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A mother mistakes super glue for her lube and ends up stuck to her two drugged children.
The foundation of my downfall was laid by my mother. From a young age, she would enter my bedroom at night and push her pussy into my face. I hated it but didn't have the courage to tell anyone or even ask her to stop. Perhaps she knew I hated it, or perhaps she just couldn't keep herself from my pussy, but eventually she started serving me in the same way she forced me to serve her. I hated it even more because she always got my body to turn against my will and orgasm as much as she did.
Eventually I got out of her house and started a more normal, healthy life. I had two wonderful children, a boy and a girl, and then managed to become a nurse. Life was going so well until today when I came back home to mom to let my children meet their granny and young aunt. Mom looked my kids up and down with a raised eyebrow, practically asking if I was molesting them.
“Honey,” mom said just before I was heading for bed--we were spending the night. “I'm sorry if you feel that I treated you poorly, but I don't regret it. It gave you a firm understanding of sex and pleasure. And I don't think you would have dared to have children while still in your teens without our sessions.”
“Mom, I don't want to talk about it.”
“No, honey. It's important. I know you are very happy now but if you want the same for your children, you have to teach them about sex. I know you love them as much as I love you.”
“For me it is the best time of the day,” my younger sister said. She is fourteen and I hadn't heart her approach. Her movements were catlike and she smiled coyly as she slid a hand around mom's waste and down inside the skirt she was wearing.
“Amanda!” I said, surprised and shocked by her lewdness.
Mom didn't say anything but a shiver went through her body. I knew it all too well. She always shivered like that when her clit was touched directly.
“You are straight, aren't you?” Amanda asked me with a pout. “Your little Dana is too, I can tell. Max likes me though. If I asked him, he'd join us. Bet he'd be with you too if you asked him.”
“Goodnight,” I told them and went to bed. Just a few minutes later, I could hear mom moan through the my bedroom wall.
I knew my children would be better off untouched by me, but I was starting to realize how much I was like my mother. I'd never seen my molesting from her perspective before. Even though I had no sexual love for girls, I couldn't deny having passionate feelings for my daughter hidden deep inside. Pressing my pussy down on her precious little face and having her pink tongue against my clit would bring me off like a rocket.
But I still had scars from when mom had done that to me and knew I would never do it to her that way. A few weeks later, mom and Amanda came to visit and to spent the night. I lay awake for a long time, listening for any sounds of their lovemaking but there were none. To my surprise I found it disappointing and regretted making them sleep in separate rooms.
To make a long story short, I was very horny and lay searching myself for answers. I lusted for my children immensely and craved hearing my mom and sister making love in order to imagine it was me with my daughter.
Around midnight, I was in my son's room, like mom had been in mine so many times, and hoping he would not be hurt the way I had been. Then it hit me, all I needed was to make sure he slept through it. I had some anesthesia at home and soon injected some into my son. He stirred by didn't wake up.
He was my precious little love doll and I climbed into his bed naked, wrapping myself around him tightly and grinding my cunt against his side. With my hand around his little cock, I waited patiently for a nightly erection. I his dick stirred and sucked him hard, amazed that I dared do it to my own son and just as thrilled. I loved cocks so much that I wished I had one just like his. Just a boys cock, not even four inches long but hard and pure.
His cock slipped inside me with a wet squelch. I grabbed him around the base of his cock, and under his balls, pushing them up in their sack along the shaft. My cunt stretched wide as his entire sex, both dick and balls, slipped inside me.
“Oh god,” I groaned and ground my clit hard against his pelvic bone. “Oh god.” I fell forwards, pushing my breasts in his face and started cumming hard. My spasming cunt cradled his balls, milking them. “Fuck, it's incest,” I realized and my orgasm intensified. What my mom had done to me had never been about reproduction in any sense, but I was mating and my body hungered for his seed.
