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Ok you know all the legal stuff, if you're not 18 you shouldn't be here.
If you don't like this stuff you shouldn't be here. This is all fake ok,
in other words its fiction. It has situations and acts of a sexual nature
between young boys. Like I said if you don't like that then LEAVE NOW. If
you do like it then read on by all means. if you like it let me know
[email protected]

Chapter 11

(Ok just a little background to the characters of the story so far incase
you can' remember who's who or if I have failed describe them enough.
Derrik, he's a typical American teen age boy. 13 years old 5 foot 5 tall
around 115 pounds. Light brown hair and hazel eyes and is our lead
character. Chris was the next boy to come into the story. He was found
locked in the freezer at the school. He's 11 with short darker blonde
hair and blue eyes weighing around 80 pounds or so. Next was Josiah or
Joe for short. He was the boy that was found at the bottom of the pit
where he fell running from the aliens. He lived in a neighboring town to
Chris and Derrik. He is 12 years old has short brown hair and is slightly
bigger than Chris in size. Next to arrive is Adam or AJ, he is Josiah's
cousin. He also is 12 but a bit smaller than Josiah. He was found in the
bomb shelter of a collapsed house. Around 4 ft 6 and nearly 90 pounds or
so. Light brown hair and had blue eyes when he was found. And now we also
have AJ's baby brother Donny. He was found at the aliens food camp in a
holding pit. Very similar to AJ in appearance only smaller and is 9 years
old.)Now back to the story.

There standing not five feet away was a man. Not just a man, but a man in
full military gear. He was looking around with his gun in a firing
position. We could only assume he was being chased by something. He
looked to be breathing heavily and tired. "Chris it's a fucking soldier!
A human one!" I said quiet, but excited. "Dude I smell a monster coming
to. It must be chasing him." Chris answered. The soldier then turned and
walked away about ten feet and I decided we had better help him before he
gets killed. I walked through the force field to get him. I looked back
after I walked through it and sure enough you couldn't see the mine
entrance it looked like the hill side. "Hey over here." I said. The man
turned and pointed the machine gun right at me. I held my hands out to
let him know I meant no harm. He lowered it once he saw I was human. I
waved to him to follow me. "This way in here." I told him before I walked
into the mine. From what he could tell I had just walked right through a
rock wall. He stood not knowing what he had just seen. I stuck my head
and arm back through to wave him to follow me. This time on faith he
followed me into the mine. He stopped once he was inside and scanned
around with his gun. I again showed him I was there and he lowered his
gun. I then put a finger up to my lip to let him know to be quiet.
"What's chasing you?" I asked him quietly. "One of the aliens. It's hot
on my tracks." The soldier answered. Chris then waived his hand to signal
us to be quiet. He then pointed to the entrance to tell us it was
outside. All three of us then took position with the guns pointing at the
entrance. I peeked through the boards again to see an alien sniffing at
the air. Suddenly it turned and faced the mine. "Chris how many of those
things did you hear?" I asked in a whisper. He stuck up 1 finger to tell
me he heard only 1. Not wanting to open fire with the guns to give away
our position I lowered my gun and pointed the glove at the entrance. This
time I wanted to turn the tables on the aliens. "Get ready, but hold your
fire until you have to shot." I told them. Suddenly I dropped the force
field revealing us to the alien. It started to let out a sound but was
stopped very quickly by my actions. I used the glove in combination with
my mind to grab the monster by its throat and stop it from calling to
others. I used an invisible force to hold him there by then neck. I
walked up to it then. "Why are you here?" I asked it. It let out some
noises totally not understandable by Chris or the soldier, but I knew
exactly what it was saying. It answered my question, "To conquer you."�
"Conquer us? My friend you totally underestimated the human race." I told
it. Again it began to make noises choked by my mental grip on its throat.
"There is no hope for you. Your kind will all die." the monster said this
time through its thoughts. Hearing that made me show this thing exactly
what suffering was. My mind lifted it off the ground into the air and let
it dangle there as my grip on its throat increased. It began to flop and
writhe around in agony as I slowly strangled it to death. At the end I
ended its suffering by crushing it around its neck area making it
instantly fall to the ground dead. I then forced the monster through the
air and flung him a great distance away.� Once the glove had released its
hold on the creature and my minds energy returned to normal I fell to one
knee breathing heavily. "You ok kid?" the soldier asked me. "I nodded yes
trying to catch my breath. "You guys have a place to hide?" the soldier
asked, "Yeah you're in it. We have a room right back here." Chris told
him. The soldier then with no effort scooped me up in his arms and
followed Chris carrying me to the safe room. "Guys it's us we're coming
in don't shoot. We got some company." Chris announced to the others. Once
inside the room he lay me down on the bed next to AJ. "How long have you
kids been hiding in here?" the man asked. "Since all this happened."
Chris answered him. "Wow I can't believe you guys have made it this long
on your own." The soldier said. "Any one want to explain just exactly
what just happened out there?" he asked then. As I lay next to AJ I again
fell into a deep sleep from using the glove in a rage.

I woke up sometime later to see the boys all sitting and talking with the
soldier. "What's going on? What happened?" I asked. "You passed out. I'm
Sgt. James Williams U.S. Army rangers." I was answered with. "How did you
get out here al alone like that?" I asked rubbing my sleepy eyes. "I was
a part of a unit sent out here to asses the damage done by the aliens and
search for survivors. My unit was attacked by surprise and everyone was
killed but me." He answered. He was no sitting propped against the wall
to the opposite of the door way with his body armor and gear off. "Here
you go." Josiah said handing him a pb&j sandwich. "Thanks bud I haven't
had any real food for days now." The man answered. As I became more awake
I noticed that the man wasn't that old, maybe in his mid twenties. It was
at that point he noticed AJ's eyes. "God dam kid what happened to your
eyes?" he asked in amazement. "That's a long and probably unbelievable
story." I replied. "Kid I never thought I'd live to see aliens invade
Earth. Rite now I'm open to anything you tell me." The soldier said. I
went on to tell him our whole story up to that day. He sat and listened
in amazement, but believing everything we told him. "You guys know what,
before the invasion I'd call all of you crazy, but now. I believe every
word of it." The man said. We sat there well into the night talking and
discussing all things of consequence about our future survival. About
midnight every one but the soldier and I were asleep. "Why don't you get
some rest, it's safe in here for the most part. They can't use their
scanners in the mine." I told him. Taking my advice the man lay down
using his pack as a pillow. Luckily for me he had unloaded most of its
contents on the ground before falling asleep. I picked through it being
nosy trying to find some kind of information that might help us out. I
came across a small map that had several locations marked on it. One was
my home town which had a big red X crossed over it along with several
other locations on the map. I could only assume that it meant those
placed were destroyed. There was one location on the map that was fairly
close to where we are that wasn't crossed out yet. I looked through his
notes and found out it was an old orphanage about 15 miles away. I
remember the place right away. I always thought it was some old rich
person's house I saw back off the road. I had rode past it many times
with my parents in the car before. I never knew till now it was an
orphanage. I studied his documents and made notes to myself of important
things that might come up in the futures. Sometime during the night I
again fell back asleep this time laying on the mine floor its self.

