jack's dick sliding in and out of her
pussy, and Sally was up on her elbows watching Ruth getting
screwed by her father. Ruth groaned. She just spread her legs
farther and tried to push her pelvis down to get more of Dan's
dick in her. Sensing her movement, Dan rolled her back onto her
side and pulled his dick out of her. Then he rolled her onto her
back and crawled on top of her. She spread her legs wide as he
lowered himself on top of her and buried his dick in her cunt.
She suddenly realized that this was going to be the most unusual
vacation she had ever been on.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-01-08 04:17:28
have to agree the intro makes it sound stolen delete at once and never post again.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-11-22 19:11:28
the intro sounds like you stole the story if so delete it now

anonymous readerReport 

2011-09-13 16:49:46
one of my new favorites

anonymous readerReport 

2010-12-12 03:34:46
loved it came like 3 times befor i had to stop and cum back to read more. and if your going to put watersports in it which i love!!! describe the girls more then just the guys i love gilrs peeing and girls saying they love to watch.


2010-05-14 01:22:33
Good story but you need tokeep the names straight with the story line.

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