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“Rise and shine sleepy-head!” Dawn McIntyre called out as
she pulled open the small window drape and flooded the tiny cabin
with early morning sunlight. “It’s another beautiful day out in the
middle of nowhere.”

“Screw you!” called out a female voice as an arm emerged
from beneath the sheets just long enough to throw a pillow at

“Come on, Kari, you can’t still be tired.” the 22 year old said
as she effortlessly avoided the pillow. “It’s too beautiful a day to
spend it in bed.”

“That’s easy for you to say.” Kari said as the blonde
emerged from under the sheet, her long hair half covering her
face. “You weren’t kept up half the night by the couple next door.
They were still going at it hot and heavy at 3 A.M.” she added as
she pointed to the wall behind the bed’s headboard. “I don’t know
how you managed to sleep through it all.”

“Really? You should’ve woke me up.” Dawn said as she
crossed the room. “I’d have loved to listen to that.”

“Pervert!” Kari called out before again disappearing under
the sheet.

“Look who’s talking.” Dawn laughed as she again gave the end
of the sheet a playful tug.

“Go away!” Kari repeated.

“Are you going to be this grumpy the rest of the week?”
Dawn asked.

“Yes, and its all your fault!” said the voice once again under
the sheet.

“My fault?”

“Well I’m not the one who booked us on this cruise.” Kari
said as she again emerged from seclusion. “What was it you said
again... How can we loose? Four days on a cruise to nowhere. Fun,
sun and all that goes with it. You just happened to leave out one
little detail....”

“You know I’m really getting tired of hearing this.” Dawn
said in mock protest, cutting Kari off, knowing if she didn’t she’d
be hearing her long litany of complaint one more time.

At first, it'd seemed like such a great deal. Dawn had gone
to see David Morgan, her old boyfriend, to collect some money he
owed her. As usual, David pleaded poverty. When Dawn began to
make a scene in the travel agency where David worked, he quickly
offered to pay her in another way. He had a few extra tickets for
a 4 day cruise to nowhere that was leaving Saturday morning.

The tickets were part of a charter that had been
returned by two girls who now couldn’t go. Non-refundable so they
couldn’t get their money back, the tickets were worth a lot more
than what David owed her. So he proposed a deal. He’d sell her
the tickets for less than half price and they’d call it even.

Dawn had resisted her first impulse to snatch up the deal.
She had learned from hard experience that it was too easy to
succumb to David’s charms. The slight fluttering in her chest and
the tingle between her legs as she looked into the handsome face
of the 25 year old, reminded her that what ever other problems
they’d had in their relationship - David Morgan was one first class
fuck. It was exactly that memory that caused her to think very
carefully about his offer.

“Let me get this straight.” she had said. “These tickets are
already paid for, and you want me to pay for them a second time.”

“Well I am giving you them for half price.” David smiled --
that damnable killer smile that she remembered so well.

With that, every warning light in Dawn’s head went off.
David only smiled like that when he thought he was getting over on

“Well I’ll tell you what, David dear.” Dawn had smiled back.
“I’ll be more than willing to take those tickets off your hands --
only as a fair exchange for what you owe me.”

David appeared to be thinking it over for a few moments.
From past experience, Dawn knew he was weighing the odds of
getting anything more out of the deal.

“All right, you win.” David said somewhat unexpectedly as he
tossed the folder with the tickets over to her side of the small
desk. “I guess you got me over a barrel.”

Grabbing the tickets and quickly walking out of the travel
agency, Dawn had been pretty pleased with herself. She’d figured
she would never see that money again anyway so she might as well
get something out of the deal. She and Kari were planning a little
vacation anyway, and now they were going on a trip they could
never have otherwise afforded.

The one little thing that David had failed to mention, was
that the charter was for an all girl cruise. Not just an all girl - a
lesbian cruise.

Since Kari had insisted on still going out Friday night, they
hadn’t gotten to the cruise ship until the last possible moment.
They were just starting to pull in the gangway when their cab
pulled up on the dock. It took a mad dash to make it just in time.

“So I make one little mistake.” Dawn grinned as she held her
thumb and index finger a few inches apart. “What your problem is
that you can’t make the best of a situation. Try having a little fun
for a change. We’re on a cruise ship with discos, great food,
almost anything you could ask for. But you’d rather stay in bed and
complain about it. You won’t find me sulking in my room.”

“No kidding,“ Kari said as she finally sat up in bed. “You
must’ve been out on that dance floor until 2 AM. I was surprised
that blonde you were dancing with settled for a kiss on the cheek
when she said goodnight.”

“So would that have been so horrible.” Dawn smiled. “It’s
not like we’ve never danced with other girls before or even kissed

“That was different!” Kari shot back.

“...and who knows, maybe we’re missing out on something.”
Dawn continued.

“That’s gross!” Kari hissed.

Dawn laughed at her friend’s expression.

“That’s what you said back in high school when I showed you
how to blow a guy and let him cum in your mouth without gagging.”
Dawn retorted. “I seem to recall you’ve since changed your mind
about that.”

“I can’t believe you’d even consider such a thing.” Kari said
as she slid out of bed and walked naked to the bathroom.

Kari D'Antonio stood 5'6" and weighed 120 lbs. She had
long light blonde hair that stretched down the length of her back,
ending just above the crack of her ass. Blessed with a slim
athletic figure, her pride was a set of small, round breasts that
stood firm without the aid of a bra. In fact she had long since
stopped wearing one back in her senior year of high school. A
decision that had brought appreciative smiles to the male
population and disapproving looks from most of the female half.

“Hey, I’m not saying that I’m going to go up on deck, spread
my legs and take on all comers." Dawn continued. "I just mean
that maybe we should look at things with a more open mind.”

“You’re crazy, you know that!” Kari called out from within
the small bathroom.

“One more comment like that and I won’t tell you about the

“What surprise?” Kari asked as she stuck her head back
into the main room.

“The ship has to make some sort of repair so they’re pulling
into San Cerino. It’s going to take at least a day to make the
repair so we can go sightseeing and shopping.”

“In some little third world dump? No thanks.” the 23 year
old said, disappearing back into the bathroom.

“Are you sure?” Dawn asked. “It’s supposed to have some
really great beaches.”

“No thanks, I’d rather just stay here and relax.” Kari

“Maybe you’ll find some cute island boy to fuck your brains
out.” Dawn teased.

“I said I’m not interested.”

“OK, suit yourself.” Dawn finally said in desperation as she
headed for the door.

She paused for a moment to check her appearance in the full
length mirror on the back of the door. Dawn was an inch shorter
than Kari and a little heavier. She wore her curly red hair very
short, the edge of it hanging an inch above the collar of her blue
shirt. Not as athletically built as her friend, Dawn had a slightly
bigger bust that she felt more than made up for it.

“I think the lady doth protest too much.” she thought as
she closed the door behind her.