"Derrik, you awake?" I heard a voice saying shaking me awake.� I opened
my eyes to se Donny's little face looking at me. "Yeah little dude what's
up? I asked. "I gotta pee." He replied. I looked at my watch and it said
almost 8 am. I sat up now feeling the pains of sleeping on the bare
ground. My whole body was now sore, and I had a chill. "Ok bud come on
let's go pee." I told the kid. I stood up and stretched my stiff body and
noticed something else was stiff to. Donny to noticed and giggled a
little bit. I smiled to him and whispered in his ear, "Yeah we know what
those are for don't we?" he smiled really big and giggled a bit. We then
went outside to relieve ourselves. Today was a wet cloudy day. There was
a light drizzle in the air and the temperature was cooler than the day
before. Not caring about the weather Donny pulled out his little pecker
and let the urine fly. I stood next to him then and pulled out my stiff
half hard dick and let fly myself. "Maybe we'll get to have some fun with
these again soon." I said to the younger boy as I reached over and
touched his penis lightly. "Yeah that would be kool I liked that." He
replied talking about the fun in wal mart. We finished our business and
went back inside to see AJ now awake. "Hi bubby how ya feelin?" Donny
asked his big brother. "Better dude. Hey Derrik will you get me some
shorts and stuff so I can go pee to? I don't want that dude to see me
naked and stuff." He asked referring to the soldier. I dug out a pair of
shorts and a t-shirt and tossed them to him. As he stood up to zip the
shorts up I noticed he to had some morning wood. "Better watch that
zipper, don't zip your pecker up in it." I told him since he didn't have
underwear on for now. He took my advice and gently zipped the shorts
avoiding his cock. I then stopped him and looked down into his devilish
eyes. "You feel better?" I asked. "Yeah really, lots better." He replied.
I then rubbed the top of his cute head and he smiled as he walked out to
the mine entrance to piss. As I sat back down I felt a definite chill in
my body, like I couldn't get warm. "Does it feel cold in here to you?" I
asked Donny. He shook his head no. I then heard, "Nope it's just right in
here. You must be catching a cold." The man said as he sat up from his
slumber. "I noticed you sleeping on the bare floor last night and tried
to wake you, but you wouldn't budge. You must be catching a cold now." He
said. He sat up and started to slide his boots back on. As he was putting
his gear back together AJ walked back in startling the man. He raised his
gun and pointed it at Adam. AJ froze instantly and put his hands up in
fear. "Shit sorry about that kid. It's just you get jumpy when you do my
line of work." The soldier apologized. Breathing a sigh of relief AJ sat
down next to his brother. By now Joe and Chris were stirring awake to.
Not really knowing the man yet we decided to sleep in our clothes, except
for AJ who was already naked when the man came into the mine. All of us
being modest kids really didn't want an adult to see us naked, especially
one we didn't really know.

"So what's on the agenda for the day guys?" the soldier asked. "Well I
was thinking about maybe going into town and bringing back some food and
supplies today." I told him. "Ok how about I go with you." He suggested.
I agreed and then we got ready to go. "Guys food run ok. We'll be back in
a few hours ok." I told them. By now the others knew the drill to be o
guard since not all of us were going to be in the mine. Sgt. Williams and
I got on the ATV and headed into town. This time we'd have to depend on
our own senses since Chris didn't come along with his super ears and
nose. Again I brought the glove along, even though I was starting to
think it was bad for my health to use it. We went through town checking
things out before going to the grocery store. "Oh man some one's been
here to." I said looking at the food on the floor. "What do you mean here
to?" the soldier asked. "Well the other day we were in the wal mart and
some one had been in there rummaging through stuff and it wasn't us that
did it." I explained. Seeing my point he raised his gun into a firing
position and we checked the store out. Once we were sure it was empty we
loaded up a few carts with food. "Oh man I haven't had any real food in
weeks now." He said. I asked what he meant. "I have been eating MRE's
(meals ready to eat, K rations in other words) for weeks now." He
replied. He knew what kinds of food we needed and what would spoil so
loaded his cart with canned foods and dehydrated foods. I also did that,
but there was one luxury we could still enjoy. I grabbed a few bags of
cookies and tossed them on the cart to. Once he had the food loaded on
the ATV we set off back to the mine. On the way I asked about the map and
intel papers in his pack. He explained about the places with X's over
them that they were destroyed and no sign of life was there. Then I asked
about the orphanage. "That was the next place my unit was going to check
out before we were ambushed. We were about 2 miles outside of town here
when they jumped us from the air." He said. "So that's where those
monsters were going when we found Donny." I said. Puzzled he asked what I
meant. "When we found the little guy Donny in the death camp the monster
took off in a ship rite before we got there. We ran in and got Donny as
fast as we could and got out of there before they came back. They must
have been coming after your unit when they flew away in the ship." I
explained. He saw my point then and we continued our talk. "Are you still
planning on going to the orphanage?" I asked. "At this point I'm not sure
kid. My unit is wiped out, I have no contact with my superiors, and I
have exceeded my time table to pull out of here." The soldier said.
"Don't you have a way to get hold of your superiors? Don't you have a
radio or anything?" I asked. "No the guy in my unit that was carrying our
radio was taken by the aliens." He said. That's when I remembered the
short wave radio we took from AJ's bomb shelter. "Hey would a short wave
radio work? We got one back at the mine." I told him. "It just might. If
my superiors are monitoring the right signals they just might hear it."
He told me. When we get back to the mine we will try the radio to see if
it works for him.

