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ok so if u like this rate it positive if not ratre it negative and please leave a comment so i know why or why not u like it
Ok you know all the legal stuff, if you're not 18 you shouldn't be here. If
you don't like this stuff you shouldn't be here. This is all fake ok, in
other words its fiction. It has situations and acts of a sexual nature between
young boys. Like I said if you don't like that then LEAVE NOW. If you do like
it then read on by all means. if you like it let me know

Chapter 15

(Ok just
a little background to the characters of the story so far incase you can'
remember who's who or if I have failed describe them enough. Derrik, he's a
typical American teen age boy. 13 years old 5 foot 5 tall around 115 pounds.
Light brown hair and hazel eyes and is our lead character. Chris was the next
boy to come into the story. He was found locked in the freezer at the school.
He's 11 with short darker blonde hair and blue eyes weighing around 80 pounds
or so. Next was Josiah or Joe for short. He was the boy that was found at the
bottom of the pit where he fell running from the aliens. He lived in a
neighboring town to Chris and Derrik. He is 12 years old has short brown hair and
is slightly bigger than Chris in size. Next to arrive is Adam or AJ, he is
Josiah's cousin. He also is 12 but a bit smaller than Josiah. He was found in
the bomb shelter of a collapsed house. Around 4 ft 6 and nearly 90 pounds or
so. Light brown hair and had blue eyes when he was found. And now we also have
AJ's baby brother Donny. He was found at the aliens food camp in a holding
pit. Very similar to AJ in appearance only smaller and is 9 years old. And now
we are joined by a new person. Sgt. Williams. A soldier for the US army
rangers. He came upon the boys by chance fleeing from the monsters while he was
looking for survivors.) Now back to the story

The next week or so went by like a blur. The day to day living in the house
seemed to be mostly just surviving and trying to keep from being discovered.
We didn't go outside unless we really had to. The threat of Alien attack was
always there in the fore front. The soldier seemed to be becoming restless at
the fact that the others and I were getting use to staying in this big
house. All he did was go over his maps again and again and clean his gun over and
over. He hardly socialized with any of us, but when he did it was like he
wanted to be commander of the pack or something. He was always so bossy. To the
older kids it was understandable that he be the way he was, but definatelly
didn't understand why he was so mean to the little kids. The day it all fell
apart was a bad one. I guess Donny being a little kid cooped up in a house
like he was got bored so he went exploring. He found his way into the soldier's
quarters and saw his map book and some documents laying on the desk. Donny
had no idea what in the world he was looking at, but apparently it was of some
importance. "What the hell do you think you're doing soldier?" The man yelled
at Donny. Donny was frozen with fear, he didn't know what to say. "This room
is off limits. How much of those papers did you see?" he yelled again. Still
Donny was silent. The soldier walked over to Donny and grabbed him by the
collar of his neck and forcibly removed him from the room and pushed him into
the hall way. At the moment he pushed Donny down to the floor in the hallway
Adam just happened to be walking by. He erupted when he saw what the guy just
did to his brother. "You mother fucker!" he screamed as he charged at the man
with intent to cause extreme pain. He ran and tackled into the man with all
the force his little body could muster. He knocked the man off balance and he
almost fell. AJ began to pound away at him with closed fists getting shots in
where ever he could. The plain fact was AJ just wasn't big enough to be much
of a match to the trained soldier. The man grabbed Adam by his neck and
yanked him away from him and began to shake him. "Striking an officer is
punishable by death soldier!" he screamed at AJ. Hearing that scared Donny that the
man was about to kill his big brother. "NO don't hurt my bubby!" he screamed.
He ran at the man and began swatting at him trying to help his brother, but
the man just pushed him back down pretty hard this time making Donny cry. "Son
of a bitch!" AJ yelled as he struggled to get free from the guys grip on his
neck. By now most of the house had heard the commotion and came to see what
was going on. I walked into the hall to see the soldier holding AJ by the
neck as he was trying to get free, and Donny was laying in the floor crying.
"What the fuck is going on?" I asked. The only thing I could hear was Adam
calling the guy names and being super pissed off at him. I guess the man got to
the point he was tired of AJ's struggling so he grabbed him with both hands and
threw him against the wall hard. AJ fell into a heap into the floor writhing
in pain. I totally lost it when I saw the guy draw his pistol and point it
at AJ. I totally blacked out at that point and the next thing I knew I was
waking up in the clinic. "What happened?" I asked as I opened my eyes scanning
the room to see Alicia sitting there in between the two beds. I looked past
her to see Adam laying in the other bed. "You're ok no just try to relax you
passed out and fell to the floor." Alicia told me. "How's Adam?" I asked her.
"He's sleeping now. Looks like the guy hurt his neck and shoulder." She
replied. "What happened back there? Where is the soldier now?" I inquired. "He's
gone now. I'm not totally sure what happened but when he pointed his gun at
Adam you said no and then your eyes began to glow red. The guy pointed his gun
at you then and you said remember. Then he dropped the gun and grabbed his
head with both hands and started yelling get out of my head. He ran into his
room then and grabbed his stuff and jumped out of the window and ran away." She
went on to tell me. "Wow the last thing I remember was him pointing the gun
at AJ. Every thing was blank after that." I said. I got out of the bed and
walked over to AJ. I pulled his shirt back away from his neck and sure enough he
was swollen a bit around his neck and shoulder. "Let's let him rest a
while." I told Alicia. We left him there to sleep when I went to find Donny. I
found him in the bed room laying on his bed. "Hey squirt you ok?" I asked. "How's
my bubby?" he asked. "He's asleep right now. He's going to have a sore neck
when he waked up though." I told the little guy. "What happened down there?
What led up top him trying to kill your brother?" I asked Donny. He told me
the whole story of what happened and I couldn't believe that the man would get
so psycho over such a small thing. I reassured Donny his brother would be ok
then I went to my own bed. I sat down and tried to concentrate on the soldier
to see if I could see what he was up to. I could see lots of trees and the
top of the mountain near the house. Next thing I saw was a view from on top of
the mountain. Then I dawned on me, he was trying to use the short wave
radio. I concentrated even harder then and it was like I was standing right next
to him then on top of the hill watching him. He tried calling on the radio
then using his binoculars to look around. I wasn't sure what it was but he got
his rifle and took aim at something down the hill in the woods and fired a
shot at it. A few seconds later we heard the shot in the house. "Did you hear
that?" Donny asked me. I waved to him to be quiet so I could try to see what he
was shooting at. All I could see was something with a glowing aura around it
in the woods near the road. Then I lost contact as Donny nudged me. "You ok
Derrik?" he asked. "Yea bud I'm fine I was just thinking was all." I told him.
I got up then and went to find Chris. He was playing his psp in the common
room just chilling out. "Hey Chris come here I need to talk to you." I said.
He walked up to me and I told him to follow me to the clinic. "I had a vision
of the soldier on top of the hill and he shot at something. Did you hear that
bang noise a minute ago?" I said and he nodded yes. "I want to go and see
what he was shooting at." I suggested. Chris agreed to go with me so we grabbed
a few guns and a first aide kit just incase we needed it. We went outside
and jumped in the truck to go looking. Technically it was my first time driving
but I think I did pretty good.

