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Granddad gets young pussy surprise
JackassTales…Tale # 40… Readers; here is another tantalizing taboo tale of a forbidden incestuous relationship. If incest or teen girl/older man sex bothers you then try another story. Sorry, but I became so wrapped up in my character’s sexual adventures that I made this tale a bit longer than I intended to.

Pappy’s Wet-Pussied Granddaughter

Normally a very heavy sleeper in the mornings, Bethany awakened to the sound of a familiar voice speaking. While the voice had a tone of familiarity, the words which were spoken did not. As a matter of fact, she had never heard her grandparents speak so intimately before.

“Quit it, Sam!” Bethany heard Grammy exclaim from the bedroom across the hall. “You’re a randy old goat who just wants some early morning pussy!”

Not to be put off so easily, Pappy reached for his woman again. “Oh come on now, Honey,” Pappy insisted. “Woman, you used to give me all the early morning pussy I could handle. Pretty Baby, I just want a little taste, a little suck, and a little cock-dipping fuck in a pussy!”

“Oh, don’t you try your sweet-talking tricks on me, old man!” Grammy responded. “And mister, it’s been a long damn time since I was a pretty woman! Mother Nature’s ravages have dried my pussy up and made it practically useless for carnal desires. As much as I hate to admit it, I’ve come to the point where I don’t even want to have sex anymore!”

Dejected, Pappy gave up. “Now ain’t that a damn shame!” he loudly exclaimed. “Hell Honey, what’s a horny old fella supposed to do if can’t get a piece of sweet pussy in the morning?”

“Lower your voice, Dear,” Grammy instructed. “There is a 16-year-old girl sleeping across the hall and you don’t want to awaken her with all your dirty talk! If she thinks her grandfather is an old pervert, she might not want to spend the weekend with us again! But, to answer your question, I suppose you will just have to beat your meat!”

Disappointed, Pappy brooded. “Missy Prissy, you weren’t so damn concerned with who heard us when you were 16 years in age yourself!” he reminded her. “You often beat my meat for me for me or spread your legs and let me eat or fuck your wet young pussy!”

“Well, that was then and this is now!” Grammy asserted. “Those days have come and gone. If worse comes to worse, I guess you’ll have to find yourself another wet-pussied woman to play with! I’m getting up to fix breakfast. You get up and go check on Bethany. Wake her up soon and tell her to come and eat.”

Across the hall, Bethany was giggling into her pillow. Poor old Pappy sure was trying his best to get himself some pussy but her Grammy just wasn’t helping him out at all. This teen girl felt a little sorry for the unfortunate, horny old fella.

Speaking of horny, Bethany reached into her panties and found that her grandparents’ sex talk had actually turned her on. Her hot young virginal pussy was drippy wet. Smiling at herself, she shyly admitted that Pappy might not be the only member of this family who would have to begin this day with some self-administered masturbation.

Hearing a quiet knock at her door, Bethany jerked her hand out of her panties, turned onto her belly, and pretended she was asleep. She didn’t want Pappy to be embarrassed by knowing she had overheard his unsuccessful pussy-seeking conversation with Grammy.

Pappy stood at his granddaughter’s bedroom doorway watching the innocent child sleeping. Morning sunlight beaming through tall windows vividly illuminated the girl’s peacefully slumbering feminine form.

The girl was lying on her belly. Her bedcovers were thrown aside revealing an abundance of unmistakably matured female shapes. Thin, white-cotton panties stretched tightly over her shapely ass. The panties fit so tightly that the entire crack of her ass made a deep crease down its length. Her sleeveless, pink camisole top was pulled up enough to show a wide expanse of the soft, summer-tanned skin of her back.

This young lady’s body had changed a lot in just the past few years. Puberty had turned her gangly, immature female features into shapes resembling those of a woman. At about 5’ 2” in standing height and nearly 100 pounds in weight, this girl looked like one hot package of femininity!

Bethany stirred on the bed and Pappy started to turn away. But, after a second or two, the girl settled back down in slumber. Her grandfather certainly had no intention of disturbing her just yet. As a growing girl, she needed her rest. Hell, Grammy could holdup on her breakfast for a little bit longer!

Yes, little Bethany was growing up nicely! Unconsciously, Pappy took a step into her bedroom. He looked at her luscious, free-flowing hair. Curly locks draped the girl’s shoulders and ran down her back. The color was somewhere between a radiant red and a brilliant blonde. The girl’s grandfather didn’t know about the technicalities of hair color, but he guessed the name for Bethany’s curls might be strawberry blonde.
Morning sunlight caused her luminous tresses to shimmer and shine.

Bethany wasn’t a skinny girl by any means, yet she certainly wasn’t fat. Her legs weren’t thin and long, yet they stretched out with a seductively enticing allure. Not only were the legs stretched out, they were spread open. Pappy’s eyes were drawn back irresistibly to her panties. He took another step closer. There between her legs a protruding mound of flesh hung below her and pushed at the thin fabric.

Oh damn, Pappy was straining to get a look at his granddaughter’s pussy! He knew he had to turn away. He wasn’t a ‘dirty-old-man’. Besides, even though he was retired, he had better things to do than to stand around drooling over a piece of jailbait, incestuous ass!

Before turning away, Pappy gave in to an irresistible impulse. He leaned over and quickly kissed the exposed skin of the girl’s back. He then kissed her pretty, panty-covered ass. At this time, this man remembered an interesting fact about this granddaughter of his. According to her mother and grandmother, Bethany was notoriously difficult to awaken in the mornings!