We arrived at the mine a short time later with the others greeting us at
the entrance. "Come on guys lets get this food inside." I told them. They
all grabbed as much as they could carry and filed inside with it. After
we got the food stowed away I dug out the radio for the man. "Well here
it is, hope you can do something with it." I told him. He turned it on
and only static came out of it. "Ok we have to take it outside for it to
work. It won't pick anything up inside this mine." He said. The others
and I followed him outside where he started to turn the dials and flip
switches on it. "Eagle to nest, eagle to nest do you read nest?? He said
into the mic, but only static came through the speaker. He kept trying
turning the knobs different ways and trying different frequencies to call
his base, but no response. "Guys I don't think this radio has the kind of
range to contact my base. If it were a bit closer to my base it may have
a chance of contacting them." He said. "Where's your base at?" Chris
asked. "The base camp is about 25 miles west of here." Sgt Williams said.
That got me to thinking. "Hey Sgt.Williams isn't that orphanage west of
here to? I mean you could go there and check it out and take the radio
with you. You'd be a lot closer to your base at the orphanage than you
are here, the radio may work then." I told him. "Yeah good idea." AJ
said. "Yeah kid I admit it is a good idea, but I can't leave you kids
here in good conscience. It's not safe for you guys all out here alone
like this, even if you do have those extra abilities. I just cant go
there and call my base and leave you here." He told us. The wildest thing
ever happened then, Donny spoke up. "Why don't we all just go with you?"
he asked. We all stared at the little guy in amazement. "What?" he asked
looking uncomfortable. "Little bro I never knew you was so smart. That's
an awesome idea, why don't we all just go? I mean it's gotta be safer
than staying here being scared that those monsters will get us all the
time." AJ said. "Well guys I'm all for it. If you kids are up to it I'm
willing to try my best to get you there." the soldier said. We already
knew AJ and Donny's votes, they were for going. "Ok let's do it." Chris
said. "Yeah let's go. I would like to sleep someplace warm again." Josiah
said giggling. "Well kid how about it?" the soldier asked me. I thought
for a second and considered our options. The others were all for leaving
the mine and trying to get to the orphanage. I thought of the perils we
might face on the long way there, but logic final told me my answer. "Ok.
I think it's best for all of us to try it. We can't stay here much
longer. It will be winter soon, and then it'll be too cold to stay here."
I said. Now that everyone is in agreement that we try to make it to the
orphanage we needed to come up with a game plan of how we were going to
get there. Josiah suggested we take the ATV, but there's not enough room
in it for all of us, the dog, and the supplies and gear we would need to
take along. We were going to need a bigger vehicle, but the only problem
with that is anything bigger than the ATV is a lot more noticeable. We
didn't want to be seen going there, so we would need to stay in the
shadows so to speak as much as possible.

That evening Sgt Williams, the rest of the guys, and I sat and came up
with a plan of how we were getting there. We would go into town in the
next day or two and look for a larger 4 wheel drive vehicle to use off
road instead of the ATV. It would be big enough to carry all of us and
the supplies, and also be able to duck off the road if we need to. The 18
miles away to the orphanage wasn't really all that far to travel, but
when you are trying to do it with out being noticed it's a little harder
to do. We decided to only travel during the night to avoid being seen by
the aliens. "Ok here's how we need to do this guys. I will drive with my
night vision gear on and Adam I need you to sit up front with me since
you can see in the dark to with those devil eyes of yours. Chris I need
you to keep your ears open for anything out of the ordinary. The rest of
you guys just enjoy the ride. You probably won't get to see much since
we're going at night. I'm going to be driving with the lights off." The
soldier said. Then something important struck me, "Hey we should wait to
go till there is a new moon. That way there won't be any moon light." I
told them. The soldier agreed with me. He got out his intel papers that
had a calendar on them. "Ok the next new moon is in exactly four days. We
have till then to get ready to go. We need enough food to last us at
least a week after we leave. We need to find a big SUV to hold all of us,
and we need to take anything that is important to you guys here with us.
Once we're gone there's probably not going to be any coming back." he
told us. I knew exactly where to find the SUV in town. I saw one at my
old neighbor's house when I was checking through town once. It was one of
the only cars still left in town that wasn't destroyed. It is a big four
door truck that should do the job for us. As for food that wouldn't be a
problem there was still plenty of canned and dry foods in the grocery
store. And our important things, well I don't think we'll be forgetting
our video games and clothes anytime soon. The Sgt. plotted a route on his
map to the orphanage from town that we would go. He marked a line on the
map rite on the main road leading out of town, but just incase he also
marked one in an off road area to get there to. As we sat and went over
the plans I could tell the others were getting just as restless as I was.
I sensed how much they all missed the naked fun we all have come to enjoy
having together. That's when I noticed my dick tenting my shorts. I tried
my best to sit in a position where no one would notice, but it didn't
work. Chris saw me and started to giggle a bit. He kept it to himself,
but he knew I was rock hard. I haven't had an orgasm in days now, and I
felt like I was about to explode I wanted to get off so bad. "Hey guys I
need to go use the boy's room. I'll be back in a little bit." I said as I
grabbed my gun to head outside the mine. I had no intentions of using the
bathroom. I headed to a secluded area out of site near the mine's
entrance and yanked my shorts down. I wrapped my fingers around my rock
hard tool and began to pump away on it. It was feeling great to the point
I tuned out the outside world. My hand flew up and down my cock as I
heard a twig snap, I instantly stopped jerking and raised my gun. "It's
just me don't shoot!" I heard Chris say. "Dammit I could have killed you
don't scare me like that." I said angrily half naked with my shorts
around my ankles. "Sorry I just though I needed to use the boy's room
to." He replied smiling. "Ok sounds good to me. Go ahead and finish for
me and I'll do you next." I told him. He smiled and sank to his knees
taking my small cock into his mouth. His tender lips began to slide back
and forth on my smooth hairless cock sending me into orbit. "Oh god that
feels so good Chris don't stop." I moaned to him. He began to play with
my balls with one hand and sped up his sucking. In no time my dick was
pulsating in his mouth firing off a dry orgasm. I put both hands on top
of his head and face fucked him as hard as I could as I felt the last few
waves of pleasure wash over me. I released my grip on his head and he
slid my dick from his mouth making a slurping noise. "Oh fuck, oh fuck!"
I moaned as I almost fell on my ass from the intense feeling he just gave
me. I held onto a tree branch to keep my balance while I came back down
from my high feeling. I looked down and saw his cute little face smiling
at me and licking his lips. I instantly sank to my knees in front of him
and wrapped him up in a deep passionate kiss. Our toungs explored each
others mouths and all over each others lips. I then reached down for his
shorts and slid my hand inside them to fid his hard little boy dick. As I
messaged the hard mushroom tip he moaned deeply as our toungs wrestled. I
broke off the kiss and told him to stand up. As soon as he was up right I
yanked his shorts down and dove onto his boy meat. He moaned loudly as he
felt my toung slide along the underside of his cock head. I cupped both
his but cheeks in my hands and slammed his little dick in and out of my
mouth making a smacking sound each time his belly hit my fore head. Just
like me he put his hands on my head and forced my mouth down even harder
ion his 11 year old cock. "Oh gosh faster harder!" he moaned. Not even a
minute later I felt his meat stiffen up in my mouth and his whole body
then went tense as he took a deep breath. He forced my head down on him
very hard then making sure he got everything out of this moment he could.
As he came down from his orgasm his legs collapsed out from under him. He
fell into my arms panting heavily. Again we kissed a few minutes and
rubbed each others cocks. As I broke our kiss I told him, "I sure did
miss that. Just you and me like that." "Yeah me to. I wish we had the
time to do it in the but like we did that one time. I loved that." He
replied. "Well maybe we can sneak time before we leave to try it." I told
him. "Yay!" he said in a sarcastic cute way. I definitely wanted his
tender ass again, but I also wouldn't mind some fun with the other boys
as well. Maybe I can figure out how to get away from the soldier long
enough with the guys to have some real fun before we leave the mine for
good. We went back inside to talk to the sgt. Some more when we were done
with our "pee break".

