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Bare Pussy Beach brought us closer together as a family.
Fbailey story number 369

Bare Pussy Beach

My thirteen-year-old daughter came barging into the house all excited about a beach that she had just been too. She called it Bare Pussy Beach. She said that there were lots of other girls there and some men. There was all the beer that she could drink too. She looked like she had had a few.

Well since Kimberly was only thirteen I was quite concerned. Then I wondered where her sister was. She told me that Laurie was out on the porch where the men had left her. I sat Kimberly down on the couch and went to the front door. There was my fifteen-year-old daughter Laurie sitting against the railing facing me. One of her breasts was out of her bikini top and she looked completely wasted. I took a moment to admire her. At fifteen she had developed into quite a pretty young woman. Her figure had matured from the baby fat into womanly curves. Her breasts were well on their way to becoming D-cups like her mother and my mother-in-law. It certainly runs in the family. Her areola and nipple were so light in color that they blended with her skin tone. As I watched Laurie she opened her eyes, said hi Daddy, and then closed her eyes as she fell over onto the porch floor. I picked her up and carried her into the house.

I kicked the front door closed with my foot, walked past Kimberly who was now asleep on the couch, and carried Laurie up to her bedroom. I sat her down in the middle of her bed and reached behind her for that string that was holding her top on. After releasing it I pulled her bikini up over her head so that she was topless. Her breasts were magnificent and stood up on her chest proudly like small mountains with a hard nipple on top. I reached for the bow on one side and hesitated for just a moment before pulling it. It had enough elastic to it that it snapped to one side revealing a freshly shaved pussy. I then removed her bikini bottom all together.

Now my beautiful fifteen-year-old daughter was completely nude before my eyes. She looked like a younger version of her mother. My cock knew it too. As I watched her she turned and twisted until she became comfortable. In doing so she had positioned her legs into the Indian style that opened her pussy up wide allowing her outer lips to open fully, her inner lips to open slightly, and her precious hole to allow some seepage to leak out and moisten the sheet below. I did not even try to resist the urge to sample her fluid. I reached a finger down slipping the tip just into the entrance to get my fingertip wet. Then as I pulled it out to raise it to my lips Laurie cooed softly as if she had enjoyed the slight penetration. I savored the taste of my daughter assuming that she was still a virgin and that that was why she tasted so sweet. I needed a second taste and inserted my fingertip again but that time I let my fingertip drag up across her clitoris on my way out. Again she cooed and I enjoyed the taste. I continued to finger her pussy, rub her clit, and taste her virgin fluids until I had gone too far and gave her an orgasm. Laurie opened her eyes, said thanks Daddy, and pulled the covers up to her neck ending my voyeuristic pleasure. I only hoped that she would not remember it when she woke up.

I went down to get Kimberly and put her in her bed too. I could not resist checking out her body too but all I did was undress her and tuck her in bed. Her breasts were nice little buds and her baby pussy was cute.

I went back downstairs, grabbed a beer, and waited for my wife to get home.

When my wife arrived I calmly filled her in on what I had seen and heard about Bare Pussy Beach. I left out the part about fingering my fifteen-year-old daughter’s pussy.

She allowed the girls to sleep it off. Around nine o’clock that evening they came down saying that they were hungry. They were dressed in the nightshirts that they always wore to bed. Laurie sat on the couch across from me, Indian style, but making sure to keep her hands and her nightshirt covering her pussy. Kimberly was not as lady like.

As my wife questioned the girls on what they had done that Saturday morning they told her. They were both quite frank and honest about it. They had gone with a girl that they knew. The men at the beach told them that it was a Bare Pussy Beach and asked to see their pussies. Well their friend dropped her bikini bottom to the sand and showed her pussy off eagerly so Kimberly dropped her bikini bottom too. However, Laurie had hesitated because her pussy wasn’t bare, in fact she was quite proud of her pubic hair. One of the men knew what was wrong and asked her if she needed a shave. Laurie hesitated but the other two girls were already drinking a beer and playing with several other young girls in the sand that were totally naked. Soon Laurie said yes and went off toward the shore with one of the men. He had a razor and some shaving cream with him. At the edge of the water he had Laurie remove her bottom, lay back, and open her legs for him. He then splashed some of the cold water on her pussy, rubbed some cream on it, and then proceeded to shave her bald. She said that he rubbed her clit and gave her an orgasm too. She had liked that. After the shave Laurie removed her bikini top and joined the other girls in drinking and playing. That was about all she remembered until she woke up naked in her bed.