Locking the door behind her, Dawn paused as she heard the
door to the cabin next door open. Curiosity made her wait long
enough to see the couple that had kept Kari awake half the night.
She smiled at the tall brunette in a white shirt and red shorts who
stepped out the door. The brunette smiled back.

Right behind her came a taller blonde dressed in a similar
outfit. She also smiled at Dawn and wished her a good morning
before taking her lover’s hand in her own and heading down the

Watching them until they disappeared around the corner,
Dawn again asked herself the question that she hadn't been able
to get out of her mind since they'd come aboard two days ago.
"What was it like making love to another woman?"

Back in their cabin, Kari glanced at the small alarm clock on
the dresser. It read 09:30.

"Shit, I'd better get my act in gear or else I'm really going
to sleep the day away." she thought to herself.

Not that she had any idea what she was going to do today,
but there had to be something to interest her on this boat.

Grabbing a set of underwear from her side of the dresser,
she stepped back into the bathroom and turned on the shower.
Kari took a moment to admire herself in the mirror as she reached
back and tied up her long blonde hair. Sometimes she envied
Dawn's short dark locks, tying up her hair all the time was
sometimes a pain.

The warm touch of the gentle sprinkle felt good against her
flesh as she stepped into the tight shower stall. She filled her
hands with liquid soap from the wall dispenser and began to soap up
her body.

Kari stroked her breasts, bringing her pert nipples to a
familiar hardness. As always, her own touch felt so good. Soapy
hands glided down across her slim stomach, finding their way to
the tightly trimmed blonde bush below. She continued down
between her legs and then around to the cheeks of her ass, leaving
a soapy trail of bubbles in her wake.

Kari let out a soft sigh as her fingers again rubbed against
her mound, reminding her that it had been three weeks since she'd
been with anyone. For her, that was a very long time. Six months
had passed since she'd broke up with her last boyfriend. Roger
had been a great fuck but outside of the bedroom, or any of the
other numerous places they'd done it, he'd quickly become a first
class bore. Running her long outstretched fingers across her firm
mounds once again, giving them a playful squeeze, the lithe woman
was reminded of how horny she'd felt lately.

At this moment, she deeply regretted breaking up with
Roger. Not that she missed him personally, but she'd broke up
with him without having someone else warming up in the bullpen.
The sudden intrusion of a series of never ending winter storms had
prevented her from meeting anyone new. At the rate she was
going, pretty soon she was going to jump the first guy she met.

"God, I need a good fuck." she said to herself as she again
glided her fingers down across her stomach and across the thin
layer of blonde fuzz.

With a practiced skill she parted her vaginal lips, quickly
finding the small stubby clit hidden within. Closing her eyes as she
leaned back again the tiled wall, she pressed a slippery finger
against it.

"Oh yes." she purred as a familiar tingle spread out from
her cunt. "That feels so nice."

She slid a soapy finger up within herself, followed by a
second and a third. It was a poor substitute for a hard cock, but
it would have to do.

It wasn't long before she was furiously pumping her fingers
in and out, sparking the tiny flame between her legs into a

The warm water had turned to hot, filling the tiny room with
steam. The heat of which paled next to that which radiated
across her quaking body as her fingers caressed her love canal in
an orgasmic frenzy.

Water running down her face, her lips formed a silent O.
Kari felt her legs and arms go weak as repeated waves of delight
rippled up and down her naked form.

Long silent moments, broken only by the splatter of the
shower drops, passed as the blonde rested against the now warm
tile. The water washing away the traces of her climax. She had
wanted to masturbation for the last two days but had felt funny
doing it while Dawn was around.

Shutting off the water, Kari chuckled. Imagine her being
embarrassed about anything sexual. Her, a girl who'd lost her
cherry when she was 16 and would've needed much more than a
scorecard to keep track of the men she'd been with since.

It didn't used to be that way. Dawn and her had been
friends since grammar school. They'd double dated more than a
few times, with all the closeness you can get when one couple is
going at it in the front seat and the other is just as active in the

She didn't know why, but lately she was beginning to feel
awkward around Dawn, at least where sex was concerned. It was
silly really, and she promised to put it out of her mind.

Tossing her towel into the laundry basket, Kari quickly put
on her bra and panties. Breakfast was served until 11:00. If she
couldn't get laid on this trip, then at least she could enjoy some
really great food.

The sweet sea air brought a sense of tranquility to Dawn as
the small cruiser neared the dock. So far the vacation had been a
lot of fun, but she was beginning to wonder if maybe she should've
left Kari back in Brooklyn. She couldn't believe what a stick in the
mud her friend had become. So what if Dawn danced the night
away with a bunch of lesbians -- who cared.

Normally, next to Kari, Dawn was Mother Theresa. Kari had
always been the wild one, the one who pushed it to the edge and
then just a little beyond. Sometimes to the point where even Dawn
was embarrassed.

That night they went into Manhattan last January, just
before the first winter storm, was a prime example. All of their
friends were talking about Dante's Inferno, the hottest new club
in the city. It was already appeared in both the Post and People as
the newest in spot for all the beautiful people. Dawn had
protested that they'd be wasting their time, that they'd make
that long two hour bus and subway trip and then get turned away
at the door. But Kari had insisted so away they went.

Dressed in their Friday night best, they'd taken the long
ride to the upper East Side of Manhattan. There they'd waited on
line in the cold for over an hour, only to reach the door and be
found wanting by the tall muscular bouncer.

"Come on Kari, let’s go." Dawn said as she pulled her jacket
tighter against the cold.

"No, we're going dancing." Kari insisted.

Kari again stepped up to the tall gatekeeper and smiled at
him. At the same time she let her jacket fall open, giving him a
fine view of her barely covered breasts. The sudden exposure to
the frigid air caused her nipples to instantly hardened and become
even more visible through the thin material.

"No big deal," he laughed. "I've seen much better."

Kari felt insulted, it was the first time any guy had turned
down a free look at her breasts. It had always worked in the clubs
back home.

"What do you have to do to get in this place"?" Kari thought
out loud.

The burly bouncer took a second look at Kari's boobs and
then ran his eyes up and down her body, taking in the whole
package. He leaned forward and said in a voice low enough for only
Kari and Dawn to hear.

"Well, you could always blow me." he whispered.

Dawn was sure that her friend was going to immediately tell
him to fuck off. Instead she took a moment to look him over. He
was tall, 6 foot, and around 220 lbs. The muscles that bulged from
under his tight black T-shirt told of long hours in the gym. He was
clean shaven with dark brown hair, short and curly.

"Wait here a minute." she said to Dawn as she handed her
purse to her and then pealed off her leather jacket. "Let's go."
she said to the bouncer.

He didn't even bat an eye in surprise. Instead he just
turned to one of the other workers by the door and said to watch
the gate.