I drove to the area where I saw the guy shooting at and where the glowing
aura was. It actually wasn't that far away from the orphanage down the road we
came up to get to the house. Not long after we left the house we got to the
area where I saw the glow. "Ok Chris you hear anything or smell anything? What
eve I saw should be right around here some where." I asked. Chris sniffed
the air and tuned his ears to the sounds around us. He pointed off to our left
towards a tree line off the road. "Over there. I heard twigs snapping and I
smell something weird I don't know what it is." He said. We raised our guns
and slowly walked towards the trees. Only a few feet into the brush we were
stopped in our tracks. Something that I could only describe as a lazer light or
something like lightning wizzed over our heads. Chris and I dropped to the
ground quickly and pointed our guns in the direction of where the lazer came
from. "Don't come any closer!" a voice yelled out. "We're not here to hurt you.
Please don't shot at us again." I yelled back. "We're going to come towards
you don't shoot us ok." I yelled again. Chris and I got up cautiously and
walked towards the voice we heard. We walked about another 30 feet into the
trees and found someone laying on the ground. "Holy shit Gavin is that you?" I
asked surprised to see a boy I knew from school. "Yea it's me. Is that you
Derrik?" he replied. "Yea it's me." I said then I saw he was holding his side and
his shirt was covered in blood. "Oh shit are you ok? What happened?" I asked
with concern. "I'm not sure we were walking along and then I felt this
burning pain in my side and I hit the ground. I felt my side and it was covered
with blood. Oh god it hurts." Gavin replied. "So you're what that bastard was
shooting at. Wait, wait did you say we? Who else is with you I don't see any
one?" I asked him. "It's ok you can come out now they're friendly." He yelled
out in a labored breath. I looked around and didn't see any one at first so I
diverted my attention back to Gavin's side. I tried to put pressure on his
wound to slow the bleeding. "Oh my god what the hell is that?" Chris asked
looking past me to my rear. I snapped my head around to see the source of the
glowing aura I saw before. "Gavin what the fuck am I looking at here dude?" I
asked not taking my eyes off the glow. "It's ok their friends. You can show
your self now." Gavin said. the glow then subsided and I got a view of something
I had never seen before. It looked like a boy, but it also looked like one
of the good aliens. "Gavin what is that?" I asked again. "Don't hurt him he's
friendly. He's a hybrid." He answered. "What's a hybrid?" Chris asked. "He's
half alien half human isn't he?" I stated more than asked. "You are correct
young human." I heard in my head. I figured since he was half alien that he
could pick up on my mind powers so I thought some things with out saying them.
"Can you hear my thoughts?" I said and the hybrid nodded yes. "Ok if you can
read my thoughts then you know we won't hurt you as long as you don't us. But
for now Gavin is hurt and we need to get him medical help." I thought. "I
agree with you Gavin is in great pain I sense it in him. We must help him." the
hybrid thought to me and Chris. "Wow how can you talk with out opening your
mouth?" Chris asked. "Chris, dude he's an alien remember." I said then he got
the hint then. My attention then came back to Gavin who was looking pale now
from loss of blood. "Come on Gav let's get you back to the house so we can
help you." I said as Chris and I help him stagger his way back to the road and
into the truck. "Chris wait here with him, we can't leave that thing out
here as much as I don't know if we should take it with us." I said. I went back
to the spot where we found Gavin and the hybrid was still standing there.
This time I got a more detailed look at it. It looked like a normal human boy in
most ways. He looked to be about 12 or 13, but his body was totally hairless
not even any on its head. The reason I say it was a boy is because it had a
dick and balls. Looked to be about 2 inches limp. The stand out feature of
him were his eyes and skin pigment. He was as white as a ghost and he had eyes
that looked like AJ's, totally black. "Come on we can't leave you out here
one of the monsters might find you." I said to it as I waved him to me. It
followed me as I walked back to the truck and got in the front next to me since
Chris was in the back seat with Gavin. I tore up the road as fast as I safely
could trying to get Gavin the medical help he needs.

As I drove up the driveway to the orphanage I was blowing the horn trying to
get the others to come out and help us with Gavin. When I pulled up to the
door it looked like mostly everyone was standing there to see what was going
on. "Josiah help me we found some that the soldier shot." I said running
around to open the door of the truck. Joe ran out to the truck and as Chris jumped
out of the truck Gavin collapsed into Josiah's arms. Since Joe had the super
strength he had no problem carrying Gavin inside to the clinic. As we walked
in the room Adam sat up slowly in the bed he was laying in and looked
surprised and in pain. "Who's that?" he asked. "His name's Gavin Saunders. He went
to School with me and Chris." I answered. Josiah laid him down in the other
bed and I grabbed the alcohol and bandages to try and stop his gun shot wound
from bleeding. I wiped him down and got the blood off his stomach and could
see the bullet hole in his lower left abdomen. I put pressure on the wound but
for some reason the blood kept coming out. "Quick turn him on his side and
check his back for another hole." I heard Adam say. We turned him and sure
enough he had another hole in his back where the bullet exited. We applied
bandages to that wound and cleaned around it to. Alicia took his pulse and it was
dangerously low. She flipped through the medical books we had and it said to
put fluids back in his body. We had no idea what fluids to put in him or how
to do it. He was now unconscious from blood loss and looked as pale as the
hybrid did. I grabbed the book from Alicia who was getting hysterical over Gavin
possibly bleeding to death in front of her and looked through it to see what
it meant by getting fluids in him. It had a diagram of how to put an I-V in
his arm and what fluids to use. I tore through the cabinets in the room till
I found some bags filled with what looked like water. I read the label and it
said saline solution. I grabbed a bog and connected a tube to it before I
inserted a needle in his vein and hooked the bag to it. Every one in the room
was either crying or getting hysterical by now so I had to raise my voice,
"Shut up dammit let me think! Crying isn't going to help any is it?!" they all
calmed down some then so I could think of how to help him. I held the bag of
fluid in the air and slightly squeezed it to force the fluids into his body a
bit faster. After 2 bags of fluid his pulse began to rise and his color came
back, but he was still out cold. "Derrik who's that in the truck?" Cody asked
me. "Oh shit I forgot about him." I said as I handed the saline bag to Chris
to hold for me. I ran out to the truck and the hybrid was just sitting there
looking straight ahead. I opened the door and then it hit me that he was
naked. I was about to bring him inside, but then I thought it may be better if I
cover his junk up. I took my jacket off and told it to wrap it around it's
waist when it stepped out of the truck. "Why do you wish me to cover my
genitalia?" he thought to me. "Ok I can see you have a lot to learn. I'm going to
tell you now everyone here is going to freak out when they find out what you
are and see you. I'm going to take you up to my room and I want you to stay
there until I break the news to everyone else." I explained to it. He jumped
down form the truck and did as I told him with the jacket. I could see he was
physically cold since he was shivering a bit. I guess I would be to if I was
out in this weather but ass naked. I led him up to my room then and had him
set on my bed. "I'll be right back in a few ok. I need to explain a few things
to you that you ma not know." I said. Down stairs I called everyone into the
common room to explain about our special guest. "Ok everybody I know you saw
some one else I the truck. The cat is it is a he, and it is a hybrid." I
said. "What's that?" Donny asked. "He is half human and half Alien, but the good
kind of alien. I don't know entirely how he got out in the woods with Gavin
but I will soon. I am going to bring him down in a little while after I find
some things out and I don't want any one freaking out ok." I told everyone.

Back in the bed room I began to ask the hybrid things about him through my
thoughts to save time. "So what are you exactly and how did you get out there
with Gavin?" I asked. "I was bread and born in a research facility by human
scientist. My genetic make up is part human and part that is alien to this
world. Beyond that I do not know entirely what I am. As for my association with
Gavin Saunders he freed me from my restraints and a certain death. For that I
joined him in his quest for help." He told me. "You mean you're a test tube
baby? What kind of stuff did they do to you?" I asked. "All types of medical
experiments to further human knowledge of alien races. My contact with
humanity was strictly limited to that of what the scientists would allow me to
know." He said. "So you mean you really are a kid, and you never got to really be
a kid? All they had you for was experiments?" I wondered. "Correct. Gavin
Saunders is the first human child I have come in contact with. My entire
existence was spent in a confined study chamber. The humans ran all sorts of
experiments on my physical body looking for weaknesses and strengths." He told me.
The more this thing told me the more I understood he has been a prisoner his
whole life and never gotten the chance to live life. I got an idea at that
point, "Hey I have an idea. You are half alien right, so do you think you can
scan my mind for experiences and memories and things that you can imprint on
your own mind? It might help you to find out what being a human really should
be." I said. With out saying a word he raised his hands and placed them on my
temples of my forehead and then closed his coal black eyes. I closed mine to
then and I felt a rush of energy surge through my mind making me dizzy and
light headed. I opened my eyes then and he lowered his hands from my head. He
opened his eyes then and I could see a tear roll form the corner of his onyx
eye and roll down his cheek. "You ok?" I asked. "I believe I am feeling
remorse and pain for the loved ones you have lost. This is totally unexpected. I
can not believe that being human was like this. Thank you my friend, I
understand what you were talking about before now. I also partially understand what
that is really for as well." He said looking down to his limp dick. I looked
down to and couldn't help but stare at it. He had a perfectly shaped limp
cock. Completely smooth with two small balls hiding in a tight hanging sack. I
wondered exactly what he meant by what it was used for, "Why did you say that?
What do you think it's used for?" "From what your mind memories tell me it is
for draining urine from my body and also it is occasionally used for
pleasure in activities with other human males." He said. I cracked up right away.
"Ok your partially right. You use it for pissing but the other part is sort of
right. Really you're supposed to do that stuff with a girl, you know a
female, but you can do some of those things with males to. I just prefer it to be
with boys." I explained. "I understand. Will other human children I sense in
the building be willing to allow me to imprint their minds onto my own as
well?" he asked. "We'll I'm sure some of them will, and I' sure some wont, at
least not right away. As I was explaing some of the human element to the hybrid
Alicia walked in the door. "Oh oops I'm sorry I should have knocked." She
said sneaking a peak at the naked hybrid boy sitting next to me before she shut
the door. "That female had an elevated pulse rate and she was releasing
excess amounts of estrogen when she saw me. Why?" he asked. Again I laughed at
him, "It's ok she was horny. She saw you naked and it turned her on." I told
him. "Humans have a on switch?" he asked. "My friend you have a lot to learn.
Let's just get you dressed and then you can meet the others. And oh yea no we
don't have a on switch." I explained to him giggling at his ignorance. I got
out some of AJ's clothes since he was the closest to the hybrid's size and put
them on him. Now that he had shorts and a shirt on I stood back and looked
at him. I could see a slight physical difference in him now. "Hey you look a
little more human now. I mean you don't look as pale as you did before." I
said. "I believe it is from the imprinting that you gave me. I am feeling the
humanity inside of me growing." He answered. "Ok well let's go and meet some of
the others now." I told him.