Kimberly filled us in on some more of the story. She had been drinking and playing but Laurie drank more. The men took videos of them playing in the sand naked. Then when Laurie passed out the men played with her pussy for a while before getting her back into her bikini and bringing them home. Kimberly remembered lying on the couch and then waking up naked too.

I told them that I had put them to bed and that Laurie’s bikini top had been off when I found her on the porch and that Kimberly’s bikini top had been loose enough to expose one of her breasts too. My wife never asked me why I removed their bottoms but gave me one of those ‘we’ll talk about it later’ looks.

As the girls ate their warmed up dinner my wife said that she wanted to go to the beach in the morning and meet the men. Laurie told her that it was only open on Saturdays and that she would have to let one of the men shave her pussy.

My wife took my hand and said, “I already have a man that will shave my pussy. From now on Laurie Daddy will shave your pussy too before you go to that Bare Pussy Beach.”

Kimberly asked, “What about my pussy?”

Laurie said, “You don’t need your pussy shaved.”

Kimberly replied, “But I want it shaved too.”

My wife said, “All right Daddy can shave your pussy before we go too.”

I looked at my wife and asked, “Can I buy a video camera?”

My wife smiled and said, “Consider it an early birthday present.” Then she smiled and kissed me.

My wife placed the dirty dishes in the sink to do in the morning and told the girls that it was bedtime. Then she said, “Since you went to the Bare Pussy Beach and Daddy will be shaving your pussies, it’s time that you started sleeping in the nude and running around the house nude too. Take off those nightshirts and put them in the washing machine.”

I looked at the girls as they just pulled those long shirts up over their heads and walked into the laundry room. When they returned I got to check out their naked bodies as they pressed them into me and gave me a goodnight kiss before going up to bed.

When they were gone my wife said, “Now tell me why you removed their bikini bottoms earlier…and don’t leave out any details.”

I proceeded to tell her exactly what I had done to Laurie. My wife was actually jealous because she herself had wanted to do that to her too. She then suggested that we get the two girls drunk the next day and take advantage of them, however not to let Laurie pass out. My wife wanted Laurie to know what we were doing to her. She said that Kimberly was still a little young.

Sex that night was great because we were both terrible excited at the prospect of molesting our fifteen-year-old daughter Laurie. As I ate my wife’s pussy I told her how much better Laurie’s pussy had tasted, however as I sucked on her nipples I told her how much bigger her breasts were. Then as I was fucking her she kept talking about watching our two daughters walk around the house naked and the way that Laurie is always sitting on the couch Indian style. That vision was enough to cause me to squirt several large loads of cum into her pussy as she bucked up against me. It was one of the best lovemaking sessions that we had had in quite a while…all thanks to Laurie.

The next morning my wife woke the girls up. She was naked and told them not to bother getting dressed either. She told me not to get dressed and to stroke my cock occasional so that the girls could see me hard. I didn’t think that I would have to stroke it at all, not with the three of them naked.

Breakfast was good and then my wife asked them if they wanted some beer. They jumped at the opportunity. As we sat around the living room drinking, my wife and I nursed our beers but watched the girls drink there drinks as fast as they could. My wife was quick to get them more. We got them to talk about their sexual experiences. As expected Kimberly hadn’t had any other that to experiment with her own finger. My wife slipped her finger down to Kimberly’s pussy and started to teach her how to masturbate and to give her, her very first orgasm. Meanwhile she had Laurie tell us about her sexual experiences. Well it seems that Laurie had let two boys kiss her, not at the same time, and that they both had grabbed her breasts. She had also kissed a couple of girls and that was together during a sleepover. They not only felt of her breasts but of her pussy too, she had done the same to them. As Kimberly was experiencing that first orgasm Laurie told us about her first time to masturbate another girl. It was that same sleepover with the three of them sitting Indian style on the bed with their fingers in the next girl’s pussy. She said that it was wonderful and that they did it all night long until the sun come up. After that Laurie was hooked on masturbation and couldn’t get enough. Then she said that when the man that shaved her, gave her an orgasm that it was even better than she gives herself.

Laurie whispered to me sweetly, “But last night Daddy, you were the best yet.”

I asked, “Were you awake the whole time?”

Laurie said, “I think so. At least for most of it. At least for the end. It was so good that I couldn’t stand it.”