Emboldened by this invaluable knowledge, Pappy decided to play with this unsuspecting girl for just a minute or two more. He was determined that he would do nothing which might be considered unforgivably wrong! This way, there would be no harm, so there would be no foul!

Where to start was the first order of business. The enticing waistband of the girl’s panties gave an answer. Hooking a finger in the stretchy band, Pappy pulled until he had several inches of ass crack exposed. Oh glory, the tender young flesh was erotically stimulating!

Pappy leaned over and kissed the point where the girl’s crack met the skin of her back. Irresistibly, he kissed this seductive place repeatedly. Without his mind’s permission, his tongue darted out of his mouth and touched the spot he had kissed. The naughty, mind-of-its-own tongue began tracing the pathway made by the ass crack. Before this man knew what was happening, his licky tongue was tenderly tickling a female asshole!

Bethany was astounded beyond belief! Surely Pappy thought she was asleep, but even so, why was he tempting fate by going so far? Of course, she already knew the answer. In fact, it was really simple. He was horny as hell just like she was! Besides, hadn’t Grammy told him to find himself a wet-pussied woman to play with? This girl knew her grandfather didn’t think she was a fully-grown woman, but she certainly filled the bill as being wet-pussied!

With her wet pussy soaking her panties, Bethany wondered what Pappy would do next. She didn’t really care as long as he didn’t stop! No man or boy or any girl but herself had ever touched her virginal flesh in a sexual manner. She knew it was suppose to feel good and her grandfather was definitely proving this to be true!

Pappy knew he’d already gone too far. Hell, granddads are not supposed to kiss their granddaughters’ asses! And damnit, they’re not supposed to lick their ass cracks either! But, what’s a horny old man to do when confronted with the sexiest young female body his wicked old soul had seen in years!

Deciding to stop his wicked sinfulness, Pappy suddenly released his hold on the waistband of the young lady’s panties. The super-stretchy fabric snapped against Bethany’s behind. Surprisingly, the girl didn’t awaken. She didn’t even flinch.

While the snapping waistband didn’t seem to awaken the sleeping girl, it did produce an unexpected result. Pappy’s granddaughter stirred, stretched her arms, and flipped over onto her back. The randy old goat of a granddad stared in mesmerized fascination at the front-side sight of the scantily-clad, sleepwear wearing girl.

Pappy’s wandering eyes studied the form of the undeniably enticing girl. Bethany’s camisole top was made of such sheer fabric that the shapes of her braless young breasts were nearly fully exposed. While not as fully developed as an older woman’s, the teenaged titties were nevertheless incredibly sexy mounds big enough to draw and hold a man’s attention.
Nubile nipples stretched the flimsy camisole material to the point of nearly poking themselves through the garment.

Giving in to temptation again, Pappy lifted the feathery hem of the girl’s sleepwear top. Pulling upwards slowly inch by inch, he stopped only when a peek of the bountiful boobs were exposed to his eyes. “Oh goddamn, they are beautiful beyond belief!” he exclaimed out loud. “Do I dare give in and kiss those babies like I kissed her ass?”

Bethany’s female mind thrilled with joy. She had arrived at womanhood at last! The thought that her maturing young body could excite such lust in a sexually experienced man thrilled her to the very core of her femininity. Keeping up her pretense of sleep, she yawned then raised her arms high over her head in the bed.

Pappy’s eyes were glued to his granddaughter’s breasts. When she raised her arms, the girl’s camisole top pulled up and out popped both of her babydoll boobs! The girl had not stirred when his tongue had licked the crack of her ass, so would she awaken if he dared to kiss and lick the seductive valley between her tits?

Allowing temptation to overpower his better senses, Pappy’s tongue licked at the luscious tit-valley flesh. The tasty skin was warm and inviting. So inviting was the breast flesh that this horny old man couldn’t resist kissing the swelling feminine mounds themselves!

Trying his best to not awaken the innocent sleeping child, Pappy’s kissy-licky mouth gently explored the sweet, delectable mounds. His exploring tongue did something he had absolutely no intention of doing. He accidentally licked one of the protruding young nipples!

Before this sexually stimulated man could control the impulse to deny his lust, he closed his mouth over one of the beguiling teen nipples. Oh how unbelievably sweet the feminine nub was! Sucking more vigorously than he intended to, he felt the slumbering girl’s nipple stiffen. Transferring his attention to the other tit, Pappy sucked on its nipple too. Just as its twin had done, it grew erect and swollen.

Bethany was nearly shouting from the astonishing pleasure she was feeling. This girl had often wondered what a tit-sucking would feel like. Now she knew that it was one of the greatest sensations she’d ever had in her 16 years of living! She hoped Pappy would never stop sucking her boobs!

Pappy’s next move dashed his granddaughter’s hopes. He did indeed stop sucking. Not wanting to push his luck too far, he reluctantly released the tantalizing teen tits from his mouth. Damn, he didn’t want the sexy young lady to awaken in mid-suck and scream her lungs out!

Hell, Grammy would string him up by his child-molesting balls if she were to catch him taking such sexual liberties with her virginal granddaughter! The woman would have no regrets in snuffing the life out of him and sending his old girl-sucking soul down to the fires of Hades!

With a renewed determination in his head, Pappy stopping touching the girl, stood, and took a step away from her bed. Damnit, he would never touch this bewitching female’s sexy young body again! He would not! Never again would he!

Alas, Pappy’s plans for granddaughterly abstinence were suddenly put to the ultimate test by an unexpectedly seductive movement made by the sleeping girl lying on the bed.