Downstairs in the common room most of the kids were waiting on us with a few
in the clinic. I led the hybrid in and everyone's mouths opened wide. "Is
that an alien?" Cole asked. "Yes and no, he's half alien. His name is... is...
what the hell is your name?" I asked. "I have no name only a registration number
from the laboratories. I was called specimen 5." He answered. "I got an
idea. I mean he's part alien right? Why not call him Adrien. You know like
A-L-I-E-N." Cody said. "I think it's a damn good idea. What do you think? Do you
like it?" I asked the hybrid. "With all desire yes." he answered as I saw
another tear roll off his cheek. "See every one he's not so bad is he. Meet
Adrien." I said to the other kids. They all seemed to perk up then after just
giving this creature a great honor of naming him. I walked over to Cody then and
said, "Great thinking bud. You really made his heart feel good." I turned to
everyone else then and asked a major request of them. "Every one I need to ask
you to do something and it's really important. You can say no if you want to
but it would be great if you say yes. Adrien has been a prisoner in a lab
his whole life. He's never got to be a kid or see what it was like to be a
human. I let him scan my mind upstairs to give him some sense of what being human
is. He and I both agree that he needs more to help him on his road being as
close to being like one of us as he can. I mean look at him you all saw him
before he was solid white. Since he scanned my mind he has got some color now.
I think if you all let him scan you he may actually get to look normal. Will
you guys help this dude out?" I asked all of them. Chris and Josiah were the
first ones to step forward to volunteer. I figured since they knew about the
aliens already they were ok with helping this alien to become a kid. Donny
then stepped forward as well. Everyone except Phillip and Justin walked up to
let him scan them. "What about you guys?" I asked them. "No way I don't want
any one messing with my mind." Phil said. I looked to Justin and he just
shook his head. "Ok guys it's kool you may change your minds sometime." I told
them. I sat Adrien down on the couch and Chris sat down next to him and the
imprinting began. While that went on I went to check on the boys and Alicia in
the clinic. AJ was awake so I explained everything to him and Alicia. "Wow
that's so neat. He's really a half breed?" AJ said. I nodded yes and I sensed
Alicia thinking, "That dick sure looked human enough to slide in to my pussy."
I just smiled to myself at her naughty thoughts. "Well shit dude help me up I
want to meet him to." AJ told me. I helped him to his feet and I could
definitely see the pain in his body. "Adam just lie back down. I think you are
actually hurt worse than you are letting on. I'll bring him to meet you ok." I
told AJ. I helped him lie back down then and I could sense in his mind he was
hiding pain. "Hey Alicia why don't you go and meet him, well I mean you
already did kind of but talk to him this time." I said. She got up and turned 5
shades of red in embarrassment as she left the room. I sat down next to AJ then.
"What did you mean by that?" he asked about what I said. I told him about
her seeing Adrien naked and about what he sensed from her being horny and what
I just sensed her thinking. He tried to laugh but I saw the pain in his dark
eyes. "Adam tell me what's hurting please. I know you are hiding something."
I said quietly. "I think that dick head soldier might have broken my ribs
when he threw me down. My side hurts so fucking bad when I breathe." He said
starting to cry letting the pain out. I pulled his shirt up and sure enough his
side was a bit swollen and red looking. "I think you may be right, it's all
swollen up right there." I said pointing to his right side. Broken ribs more
or less have to heal on their own so all he can do is take it easy and just
let them heal. We weren't exactly sure if that's what it was though. He may
have just bruised some tissue around them. Any ways he needs to stay in bed for
a while. "Just lay here bud, we'll take care of you." I told him as I kissed
him on the fore head. Since no one else was in the room that could see me I
reached down and gave his dick a little squeeze then. "When you get a little
better I'll take care of this myself." I told him. That's when I heard Gavin
stirring on the other side of me. He was beginning to come back to this world
from coma land. "Where am I?" he asked groggily. "Relax dude you're ok now.
We took care of you bullet holes. Just lay here and take it easy. Don't move
your arm much we had to put an I-V in it you to get some fluids back I you." I
told him. "Where is the hybrid? Is he safe?" he asked. "Yea man he's fine.
We brought you guys back to the orphanage after we found you in the woods. You
almost bled to death. You're still bleeding some but not as bad as you were.
The hybrid is fine, he's even got a name now. We named him Adrien." I
explained to Gavin. "I don't mean to sound weird or nothing but you are covered in
blood. We kind of need to get you bloody clothes off so you can get cleaned
up." I said. "Ok but where's the doctor or the nurse?" he asked. "There is no
doctor or nurse. There's only a bunch of kids here. Hell you and I are about
the oldest guys here." I told him. "Great. Who fixed me up?" he asked. "Well
it was me mostly, but one of the other guys named Josiah helped and a girl
named Alicia did. Don't bitch dude you're alive aren't you?" I said joking. He
kind of shrugged then. "Ok so how about the bloody clothes? I mean shit dude
you don't have to worry about it we've seen each other naked before in the
locker room at school right?" I stated. "Ok I guess so go or it. But Derrik, if
something happens after I'm naked please don't make fun of me." He said. I
asked what he meant. He motioned for me to come closer then. I got down and he
whispered in my ear, "Don't make fun or laugh if I get a boner ok. It does
when ever I get naked." "Is that all? Shit dude I thought you had a disease or
something. Don't worry about it if it happens ok. Same thing happens to me
to most of the time." I told him to make him feel better. I helped him slide
his bloody pant off then his under wear. Sure enough just like he said his
dick sprang to life pointing at the ceiling. "Ok I gotta wipe the blood off of
you now. You going to be ok with me wiping it all off?" I asked referring to
his dick that was slightly red tinged from blood to. He thought for a second
and answered, "Ok but just keep it between us ok. I don't want every one
knowing I let another guy touch my dick." Hearing that I realized he had no idea
that I liked guys so I just played along like I didn't. I acted like it was
gross to wash his dick off, but ass unattracted to him as I was I couldn't help
but to get hard from the fact I had his cock in my hand. I washed his lower
body off as fast as I could and wiped his top half off the rest of the way.
"Ok squeaky clean now. Why don't you try to get some rest. I'll make every one
leave you in peace so you can snooze. The whole time I was messing with Gavin
AJ was laying in his bed in pain. He knew that Gavin and I were in the room
and I was doing, but his pain ruled his brain at the moment. Just as I gave
Gavin some water before he tried to fall asleep I heard AJ crying to himself
trying to keep me from hearing him. I turned my attention back to him then.
"Adam are you ok?" I asked in concern. He didn't answer so I went around to the
other side of his bed to face him. There I could see tears flowing from his
eyes and the pain in his face. "Adam answer me please." I said. "It hurts so
bad." he cried. Seeing the hurt in his face and knowing I couldn't do
anything about it was killing me. "AJ I don't know what else to do I'm sorry." I
told him rubbing the tears from his eyes. I knew how bad he must feel right now
since AJ has been a tough guy and didn't want to show pain since I've known
him. Seeing him with tears pouring from his black eye balls I knew he was
truly hurting bad. I grabbed the medical books and looked through them to see
what I could give him for the pain. the book told me what pills I could give him
to make him sleep so I looked through the clinic till I found them. I gave
him two and sat with him till they kicked in. slowly his eye lids got heavier
and heavier till they finally closed and he fell asleep. I rubbed his hair
back out of his fore head and kissed him good night.

