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medical experiment take nurse for his own
First story please comment
I was human before the experiments and I joined it for the money. The money I had saved while in the army was gone even with work what side jobs I could get. There was going to be a 20k pay out at the end of it. The experiment was supposed to increase cell growth for medical purposes but everyone else died from it soon after their third or fourth injection. Soon the experiment was trying to find out why I hadn’t died yet. They had basically made my body age quicker or that’s how they explained it to me, after they had done it of course. I never would have agreed to that. The mystery was why wasn’t I ageing quick like the rest of them well they never really explained it to me. Then after one of the doctors put a decimal in the wrong place I got 10 times the amount of the drug I was supposed to get. The result was that my DNA became very unstable or that what they thought at first. My body now reacted to what I wanted but not in the traditional way. They found that my body was reacting to my needs. They discovered this when I beat the crap out of two security guards who had been roughing me up even when I wasn’t causing trouble. I ripped out of the straps and knocked the first one out I one hit. I know what you’re thinking so what, well this guy was 6ft 4 280 and he must have lived in the gym. His friend looked much the same and when he tried to take me down even I thought it was weird that I threw him across the room. The one guy dragged his friend out as I stood dumbfounded by my own strength. Next time they came for me they were more prepared and I was still wondering how I had done that. They came in with assault rifles and shackle me. They proceeded to see what else I could do and how much damage I could take. It started with them letting the guard I knocked out have some fun with a baseball bat. After a few day’s he could hardly even bruise me. Though I no longer had skin it was more like scales. So they tried to see if I could take a bullet. Over and over and they just kept uping the caliber when I finally did deflect that round. Bye the end of it I could take a .30 caliber round to the chest (though only in the chest) without injury. I could run the 100m in 7sec and it was a little disturbing to feel my back bone split down its length to grow the bones that would be used as wings. The government had taken over by then and I was there greatest success. The only place they had failed was reproducing the weapon or making other people like me. That’s when they asked if I could do it cause my mutation in others and they offered something I couldn’t refuse to be more precise someone.
I wasn’t sure if I could even do what they wanted. Physically or mentally rape was something that I wasn’t comfortable with, even if she deserved it. They told me I had two days to decide. Then they would leave the door lock to my room after she came in for her daily check up and if I decided to try they would forget to post guards and if not one would come by and unlock it. Then she came in the first day to give me an examination to check my progress. Said the doctors want to see if I had anything new. I didn’t pay attention to most of it cause she loved to get me aroused and then just leave. Then she said something that got my attention “what are these I looked down to see a divot right below my wrist. Then I felt something I my arm I concentrated and then a tentacle came out of the divot. She was as surprised by this as I was. After a further examination she found 14 divots in all and of course a tentacle inside each one. They were all located near joints except the four from my back. The two in each arm would come out down if I was standing there and the rest would come out up. It seemed they differed in size as well the ones from my hips were the largest and longest about 8ft in length and 3in wide. The ones from my knees, shoulders and back were about 6ft long and 2in wide and the ones from my elbows and wrist were about 4ft long they differed in size though with the elbow one being about 2in wide and the wrist being 1 ½ in wide they also were different in sensitivity the biggest being the least and the smallest being the most. Did these form last night, could these be what I need to make her like me, I thought to myself. She was definitely asking for it to. The entire examination just being a tease in general making comments like “I’d like to try that one” and paying way to much attention to them, at one point she had one from my wrist inches from her mouth and then liked her lips and she got this look on her face that said I wonder what I tastes like then look at me and change to you wish. She seemed to love watching me shiver, I was breathing harder I could feel my heart pounding in my chest I was about to take her then and there when. “That’s it for your examination” she said and quickly exited the room. She was going to get it tomorrow!
