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Hello, my name is Katie, I am a 16 year old with straight blonde hair that reaches just past my shoulders, I’m 5 foot 4, my boobs are 32 c and I have grey eyes. Like every girl, I love my daddy. I would do anything for him.
I am an only child that was living with my Mother until I turned 15, that’s when she got addicted to Alcohol and wasn’t allowed to take care of me anymore, so I was sent to the other side of the Country to live with my Daddy.
From that point on Daddy always took good care of me, I didn’t need anyone else but him. Daddy was really cool, he let me stay up as late as I wanted, he even took me shopping! Every other guy Id met hated shopping. Sometimes I would get scared watching a movie and he’d let me cuddle up with him, he didn’t even mind if I fell asleep on his lap.
He even had an in ground swimming pool! One day we went shopping for swimsuits and he helped me pick out the best one, he’s so sweet giving up his free time to go shopping with his daughter. He’s funny too because he jokingly asked if I wanted to model them for him. Haha. When we got home we decided to go for a swim and try out my new bikini. He said it looked so good on me he couldn’t stop staring at me! Hehe, it made me blush.

Daddy always looked out for me, every time I thought a boy liked me Daddy told me he was only after sex and really hated me and thought I was ugly and that they laughed about me behind my back. It did hurt knowing that but it felt sooo good that he cared about me so much. He would always tell me how pretty or beautiful I look to him. It made me blush and giggle every time.

It was one week before my 16th Birthday and Daddy had asked to see me in his room for a moment. I entered wearing a white tank top, frilly white skirt and soft silk pink panties.
Daddy was already in there waiting for me. He told me he had birthday presents for me and that he would give one of them to me today, I was so excited! Daddy told me to sit down on his lap so he could tell me what my present was.
Just as Daddy opened his mouth to speak, I felt something semi-hard poking against my ass, I stood up and looked down on Daddy’s lap, ‘Umm, Daddy? What’s that under your boxers?’ I asked.
Daddy smiled, looked up at me and said, ‘That’s my erection, sweetheart.’
‘That’s right; it’s when a man’s penis becomes hard, all men get them when they’re happy.’
I smiled, ‘Really?’
‘Yes, that’s right; and the happier they are, the harder it becomes.’
Wow, I made my Daddy that happy just being with him! ‘Aww, I love you Daddy!’ I sat back down on Daddy’s lap, this time bending my knees so I was kneeling on the bed while still sitting on his lap with each leg either side of him, which made my skirt hike up a bit.
Daddy put his arms around me and I put mine around his, then he whispered in my ear, ‘I love you too, Katie. More than anyone else ever will.’
I giggled and sighed happily. Daddy’s Erection was now poking hard against my panties. It was an odd feeling but Daddy was happy, so I didn’t care.
Daddy kissed me on the cheek and said ‘Before I give you your present, there is something I want to ask you.’
I titled my head slightly and asked ‘What is it Daddy?’
‘Have you ever kissed a boy, Katie?’
I shook my head, slightly embarrassed.
‘It’s ok darling, Daddy’s going to teach you how.’
I tilted my head to the side, ‘Are you sure that’s ok Daddy? Are we allowed to kiss each other on the lips?’
Daddy laughed a little, ‘Of course we are, you’re my daughter! Every Daddy kisses his daughter, it’s just that no one talks about it because it’s such a private, special moment shared by two people that love each other very, very much.’
‘Oh, like married people.’
‘Exactly, I knew you’d understand; you’re so smart! Not only that but you are the prettiest girl I have ever laid eyes on.’
I giggled and tried not to blush too much but I couldn’t help it, practically my whole face was turning red.
‘Ok then, first I want you to kiss me on my cheek. I know you’ve done it thousands of times before but this is just a warm up.’
‘Ok Daddy,’ I said quietly and pressed my lips softly against his right cheek.
‘Good, now do the same thing but on my lips.’
I moved my mouth closer to his, licked my lips a little and kept moving my head further until I could feel his warm breath on my face, then I finally pushed my lips against his, giving them a quick kiss before I leaned back nervously.
‘Its ok baby, you’re doing fine. This time I want you to kiss me for longer, let’s say… 3 seconds. Also, open your lips and move them around mine and I’ll do the same. Do you understand?’
I nodded. Slowly, I moved my lips towards Daddy’s again, quicker this time. When our lips connected I could feel Daddy’s Erection getting harder, ‘I must be doing a really good job’, I thought as I felt it pushing into my panties. Our lips crawled over each others; Daddy began sucking on my upper lip as my lower one caressed his. I was getting a little carried away with the kissing, 5 seconds had gone by and I still hadn’t stopped. Daddy didn’t seem to mind though, so I kept kissing him, suddenly I felt something else inside my mouth, it was Daddy’s tongue! It was massaging my own tongue, I don’t know why but it felt nice so I didn’t mind. Daddy was sliding his hand down my back and must have not been paying attention because he grabbed my ass, which made me jump and lose contact with his lips and tongue.
I was so upset with myself for screwing this up! I looked away from Daddy, ‘Ohh, Im sorry Daddy. I got carried away and then just when you were getting happier I stuffed it up!’
‘No baby, it’s not your fault. These things just happen, okay? Look at me,’ I moved my eyes to meet his but kept my head pointed away, ‘You’re such a good kisser.’
I moved my head back to look at him properly, ‘I am?’
Daddy nodded and gave me a big hug, so I hugged him back. Phew, I was worried Daddy would be mad at me.