I had to leave my friends to rest and heal for a while, but they needed some
one to keep watch over them and I was in no shape for doing that right now.
I went to the common room and asked for a volunteer to sit with the guys for a
while. Alicia volunteered with out a second thought. I can usually read
everyone's minds, but now my mind was so tired I couldn't read any one. I
thanked Alicia and she went to the clinic and I to the bathroom up stairs. I walked
in the door and just leaned my back against the wall and slid down to the
floor. The pressures of this place were taking a toll on me and I was starting
to feel it. I brought my knees up to my chest and I buried my face in them
then. I felt like just bawling like a baby, but I knew there was no point in it.
The problems would still be there later. While I was sitting there trying to
rest my senses it constant request for my attention rang out again. Cody was
yelling for me from down the hall. "Now what the hell do they want with me."
I wondered. I dragged my self back up to my feet and went out in the hall
almost running over Cody. "What?" I asked in sort of a mean tone. "Sorry I
didn't mean to make you mad." Cody replied looking like he was about to cry. "I'm
sorry I didn't mean to be a dick. It's just... What is it Cody?" I asked him.
"Oh the alien guy is in our room laying in a bed and he's glowing." He said.
I laid my hand on Cody's shoulder and we walked together to check on Adrien.
Sure enough he was laying in Cole's bed on his back and he was glowing a
bright white color. I could sense something coming from him I had never felt
before so it kind of worried me. "Every one out now! Go to the common room and
wait." I told Cody, Cole, Justin, and Zack. They all left looking worried as I
shut the door behind them. There before my eyes Adrien began to levitate from
the bed about a foot in the air above it and he began to glow even brighter.
The clothes we had put on him earlier seemed to fade away from his body like
ice melting. I watched in awe as I didn't know what exactly I was seeing at
that point. I could sense his mind there, but it was like it was going a
million miles an hour. I couldn't lock onto one specific thought. He began to
glow brighter and brighter till a burst of energy flew from him knocking me
backwards against the door. Evidently I hit pretty hard since the force of it
knocked me out. Almost everyone in the house came running when they heard me fly
against the door. They tried to open it, but since I was knocked back
against it they couldn't get it open. I began to hear a faint yelling of my name by
several people and I could feel them beating on the door as I slowly began
to come back to my senses. I opened my eyes and looked up to see a new sight.
I lay on the floor looking up at this angelic looking naked form standing
over me smiling. "Who, who are you?" I mumbled. I adjusted my eyes and I could
tell it was Adrien, only he looked so much different now. I moved up to a
sitting position then unblocking the door and it flung open. Everyone stopped
yelling then. "Who the fuck is he?" Phillip said. "Oh my gosh it's Adrien. At
least I think it is." Chris said. The naked boy extended a hand down to me to
help me up. I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet as I rubbed the back
of my neck since it hurt now from hitting the door. "I'm sorry I didn't mean
to hurt you." He said to me. "What happened?" I asked him. "It's complicated
for me to explain. The easiest way I can say it is I just ascended to better
me." Adrien said. I rubbed my eyes one more time and just like everyone in the
hall I took a full look at him. He looked totally different from before, but
I could also tell from his facial features it was him. His skin turned from
the pale white color to a normal fleshy color. The most stand out feature was
he now has a mop of short brown hair on his head and no where else. His eyes
still had the dark black tint to them, but for the most part he looked like
a normal boy, and actually a cute one. He saw me rubbing my neck and said,
"Let me fix that." before he put his hand on my neck and I felt a warm sensation
then. He pulled his hand away and the pain was totally gone now. "How the
hell? How did you do that?" the pain's all gone now." I asked. "Like I said I
ascended. My powers have grown to. The least I can do was heal the pain I
caused you." he answered. He turned and smiled then waved to everyone on the hall
not having a care in the world that he was but ass naked. "Come on people
give the guy some privacy would ya." Josiah said as he pushed everyone away
from the door as he winked to me shutting the door behind himself. "Dam man I
don't know what to say I'm in shock." I said kind of laughing to Adrien. "I
know what you mean. This is all new to me to. I took everything that I copied
from the others minds and personalities and combined them to form a ascended
form that I will be from now on." He told me. "So you mean you're kind of human
now more or less?" I asked. "Yes, and no. I mean physically I'm still only
half human, but I feel more like a human now than I did before and I thank
everyone for what they gave to me to make me what I am now. There's so many
things I still want to know about but I guess we should take it slowly. I'm
enjoying all the new sensations and things." He said smiling. "Well my friend lets
get some clothes back on you. I don't think you want to walk around with
your dick hanging out all the time." I said getting him something to wear.
"Actually I rather like it. The feeling of being free feels good to me." He
replied. "Yea I know the feeling. I like being naked to, but we can't just be like
that all the time here there's too many people around for that." I told him
tossing him one of my shirts. I gave him another pair of Adam's shorts and he
slid them on over his limp smooth cock. As he was putting AJ's shorts on it
hit me that he healed my neck pain. "Adrien how far does your power go? Can
you heal like deep injuries and stuff like that?" I asked. "I don't know
really. I knew somehow I could heal your neck though." He answered. "Well my friend
you need to come with me. Two of my friends are laying in the clinic in
major pain right now. I'd like you to please try to heal them. And I am begging
you please." I said bowing my head thinking about seeing AJ's face when he was
hurting. "I will try my best Derrik. Gavin saved my life so I owe him at
least to try to heal him." he said. I led him down to the clinic where the hurt
boys were sleeping.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs we came upon Chris sniffing at the
air. "What?" I asked. "I don't know I smell something different I never
smelled it before." He replied. "Sniff it out dude lead us to it." I told him. At
that point I was worried that he was picking up on something bad so we
followed him. He sniffed his way to outside the clinic door then stopped. "It's
coming from inside what ever it is." He said. Since my friends were inside I got
worried now. "Ok guys stay back I'm going to burst in and see when it is.
I'll tell you when it's all clear." I told Chris and Adrien. They stood back as
I slowly turned the handle to the clinic door. I pushed it open slowly and
burst in. I saw something totally unexpected then. "What the hell?" I said. AJ
was in his bed totally in a medical induced sleep. Gavin on the other hand
looked to be having a bit of a pleasurable time. I stood there looking at Gavin
laying in his bed and the one that was supposed to be keeping watch of the
boys straddling him totally naked. "Alicia are you doing what I think?" I
asked. She turned red and tried to cover herself. She was straddling Gavin's lap
with his cock slid into her pussy having sex with him. "I'll, I'll just let
my self out ok." I told them not knowing what else to say. I backed out of the
room shutting the door behind me. "What? What was it I smelled?" Chris
asked. "Pussy." Was all I said. Chris got a disgusted and weird look on his face.
"You smell pussy. And why do you smell pussy? Because Alicia has hers wrapped
around Gavin's dick right now." I told him. "EWWWWW Gross!" Chris said
turning his nose. "They were breeding? Sorry, I mean having sex?" Adrien asked.
"Yes they were." I said then Alicia walked about of the room and paused to look
at me like she was about to die of embarrassment then barged off. I went
back in the clinic where Gavin was laying in the bed with his cock still hard
and totally uncovered. "Sorry Derrik. I was sleeping and I felt this feeling on
my dick and I woke up and she was sucking on it. I didn't know it was going
to happen like that." Gavin tried to apologize. "She was sucking me and when
I woke up I was getting into it you know. It felt great. So I guess she knew
it so she stripped and climbed up on top of me and spread her pussy open and
next thing I knew we was fuckin. I'm sorry dude." Gavin said. "Man that was a
first." I said as I began to laugh. Gavin saw me then laughed to, "It felt
great though man I just wish we coulda finished." He said. "Sorry to spoil the
fun man, but I got a mutual friend that wants to see you." I told him. "Ok
guys come on in." I yelled into the hall. The others came in then as I was
covering Gavin's lower half back up. "Ok I saw the little dude before, but who is
he?" he said pointing to Adrien. "That's Adrien. The hybrid." I told him. He
looked totally lost then. "Derrik what the fuck is going on here? The hybrid
was solid white and didn't look anything like him the last time I saw him."
I said. Adrien walked over to him then and smiled. He reached his hand out
wand placed it on Gavin's temple. "It is me my friend. Let me prove it to you."
He said as he tapped into Gavin's mind and showed him how he has progressed
to be who he is now. Gavin opened his eyes then. "It is you isn't it? Wow man
you look great now. Almost normal." Gavin told his friend. "You saved my
life before so now it's time for me to return the favor." Adrien told him as he
laid his hand on Gavin's bullet wound. "Ouch what the hell? It burn!" Gavin
wined. A second later Adrien grabbed the bandages and ripped them from Gavin's
side. "Holy shit!" Chris said with his mouth hanging open looking at the
bullet hole that was now healed into a scar. "The pain's gone now." Gavin said
feeling his side. "Fell like trying to get up an see if you can get around
now?" I asked him. "Man I feel like a million bucks. Hell yes I want to get up."
Gavin answered throwing the blankets off exposing his nude body to us. He
swung his legs out of bed and stood up then. "Man I don't know how you did it
but thank you my friend." He said taking Adrien's hand and shaking it. "Chris
why don't you show Gavin where the bath room is. I'm sure he'd love to take a
hot shower and wash all that blood and other stuff off him." I said laughing
pointing to his cock that had the pussy juices on it. He looked down at his
dick then it hit him and he laughed to. He started to walk out naked but I
stopped him. "Uh Gavin you might want to wrap that blanket around you. There is
another girl here and some younger kids." I told him. He did like I said and
Chris led him to the bathroom then. "Adrien this is my friend Adam. We call
him AJ to, but the fact is he's hurt. He may have broken ribs or maybe worse
we don't know. Can you please help him, for me?" I begged. He smiled and
nodded yes. I kneeled down next to AJ and shook him awake. As he woke the pain
instantly set back in on him and he began to cry. The pain in his face was
killing me. "Adam Adrien is going to try to help you. He's got powers that can
heal other people so we are going to see if he can make you feel better." I
said stroking his cheek. I moved out of the way and Adrien kneeled next to AJ.
"Hello my new friend. I see we have something in common don't we." Adrien said
looking into AJ's black eyes that looked just like his own. "Let me feel
where the pain is." He said as he placed his hand on Adam's chest and side.
'This may hurt a bit at first, but you will feel fine after that." Adrien warned
him. "Ouch! Owww!" Adam cried out as his pain sharply increased and the tears
streamed from his eyes. He was full blown bawling now and it got the
attention of his brother. Donny heard his brother crying out and came to see what
was wrong. "What's he doing to my brother? Don't let him hurt my bubby!" Donny
yelled. I grabbed him as he rushed towards the hybrid and his brother. "No
buddy just wait. He's trying to help AJ." I said in Donny's ear who was now
crying to worried about his brother. Adam stopped crying then and began heaving
deep breaths. Adrien then took his hand from AJ's bare chest and Adam sat up.
"It's gone! The pain's gone. How did you do that?" he asked wiping the tears
from his cheeks. "Inner powers my friend." Adrien answered. AJ
uncharacteristically grabbed Adrien around the beck and hugged him. "Thank you so much!
You have no idea how bad I was hurting." AJ told him. "Bubby!" Donny yelled as
he ran to AJ. They grabbed each other in a loving hug and showed Adrien what
brotherly love was. When they broke their hug and Adam wiped the tears off
his baby brother's face I asked, "Donny would you please take Adrien out to the
kitchen I'll be there in a minute ok." Donny hugged his brother one more
time then took Adrien by the hand and led him to the kitchen. As soon as they
left the room I lost control. I grabbed AJ in a hug and started to cry. He
hugged back and cried with me. "Oh god I thought we were going to lose you." I
cried. I turned my head and kissed him on the cheek then, "I love you Adam.
You're like a brother to me." I said in his ear. "A brother with a nice body."
He said making me laugh a bit. I let go of him but for some reason those black
eyes from hell of his drew me in until our lips met. We shared a quick kiss
and I pulled back away. "That's how much I love you. You're a brother with
benefits." I told him smiling. "More like a brother with a stiffy." He said
raising his eye brows. "Well now that you're not hurting maybe we can take care
of that stiffy in a little bit." I told him and he was all smiles then.

