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I do NOT own Naruto, but then again neither do you, that Honor belongs to Kishimoto.
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Oh and there is a Lemon SO BE WARNED
Written by Dragon of the Underworld
Revised by Evildart17/Darkcloud75
The Way I Dreamed It
Part 1
Chapter 13
Months had passed; Hinata was ready to give birth any day now. Naruto and Hinata were in bed discussing names for they’re soon to be daughter, they had finally gotten word that the baby was indeed a girl.
“Ok so how many names do we have?” asked Naruto.
“Six” said Hinata.
“Which ones are they again?” asked Naruto.
“Let’s see . . . Kazumi, Akemi, Minako, Emi, Yuriko, and Azumi” said Hinata.
Naruto turned towards Hinata and hugged her and gave her a kiss.
“How about we name her Hinata that way I can have two sun shines to light my way” said Naruto.
“No” said Hinata.
“Why not” he asked?
“Cuz I want her to have her own name” said Hinata.
“Ok . . . lets see my favorite . . . Is . . . Yuriko” said Naruto.
“Yuriko . . . . . . I like . . . Emi” said Hinata.
“Emi?” said Naruto.
“Which one should we choose” said Hinata.
“How about we decide that tomorrow it’s late we should go to sleep” said Naruto.
“Ok” said Hinata.
Naruto was quickly asleep after Hinata said ok, but Hinata was having trouble going to sleep. It was only after twenty minutes that Hinata finally fell asleep.
Only a minute in to her sleep when suddenly she heard a knock and then some one called her.
“HINATA [knock] Hinata wake up” said the voice.
Knock, knock, knock.
Hinata finally woke up and when see did she quickly noticed that she was in bed all alone. Hinata then began to look around the room; the room looked all too familiar.
‘It can’t be’ she thought.
“Hinata [knock] it’s time to wake up [knock]” said the voice.
Hinata began to tear up and shake her head; she couldn’t believe what was happening.
‘Nononono . . . please god no’ tears were now rolling down her cheeks, then she brought a hand to her belly and quickly fell on her bed sobbing as she confirmed her suspicions. ‘How . . . could it be . . . it felt so real’ she thought as she sobbed and cried.
“Hinata [knock] are you ok, you have to get ready for your party it starts in less then an hour” said the voice that Hinata knew was Neji.
So much had happened that made her happy and now it was all undone. Perhaps that’s why she was so bold, so daring, and so naughty cuz none of that was real. It all felt so damn real, the events, the conversations, and the fight. She was torn apart; she thought she had finally gotten what she wanted.
With tears still rolling down her eyes she got up and ran to the door, she opened it and dashed out.
“Hinata where are you going dressed like that” said Neji, Hinata just ignored him and continued to run.
She ran thought the hallways of the Hyuga compound, and then she ran out in to the streets and jumped through the rooftops of the buildings. When she ran out of the house she wasn’t dressed in her usual way. She had no shoes, no sox; she wore black tight short shorts that she wore under her pants as well as a black tight undershirt.
Hinata was damn if life was going to take a different path other then the one she had experienced. Whether what she experience was a dream or something else she wasn’t going to let her shyness get in the way of letting things run the way she dreamed it. She wanted nothing more then to be with Naruto and to have her little girl.
Hinata continued to run through the rooftops.
‘He was there after the party was over, but he was there thinking maybe he’s already there’ thought Hinata as she remembered were she was going to find Naruto at this point in time.
When she arrived at the location Naruto was indeed there staring at the village, but this time Naruto was showing a different emotion then last time.
‘He’s smiling . . . . . . In my dream he was sad and’— thought Hinata before Naruto saw her.
“Hinata?” said Naruto as he just kept staring at her with a huge blush on his face, he just couldn’t turn away from her, the clothes she was wearing were tight they showed every curve in her body, she made no attempts to cover up, she wanted Naruto to look at her.
‘He’s blushing’ “Naruto-kun”– she began to say before Naruto spoke.
“Hinata what are you doing, shouldn’t you be getting ready for your party” said Naruto.
Hinata stood there a bit shocked, yet again something was different, “You . . . You remembered” she said.
“Of course I would never forget your birthday” said Naruto.
‘Things are different then they were in the dream, what if he doesn’t feel the same way like he did in the dream . . . . . . No I can’t think like that . . . Thinking like this caused me not to tell him how I feel for so long, I have to tell him’
“Naruto I . . . I came here to tell you something” she said.
“What is it?” Naruto asked.