Sensing that her grandfather was having second thoughts about whether or not to continue playing with her, Bethany racked her brain to find a way to get his attention back. Inspiration came to her. Giving what she thought was a very convincing fake yawn, the girl stretched her legs and arms wide and lifted her ass off the bed. The bulge of her wet panties rose up in a provocative invitation.

Pappy’s determined resolve fled away as quickly as a yellowbellied coward would flee from a fight. As soon as Bethany’s ass settled back down on the mattress, this man took a step back to the bed. Remembering his dried up wife’s advice for him to find himself a wet-pussied female to play with, his hand reached out and cupped the bulging mound pushing on his granddaughter’s tight panties.

Falling to his knees beside the girl’s bed, Pappy threw caution to the wind. Hooking a finger in Bethany’s waistband, he stretched the fabric until he saw a curly snatch of thin, strawberry blonde pubic hair. Not content to see only hair, this horny old man did what he would have considered ‘unthinkable’ only a few minutes ago. He grabbed the sleeping girl’s panties with both hands and pulled them down over her hips.

The old saying, in for a penny in for a pound, ran through Pappy’s mind as he continued pulling the panties down over the girl’s legs and past her feet. The man then reached up and removed Bethany’s flimsy camisole top.

Another old saying came to Pappy’s mind; seeing is believing. Although he had stripped every article of clothing from his granddaughter’s body, this man couldn’t really believe the unbelievable beauty of the nude girl lying before him! Be it hell or jail he might be facing, he just had to have a taste of the girl’s curl-framed, pettier-than-any-picture pussy!

Twisting Bethany around so her legs hung over the edge of the mattress, Pappy now committed the unforgivable crime he had been afraid he might do. He began eating his granddaughter’s pussy!

Bethany’s entire body was burning with a lust she never thought a girl could have. Her grandfather had spread her swollen outer pussy lips open and his mouth had gone in directly for the ‘good stuff’. At this very moment he was kissing, licking, and chewing on her clit!

This virginal teen wanted to scream with ecstatic joy! Afraid she would shatter her early morning fun by allowing her grandfather to know she was awake, she stifled her barely-contained sighs and moans of pleasure. The man eating her pussy was making her female body tingle excitedly. One feminine part in particular quivered in anticipation of orgasmic bliss.

After sucking her clit for awhile, Bethany felt her grandfather’s exploring tongue spread the delicate wings of her inner pussy lips and lick her unbroken hymen. The man’s tongue poked and prodded as if he were testing the virginal barrier’s resilient strength. The firm vaginal protector didn’t break but it was allowing an abundance of moisture to make it sopping wet. Oh god, if this sex-hungry man wanted a wet-pussied young woman to eat then he had come to the right damn place!

Pappy lips lapped up his granddaughter’s vaginal moisture. He inhaled the sweet, musky scent of her sex-smelling cunt. Paraphrasing a line from one of his favorite movies, ‘Apocalypse Now’, this man huskily whispered, “God, I love the smell of young pussy in the mornings!”

Pappy’s mesmerized eyes gloried in the sight of this girl’s incredibly stimulating hot-hot pink inner pussy lips and vaginal opening. God forgive his wicked soul, but he wanted his cock inside that beautiful, tight young cunt!

Well hell, that’s certainly one thing that would never ever happen! If the unholy Devil himself told him to fuck his granddaughter’s pussy then this old man would spit in the demon’s face and tell him “NO”!

Damnit to hell, he was already sinning too much just by eating this girl’s sweet pussy! This wickedness must stop and it must stop right now! “Wait a minute,’ Pappy silently wondered. “What is that tickling my scalp? That’s not Bethany’s fingers running through my hair, is it?”

Yes indeed, it was! Bethany’s female instincts had told her that her grandfather was about to stop eating her pussy. Good god, he must not stop! The girl reached out and entwined her fingers through the pussysucking man’s salt & pepper colored hair. She held his head tightly against her vaginal mound. “Pappy, please don’t stop!” she begged. “Please eat me until I cum! If you do, I’ll eat you and make you cum, too! Okay?”

The world came crashing down upon Pappy’s shoulders. Oh shit, just as he’d feared, he had awakened the hard-to-awaken girl! Oh god, he should never have pushed his luck this far! Damn, now there would be hell to pay for his wicked lusts!

But, wait! Had that nude girl he was playing with actually begged him to continue eating her pussy! Pappy’s ears were old, but they weren’t that old! Yes, that’s exactly what she said! Wasn’t it?

When Bethany’s hands again smothered his head into her pubic mound, Pappy had his answer. Without any hesitancy at all, he began eating his granddaughter’s sweet pussy again. Now that he didn’t have to be gentle so he wouldn’t disturb her sleep, he ate her entire vaginal mound with the ravishing hunger of the pussy-starved man he was.

Pappy’s pussy-wet mouth kissed every inch of Bethany’s vaginal mound. His lips greedily sucked and chewed on her clit. His tongue made rapid, lickety licks touching all the feminine flesh he could reach.

Pussy-crazy, Pappy became and happily so he was! Now that he had started with this young lady, how could he ever stop! He ate on. This man’s face was a wet, sticky mess made even more so by the spray of vaginal cum coating his face.

Bethany’s orgasms began. She’d had masturbatory orgasms aplenty, but oh god, she had never cum this intensely in all of her years of masturbation play! This young woman never knew that a man’s mouth could produce such exquisite sexual pleasure!

Pappy’s tongue poked his granddaughter’s tender hymen so hard she was afraid he might burst it. His flicking, licking, prodding tongue spurred another round of multiple orgasms. The rest of her hot vaginal cum sprayed the pussysucking man’s face. Contented beyond belief, this girl covered her mouth with her hands and screamed joyously.

