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Horny goth Mandy seeks her thrills close to home.
Mandy Wilson's first fortnight in her new Devon home hadn't turned out to be quite as odious as she'd first envisaged, on account of discovering the pleasures of future stepbrother Toby's computer. Complete with webcam and mic, it had become a regular distraction for the sexy emo girl with gorgeously round yet firm tits and a cunt that craved constant attention. In the past few days, the cock-starved teen had upped the ante, unashamedly exposing herself on cam to complete strangers and conferring upon the needy 17-year old a huge buzz to compensate for an otherwise mundane life. Thankfully for Mandy, Toby liked to go out a lot with his mates, thereby allowing ample time to get her kicks.

Having initially hoped Brazilian stud Raphael might hook up again, she'd thus far been disappointed and forced to seek whatever random delights came her way. That morning, she'd enjoyed a frenzied bout of mutual masturbation whilst watching and being watched by 'John', a 45-year old schoolmaster she'd met in a chatroom. That he was so much older and not especially attractive mattered not to Mandy as she undertook a painstaking pilgrimage to discover her true sexual identity and the ultimate orgasm.

But Mandy wasn't the only voyeur in the household. Watching a girl - particularly a hot one like Mandy - get herself off was perhaps the singlemost thrilling sexual experience of Toby's life so far. It was better even, he'd confess, than the rare 'real life' sex he'd engaged in up to that point. And if Mandy was using modern technology to become a voyeur of the highest order, geeky Toby was one step ahead. Having come to realise a more subtle approach was required to perving than hovering awkwardly in the doorway and risking an embarrassing discovery, he'd uncovered just the solution.

Ingeniously, the 21-year old university student had utilised his techno know-how to rig up a hidden spy camera above the computer, trained on the chair where Mandy sat and pleasured herself regularly. Thus, he could go out with his friends and still miss nothing. Each night, when everyone else had gone to bed, an excited Toby would inspect the day's events, saving the best bits on the computer. As the days passed and Mandy became ever more daring, so the collection got hotter and more kinky.

The pinnacle of kink came that morning when Mandy began roleplaying the naughty pupil with her online folly, middle-aged John. It was, quite possibly, the most far-out mindblowing sight Toby had ever bore witness to. Tentative at first, as familiarity and lust blossomed between the pair, they started to use filthy words that clearly turned Mandy on no end. As Toby watched open-mouthed in his darkened room at the screening of the day's events, he heard John describe to Mandy how he'd like to sit her on his knee during detention and what he'd do to her. Toby found himself becoming increasingly envious, not to mention aroused.

In return, Mandy smiled seductively and told the teacher to wait a moment and she'd be right back. The unsceduled break prompted Toby to thumb the fast forward button in heightened anticipation, breath held tightly. And he was not to be disappointed. Mandy re-entered the frame dressed in one of her old school uniforms. Two sizes too small, the crisp white blouse clung tightly at the girl's oversized breasts whilst a maroon and green striped tie rested snugly in the ample cleavage. The pleated grey skirt sat dangerously high up above the knee, complimented by little white shin socks and flat black shoes.

Toby stared at the screen, mouth agape, barely able to comprehend that this had taken place just a few hours before - in this very bedroom. In fact, there was a wet patch on the chair where Mandy had oozed. Toby took great delight in breathing it in, his cock swelling obscenely. John must have been equally stunned for, after a breathy pause, he called Mandy a filthy little schoolgirl slut, in hoarse tones. Mandy grinned back and asked in an impish manner what he was going to do about it. Seemingly barely able to contain himself, John replied that he was going to have to spank her bottom.

Mandy giggled coquettishly and swivelled around, facing away from the screen. Lifting the hem of the tiny school skirt, she exposed a pair of peachy buttocks. To Toby's surprise, she then proceeded to smack herself several times, causing the cheeks either side of the thong to redden. "Oh my," gasped John, shocked. "I would just love to be doing that to you for real, you bad little girl."

