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Mrs. Becca Palmer suddenly awoke from a wild dream. She looked over at the clock showing 6:00 AM, and then she looked down and noticed she was lying naked on top of her bed covers, with her robe open. Sweat covered her body and she felt lightheaded.

"Oh my," she sighed, not sure why she felt so drained. After she regained her senses, she tried to remember when she fell asleep but was drawing blanks. The last thing she remembered was reading a book in the kitchen after eating ice cream and feeling tired, which alarmed her because she usually never felt as tired as she did last night. She hoped she wasn't getting sick.

Becca sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes.

"Wow, that was some wild dream," the beautiful housewife thought to herself, noticing that her pussy was very moist. The dream was hazy, but she recalls being strapped up to a bed while naked men ravaged her sexually. The conservative mother rarely had naughty dreams like that and felt dirty when she did, but she had to admit she was so horny right now and it felt great.

She brought her right hand down and felt her clit which was swelling.

"Mmmmmm..." she moaned with delight as she fondled herself. Since her last pregnancy, sex has become a rarity, but she failed to take much notice because she was always busy with her kids. When her husband was out of town, which was a lot lately, she began realizing how sexually deprived she was. Especially when waking up to a dream like the one she just had.

She started masturbating with one hand, while her other reached up and grabbed one of her hard nipples. It's almost as if she was still dreaming. Becca never acted like this, but it felt so good.

"Ooohhh," she moaned as her pussy was on fire. Her free hand moved off of her breast and reached up to brush her blonde hair out of her face. It was then she noticed a strange texture in her hair, and her fingers got stuck.

"What the..." she said as her attention was now turned away from her masturbation. She used both hands to pull her hair out in front of her trying to look at what the hell was making it hard and sticky. She looked down and noticed the sticky stuff was on her chest too.

Becca swiftly got up and fastened her robe as she made her way to the master bathroom. She observed herself in the mirror, taking notice of the strange substance in her hair and on the skin of her face and chest.

"What in the world?" she thought. She stood looking at herself in the mirror perplexed. Something didn't fell right about last night.

All of the sudden Becca was startled when her daughter knocked on her door.

"Mommy? Are you awake?"

"Mommy is about to take a shower, honey," she yelled. "I'll be out in a little bit."

She shook her head and moved away from the mirror.

"I just need a hot shower," she thought as she took off her robe and turned the water on.

While in the shower, Becca suddenly felt awake for the first time this morning. It was such a strange feeling to wake up in a daze like that. And she couldn't believe she was masturbating. It made her upset that she wasn't being fulfilled sexually by her husband, but that was no reason to be having such wild thoughts and dreams.

It was indeed perplexing that her husband seemingly lost the desire to make love to his beautiful wife. Mrs. Becca Palmer was a knockout, looking younger than her 39 years of age. Her long blonde hair was something you'd see in a shampoo commercial, and her body was something you'd see in Playboy magazine. Blessed with flawless looks, she easily landed a modeling gig for a department store catalogue years ago, but has since quit after having her third child. It would be very hard for any red-blooded male to comprehend that Becca Palmer was sexually frustrated.

Becca washed her hair twice and the sticky substance appeared to be gone. She tried to piece together how and when she went to bed last night, but she simply couldn't remember. She thought back to her son's friend Ben being over, which made her frown.

The perverted young boy who always tried to feel her up came over unexpectedly when she was wearing her skimpy robe. She was so embarrassed to walk into the kitchen wearing next to nothing while the teenager ogled her. Then she caught the inconsiderate boy hovering above her and looking down between the gape of her robe at her tits.

Granted, he was no different than most males she's encountered in her life. Hell, even her husband's best buddies have tried many times with no success to get into her panties, behind his back of course. But to be harassed by a teenager who is supposed to be a good influence on her son was unacceptable.

After showering and getting dressed, she decided she finally needed to have her chat with Danny about his two friends Mike and Ben. Those boys were simply not allowed to show up at her house whenever they felt like it. Their poor manners made Becca sick to her stomach.

Danny was lying in bed awake when his mom came upstairs and knocked on his door.

"Come in," he replied. His beautiful mom came inside and sat down on the bed next to him. He was very nervous seeing her, knowing that he slipped her sleeping pills last night.

"Sweetie I want to have a talk with you," she said looking down into his eyes. He could sense she had something important to talk about, and he began to panic thinking she knew what he had done.

"About what?" he asked nervously. She let out a sigh and thought for a moment. She decided the direct approach would be the best way to handle this.

"I don't want you hanging out with Mike and Ben anymore," she said with a straight face. Her son gave her a perplexed look.

"Huh? But they're my friends," he replied, making her feel guilty.

"Your father and I don't think they are good influences on you. You are such a smart young man, and you have a bright future. You can get into an Ivy League school if you want, and you can play golf or tennis for any of them. These have always been your goals, but I'm afraid those two boys will come between that."

"I don't understand. What have they done?" he asked growing curious if this conversation had to do with the sleeping pills. Becca was careful to choose her words wisely, and then she proceeded to express her concerns that the boys skip school and experiment with drugs and alcohol.

Danny was relieved she didn't appear to know she was drugged. She kept going on about how inappropriate Mike and Ben are, and how other parents have warned her about their antics. She pointed out the time Mike purposely barged in on her when she was using the restroom.

"They just think you're a MILF, that's all," he said matter-of-factly.

"A MILF?" Becca asked perplexed.

"Yeah, it means you're a mother they would like to... you know... F," he replied.

"Yes, I've heard them call me that before, but I didn't know what it was," she said looking at the ground in thought. She surprised herself by actually feeling a little thrill from the complement, but she certainly didn't want to give that impression to her son.