"Go get her, Billy" his friend said.

Before Dawn could say a word in protest, Kari had grabbed
the bouncer's thick arm and pulled him into the small alcove just
off the doorway. Hidden from sight of everyone but her girlfriend
and the new man at the door, Kari dropped to her knees and
unzipped his black Levi’s. Reaching inside his now open pants, she
pulled down his briefs and exposed his hard cock to the frosty
night air.

Kari didn't waste a second, taking his full 6 inches between
her bright red lips. Both observers watched as her blonde head
bobbed up and down for what seemed like only a minute or so. She
became a blur of motion as his saliva covered cock kept sliding in
and out of her mouth. The expression on Billy's face told it all.
The girl had an oral technique that would make an 8th Ave. hooker
proud. He tried to hold back, but he was fighting a loosing battle
against an expert.

A second later, a loud gasp escaped his lips, accompanied by
a burst of whiteness inside Kari's mouth. She buried her head
deep between his legs, swallowing all that he gushed out.

Another brief spurt and it was all over. The blonde let his
now semi-flaccid cock slip from her mouth and stood up,
straightening her skirt as she rose. Kari didn't say a word, she
just ran her tongue across her now smeared lipstick, cleaning off
the last remnant of her efforts.

Sprouting a wide grin from ear to ear, Kari took Dawn's hand
and led her startled friend past the now open doorway and into
Dante's Inferno.

"And she called me a pervert." Dawn laughed to herself, her
smile reflecting her good mood. “That’s my Kari. She could screw
the football team and not care who knew, but let another woman
look at her with a little desire.”

Looking out at the pristine beach growing ever larger, Dawn
thought it lucky that Kari hadn’t been with her that first night
onboard. Still worn out from club hopping the night before, Kari
was out like a light before midnight. Dawn on the other hand, had
taken a nap in the afternoon, knowing they were going out and was
still wide awake at midnight. She’d decided a walk in the night air
would help her sleep.

The cabin they occupied was one of the more inexpensive
rooms on board, made more so by the fact that part of their deck
was under renovation. Walking along the railing, enjoying the cool
sea breeze, Dawn saw barely a soul. The disco was on the other
side of the ship and most anyone who was up and about was there.
Still she had seen three woman walking up ahead of her a few
minutes before so she figured that while this section of the ship
might be unoccupied, it was still open for a late night stroll.

“This is so beautiful.” Dawn thought as she looked out at
the full moon reflected in the endless ocean around her. “I never
imaged anything could be both so empty and pretty at the same

Leaning on the railing, Dawn spent at least ten minutes just
gazing up at the stars. They were so clear, and there was so many
of them. Back home, with all the city lights to cloud the skies,
they looked so much dimmer. Now she understood how people could
fall in love on cruises.

Continuing her walk, Dawn heard giggling from just around
the corner. Ever curious, she slowed to a quiet step, and carefully
peeked around the corner. Later she doubted the three women
who had passed her earlier would’ve heard her approach if she’d
been wearing work boots.

Dawn’s attention was immediately drawn to the woman in the
center of the trio. In her mid forties, she had noticed her earlier
that evening at dinner, sitting at a nearby table. A short
heavy-set woman, Dawn had pointed her out to Kari and remarked
that the older woman bore a striking resemblance to Miss Laufer,
their 5th grade social studies teacher. Kari had agreed that there
was some similarity, but there was no way that it could be her.
After all, Miss Laufer had to be at least in her sixties by now.
Still, her image had stayed with Dawn well enough for her to be
still remembered.

Of course the similarity with their former teacher ended
there because there was no way the red haired young woman could
ever envision Alice Laufer in the scene before her. The brunette’s
royal blue dress was down around her waist, exposing the largest
set of breasts Dawn had ever seen. The had to be at least a 44DD.
Even her nipples were immense, the areolas stretching over three
inches across. Of course at the moment, she could only see one of
them. The back of a blonde head hid the other as one of her
companions traced wet circles around it with her tongue.

Dawn had given only the briefest of glances to the woman’s
two companions when they passed her before. Still she noted that
they had to be closer to her own age than “Miss Laufer’s”. The
third girl looked slightly Hispanic in the lowered shipboard lighting
and was busily playing with the free breast with both hands.

“Oh shit!” Dawn exclaimed in a hushed breath. “This is
fucking outrageous.”

As quietly as she could, Dawn stood by the corner and
watched the three women go at it. She’d seen a few girl/girl
scenes in the porn flicks one of her old boyfriend’s liked to watch,
but never imagined she’d get to see one for real. It was so quiet
that Dawn could hear the beating of her own heart, a thunderous
noise drowned out only by the rise and fall of her breasts as she
took each new breath.

It wasn’t long before the action grew more intimate. “Miss
Laufer” stretched own on a deck chair as the blonde pushed the
rest of that blue dress up so that it also rested around her waist.
Then spreading Laufer’s legs and pushing aside her panties,
“Blondie” proceeded to perform an oral ballet on her womanhood.
Dawn couldn’t help but note she showed more enthusiasm for the
action than any guy she had ever slept with. Continuing to lash out
with her tongue, the blonde pulled out her own not unimpressive
breasts and began to play with them with her free hand.

While this was all going on, the darker skinned woman had
completely stripped off her light beige dress and what little
underwear she’d worn beneath it. Then, straddling the reclining
woman, she lowered herself until her own cunt was pressed tightly
against “Miss Laufer’s” mouth. An action that seemed to greatly
meet her approval as the older woman reached up and spread her
hands against the young woman’s ass cheeks. Pulling her hands and
the soft flesh they contained toward her, “Miss Laufer’s” applied
her tongue in the opposite direction with a devotion that even
exceeded that which she was receiving between her own legs.

Transfixed, Dawn really wasn’t sure how long she stood
there watching. Eventually her fear of discovery overwhelmed her
sense of erotic excitement. All she remembered was that it was
almost three in the morning when she quietly tip-toed past a still
sleeping Kari.

As the small motor launch was being fastened to the dock,
Dawn again wondered what Kari’s reaction to that little scene
would have been. Or how she would’ve acted if she knew that when
Dawn had been dancing with Crystal last night, her ears had been
constantly filled with whispered encouragements.

Encouragements so graphic that if they’d come from a guy
she’d just met, he’d be leaving the dance floor holding his cock and
balls in agony. Thankfully, her friend also failed to notice just how
many times Crystal’s hand strayed to parts of Dawn’s anatomy that
would’ve again brought a physical assault to a guy.

Finally, when Crystal had given her that relatively chaste
kiss on the cheek goodnight, it had come with an invitation to come
back to her cabin and make their own music together. Dawn was
still undecided as to if she might had accepted the offer had Kari
not been there with her. Still, the memory of the offer put a wide
smile on her face.

So lost was the red haired woman in her brief recollections,
she didn't notice that her smile was being returned by a tall very
pretty Chinese woman sitting across from her.