Toby's watching eyes bulged as Mandy gave it some thought before responding: "Mmm, I think I'd love you to do it too, John...for real"

Toby spluttered a mouthful of hot chocolate back into the mug. "Wow! Would you really? Would you, erm, would you consider meeting me sometime?" John asked.

"Mmm yeah," Mandy replied with little hesitation. "You don't live too far from here, do you?"

No way, no fucking way, thought Toby as he witnessed Mandy arrange a date. John was only fifty miles away, just over the border in Cornwall. They would meet at a railway station half way between one another that coming Saturday. Thereafter, clearly aroused beyond the point of no return, Mandy demonstrated her burgeoning desire by treating John and, unbeknown to her, the watching Toby to a bout of ultra-intense masturbation. She came with such force that her bucking body almost ejected out of the chair. The resultant squirt resembled something out of a 3-D movie and Toby went to duck.


With two frustrating days till her meeting with John, Mandy lay in bed the following morning reflecting how much she still missed the buzz of city life, her friends and London lads. Oh how she missed them all, but especially the lads. The previous year, she'd had six separate sexual encounters before meeting Duncan who'd taken her to altogether new heights. For a horny 17-year old wannabe nymphomaniac with raging hormones, the promise of things to come simply wasn't enough. She wanted sex, and she wanted it now.

The slumbering teenager pondered briefly if Toby might make a good fuck buddy, unbeknown that he was watching her every move. Having hated him with a passion at first, as time had gone on, she'd grown to despise him less, to the point where he actually appealed to her in a weird sort of way. Handsome in a quirky manner, she couldn't help but think he lacked a certain something: experience. Encouraged by John, the teenager's newfound lust for older men had risen sharply to the fore. Turning over in bed to dodge an errant sunbeam peeping through the curtains, Mandy agonised between rising and lying in a little longer.

In the end, she decided to make the most of the lie-in, for she knew the honeymoon period was fast reaching its expiry. Her mother's warning from the night before reverberated in her head: find yourself a job soon or I'll send you off to work with Alan. Mandy scowled beneath the sheets. The prospect of filing and making tea all day was her worst nightmare. Over the past few months she'd really come to despise the sanctimonious woman who'd managed to find a job in a doctor's surgery reception within days of their arrival. The idle teen hadn't even so much as looked at a job application form yet. With that burdensome thought in mind, her heavy eyelids retreated.


Awoken unceremoniously by a seagull squawking hungrily at the window, Mandy rolled over to see the red digits of the alarm clock reading 10.36. Mum and Alan would be at work by now and Toby doubtless out and about with friends, making the most of the summer break. Dragging up her wearisome bones, under the presumption she was all alone, Mandy ambled to the bathroom in just a tiny pink thong.

As she turned out of the bedroom and padded barefoot down the landing, the bathroom door suddenly flew open, causing her jaw to drop dramatically. Shit, she was not alone after all. Could it be that Toby was home? A cocktail of revulsion, embarrassment and excitement filled her all at once. Her huge tits began to jiggle uncontrollably and, unable to retreat in time, instinctively she shielded them with a pair of hands that barely covered half of the well-proportioned orbs.

But instead of Toby, it was his father Alan that emerged from the bathroom. He pulled up sharply, confronted by the sexy topless teenager. Both uttered flustered apologies before Mandy brushed by quickly, ensuring to lock the door firmly behind, heart pounding like a snare drum. She discovered also that she was deeply aroused, almost gushing in fact.

After a refreshing shower that calmed her nerves and passion momentarily, she emerged, careful to ensure the towel was wrapped tightly around. Electing to let the long wayward straggles of dyed black hair dry naturally, instinctively she climbed into a micro miniskirt and one of the tightest t-shirts in the wardrobe. She deemed no bra or panties would be required on what was, after all, a blazing hot summer's day. Already her pussy was basted in sweat and the more dewy hints of arousal.