With experience as his guide, Pappy knew when an orgasming woman had cum all she could. Bethany had now reached that point so her grandfather stopped eating her pussy. In the back of his mind, this man was recalling his granddaughter’s pledge to make him cum, too, but he wondered it she really did mean to do it.

Jumping up from the floor, Pappy stood and allowed a reluctant thought to enter his mind. Perhaps he should just turn away, go to the bathroom, and beat his meat like Grammy had told him to do. The naked girl on the bed probably had absolutely no intentions of making him cum anyway! Hell, the innocent child probably wouldn’t know what to do with a man’s cock if she had one staring her in the face!

Bethany immediately began proving her grandfather’s assumptions to be incorrect. The sexually adventurous girl sat up on the edge of her bed, reached her hands out, and unbuttoned his pajama top. She pushed the garment over his shoulders and allowed it to drop to the floor. Hooking her thumbs into the waistbands of the man’s pajama bottoms and briefs, she established a firm grip, and stripped the cock-covering pieces of clothing completely off his body.

Pappy’s mind was staggered by the girl’s brazen boldness. He now stood before his teen granddaughter completely nude! While he was not exactly an ‘old’ old man, his masculine body had lost some of its youthful virile features. This was a man who was proud of the fact that he didn’t have a ‘beer-gut’ and that his mature-aged body was still relatively hard-muscled and strong. Yet, as a younger man, his cock had always pointed directly up towards the sky when he was sexually aroused. Time and gravity had now taken its toll. His hard, horny flag of an erection now hung lower. The fact of the matter was, his remarkably big and meaty penile rod pointed straight as an arrow toward his granddaughter’s face!

Bethany was surprisingly elated. She had expected to find a puny, shriveled penis sticking out from between her grandfather’s legs. Instead, she was thrilled to find an erection which was amazingly stiff, long, and swollen. The gorgeous, big cock was framed by a thick bush of pubic curls which matched the attractive salt & pepper color of the hair on this man’s head.

Not one to pass up an opportunity to get what she wanted, Bethany grabbed Pappy’s cock with both hands. Her feminine hands were soft and petite. Her fingers were relatively short, consequently, her fingertips barely touched as they encircled the man’s meaty, muscular shaft.

Bethany took in a deep breath and expelled it in words spoken lustily, “Oh Pappy, I was hoping your cock would be beautiful, and it is! It’s more magnificent than I expected it to be! I love it, I love it, oh yes, I do!”

To prove the validity of her statement, the girl started fondling and kissing the object of her desires. With tongue-moistened lips she rained wet kisses up and down the entire length of her grandfather’s engorged shaft. Hot blood raced through the pulsating blue veins throbbing just below the surface skin of his stimulated cock.

Hot-damn, the girl was driving Pappy crazy! Just what were the child’s intentions and what was she planning to do next? The answer was not long in coming. Her slippery-wet lips closed over the head of her grandfather’s cock. Her tongue darted into the slit of his pee hole. Her saliva ducts opened and she drenched the throbbing bald head of his manhood. Her exploring tongue made slow, lazy circles around and around.

Pappy’s hands reached for his granddaughter’s head. His fingers grabbed hands-full of long, curly, strawberry blonde hair. His guilty mind argued in a fierce debate; should he pull her closer, or push her away? What the hell was a grandfather supposed to do in a situation like this? He had no answer, so he just hung on for the thrilling ride!

Bethany, Pappy’s sweet girl-woman granddaughter, turned on a vacuum and sucked half the length of his cock into her mouth. Her lubricated mouth bobbed up and down franticly. So frantic was she that the shaft repeatedly popped out. Each time it did, she grabbed it and sucked it back in.

Finally, good sense told Pappy to stop her from sucking. Hell, he couldn’t cum in her mouth! He tugged on her hair more firmly. Oh damn, the cocksucking girl wouldn’t stop! The girl’s grandfather took a firm grip on her hair and viciously pulled. Despite the discomfort he was inflicting, he had no luck.

Cock-crazed Bethany refused to release the meaty shaft from her mouth. The wanton, wild-eyed girl licked, chewed, and sucked more vigorously. “Honey, oh shit girl, you’ve got to stop!” Pappy said sternly. “Girl, you don’t want me to shoot my load into your mouth! Do you?”

Fiery lust shone in the cocksucking girl’s eyes. When she answered, her voice was laced with impetuous heat. “God yes, I do!” she heatedly replied. “That’s exactly what I want! Oh Pappy, I sprayed pussy cum all over your face and mouth, so think it’s only fair that you spray me with your cock cum! I want to eat your meat and drink your cream!”

Pappy’s head shook as he gazed in amazed wonder at the girl. His innocent little darling granddaughter was growing into fully-matured womanhood! Her teenage body craved carnal satisfaction. This grandfather didn’t know if he had the strength or the will to deny the girl’s desires. He was uncertain as to whether or not he could deny his own raging lusts.

At this moment, Pappy’s worried concerns became a moot point. Ready or not, here he cum! Bethany’s deep mouth rammed several inches of her grandfather’s cock down her throat. The hot, horny man’s elongated erection erupted and began spurting its milky load of orgasmic cream.

Bethany hadn’t really expected to find that her grandfather’s cock could deliver such an abundance of seminal fluids. While trying to avoid gagging, she swallowed as much as she could in great gulps. Still, she found it impossible to keep up with the sheer volume of the thick mixture of semen and sperm.