Being I the mine all the time was definitely getting to be on the boring
side at times lately. Kids our age should be out playing, swimming,
riding bikes, and lots of other stuff not cowering and hiding in an old
mine shaft fearing for our lives. Maybe this attempt to move to the
orphanage was for the better for us, maybe it's not the rite thing to do.
Only time will tell, but for now we are living for the moment and
planning for tomorrow. We can only speculate on what we will find at the
orphanage, if we even make it that far. Not knowing our fate and what lay
ahead is like anguish to me. I get so worried I can't stand it sometimes.
I don't only worry about my fate, but I also worry about the other boys'
future as well. They have latched on to me as their leader and protector
and I don't want to let them down.

Chapter 12

Two days after we laid out the plans to make a try for the orphanage we
were ready to make runs to town for supplies to take with us and to prep
the truck for the journey. "Ok boys it's o nine hundred, time to get a
move on." The soldier said waking us from our slumber. "O nine what?" AJ
groaned rubbing his sensitive eyes. "It's nine am dude." Josiah told him.
Now being fully awake thanks to Sgt Williams I stretched my sore body and
rubbed my eyes to. "Come on dudes we need to get stuff done." I said
standing up and stretching more. I knew from reading their minds that
they weren't too keen on getting up and doing work this early in the
morning. I then headed outside to tale a leak, and was soon joined by
Chris, Donny, and the dog. As I pissed I noticed Donny sneaking a peek at
my stuff. Being silly I wiggled it making my piss stream dance in the
air. It did the trick, Donny giggled away. As we were finishing our
business the soldier joined us. He whipped his cock out and our eyes
swelled to the size of silver dollars. From the size of his dick I
thought he must be part horse. His cock must have been an easy 8 or 9
inches long limp. I sensed Chris thinking "Oh my fucking god! He's huge.
It must drag the ground when he gets hard." I cracked up instantly. He
looked at me and when it hit him I read his mind he laughed to. "It's
true." he said laughing like crazy. Poor little Donny was totally lost at
what we were laughing at. I leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Chris
is talking about how big his thing is." Donny peeked around me and saw
the man's one eyed monster. "Wow!" Donny said with no modesty. "Wonder if
mine will get that big." The 9 year old said making all of us laugh.
"Maybe some day it will kiddo. Mine wasn't really big when I was your age
either." The man said. Donny smiled at the though of his dick possibly
getting to be the size of an elephant trunk some day. I finished up and
went back inside the mine. Josiah was getting ready for the day ahead and
AJ was sitting on the bed leaning against the wall with his sunglasses on
and no shirt on. "Come on Adam we got a lot of shit to do today" I told
him, and he didn't make a peep or move. "Adam, you ok?" I asked, and
still not response. I walked in front of him and waved my hand in front
of his face, and he didn't move. "Is he ok?" Josiah asked. "I think he's
sleeping." I said before I grabbed his sunglasses by the frames and slid
them off his face. Sure enough his eyes were closed and he was asleep. I
slid the glasses back over his eyes and gently shook him. "AJ come on bud
wake up." I said softly as I shook him gently. He woke up and looked at
me. "What happened?" he asked. "You fell back asleep dude. Come on we
need to get a move on." I told him. I helped him up and he stretched his
body out. "Sorry I don't even remember falling back to sleep." He told
me. I was starting to wonder if he was sicker than we actually thought he
was. He didn't seem to be sick, but his energy level lately is like zero.
I decided to check through the medical books later and see what I can
possibly find out. For now we needed to get to town.