“What I want to . . . to tell you is something that I have . . . Been keeping bottled up inside for so long because I was afraid of how you would react or how you would feel but I can’t keep it inside any longer” said Hinata.
“You shouldn’t be afraid, whatever it is that you have to say to me I will take it in to consideration” said Naruto.
“Naruto I . . . I love you . . . . . I”
“Really? . . . . . . . I never thought that anyone ever felt that way about me” said Naruto.
“Please . . . Please tell me you feel the same way” said Hinata scared that he might say the opposite.
Naruto looked at Hinata and as he walked towards her he could see in her eyes the love she was talking about, when he reached her he did the only thing he could think of, he leaned in and took her lips in his as he kissed her. Naruto was about to release the kiss when Hinata pulled him back and continued to kiss him.
The kiss was finally released and all they did was look at each other.
“Wow . . . That was . . . Wow” said Naruto with a smile.
“So . . . Do you?” asked Hinata.
“Yeah . . . I do” replied Naruto with the same smile.
Hinata quickly hugged him, with the hug Naruto could feel every inch of her body all up on him, and Naruto felt his body go crazy making his manhood twitch in excitement. Hinata felt the twitch but could only smile in anticipation.
“Come Hinata . . . I’ll walk you home” said Naruto as he took her hand, however they didn’t walk they jumped on the rooftops dashing through till they arrived at her house.
They went inside when they did Hinata noticed that no one was home.
“Looks like everyone is waiting for me at the party” said Hinata.
Hinata went up to her room and Naruto just followed her, once they were her room she closed the door, she then walked towards him.
“What is it Hinata”
“Make love to me”
This time Naruto didn’t need to be persuaded, he brought both hands and placed them on her cheeks and kissed her very passionately. Hinata then began to move them backwards very slowly till they fell on her bed. They continued the kiss for a couple of minutes till Naruto broke it.
“WaitWait we can’t . . . I don’t have a condom”
“I don’t care”
“But Hinata . . . What if you get pregnant”
“I don’t care . . . If I get pregnant I’ll be happy”
“But don’t you think it’s a little early”
Hinata just shook her head.
Hinata wanted to get pregnant she had already experienced it, she had gotten pregnant and she was happy, the thought of being a mother overjoyed her, she was seventeen but she knew she was ready more then anybody else, especially since the little girl she was about to have was hers and Naruto’s. She wanted that, she wanted to feel that again, she wanted things to happen the way they did in her dreamed.
Naruto quickly reclaimed Hinata lips while his hands explored ever inch of her body, with the clothes she was wearing it felt like she wasn’t wearing any. He quickly disposed of her clothes leaving her completely naked.
Naruto couldn’t help but look at her in amazement, her body was that of a goddess. When Hinata saw Naruto stare at her she blushed deeply and began to cover herself with her hands.
“Hinata you shouldn’t be embarrassed, you have an amazing body and you’re gorgeous”
“I’m glad you like it . . . . . . I’ve been saving myself for you Naruto-kun . . . I want you to be my first and only”
“Hinata I do . . . I do want to be your only one . . . . . . Hinata . . . This is my first time as well . . . . . . Hinata I want you to be my first and only as well”
Hinata then began to help Naruto take his clothes of, when they were finished Naruto sat on the edge of the bed and Hinata sat on his lap facing him with her legs wrapped around his waist.
Hinata grabbed Naruto’s dick and began to masturbate him she wanted to get him hard and big before she took him inside of her, all Naruto could do was moan Hinata’s name. Once Naruto was ready Hinata positioned his dick on her pussy and slowly began to descend on it, with every inch that went in she cringed with pain and it didn’t help that he was nine inches.
Naruto began to rub one of her nipples while he sucked on the other one trying to give some pleasure to her so that she could drown out the pain, once he was fully inside her they stayed still for a while to give her time to adjust to his dick. Naruto helped her by making her relax as he continued to stimulate her breast.
Once the pain subsided Hinata began to bounce up and down on his lap, every time that she came down she would moan. Naruto couldn’t believe that pleasure she was giving him as she began to bounce up and down faster, with her breast right on his face he took one nipple in his mouth again as he tried to give Hinata the same pleasure he was getting.
“Aaahhhhh Naruto-kun aaaagggghh”
“Uuggghh Hinata aahh I love you”
“I aggh love you uuunnnnhhh too Naruto-kun’
“Ahh Hinata I’m Cumming” “Me too Naruto-kun”