My wife said, “I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes when he makes me cum strongly I pass out too.”

Then Laurie said, “You guys don’t have to get me drunk to play with my pussy. You can do it anytime that you want too.”

I reached down and started fingering her pussy to get my finger wet and then I leaned her back and went after her clit. Meanwhile my wife positioned herself between Laurie’s legs. Then she pushed my hand away and put her tongue in her daughter’s pussy. That left me her luscious lips to kiss and her swelling breasts to cup. I abandoned all thoughts of her pussy as I lost myself in her upper half. Her tongue was fun to play with, her breath was sweet, and her nipples responded to my touch. As her mother brought her closer to orgasm I helped out all that I could. When Laurie could take it no longer she stiffened, she trembled, and she quivered all over for a full minute and then she went limp in my arms.

My wife whispered, “She has the best tasting pussy that I have ever had. It was a pleasure to give her pleasure.”

Then Kimberly asked, “Can I be next?”

My wife laughed and said, “Sure honey, you can be next but first let Daddy put Laurie on the couch where she will be more comfortable.”

Shortly I was fingering Kimberly’s pussy until my wife pushed my hand away again, then I got the upper half. Kimberly was no where near as good a kisser, her breath smelled highly of beer, and her breasts did not react as strongly to my fondling. She was clearly more juvenile than her sister was. Despite all of that I still manage to enjoy myself and Kimberly enjoyed having both of her parents pleasure her. Her orgasm was not as intense and I was pretty sure that my wife had not enjoyed it as much either.

About then Laurie woke up thanking us both for the best sexual experience of her life. My wife grabbed my throbbing cock, lay back on the plush carpet, and said, “Okay big boy, let’s take care of this.” She pulled me to her, held my cock to her opening, and then kicked my ass with her heels to force me into her. As I leaned into her neck she whispered into my ear, “Show the girls just how good you can fuck. Make the top of my head pop off.”

I was very excited and I knew that she was excited too, so all that was required was for me to fuck her. I slammed her into the carpet, I put her ankles up on my shoulders, and I slammed her even harder. My wife cried out, “Oh God. That’s it. Daddy fuck Mommy hard. Fuck her deep and fill her with your cum.”

Laurie joined in, “Fuck her Daddy. Fuck her hard. Fill her up. Make a baby in her.”

I nearly laughed knowing that my wife had gotten her tubes tied and that I had a vasectomy too just to assure that neither one of us had an accident.

Anyway as my balls started to boil I picked up speed and so did she. Soon my wife was bouncing her ass off the carpet in her efforts to fuck up at me. When she started howling like a dog I knew she was ready. I hadn’t heard that in quite some time. I saw her big D-cup breasts flopping around on her chest wondering if she was going to give herself a black eye. Just as I was filling her with my seedless cum she just started that long loud deep howl that she does just before she looses all bodily functions. When her orgasms are that intense she pisses all over my cock and passes out.

Laurie said, “Wow that was intense. I never heard her get that loud before.”

I sent Kimberly off to get a towel and a wet washcloth from the bathroom. When she returned I forced my wife’s legs up to her breasts and started washing her pussy and ass like I did the girls when they were in diapers. Then I put the towel on the rug to soak up the urine. Kimberly and Laurie helped me get their mother up on the couch where Laurie had been earlier.

I then had the opportunity to taste their pussies myself first handed. As I savored first one and then the other it was quite obvious that Laurie was intoxicating and that Kimberly needed to mature some more. Kimberly was easy to give an orgasm while Laurie required a little more of the feeling that I was giving her. After Laurie’s orgasm subsided my wife said, “That was great honey. I haven’t felt that good in years. It helped that I didn’t have to cover my mouth with a pillow to stop the girls from hearing me. I love this sexual openness.”

Laurie said, “My two.”

Then Kimberly, the smart-ass said, “Me three.”

That week we became a very close family. After we came home from school, work, and shopping we got nude and we stayed that way until the next morning. Every night we enjoyed oral sex together followed by me fucking my wife in front of the girls. My wife gave Kimberly a douche and a bath which made her much more tasty but still not as tasty as Laurie.


That Friday I shaved their pussies bare, as was required for the next day at Bare Pussy Beach. In doing so I got to enjoy slipping my fingers up into my three girls and pulling on their outer lips as I dragged the razor over them. Kimberly hardly needed to be shaved but she enjoyed it. Laurie hardly needed it a week later either, but my wife sure needed it since it had been at least two years since I had shaved her bald.