I found myself panting with my son in my arms and our sexes still joined a few minutes later. It had been too intense and I shivered all over as if my nerves were full of glitches. But I was still horny and wanted more from my son, just not yet. I also had to pay some attention to my daughter, I didn't want to become the kind of mom who had favorites.
Feeling creative, I duct taped my son's body to mine. My front to his back so I could hold his cock as if it was my own. I stuck a long double ended dildo up my twat and into his ass. It filled me snuggly and I hoped he wouldn't be in too much pain when he woke up.
The room next to his was Dana's. I entered silently but then stumbled over some clothes and dropped the tools I had brought on the floor. At eleven, she was already showing signs of puberty and her room was a mess. Clothes were everywhere and on her desk next to her bed was an old science project. For a moment she opened her eyes before I injected the drug and she fell asleep again.
“I'm so sorry, darling,” I said with a sigh of relief and started undressing her. To my surprise she wore stockings, garters, a thong and matching bra. A secret gift from my sister, I was sure. I turned the lights on and searched her body for signs of sexual abuse but if Amanda had taken her, she had been gentle.
Still shivering slightly, I drew down her thong and bared her little cunt. A light fuzz covered her pelvic bone but it had not yet reached down between her legs. Spreading her lips, I gently kissed her clit and let my tongue run over the little nub. I continued down to her vagina and found it completely different from moms. I explored her opening and found that she had her hymen left. I'd never had one myself— mom had probably taken it before I could remember—and I found it very exciting.
I reached for lube that I had brought and soaked her unprepared cunt. Then I added some more to the dildo connecting me and my son so it could slide slightly as I fucked my daughter. I jacked my son a few more times and then pressed his cock against her pussy. She spread beautifully, like a rose, and then some more as I pushed through her hymen.
As if his cock was my own, I jerked with pleasure and drove it balls deep into my little girl. Her lips were wide apart with her clit standing out between them. I reached under and jerked the dildo in and out of me, imagining what my daughter must feel while keeping my eyes fixed on their joined sexes.
“My babies,” I gasped as my orgasm hit me. “You are so beautiful,” I croaked, holding my eyes on her stuffed cunt until I collapsed on top of them. My hips were moving on their own, humping my children.
My second orgasm was as intense as the first and my senses left me for a few moments. Aftershocks sent waves of pleasures through me and even though my children weren't aware, I hoped they somehow shared my pleasure at least a little. His cock was still hard inside her and I couldn't imagine that feeling anything but wonderful.
I realized I was falling asleep and decided I'd had enough for one night. Looking down in between them, I gently started pulling my son's cock out only to find that she held him like a vice. I pulled harder but Dana was dragged along. Something was wrong, it just wasn't possible that my daughter's pussy was that strong. She hadn't been extremely tight either. Max's cock had slid in without much pressure.
A bottle of super glue lay discarded in bed and with horror I saw my bottle of lube on the floor. “This can't be happening.” I tried pulling my children apart again but they were stuck. Then I tried pulling my dildo out but it was stuck as well.
Something told me that even at the ER, they had never dealt with anything like this. Besides, I couldn't go there without losing both my kids and earning a very long jail sentence. Killing myself was a better option, or maybe even asking mom for help.
“Mom,” I whispered as I opened the door to her room, struggling under the weight of both my children. I couldn't wait for an answer and stumbled inside.
“Honey?” mom asked, her voice thick with sleep as I practically fell into her bed. Mom turned on the light and I started crying as she stared at us.
“I thought it was lube, mom. But I was so excited, I never checked the bottle. I just poured it on and it was super glue that she'd used for her school project.”
Mom ran her hands through her hair. “What happened to the kids?”
“I put them under. I just had to be with them, I'm so sorry. I don't have any more either...they'll probably wake up within an hour.”
“I'm very happy you finally gave in,” mom said and kissed me. She opened her mouth and pushed her tongue inside my mouth. I was old and confident enough to refuse her now but I needed her help. “It's a shame they aren't awake though. It must have been wonderful.”