Adam got dressed and we left the clinic to join everyone else. I went to the
kitchen to find Donny introducing Adrien to the joys of a pop cycle. "Oh my
gosh what is this thing called again? A pop cycle?" Adrien asked loving his.
"Yep aren't they great." Donny said. "Yes they are I love them!" Adrien said
putting his back in his mouth. "Hey how's my lil bubby doing?" AJ asked
Donny. Donny ran over and hugged AJ being careful not to get his pop cycle all
over him. "Wow you two are definitely brothers you look so much alike." Adrien
told them. "Yep AJ and his mini me." I said joking getting funky looks from
both of them. I looked out of the window and it was dark out now, I had totally
lost track of time during the day. I sat down at the large table and laid my
head down on it. "You ok Derrik?" Donny asked me in between licking his pop
cycle. "Yeah squirt I'm just tired is all. It's been a long day." I told him
yawning. "Bubby I'm hungry." Donny told his brother. AJ looked at me then. "My
god guys do I have to do everything. What are you guys going to do if I'm
not around to take care of you?" I stated. I got up and went to the large
pantry and dug out the PB&J supplies so they can make sandwiches. "Here you go
have at it guys. And make Adrien one to. He doesn't know how." I told them. I
sat back down and put my head back down on the table. I tried to close my eyes
just to rest them for a minute and the next thing I knew I was snoring. I
fell asleep right there at the table. I woke up sometime around midnight and the
house was mostly dark except for a few dim lights we left on at night. We
had to keep the house dark at night so no one knew we were there. I went to get
up from the table and noticed Adrien was till sitting there. "Hey why are
you in here all alone with me?" I asked. "I think everyone is scared of me. No
one really wants to talk to me or anything." He answered looking sad. "Oh. I
think it's just because they don't know you yet. Give it time I'm sure
they'll all get to be your buds with you." I said sitting next to him. He yawned
then and it seemed to scare him. "What was that I just did?" he asked me. "What
yawned? It's nothing to be scared of dude it just means you're sleepy.
Haven't you ever slept before?" I asked. "I have never needed it before. Remember
I was still a freak till earlier today. I think the ascending changed
everything for me." He answered. "Well my friend I think it's time to introduce you
to something called sleep. Come on let's find you someplace to sleep." I
said. We went to the first floor boy's room and it was full. Al beds were taken.
Next was up to the upstairs boy's room. For some reason al the beds in it
were full to, even mine. Gavin decided to crash out in it. I guess it was ok
just for tonight but it did kind of erk me a little. The only room left to sleep
was in the girls room and in the clinic. There was 2 beds open in each room.
The beds in the clinic needed cleaned up and I'm sure the girls didn't want
us in their room so I had to think. "Well shit, it looks like we gotta sleep
on the floor tonight all the beds are full." I told him. Then it hit me, the
head masters room had a bed in it. It's where the soldier was sleeping till
he tried to kill AJ. I smiled and took Adrien's wrist pulling him behind me.
"Come on I know where there's a bed at. Only thing is we're gonna have to
share it." I told him. He and I walked into the head master's room and there
before us was a full size bed made up with military precision. The window to the
office in the next room was broken from where the soldier jumped through it,
but it was covered at the moment with boards nailed to the wall. "Ok I don't
know how you feel about this, but it looks like we don't have much choice." I
said taking my shirt off. "I do not know how to feel about something I have
never done before." Adrien said. "Well I'll try t make it a peaceful first
experience then." I said. I pulled the covers down then tool my pants off
leaving me in my boxers. Not sure of what to Do Adrien did what I did and took his
shirt and shorts off. Since we hadn't put any undies on him he was now naked
so I said what the hell and slid my boxers down and off to. We stood there
sizing up each others naked bodies and my dick came to life. I got rock hard in
a second looking at his nice looking body. To my surprise his dick started
getting hard to. He looked down at it and asked, "Is it supposed to do that?"
"Yeah it does that sometimes. Usually at the worst times to." I said
laughing. "Don't worry about it though you got a nice one." I told him. "Why does it
do that?" he asked. "Well it does that when you get horny. You know um....
Sexually aroused is the words." I said. "I am sexually aroused?" he asked. "Well
evidently you are cus your dick is hard as a rock." I said laughing. "How can
I be sexually aroused? I mean I thought that could only happen with a male
and female?" he asked looking confused. "I could lie to you and tell you a
made up bunch of stuff, but there is this thing called being gay." I started to
say but he cut me off, "Gay isn't that where males prefer other males
sexually?" "Yes it is, I guess." I answered. "Am I gay?" he asked me. "I can't
answer that Adrien I'm not you. Only you know if you like boys or girls. But you
can like both." I said. He looked at me like to say how? "Tell you what lets
just get in bed and get comfy and I'll show a few things about being a boy." I
said as I laid down on the comfy bed. I stretched my tired body out loving
the feeling of the soft bed on my naked skin. I did want to show him some
things to do with his dick but it seemed like he fell asleep as soon as his body
was comfortable. I lay and watched him snooze peacefully for a few minutes
before I nodded off myself.

Chapter 16

Morning comes around way to quickly to me now that it seems like I have so
much responsibility. I awoke to the sunlight streaking through an opening in
the blinds of the window and saw that Arien was still sleeping peacefully next
to me. As much as I wanted to play with that super body of his I knew it
would be impossible when I heard Justin and Zach playing loudly out in the hall
way. Apparently Adrien heard them to since he sat straight up in the bed and
looked actually scared. "You ok?" I asked. "I do not know. I was seeing
visions while I was unconscious." He answered. "Oh, you were just dreaming. It's
nothing to be afraid of." I told him. It still didn't put his fears to rest, it
took me a good 10 minutes to calm his nerves enough until he realized I
wasn't lying to him. I told him how almost everyone dreamed and how it was a
normal part of sleeping. He calmed down enough so that we could get up and
dressed for the day, even though I wouldn't mind looking at that great nude body of
his all day. By now the whole house it seemed was awake from the amount of
noise outside the room we were in. "Derrik I have that sensation right here
again." He said pointing to his abdomen. "Oh you probably have to pee is all.
Lets go take a leak." I suggested since I had to piss to. We went to the
bathroom where a few of the guys were doing their morning business and pissed in
the urinals. "I never knew urinating could feel so pleasurable." Adrien moaned
as he pissed. "Man we need to teach him how to talk right." Chris said from
the toilet stall, well actually more like he grunted from the toilet stall.
It was true our alien bud did talk like sort of a nerd at times but it was the
only way he knows. I have noticed though the more he is around us the more
he picks up on what being a 13 year old kid is. He is trying I will give him
credit on that. "I apologize for the way I speak." Adrien said hanging his
head. "No don't be like that just say shut us Chris and finish shitting." I told
him. He repeated what I said and everyone in the room cracked up. The twins
were also in the room brushing their teeth and they were laughing so hard
they were literally foaming at the mouth, tooth paste. Chris was even laughing
in his stall. Adrien had a totally lost look on his face. "You did great. It
was just how you said it was funny." I told him patting him on the shoulder.
We finished p and went out to see the rest of the house residents. About half
were in the kitchen looking for some breakfast and the other half was either
in the bathrooms or in the common room. More and more lately I been noticing
Gavin and Alicia have been making goo goo eyes at each other. Hmm maybe the
fact that they have already fucked could be the reason for it. I walked in the
kitchen and stood behind Donny sitting at the table eating some dry cereal
and rubbed his messy hair. "Whatcha doing squirt?" I asked him. "Eatin." He
said with his mouth full of cereal. I couldn't help but crack up at him, he was
definitely a character. Zach was feeding the dog scraps and Justin and
Nathan were eating to and making a good mess at it I might add. "You guys know you
had better clean up this mess when you're done eating." I told them all
before I went to get myself some clean clothes so I could jump in the hot tub
again. For some reason my body was still sore and the only reason I could think
of for it was I was stressed out.