Breakfast had been excellent, Kari had to admit. It'd been
a long time since she'd eaten that good. A few more days of meals
like that and she'd really have to pay for them at the gym when
she got home.

She'd spent the next few hours exploring the ship, getting
lost more than once in the seemingly endless corridors. After a
while she didn't even seem to notice the absence of men, save for
the occasional crew member. In fact, it was a pleasant change
from the wolf whistles and "hey babys" she normally got when she
walked down a street in her native Bensonhurst.

By noon, Kari was actually beginning to have a good time.
Changing into her bathing suit, she decided to check out the pool.
She enjoyed laying in the warm sun, working on her tan and
listening to the sounds of old time doo-wop filtering through the
headphones of her Walkman . She noticed more than a few woman
sitting alongside her had removed their tops but she wasn’t
comfortable taking hers off in their company. If she really thought
about it, it would be funny. She’d been letting guys take off her
bra with amazing regularity since the 10th grade, but here she was
embarrassed to expose her breasts in front of a bunch of women.

“I’m thirsty.” she thought to herself as she took off her
Walkman and sat up in the lounge chair.

Moving over to the pool bar, Kari took a seat on one of the
empty stools on the far end. Waiting for the bartender to finish up
on the other end, Kari looked across the deck and realized that she
was now one of the only women still wearing a top. If anything, she
was drawing more attention to herself by wearing one. As she
watched, two of the closest women to the bar took off their tops
as well.

“Oh what the hell.” Kari finally concluded. “When in Rome

Undoing the clasp holding her bikini top together, Kari let it
fall open. She quickly took it off and stuffed it into her small carry
bag. Again glancing around her, she admitted how silly she had
been about keeping it on. Not only didn’t any of the women even
glance in her direction, but her exposure wasn’t even drawing
attention of the male bartender.

“I don’t know if I should be relieved or insulted.” she
laughingly thought.

“Good afternoon.” the tall, good looking bartender said as he
stepped down to Kari and put a large glass filled with some sort of
tropical drink in front of her.

“Hi.” Kari smiled, a little disappointed that even standing a
foot away, he didn’t seem to even notice her creamy mounds.

She considered the idea that perhaps with so many exposed
breasts all around him, he simply got bored of looking. Then she
quickly dismissed that notion, refusing to believe any normal male
could ever grow tired of looking at her gems.

“Maybe he’s gay too.” Kari considered, thinking that might
explain a lot.

Then she noticed the drink he’d put in front of her.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t order this.” she said.

“Compliments of the lady.” the bearded blonde smiled as he
indicated the small grouping of women down at the end.

Kari followed his gaze to a girl who looked to about her own
age. Almost automatically, she raised the glass up in a toasting
motion, a gesture of thanks she had given guys in a hundred bars.

“Oh oh, that might’ve been a mistake.” Kari thought as the
girl left her companions and started to head down toward her.

She was tall, at least 5’9” with short curly black hair that
was only about an inch in length. Very muscular, her skin was a
light coco cream, except for the dark wide nipples that capped a
pair of large balloon like breasts.

Yet it was her face that drew Kari’s attention. There was
something about it. What it was she couldn’t explain. Handsome
was the word that suddenly popped into her head. It was a
description she had never applied to a woman before. The more
she thought about it as the distance between them grew shorter,
the more appropriate it became. Looking to be in her mid to late
20’s, she had the kind of looks that seemed more befitting a
teenage boy.

“Thanks for the drink.” Kari said as the woman eased into
the stool next to her.

“It was my pleasure, Kari.” came the reply in a soft yet
strong voice.

The use of her name put a look of confusion on Kari’s face.
Did she know this woman?

“No, we don’t know each other.” she smiled. “I heard your
girlfriend use your name at the bar last night.”

“My girlfriend...?” Kari said, her voice now reflecting that
same confusion. “Oh you mean Dawn. She’s not my girlfriend ..., I
mean she’s my girlfriend but she’s not my....”

“Not your lover.” the young woman said, finishing Kari’s
sentence. “I figured that, but it’s nice to have it confirmed.” she
smilingly added.

“And you are?”

“Peggy” she replied as she signaled the bartender to refill
her own drink.

An awkward silence seemed to hang in the air while the
bartender came over and replaced Peggy’s half empty glass with a
fresh one. Then with a warm smile, she asked.

“So how are you enjoying the cruise so far?”

Kari replied that it wasn’t what she had expected, something
of an understatement to say the least. When Peggy seemed a little
confused by the answer, Kari explained how they had wound up on
the cruise.

“Oh, so you and your friend are the two.” Peggy said in
surprise. “They told us that we had been infiltrated.”

The look of confusion on Kari’s face was priceless, made
more so by Peggy’s laughter a moment later.

“I was joking.” she laughed. “I’m sorry, but it was too good
an opportunity to pass up.”

“A joke?” Kari repeated.

“I just love pulling that line on ‘straights’, especially women
who think we all ‘know’ each other and belong to some kind of
‘secret lesbian society’.”

“I guess it is kind of funny.” Kari said, trying to be nice.
After all, she had bought her a drink.

“So what kind of work do you do?” Peggy asked as she took a
sip of her own drink.

Kari told her what little there was of interest about her job
and listened intently as Peggy told her about her own. Working at
her uncle’s bakery didn’t seem very impressive when matched
against Peggy’s job as a associate at a midtown law office. Yet she
didn’t seem to look down on her at all, as many people seemed to do
when they found out she didn’t have a career -- just a job.

In fact, try as she could, the blonde couldn’t catch the dark
haired woman sneaking any looks at her breasts. In a similar
encounter, she doubted that a guy sitting across from her could’ve
been so circumspect. As they talked, she felt more and more
comfortable in the situation.

An hour and more than a few drinks later, they were
chatting like high school girlfriends.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life.” Dawn
thought as she walked along the pristine white sand.

The warm surf felt so comforting as it washed up and over
her bare feet. A half dozen summers spent at Brighton and Coney
Island beaches paled beside the natural splendor around her.
Spread out in the distance were small groups of women from the
cruise ship as well as a few solitary strollers like herself. They
had all spaced themselves far enough apart to let everyone else
enjoy this Eden like paradise in semi-privacy.

“I wish I’d brought my camera.” Kari thought as she walked
up and away from the breaking waves. “I’d love to put a
photograph of this view on my bedroom wall.”

Eager to get a better view of the vista before her, Dawn
headed up what appeared to be a trail between the large shrubs
bordering the beach. Beyond them was an outcropping of high
boulders that provided an great observation point. As she climbed
the small incline, she wished Kari was here to see all of this.