Then Daddy reached under the bed and pulled out a small box and put it in my hand. ‘Go on,’ he said, ‘open it.’
I eagerly opened my gift and my eyes lid up with pure joy at the sight of a shiny diamond ring. I was speechless for a moment and then finally blurted out, ‘OH MY GOD!!! Daddy wow thank you!! Thank you soooo much!!’ I flung my arms around him and hugged him tighter than I ever have before, pressing my body so hard up against him that he fell backwards onto the bed and I fell with him. ‘Oops, I’m soo sorry Daddy, I’m just so excited!!’
Daddy laughed and looked deep into my eyes, ‘It’s ok Princess, I don’t mind.’
‘Aww, you are the sweetest.’ I kissed my Daddy lightly on the lips then put the Diamond Ring on my finger and sat on top of Daddy, admiring it.
‘Now then, do you know what that ring symbolizes?’
I shook my head.
‘Your love and obedience to me. I would like you to wear it all the time, that way, whenever I look at my beautiful little girl, I will be reminded of just how much she loves me.’
‘Ok Daddy, I’ll do anything to make you happy and show how much I love you.’ I kissed my Daddy again on the lips and then rested my head on his chest. I felt Daddy’s loving arms wrapped around me and it felt so nice, I drifted off to sleep.
I woke up a few hours later; I was lying next to Daddy who was asleep on the bed. My legs were spread apart and as I moved them closer together, it felt wet in between them. For a moment I thought I had pissed my pants! Then I remembered Id be able to smell it and piss is warm but this wasn’t; maybe it was just sweat, although I don’t think sweat is usually this sticky.
As I tried to work it out I noticed a small lump in Daddy’s pants. ‘Daddy must still be happy,’ I thought, ‘maybe he’s having a really good dream or something.’
I was feeling very curious so I sat up crossed legged facing Daddy and touched his penis through his boxer shorts. It bounced up slightly, which made me do the same because it was such a surprise. I rubbed my finger over it and watched the lump get bigger and bigger, which made me giggle. I didn’t really know what was going on, so to get a better look I put my fingers just under the waist of his boxers and slid them down to his knees, making Daddy’s penis get pulled down as the boxers went over it and then bounce up really fast, slapping against his tummy when it was released, which made me giggle really hard this time.
I kept poking it with a finger on my right hand while my left stroked his balls. I then slid 2 fingers up his penis, this had a great effect, making it point straight up in the air. I slid my fingers back down and up again, then down one more time. I could hear Daddy starting to moan a bit in his sleep. I realized I might be disturbing him but this was so interesting and fun that I didn’t want to stop. I decided to experiment, just for a little while. I pulled Daddy’s hard Penis down between his legs and then let go, I giggled as I watched it fling up and back down the other side, slapping hard on his Tummy again and then back to pointing straight up in the air. I bit my lip, trying to suppress my giggling fit. Then I noticed that I was wet between my legs again, I thought I should go to the bathroom for a shower because I needed to clean myself up, so I pulled Daddy’s boxers back over his Penis and went in for a shower.

Later that day when Daddy woke up, he told me one more thing. In fact he actually gave me a hint about my Birthday present, he said it was something that I could play with and he was sure I’d have lots of fun doing it. He said it was called ‘milking’. Hmm, I wonder what that could mean…