In defense of her ability to breathe, Bethany forced her cocksucking mouth off of the erection she loved eating so much. Holding the meaty masculine rod with both hands, she closed her eyes, and directed its pressurized eruption toward her face.

Pappy was astounded by his granddaughter’s unexpectedly wanton boldness! Unable to stop his orgasmic elation, he watched in wonder as his cumming erection sprayed Bethany’s eyelids, her cheeks, and her lips. When the girl caught her breath, she again plopped his cockhead back into her mouth and began gobbling his meat and cream.

As his orgasming cum freely flowed, Pappy’s subconscious mind considered a couple of facts about his granddaughter. A few minutes ago, his pussysucking mouth and probing tongue had discovered an unbroken hymen. Okay, so she was a virgin! But, judging by her extraordinary cock-eating skills, Pappy had a strong suspicion that this certainly wasn’t this girl’s first cocksucking rodeo!

From the kitchen down the hallway, Grammy’s loud call of “breakfast is ready” came to the ears of the sex-happy, sinfully-satisfied couple. Although forbidden fruit had been plucked and eaten, not one remorseful thought entered either sinner’s head. Each went to their own bathroom, cleaned cummy messes from their bodies, and headed for breakfast.

Grammy went ‘all out’ whenever her granddaughter visited for the weekend. The kitchen table was piled high with platters of bacon & eggs, stacks of pancakes, and bowls of assorted fruit. Having worked up a hearty appetite, Bethany and her grandfather ate hungrily.

“Bethany Anne, you look exceptionally pretty this morning,” Grammy announced. “You have a radiant flush on your cheeks and your face is glistening with beauty! Your Granddad and I are so happy to have you come and visit us! Hey, do you want to run out to the mall with me after breakfast?”

Without Grammy noticing it, Pappy winked at his granddaughter. This man had his own ideas about what put the flush on the girl’s cheeks. As for her glistening face, with all of his cum it had absorbed, perhaps this was the reason for its glow.

“Grammy, if you don’t mind,” Bethany answered her grandmother. “I know I never pass up a chance to go to the mall, but I’d just rather stay home and lazy around, if its alright. I think I might go back to bed or find something more enjoyable to do.”

As her grandmother rose from the kitchen table, turned away, and reached for her purse, Bethany opened the top of her white, terrycloth robe and quickly flashed her braless breasts at her grandfather.

“Oh, don’t worry about it, Baby,” Grammy turned back and said. “Maybe we’ll go out to the mall this afternoon after you’ve rested.”

Grammy went out, started her car, and drove away. Bethany watched from the kitchen window until the car was out of sight. Pappy sat at the table with a wondering thought running through his mind. “Just what in the hell does the mischievous young devil have on her mind now?” he silently asked himself.

Pappy didn’t have to wonder long. Bethany left the window and walked back to stand near her grandfather. Pulling her robe off her shoulders, she wiggled her arms out of it and allowed the garment to slip down to her belted waist. A pair of teen breasts burst into view.

In the luminous glare of the kitchen lights, Pappy again saw two of the finest titties his horny old eyes had ever seen. The perfectly-formed feminine orbs were marred only by the scratch marks made by his unshaven, stubble-covered, rooting and rutting tit-sucking face.

Bethany was a child who loved her pancakes with lots and lots of butter and syrup. As her grandfather’s mesmerized eyes watched her, she reached for the bottle of pancake syrup. With mischief twinkling in her eyes, she flipped the top off and squeezed a few globs of the thick liquid onto each of her nipples. “Hey, Pappy?” she teasingly asked. “Have you ever sucked on a ‘sugar tit’?”

“Goddamn Almighty!” Pappy huskily roared. Without elaborating on his answer, he pulled the girl between his legs, lifted her with his muscular arms, and sat her sexy young ass on the kitchen table before him. His hands reached to cup the two beautiful boobs which were now located at a perfect suck position.

Into his mouth, one molasses-covered nipple disappeared. Slurping noisily, Pappy’s tit-hungry lips greedily sucked. Sugary sweet indeed was the syrup-covered female nipple! Licking and lapping, this man’s tongue captured every drop of the sweet fluid he could. Eating merrily, he voraciously consumed every inch of the young tit flesh his mouth could hold.

With his face smeared with slippery stickiness, Pappy transferred his attention to the other enticing nipple. No boundaries had been set, so he attacked this bodacious boob with the same furious desire as he had its twin. One delicious, syrupy, nipple-topped tit was good, two was better!

Bethany couldn’t believe her unforgivable wantonness! What in god’s name was she thinking of when she wickedly poured syrup onto her breasts and then openly encouraged a man to taste them! Pappy is going to think that she is the most depraved girl who was ever born into this world!

Despite her self-condemnation, Bethany allowed her mind to approve of the wondrous joy of having a man’s mouth devour her tits. Oh glory, it was nice! She really hoped Pappy was having as good a time as she was. This girl now knew that her granddad was a man who really loved tits. And, he loved pussy, too!

In an effort to find some kind of justification for her behavior, Bethany’s womanly instinct silently screamed, “Hell, if this man can’t get tits and pussy from Grammy, then he can just get them from me!”

Devilment again swept over this girl’s mind. Wickedness it might be, but this young woman could not control her desires. While Pappy continued sucking her tender, young breasts, her involuntary hands loosened the belt to her robe and allowed it to fall off her body. She had no panties on so she sat before her grandfather nude and completely exposed.