This being both their first time they weren’t used to the pleasure, which caused them to loose control quite fast as they both came, Hinata could feel Naruto hot seed inside her as well as hers.
She got off of him and laid him down; she went down on him as she began to lick his dick dry of any cum that was left on it. While she sucked him she felt him quickly get hard again. When she was done she told Naruto to move to the middle of the bed and lay down.
Naruto did as he was told, Hinata then straddle his waist she now had each leg on each side of Naruto. Hinata knew she was going to like this position because she was going to be in control. She lifted herself and again put in dick on her pussy and then lowered her self.
Hinata then leaned forward a little and supported her self by placing both hands on Naruto’s chest. Hinata started to lift her hips and then went down, moaning each time.
“Aaaagggghh Naruto-kun aahh your so big uuunn”
“Hinata” was all Naruto could moan.
“Oohhh it feels so good inside me aaagghh”
Naruto watched as Hinata’s breast would bounce up and down along with her, he then brought both hands up and began to play with them again; he rubbed them and pinched him making Hinata get closer to her climax again.
“Mo-more aaahhh ooohh god”
“Don’t stop Hinata aarrgghh”
“I’m al-aahhh most there”
Hinata then began to move her hips as fast as she could knowing that she was close to Cumming again and she wanted to feel the pleasure of it.
“Naruto-kun I’m Cumming” screamed Hinata as she came on Naruto dick again, Hinata could fell Naruto Cumming as well.
Naruto still hard quickly flipped them around as he was now on top and quickly began to ram his dick in to her pussy, a second was all that went in between the pleasure Hinata received from her orgasm to what she was getting now.
“OOOhhhh god uuuhhhhnn that feels so much better” Hinata was wrong she loved this position way better, sure she wasn’t in control now but this way Naruto could ram his dick in to her pussy faster and harder then she could when she was on top, and this gave her more pleasure.
“MOORE Naruto-kun uuunnhh don’t stop”
Hinata put her elbows on the bed and lifted her upper body to get a glimpse of the job Naruto was doing on her pussy.
With one hand Naruto began to rub Hinata’s clitoris as he tried to maximize the pleasure he was giving Hinata and it worked Hinata was flailing around.
“Aahh Naaaarutooo-kun” moan Hinata.
Hinata started to thrust her hip in to Naruto’s making his dick reach as deep inside of her as it could.
“OOhh Hinata your pussy is so tight it feels so good”
“AARRghhh Naruto-kun”
“Hinata I’m Cumming”
Naruto could feel Hinata’s walls clamping down on his dick making Naruto come first this time as he came in side her, Hinata followed him Cumming after feeling his hot cum in side her. They both fell flat on the bed.
“Hinata I love you”
“I love you too Naruto-kun” said Hinata with small tears on her eyes.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
She waved her head, “Nothing . . . I just can’t believe that were together”
“Well believe it”
“Oh I almost forgot the party; we have to get dress and leave, the party started twenty minutes ago” said Hinata.
“We should go before they start to suspect something” replied Naruto.
Both Naruto and Hinata got dressed and went to the party as the couple they now were.
Hinata was happy that she got the answer she wanted, she found that having told Naruto was actually at lot easier then she thought.
She berated her self for thinking that Naruto would react negatively, I mean she is the one that is completely head over heels for him, even after she found out about Kyuubi, so she should have known that with his personality and good will heart that he would never crush some else’s.
She realized that Naruto and her were a lot more alike then she thought, they both thought that weren’t good enough for each other. Naruto made Hinata realized that she was amazingly beautiful and had the best body of anyone in Konoha.
Hinata was only able to realize all of this because she was able to break out of her shell. She was able to stand up to her fear and tell Naruto how she felt in stead of waiting forever for him to notice and all of this was thanks to that dream she had.
-There you go hope you guys love the story.
-Comments, opinions, reactions are all welcome so REVIEW and tell me what you thought of the chapter and the Story all together.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-27 23:29:13
Dude... really??? WHY!?!?!?!?!?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-28 18:43:02
Totally ruined it

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-28 18:42:54
Totally ruined it

anonymous readerReport 

2013-03-12 15:42:21
I think shes dreamin shes dreamin cause she passed out after the baby


2012-07-20 12:19:29
totally ruined a good story. was better the way it was. and why make this many chapters when it was all goin to change?

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