Reaching the summit, Dawn was rewarded with a truly
spectacular panorama. She couldn’t think of any image that
could’ve been further from her native Brooklyn. Lost in private
thoughts, the redhead didn’t notice at first the soft sounds behind

In fact, she was so taken by surprise when she realized she
wasn’t alone on the summit that only a quick grab at one of the
bushes kept her from falling down the hill.

“Shit!” Dawn gasped as she landed on her ass.

For the moment, she thought they had heard her. She
needn’t have worried. After watching for a few more moments,
she doubted they would’ve heard a bullhorn.

It was almost a replay of the scene she had witnessed the
other night. Only the players were different. Laying on the soft
grass was a tall blonde with outstretched legs. Nestled between
those legs was an older redhead with breasts that had to be at
least three times the size of the blonde’s. Finishing the tableau
was another smaller blonde, this one with platinum hair, who was
kneeling behind the older redhead. Her hands were holding her
cheeks spread apart and her tongue was furiously working away at
the center of her pussy.

Carefully, silently, Dawn traced her way back down the trail.
Reaching the bottom, she paused and took a long look upward. Like
the other night, she wished she had spent more time watching

“I see you met Connie and her friends.” said a soft
melodious voice from behind her.

Dawn turned around to find a pretty Chinese woman standing
behind her. She was wearing a sleeveless light pink T-shirt and
white shorts. Taking a second look she remembered seeing her on
the launch that brought them to the beach.

“Connie?” she asked.

“The redhead up on the hill.” the dark haired woman
explained. “She likes to get naked every chance she gets.”

“A friend of yours” Dawn asked.

“Not really.” she answered. “I met her the first night
aboard. She didn’t wait five minutes before inviting me to join one
of her little parties later that night.”

“Did you?” Dawn asked without thinking. “I’m sorry, that’s
none of my business.” she added.

“No, it’s okay. After all I brought it up.” she replied. “No, I
didn’t join her. Group scenes aren’t my style. I much prefer one on

“I see.” Dawn said, suddenly feeling a little self conscious
talking so openly about such a personal subject.

“My names Helen by the way.” the Chinese woman said as
she extended her hand.

“Hello Helen.” Dawn said as she accepted her hand. “Dawn.”
she added.

“The name suits you.” Helen smiled.

To her surprise, Dawn felt a great warmth from Helen’s

“There’s a even more beautiful spot just up the beach.”
Helen said. “I’d love to show it to you.”

The tone of her voice and the expression on her face gave
Dawn little illusion about what Helen had in mind, so she was sure
to give it serious thought. Which she did for all of thirty seconds.

“I’d like that.” Helen smiled back. This time there was no
Kari around to worry about.

It took about ten minutes of walking until Helen and Dawn
reached what the dark haired woman had described as a small
piece of heaven. Set back about a thousand yards from the beach,
they had to climb a much steeper embankment to reach it. Dawn
hoped that this grotto that Helen had described was worth all this

“Oh God!” the redhead exclaimed as she cleared the last
barrier of bushes and stepped out into paradise. “I take back
everything I was thinking.”

“I told you it was the most perfect spot on the island.”
Helen smiled.

Spread out before them was a small pool of crystal water
only about two hundred feet wide and about four feet deep. A
framework of plants and flowers adding all the colors of the
rainbow surrounded it. On the far left of the pool was a waterfall,
the source of the crystal water, which only paused here on the way
to the endless sea. The sounds of a multitude of birds mixed with
the soft rush of the water. It almost seemed like a crime to
intrude on such a perfect place.

“A friend of mine is a photographer and did a photo shoot
here a few years back.” Helen said as she walked barefoot along
the water’s edge. “ When we made port here I knew I had to come
and see it for myself. As good as he is, his pictures didn’t do it

“I don’t think any picture could do this justice.” Dawn said,
totally wrapped up in the beauty around her.

“I promised myself that if I ever did get here, I’d swim in
this pool.” Helen said as she tested the waters with her foot.
“Care to join me?”

“But I didn’t bring a suit.” Dawn answered automatically.

“That’s okay.” Helen smiled back. “Neither did I.”

With that, the tall golden skilled woman grabbed the edges
of her shirt and pulled it up and over her head. She wore no bra
beneath it and two soft globes bounced free in the warm afternoon
air. Her mounds were about the same size as Dawn’s, the only real
difference being the dark brown of her nipples.

Without a word and seemingly oblivious to Dawn’s presence,
Helen quickly laid her shorts and panties next to her shirt on the
pristine sand. Then, without a glance in Dawn’s direction, she waded
into the water.

At it’s full depth, the pool of water rose to the mid-point of
her breasts. As she glided along its length, she remarked on how
warm the water was.

Dawn watched for a minute as Helen dove beneath the
surface, her ass exposed above the water for a brief moment.
Then she disappeared from view, to reappear on the other side of
the pool. Droplets of clear water covered her skin as she
stretched out and floated free, glistening like diamonds in the
sun’s golden glow.

No further invitation had passed from Helen’s lips since she
had stripped. Dawn knew that the decision to join her was still up
to her. She’d lost track of all the hours she’d spent since coming
on this cruise thinking about the touch of another woman. In
truth, those thoughts went back much further than she cared to

“Oh what the hell.” the 22 year old finally answered herself.

Quickly she stripped off her own clothes and dove into the
water, sending a splash onto the edge that drenched her clothes.
She barely took note, saying to herself that she’d worry about
that later.

Dawn allowed herself a few moments to just float in the
warm water. She didn’t want to take the time to think about what
she was doing. There would never be a more perfect moment to
satisfy her desire and she didn’t want to give her conscience a
chance to try and find a reason why she shouldn’t.

“I’m glad you joined me.” Helen smiled as she swam up next
to Dawn.

Turning around so that their naked bodies were practically
touching, Dawn looked deep into the soft eyes of the older woman.
They were so different and at the same time so familiar. They
reflected desires that she had seen so many times in her own.

“Would it be okay if I kissed you?” Dawn blurted out.

“I was hoping that you’d want to.” Helen replied with a soft,
inviting smile.

The soft press of Helen’s lips against her own sent a sudden
warmth throughout Dawn’s body. It wasn’t the first time she’d
kissed another girl but it was the first time it’d been done it with
lust in her heart. She opened her mouth just enough for the tip of
her tongue to brush against Helen’s own, causing that warmth to
ignite into a blaze.

A little reluctantly she broke the kiss and eased back out of
Helen’s arms, which had closed around her during the kiss.

“I’m not sure how far I want to take this.” Dawn said,
knowing she was lying not only to Helen but also to herself.

“You can end it right now if you want to.” Helen replied as
the fingers of her left hand grazed against the underside of
Dawn’s breast. “Or you can take it as far as you desire.”

Very aware of the gentle feel of Helen’s fingers against her
flesh, Dawn knew what her answer was.

“Love me.” she said as she pressed her lips against Helen’s
once again. “Love me like we were in love and there’s no tomorrow.”