We all piled on the ATV and the soldier drove this time and headed to
town to prep for our journey. "Ok guys we need to go in three teams. 2 of
us will go to the store and get food, 2 will go the wal mart and get
supplies and what ever else we need and 1 of you guys can go with me to
get the truck ready." The man told us. It seemed like a good plan, but
when the guys started to pair off with each other I had to step in. "Guys
I don't mean to be a dick here, but I think Chris and Joe should get the
food, I'll go to the wal mart with Donny, and AJ I think you should stay
with the Sgt." I said. hearing that puzzled Adam. "Why?" he asked. "Well
dude you're sick. You don't need to over exert yourself. You need to take
it easy." I explained. He didn't seem too happy about it, but he agreed
none the less. "He's rite. If you are sick you need to conserve your
strength. Besides you won't be doing much if you go with me. It'll be
easy for you." The soldier told him. "You can even take Lucky with you" I
told AJ. He had a fondness for our k-9 friend. A short time later we rode
into town with guns raised and at the ready. I led the Sgt to where the
truck was and we parked the ATV. "Ok boys let's split up and get this
done. And most important be on your guard." The man told us. Donny and I
set out for wal mart on the ATV and Chris and Josiah walked to the store
since it was only blocks away from the truck. "You want to try on some
more under wear?" I asked the little guy making a suggestion and a joke.
He got the point after a minute and began to laugh. "Yeah trying undies
on is fun." He giggled. I parked the ATV rite in front of the entrance of
the store and we went in for supplies on our list, rite after we make a
stop at the little boys department for some fun. "Ok bud we may as well
get what ever we want while we're here. Lets get you some more clothes t
take with us." I told him. He agreed with me so I told him, "Ok go ahead
and strip those clothes off so we can try new ones on." He did as I said
and took his undies off with out me even telling him. From the looks of
it he was already half way stiff. This time I decided to be the teacher
for him. "Hey bud did your brother show you how to whack off yet?" I
asked. He shook his head no. "Ok well I'm about to teach you how to have
fun with your wiener when ever you want to." I told him. I then took his
silky smooth little pecker in my fingers and rubbed him till he was fully
hard. I then got into position behind him and took his hand and
positioned it in the rite way around his dick. He had it clinched in his
fingers and I showed him how to slowly stoke his hand back and forth.
After a few strokes I removed my hand from his and he kept on stroking.
"How's it feel?" I whispered in his ear. "Feels great." He said gladly. I
decided sinse he was having fun, then why couldn't I have some to. I
unzipped my shorts and slid them down and stood in front of the 9 year
old and began to stroke my own cock. His little eyes lit up in amazement.
He stopped stroking for a second and watched me. "Go ahead little buddy
don't stop." I told him. He started to stroke his own once more. A few
seconds later he said, "Can I touch it?"� referring to my dick. "Yeah I
guess so go ahead." I told him. He reached out with his other hand and
touched the tip of my dick with his finger. "It's warm." He giggled.
"Feel the whole thing." I suggested. He did what I said and a second
later his fingers were wrapping around my tool. His little hand felt so
good on my cock. With out me even telling him he started to stroke me.
"Oh Donny that feels great don't stop." I moaned to him. From the feeling
of this little 9 yo jerking me and thinking about what I was going to do
for him drove me over the edge of orgasm cliff. "Oh fuck!" I moaned out
as wave after wave washed over me as he stroked me steadily. As my
pleasure was ending I was getting sensitive and he was still stroking
full speed. "Ok bud you can stop now I'm done." I said. He smiled as he
took his fingers off my dick and wrapped them back around his own. "No
let me do it for you since you did it for me." I told him. after I came
back to Earth from orgasm land I had him set his naked body on my still
exposed lap on the floor and I slowly began to stroke his tender boy
tool. In no time his breathing began to change to shorter more rapid
breaths. "Feels awesome don't it?" I whispered to him. He nodded yes. I
took my other hand and explored his smooth chest as I stroked faster and
faster. He began to squirm and moan lightly so I knew he was getting
close. I got an idea and stopped all at once which made him kinda mad.
"Why'd you stop for it was feeling so good." He wined. "Just wait lets
try something new." I told him. He was open to anything new. What I had
in mind was raising his body up off my lap and spreading his legs a bit.
Once he did that I positioned him so that my dick nestled between his
legs and up against his smooth little ball sack as he sat back down. The
feeling was like heaven to me. "How's that feel?" I asked. "Fine. I feel
it against my nuts its warm." He said. I wanted so badly to just slide it
inside him, but I didn't want to rush that too soon. Maybe some day when
he's more experienced at this new play. Instead I moved his legs together
clinching my dick in between them and against his smooth ball bag and ass
crack. I then went back to stroking his little rod. As I stroked again he
began to squirm and wiggle around. The feeling was great for my cock.
Next thing I felt was his body go stiff and rigid as he took a deep
breath. I knew he was having his orgasm then so I slowed down my
stroking. A few seconds later it was all over. He sat in my lap a deep
breathing limp bodied lump of cuteness. I wrapped my arms around him and
hugged him and kissed on his sweet little cheek. "How did that feel?" I
asked. "Great! Now I know why my bubby use to do it so much in our room."
He responded. Once we both had our orgasms over with I pulled my shorts
back up and he slid his clothes back on. When he was dressed we grabbed
him some more clothes and went on to get the supplies that were on our

In the grocery store Chris and Josiah were having a blast collecting
food, and goofing off. They had a good game of bread foot ball going
using a stale loaf of bread as a ball. They played for a while then
indulged in a treat that we just can have at the mine. They ripped open a
box of pop cycles and ate then so fast they both got brain freezes, "Oh
god that hurts, but I like it." Chris said holding his head and trying
not to show the chilling pain. In time their pleasure pain diminished and
they went on collecting the things on the list while chowing down on what
ever junk food they wanted since it was all free now. They were truly
having fun and being kids enjoying each others company. When they had
their carts full they just pushed them rite out of the store and the few
blocks down the road to where the soldier and AJ were with the truck.

While the other three and I were collecting food and supplies Sgt
Williams and AJ were trying to get the truck ready to go. Well actually
it was more like the soldier was getting the truck ready while AJ just
sat and watched. He didn't have a clue of what to do to help out in this
case. "Mr. Williams sir do you think we're going to make it to the
orphanage?" he asked trying to pass the time. "Well first off its
Sergeant Williams not mister or sir, I work for a living. And to answer
your question I don't know if the place will even be there when we get to
where it's supposed to be." The soldier answered. "Oh sorry." Adam said
referring to the mister and sir thing. AJ sat patiently from then on
hoping some one would come back soon, he didn't feel very comfortable
with this man. The soldier did a good walk around inspection of the truck
making sure everything was good to go for the trip out of town. He was
checking the tires making sure they could handle off road terrain. He
then checked all the fluids making sure they were topped off. Last but
not least he got inside and had to figure out a way to start the truck
since the keys were long gone. He then reached under the dash of the
truck and began to rip wires loose. After a few attempts at crossing
different wires together he got the rite combination and the trucks'
engine fired up. Once he had the engine running he checked all the lights
and gauges on the dash. Everything looked good except one vital thing, it
was low on gas. "Dammit." The man said out loud. "What?" AJ inquired.
"It's pretty low on fuel. We wont have enough to make it to the
orphanage." He answered. "Where in the hell are we going to find fuel
now? The gas station is flattened." he said referring to the ruins of the
gas station down the road. Just then Chris and Josiah came strolling up
with shopping carts full of food. "Hey cuz catch." Josiah said before
tossing AJ a half melted pop cycle. "Kool thanks Joey." He thanked him.
The fact that half the pop cycle was already gone didn't faze AJ a bit he
opened it and finished it off. "Joey you know Donny's gonna be pissed
when he finds out you didn't bring him one of these." AJ told his cousin.
"I know, but if I did it would be completely melted by the time he got
back here. So my thinking was he don't need to know does he. Just toss
the stick away when you're done. Besides I grabbed him some candy on the
way out so he should be kool with that." Josiah said. The soldier picked
through the carts to see if the boys stuck to the list. "Cookies,
Crackers, potato chips, candy, you guys grabbed a bunch of junk food.
Didn't you get what I asked for on the list?" he asked them. "Well what
do you expect man we're kids. And yeah we got what you wanted to it's in
there some where." Josiah said talking about the stuff in the carts.
Eventually he did dig out the things that were on the list he gave them.
"Ok troops lets get these carts emptied and sorted. We need to divide the
things to take back to the mine and the things that will stay in town."
he ordered the boys. The three boys began to empty the carts out and sort
everything into two piles. The one going back to the mine was
understandably smaller since they were only going to be there a few more