I went to walk in the bathroom with the tub in it and apparently I had just
missed seeing Carry naked from showering. "Oops sorry I shoulda knocked
first." I said. "It's fine. It's not like the others haven't seen me naked
before." She said. She left the room still wet and naked with a towel wrapped around
her body and another around her wet hair. I turned the water to the tub on
and let it fill up before I got in. I stripped down and sat on the edge as I
waited for it to fill and then one of the younger boys walked in. I knew it
was a younger kid because he was coughing. I turned and looked over my shoulder
to see Nathan walking over to the urinals to pee. "Hey Nate how ya doing
bud." I said. He finished pissing and turned to face me as he was putting his
little cock away. "I'm ok I guess." He replied coughing again. "You sound like
you got a cold dude. Come here and let me check your temp." I told him. He
walked over and I felt his fore head. He did feel slightly warm, but that could
have been just the temperature of the room since it was steamy from the hot
tub running. "You feel a little warm. When was the last time you bathed?" I
asked. "I don't remember." He replied being a typical kid. "Well if you're
done eating and stuff go ahead and strip down and get in here with me. It'll be
like a mini swimming pool." I told him. He seemed to like the swimming pool
idea because his clothes seemed to fly off his body. He was naked in no time
and ready to climb in with me. "Ok now this water is really warm so don't piss
in it." I told him as he stepped his first foot in. He gingerly and slowly
stepped in as his skin got use to the tempi followed him and eventually we
were now sitting in the big tub. "We never got to use this thing before. We
wasn't allowed to. It was for the people that took care of us to use." Nathan
told me. "Well I', glad you like it so far, but it is a bath tub so you do have
to get clean while you're in here." I told him. I sat back and just enjoyed
the warm water for a while as he splashed and played in the water jets. Time
did come for us to get cleaned up though so I closed the glass doors around
the tub for some level of privacy. "Ok bud time for that getting clean part.
Come over here and I'll wash your hair and back for you." I told him. He crawled
over to me and to my surprise the cute little guy climbed on my lap instead
of just sitting in front of me. I went right to washing his hair first to get
that out of the way. I scrubbed his head until it felt clean and he dunked
his head to rinse the suds out. "Ok now the hard part is over let's finish the
rest." I said. I took the soap in my hand and began to wash his small back
for him and when I got to his side he began to squeal like crazy laughing.
"That tickle?" I asked. He smiled and nodded yes. I tickled a bit more then went
on to wash him. as he was sitting on my lap some how I had missed the fact
that I was rock hard from the feeling of his skin on me. His hand bumped
against my dick and he stopped and felt what he had bumped. "Is that your thing?"
he asked laughing. I nodded. "Why's it so big and hard?" he asked. "Cus
you're sitting on me like that. it makes it feel good." I explained. "How come
mines not like that?" he asked. "Well I don't know let me check you out." I said
as I reached around to the front of him to feel his little pecker. He was
right he was limp, but that would change soon. I began to rub it and he didn't
complain one bit. In no time he was hard to. "Hey dude guess what, your's is
big and hard now to look." I told him. He stood up in the tub and we could
both now see his little stiffy pointing away from his body. "Kool it is hard
and pointy now to. That's neat!" he said happy. I pulled him back down on my
lap so I could finish washing the rest of his upper body. Once he was rinsed
off I had him stand and face me then. I washed his legs and tummy off then
leaving the goody area for last. "Ok bud I'm gonna wash your pecker and stuff
now. It'll probly tickle like crazy but try not to laugh ." I warned him. I took
hold of his still half boned dick with my soapy fingers and began to wash it
and all around it. "That don't tickle it feels neat! It feels good!" he
said. I finished washing him in a flash then I decided to try and have a bit of
fun with him. Just as I was about to ask him to mess around he hit me with
some questions. "Cody told me that you was taking him and Cole to the store
today, can I go to?" he asked. "Sorry bud but no. there isn't going to be enough
room in the truck, it's going to be full of clothes and stuff." I replied.
That seemed to crush his feelings so I tried to cheer him up. "Tell you what
kiddo, how about I bring you a big surprise when we come back?" "What kind of
surprise?" he asked. "Well that's why it's called a surprise you'll have to
wait till you get it to see what it is." I told him. That seemed to settle the
disappointment so I went back to trying to have fun. I took hold of his
little dick again and got him back to his stiff state. "Does that feel good when I
tickle it like that?" I asked. He smiled and nodded yes. "Want me to suck
it?" I asked hoping he'd say yes. He smiled again and smiled so I took that as
a yes. I scooted his body towards me while he was still standing and I leaned
forward and took his little boner in my mouth. He had no complaints as I
sucked away on his little rod. He began to buck his hips forward to meet my lips
as I went back and forth on him. It didn't take long till his breathing got
more rapid and shallower. I felt him place his hands on my shoulders to steady
him as his les began to turn to jello from the intense feelings. Shortly
after his hands came onto my shoulders I heard him grunt and take a deep breath
and his little body tensed up. I felt his pecker get a bit harder on my
tongue so I knew he was getting off at that point. I made sure to give him just a
little bit more extra sensitive pleasure to get him over the peak of his
orgasmic spell. As his body cleared the peak of its pleasure he nearly collapsed
onto me making my spit his little dick out. I took hold of him under his arms
and guided him back down to sit on my lap again as he came back to earth
from pleasure land. He opened his eyes and smiled showing how cute he actually
was. "Like it?" I asked. "Yeah buddy!" he said happily. I rubbed his little
dick as it slowly went about half limp while he was regaining his senses. "What
was that? it felt really good?" he asked. "Well it's kinda hard to explain.
Lets just say that's what happens when you get your pecker sucked or if you
play with it long enough." I told him kind of laughing a bit. "Do I have to do
that to you now?" he asked me. The thought did make my dick swell a bit. It
would be nice to have the little guy blow me but I wasn't going to force him.
"Well kiddo you don't have to if you don't want to, but it would feel good
if you did." I told him. "I don't have to? Good cus I don't think I can get
yours in my mouth it looks way too big!" he said giggling. I couldn't help but
tickle him some then. I knew then that I wouldn't be getting a B/J from
Nathan then. Maybe some day I might get in that cute little ass though, only time
will tell. We finished his bath and I got out of the tub with him and dried
him off then sent him naked with a towel around him to get dressed while I got
back in the tub to finish some business of my own.

I sat back down in the warm water of the tub and was about to grip my hard
rod when the twins walked in. I knew it was them from the sounds of their
vices. "Hey Cole, Cody come here a second guys." I yelled out. They walked over
to the edge of the tub to see what I wanted. "You boys ready to go to wal mart
in a little while?" I asked. They both smiled and nodded yes. "Ok great I
know you guys want to have some fun while we're out, but we have to be sneaky
about it. We're taking your sister with us." I told them. "What for?" Cody
asked. "Well dude we're going after clothes and stuff, don't you think Carry and
Alicia might need some new stuff to?" I said. they seemed to get the point
then, but I could tell they weren't to happy about taking Carry with us. I had
promised them we would have some fun when it was just them and I together,
some naked fun that is. "Ok guys I'm going to finish my bath then I'll come
and get you guys so be ready to go when I find you." I said. They agreed then
went to piss like they had came in the room to do origionally then left. Now
that I was finally alone I took hold of my dick and began to let my hand
relieve the tension in me. It seemed like I haven't gotten off in ages because it
felt so good. The head of my dick was super sensitive at this point so I paid
a lot of time making that area feel awesome. The more I made it feel good
the more intense my orgasm was building. It built up to the point where I
couldn't hold it back any more and it seemed to explode through my body like a
bomb. "OH FUCK!" I moaned out as my eyes began to roll back in my head from the
great feeling. I slowly began to come to a stop pumping my dick as my body
went nearly totally limp while I basked in the glow of the orgasm rushing
through me. I sat the just enjoying my rush and slowly coming back to normal and
some one in the room said, "Dam that sounded like a good one." I opened my
eyes slightly to see Adam peeking through the glass at me. "Peeping tom" I said
laughing. "Peeping yes but I'm not tom I'm AJ" he said laughing with me. "You
feel better now?" he asked. "Oh god yes lots." I said still enjoying the
after glow. "Wish you woulda told me you needed that I woulda helped you with
it." He told me. "Sorry bud it wasn't really planned, but thanks for the offer.
Maybe I'll take a rain check on your offer." I told him. "Any time Derrik.
You know I'd suck you when ever, as long as I get it in return." He said
grinning. "Deal!" I told him laughing. He then left me to finish my bath so I
could get a move on for the trip to get the kids in the house some new clothes
and stuff. I got out of the tub a short time later and got dressed so I could
round up the brothers and sister so we could get the show on the road.