Falling to her back on the kitchen table, Bethany’s tit pulled out of Pappy’s suckling mouth with an audible ‘pop’. The sinfully-naughty woman-child again reached for the pancake syrup bottle. Aiming carefully, she squeezed globs of sugary gooeyness onto her clit.

“I’ll trade you, Pappy, and I’ll give you a fair & square deal,” Bethany brazenly offered. “I’ll trade you my pussy’s ‘sugar clit’ for the ‘sugar tits’ I pulled out of your mouth! Deal…?”

Looking at his granddaughter’s twinkling, teasing eyes, Pappy held out his hand in a handshake gesture. “Sounds like a bargain to me,” he said. “But girl, just to make it official, we’d better shake on it.”

Giggling happily, Bethany shook her grandfather’s hand. She then sat straight up, threw her arms around the sweet man’s neck, and kissed his sticky, messy mouth. While she was up, she pulled the man’s pajama top off for the second time this morning. “Hey Mister,” she whispered. “While I’m lying back down, how about you go ahead and strip off your pajama bottoms, too? A man ought to be properly attired when he comes to a sugar clit-eating party!”

Pappy laughed heartily, kissed the mischievous teaser, and then followed her instructions. By the time he had his clothing stripped off his granddaughter had assumed the position for clit-eating. Having already sent his RSVP, this man dove in and began enjoying his after-breakfast treat.

Sugar tits are fine, fine things, oh yes they are, but Pappy was finding out that there is nothing in this world to beat the taste and texture of a hot, young, sugar clit! Bethany’s vaginal protrusion proudly swelled and glistened with syrupy liquid.

Pappy ate, he sucked, he kissed, he licked, and he gorged himself on this delectable delicacy. Smearing the molasses everywhere, he ate the sticky outer pussy lips. Digging through matted strawberry blonde pubic curls, he kissed every inch of the girl’s bulging pussy mound.

Spreading the delicate wings of Bethany’s inner pussy lips, Pappy’s exploring tongue played as deep as it dared without bursting the innocent child’s virginal hymen. The girl whimpered when he dug too deep but she moaned with pleasure too.

Pappy wasn’t a bit surprised when his granddaughter wrapped her legs around his body. She pulled, she wiggled and squirmed, and her impassioned moans and sighs intensified. Orgasmic fires were again beginning to burn.

“No Pappy!” Bethany suddenly wailed. “Please don’t make me cum just yet! I think I want to give my virginity to you. You’re so patient and understanding. You are a sweet man I love. Oh Pappy, will you be the first man to fuck me?”

Pappy stopped sucking the girl’s pussy. He had never had a problem hearing before, but he was now wondering if he heard the right words. Did his virginal granddaughter want him to fuck her? Did he dare even consider the depravity involved with such an unforgivable, forbidden act!

While Pappy was wondering and questioning himself, Bethany grabbed the pancake syrup bottle, sprang off the table, and landed in a kneeling position between her grandfather’s legs.

“But, Old Pappy of mine,” the girl lightheartedly teased. “There is something I’d like to do first. Mister, I’m just dying to know what a syrup-covered cocksicle would be like in my mouth. Molasses and cock are two of my most favorite things to eat. May I cover yours and eat it?”

Without awaiting an answer from the naked man, Bethany squeezed out a liberal amount of syrupy liquid and covered her grandfather’s cockhead and shaft. Taking Pappy’s cocksucking permission for granted, the wild young lady plopped the sweetened penile rod into her mouth.

With her mouth filled with swollen meat, Bethany was again delighted by the size and firmness of her grandfather’s extraordinary penis. “Too bad, Grammy,” she silently thought. “Your loss is my gain!”

Bobbing her head up and down, Bethany swallowed more and more of the slippery rod into her deep-throated mouth. She chewed, and licked, and sucked on the syrup & man flavored cocksicle treat. This girl quickly came to the conclusion that her grandfather’s cock, whether sugar-coated or not, was the most remarkably exciting thing she’d ever known!

Removing her mouth from the moaning man’s cockshaft, Bethany licked the entire length of its elongated, sugary, molasses-covered flesh. She bounced his swollen ball sack and fondled the fullness of its testicular marbles.

Pappy gloried in the magical wonder of the cocksucking girl’s oral ministrations. It had been too damn long since he’d had a day like this! His precious young granddaughter was restoring a sense of youthful vitality and virility to his woman-starved body.

When the young lady again captured his erection with her mouth and started sucking on it, Pappy decided he’d reached the point where he was about to cum. And damnit, he didn’t want to cum in the girl’s mouth again! No, he wanted his cock in a cunt when he cum!

“Hey Girl,” he groaned as he entwined his hands into Bethany’s strawberry blonde hair. “Didn’t somebody say something about wanted to get fucked?”

Bethany enthusiastically jumped to her feet. “It was me, Pappy,” she excitedly uttered. “I’m the ‘somebody’ who wants to get fucked! And Mister, the sooner it gets done, the better!”

Pappy’s strong hands grabbed the girl’s waist and again sat her pretty young ass upon the table. When he stood, he watched in fascinated awe as she screwed the cap off the pancake syrup bottle and emptied half of its remaining contents onto his cockhead. She lay back and poured the other half onto and into her pussy. This girl’s grandfather stood still rooted in place by the shocking events that were happening.

“Hey, Old Man, Old Pappy of mine,” Bethany teased. “Do you need me to draw your stiff-headed old pecker-stick a map to my pussy hole? Tell Mr. Penile Wizard to just head through the bush and follow the slippery slick road!”