When she came in the next day I was just lying on the bed (that piece of shit they called a bed anyway). When she walked over I asked “any examinations today” she just smile and asked “why you weren’t satisfied with the one I gave yesterday”. If I had had any doubts about what to do she just threw them out the window. I kept my cool let her think she was still in control. When I didn’t respond she just said “just need a blood sample today” and she made sure to caress me while she did it. When she started to leave I got up as quietly as that bed would allow retracted the claws on my feet and started to sneak up behind her. She was so confident that I wouldn’t do anything she didn’t even look back when I got up and I know she heard it. Despite my size and weight I moved up behind her in complete silents. I could easily stand two feet taller than her 5ft 4 because of the fact that my leg now look more like a dogs but I comfortably stood 6ft 8. When she tried to open the door, I was right behind her. She spun around when she couldn’t open the door. We were face to face. For my part I was hunch over and had extended my winds and she look terrified. The blood had drained from her face. She was about to say something when I grabbed her by the throat pinning her to the door at the same time. I wasn’t quiet cutting off the air flow, she wasn’t getting any breaks. She started banging on the door and spurted out ur gona get it. I waited a sec just to let it set in then said “hmm I think they would have asked what wrong by now. Maybe there on a shift change.” Witch was crap the guards don’t leave till the next shift gets there and she knew it. So I just took my time I was going to enjoy this. She started to be “please…please stop don’t do this” I just taunted back “what I couldn’t here that” and laughed when she started crying and asked again. I slowly ran my hand up her side careful not to cut her with my clawed hand, don’t want her to pass out from blood loss, to early anyway. I grabbed her tit and even through the uniform she was wearing it felt great. How many times had she leaned over offer a better view of her C cups. After couple of seconds he moved down towards her ass. He was always amazed by how wide her hips got compared to her waist and that ass would married men not care that their wives were right next to them. She was pretty had a nice pair of DSL’s, brown eye’s and black hair. She was definitely of Latina descent. I lifted her up and off the door so I holding her about a foot off the ground with just my one arm and she grabbed my arm so she could get some of the weight off her neck. I walked her over to the bed and threw her down. She rolled off the other side and started to circle the room trying to get to the door. I cornered her and said “ there is no escape make this easy on yourself and get on the bed or maybe you would prefer it up against the wall” she just started to cry some more. I was growing tired of playing with her so I dragged her to the bed she kicked and screamed to whole way. Then I sat her on the bed and said “take off your uniform” she just screamed “NEVER” so I just grabbed her by the throat and said “if you don’t take them off I’ll rip them off then you’ll have nothing to wear after.” Sobbing she asked “what’s after” I just smiled “they’re going to put you through the same hell I went through.”
When she didn’t take anything off I used my two larges tentacle to grab her and as she struggle with them I ripped the front of her blouse off, revealing the very sexy bra she was wearing. Then I removed her skirt it wasn’t hard with claws shard enough to rip out someone’s throat with very little effort. Her panty’s matched her bra and the sight of her trying to fend off my two tentacles was very entertaining. They had come to a stand still with one going around each of her sides then they went different ways one up one down. The upper one had her left arm immobilized while the lower one had her right leg they were both trying to pin the other side but could quite get them. It was strange they responded to my will but after I set them on a task they seemed to do the rest on their own without any real thought. I realized I was playing with her again and decide to stop holding back. I concentrated and sent the 12 left in to the struggle if you could call it that now. She was just twisting and turning the best she could and that wasn’t much I guess squirming would be a good word for it. I had sent one of the larger tentacles into her mouth to shut her up and to see if she’d bite and she was. Though with that one I wasn’t much worse that getting bit on the arm but still hurt. So I wrap it around her throat while the was still biting it and squeezed till I thought her neck was about to break then I loosened up a bit. I got right next to her ear and said “bite down again and I’ll break that pretty neck of your”. She gave a muffled scream and thrash around as best she could but she stopped biting. So I let off the pressure and she started gasping for air around the tentacle in her mouth I let