It was the day before my 16th Birthday and Daddy was taking me to the beach. I wore my yellow thong bikini set. When we got there it was packed full of people. Daddy and I walked further up the beach until we found a nice quiet spot; there were a few other people around but not nearly as many. I laid my towel down on the sand and sat down.
‘Daddy, could you pass me the sunscreen?’ I asked.
‘Sure sweetie,’ he said as he handed it over.
I rubbed it all over my body, along my smooth arms and legs, over my tummy and my cleavage, I looked over at Daddy who was smiling at me for some reason, I giggled, ‘What?’
‘Nothing sweetheart, would you like me to get your back?’ Daddy asked me.
‘Sure, thanks.’ I replied as I rolled over onto my tummy.
Daddy got onto his knees and about half a minute later I could feel his hands rubbing softly on my back and it actually began to feel more like a massage. I thought I could lie there forever, without a care in the world. Daddy’s touch was firm, yet soft. As he continued, I could feel myself enjoying it more and more, my breathing getting deeper and my eyes closing as I began to moan softly. I scrunched up my toes as I felt Daddy’s hands begin touching my thighs and working there way to my ass. His fingers felt great on my little tush and as he continued to work his magic, I felt a slight tingle run up my spine.
I then heard someone approaching, I turned my head and opened my eyes. It was a Police Officer.
‘Is everything alright here?’ He asked, looking directly at me.
‘Yeah, Im just here with my Daddy,’ I answered.
‘And he’s not making you feel uncomfortable?’
‘No, why would he?’
The officer looked at Daddy. ‘I’m watching you.’
‘What, I can’t have a day out at the beach with my daughter?’
‘Sure you can… for now,’ and with that, the Officer turned and walked away.
‘Ummm, what was all that about Daddy?’ I asked, turning my head to look at him.
‘Nothing sweetie, don’t worry about it, everything’s fine,’ he assured me.
I laid my head down on it’s side and closed my eyes, I must have fallen asleep because when I opened them again I was on my back and Daddy had taken off his shirt and was laying down on his side next to me. When I sat up, I noticed once again that I was wet between my legs. Why did this keep happening and what was causing it?
‘Are you awake, Daddy?’ I asked, poking him gently on the back.
No response.
Still nothing.
I sighed, stood up and started heading towards the water. I only took a few steps when my tummy rumbled. I turned around and went back, bent over to pick out Daddy’s wallet from his pants so I could buy something to eat, I flipped his shirt up to get into his pocket and I gasped as my eyes widened. Daddy’s Penis was pinned down by the waist of his shorts! I rolled Daddy onto his back and pulled his shorts down a little to let Daddy be free and his penis pointed straight up to the sky. I giggled as I lightly hit it from side to side. I wasn’t really sure what I should do, should I wake Daddy up? Should I put it back? Maybe I could keep playing with it, just a little while longer. Daddy did say men get… what was it called again? Their penis gets hard…. erection, that was it! Men get an erection when they’re happy, so that must mean he is happy. I rested my head down on Daddy’s tummy, smiling. It wasn’t long before I noticed Daddy’s penis had started going down… I panicked and sat back up, then I tried pushing it back up but it kept falling down again. I tried wrapping my fingers lightly around it and keeping them there for a while, then I remembered that day on Daddy’s bed… the more I played with it the happier he got. So I started stroking my fingers gently down his penis, then back up again and kept repeating that process, it wasn’t long before Daddy was happy again. I didn’t want to upset him so I kept my fingers running up and down his Penis.
Daddy started moaning, I must have been disturbing him again, I was about to stop when I heard Daddy mumble something but I couldn’t make out what it was. Luckily he said it again, ‘Suck me.’ He must have been dreaming about lollipops or something. I really like lollipops. Then Daddy spoke again, ‘Suck my dick’. His dick? Oohhh, he’s talking about his penis. But why would he want someone to suck it, what would that do? Curiosity filled my mind, I started thinking about how touching Daddy’s penis made Daddy really happy. Maybe sucking on Daddy’s penis… I mean, dick, would make him even happier?

I rearranged myself so I was sitting on my knees and re-wrapped my hand around Daddy’s still very hard dick. I leant forward, opening my mouth…

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-03-06 14:04:50
An auto insurance QuotesChimp, whether in a fault or no-fault state, is actually a mixture of several distinct coverages tied up in one bundle. Some of these coverages shield some and 3rd parties shield the insured directly. Some of the coverages are some elective and required. The differing coverages added together to come up with the whole premium price and are priced individually.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-01-06 13:47:17
I had no idea how to approach this befeno-row I'm locked and loaded.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-11-18 21:51:31
WhCqpg Im obliged for the article.Really looking forward to read more. Much obliged.


2009-10-11 17:47:25
fuck every one els i enjoyed it and for yalls info not every teenager knows all this shit about sex i mean some people do have a shelterd life and it said nothing about her school or any thing yall just need to enjoy a story for just that a story so fuck them great job keep them coming

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-09-15 13:45:12
I agree with the other comments...She's pretty ignorant for 16 years old.....

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