Follow the slippery, syrupy-slick road was exactly what Pappy’s engorged penile penetrater did. This horny old man had been screwing pussies since long before this young lady had even been born! And, he didn’t need any advice on how to do it from any cockteasing tantalizer no matter how damn unbelievably sexy she was!

When Bethany raised her legs up and spread them wide, Pappy guided his swollen manhood through her bush of pubic curls and pushed through her puffy outer pussy lips. His rounded cockhead kissed the girl’s inner pussy lips with a hesitant, tender kiss.

With determination in his lustful loins, Pappy’s cockhead pushed forcefully against the young woman’s virginal barrier. He was going to shred this girl’s hymen to bits and all the King’s horses and all the King’s men would never be able to put it back together again! Whether his granddaughter was ready or not, he was going to fuck her sweet young pussy!

Whether her old granddaddy knew it or not, Bethany was more than ready to get her pussy fucked! The horny, hot young lady was so excitedly energized that she wrapped her legs around the standing man’s ass and forcibly jerked him towards her body.

Pappy’s syrup-lubricated cockhead pierced his granddaughter’s vaginal protector with one deep plunge. As the girl involuntarily wailed in pain, this pussy-starved man’s erection dove in and headed for the deepest recesses of the vaginal cavity it had entered.

Bethany’s squeezing legs instinctively loosened their viselike grip on her grandfather’s back. Just as she had hoped, the man pulled his cock out a little. Lusting wickedness demanded that her legs pull again and force the elongated vaginal intruder back into its feminine home.

Needing no further encouragement, Pappy fucked his young granddaughter with enthusiastic delight! For a while, he penetrated her pussy with a slow, gentle rhythmic tenderness. Bethany’s moaning whimpers intensified and her toes tickled the flesh of his back.

Frictional fires burned. A river of vaginal moisture added its lubricating fluids to the greasy slipperiness of the sugary pancake syrup. Bethany’s pink-painted toenails began digging into and viciously scratching the fucking man’s back.

In self defense, Pappy retaliated by pounding his meaty cock into the girl’s vaginal hole with quick jackhammer thrusts. This cherry-busted young woman’s pussy was unbelievably tight, yet as slick as his sugary cockshaft was, he slid it in and out effortlessly.

Bethany felt her cunt muscles tightened around the hard-pounding male erection. Every feminine sex nerve in her body tingled excitedly. Old he might be, but her grandfather sure knew what to do with that wondrous cock sticking out from between his legs! The fires of orgasmic bliss now threatened her sanity.

Welcoming the all-consuming euphoria of carnal release, Bethany started cumming. The joyful ecstasy of orgasms overwhelmed her young, no-longer-virginal, body. As Pappy’s unstoppable cock continued its relentless pussy-fucking adventures, her pussy started spraying the meaty flesh with vaginal cum.

Pappy’s erectile skin felt the soothing comfort of his granddaughter’s cum bathing its swollen fullness. His heart thrill with the knowledge of knowing that he still ‘had it’! Yes, he still had the virility to pleasure a hot young piece of feminine tail!

The orgasming girl’s hot, slippery female juices added the last bit of stimulation Pappy needed to cum himself. His masculine mind summoned forth seminal fluids and begged them to deposit themselves deep within the vaginal home where they belonged.

Giving in to instinctive commands, Pappy’s cock began releasing it seminal payload. At his advanced age, this man was incredibly thrilled that his testicle reservoir had replenished itself. He had cum in his granddaughter’s mouth earlier this morning, now he was shooting white-hot cum into her pussy!

Bethany’s tight, young cunt could hold no more. Her grandfather’s pussy-pounding, full-sized cock left no room for anything more. Feminine and masculine cum joined with pancake syrup and virginal blood then squirted out under pressurized force. Male and female loins became a slimy, cummy mess.

With his cumming cock still buried inside an orgasming pussy, Pappy’s hands slipped under his granddaughter’s ass, grabbed a secure asshold, and lifted the girl up off the kitchen table. Bethany’s upper body sat up and she threw her arms around her granddad’s neck. This girl then constricted her seductive legs tightly around her grandfather’s body.

Pappy bodily lifted the girl off the table. Feeling like a stud horse released to the breeding barn, he galloped out of the kitchen and ran through the house with a lively young filly riding bareback in his saddle.

The filly Bethany Anne’s pussy bounded up and down on stud Pappy Sam’s rigid cockshaft. With each step Pappy Sam took, Bethany Anne felt the erection hitting deep within her vaginal cavity and its opening into her young womb. Seminal swimmers searched for their ovarian soulmates.

“Dad, what the hell are you doing?” a feminine voice spoke from out of nowhere. “Didn’t either of you hear me knocking? It’s a good thing I had a key of my own or I’d still be standing out in the rain getting soaking wet!”

The old stud and the young filly froze in mid-bounce. Pappy’s ‘deer caught in the headlight’ eyes focused on those of his daughter, Annie. Bethany’s startled gaze glared at the figure of her mother. “It’s raining outside?” grandfather and granddaughter asked in unison.

Without answering, Bethany’s mother strode closer to the entwined couple. Her father had not yet released his hold on her daughter. “I want to check something out,” she said worriedly. When she was close enough, Annie reached out a hand, stuck it between the two forbidden fornicators, and fumbled around their slimy loins.

“Damnit Dad, it’s just as I expected!” Annie exclaimed. “You’re not wearing a condom! I swear I never knew a man who loves to dip his unsheathed cock into a young pussy as much as you do! In all the twenty years you’ve been fucking me, I don’t think you’ve ever offered to wear a rubber! If you’re not careful, you’ll get my daughter pregnant just like you did me!”