her get four or five breaths then I push it in further till she gagged then I pulled it all the way out. I was pretty sure I was going to regret this but I took one of my very sensitive tentacles and let it have a turn and had the other one go play with her clit. I didn’t know it at the moment but I had just sampled her DNA with that last oral violation and my body had already started to make the mutagen necessary to turn her into a creature like me. I also started secreting a chemical from my smaller tentacle that would make her sex crazed. So when I shoved that into her mouth I wasn’t going to take long before she would do the work for me. I had played enough time to get to business I worked my tentacle under her bra and panties and the ripped them off flipped her so her legs were hanging off the bed and got ready to fuck her doggy style. My 9in dick was rock hard from what I had been doing to her, not to mention the fact that I was feeling everything my tentacle were doing. The amount of information I was getting from them was driving me crazy. I start by rubbing her clit with my dick and realized my second wrist tentacle was still playing with it, while the other one was by now getting sucked on. The chemical was in full effect and she even started to beg me “please…stop…” while the tentacle was fucking her face. Then I caressed her pussy lips with the head of my dick while positioning it. Then I pushed in hard and fast she tried to clench down but with the amount of pussy juices I didn’t need to push nearly as hard as I did. She arched her back and gave a muffled scream as I knocked her thighs into the bed railing with my thrust. I took the one out of her mouth and had it replace the one rubbing her clit and had that one start playing with her rectum, she pouted when the one assaulting her face left for it new task but moaned in pleasure as the other took up it new job. I was slowly pulling out as I gave the new orders and then thrusted back in. She was moaning and screaming as I started to fuck her and then I felt her clench down on my dick as she came. It looked and felt like she completely lost control of herself she was trying to flail her arms and legs in random directions. I had stop to watch her incoherent flopping so I slowly started to pull out and she yell “ non-n-n-n stop stop please” while gasping for air so I did and figured I’ll see what happened when I don’t stop next time. When she relaxed I pulled the rest of the way out and turned her around do she could clean her juices off my cock. After she got use to the size she even deep throated it. She was diffidently not an amateur. I spun her around again and witched to the missionary position and considering that she begged me to fuck her and suck my cock I pull most of my tentacle back in. After her orgasm though she had reached a moment of clarity, she had temporarily sated her sex craving and the euphoria of her orgasm was wearing off. She started beating my chest screaming “rapist bastard what did you do to me” as she started to feel her body again burn for more. This shocked me because I had almost forgot that she didn’t start off a willing participant and it didn’t take long before she was feeling my chest and begging me to fuck her again, I couldn’t help thinking what did she mean what did I do to her. I stopped thinking about it because she was more than willing again she wrapped her legs around me a started grinding her pussy on my dick. I knew her hot pussy was just waiting to swallow my cock so I obliged. Her arms were free so when I buried my dick in her she grabbed my face looked in the eyes and said in a whispered “fuck me” she said it louder and louder, then when I looked back into her eye’s I saw a primal need there she was focused on one thing fucking and getting off, I was happy to sate that need. So I started to fuck the shit out of her and in doing so I noticed that from this position I was about 1in to long for her pussy. She didn’t care on the contrary she was begging “deeper deeper” the whole time and again my body was doing something more of its own will than mine it started to release the chemical signal to her cervix that she was going into labor, so her cervix was starting to dilate then my dick did the rest with a grunt from her that was a mixture of pleasure and pain I buried my dick till our pelvises wouldn’t let me any deeper. I was close to coming and I was sure she was close as well. So started fucking her for all I was worth and when I felt her clench down on as she was starting to cum that pushed me over the edge. There buried as far as I could get in I was filling her womb with my cum. That’s what I thought any way. She came for about ten seconds, flailing about much more successfully this time and I was still pumping more of my load into her and I saw her pelvic area bulge a little nothing really noticeable but I was filling her uterus with my come and that when it hit my come was what was going to turn her into what I was. I also got a feeling that I wasn’t finished yet there was still more to do.