'Dressed', she headed first to Toby's room and her friend, the computer. Alan was outside in the garden, a lawnmower's hum drifting lazily down below. Mandy sidled up to the bedroom window, watching as her mother's lover paused momentarily to wipe a thick forearm across a glazed brow. Sweat patches spread from each underarm and he radiated a masculinity that, up to that point, Mandy hadn't fully appreciated. Quivering, there was an unmistakeable tingle in her loins she'd do well to dispel.

There was, she averred, only one thing for it: some online relief, naughty computer games with some likeminded guy. Settling down, she logged on, strumming idly at her pussy in anticipation of the hot action to come. Yet before even the connection had been established, her fingers were squelching in her juices and she had to rein back in order to stench the first orgasm of the day. Yet sadly for Mandy, that was as good as it got. An hour later she found herself sighing in sheer frustration: they really were a dire bunch of no hopers on the chat site today, not a single one capable of stirring her passions, let alone making her cum hard. In desperation, she found a site that displayed pictures of older men with much younger women, many not much older than her. Thankfully that did it and she lay back in the chair exhibiting a rosy, satisfied glow.

Ten minutes later, for some reason Mandy found herself drawn back to the window of Toby's bedroom, surveying his father hard at work in the garden. Shirtless now in the heat, Alan displayed a trim body, evidently worked on extensively at the gym. His manly chest was covered in light wispy straw coloured hair. Mandy watched and sighed as he bent down to pick up some twigs, buttocks tightening in the shorts. Her front teeth dug the bottom lip and her pussy itched like fuck once more.

Unexpectedly, Alan glanced up and their eyes met awkwardly. Little did he know that, out-of-sight of his gaze, Mandy was busily pleasuring herself. Her fingers stroked and rubbed, teasing a puffy clit and eliciting breathless little gasps. Her lips upturned into a little smile and, when Alan smiled back, another lovely tingly orgasm engulfed her body.


Leaving Toby's bedroom to avail herself of a glass of lemonade, idly Mandy checked the TV listings and surveyed the growing pile of ironing in the lounge with a frown. Each option as unappealing as the other, she returned upstairs to the computer, where the images of older men with much younger women remained on display. Quickly she lapsed back into masturbation mode, craving another juicy orgasm, when a sudden knock at the bedroom door caused the teenager to catch a startled breath. "J-just one s-second," she stammered, tugging down the skirt and sucking instinctively upon her juice laden fingers whilst fanning the air furiously.

Flustered, the horny girl's normally pallid complexion blushed like beetroot, and one could be mistaken for believing it was she and not Alan that had been hard at work in the garden the past few hours. "Alan, h-hi," she exhaled.

Her mother's lover stood before her, earthy, manly and drenched in sweat as Mandy sniffed furtively at the air in Toby's bedroom. There was an unmistakable stench of aroused pussy in the atmosphere, clinging like an overbearing perfume and strong enough even to supplant the odour pouring from Alan's pores. Seemingly immune, however, her stepfather-to-be wheeled up a chair and sat down in front of the screen as Mandy desperately scrambled ahead to clear the screen of its lewd images. "I was, erm, just looking at jobs," she blustered uncovincingly, desperately hoping Alan hadn't seen.

If he had, he kept it to himself. "I was hoping you might help me," he stated, a shifty look aside at the tight top that exhibited her unrestrained curves, and down to the miniskirt that left little to the imagination. Feeling the weight of the stare, Mandy swallowed hard, a bead of sweat trickling down her neck, across a breast and disappearing into the bottomless cleavage as Alan continued: "I want to book a surprise holiday for your mother and I, but I'm a dinosaur when it comes to these things. Have you any idea how to do it online?"

Mandy breathed a half sigh of relief, pulling the chair in closer and typing 'travel agents' into google. In such close proximity, every so often a muscular sweat-moistened bicep would rub against her accidentally, nonetheless causing a deep throbbing sensation in her loins. After coaxing him through the procedure, she stood unsteadily, needing relief. "I'll leave you to it," she said, exhaling hard.