I sniffed and mom licked away some of my tears. “I haven't cummed so hard since I was girl and you forced me.”
Mom's hand traveled down my body, feeling my breasts on their way. Her fingers found my clit and despite the situation, I knew she could make me cum as many times she wanted. I didn't mind at all but then I noticed her other hand was doing the same thing to Dana.
“She's excited,” mom said with a smile. “her little clit is craving a mother's touch.”
“She can't help it mom,” I said and had to let out a moan as mom pinched me. “It's just a bodily reaction. She has a cock in her after all.”
“If she had been awake, she would have cum a long time ago. Her body really needs to but I'm not sure she can while asleep unless she has the right kind of dreams.”
Dana's breathing grew labored along with mine but then mom stopped. She moved around and straddled my daughter's head, holding my sons head against her naked breasts. I tried to tell her to stop but I couldn't find the right words and I probably would have done the same thing in her position.
Mom's hand returned to my clit as she started grinding herself against Dana's face. “She's such a sweet little child,” mom gasped and sat down, covering Dana's airways. I always hated when she did that to me.
“Don't mom,” I said sharply and tried to push her away but she tweaked my clit and my hips buckled. “Damn you,” I gasped and lost control of my body as orgasm claimed me.
Underneath, my daughter started struggling for breath. Despite the drug, she started tossing her limps around. “God,” mom croaked, joining me in orgasm. “She's so precious.”
Mom lifted slightly and kept cumming as the girl drew desperate breaths against mom's cunt. Despite myself, it got my pussy wetter than it ever had been before. The dildo plugging me shut didn't help and I started feeling an uncomfortable pressure inside.
Amanda suddenly swung the door open and glared at me. I've witnessed plenty of sibling rivalry between my kids but I had never experienced it between me and Amanda. We were just too far apart but now I knew she hated me for having mom's all attention.
“Why didn't anyone wake me?” Amanda demanded to know. “You all know I wanted to do this with everyone.”
“Come here, my little cunt,” mom said and Amanda took off her nightgown before joining mom in bed. Despite her seeming boldness, she was shy without her clothes and hid her body behind mom's.
“I've never been with anyone but mom,” Amanda admitted grudgingly. “And I've never had cock...why are they sleeping?”
Mom explained and Amanda couldn't help giggling at my predicament. “Doesn't it hurt though?”
“It does,” I said and Amanda climbed behind me to get a closer look. She rand her hand over my butt and traced my labia with a finger. It was very awkward, especially as she felt my children as well. Then I felt her tongue against my pussy, sliding around the didlo where it entered me. “I don't think you should do that. The glue is probably not very healthy.”
“Don't you use the same stuff to close wounds?” Amanda asked and kept licking. “It's fine as long as you don't inhale it.”
Mom joined her behind me but tended to Dana's cunt and Max's cock instead.
“I'm really wet right now,” I admitted, blushing badly. “And it's got no where to go but in. So....”
“Your womb can take a child, honey,” mom said and continued. But Amanda stopped and started tugging gently at the dildo. “You have to taste her, Amanda. She still tastes like a little girl.”
Amanda got her head between her and Max and started working on her clit. I couldn't do anything but watch. Despite my aching womb, mom's fingers was like a blessing. I was horny enough to need relief no matter in what form it came.
“Is she gonna cum?” Amanda asked and quickly returned to licking my twat from behind. “Wish it wasn't stuck, I really wanna feel her clamping down.” She gave an annoyed yank at the dildo and winced in pain as something inside me tore. But I was already too far gone and the initial pain quickly turned into a deep, pleasurable throbbing.
Amanda tore at the dildo again just as I started cumming and it came lose along with a big wave of juice.
“Oh god, mom,” Amanda cried, her face drenched. “Oh my fucking god. Look at her cum.” She used two fingers from each hand to hold my pussy wide open. The cold air suddenly rushing in almost made me pass out. “Her cervix is bouncing up and down like mad. Bet she'd drain a cock of seed in seconds. When this is over, I wanna see Max do it in her.”