"But that further adds to my point that those boys show no respect!" she said with a stern voice.

He was quick to tell her he didn't participate in any of the bad things the two boys might do.

"But honey, when you surround yourselves with people who do those things, you can still get into trouble whether you're participating or not." She said.

"So you're saying I should just end my friendship with them because my mom said so?"

"I don't want them coming over here anymore, and I don't want you spending your free time with them," she replied.

"This is not fair," he said with a frown. "You can't tell me who to hang out with!"

Becca sensed that he was becoming upset, like her husband warned against, so she decided she made her point and would walk away before this escalates.

"I don't want to argue with you because your brother and sister are around, but I just wanted to let you know how I feel. You are right that I can't tell you who to hang out with, but hopefully you will use your best judgment and remember all the things mommy and daddy taught you."

She leaned down and gave him a kiss.

"Now get up and ready for school. I'm going to make you a healthy breakfast," she said.

She got up and left the room, while he sulked. He couldn't believe his mom was telling him who to hang out with. He felt it was unreasonable because he doesn't skip school, drink alcohol or do drugs.

"Well, I guess I'm just going to have to lie whenever I hang out with Mike and Ben, starting with Friday night when I go to the concert," he said to himself as he rolled off his bed and headed for the shower.


Friday evening rolled around before no time, and Danny was nervous about the night ahead of him. He wasn't accustomed to lying to his mom. To cope with his anxieties he rationalized it by claiming his mom was being unfair and untrustworthy.

He got dressed in a pair of jeans and t-shirt before heading downstairs to ask his mom to borrow her car.

"Honey, your brother, sister, and I are about to order a movie off pay per view. Why don't you sit down and watch it with us?" she said scooting over on the couch to make room for him. Danny noticed a glass of iced tea on the coffee table, and figured this was his chance to slip the pills in. He had them in his clinched fist.

"No thanks, I'm actually going to watch our basketball game tonight," he replied trying not to sound suspicious.

"Who are you guys playing?"

"Jamesville. They are supposed to be pretty good."

"And who are you going to the game with?" she asked curiously.

"Oh, just Steve and Richard," he lied. He purposely named a couple of buddies his age that he knew his mother approved of. If he would have said Mike and Ben, his mom might not let him go.

"Well, that will be fun," she replied, relieved that he didn't say he was hanging out with Mike and Ben.

"Can I borrow your car mom?"

"Sure sweetie. Remember to be back by your curfew, young man."

He walked over to his mom and gave her a hug, while reaching over to drop the two pills into her drink behind her back. He told his little brother and sister goodbye, and headed for the door with a grin on his face. "All too easy," he thought to himself.


Danny picked up Mike and Ben in his mom's Suburban and they headed to the city for the concert. Since they were running late, Mike and Ben encouraged Danny to speed. Poor Danny didn't want to look like a dork in front of his older friends, so he complied.

"So was your mom suspicious?" Ben asked.

"Nah, she didn't suspect a thing. We just need to hurry back after the concert."

"What was your hot mom wearing tonight?" Mike asked, while Ben chuckled.

"None of your business, asshole!" Danny said perturbed.

"Relax. You should be proud that your mom is so hot," said Mike.

"So Danny-boy, what do you think is your mom's best asset, her ass or her big tits?" Ben asked.

"She's my mom, dude. That's gross," he replied.

"I'm an ass man, myself, so I'm going to have to choose that," Mike said with a grin.

"I like her juicy tits," Ben said, grinning to himself knowing he had his hands on them just a couple days ago.

"OK that's enough!" Danny said angry. He was getting so frustrated with them that he didn't realize how fast he was now driving. It was at this point that the three boys looked behind them and saw the flashing lights of a police car on their tail.

"Oh shit!" Mike said.

"Damn, see what you guys made me do?" Danny said, slowing the car down.

"Hey man, don't slow down," Mike said. "See if we can lose this jerk."

"What? Are you crazy?" Danny exclaimed continuing to slow down.

"C'mon, dude, don't be a wimp," Mike said. "How fast does this thing go?"

Danny ignored him and pulled the car over, wondering if his mom was indeed right that his two friends were trouble. Mike was extremely fidgety in the backseat when Danny pulled over. He reached into his pocket and discarded a plastic bag under Danny's seat in front of him.

The cop finally came up to the window while the boys sat still. Danny was very polite as he fetched the officer his license and registration. The cop informed Danny that he was going 30 miles per hour over the speed limit.

Danny couldn't believe he was going that fast. The cop flashed his flashlight into the back seat and looked at Mike, who appeared suspicious. Then he looked over at Ben before turning back towards his car to write a ticket.

Just then, Ben thought it would be funny to oink like a pig.

"Shut up man!" Danny said while Mike laughed. This didn't go unnoticed by the cop, as he quickly turned around and poked his head into the window.

"So you think you're pretty funny, huh?" the cop said with a furious look on his face. "The three of you need to step outside the vehicle right now."

Danny was terrified. He's never had any altercations with police officers. The three boys stepped out of the car. The boys didn't realize that another cop car passing by had stopped behind them.

"Keep an eye on these boys, I'm going to take a look inside this vehicle," the cop said to the other cop who had gotten out of the car and approached them.

Danny wasn't concerned about the cop searching his mom's car, but Mike sure was. It only took thirty seconds before the officer had reached under the driver's seat and pulled out the plastic bag Mike had discarded. He put it on the hood of the car. Danny couldn't believe his eyes as it appeared to be a bag of illegal drugs.

"Well, well, well," the officer said. "Look at what we have here; some marijuana and cocaine."