I rounded up the twins and I also decided to take their sister with us. I
thought that Carry and Alicia might like some new things for them as well. I
let her go because I didn't know anything about what sizes the 2 girls wore or
what they liked to wear so I was going to let Carry decide. We all piled in
the truck and I tucked 1 of the pistols into my waist of my pants and we took
off for wal mart. The drive was uneventful from the orphanage to town as we
pulled into the limits of my home town. I drove slowly through the streets of
town with the gun ready just incase something out of the ordinary came up. We
pulled up to the front doors of the wal mart a short time later and parked
the truck right at the entrance. The twins and their sister followed me inside
as I had the pistol at the ready to shoot. I wasn't sensing anything abnormal
inside so we proceeded to gather up what we came for. "Carry go get some
clothes and things for you and Alicia. Just pile it all in a cart and try to
fold it as neat as you can, we need to cram as much as we can in the truck bed."
I said. She took off with a cart to the girls department and I had the twins
follow me. "Come on boys time to try on some under wear." I said to the boys
with a wink. They got the hint and smiled as they followed. I grabbed a cart
as well and piled it up high with clothes for the other boys in the house
who hadn't been to the store since the invasion happened. After I had a bunch
of shirts and pants of all sizes loaded in the cart the twins and I went to
the under wear isle like I promised them we would. "Ok guys, do you know what
size undies you wear?" I asked. They both looked stumped and shrugged their
shoulders. "Ok I guess we gotta find out the fun way don't we." I said with a
grin. They didn't know what I mean t at first but then it hit them both about
the same time and they smiled. I had them pull their shirts up so I could get
an estimate of what size they did wear so I could get close to it. I grabbed
a few packs of different sizes and then we went to find their sister. "Carry
the guys and I are going to the rest rooms in the back of the store. If you
want to try anything on you are going to have to go to the ladies room. The
dressing rooms are kind of trashed." I told her pointing to the dressing rooms
that had a section of the room caved in on top of them. The boys and their
sister followed me to the rear of the store and we went into the restrooms.
Carry took in all kinds of thing to try on so I knew she would be in there for
a little while which was great. I needed as much time as I could to make the
twins happy boys.

"Ok boys lose the clothes. First things first, we need to see which sizes
you dudes wear so get nekked and try these on." I said tossing them the packs
of briefs. They both stripped down completely and tore the under wear open.
The first few pairs they tried were way too big so I gave them a few more pack.
These were too small. I dug through the remaining packs I grabbed and got
some in the middle of the sizes they had already tried. "Well they fit but they
look kinda loose on you guys. What do you guys think?" I asked. "Yeah
they're to loose I like mine tighter to me." Cole said. I grabbed one more pack and
tore them open and gave the boys a pair each. The fourth try was a charm as
the fresh undies fit them perfectly and they were all smiles. "Ok now that we
know what you two wear put the rest of those in their packs so we can take
them back to the house with us. Maybe one of the other guys can wear them." I
told the twins. they put them back in their packs and I stacked them up on
the counter by the sinks. "Ok now that business is over with how about I make
those peckers of yours feel good?" I asked grinning at them. With out a word
they looked at each other and dropped the under wear to the floor and reached
for their limp peckers. "NO, no let me I insist." I said to them walking over
and taking both their little dicks in my hands. They were rock hard in no
time as I fondled their hard boy tools to their full 3 inch size. "Hey didn't
you two say you did stuff together before? Show me what you've done." I said
to them. I let go of their boners and they faced each other. They started to
rub their dicks together and dry hump and grind against each other. "That's
all you guys have done before?" I asked with a smile. They stopped what they
were doing and nodded yes. "Well my cute little friends you are going to love
what you're a bout to feel." I promised them. I picked Cody to go first as I
had both boys jump up and sit on the counter by the sinks. I instructed Cody
what to do and he followed directions to a tee. "I had him spread his legs open
and I got on my knees in front of him in between his legs. "You ready?" I
asked as I took hold of his little stiffy. He smiled and nodded so I opened
wide and sank my mouth over his little cock head. He inhaled sharply at the
first feeling of having his little dick sucked. I began to bob my head up and
down on him and he was loving it. Not long into it he started to moan a bit as
he closed his eyes and enjoying his first blow job. "Shh Cody, Carry might
hear." Cole said placing his hand over his brothers moaning mouth. I got the
hint and was quiet after that. I sped up my pace on Cody's dick and I reached
over and played with Cole's to make sure he stayed hard. After about 3 minutes
of sucking I felt Cody's hands on the top of my head forcing it down on to
his shaft. "Oh gosh I gotta pee you better stop." He said in between fast
breaths. I knew that to be my que to speed up. I sucked him as fast as I could as
he kept saying he had to pee. Then that very first overwhelming unexpected
felling flooded over him. His body tensed up and he drew in a deep breath as I
felt his stiffy get just little harder in my mouth and then pulsate as the
waves of pleasure from his first orgasm washed over him. When I knew the peak
of the sensation was over I raised off his little rod and let him sit there in
the afterglow. He opened his eyes about a minute later and smiled. "Oh my
gosh what was that? It felt awesome!" he beamed. "It's called an orgasm, you
know getting off. And yeah it does feel awesome doesn't it." I said rubbing his
inner thighs. "Heck yeah it does. You're going to love it bro." Cody told
his brother. Cole smiled big as I pushed his smooth legs apart like I did his
brother a little while ago. I got into position with him and with out warning
I slid him in my mouth. He moaned just like his brother did at the initial
feeling of his cock being tongue whipped. I placed my hands on his hips and
held onto him as I bobbed up and down on his shaft as fast as I could. I knew I
needed to get his orgasm over with quick because I knew Carry wouldn't be in
the ladies room much longer. Just like his brother I felt his hands on my
head as I slid up and down on his little dick even faster. This time he didn't
say anything as I felt his cock stiffen and his body tense up. "Oh gosh!" he
said a little louder than I would have wanted as he had his very first orgasm.
When I realized he was over the peak I slowed to a stop on sucking and just
gave the tip a tongue lashing to squeeze one last little shiver out of him as
he basked in the pleasure. Just as I had thought Carry was done in the
ladies and knocking on the door asking for us. "You guys done in there? Are you
descent?" she asked to make sure I was dressed. "Yeah Carry but hold on a sec."
Cody yelled out to her. Cody's dick had gone down to its normal lip size and
Cole's was rapidly deflating as he settled back on earth coming back from
orgamic heaven. Cody hopped down off the counter and grabbed the fresh pair of
undies and slid them on as his brother hopped off the counter. Just as Cole's
feet hit the floor Carry walked in the men's room. "Dam chic cant they have
some privacy?" I said referring to the twins. "Who cares I see them naked all
the time." Carry stated. I looked at Cole's naked body and he nodded, "She's
right. We see each other naked all the time. It's no biggy she's our sister."
He said. I took that as a sign that they were a close sibling group that
really cared for each other. "Ok well come on guys finish trying those undies on
and get dressed again." I said winking at the twins. They got my point and
just went on getting dressed with out their sister knowing what just went on
in here. Once the twins had their clothes back on and enjoying the feeling of
new undies on their freshly sucked dicks we departed the restrooms. "Ok come
on we're going to what's left of the toy department and then to electronics."
I told the group. They followed me as I grabbed another empty cart and
filled it with all kinds of toys for the kids at the home. The twins picked out
what they wanted. Carry though wasn't very interested in toys. Now we had 2
carts of boys clothes and 1 of girls and 1 full of toys we pushed them all to
the front of the store and loaded them into the back of the truck. "Ok back to
electronics we have to get a few more things." I told the siblings. I grabbed
another cart and the twins browsed as if they were shopping looking at the
video games. "Hey watch this." I said as I broke the locked glass covering the
playstation 3 and games up. They watched in awe and horror as the glass
smashed like they were going to get in trouble for it. "Relax guys who's going to
catch us?" I told them. "Grab what you want it's all free now." I said and
they had a field day grabbing games they liked. I grabbed the remaining psp's
and 2 of the ps3's. By the time we were done the game isle was nearly cleaned
out. As we were piling our newly acquired merchandise in the cart something
along the back wall caught my eye. "Ooooh yeah!" I said to myself as I
spotted what to me was a huge tv on display against the wall. "Hey we need to cram
this stuff in the truck as neap as possible cus we're going to need as much
room as we can get in the bed." I told the others. "Why?" Carry wondered.
"Because we're taking that big bastard with us." I said pointing to the 50 inch
tv. "Cool!" the twins said together. We took the cart with the games up front
and I pushed the big tv with us on a flat stock cart we found nearby. It took
all four of us to get the tv in the truck and it fir perfectly in the bed
with the rest of the stuff we pilfered. The twins then piled the video games
and other things we scavenged in the truck bed where there was room left and
then we departed for the orphanage.