"Okay, thanks Mandy. Thanks. Thanks a lot."


The possibility of further online playtime was curtailed by the early arrival home of Toby, reclaiming his room after a day's surfing at the beach. Impishly, Mandy pondered whether he'd notice the remnants of pussy perfume in the air. Little did she realise how much Toby knew of her activities! He had one thing in mind: viewing the day's video footage. A quiet showing for once, he nearly had a seizure upon seeing his father at the screen and quickly stopped the recording.


The arrival home from work of Mandy's mum an hour later predictably brought with it interrogation on the job hunting front. Mandy screwed up her nose, no words needed to signal her disdain. It provided the catalyst for Carol to launch into a tiresome tirade about how sitting around on her bum all day, chatting to her friends wasn't going to find Mandy a job. And why had the ironing not been done? It went on and on and on, blah, blah, blah. In the end Mandy felt like screaming or kicking out. Or both.

You bitch, she thought, when finally allowed some respite from the maternal tongue-lashing. She glanced over towards Alan who remained passive and on the periphery, not wishing to become involved in the row. He glanced up, almost sympathetically, and their eyes met briefly, causing Mandy to think. You wait, mother, she thought spitefully. You just fucking wait.

Two weeks in and already ensconced in a predictable daily and night-time routine, Mandy knew that her mother attended yoga classes that evening, whilst Toby played squash. That left she and Alan alone for the best part of two hours. Before today it hadn't seem to matter. Now though, after the earlier lecture, Mandy's priorities had shifted.

Under the table, she lifted a bare foot and stroked a set of dinky pinkies over Alan's lower leg. At first he must have thought it was accidental, displaying a look of confusion. Yet, when Carol got up to clear the table and Mandy's footsying continued, a look of surprise and concern arose in his green eyes. Playfully Mandy raised her toes so high that she very nearly had her foot in Alan's lap and inches from his manhood. Coquettishly she pouted, expanding her chest gloriously, nipples big and erect. Pretty soon Alan's look turned to one of sheer horror before finally he escaped the table flustered and with indigestion.


First Toby's, then Carol's departure left the two of them alone at last. A blazing hot day that had been crammed full of lurid thoughts and frenzied masturbation, Mandy decided to take another shower first, preparing both mentally and physically for what was ahead. She wasn't proud of herself but then again she wasn't ashamed either. It had to be done and her mother had, after all, asked for it with her shitty attitude.

Downstairs, as Alan shuffled a little uneasily in his chair whilst watching TV, suddenly a piercing scream from upstairs rang through the rafters and caused him to jump up. A second scream swiftly followed and he took to the stairs in manly leaps and bounds. In her bedroom, he witnessed Mandy cowering in a corner, swathed in the fluffy white bath towel, thankfully from neck to knees. Her jet black hair was still damp from the shower and she was poised in the classic maiden-in-distress pose. Alan hovered in the doorway, brow furrowed. "Mandy, what is it?"

Quivering, she gestured to the opposite corner with a shaky finger and contorted features whilst perching on a single foot like a flamingo. "What?" he prompted.

"A m-m-mouse or a r-r-rat or something, d-d-down there. Eek, g-g-get it out of here, Alan, pleeeeeease."

Alan assessed the situation with uncertainty, before striding across the carpet and climbing dutifully down on his hands and knees. "Are you sure, Mandy?"

"Y-y-y-yes," she confirmed, shuffling tentatively closer. "It was there in the corner."

Alan circled on all fours. "Well I can't see..."

The words hung in the air as he looked up, jaw dropping. Mandy had moved up close, so close he could see the goose bumps on the soft flesh of her lower legs. Towering above the prone man, she had somehow taken on the pose of an Amazonian beauty. His eyes followed from the instep of a cute little foot, over an ankle and up a tapering calf to where the towel hung precariously at the knee. Suddenly the knot at Mandy's breasts unloosened, marked by a melodramatic gasp. Momentarily the towel stayed put, held in place by the large chest expanse, before it cascaded to the floor, pooling at her feet. "Oops," she said with a girlie giggle, standing brazenly naked above her mother's lover.