Danny looked over at Mike and Ben. Mike just shrugged his shoulders and said, "sorry, dude." Danny couldn't believe his buddy stashed drugs in his mom's car.

The cop immediately pulled out his handcuffs and approached Danny. He grabbed him by the arms and led him over to the back of the vehicle where he cuffed him and read him his rights.

"It's not mine officer!" Danny pleaded. The cop turned towards Ben and Mike and asked them if it was theirs. The two boys shook their heads and said, "No sir."

The cop turned back towards Danny and led him over to the police car.

"Since you are operating this vehicle, even if it's your mom's car, the drugs are considered in your possession under this state's law. Those two boys didn't have possession and they don't claim it as theirs, so it's considered yours unless they fess up otherwise," the cop said.

Danny was in tears and couldn't believe his friends didn't take ownership. The cop stuffed him into the back seat of the police car and instructed the other cop to escort to two other boys to a nearby pay phone so that they could make arrangements for a ride home. The cop also dispatched a tow truck to take his mom's car.


Danny stood in a jail cell looking at the phone, dreading to pick it up to make his one phone call allowed. He had spent the last couple hours getting booked into a jail in the middle of nowhere, about an hour from his house. Fortunately the jail wasn't very crowded and he had a cell to himself. Reluctantly he picked up the phone and dialed his mom's number, hoping the sleeping pills had worn off by now.

"Mom," he said tentatively into the phone.

"Hi honey, is everything ok?" she said, realizing it was close to his curfew. Becca didn't actually drink any more of the iced tea that Danny spiked, so she was awake and alert.

He hesitated for a few moments, and then in a shaky voice proceeded to tell his mom he was in jail.


It was several hours into the early morning when Danny was finally released from jail. He sulked out into the lobby where he saw his mom glaring at him. It was obvious she had been crying and flustered.

He expected his mom to chew him out, but instead she embraced him with a big hug. Her son looked so distraught that she felt horrible for him, even though she was indeed angry. The hug didn't last long enough for Danny. As soon as she pulled away, she started scolding him.

"I can't believe you would lie to your mommy like that!" she said as they walked to the car.

"I'm sorry mom," he pleaded. "I swear they weren't my drugs, and I swear I had no idea Mike had it with him. I've never done any illegal drugs in my life."

"I tried to warn you that if you hang out with these kinds of trouble-makers you are going to end up in jail like you did!"

"I know, I should have listened," he said with his head down.

As they made the long drive, his mom scolded him a lot more. She explained how she had to take a cab all the way to where her car was towed to, and she had to call a friend over to babysit her two other kids at home. Even though she was angry, she was relieved that her boy was safe with her now and that he understands having made the wrong decision.

Reality began to sink into Becca as she thought about the implications of his arrest. All of the parents in PTA would certainly hear about it. His school, which they paid a lot of money for him to go to, would be sure to expel him. This would even ruin his future getting into an Ivy League school on a golf or tennis scholarship.

Becca began to cry as they reached their town, while her son continued to apologize. She kept thinking about how this arrest would ruin his future. She did believe her son that the drugs were Mike's, and it really showed Mike's true colors that he didn't take ownership of it. Mike should have been the one in the jail cell, not her son.

They finally got home and Danny went up to his room to sleep. Becca thanked her friend for coming over to watch the kids and escorted her to the door, without explaining the details of the situation. She went into her bed to lie down and think. She hadn't yet called her husband, as she knew he would be so upset and she didn't want to ruin the rest of his important business trip. She would just have to tell him when he gets back tomorrow.

The housewife got out of her bed and decided to take a shower and get cleaned up to relieve some stress before her kids got up. While in the shower she thought about what she could do. How could she prove that the marijuana and cocaine was Mike's? What if everyone thinks it's hers, since it was in her car? Should she hire a detective or fight this in court?

All of these thoughts were stressing her out, and she wanted to come to a resolution and game plan before her husband gets back in town and before the school week starts Monday. Becca had never dealt with anything like this, so she didn't know how to react. She was so concerned about the reputation of her son and her family. What would her two other children think? Does she need to even tell them? Surely they would find out.

After Becca's shower she slipped on white panties and a white bra. She then put on a conservative sleeveless black dress that ended just above her knees. It hugged her figure perfectly, but because the v-neck wasn't deep her ample cleavage wasn't on display.

After she prettied herself up with makeup and jewelry, she went and sat on her bed in deep thought. If Mike would just confess that the drugs were his, the charges on her son would be dropped and all of this could be swept under the rug, she thought to herself. There is no proof, just Danny's word against his, but maybe I can reason him, she pondered.

With that, she marched into the kitchen and pulled out the phone book. The housewife keeps all of Danny's friends' phone numbers in case of an emergency. She found Mike Brantley's cell phone number and dialed it on the cordless phone.

"Hello?" he answered.

"This is Mrs. Palmer, is this Mike?"

"Yes, hi Mrs. Palmer, how are you doing this morning," he said with a hint of sarcasm.

"What on Earth happened last night?" she asked, hoping for a confession.
"Umm... well," he hesitated only for a moment because he had his side of the story already figured out. He realized it would come to this, so he had a plan in mind. "Your son insisted that he come to the concert with us, even though we warned him to follow your rules. On the way to the concert he got pulled over for speeding. The cop searched your car and found his drugs."

"My son doesn't do drugs! He said those were yours!" she exclaimed.

"Sorry, but he's just trying to lay the blame on someone else," he replied smugly.

"How dare you accuse my son of being a liar," she said angrily.

"Didn't your son tell you he was going to our school's basketball game, instead of truthfully telling you he was going to the concert? I'd say he's a liar," he said, which only made her more angry because he did have a point.