Pappy and Bethany both were shocked to the very core of their senses by this unexpected news. Pappy was only surprised by the pregnancy part. He’d been told that some horny teenager had gotten Annie pregnant. Of course he was fully aware of all the sweet pussy he’d gotten from his passionate, loving daughter during the past twenty years.

On the other hand, Bethany was taken aback by it all. “Mom, you’ve been screwing Pappy for years?” she curiously asked. “Isn’t he wonderful? Oh, so that’s why he’s always stopping by when I’m not home! Mommie Dearest, you’re going to have to share with me from now on!”

“But, Mom,” Bethany added inquisitively. “As far as I know, I have no brother or sister, so pray tell, just where is this incestuous love child Pappy fathered? Was it a boy or a girl?”

Annie took a deep breath and steeled her nerves before answering. “Bethany, sweetheart,” she answered. “If you plan on continuing to fuck your grandfather then you’d better know the truth. The child I love was a girl. As for where she is, at this moment she is sitting astride her father’s horny hard cock riding him through the house like a wanton wild-child jockey!”

Instead of recoiling in incredulous distress over the fact that she was fucking her father, Bethany’s decadent mind rejoiced. Ignoring the possibilities of impregnation, this young woman again bounced up and down on the cock still buried inside her pussy. Within seconds, she began cumming again. Squealing with orgasmic delight, she felt her father/grandfather’s squishy-squashy semen and sperm swirling around inside her vaginal womanhood.

Incredible it was, but Pappy was cumming again, too! His daughter/ granddaughter’s spasming vaginal muscles were keeping him hard and were milking his cock of every drop of seminal fluids he had. He hung on to the sweet girl’s well-developed ass and pitched her up and down on his stiffened, slippery, pussy-fucking manhood.

As merciful orgasms raced through his bone-hard cock, Pappy admitted the absolute truth about himself. He was a lecherous old leech who gloried in the forbidden debauchery of illicit, incestuous sex and love!

Holding the teen girl tightly in his muscular arms, Pappy once more galloped through the house. Grammy’s early morning words sang in his ears, “I guess you’ll have to find yourself another wet-pussied woman to play with!”

Well hell, a pussy couldn’t be any wetter than the sugary-wet one riding his cock right now! Oh yeah, he recalled. He would have to amend this statement. His daughter Annie’s pussy had been drippy, sopping wet when wrapped around his meaty erection every time they fucked!

Speaking of Annie, Pappy stopped galloping when he ended up in front of the mother of the girl in his arms. “Hey Babydoll?” he inquired. “How the hell is an old fellow like me supposed to keep up with TWO hot-pussied young women?”

Annie giggled, reached out, and juggled her father’s balls. “Old Man,” she whispered with a wink in her eyes. “It seems to me as if you’re doing a pretty damn good job of handling the situation without my advice!”

“Yeah, Old Man,” Bethany chimed in. “You seem to be doing an amazingly good job of screwing two women! I’ve never cum so much in my life!”

Annie slapped her daughter’s nude ass. “Young Lady!” she announced. “It’s my turn next! Dad, rest up for a while, then slip away from Mom and come on over to fuck me. I promise I’ll have a hot, wet pussy waiting for you!”

Pappy’s roar of laughing merriment thundered throughout the house. His face lit with a mischievous smile. If either of the two wet-pussied females thought he was thinking about them, they would only be partly correct. He was also thinking about the wife he loved. If the old gal’s pussy hadn’t of dried up then he could have himself a whole harem of cunts!

Oh well, two wet-pussied ladies ought to be able to give a horny old man all cunt he needed! Carrying Bethany into the bathroom, he sat her feet on the floor, and turned on the shower.

For some unexplainable reason, Annie was fascinated with the sight of her naked father and daughter together. With a pang of jealousy taunting her, she followed them to the bathroom and when they stepped into the shower she stripped off her own clothes and joined them.

Before the hot shower water washed all the sexual evidence away, Annie dipped the fingers of one hand into her daughter’s drippy wet pussy. She wrapped the fingers of her other hand around her father’s slim-covered cock.

Taking her fingers away from the male and female sex organs, she stuck several of the messy-wet fingers into her mouth. “I’d recognize the taste of Dad’s cum anywhere,” Annie triumphantly said. “Bethany, this other tangy taste must be your cum. But, pray tell, what is this other sweet, sugary flavor?”

Giggling cheerfully, Bethany blushed at last. “Oh Mom, its pancake syrup,” she shyly admitted. “Haven’t you ever had a sugar-sweet cocksicle fuck before?”

“No, sadly I haven’t,” this mother of a mischievous girl replied. “Girl, maybe you had better come along with your Pappy when he comes to see me later. Perhaps the two of us can teach each other some new cock-playing games! I don’t think the horny old man would mind.”

Both females stared at the naked man in the shower. They could tell from the lascivious smile on his face that they were correct in the assumption he wouldn’t mind at all.

Pappy’s smile never left his face. His mind raced forward to later when he could have a threesome with his two favorite wet-pussied females. Oh yeah, four titties and two pussies would suit him just fine! Old man he might be, but life just couldn’t get any better than this!


2019-05-17 02:19:40
Great read

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-13 15:31:16
ive been looking at my granddaughter sexually for a couple of years but ive been to frightened to do anything about it, reading this has me wondering if she has similar thoughts.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-01-04 08:50:58
Oh fuck. Thank you for the pussy-quivering orgasm, Pappy!

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-03-15 02:24:00
I eat my own shit if any body cares.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-03-15 02:23:11
Call me 315-223-1920 for hot sex!!!!

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