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This story was not written by me. It’s an edited version of an older story on this site (posted 2004-11-16 to be exact). It’s a great story, and credit should go to “mad1,” who was the original author. It’s a relatively quick read (as opposed to my stories!) that I’m sure many would enjoy but couldn’t get past the poor grammar of the original. I edited and reposted it for those interested.
Kristen and I were two totally different people.

She was into academics, cheerleading, band, and chorus. She had medium length dark brown hair, big brown eyes, and a long slender body that had developed wonderfully over the years. She wasn’t by any means the most popular girl in school, but she certainly wasn’t unpopular.

I, on the other hand, was always a loner. I wasn’t anti-social or unpleasant, I was just very shy and didn’t deal well with most people. Teachers and other students didn’t dislike me – most just didn’t like me either. I was one of those kids that weren’t really into sports, or into the popularity scene. But one thing I could do, and do rather well at that, was play the piano. I was self taught, never had a lesson.

Now juniors in high school, we had been in the same schools since we were in kindergarten. And ever since I can remember, when I saw her on my first day of kindergarten until now, I have had a deep emotional yearning for her. In my opinion, she was the best looking girl I had ever seen in my life. Even to this day. Kristen and I barely knew each other, and would only talk in passing. Since kindergarten we might have said maybe twenty words to each other over the years, half of the time with me just sticking my foot in my mouth. She must have thought I was a complete freak or something. She probably knew that I liked her too, as just about everyone else seemed to know. Probably made her think I was an even bigger freak.

One of the few people who knew I could play the piano was Mrs. Olson, the lady in charge of the school while the students ate lunch. Every day at lunch hour, she would unlock the band room and let me slip in, unknown to anyone else. She left me alone for the lunch hour and the period afterward – my study hall. I would be in that big room all by myself – just me and that old Baldwin grand piano. I would just play and lose myself in the music. I would play songs I’ve heard and loved, as well as practicing songs that I was writing, just enjoying the magic of it all. I was totally oblivious to the world around me.

Well, almost oblivious.

The band room had a large window on one side of the room, and from the piano I could see where the other students ate lunch, though they couldn’t really see me. Through that window, I could see Kristen, eating lunch and hanging out with two other girls – Jenny and Renee. They were all in band and chorus together. Every day while playing, I would watch Kristen enjoy her lunch hour through the glass, eating, talking, laughing. Through the glass, it seemed like she was on the other side of the world.

The hour after study hall was the first hour of band practice. Shy as I am, I would always slip out of the band room some ten minutes early so as not to be detected by anyone that was coming in there. Sure, the band teacher, Miss Trody, knew I was in there, and she even tried to talk me into playing in the band, but I always would turn her down. I didn’t feel confident enough to play in front of other people, and was too shy to talk to them, even though I knew I was skilled enough to do it. Miss Trody would even give me a lesson from time to time, coming in to the band room on my study hall hour, teaching me how to read sheet music and so on. She was a very nice lady, and attractive too I might add. But I never really thought of her like that. I respected her way too much. My goal was at a larger scale in my mind anyhow: To become good and confident enough to reveal my talents some day to Kristen. Kinda show off a little. I knew it was a farfetched dream, but it kept me going. It seemed that girls loved the sound of a piano, so this seemed perfect for me. I could see in Miss Trody’s eyes that I could strike a chord from time to time, and just imagined how Kristen would react.

I wasn’t totally friendless though. My best friend Jeff was very similar to me – shy (though much less so than me), mostly quiet, average student. We would often work on his family farm. They lived a couple miles away so I would get on my four wheeler and ride through the hills and fields to get to their house. Jeff and I were horn dogs, typical teenage boys. They had a truck for the farm and we would sneak off with it and go up to the state line where there was a party store. I would order up our dinners – deli subs – while Jeff would head straight to the magazine rack and start stuffing his pants full of all the latest issues of Hustler, Penthouse, Playboy and whatever else was on the shelf that had tits and ass on the cover. Meanwhile, I kept the clerk busy with our sandwiches. I think that the clerk knew but never said anything because there were times we would wind up with twenty-five dollars worth of sandwiches piled with various meats and cheeses I requested to keep him busy. On our way back to the farm we would talk about the latest porn movie Jeff’s older brother Dougie had. We would sneak into his collection and quickly make a copy of it. Those movies taught me things I use even to this day. It’s amazing how such a picture gets burned into your memory. Just like the day I’m about to tell you about.