"Well that wasn't his stuff," she said less convincingly

"Well it wasn't mine or Ben's. Maybe it's yours? It was in your car after all. You're just trying to lay the blame on me to save your own ass," he replied. This caused the housewife to gasp. One of her big fears was that she would be accused for the drugs. Her reputation as a mother would surely be ruined.

"It certainly was not mine, young man!" she said defiantly.

"Look, I like Danny and you a lot," he said changing to a more compassionate tone. "How about instead of arguing over the phone, you come over to my house and we figure something out. There has to be some kind of story we can come up with to diffuse this whole situation. My mom is staying with her boyfriend this weekend, so I'm here alone."

Even though Becca despised this 18 year-old boy, he had a point. They needed to come up with a solution, and arguing over the phone was not going to get anywhere. She just wanted this whole thing to go away as quick as possible.

"OK, fine," she said in a defeated tone. "I'm coming over right now."

Mike hung up his cell phone and pumped his fists in the air. He couldn't believe his luck that the MILF of his dreams was coming over out of desperation. He knew how much stock Danny's parents put into his future, and he felt like he was holding the cards. He was going to try and use this to his advantage.

Becca slipped on her sandals and headed upstairs to tell her son she had to go run a few errands. She definitely didn't want to alarm him that she was going over to Mike's to sort out this mess. She told him to watch over his brother and sister, who were still sleeping.

Mike's house was a short drive for Becca. He lived in a small duplex with his mom. He had older siblings not living at home, and his father was living on the other side of the country.

Becca knocked her little hand on the door. Mike opened it and blatantly looked her body up and down. She couldn't look him in the eyes.

"My, you look ravishing," he said escorting her in. "Step into my office."

He led her to his bedroom. She immediately noticed pictures of nude magazine models all over his walls. He also had some rather foul and vulgar posters too. His room was unkempt and had an awkward stench.

"Have a seat," he said politely, pointing her to a faded-orange sofa in his room, opposite of the bed.

"Your mother allows you to have these kinds of pictures on your walls?" she asked disgustedly, while flattening down her dress and taking a seat.

"I'm 18 years-old, I can do what I please," he said. "Do you like them?"

She ignored his question and went straight to the point.

"So what are we going to do about this mess? Danny claims the drugs are yours," she said. She was surprised when Mike sat down next to her on the couch and put his arm up behind her. She scooted as far over as she could while crossing her legs away from him.

"As the facts stand, they're your drugs or Danny's drugs. They're not mine," he said. "But I'm willing to take the fall because Danny has such a bright future, and getting kicked out of our school would be disastrous for your family and him."

Becca was shocked. This is exactly what she wanted – Mike to confess.

"Well... wow... I must say that I appreciate it. But aren't you concerned about getting kicked out of school?"

"I'm close to graduating, and my uncle is the dean," he said eyeing the hot blonde's legs that were exposed without hose on. "How the hell else do you think I got into this school in the first place? I have connections, and I can use them to my advantage."

Becca did indeed remember hearing that his uncle was Dean Brantly. "So... you are going to confess that they are your drugs? I have the officer's phone number if you want to call right now and tell him you are coming down there."

"I can do that, but it's going to cost you," he said reaching down with his hand and placing it on her thigh, right at the bottom of her dress, which was riding several inches up above her knees.

"Cost me what?" she asked while pushing his hand off her thigh.

"C'mon Mrs. Palmer, you don't really expect me to take the heat for this without getting anything in return?"

"What do you want in return?" she asked naively.

"How about you start by taking your dress off?" He gave her a sly grin and reached his hand over to the zipper on the back of her dress. He began to tug it down.

"You pig!" she exclaimed standing up, resisting the urge to slap him. "How dare you speak to me like that!"

Mike let out a laugh. "Look Mrs. Palmer, I'm willing to keep this conversation between us, and whatever happens will be our secret."

"Nothing is going to happen!" she said glaring at him while he remained seated. "I thought we could talk like adults and work something out, but since you are choosing to be immature I will just have to get the cops involved. I'm sure they can prove Danny is innocent."

She turned around and headed for the door. She didn't realize he had unzipped her dress halfway down her back exposing her bra strap.

"Stop," he said. She paused at the door and turned around to face him, clearly upset as he continued. "You're being too emotional. You need to stop and think what's at stake here. I'm not out to hurt you, so take a deep breath and come sit back down so we can talk. I don't think your realize the PR nightmare your son and family are going to have to deal with."

"Ok fine," she said taking a deep breath and walking back towards the couch to sit down. "I will stay here and talk to you, but don't think I'm going to do anything of the sexual nature."

She sat down and again crossed her legs away from him. She sat as far away from him on the couch as possible, but he scooted towards her anyways. She was so disgusted by him that she couldn't look him in the eyes. While she looked to the opposite side of the room, she noticed several old department store catalogues she used to pose in. They were spilled out on the nightstand next to his bed. Then she looked up and saw above the nightstand actual pictures of her cut out and taped to the wall. Most of the pictures were from a summer issue when she posed in various bikinis.

"Mrs. Palmer, you have to remember that my uncle is the dean. Danny will surely be expelled for this. I know his dream is to go to an Ivy League school. You can kiss that goodbye. What will your two young kids think of all of this? Surely they will hear that mommy had pot and cocaine found in her car."

"You are such an asshole," she said sadly. "I can't believe you would take pleasure in seeing Danny's future ruined."

"I don't take pleasure in it," he said scooting even closer to her. He put his arm up behind her on the couch and put his other hand back on her thigh. This time he moved his hand up a few inches under the hem of her dress. "That's why I'm giving you the opportunity to make it all go away."