All Alan could see as he peered up was the overhang at the underside of each breast, both jiggling pendulously. As he went to clamber to his knees, Mandy took a step nearer, her crotch head high. For precious moments Alan was rooted to the spot. Arching her back as she held a clump of head hair, Mandy rubbed her soft pink pussy in his face, pleasuring herself unashamedly on his nose. "Mandy, no..." came the muted protest.

The brazen teenager merely smiled. "Lick my cunt, Alan, you know you want to," she commanded, black talons digging the sun-reddened scalp of her prey.

Powerless to resist the intoxicating elixir seeping from the girlr's permanently aroused vagina, Alan reached around like an automaton to clamp his hands to each butt cheek, clawing roughly, drawing her closer to his face. Next thing, his lips were touching hers in a romantic yet sordid embrace. Mandy groaned as the tip of a chameleon-like tongue split the moist pinkness in two and slid up and down. Within seconds the juices were flowing freely as Mandy swivelled her hips. "Oh yesssssss," she enthused. "Oh God yesssssss. Lick meeeeeee you dirty fucker."

Clearly accomplished in the fine art of cunnilingus, Alan's tongue darted into the cleft like a tadpole in a stream, searching for the throbbing clit. Lapping furiously, folds of soft pink pussy were eased apart as Mandy groaned feverishly, grinding her body back to meet the heated ministrations, cunt honey slopping like maple syrup on the triangular tongue tip.

As Alan pulled away to catch a precious breath, their eyes met awkwardly. Yet the overwhelming sense of lust wasn't going to be denied by anything as trivial as embarrassment. As it to make sure, Mandy issued a lusty whimper and urged him on. Alan needed little further encouragement. Kissing his way up her lower belly, her stepfather-to-be circled his tongue seductively in her navel. Mandy's grip tightened in his hair, threatening to scalp the poor man if he abated. Elevating up from the knees, he kissed at her ribcage before reaching higher, honing in on each nipple in turn, devouring hungrily whilst pawing at the titflesh manfully. Mandy screeched as his mouth suctioned like he was intent upon sucking the hard teats clean off her jiggling breasts.

As gravity intervened, Mandy felt herself toppling back on the bed, Alan's weight on top, his erect cock prodding urgently between her legs as they jostled. Oh God, he was going to fuck her. Their lips met and clamped together, crushing like velvet. Mandy pressed out her tongue, searching for the inner sanctum of his warm mouth. Alan accommodated by opening wide as his hands pawed roughly at her huge tits. As tongues lashed, Mandy raised and separated her knees, allowing the probing cock head to nestle at the moist entrance of her yearning pussy. Tearing his lips away, Alan sneered in her face, knowing this was oh-so-wrong, yet powerless to do anything about it.

Fingernails scraped his strong back drawing tramlines, their bodies grinding, lubricated by sweat. Mandy gasped as her pussy lips were stretched apart and primeval lust took control. As the bulbous cock head spread her cunt, Alan prepared to drive forth the shaft with purpose. A breath before angling, he thrust the length of concrete hard tool deep inside in one easy action, buried to the balls. Mandy whimpered then screeched with joy. She had never felt fuller, the first time in her young life that she'd had a 'real' man. Alan held still momentarily, savouring the delicious feel within the tight young cunt walls, at the same time allowing Mandy to appreciate completely the meaty tool pulsing furiously inside her.

Then, without further warning, he lifted back, shaft dripping in cuntjuice, a look of pure lust and evil on his face before slamming furiously back to the hilt. Mandy screamed, brain swimming in ecstasy. Buttocks working up and down in a piston motion, he fucked her roughly and unerringly. Mandy continued to scrape at his shoulders, drawing blood and marking him, breathless underneath this fit man's body. She closed her eyes and felt fifty thrusts of deep, rockhard shaft before he abated.