I pulled out and sat down next to her. My to larger tentacle that I had keep out to help thrust and hold her in position were massaging almost her entire upper body between the two of them and the two smaller ones had renewed their attacks on her clit and rectum. There was something different about the smaller ones they now each had about 20 small feelers coming out of their tip the feelers were about the length of a finger nail(a man’s finger nail) and weren’t much thicker that hair and they were driving her crazy. Though she had the same moment of clarity her only thought was more I want more so she crawled over on all fours the foot or so to wear I was and just the sight of her crawling like that was starting to get me hard again and she started sucking my dick and it didn’t take 20sec for me to get rock hard again. She was using one hand to massage my balls or my dick when she was sucking on my balls. Her second hand she was using to finger herself making sure not to interfere with the tentacles. This gave me an idea I withdrew them and sent them to tryout thoughs little feelers on her breasts and nipple. Then I call out the two from just about my elbows and sent them on their mission the first pushed into her vagina with very little effort but the other met with some resistance. It was trying to penetrate her rectum but every time it got close the stimulation made her tighten up her virgin asshole. It coated itself in a thick but effective lubricant which was also what the other one had coated itself with at the begining and then started to play with her rectum some more getting the lubricant all over the ass. When the first one had started fucking her pussy she start to switch between using her hands to help suck my dick or to feel herself up because. The two I had set to play with her tits were doing much more than that every were they went they were stimulating that area and every time they left that area it wasn’t long before she was grabbing her tits or rubbing her stomach or her inner thighs together. It was driving her crazy because what little concentration she had was gone and between sucking my dick getting fuck having her asshole played with and random stimulation all over her body she was getting close to coming again. When my tentacle playing with her rectum finally got enough leverage it pushed itself into her ass. This tipped her over the edge and when she tried to stop sucking my dick I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her down till her nose made contact. For her part she did well considering the circumstance. I got a little bit of teeth but nothing to unpleasant. The two large tentacle held her so the fact that 5in of my cock were in her throat wasn’t causing too much discomfort. She had already been deep throating when she started to cum so by the time she was finished it had been a good 20sec since she had had a breath. She put her hand on my hips and tried to push herself back but I held her where she was. Her screams were muffled and the vibrations felt great on my dick. Clawing and my chest and side she looked up at me with this pitiful look in her eye’s begging me to let her breath. I let the back of her head go and she pulled her head off my dick and took in deep breath. After catching her breath it looked like she was about to start chewing me out for suffocating her but she yelped instead when the tentacle in her ass started to go at it again. I grabbed her and positioned her on her back with her head off the side of the bed. I noticed at this point how small the bed was because about mid thigh was the other side of the bed. Anyway I put my cock back in her mouth and started to push it into her throat again when she choked and I pulled out but she opened her mouth so I went in again and she seemed to be ready for the unfamiliar feeling of everything being upside down and from this angle I could see her throat expanding to accommodate my girth. I was so turned on by watch my dick force for throat to expand to accommodate my dick I forgot to let her breath and by the time I noticed she had started hitting the side of my leg well that what made me notice. She took a deep breath after I pulled out and after a second or two she tilted her head back again and opened her mouth. I was being guided by an instinctual knowledge but somehow I was guiding her threw the chemicals I was transferring from my tentacles. Though I was being more careful about letting her breath the fact that I was fucking her throat was driving my craze I didn’t take 2min in that position till I was about to come. Something told me to pull out and thrust in one last time before I came. She took a breath and push till I felt her nose touching my ball and I started filling her throat with my cum. She didn’t worry about swallowing there wasn’t any choice I was pumping it straight into her stomach. Then like with before I saw her stomach swell a little, I mean it was like she had just finished eating a big meal but there was definitely a difference. I still had the feeling that there was more to do.
She beat me to the punch though, she got up and I let go of her as she circled around and pushed me on to the bed I shift so that I was laying completely on the bed instead of having my legs and head hanging off the sides. She mounted me and I decided to leave the larger tentacles out of this round. I let the other four go back to their work except for the one I her pussy because the first thing she did was put my dick in there and started riding me. I had that one help the two rubbing and feeling what seemed like every part of her body cause she had one of them in her mouth and was trying to get it past her uvula but every time the feelers got close to it she started gagging. After about 5 min she got used to the feeling and could get it down her throat but something didn’t feel right we were doing something wrong. I got the feeling she felt it to because she had just grabbed my hand so she could see if she could get all 4ft down her throat but she stop 2ft down and pulled it out. I grabbed her by the hips and started to fuck her hard but something didn’t feel right. I stop fucking her and we just sat there trying to figure out what was wrong. Then she jump and took in a quick breath from being surprised as the tentacle in her ass pushed back in. It hit