"Don't touch me," she scolded while quickly removing his hand, but she didn't get up this time.

"I have been in love with you ever since I laid eyes on you, and I want to make love to you so bad," he said. "Just think, this whole nightmare can go away painlessly, and nobody would ever know what happened."

"In your dreams. Those catalogues next to your bed are the closest you will ever get to me," she said looking away from him. She was trying to think of a way she could repay him, but her mind was drawing blanks. The teenager being so close to her on the couch was flustering her and she couldn't think straight. Surprisingly she was a bit flattered that he hung up her modeling pictures, considering all of the other sexy women he had posted to his walls.

"Don't think that you can prove they are my drugs, because they're not, and by the time you get detectives involved the damage will already be done to your reputation," he said in a convincing tone. Mike reached his hand back down, this time lightly pulling the hem of her dress up her thigh. His other hand moved back to the zipper and tugged it down further. "And your husband's reputation will be tarnished. Isn't he involved with a lot of charities? What about your church? I'm sure they would not be happy that you and your son are druggies."

Becca started to shed tears and instead of pushing his hand off her leg this time, she put her hands up to her face to sob. Mike pulled the dress up all the way to her panties, so that he could look down at the prize between her succulent thighs. Once he got the zipper all of the way down the back of her dress, he brought his hand down to his pants and opened them. His cock was so unbelievably hard that he had to get it out of his pants before it hurt him.

"I can pay you money," Becca said between her sobs, coming to grips with the current predicament. "I just want this to go away right now. Please, just turn yourself in."

Mike took her pleading as a victory and he knew he had her exactly where he hoped to have her.

"I don't want your money," he said. "I already told you I want your dress on the floor." She sobbed a couple more times, while he inspected her panty-covered crotch. She was trying to find some kind of solution to grab on to, but couldn't. This made her frustrated to the point where she caved in.

"OK," she mumbled. "I will do what you want, just make this nightmare go away. I love Danny and my family so much and I would sacrifice anything for them."

She wiped her eyes with her hands. She knew this young man has no compassion, and there was no sense in trying to fight him. She just wanted everything to go back to normal.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said pulling his cock out of his pants. "Just remember you are helping your family, and I'm sure if you try not to think negatively about it, you will actually enjoy it."

After she wiped her eyes she realized his cock was out. "Oh my," she said immediately looking away and putting her head back into her hands. He was right though – she just needed to be tough and get through this. Being upset wasn't going to accomplish anything. Just try not to think about it, she thought.

With that, she pulled her hands away from her face and stood up. She turned to face him and pulled the dress down over her arms. Because it hugged her body, she had to tug it down her hourglass figure, over her perky tits and over her child-bearing hips.

"Oh God you are so hot!" Mike said as he slowly rubbed his cock while watching the mother of three pull her dress down. She bent forward to pull it down past her knees, and her big tits looked ready to flop out of the bra cups, only two feet in front of him. Once it hit the floor, she stepped out of it and stood patiently in front of the boy while his eyes roamed her entire body.

"Take that bra off Mrs. Palmer and show me those tits I've waited so long to see," he said. Some drool formed on the side of his mouth as he slowly jerked his cock.

"Ugh, you disgust me!" she said not being able to look at him. She wanted this to get over as soon as possible, so she reached up and pulled each bra strap down off her shoulders, one after the other. Then she reached behind her back and unsnapped the bra.

The bra fit her tits so comfortably that it was ejected after being unfastened. It immediately popped off her chest and her nipples sprang free. The bra fell down her arms and on to the floor.

"Oh fuck!" Danny said as he got his first look at the mother's tits he has jerked off about hundreds of times. Her pink nipples were considerably larger than he expected; the areolas the size of poker chips. Her tan lines caused a stark contrast between her sun-tanned body and her milky-white breasts, capped by beautiful pink nipples that perked up. There was only a hint of sag, and Mike certainly could tell that these puppies were real.

Becca knew she put a lot of hard work into maintaining her body, so the result was a strong comfort level with it. Growing up, girls were always incredibly jealous of her hot body and large breasts, so she always felt good looking at her nude form in the mirror. Now, she naturally had a confident stance as she posed in front of this perverted teenager, and in the back of her mind she hoped he liked what he saw. Becca kept telling herself not to think about what she was doing, and any negative thought that crossed her mind, she reminded herself that she was helping her son's future.

"Very nice," he barely said with his eyes as wide as saucers. His eyes trailed down her body from her breasts down to her panties. She noticed where he was now looking, so she figured what was coming next.

"You know what's next," he said nodding towards her crotch. She hoped it wouldn't have come to this, but she knew he wouldn't stop without getting her completely naked. She again told herself she was doing this for her family and tried to put it behind her mind.

Becca hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and pushed them down her thighs. Her blonde bush was now exposed, and it appeared to be only lightly trimmed. He didn't expect anything less from the conservative mother of three.

Her panties hit the floor and she stepped out of them. She now stood naked a couple of feet in front of the perverted teenager, wearing only earrings, a necklace, and her diamond wedding ring.

"Come over here and have a seat," he said scooting over and patting the cushion next to him. She sat down and couldn't help but look at his cock that he was stroking. His pants were down around his ankles. Mike was surprised how comfortable she was with her naked form. She was a natural beauty, he thought.

He reached his hand up and cupped her cheek, pulling her face towards him as he moved in to kiss her. She was not enthusiastic, but she didn't resist as he lewdly stuck his tongue in her mouth. They smacked lips together and their tongues intertwined. Becca figured she should just try to get this over as quick as possible, so she kissed him back.