As Alan slowed to a more leisurely lovemaking motion, their eyes met once more, rational thought intervening as he agonised the situation. For a nanosecond, Mandy almost felt sorry for what she was doing, a result of the need for revenge, spiked with lust. Yet quickly it passed and she spread her thighs wider, craving the nudge of blunt cockhead on her cervix. Alan held at her shoulder blades, the girl's huge tits squashed almost flat to a strong manly chest. Clearing his mind momentarily of guilt, Alan banged away furiously once more, drawing moan after heightened moan from the vengeful and horny little slut beneath him.

Shifting position, he lifted her legs up in the air, heels up by his ears as he sought to drive his cock even deeper into that wanton young snatch. He wanted to split open her womb, such was his growing sense of disregard for the filthy little pricktease who'd manipulated him into this tawdry situation. The feeling of revulsion mixed with animalistic lust made for a heady cocktail. Mandy spread till her thighs were virtually sideways flat on the bed, needing his cock all the way in, and more. "Fuck me Alan," she squealed. "Fuck your little whore bitch stepdaughter till she screams."

The words elicited a look of disgust in Alan, as the full magnitude of what he was doing hit home. But by then it was too late. He needed to cum hard inside her, as punishment if nothing else. The little whore had to be shown who was boss in this house. With a pained grunt he thrust one huge last length, unloading a reservoir of cum in the girl's soft quivering pussy. The sensations pushed Mandy over the edge also and she came, screaming like a Russian female tennis player. Holding his arse to keep the softening cock in place until every last pulse had evaporated and every drip of seed was swimming inside her womb, she breathed in starts. "Oh fuck, yesssssss," she panted.

Climbing aside with a look of disdain on his face, Alan couldn't get away quick enough. Looking at the clock, he startled as a car pulled up in the driveway below, the distinctive sound of brakes squeaking. Fuck, was that the time? Fuck, his beloved Carol was home already. "Not a word to your mother," he half-warned, half-begged.

Mandy looked on poker-faced, reaching to take a grip on his wrist before he could flee. "For Christ's sake, Mandy," he pleaded, wrestling free and hoisting his shorts up whilst setting his hair straight in the mirror.

As he headed to the door, tearfully Mandy called out: "You cheating bastard, you're gonna pay for this."

Alan turned. "Please Mandy no, you know it'll break her heart..."

A smug grin settled briefly on the teenager's pale face before she lapsed back into frightened mode.

"Mandy, no, you can't."

"Alan, wait," she ordered.

His face displayed a tortured expression.

"That job at your place, I think I'll take it."

"Okay, good," he replied hurriedly, hearing the car door open and heels click on the drive.

"But I want it on my terms," Mandy added with a sneer.

Alan pursed his lips in a look of miscomprehension. Mandy was cool once again now, controlled and in control. "I like to be flexible in my working hours."

Alan wasn't quite sure of the implication yet nodded his agreement, anxious to depart Mandy's bedroom as downstairs a key was slotted in the front door. "I like lots of holidays too, lots."

Once more Alan indicated acceptance with his eyes. He already knew this little indiscretion was going to cost dear. "Shall we say £400 a week, plus bonuses?" Mandy suggested.

With a pained nod, Alan slipped from her room, intercepting his lover half way up the stairs with a guilt-ridden embrace that tasted of her daughter. From her bed, Mandy laid back satisfied, Alan's cum still warm inside her. Hands behind head, she issued a devilish smile. Perfect. Just perfect. Things couldn't have worked out better. Now bring on more adventure.

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-04-26 15:40:36
wonderful story and thanks for not using italics keep them coming

Flesh of the Fallen AngelReport 

2009-04-16 10:54:40
I love it. Truely excellent.

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-02-25 19:35:51
Excellent story.

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-02-20 18:34:47
i just had my first time with my gf 5 mins ago behind a toilet. i cummed into her so hard she fuckin screamed. keep it up!

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-02-20 17:58:55
I came to that. I loved the really feep fucking! That's how I love to get fucked.

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