It was a typical mundane day. We had an award ceremony at school. Now I knew with Kristen’s academics she would win a few awards. Me, being just your average student, would never even get thought of for an award. Jeff and I were sitting in the auditorium watching the awards ceremony talking about Dougie’s movies when they called Kristen’s name for one of the awards. I abruptly turned my head to see her grace the stage, cutting Jeff off mid-sentence. The way they were doing the awards was the previous winner would announce the next winner, who would announce the next winner, and so on. The next award to be announced was the Principle’s Award – the award going to the student that has held a consistent grade level for the past three years. I watched intently as Kristen began to speak. Her soft velvet-like voice read the notes there on the podium so perfectly. I watched her with the tension of a bird dog on point.

Then she spoke my name as the recipient of the award.

I was shocked and shaken at the same time. The auditorium lit up with cheers, as half the school knew I had the hots for Kristen. I stood up and my knees went weak as I started heading towards the stage. As calmly as I could, I walked up to Kristen. She extended her hand toward mine. My heart was racing and I started to feel a little bit excited. I noticed my cock was starting to get hard every step I took toward her. If I had let my primitive instincts take over, I would have jumped her right there in front of the whole school. When her hand touched mine I felt a tremor up my arm. I took my last step to her and she reached up and kissed me right smack on the lips.

My heart dropped.

I felt Kristen’s breast brush against my chest. I felt her hard nipples on my chest, and I guessed she was not wearing a bra. When she let go of my hand from the hand shake, she accidently grazed my bulging cock. She stopped and rubbed it for a second, whispering, “Wow! Good to see you too!” Granted it was blocked by the podium, but I was completely embarrassed. The auditorium was wild from her kissing me. If they had seen her cop a feel I think a riot would have broken out.

Kristen then walked down to her seat. As the chaos from her kiss died down, I quickly and embarrassingly gave out the next award and headed back to my seat.

That was actually one of the best moments of my life.

After the award ceremony, people were coming up to me congratulating me – more for the kiss than for the award. When lunch time rolled around, Mrs. Olson congratulated me and unlocked the band room for my daily practice. I slipped inside, leaned against the door, and caught my breath.

Upon calming down, I walked up to the piano saying, “Well old friend, it sure is good to see you today.”

The lights were dimmed and the only light was the sun coming through the big windows. I looked outside where Kristen, Jenny and Renee usually were. I was surprised to see only Jenny and Renee. I was rather disappointed not seeing Kristen, given what had happened that day. However, my heart was still full of joy and excitement from earlier. My hands were shaking as I sat down behind the piano. I tried to ignore the lack of Kirsten’s presence outside, as well as my nervousness from earlier, and just focused on playing. I started to play the most touching song I had ever played. I felt all the emotions welling up inside me from the day’s events. I played hard, yet gently. It was like an intimate moment as the piano sang my song.

I had this strange feeling that someone else was in the room while I was playing, but I ignored it, assuming the feeling had to do with the excitement I had been through earlier.

Then two very slender arms reached over my shoulders resting around my neck in a very delicate embrace. My hands froze on the keys. The sound faded from the piano and I heard the prettiest voice in the world in my ear.

“Keep playing,” it said, “it’s the prettiest song I have ever heard.”

Gently I reached up and put my hand on the two hands embracing me.

“Kristen, I… I….” I took a breath to stop from stuttering. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

She broke her embrace and slid up next to me on the piano bench.

“I can’t believe you can play the piano like that!”

My heart was racing so badly I think even she could hear it. In my shy, low voice, I asked her, “How did you know I was in here?”

She turned her head gently and looked deep into my eyes. “Mrs. Olson told me you played in here every day. I didn’t believe her so I followed her from lunch today, and when she unlocked the door to let you in, I slipped in behind you. I waited a moment, and then I heard the music. It was amazing. I walked over to find you playing the most passionate song I've ever heard.” She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder.

I was still in a state of shock and confusion. “Why were you looking for me?”

“I wanted to apologize for embarrassing you on the stage,” she said quietly.

We sat there quietly for a minute. I had no idea what to do or say so I just sat there with Kristen’s head on my shoulder and my hands on the keyboard, though not playing.

After a while, she spoke again. “After hearing you play the piano and feeling your…,” she paused and emphasized the next word she said, “excitement earlier.” She paused again. “I want to ask you a question.”