"mmmpphh," Mike moaned into her mouth as he made out with the hot blonde wife. He reached down with both hands and started to fondle her big tits, which caused her to lie back on the couch. He was not being gentle, instead aggressively kneading her breasts and pulling on her nipples. He continued to attack her mouth with his tongue.

Before long, Mike had moved his lips from her mouth to one of her nipples. He opened his mouth as wide as he could and filled it with her breast. He sucked on it greedily while his other hand fondled her other breast.

He released a breast from his mouth while it made a plopping sound, so that he could flick her big nipple with his tongue. He then moved to her other breast and did the same thing, before sucking on it again. He sucked and licked them for several minutes.

"Oh god," he exclaimed pulling away from her. "I'm so hard I can't take it anymore."

He stood up in front of her while she sat naked on the couch looking up at him. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it across the room, and then he stepped out of his pants and underwear that were down around his ankles, so that he was now naked too.

"Come here," he said standing straight in front of her with his hard cock pointed right at her. She knew that he had a bigger penis than her husband by just looking at it.

Becca started to get up off the couch, but Mike put his hands down and grabbed the back of her head causing her to sit back down. He didn't hesitate to guide her face to his throbbing prick.

Realizing what he wanted, she quickly turned her head away, and his cock missed her mouth, instead stabbing her in the cheek. Although she had her eyes closed and her faced turned away, she remained seated right in front of him and allowed him to hold her head.

Mike grabbed on to the base of his prick while his other hand continued to hold her head. This allowed him to rub his dick along her cheek. The sensation was incredible as he rubbed all over the soft skin of her face.

"Oh fuck, Mrs. Palmer, that feels good," he said still rubbing his cock on her cheek.

"You're a pig!" she sneered, but she still didn't resist. He then rubbed the tip of his cock over her closed eyelids. Becca kept her eyes closed and tried not to think about what was happening. It was hard because he now put his balls up to her nose and mouth, slapping his dick on her forehead. The sweaty smell caused her to gasp and pull back.

Mike's cum was boiling and ready to explode, so he aimed his cock towards her mouth and pulled her head towards him. He pressed the tip to her closed lips. She opened her eyes and gave him a pleading look to stop, but he just grinned at her and rubbed his cock-head along her lips.

"C'mon Mrs. Palmer, suck my cock, and then I will turn myself in," he said. Tears formed in her eyes as she realized the adultery she was about to commit.

To his surprise, she reached up with both hands and took hold of his pole. She opened her mouth and moved her head forward. The hot mom didn't wait to start sucking on her son's friend's cock, hoping to get it over as soon as possible.

"Ohhh, fuck," Mike groaned as the woman of his dreams started sucking him off. He took his hand off her head and brushed her blonde bangs behind her ears so that he could witness her submission. She bobbed back and forth on his shaft while her small hands remained on the base of it. The diamond rock on her wedding band sparkled as she held a cock that didn't belong to her husband.

Becca rarely gave her husband blow jobs, but she certainly knew how to do it. Even though she was repulsed by sucking the teen's cock, she blew him as she would her husband because she didn't know how to do it otherwise. She just tried to think about something else as she committed the adultery.

Mike had been so close to cumming before he had his cock in the wife's mouth that it was no surprise he didn't last long. Just as Becca was getting into a deep rhythm, taking as much into her mouth as she could, he grabbed the back of her head and let his cock explode in her mouth, forcing her to swallow.

"Ahhhggggghhhh," he groaned as the explosion began. Becca opened her eyes as she felt cum shoot into the back of her throat. She had never swallowed before in her life until now.

"OOOhhhhh... God... shit..." the young man moaned as he emptied his balls into the hot mom's mouth. Squirt after squirt fired into her throat as she swallowed for dear life. The sensation was the greatest thing he had ever experienced.

"Oh yeah, take all that shit," he moaned. The cock explosion was almost over when Becca finally gagged. He let go of her head and allowed her to remove his prick from her mouth. She gagged again and coughed, looking down at the floor. The last of his semen squirted onto her face until he was all out.

"aaaahhhh... that was fucking amazing," he said, reaching down to pick up her panties so that he could wipe his cock off. Becca sat back on the couch and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She then grabbed the panties from him and wiped her messy face.
"You tell anybody about this and I will kill you if my husband hasn't already!" she snapped at him.

"I told you, this is our secret," he said taking a seat next to her, both still naked. She was relieved to hear him say that he would keep it under wraps, considering how much of a monster he was.

Becca started to get up until Mike pulled her naked body into his lap.

"Let me go!" she whimpered, trying to get up.

"You're not done just yet," he said hooking his arm around her waist. His other hand reached up and fondled her shaking breasts. She felt his semi-hard cock digging into her butt cheek as he held her in his lap.

"You said it would be done after the blowjob!" she exclaimed trying to fight him off. Her wiggling body fighting him only turned him on more. He reached up with both hands and grabbed both of her big tits.

"Not after I repay the favor," he said removing her from his lap and pushing her down until she was on her back on the couch, her tits shaking back and forth as he did. Mike immediately pinned her down.

"You have no choice," he said. "If you fight me, I won't turn myself in, and that blowjob you gave me would be worthless to you. If you just relax, it will go by fast and painless, and you might actually enjoy it."

"I would never enjoy this in a million years!" she said, but ended up relaxing like he suggested. He moved in between her legs and looked at the married pussy ripe for his taking. The blonde bush that covered her succulent cunt matched her long blonde hair currently sprawled on the couch cushions.

He put both of his arms under her calves and pulled her legs up over his shoulders as he turned and kneeled down. Once he got into a comfortable position between her thighs, he moved his face towards her snatch and took a big whiff. Becca put her hands over her eyes and whimpered, trying to fight back tears.