As the others were sorting the food Donny and I pulled up in the ATV with
a load of supplies and clothes. As Donny got out of the ATV he was mobbed
by Lucky jumping on him and licking him in the face. "Stop lucky." He
giggled trying to make the dog stop. I grabbed Lucky by his collar and
pulled him off the little guy and brought him back to where the others
were. "Hey bud gotcha something." I said as I handed AJ a fresh pair of
super dark sunglasses. "Kool thanks so much! These are a lot better then
the other ones." He said as he slid them on to cover his sensitive eyes
from the bright sunlight. "What did you bring us?" Chris whined when he
saw what I gave AJ. "This!" Donny beamed at them pulling a new monopoly
game out of the ATV. "Now we got something to keep us entertained at the
mine till we leave." I told them. Chris and Josiah seemed to like that
idea. It took us a while but we finally got everything unloaded fro the
ATV and got it ready to go. "I got a question, where are we going to keep
all this stuff?" I said. "In the back of the truck. If we shut the door
to the cap it should be ok until we leave." The soldier replied. "The
supplies aren't what I'm worried about at this point. The truck is almost
on empty and I have no clue of where we're going to find any fuel for
it." He said, "Well cant we just look in some garages or sheds for some
gas cans or something? That's how we got gas for the ATV sometimes." I
replied. "Well normally that would be a great idea kid but there's only
one problem with that. This truck runs on diesel. I don't think we're
going to find that in any garage or shed." He replied. It seemed we were
in a real pickle now. I had no idea of where in the world to find any
diesel fuel. Hell I didn't even really know what it was exactly only that
some trucks used it. AJ sat on the curb and quietly said, "Tractors."�
"What?" I asked. "Tractors, they use that stuff to run on." He said. "Kid
you are a damn genius." The man said. "All we have to do is find a good
sized tractor close that runs on diesel and siphon the fuel out of it and
into the truck." He said. AJ seemed to be delighted about he compliment
and solving the big problem of the day. "Ok Adam, Donny, and me will look
around for a tractor in the farm fields around town and look for a
tractor." I said before jumping back on the ATV. We rode around town for
a while looking for a big tractor and so far had no luck. We tried one
last farm near the very edge of town by the woods and that's when Adam
spoke up, "There, over there." he pointed out into a wheat field. I
turned the ATV and headed in that general direction. "Stop!" he said
suddenly. I panicked and slammed on the brake. "What?" I asked not
knowing why he wanted me to stop. He grabbed me by the chin and turned my
head to face forward. That's when I saw what he was talking about. There
in front of us was a fresh crop circle in the field. "What do you see?"
AJ asked me. "I dunno it looks like a crop circle." I told him. "Yeah,
but that's not what I see." He said taking off his sunglasses. "What is
it bubby?" Donny asked. "There's a ship there. It's just sitting there."
he replied. "Well let me knock." I said sarcastically. I closed my eyes
and concentrated hard on contacting who ever may be there then suddenly
the ship revealed it's self to us. "WOW!" Donny said surprised to see the
shiny ship in front of us. An opening in the side of it then began to
grow wider. We then saw an unmistakable form of one of the pale skinned
aliens standing there. "Do you know who we are?" I thought to it. "Of
course we know. You are the endowed ones. You were given the abilities
not of Earth." The alien told me through his thoughts. "It's ok he knows
who we are." I told AJ and Donny. I then walked towards him as he stepped
out of the ship and into the field. "Can you please tell me anything
about there possibly being any more humans close to us? Maybe within 20
miles or so." I asked. "That answer you already know." He told me. His
answer didn't really tell me anything. I didn't know if any one else was
out there or not. "This one is the survivor. He survived the death
sentence of the evil ones." The alien told me referring to Donny. "Can
you hear me young one?" he said to Donny who was hiding behind his
brother. "Yeah." He said shaking like a leaf. "It's ok buddy these guys
are friendly they helped us. They gave us our special abilities. You
don't have to be scared of them." AJ told his little brother. AJ's words
didn't seem to do much to reassure Donny. He was still cowering scared of
the alien, understandably after what the other monstrous aliens had done
to him. "Please come forward young one I mea you no harm." The alien told
him. Donny stepped around to the side of his brother, but never releasing
the hold he had on AJ's hand. The alien waved Donny closer to him. "It's
ok bubby he wont hurt you just go to him." AJ told his brother.
Reluctantly Donny let go of AJ's hand and slowly walked closer to the
alien. "You have had a painful journey to this point." The alien told
him. "How are you talking? I mean your not even moving your lips." Donny
asked. "You hear me in your thoughts. Your companions have been given
very precious gifts that no other Earthlings posses. Your friends tried
to help one our kind when they didn't have to so now we return the favor.
For you Earth child I unleash your inner animal." The alien said before
he extended his finger and touched Donny in the middle of his chest. An
intense bright light emitted from the contact of the two and Donny then
fell to the ground unconscious. "Donny!" Adam said loudly as he ran to
his baby brothers' side. "He will be fine Earth child. His senses are
simply overwhelmed and he is now sleeping. He will not fully understand
his new abilities, just as you do not fully understand your own abilities
yet. When he awakes tell him to not fear the things he may hear, but to
embrace them." The alien told us before walking back into its ship. Then
the ship lifted off the ground and flashed back to invisible to my sight.
For Adam though he watched it lift from a few feet above the ground to
streak straight upwards into the sky. "Come on let's find a damn tractor
and get him back to the others." I told AJ as he scooped his little
brother's sleeping body off the ground.