I felt a flushing of embarrassment at how forward she was being. When she didn’t ask a question immediately, I quietly asked, “And your question is?”

“Do you like me?”

Strangely, my answer came quickly and easily.

“Kristen, I liked you from the first day I’ve laid eyes on you back in kindergarten.”

“Why haven’t you ever said anything to me?”

“I…,” my moment of boldness apparently faded, as I stuttered. “I figured you were out of my reach. I never thought I would see the day I would have a conversation with you, let alone the day I have a conversation with you and get a kiss.”

“You liked that kiss, didn’t you?”

I pulled her head off my shoulder and looked deep in her eyes. “Kristen, I could never repay that kiss. It was the most exciting thing I’ve ever had happen to me.”

She leaned in and started to kiss me again. This time though, it lasted longer and I kissed her back. My heart was racing and I felt my cock getting extremely hard. I reached over her back and put my hand on the small of her back, pulling her in a bit closer. My hand slid up her back. I quickly realized what I thought earlier: she was braless. Her perky little breasts pressed up against my chest as I started rubbing her back.

She pulled back and let out a deep sigh. Her eyes were closed, and her face looked even more beautiful than it had ever seemed in my dreams. Despite my efforts though, my eyes flashed down to her chest. I could see her hard nipples poking out of her small, perky breasts through her T-shirt.

Suddenly, I heard her say, “Would you like to feel them?”

Without waiting for my answer, she reached around and placed my hand on her breast.

This was the first time I had ever felt a breast. It was soft and firm, the nipple poking against my hand. I brought my other hand up to her chest also. Despite them being the first real breasts I had ever touched, I caressed them like a pro, just like I saw in Dougie's movies. She started moaning and she reached her head up and kissed me again while I caressed her chest. My cock was throbbing by this point.

Then, as we kissed and I caressed her breasts, she reached down and started to rub my cock through my pants again. Just like she did in the auditorium, but this time it was just her and I. I was shocked when she unzipped my pants, my cock eagerly popping out through the flap of my underwear. She gripped it firmly in her hand for a moment, then looked down at it.

“Wow, you’re a big one! Look at that – I can’t even get my hand around it!” I leaned back a bit and looked down, letting my cock poke up out of my briefs more. It stood up high and firm, and sure enough her hand couldn’t get around it. Of course, she did have small hands.

She started to stroke it. I immediately felt the pre-cum lube her hand as well as my member. She gave another short sigh, then looked up and gave me a short kiss again. Feeling bolder with each moment, I reached over and pulled her shirt off, exposing a full view of her breasts. Kristen smiled and slid around to straddle the piano bench, standing up a little bit. Her breasts were in my face at that point. I didn’t resist.

I began to tease her nipples with my mouth, nipping them oh-so-gently between my teeth. She squirmed a little and started to pant. Soon her body started to tremor noticeably.

Suddenly, she moaned out, “Oh god, I'm cumming!”

I was shocked. ‘God damn!’ I thought, ‘I didn’t do anything and she came?’ I started to wonder if she would let me make love to her and show her what cumming really is! My shyness quickly fading, I stood up and pulled my shoes, socks, pants, and underwear off in front of her as she sat on the piano bench.

Before I had even finished, she again firmly grabbed my cock, but then she engulfed it. She took about half the shaft in her mouth. The feeling was absolutely blissful! The first time in my life my cock entered into anything other then my hand, and it was my dream girl’s mouth!

She pulled off it and took it in her mouth again, getting a little more in. Meanwhile, my cock was about to explode having the girl of my dreams giving me my first knobjob! But I held back, focusing on the sharpness of her back teeth rubbing my shaft to keep from cumming.

Then, without warning, Kirsten pulled off and stood up, kissing me again. I took this as a sign and reached down to the front of her jeans, undoing the button and unzipping them. Gently, I reached around to her very slender hips with my hands inside the waist band of her panties. In one graceful movement, I pulled both her pants and panties down to her feet, feeling her tiny ass and legs in the midst of it all. I stood up again as she stepped out of them.

Kristen looked into my eyes, and for a few moments, we both just stood there naked and stared into each other’s eyes.

“I’ve never been intimate before,” Kristen said, suddenly sounding shyer than me, continuing, “but I want you to do the honors of taking my cherry.”