"Did we all have fun today?" I asked everyone on the drive home. "I sure did
I got some clothes I know I like and I think Alicia will like the ones I got
for her to." Carry said. I looked in the mirror at the twins in the back
seat of the cab and they were smiling ear to ear. I knew they enjoyed their day
out at wal mart. We arrived at the house a short time later and was greeted
by a few of the guys at the door. "What good shit did you find?" AJ asked.
"Adam why do you cuss so much? I mean I don't really mind but you shouldn't do
it so much in front of the younger kids." I said to him. "I dunno. I always
talked this way when I'm around my friends." He answered. "Ok well like I said
not around the little guys alright, your brother included." I said. He
accepted my request and said, "Ok then what good STUFF did you bring back?" "Video
games and clothes mostly. God knows we need something to pass the time." I
said. He followed me to the back of the truck and as I opened the lid to the
cap I said, "And we brought this monster with us to." referring to the tv.
"Cool!" AJ and the others who had gathered around said. We unloaded the tv and I
had Josiah with his muscles and Adam carry it inside. The only reason AJ
helped wasn't because of the weight it was because the tv was so awkward and big
to carry for one person. We put it in the common room and then it was off to
unload the rest of the truck. The clothes got piled in the common room floor
since we didn't know who was getting what yet and the video games were piled
next to the tv. I grabbed a psp and some games from the pile and walked over
to Nathan first. "Hey kiddo remember I said I was going to bring you
something neat? Hear you go." I said handing him the game. He was all smiles as he
hugged me for the gift. The boys all wanted to go through and hook up the video
games and wanted nothing to do with the huge clothing pile in the middle of
the room. "Guys as much as I hate to spoil the fun I think we should go
through the clothes and get them out of here first. I got all different sizes of
stuff cus I don't know what sizes any one wears." I told the others. The
littler boys whined and complained but everyone knew what needed to be done. We
spent the next half hour going through the clothes as the guys picked out what
they wanted. A few arguments broke out over who was getting a certain item
but we snuffed them quickly with a coin toss to see who won. Only the boys from
the orphanage and Gavin and Adrien went through the pile since me and the
boys from the mine already had some clothes. It was late after noon now and I
was starving to beat hell so I went to the kitchen as the boys took their new
stuff and put it away. I sat down at the table in the kitchen and made myself
a PB&J sandwich. While I was eating I was joined by Gavin. "Hey dude what's
up." He said. "Hey I been meaning to ask you, how did you get away from the
aliens when the attacked the school? And where have you been hiding all this
time until we found you?" I asked him. "Well I was in the boiler room where the
washers and dryers were washing some of the uniforms for the gym. When I
found out what was going on I crawled inside one of the dryers and hid." So far
he was making since to me. The washers and dryers were humongous and he
washed the uniforms for the football team for class credit in gym. "When I was
sure the monsters were gone I got out of the dryer and snuck out of the school
and hid in the basement of the general store. When the monsters came back I
decided it was too risky to stick around so I took off hiking through the woods
until I was found by a strike team of army guys. They took me to a base
pretty close by and I stayed there for a while. Well until the aliens found it
and took it out. Dude they totally tore that place to shit. I had to hide in
the air ducts till they were gone again. When I came out everyone was dead.
There was so much blood every where it looked like o real horror house. I
wondered around there for a while with a gun I picked up till I found this room
that said bio-research on the door. I snooped around in there for a little while
and found our hybrid friend in there. He was in this small room that was
like one of those cells in a nut house. You know it was small and it didn't have
anything in it and all the walls and the floor were padded. Scared the shit
outa me at first when I saw him. I was about to blast him with the gun. Then
I heard this voice in my head. It told me don't shoot and that he was a
prisoner. If I freed him he'd help me get out of there. I let him out and we got
out of the base and walked in the woods for a while and the next thing I know
some ass hole shoots me. The rest is history that you already know." Gavin
said giving me his life story in detail it seemed. "Wow sounds like you had a
fun time like the rest of us did." I told him. I told him my story and what
the guys that I found and I had been through up until the time we found him and
Adrien. We continued to chit chat for a while till the memory of him and
Alicia crossed my mind. "So what's the deal with you and Alicia?" I asked. "I
dunno. I mean she's hot dude. It felt so good when I woke up in the clinic and
she was sucking on me. I couldn't say no when she got up on top of me and
slid my thing in her." He replied. "I can see your point, but keep in mind dude
don't do anything you shouldn't ok." I told him. he wasn't quite sure what I
meant but he agreed any way.

After I had my afternoon snack I went to check on the kids in the common
room having fun with the big monster tv when the unthinkable happened. "Man what
the hell?" Phillip said getting mad. Just as they got the tv and games
hooked up to it the power went out. "Relax guys it's probably a circuit breaker or
something. I'll go check it out ok." I told them. I made my way down into
the now dark basement with AJ leading the way since he could see in the dark
and found the breaker box. I opened the box and to mine and everyone in the
house' dismay all the breakers were turned on. "Dammit. It's not a breaker the
power is out." Adam whined. "Well AJ you didn't expect it to last for ever did
you? I figured it would go out before long." I told him. The fact that the
power was out didn't bother me so much. The thing that got on my nerves was I
did all that work to get that big ass tv here and now its useless. "What are
we supposed to do now?" AJ asked. "Only thing we can do, just make do with
out it." I answered. He got a look of disgust and anger on his face, but he
knew there was nothing we could do about it. We made our way back upstairs and
broke the news to the others. They all got for a better word pissed at the
fact we had no juice now. "That sucks! We didn't even get a chance to play any
games." Nate whined. The house was pretty quiet for the rest of the day with
every one trying to find something to do that didn't need electricity. Finding
something to do wasn't my huge concern at the moment. Sometimes I curse that
alien for giving me the mind powers. All I could do was think about how we
would stay warm and how we would keep our food from spoiling now. I was
sitting in the head masters office which I had now adopted to be my own looking
through the paper work that was in the filing cabinets in there. Reading through
all the stuff I found out things about the kids that lived here that they
didn't tell us before. Things like how the twins and Carry were abandoned by
their mother because she was a dope whore. And how both of Zack's parents were
killed in a car accident in which he was also injured. I also found small
details like how Nathan had asthma and couldn't over exert himself because he
would lose his breath. More or less I found out the orphans back grounds with
out them knowing it. Maybe it would come in handy to know this stuff in the
future. As I sat there reading I noticed t seemed to be getting cold. I walked
out into the hall way and to the common room and now I saw it wasn't just my
room that was cold, the whole house was getting chilly. I went to my clothes
and decided to put on an extra layer to knock the chill off. As I was digging
through my clothes I came across the information storage device I got off
one of the dead monsters. I took it back to the office with me and sat down and
activated it and came across a file that said E. L. T. I had no clue what it
was so I opened. It. As the hologram appeared before me I saw a lot of alien
language writing and symbols and as I deciphered them it scared the shit out
of me. I left the room and went straight to find Adrien. I found him in the
kitchen with some of the kids enjoying some grub and I grabbed his arm and
pulled along with me. I took him to the office with me and shut the door. "Can
you read this?' I asked him pointing to the alien monster writing. "Yes I can
Earth Life Termination (E.L.T.). Is this what I believe it is?" he asked.
"Yeah I think it is. And if this is real we're in deep shit." I answered.


Anonymous readerReport 

2014-02-03 08:19:42
You smell pussy. And why do you smell pussy? Hahahahahaha I love it dude! Great job. Who says porn cant have a good plot?

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-10 16:18:55
This seems like something that would actually happen.

They need to raid the military base and gat some SMG's and LMG's. DERRICK AND AJ.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-02-11 23:38:35
WXbBiZ Honestly, not bad news!...

anonymous readerReport 

2010-09-25 07:08:07
Ok, a few questions, where are they getting all this food from?
All the stores would have to run out eventually, and second, how
are they getting power into the orphanage? If everyones dead then
there's nobody to operate the power plants and stuff

Anonymous readerReport 

2010-04-12 04:33:36
you have me hooked, seriously hooked
great story, loving it so far :D

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