As we headed out of the field and back into town I spotted what we had
been looking for all this time. "I'll be damned look over by that old
barn." I said pointing to the tractor sitting there. "Good let's get back
and tell the Sgt. I want to get Donny back to the mine." Adam said
worried about his most cherished thing in the world. Minutes later we
pulled back up to the others and they saw AJ holding Donny. "What's wrong
with Don?" Josiah asked. "Aliens." Adam said. The soldier went into
instant war mode getting his gun and raising it to battle. "Where is it?
Is it coming this way?" he asked. "No dude it's gone now. Besides it was
one of the good guys." AJ said. Hearing the aliens were gone he stood
down then lowering his gun. "What happened to Donny though?" Chris
inquired. "The alien touched him on the chest. And you know what happens
when they do that." I told him. "Kool what kind of power did he get?" Joe
asked. "WE don't know yet Joey he fell asleep right after the alien
touched him. All the alien said was something about his inner animal. I
guess we'll find out when he wakes up." AJ said. "Did you boys have any
luck finding some fuel?" the Sgt asked. "Yeah there's a tractor out by an
old bard at the edge of town." I said. "Ok well you two jump in the truck
and you boys stay on the ATV and lead us to where the fuel is." The
soldier said. Chris and Joe then jumped in the truck and Lucky joined
them. I led them then to where we had found the tractor. He pulled the
truck up next to the tractor and shut it off. He then opened the fuel cap
and smelled the inside of the tank. "Yep that's diesel alright good job
soldiers." The Sgt said. He opened the gas cap to the trucks tank and
went into the old barn looking for some hose. He came out a few minutes
later with a length of old water hose he found. He stuck it in the
tractors tank and began to suck on it. Seeing him do that Chris let out a
little chuckle. I knew what he had on his mind. "You little perv." Was
all I said to him kind of laughing knowing he was being dirty minded.� A
second later the man spit out a big gulp of fuel from his mouth and
inserted the hose into the tank of the truck as the fuel flowed down from
the tractor. He choked and coughed for a few minutes clearing the diesel
from his mouth as the trucks tank was filled up. "Great we got plenty of
fuel now." He said still coughing. Ok guys it's after noon now, actually
it's nearly 1500 hours. Why don't you boys head back to the mine and let
the little soldier here get some rest. I think someone needs to stay here
and guard the truck. If there is some one else out there they could find
our supplies and possibly even take the truck. I'll stay here and keep
watch tonight." The soldier said. "You are gonna stay here by yourself?
What if one of those monsters comes around?" Chris asked. "Well if one
comes around I guess you boys will be the first ones to know it. You'll
hear my rifle firing off at it." He answered. "I think I'll be ok this
time. Last time they took us by surprise from the air. This time I got
you guys. Derrik do you sense any of them even remotely close?" he asked
me. "No, but that's not to say that they aren't around just because I
can't sense them." I said. "Chris do you hear anything out of the
ordinary?" he asked. "Nopers, just a few birds chirping really." Chris
answered. "Ok then, I think I'll take my chances here tonight. I'll set
up in a safe position where I'll be concealed from sight. That way they
won't see me and I can keep the truck in sight." He said. "Ok fine. Come
on guys lets get back up the hill." Adam said eager to get his brother to
the mine. The other boys and I piled on the ATV and we went on to the
mine leaving the soldier in town to guard our supplies and the truck.