I just about spoiled my load hearing those words! There we were in the band room, totally naked, my cock sticking out in its full glory, and for the first time in both her and my life, I reached down to her pubic mound. The small, dark, well-groomed patch of hair was in the palm of my hand. I let my fingers explore her and felt a very tight passageway. I gently pressed my index finger into the very moist canal.

Kristen moaned and squirmed again, pulling off my fingers. She sat back on the piano bench and spread her long slender legs apart. I knelt down in front of her small body and placed my mouth directly over her small pussy and licked upward. I found her clit easily. I could feel it throb with her every heartbeat! She let out a high shrill shriek and leaned back on the piano keyboard. It let out a load chorus of notes, which to me was the sweetest song I had ever heard. She was wet, and getting wetter, as I continued to lick her sweet tangy clit.

All at once my mouth was filled with a slightly creamy-feeling liquid. It tasted rather musky at first and I let it fall out of my mouth into her little pussy. Kristen let out a moan and I proceeded to stick my finger into her tight, very wet pussy.

Then she pulled me up off of her, lining my cock up with her pussy. She suddenly kissed me franticly, telling me between kisses, “Fuck me hard with your big cock!”

I was eager to do as she asked and leaned in toward her. I felt the head of my cock push between her lips. I kept thinking, ‘How am I going to get this big thing in that small hole?’

I rubbed my cock back and forth gently, getting it wetter and gaining a little depth each time. Kristen groaned and started panting.

Then, all at once, it slid right in.

There had been some resistance a little way in and then what felt like a snap. Suddenly, the resistance was gone. Kristen lurched back and squealed. I could feel a very strong pulsing from inside her pussy. I slowly pulled it out and then proceeded to thrust it in gently but with authority. This time it was a little easier but still extremely tight. Kristen was panting and groaning and she let out another squeal. I pulled out until just the head was in and stopped.

I look worriedly at her face, which was gasping for breath and leaned back with her eyes closed and her mouth wide open. “Am I hurting you? The last thing I want to do is hurt you.”

“No, I'm fine,” Kristen responded with her head back and eyes closed. Then she looked at my face, then to our conjoined genitals. “You’re just so damn big! But it feels really good!” She looked back up at my face. “Keep going, fuck me hard! I want you so bad! Push it in me again, I’ll loosen up.”

I still couldn’t get over how she was talking, despite what we were doing, but I was eager to oblige. So I thrust into her again. This time she followed my rhythm and thrust upward at me. It felt extremely good!

Then I started to think – I hadn’t jacked off for days so I was going to fill her right up! I figured I better pull out when I was ready, I certainly don’t need to be a father at 16. But I would love to bury as much cum in this pussy as I could... I had dreamt about this since I was 8 years old, jacking off to this girl’s memory in my mind for years. But now I was getting the real deal!

I proceeded to fuck her. I was getting close. Kristen must have sensed it too. I opened my eyes just as she opened hers. She looked deeply in my eyes as I was starting to be a little more reluctant with each thrust.

“You can cum in me, my mom has had me on the pill since I was 12.” While saying that, she pulled her legs up and rested her feet on the piano bench next to her tiny ass.

Seeing that view, on top of hearing what she just said, I felt a swelling in my balls that I knew oh-so-well when I jacked off, but this time it was way more intense. I saw her close her eyes again just before I closed mine. I sped up and her tight body and pussy kept rhythm with me as my balls slapped against her ass.

Then I pulled up a little too far.

When I came down, my well lubed cock slipped into her tiny asshole. Kristen screamed out.

My whole length accidentally buried itself in her ass. It was tighter then her pussy, but didn’t seem to give as much resistance. It went right in and I came the second it hit bottom. I got lost in the feeling of the most intense orgasm of my life. I felt my thick cock pulsate in her ass, shooting my load deep into her, driving her innocence right out that big window in the band room.

Then, as I came down, I suddenly realized what had just happened. I freaked out and pulled out of her ass. I was terrified at how she would react and a look of horror must have come over my face. When my eyes finally met hers, I was surprised to see her giving me a little smile. She put her feet back on the floor and began to lean forward. Halfway up to me, her body jerked and she gasped, I’m guessing from hitting her freshly fucked ass the wrong way on the piano bench, but she kept leaning forward and started kissing me.

When she pulled back from the kiss, I moaned out, “Oh my god.”