us both at the same time she turned around and I had the tentacle in her ass pull out and it was a good thing that I had already been fucking her ass with that tentacle because my dick was definitely on the large size, not to mention all the lub that still there. As she positioned herself over me I got an idea I had the tentacle that was fuck her ass and the one fucking her pussy twist around each other them ready to fuck her pussy as I fucked her ass. Now my the head of my dick was touching her ass and she was slowly putting more weight into it I was about to just grab her hips and thrust in but the head went in and she clench her ass was so tight I felt incredible and when she started slowly sliding down my shaft I could hardly stop my from taking over but I let her finish what she was doing. Once she was about half way down my shaft I had the two tentacles penetrate her pussy as deep as they could go. She clenched down on my shaft again as they entered and she screamed with pleasure as they buried themselves. After that I grabbed her hips and pulled her the rest of the way down. That got another scream out of her. She started to grind on me and my tentacle then looked back with that same look on her face from when I was suffocating her and said “make me cum again please make me cum” and she just kept repeating that as she grinded on me. I grabbed her hip to stop her, when I held her there she tried to push off but I held her in place. She started twisting this way turning that way anything to get some stimulation and just when she thought that I wasn’t going to do anything else I slowly started to pull one of the two tentacle in her pussy out and right when there was only about an inch left in I started it back in and the other started to pull out. Back and forth back and forth they went slowly building speed until she had completely forgot that my dick was in her ass, then I slowly pulled it out and she screamed “harder faster o god yes” and other combinations till I was poised to thrust back in. She was so close to an orgasm I couldn’t help it any more I thrusted in, time to see what happens. I had pushed her over the edge but she wasn’t flailing around like before it was like she was paralyzed because I hadn’t stop the tentacles they were still fucking the shit out of her pussy and I was fucking her ass with long steady strokes. She started to fall back but I grabbed her with the two larger tentacles and they held her there at about a 45degree angle to me laying down on the as I steadily kept that orgasm going she broke the paralysis with begging “please please please” I couldn’t figure out if she wanted me to stop or keep go though I don’t think she did ether. Then she started to flail around like she had before and please became, o god. She seemed to pick one word or phrase and just repeat it. With her flailing about I had to turn so her legs weren’t able to push off anything. Then the flailing stop and she went limp but change o god to yes. Up till then had taken about 25sec but as I figure it that’s one hell of an orgasm but I wasn’t finished I could feel my own coming on so I keep at it the yes’s were being whispered now but then another change she went from limp to rigid and started playing with her clit and while she was getting louder she started changing the word up every few times she said them “yes, yes, harder, harder, fuck me, o god” o god was back up to screams the she got out “I’m gunna cu” and she couldn’t quite finish cum because she was having the orgasm and she got stiff as a board again though this only lasted a second or two because I started cuming and buried my dick as far into ass as I could get then wrapped my arms around her waist and started filling her ass with my cum. When I wrapped my arms around her my tentacles responded in kind even the one fucking her pulled out and wrapped themselves around her legs. As I laid there holding her I don’t know how we just sat there but I started to get uncomfortable because my left leg was all the way off the bed and my right was about half way off but I wanted to stay there holding her with my dick buried in her ass. She was like me now, she was mine.
After about 5min she started to convulse I quickly unwrapped my tentacles and laid her on the bed. The convulsions didn’t stop they got worse and when I was trying to think of what to do to help her she fell off the bed. I ran around the bed to find that she had stopped convulsing. She was sitting there she looked up as me, and I could see the terror in her eyes, and said “what’s happening to me” but she didn’t quite get through me as she started to puke. I also noticed that she was leaking the say fluid she was puking from her pussy. And as the puking got worse the fluid started spraying from her pussy. I was about to go pull her from the puddle of fluid that were on the floor but something told me not to. That wasn’t regular puke that was my cum same with what was coming out of her vagina but y hadn’t it came out of her ass. She had it all over her when she finally stop puking and as she tried to get she slipped and then the thick fluid was all over her she tried to get up again and again she slipped soon she was completely covered and when she tried to wipe it off she could quite do it. The stuff seemed to stick to itself very well and the long I watched the firmer the stuff became. Soon she like a mummy then it hit me it’s a cocoon. After I realized that I also realized how tired I was I tried to make it to the bed but couldn’t and ended up passing out right next to her.

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-11-07 14:01:55
need to go a little bit more in depth on the anal part

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-11-07 13:41:36
Kinky as Fuck!! I love it!!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-11-05 21:18:29
It's not bad, really! Just spruce up the grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and it will be perfect.

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-09-30 16:37:48
Good story however u say i when it shud be it/ in etc etc. Proof read please
keep writin tho :)

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-09-21 13:48:47
Couldn't get past the first couple lines. No paragraphing made it too difficult.

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