“I'm not going to rape my kids,” I managed to say as my orgasm slowly subsided.
“We'll just drug you,” Amanda said with a giggle and finally let my pussy close. “I'm sure I can get Max to rape you if you won't do it with him willingly.”
Gingerly, I moved aside and lay down on my back, panting heavily.
“Rape!” Amanda giggled and quickly stuck two fingerer inside me, causing a violent orgasmic aftershock. I was defeated and let her do as she wished with my cunt. She worked more fingers inside me until I had to spread my legs wide to avoid stretching pain.
“You've grown so much since I last saw you like this,” mom said as Amanda worked her whole hand inside me. “I never got more than three fingers into you.”
“I was just Amanda's age.”
“I can take mom's hand,” Amanda said proudly. “It's because I relax. I don't tighten up like you.”
With a bit of wriggling, mom got the other end of the dildo out of Max just as Dana started stirring.
“Ouch!” Amanda said as I involuntarily clamped down. “You should wear a sign saying, 'Caution. May break fingers if fisted'.'”
I couldn't imagine any worse way of waking up than finding your brother's cock glued inside you but Dana just looked around, surprised. It probably helped that both Amanda and mom smiled reassuringly at her, for which I'm eternally grateful.
For a few moments, as the circumstances were explained, I failed to be a mother. If she hated me, I didn't want to make things worse by trying to comfort me.
“Well, I do understand somethings,” Dana said. “Amanda told me about how she loves granny when we last visited.”
“And we watched porn all afternoon,” Amanda admitted. “I was trying to seduce them while you went shopping.”
Then Max came around and everything was explained again. Explaining it to him was worse because he and Dana was having sex after all. They reacted to each other like lovers. At first they tried to ignore what they felt when the other moved but then it became impossible.
Max did his best to hide that he was approaching climax and Amanda teased him by sitting right next to him, with her legs wide apart. Whatever shyness she had felt at first was all gone, or at least overcome with lust.
“I don't feel very well,” Dana said as she too was getting close.
“I'll make it better,” mom said and started rubbing Dana's clit.
“That's making it a whole lot worse,” Dana gasped and she must have squeezed Max because he twitched.
“Trust me, sweetheart,“ mom said and gestured for me to come closer.
I couldn't move. All I could do was watch my children. But Amanda dragged me over and somehow I ended up opposite Max with my pussy in Dana's face. Amanda pushed me down until my pussy was firmly pressed against Dana's mouth.
“It's worse,” Dana croaked into my cunt and her abs started clenching. “Really worse.”
Max couldn't keep himself upright anymore and leaned forwards towards me. I held him against my breasts, my nipples standing out rock hard. His eyes traveled over them and up to my face.
“Mom,” he whispered, “I can't wait for the glue any longer.”
“It's alright, Max, go ahead,” I replied and couldn't prevent grinding myself in my daughter's face just as mom had in mine. “Cum in your sister. I'm...I'm.... Oh god, I'm cumming in her face.”
Max lost it as well and started humping involuntary, shaking Dana's hole body since he couldn't slide in her at all. Dana cried out under me, the sound muffled by my wet cunt. I couldn't stay upright either and had to lean against Max in the same way he leaned on me.
My body was through. All my muscles ached but I managed to sit upright on my own. As I did, Dana drew a desperate breath. I had suffocated her by mistake and fell back, fearing I had hurt her badly. She groaned but it wasn't in pain. Her abs were clenching rhythmically and mom was swiftly rubbing her clit.
I stared at my cumming daughter and was hardly aware of Amanda starting to finger me again with one hand. Her other hand she stroked my cheek with and slid a couple of sticky fingers into my mouth.
“Not so bad, is it?” Amanda asked and I knew I was tasting her juices. “I want you to lick me so badly.”