"Just relax, Mrs. Palmer," he said enjoying the scent, and then he placed a sloppy kiss on her warm pussy lips.

"Uggghhh," she moaned as the sensation shook her body. She has always loved oral sex from her husband, and she tried to imagine it was him between her legs, not her son's friend. He began French-kissing her vagina.

"Ooohhmmmm," she whimpered rolling her head side to side as he tongued her pussy. Mike noticed she immediately was becoming lubricated from the sensations, and he noticed a different tension in her legs.

It didn't take long for Mike to get hard again. He couldn't believe he was eating the pussy of his buddy's hot mother. The excitement fueled an effort he had never experienced as his tongue fucked her sex pot. He swirled his tongue, licked up and down, and sucked on her clit methodically.

Becca continued to moan and whimper, and her hips started to involuntarily wiggle. She removed her hands from her face and grabbed the fabric on the couch. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth wide.

"Ooooohhhhh, mmmmmm, ohhhhhh, aaahhhhh," she moaned. At this point Mike had moved his fingers to join his mouth's assault on the treasure many of men only dreamed about. His tongue was moving at a remarkable pace, covering the bottom of her cunt, the depths of her vagina, all the way up to her clitoris. She was now becoming soaking wet and her legs began to shake.

"Ooohhhh! Ohhhh myyy! Ohhhhh," she moaned uncontrollably. She couldn't believe her body and mind had instantly betrayed her. Any disturbing thought that crossed her mind she pushed to the side and told herself to relax and enjoy what was happening because she had no choice. This was for her son's future, and she would do anything for her kids.

"aaahhh, ahhhh, ahhhh, ohhhh, ohhhh," she continued, really starting to get into the tongue-fucking. Mike loved how her legs were shaking on his shoulders. Her soft, smooth thighs squeezed his cheeks. He was enjoying the sensations so much that his cock was throbbing again.

Suddenly Mike pulled back. This startled Becca and she picked her head up to look down at him. She shocked herself by feeling disappointed he stopped. He took her sexy legs off his shoulders as he got up off his knees.

Before she realized what he was up to, Mike pushed her legs back towards her head and spread them. She started to ask what the hell he was doing when he thrust his throbbing prick into her wet pussy.

"OOOOHHHHH!!!" she moaned loudly as he filled her up.

"Fuck," he groaned as his cock slid up into her. Her vagina enveloped his cock. The sensation was unreal for him. He kept it in her for several seconds, and then he pulled out slowly. Again he slid his cock back into her. Slowly and methodically he fucked the hot wife while her arms flailed helplessly behind her head on the couch and her legs hovered up above her.

Mike still held her ankles as he pumped her wet pussy. She moaned and squealed as he penetrated her womb as deep as he could. Becca didn't know what had come over her, but this monster was actually pleasuring her. Her husband was always gentle when making love, but she had to admit she liked it rough right now.

"Oohh... oohh... oohh... oohh... oohh... oohh... mmph... mmph... mmph," she moaned. He started to pump her faster and faster. The sound of his cock thrusting into her filled the room with slurping sounds. Her tits were now wobbling on her chest, while she moaned with uncontrollable lust.

Since Mike already came once, his stamina was much stronger this time around. He looked down at her face and noticed her eyes were looking down at his cock pumping her pussy. She was moaning and appeared to be enjoying herself. He couldn't believe his luck.

The mother of three was closed to having an orgasm, but the way Mike was pushing on her ankles was making the experience more uncomfortable.

"Mike, wait!" she yelped pushing her legs away from him. In a daze, he stopped thrusting and let go of her ankles, unsure of what she wanted. His cock slipped out of her pussy.

"Mike, you're hurting my legs," she whimpered. "Let's go to your bed."

She got up and wiped the beads of sweat off her forehead. He watched his friend's mom's mature ass cheeks jiggle as she climbed on to his bed. His cock was throbbing as he watched her sexy body, and he grinned knowing he had her under complete control.

"Take me from behind," she moaned, getting on all fours, sticking her ass out towards him on the side of the bed. She could feel the orgasm about to erupt insider of her, and she knew sex doggie-style always made her cum the quickest and the hardest. He swiftly moved over and grabbed on to her hips, standing on the floor against the edge of the bed.

She turned her head and looked at him impatiently as if to tell him to hurry up. Mike was taking his dear time inspecting her succulent ass pointed at him. He moved his hands from her hips and rubbed her ass cheeks, kneading them as if they were dough. He pulled her cheeks apart so he could look at her puckered little anus.

He started rubbing his cock on her ass cheeks.

"Ohhh Mike, just fuck me!" she moaned moving her hand back behind her to grab his cock. She pulled his cock towards her opening and lined it up. Mike was on cloud-nine as he heard the MILF begging him to fuck her. Her juices were already running down her thighs.

He smacked her ass, causing her to gasp and look back at him disgustedly. Watching her ass cheek ripple was almost enough to make him cum on the spot. He smacked her again.

"Owwe," she whined.

Mike then grabbed her hips and plunged his cock into her slippery pussy.

"Ohhhhh!" she moaned, quickly forgetting the pain from the spanking. Mike was slow and methodical when he fucked the blonde on his couch, but this time he was going to fuck her with force and try to bring out the wild in her. He now humped her with a much faster pace, and to his surprise she loved it rough.

"Ugghh, Ugghh, Ugghh, Ugghh, Ohh, Ohh, Ohh, Ohh," she moaned as he slid his cock at a fast, steady pace inside of her. He was pulling her hips back with each thrust, and his balls were slapping her.