“My pretty girl,” Helen purred as she return the kiss.
“That’s the only way to make love.”

At that, Dawn closed her eyes and surrendered to her new
lover’s embrace.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Oh God, Yes!..Yes!....YESSS!!!” Kari cried out at the top of
her lungs.

If not for one thing, the scene would be all too familiar. A
strangers bed, her panties tossed aside on the floor -- her legs
spread wide with a lover’s face pressed tight against her pussy.
What made this so different was the sex of that lover.

It had happened so fast. Much too fast for Kari to even
thing about now. Not when the most talented tongue she had ever
felt was driving her to an unimaginable orgasm.

Much later she would try to sort it out. One minute, she and
Peggy had been sitting at the bar talking about their sex lives.
Surprisingly enough, they were alike in many ways. Both women
were far from ready to settle down, too eager to see what life had
to offer. Also they both had little time or patience for all of the
emotional games people wrapped their sex lives with.

Dawn would’ve thought that a lesbian would’ve been
disinterested in the sex life of a straight girl, but Peggy had said
that sex was sex, regardless of gender. They found themselves
joking about lousy lovers when Peggy had leaned over and
whispered in her ear.

“You know, we could order another round and continue
talking about lousy lays.” she’d said. “Or we could go back to my
cabin and I could lick your pussy until you have an orgasm that’ll
make you think you’ve died and gone to heaven. Could you ever
forgive yourself if you went back to New York wondering what it
might have been like? ”

It would be too easy to blame it on the drinks she’d been
downing. Some kind of rum concoction that she’d stopped counting
at five. For the moment Kari might justify her actions by saying
she was drunk. Much later she would realized that she was as
curious about other women as Dawn seemed to be on this trip.

“Oh baby, yes, lick it!” Kari cried out again as she clenched
the sheets in her hands. “Lick my pussy hard!”

Grabbing the cheeks of her ass, Peggy did just that. There
had been no preliminaries, no gentle lovemaking, no sweet words of
seduction. The moment they had entered her room, Peggy had
guided Kari to her bed and pulled off her panties. Without even
taking the time to remove any of her own clothing, she immediately
dropped between Kari’s legs and began her oral assault on her clit.
Much to Kari’s delight.

Faster and faster her tongue had moved, driving the blonde
closer and closer to the edge. Then in what seemed like no time at
all, she went over that edge like a truck over a cliff.

“Ooooooo” Kari gasped as her body buckled beneath a quake
of rare proportions.

Sweat covered her shaking frame. Never had she come so
hard and so fast. It had been everything that Peggy had said and
then some. Having a lover deliver on a promise like that was truly a
new experience.

“Did I lie?” Peggy asked as she rolled out from between
Kari’s legs.

“Oh God, no.” Kari panted as she shifted to a more
comfortable position. “I can’t believe how right you were.”

“Now that we’ve broken the ice.” Peggy grinned. “Are you
still feeling adventurous?”

Kari didn’t hesitate to nod in the affirmative. She couldn’t
wait to see what else she had been wrong about.

“Well then, let’s get you out of those sweaty clothes.” Peggy
said as she began to unbutton Kari’s blouse. “I’ve got some toys
that I think you’re going to love.”

Filled with a renewed sense of anticipation between her legs,
Kari quickly helped Peggy with her clothes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A gentle breeze dried the path of Helen’s tongue as it
swirled around the nipples of Dawn’s breasts. Skillfully it darted
back and forth, teasing the once tiny nubs to a firm hardness.
Laying back against the comforting, warm sand, Dawn was only too
willing to relax as the Asian woman explored every inch of her
body. It was so unlike the touch of any man - even Richard who
had been the most sensitive lover she had ever known. What made
it so different was that it was so unhurried, an act of love itself
rather than just a quick stop on the way to intercourse.
Dawn had laid there for almost a half hour while Helen
explored her naked form. From top to bottom and then back again,
she had used her tongue and hands to bring soft, gentle pleasure.
A few times Dawn had reached out to explore Helen as well, only to
be quietly rebuffed with a soft “not yet.”
Finally, satisfied that she now knew every inch of her lover’s
body, Helen climbed atop her and offered her own breasts to
Dawn’s eager mouth.

With a virgin’s eagerness, Dawn took the dark nipple into her
mouth. The feel of the warm flash against her tongue was
intoxicating as she alternating between the caress of her tongue
and the bite of her teeth, both of which brought soft moans from
Helen’s lips. Her neophyte tongue began to dart alongside the dark
circle, covering it with her hot saliva. Then she would take as much
of it as she could inside her mouth, her tongue playing with the
hard nipples as she did.

While Dawn switched her attention to her new love’s other
breast, Helen reached down and slid her hand in between Dawn's
legs. To her delight, Dawn's crotch was already so wet that it
effortlessly admitted her two fingers, followed quickly by a third.
Moving as fast as she could, she began to furiously finger-fuck her.

Dawn responded by continuing to pay with Helen’s mounds,
alternating between kissing, sucking or just plain squeezing them.
She then would bury her face between them, pulling them tight
against her cheeks as she licked the skin in-between.

“I could really get to like this.” she thought as she inhaled
the fragrance of Helen’s natural scent.

Helen let her play for a little while longer, then lifted her
breasts from her mouth. She took hold of each of her globes and
lowered them to a level equal to Dawn’s own. Rubbing them against
each other caused twin sets of erect nipples to grow ever harder.

Bringing her attentions downward, Helen was confronted
the hairiest pussy she had ever seen. Most of Dawn’s body had
some light hair on it, but nowhere was it fuller than between her
legs. Even trimmed to let her wear a bikini, it was still a thick bush.
Normally Helen liked a closely trimmed crotch, or one clean shaven
like her own. But knowing that she was approaching virgin
territory made the thick shrub all the more exciting.

Reaching her objective, she used both hands to pull apart
the fleshy skin and reveal the pinkness within. The fragrant aroma
of raw womanhood greeted her nostrils as Helen reached in with
her tongue and licked around Dawn’s clit. Then she began to
explore inside Dawn’s pussy, using her talented tongue like a
doctor's probe.

Dawn stretched back across the comforting sand, eyes
closed and wading in the waves of new sensations. If only she had
know it could be this wonderful. Her cunt throbbed with
excitement as Helen’s talented tongue drew more and more sweet
nectar. The more experienced woman buried her face between
Dawn’s thighs, causing the younger woman to erupt again and again.

"Mmmmm" Dawn moaned as Helen sucked the fruit of her
labors into her eager mouth.

Dawn was lost to the world as succeeding torrids of ecstasy
raced through her body. No guy had ever brought her to this level.
If there was such a thing as nirvana, this was as close to it as she
ever though she would get.

Dawn’s body shook twice more, then finally she could give no
more. Never had she felt so exhausted or satisfied. Helen just
laid there, licking the spilled juices from her legs. When she
finally emerged, her face was covered from cheek to cheek with
shiny ambrosia.