The next morning Laurie showed me the way to the beach, where to park, and the path that took us back into the secluded beach area. We let the girls take off their bikinis and run ahead of us. My wife followed removing her bikini top as we walked. I was the last one so as not to alarm the men that would be there.

My wife broke into the opening first, stopped, and then removed her bikini bottom. She then handed me the three bikinis to put in the bag that I was carrying. When I emerged from the bushes I saw a dozen nude girls frolicking around in the sand. There were three men off to the side sitting there behind their tripods with their video cameras mounted to them.

On man said, “Greetings. I see your daughters brought you along this week.”

He looked up at my nude wife and said, “Now I know where they got their beauty. No offense but we prefer just the younger girls if you don’t mind.”

My wife replied, “I don’t mind in the least. I prefer younger girls too. Maybe later I can sample your girls. Meanwhile do mind if my husband films them too?”

The leader said, “Not at all. When you wish to sample them we will turn off our cameras. It is never a good idea to have evidence of molesting minors. Your husband is free to film you with them if you want him too. They are all or daughters so you have our permission.”

My wife said, “Thank you. I think I would like that. Do your daughters enjoy oral sex as much as mine do?”

Each man in turn said, “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

Then the leader said, “My girls like to eat their mother too as well as to let me fuck them. How about your girls.”

My wife replied, “Right now they are still virgins and the way Laurie tastes I don’t want her spoiled just yet.”

My wife then turned to me and told me to get naked. I looked at the three naked men and undressed. She looked at my hard cock and then sat down on it facing me. As she bounced up and down on my cock she turned to the three other men and asked, “Would you like to be next or do you prefer the younger girls?”

The leader said, “I would love to fuck you but that would be cheating on my wife and daughters, so I’m afraid that I will have to pass.”

The other two said just about the same thing then they explained that their wives allowed them to fuck their daughters and to look at other nude girls but that fucking another woman would be against the rules. However, the girls were free to fuck other men and women if they wanted too. As far as they knew, no other man had ever fucked any of them, but they had all made love with all three of their mothers. My wife would be their forth and I would record it.

I had to ask, “Do your wives ever come with you?”

The leader said, “No. This is our Daddy daughter time alone. However, your wife is always welcome to join us.”

Shortly after that, I cum in her and she flushed it out with her pee and then she whet down to the shore to wash herself. She asked, “Can I play with the girls now?”

The men turned off their cameras and called out to the girls, “Can Kimberly’s mother join in and play. She would love to give you all oral sex.”

The answers came back as yes. I made sure that my camera followed her over to the girls. When she got between the youngest girl’s legs I moved my tripod closer to capture the fun.

With our two daughters there were twelve teenage girls there for her to enjoy. The men each had three or four daughters between thirteen and nineteen years old.

My wife worked her way from the youngest to the oldest giving them pleasure as she went. The older the girls became the more pleasure they received. When my wife got to the last four older girls she got into a sixty-nine with them and received pleasure herself.

When she was done it was time to leave. All of the girls got dressed in their bikinis and posed for group pictures with my wife. Then we followed the others out to their cars. There were hugs and kisses as the girls got in the cars. With my wife being there that day and all of the action that had been going on, hardly any beer had been consumed by the girls.

My girls wanted to go to a real beach and show off their bodies. My wife was all in favor so off we went.

After we settled down and my girls walked down to the water’s edge a sleazy looking guy said me; “The beach is a place where women parade around nearly naked. Bikinis are really revealing and to get totally naked all they have to do is take off that little sliver of fabric. You'd be surprised at how easy it is to get a woman to strip down. She just needs a few words of encouragement from the man with the camera.”

I turned to him and said, “Keep your thoughts to yourself and your camera off my women.”

He packed up his stuff and left before my girls returned, but his words were engraved in my memory forever.

“The beach is a place where women parade around nearly naked. Bikinis are really revealing and to get totally naked all they have to do is take off that little sliver of fabric. You'd be surprised at how easy it is to get a woman to strip down. She just needs a few words of encouragement from the man with the camera.”

I vowed to test his theory that summer. My wife and daughters vowed to help me too. Then Laurie reminded me that Bare Pussy Beach was only used on Saturdays. I smiled.

The End
Bare Pussy Beach
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