At the mine I backed the ATV inside the entrance as usual and we all
dismounted it. Adam carried his little brother inside the safe room and
lay him down on our bed. I could tell all the events of the last few days
were wearing on AJ. He looked so tired and worn down. I was starting to
worry something may be physically wrong with him. He sat down on the bed
next to Donny and looked like he was drained of energy. "You ok dude?" I
asked. "Yeah I guess I'm just tired. Plus I'm worried about Donny." He
answered. "I don't think you need to worry about the little guy here.
Remember the alien didn't hurt us when he gave us our abilities. Maybe he
passed out because he's so much smaller than we are." I said. While
chatting with AJ I sensed something naughty in Chris and Josiah's
thoughts. I knew that they were both wanting to have some fun since the
soldier wasn't here to spoil it for us. "Hey you guys want to have a
little fun since Donny's asleep and we don't have the army watching us?"I
asked the others. Chris and Joe were all for it smiling from ear to ear
and starting to tent out their shorts. I then looked to AJ for his
answer. "How bout it dude you up to get naked for a while?" I asked with
a grin. "Sure on one condition. I don't have to do any work." He answered
not wanting to move much. "I don't think that's gonna be a problem." I
told him. In a flash Chris and Josiah were naked and hard as rocks. As I
was sliding my shirt off Chris and Joe got into a heated lip lock and
began to fondle each other all over their bodies passionately. I looked
to them and giggled to see how hot they were for each other. They began
to jerk each other off as they had their lip lock engaged. Once I was
undressed I helped AJ with the last bit of clothes he had on. I gently
grabbed his shorts and boxers and slid them off in one motion. As his
undies slid past his cock it sprang up and pointed straight upward.
"Looks like you might be up for fun a little more than you thought." I
said pointing at his hard on. He looked down at his small boner and
smiled. "Yeah I guess I have missed it for a while." He replied. Now that
we were all naked wheels began to turn in my brain. "He I got an idea.
How about AJ and Chris have fun and me and you will Joe? I mean it might
be fun to try different stuff." I suggested. None of the others had any
complaints at all. "What are we gonna do?" Chris asked. "Well how about�
you let AJ give you what you told me about earlier." I said referring to
him wanting my cock in him. He smiled a mile wide so I knew he was all
for it. "What's that exactly?" AJ asked. "You'll see trust me you'll love
it." I said with an evil smile. I also decided to give Josiah a dose of
what I wanted to give to Chris if he was up for it. I dug in my personal
pile of stuff and dug out the lube I had stashed there and handed it to
Chris. He took it and sat down next to AJ then squirted a big gob of lube
I his hand. He rubbed it all over Adam's stiff little rob sending him
into heaven. "Gosh I did forget how good that feels." He said. "You like
that wait till I do what I want to." Chris said giggling. He stopped
rubbing AJ's dick only to apply the lube to his own sphincter. "Are you
going to do what I think?" Adam asked. Chris just smiled and nodded
making AJ smile to. When Chris' hole was good and slippery he got up and
straddled AJ's lap and spread his cheeks apart. He began to lower himself
on AJ's waiting boy meat then. As the tip of his cock touched Chris' hole
AJ tensed up. "Dude relax. It'll go great once your all the way in." I
told him. He did loosen up some then. Chris lowered himself a bit more
and AJ's head slipped into Chris' pucker. The sensation instantly made AJ
want more. He raised his hands up and placed them on Chris' hips to help
him guide his self down the pole. After about another minute Chris was
sitting on AJ's lap with his cock al the way inside him now. Adam
couldn't believe the warmth of being inside of Chris, and the sensation
of having his whole cock squeezed at once was heaven to him. He sat there
as Chris placed his hands on AJ's shoulders and began to slowly rise up
on his rod. Chris rose up to the point where only Adam's head was still
inside him then slid back down on him. Now that those two were off and
enjoying the feeling of each other I turned my attention to Josiah. "How
about you? Wanna try that?" I asked him. "Just like that or what?" he
asked. "Well if you wanna do it like that I don't mind, but I was
thinking maybe doggy style." I said. He shrugged his shoulders and
smiled. "Ok what ever as long as it doesn't hurt." He replied. "You know
I wouldn't do anything to hurt you guys. Plus you also know I'm gonna
suck you to you explode to." I said laughing. He agreed to my doggy style
request and got down on his hands and knees next to Chris and AJ on the
bed. I took the lube and squeezed a good glob onto his tight pucker. I
rubbed it al over his hole good and le my fingers wonder in him a few
times to loosen him up. Once I could get my finger all the way in him I
lubed my cock up and got ready. I got in position behind him and began to
probe his sphincter with my cock tip. I gently started to push forward as
he began to push back against me. My slick cock slid into him with little
effort. In no time I was all the way in him with my smooth ball sack
rubbing against his. I placed my hands on his hips and we were off to the
races. I began to guide his tight smooth cheeks back and forth on my
cock. His tight hole felt awesome, and he didn't seem to mind the feeing
much either. He actually seemed to like it. One thing was sure AJ and
Chris were both loving it. Chris was bouncing up and down on Adam like
crazy now. I could tell Adam was really getting into it. He was breathin
hard and slightly moaning a bit, but not too loudly just enough to hear.
Chris was another story, he was loving it. He was bucking up and down
like a mad man. Hearing those two go at it made me even hotter for the
feeling that Joe and I were giving each other. I began to pound in and
out of him faster and faster making a smacking sound as his ass collided
with my abdomen. The feeling of our balls smacking against each other was
also great. "Oh fuck YEAH!" Josiah grunted as I felt his tight hole
squeeze down on my dick even tighter. He was having an orgasm from the
shear delight of the great fucking I was giving him. He got off with out
even having his cock touched. The clamping force his hole was doing to my
dick my orgasm blasted through me like lightning. My whole body tensed up
as waves of pleasure swept through me. At the end I gave Joe a few really
good deep thrusts for good measure. He didn't seem to mind a bit since he
moaned as I forced into him hard. I nearly collapsed on top of his back
as my muscles then went limp. I caught myself before we both fell onto
the bed and I then slid myself out of him. "Gosh that was awesome."
Josiah said as he laid down on the bed to catch his breath. "Sure as hell
was." I told him as I lay down next to him. We all lay there relishing in
the delight of orgasmic bliss when Joe said. "I never thought it would
feel so good." We all snapped to our sensed and sat up when we heard,
"What felt so good?" I looked over to see Donny was no awake and rubbing
his eyes. No one wanted to answer him right away so he asked again,
"What's he mean bubby? What felt so good?" AJ not knowing how to tell his
brother what we were doing just took a deep breath and was about to
answer Donny. "Hey Don come over here and I'll show you what I was
talking about." Josiah told his little cousin. Donny stood up and
stretched his little body out and rubbed his eyes some more. He walked
over and stood next to his cousin and waited for what Josiah was talking
about. Joe then looked to AJ to make sure it was ok to show Donny a good
time. AJ just shrugged and nodded to say ok. "Your gonna love this Don
Don." Joe told him. he then got up on his knees in front of his cousin
and in a flash he engulfed Donny's little limp cock in his mouth. Donny
started to giggle instantly. "It tickles!" he giggled. After a little bit
of tongue work Joe had Donny's little dong sticking straight out and
begging for attention. Joe then went back down on his cousin this time in
a back and forth motion sucking his 9 yo cock off. Donny's hands found
their way to the top of Joe's head and he began to buck his little hips
back and forth meeting Joes sucking motions. I could tell he was getting
close to the edge as his eyes closed and his breathing began to deepen.
Josiah sensed this to so he brough t his hands up to Donny's tender white
buns and began to guide his little cousin's dick in and out of his mouth
even harder and faster. I then heard Donny draw in a deep breath and
grunt slightly as his eyes clinched tightly. His body went stiff and he
nearly pulled a handful of Joe's hair out as orgasmic heaven wracked his
little body. Then just as fast as it came on, his peak of pleasure
passed. The little guys began to breath hard and fast as his legs began
to twitch. Josiah then let his little stiffy slip from his lips and he
then pulled Donny down into his naked lap to let his orgasm pass. About a
minute later Donny opened his eyes and smiled at Josiah. "How'd ya like
it bud?" Joe asked him. "IT felt neat. It felt just like when bubby and
Derrik do it to me." Hearing that made me think "Oh fuck, Why'd he say
that." I looked over at AJ and he didn't look happy. It was going to be a
long night in the mine tonight now.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-04-25 09:12:10
Ron and his team at 123Triad are very professional! Quote retseuqs are replied to very promptly, and their understanding of complex retseuqs is exceptional. I have a small business, I fulfill the roles of brand manager, designer, marketing guru etc I have needed some assistance along the way and the team at 123Triad have been there to help me along. I would definitely recommend 123Triad. Great customer service and unbelievable value for money! Thanks John Farber

anonymous readerReport 

2012-02-11 23:37:09
WvbFM2 Thanks for the article! I hope the author does not mind if I use it for my course work!...

anonymous readerReport 

2011-12-08 10:32:24
you should seriously make a sequel. i hope aj isn`t to mad, little kids ruin everything i know because i have a 8 yo brother

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-07-13 12:57:44
lol donny's cute xD
he does have a big mouth though ... lol

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-06-11 07:33:38
Donny is just an annoying character. Especially with the whole 'bubby' bullshit. Its not really necessary

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