"Aaahhh shit, oh yeah," Mike groaned as he pumped away. "You've got a nice pussy Mrs. Palmer."

She ignored his comment and continued to moan. She was now rocking her hips back into him, without the help of his hands. The hot wife was getting close to an orgasm.

"Such a good mom you are..." Mike continued, loud enough so that she could hear through her moans. "Fucking your son's friend to help your family out."

She tried to ignore his demeaning comments, instead focusing on her pending orgasm.

"That's right, tell me what a good mom you are," he said smiling and continuing to pound her pussy from behind. Her tits were shaking back and forth as she pushed her hips back to meet his thrusts. Again, she ignored his comments.

"C'mon Mrs. Palmer, tell me you're a good mother," he said smacking her ass while continuing to pump her with cock.

"Ohh, oohhh, ohhh, yes, I'm, I'm, a good, mother, uggh, uggh."


"Do you like sucking your son's friend's cock in order to be a good mother?"


"uuuhhh, uhhhh, ooohhh, yes, yes, uunggh"

"Do you love fucking your son's friend in order to be a good mother?"

"ohhhh, ooooohh, uuuunghhh, uuuunghh," she continued to moan on the brink of an orgasm as he pounded into her at a furious pace and smacked her ass.


"I didn't hear you," he said with a grin.


"oohhh, yess, uuugghhh, yes you bastard, ugggh, ooohhh!"

"Yes what?" he continued, spanking her once again.

"Yes! I love fucking you! Uggh, oohhh, oohh, you piece of shit, fuck me! Fuck me harder!" she screamed, now completely overwhelmed by lust. She reached back and grabbed his hand, pulling it around her hip and guiding his fingers to her clit.

"That's right, tell me you love it," he said fingering her clit while his cock plunged right below it. His other hand reached up and took hold of one of her wobbling big tits.


Becca finally had the orgasm she was working towards. Her body shook as if she was having a seizure and she bellowed so loud that neighbors could probably hear her. Mike continued to pound her pussy with his cock and massage her clit with his fingers.


Her juices exploded around his cock and her hips were rocking wildly. The sensations were just too much for him and he had no choice but to cum with her.

"UUnnghh, shit!" he groaned he shot his load into her married pussy. Both continued to fuck like animals as they came together. He was grunting as his cock kept firing gobs of cum into her. Her groin muscles clamped around his prick as she felt the tingling sensation of his semen shooting into her womb.

"OOOOOHHHH!!! YEEESSS!!! OHHHH YESSSS!!! OHHHHH YESSSS!!! OHHH YESSS!!!!" she screamed, as if she were possessed. Her pussy stopped convulsing just as he was done shooting another huge load into her. He had taken his hand off her clit and collapsed on her back as he fired whatever he had left in his tank. He held on to both of her tits now and moved his mouth down to her neck where he kissed and licked.

"OOhhhh, mmmmmppphh, mmmmppphhh," she moaned as her orgasm subdued. Her body couldn't hold up and she fell over on her side, bringing him down to the bed with her. His cock remained in her pussy. He was able to shot his last gob of semen into her before they both could take no more physical exertion.

"Holy shit that was amazing," Mike said out of breath as he lay behind her on the bed. His hands were still around her gripping her big tits while his cock deflated inside her vagina.

"Mmm hmm," she moaned in agreement. She was repulsed what the boy made her do, but she couldn't deny the mind-blowing orgasm she just experienced. She hadn't experience a thrill like that in years.

They lay motionless on the bed for several minutes as they caught their breath. His cock was still in her pussy and he still toyed with her tits while kissing her neck. He simply couldn't believe how lucky he was to have just fucked the hottest MILF he's ever seen.


Becca drove Mike all the way back to the jail she had just picked her son up from. As promised, he confessed to the marijuana possession and the charges were dropped against her son. Becca was so relieved about the dropped charges that she went ahead and bailed Mike out, even though she wanted the asshole to spend time in the cell. When she dropped him off at his house, he tried to coax her inside for sex, but she slapped him and said that if he ever said a word about what happened she would kill him.

She got home and immediately let her son know the news. Danny was so happy, but he was very puzzled that his mom was able to get Mike to confess. Not once did it occur to him that she had to spread her legs to make it happen.

Fortunately for Danny, the school never found out about the incident and his record remained impeccable. He was later accepted to an Ivy League school, just as he'd dreamed of. Becca and her husband were so proud of their oldest child.

Danny never asked how his mom was able to get Mike to turn himself in, but he still pondered it even to this day. Becca never brought up the incident again. It was as if it never happened as far as she was concerned.

As for Mike and Ben, their friendship with Danny had ended that night, but the memories of his mom will last forever.

The End

Author note: I don't want to drag this story out further in the interest of time and effort. I'm working on some other stuff and hope to put out some more short stories, instead of stalling out on a long one. I just don't have the time. I have been working on a novel-type story for quite some time, but I have no ETA on it, so in the meantime I will try to put out some short stories.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-14 22:49:06
lmfao if only blackmailing is that easy...very unlikely story. but a good story to jack off to.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-02-23 09:51:45
To make the story short, Those dumbass police should have done some forensic examining to know who really owns those drugs since Danny didn't even bother touching it right? Those two mongrels have their fingerprint all over the plasticbag...

Anonymous readerReport 

2011-01-23 11:15:25
excellent story, if I only had teh luck that som of my friends fucked my mom like tihs...

Anonymous readerReport 

2011-01-23 11:15:24
excellent story, if I only had teh luck that som of my friends fucked my mom like tihs...


2010-04-09 09:41:56
great story on the edge of my computer reading every line .. Well done

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