I let her push me down to her twat and I started licking her just as she wanted me to, knowing both my children were watching. Amanda came quickly and squirted hard in my face.
“Can I have Dana too?” Amanda asked after kissing me deeply and tasting herself on my lips. “Both you and mom have ridden her already.”
“Go ahead,” I said wearily, not even asking Dana if she was alright with it.
“I think he's coming lose,” mom said and I went to help her pull Max's cock out.
Max was hard and didn't bother hiding how good it felt inside his sister. Mom was seriously trying to get him lose but I was beaten and instead started licking the shaft of his cock and my daughters pussy. Mom was right about her, she didn't taste like her or Amanda but I couldn't say I preferred the taste of girl cunt. I just liked hers best because she was my daughter.
When Max finally came lose, I pressed my lips around Dana's vagina and drank their mingled juices. I noticed something was wrong when I started licking the last few drops away. And when I pulled away, I saw her cervix poking out of her opening. It was partly opened and oozed love juices.
“She's prolapsed,” I said, remembering something about the condition from a text book.
Mom had her mouth full of Max's cock but let go to get a closer look. Jealously, I took his cock in my mouth instead. Mom didn't care and simply started licking Dana's cervix instead.
“You wanna fuck her more, don't you?” I asked and Max nodded.
My intention was to poke her cervix back inside but mom pressed a firm hand down on Dana's stomach to prevent her womb from returning to its original position. “Do it in her womb,” she said. “Make him cum inside.”
I got up behind Max and held his dick for him, just as I had done when I first made him fuck his sister. Dana didn't even have a say, her face was buried in Amanda's cunt. Amanda on the other hand, liked the idea and watched with gleaming eyes as I put the tip of Max's cock against Dana's cervix and pushed.
Her cervix wasn't meant for stretching but it had already opened a little and Max's cock wasn't fully grown. Still, I had to push hard before the cervix widened and Max slowly slid inside. Her stretched flesh turned a deep red and I knew it had to be hurting badly but there was no blood at least and whatever protests she might have had were lost in Amanda's cunt.
Mom reached around Max and started masturbating me again. I let go of Max but he continued fucking his sister's womb on his own and returned the favor to mom. I'd never used my fingers on her before and she was delighted. What both excited us the most, however, was watching my children fuck. I used my other hand to touch my daughter and mom used hers to fondle Max's balls.
“It's totally different,” Max said. “The opening is so tight but inside it's just wet.”
“Cum in her,” I told him. “I'll make her cum for you too.”
Gently, I coaxed my daughter to the brink and held her there. I'd never realized it before, but I had learned a lot from mom and while Dana was much younger, her cunt worked the same as hers and mine.
Mom pulled Max's dick out and sucked him hard before slamming it back inside Dana's womb. It brought him over the edge and seeing him cum inside her brought me along with him. Amanda reached down and sucked Dana's clit, making her cum as well.
This time, I really fainted and woke several minutes later on my back. “Told you we'd rape you,” Amanda said and I realized my son was fucking me.
“He can't cum in me,” I protested weakly but only Amanda heard and she just found it exciting. “But I'll get pregnant...with my own son's baby.”
“Are you sure, granny?” Dana asked as mom made her straddle my face like I had hears.
When Max started cumming in me a little later, my body completely cramped as I came yet again. It was just as painful as wonderful.
“Bet it's sucking it up really hard,” Amanda said as she felt my abdomen. “It really wants to get you pregnant. It's cruel in a way, isn't it? This is against your will after all.”

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-01-31 17:15:10
LjNnvT Im grateful for the article.Really thank you! Keep writing.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-11-18 03:54:30
gVLdP4 Really appreciate you sharing this blog.Much thanks again. Cool.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-24 00:51:02
6l0H0I Enjoyed every bit of your article post.Much thanks again. Awesome.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-03-21 19:19:41
I loved the story write a another chapter pleases the super glue I thought was funny

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-07-11 13:37:59
Awesome story. Please write another chapter

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