“Why did I ever wait so long to try this?” Dawn said softly
to herself as she closed her eyes and laid her head back on the

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kari had waited impatiently as Peggy had taken a red gym
bag from under the bed and disappeared into the bathroom with it.
The young blonde was still incredibly horny and couldn’t resist
playing with her pussy while Peggy was gone. Quickly she lost
herself in the delightful sensations her fingers produced as they
slid in and out of her wet cunt.

“Looks like there’s still a fire in that hole.” Peggy laughed as
she stepped back into the room and saw that Kari had three
fingers buried up inside herself. “Looks like the only way to put it
out is to plug it.”

To emphasize her words, the coco colored woman took hold
of a large rubber cock that was now wrapped around her crotch.
As Peggy adjusting the straps, she let the large cock fall loose
between her legs, making it look even larger. A small nub at the
base of the rubber cock extended into Peggy’s own pussy, rubbing
against her clit.

"I assume you’ll have no problem handling this." Peggy

The look in Kari’s eyes spoke volumes as she took in the size
and thickness of Peggy’s toy. True it was larger than any guy she’d
ever been with, almost 9” in length, but how many nights has she
frigged herself to sleep thinking about a cock that large.

Peggy ran her long fingers up and down the dildo against her
pussy and began to simulate a male masturbation motion. She
shook the rubber cock a few time to get Kari's attention, not that
it wasn't glued to the artificial prick.

"Why don't you come over and give "big boy" here a little
suck." she said. "Get him nice and hard!"

Kari crawled across the bed and took Peggy's "cock" into her
mouth. Slowly she slid it deep inside her mouth, covering it with
saliva. Running her tongue up and down the length, she began to
act as if it were real. With all the skill she exhibited on the false
phallus, Peggy would've been begging for more had it been real.

"You're a real cock-sucker, aren't you?" Peggy laughed as
she got turned on even more watching Kari try and swallow the full
length of her "cock" once again.

With a slight reluctance, she took hold of the dildo and
pulled it from the blonde’s eager mouth. That was enough for a

"Sugar, get ready for the fucking of your life!" Peggy said
as she climbed onto the bed and took up position behind Kari -- who
had also turned around and now rested on all fours.

A smile crossed Peggy’s lips and she ran her fingers across
Kari’s cunt and was rewarded with a thick coating of lubricating
nectar. There would be no need for the little blue tube of
lubricant that she usually kept in the toy bag for emergencies.
Gently, she pushed her fingers inside.

"Oooo" moaned Kari as she felt the initial intrusion.

Peggy pressed her naked body up against the back of Kari's
own. She lifted her hanging cock and positioned the head against
the heavily saturated tunnel.

"Spread those beautiful legs, honey." Peggy whispered into
Kari's ear as she nibbled at it. "Cause you're going to love this."
she added with a kiss.

With that she began rubbing the round tip of her cock up
and down the length of Kari's pussy before taking a firm grip and
pushing it within her.

"Aaaaa!" Kari yelled as she felt herself being penetrated .

"Relax." Peggy said as she eased the dildo out a little,
before pushing it back in twice the depth of her first attempt.

Peggy reached around and rubbed her fingers against Kari's
clit. Her frantic motions against the small nub at the top of Kari's
cunt helped excite her even more as Peggy began to thrust deeper
within her with an ever increased frequency.

With each stroke, the waves of pleasure steadily increased.
Even through the artificial cock, Peggy could feel the walls of
Kari's cunt grabbing hold of her as she thrusted inside her each

"You love this, don't you?" Peggy asked between thrusts as
she grabbed both of the blonde’s hips and pulled her cheeks hard
against her.

"Oh yes," Kari panted as she began to match Peggy's
rhythm and draw the dildo deeper inside her.

Peggy slid her hands up and down Kari's body as she
continued to fuck her with ever increasing ferocity. Her fingers
closed tight against her breasts as she used then to pull Kari
against her time after time. Peggy always got off fucking other
women in this way, she loved to be in control.

Peggy pushed Kari's head and shoulders down across the
oversized pillows, giving her greater access to the depths of her
pussy. The constant rubbing against her own love button was
sending her into pre-orgasmic fits as well. Hot sweat covered each
of their bodies as both shook with the energy and passion of
unrestricted sex.

Totally lost in the fury of her passion, Peggy grabbed Kari's
blonde hair and pulled her head back. With a fierce fire in her
dark eyes, Peggy pressed her lips hard against the helpless woman
beneath her. The taste of their tongues as they intertwined was
enough to push her to within an inch of the abyss.

"Deeper." Kari gasped as Peggy's tongue slid out of her

"Roll over!" Peggy commanded as she pulled the dildo all the
way out. "On your back!"

Not even giving Kari time to comply, the pseudo male pushed
her onto her back. She followed her a moment later and rammed
the large rubber cock between her outstretched legs.

Kari screamed in ecstasy as Peggy drove the dildo it's full
length within her. Peggy's mounds pressed hard against Kari's
globes, causing an electric tingling as their nipples touched.

Burying her temporary manhood deep inside her new lover,
Peggy's body quaked in anticipation of the explosion she knew was
imminent. Beneath her, Kari was lost in a similar state.

Continuing to pump away with all of her strength, Peggy was
taken by surprise when Kari reached up with her legs and wrapped
them around her buttocks, allowing her to penetrate to an even
greater depth. Her arms also wrapped around her, binding them
together in an unbreakable lock.

"Fuck me!" Kari screamed at the top of her lungs. A cry so
loud that for a moment Peggy wondered it she could be heard out
in the corridor beyond.

One final thrust was enough to unleash the explosion that
had been building within the two of them. Both bodies jerked
violently as they were consumed by the bodyquake that ripped
through each of them.

Kari drove her nails deep into Peggy's back as an orgasmic
paralysis gripped her. Peggy continued to plummet the captive
pussy that was pressed so tightly against her own. Until she too
was gripped by that same loss of control.

Their journey through the endless ether of sexual bliss was
both instantaneous and timeless. Fireworks filled the sky and
rivers of joy caressed their quivering forms. Soft, quiet moans
filled the air as hearts raced uncontrolled.

As has been written many times, all good things must end
and eventually the fire that had claimed both women cooled and
their sweat drenched bodies began to untangle from each other.

Kari was still aware of the massive cock-toy still filling ever
inch of her cavity. The feeling was so unlike that she had after a
violent love session with a man. Usually she was faced with a small
feeling of disappointment as she felt his cock soften and slip from
her. Instead it was now a constant reminder of the joy she had
just experienced.

Peggy was simply too exhausted to even pull her strap on
from within Kari. Instead she simply stoked Kari’s now cool skin
and planted a gentle kiss on her lips. The fires of aggression had
cooled. But only for the moment.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“We should think about heading back to the ship.” Dawn said
a little reluctantly she laid naked in Helen’s arms, enjoying the
warm glow of the afternoon sun.