Kristen sat on the piano bench and looked up at me. She was smiling, but I thought I saw a hint of disappointment in her face. “Are you done?”

I was happy she didn’t bring up that I accidentally fucked her ass. As for her question, I wasn’t sure if she was asking if I could get it up again or if I was simply going to do more. Either way, the answer was obvious. If she was giving me the opportunity to, I certainly wasn’t going to leave before I came in her pussy! I smiled back at her and simply said, “No.”

Kristen smiled back bigger than before, and I thought I saw that hint of disappointment leave her face. I grabbed her hands and pulled her up and to the side of the piano bench. Any hint of shyness I had was gone as I turned her around and had her lean down onto the piano bench with her legs straight and her pussy and ass up in the air towards me. Her thin legs, along with her small ass and wet pussy, looked fantastic. Kristen, however, turned and looked at me with apprehension as I stepped up behind her.

“Trust me,” I began, “I’ll be gentle and leave your backdoor alone this time.” It was hard to miss the look of relief on her face before she turned to look away again. I slid my hard long cock into her pussy in one stroke. That little ass was such a turn on. Every time I would thrust in her, her butthole would pucker a bit, like it wanted a kiss. I continued thrusting into her, eliciting moans from the both of us.

I lasted longer than I had the first time. Kristen was clearly getting lots of pleasure, as her breathing was quickening and her moans were getting louder. I held out as long as I could to give her as much pleasure as I could. Finally, when I could not take it anymore, I figured it was time to give her eight years of dreaming about her in one final deep thrust.

I hit bottom, shooting my load deep into her pussy. I came hard, shooting shot after shot of cum into her. Kristen must have felt my cock pulsing in her as she threw her head back and screamed as I felt her pussy tighten around my cock as she suddenly got even more wet. The combination of the wetness and the intense pressure on my cock made me cum harder.

As I finished cumming, I felt her body pulsing still. I figured the chance of this happening again was, well, probably never. So, with my fresh cum buried deep inside her and her still orgasming, I pulled out and started thrusting into her, trying both to please her more and make this experience last longer.

After only three thrusts, Kristen let out an exotic scream and I saw her body arch up as every muscle in her body, including her pussy muscles, tightened as much as they could. The tightness was too much for me, and despite the fact that I had just finished cumming, I let out a deep groan, and the next thing I knew I was cumming again, twice as hard as before while my cock bottomed out in her pussy. I was whimpering and moaning, experiencing a more intense orgasm than I had ever dreamt was imaginable.

Kristen looked to be experiencing the same feelings. She was still arched up and was letting out small gasps and moans. Every now and then her body would loosen a little and she would begin to lean back down towards the piano bench. But after only dropping a couple inches, her body would tighten and she would arch again. This happened four or five times before she finally was able to collapse forward onto the bench.

I let her lay against the bench for a minute or so. Then I wrapped my arms around her waist in a bear hug, pulled her up off the bench, and swung both her and I around, sitting down with her on my lap with her back facing me and most my cock still in her. I felt her small ass on my lap and embraced her again. I gently kissed her shoulder, whispering, “I will always be in your debt.”

Kristen didn’t answer, rather she turned her head towards mine and kissed me.

When the kiss ended, Kristen stood up, my cock popping out of that sweet pussy and mourning its departure. I noticed my cum running profusely down her leg. She must have also.

“Wow! You really filled me up!” She reached into her pants pocket and pulled out a tissue, wiping up the mess. She then looked up at me and announced, “I came prepared!”

We both laughed.

Shortly after that, we proceeded to get dressed. Our lunch hour was just about over. After getting dressed, I played Kristen a song on the piano. Somehow, the piano just never sounded the same, though not in a bad way.

Kristen and I enjoyed lunch in the band room for the rest of that year.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-06-27 23:46:55
This story is awesome. It reminded me of the one time durring school when i fucked a chick with her flute and the band teacher walked in on us.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-04-12 00:46:47
I had sex in my band room several times :)

anonymous readerReport 

2013-03-10 22:29:33
i fucked my girlfriend kristy for the first time in the band room as well

anonymous readerReport 

2012-02-06 00:45:49
Then he woke up from the dream, the end.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-02-20 05:11:21
fuck this shis making it seem like band kids are whores and fuck just anyone we see just like how you fucks think″band camp″is for sex the truth is when you spend 13 in the sun you don`t have time for sex you fuckin retards

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