“I’d rather just lay here and think about you.” Helen grinned
as she leaned over and kissed Dawn softly on her lips.

“I’d like that too.” Dawn answered. “But I think we have to
get back to reality eventually. Might as well face it sooner than

“Oh that’s right, your friend Kari.” Helen mused. “I guess
she wouldn’t understand any of this.”

“Definitely not.” Dawn replied as she stroked Helen’s breast.

For a moment, Dawn tried to picture Kari’s reaction if she
could have seen her ten minutes ago. With her tongue buried deep
within Helen’s pussy, lapping away like a kitten with a saucer of
milk. No, she wouldn’t understand it at all.

“Don’t worry, what happened here, stays here.” Helen said
reassuringly. Unless of course you want it to go beyond that.”

“I don’t ....I mean I’m not sure ...” Dawn said.

“That’s okay. I understand.” Helen smiled as she stood up
and picked up her clothes.

Dawn followed suite and both women quickly dressed.
Thankfully the warm sun had dried the clothes off. Once dressed,
Helen took a small card from her carry bag and handed it to Dawn.

“My card.” she smiled. “If you ever change your mind.”

“Thanks.” Dawn replied.

“Well I guess I’d better head back alone, give you time to
think this all out.” Helen said as she kissed Dawn goodbye on her

“Thanks, I appreciate that.” was Dawn’s reply.

As she watched the Chinese woman walk down the shoreline,
Dawn kept shifting her attention between the card in her hand and
the sway of the young woman’s ass. For a few moments she
considered just leaving the card on the beach, then decided
otherwise. With a small smile on her lips, she slid it into her
pocket. Then she stood there for almost another hour, just
watching the sun drop in the afternoon sky.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The sound of running water filled the small cabin as Dawn
stepped through the door. It was obvious Kari was in the shower.
Actually she was hoping she would be out when she got back so
that she would have the use of that particular convenience. After
their lovemaking, she and Helen had taken a final dip in the pool to
wash off, but the scent of their passion wasn’t going to go away

“It that you, Dawn?” Kari called out from the bathroom.

“Yes, it’s me.” she called out.

“I’ll be out in a minute.” Kari yelled back. “How was the trip
ashore? Find anything interesting?”

“Oh you could say that.” Dawn answered as she walked
across the room, stripping off her clothes as she did.

“Really, anything that I’d like?” Kari further inquired as she
stepped out of the bathroom.

“Err...I don’t think it was exactly to your tastes.” Dawn said
as she turned to face her friend.

Kari was still dripping wet, one towel wrapped around her
body, another around her hair. Dawn felt a little uncomfortable
seeing her friend at this moment, more so because of the tingling
between her legs that Kari’s nearness produced.

“I was hoping to take a shower before dinner.” Dawn
explained as she stepped past her friend. “I got a little grimy on
the beach.”

“Whew, no kidding.” Kari noted as her girlfriend squeezed
past her. “What were you doing ... running laps on the beach?” She
paused for a second as she finished drying her hair. “Or did you
find one of those cute island guys you mentioned this morning?”

To Kari’s surprise, her little joke cause Dawn to turn a sharp
shade of red, something she hadn’t seen her do since junior high.

“No, no island guys.” she tried to laugh.

“Well, the shower’s all yours.” Kari said as she let the towel
drop from her body and proceeded to dry herself off.

Dawn couldn’t help but look at her friend’s now naked form.
The tingle between her legs now burned. It was as if her actions
this afternoon had opened a Pandora’s Box and she would never be
able to close it.

“What’s this?” Kari asked as she picked up a small white
paper from the floor.

“Oh, someone gave me their card.” Dawn quickly responded.
“It must’ve fallen out of my pocket.”

“Helen Leung ... Scarlett Tours.” she read before handing
the card back. “Are you planning another vacation already.”

“Like I said, it was just someone I met on the beach.” Dawn
shot back.

“Okay, no need to be so defensive.” Kari said as she finished
drying off.

“Damn, I am being too defensive.” Dawn thought. “But I’m
not Kari. She could screw someone on a stage in front of an
audience and then just take her seat and enjoy the rest of the
show. Me, I can’t help but feel a little guilty.”

“You know, I was thinking maybe we could go dancing later
tonight.” Kari suggested.

“I thought you didn’t like dancing with a bunch of dykes.”
Dawn said, a little surprised. “Isn’t that what you called them last

“Hey, I’ll admit I could’ve been wrong.” Kari admitted.
“After all, you’re the one who told me I should loosen up and be
more open to new ideas.”

“Well we’ll see after dinner.” Dawn said as she closed the
bathroom door behind her.

Turning on the water, Dawn found it surprising that Kari
could’ve changed her mind so easily. Something had to have
happened for her to do such an about face. Kari had never been a
deep thinker, so it had to be much more than philosophical. Then,
as she stepped under the running water, Dawn began to wonder
what it was that Kari had been doing this afternoon that required
her to take a mid-afternoon shower as well. That was out if
character as well.

“I wonder if, I can’t believe that.” Kari thought as she
considered if Kari’s afternoon was anything like hers. “Not Kari.”

The sound of water in her ears blocked that of the shower
curtain as it opened just a bit. Dawn almost jumped when she
suddenly felt a soft pair of hands on her back. Dropping the bar of
soap she’d held, she whirled around.

“Careful.” Kari laughed. “Don’t you know that most
household accidents happen in the tub.”

“Kari, what are you....?”

“I thought you might need someone to help you wash your
back.” the blonde smiled. “And I just happened to be available.”

A look of confusion, mixed with panic filled Dawn’s face.
Was she imagining this?

“And I’m also available for washing fronts as well.” Kari

When Dawn failed to even laugh at her joke, that look of
panic appeared on Kari’s face as well. Had she guessed wrong?

“Looks like I was wrong.” Kari said apologetically. “Guess I
should be trying to say it was all a joke, but I really don’t want to.
I’ll go and we’ll make believe this never happened.”

Kari started to turn, then felt Dawn’s hand on her arm.
“Stay.” she said with a smile.

The smile was quickly reflected on Kari’s face as she turned
back to her friend. They looked at each other for what seemed
like forever, neither saying a word. It was like both knew what had
happened to the other without being told. Later on there would be
plenty of time to talk about it. Right now all they were interested
in was the soft press of their lips against each other as they



2008-05-30 22:50:15
i want to be on that cruise


2008-05-26 14:40:52
Have read all of your stories and love them.Wish I could find an orally gifted gal for some first time love.


2007-04-25 13:40:07
I loved all your stories, I gave all of them a 10/10!


2006-12-28 17:19:03


2006-02-01 20:53:52
it is really great i love reading this good story. sometimes i got lost but thats okay

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