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No longer a nightmare
Rosetta girl’s nightmare part 3

When Mike went outside to do yard work Alexia asked her mother if she would like to join them for some sexual experimentation. She told them “yes, I will be with you in a minute.” Linda collected what she needed and put them in a box and took it to Alexia’s room where she met her daughters. Linda told them “we may not have much time so I brought some tools you may find interesting.” Linda and her daughters stripped their clothes and shoes off and stared at each other’s naked bodies. Linda asked Alexia “sit on the head of the bed and spread her legs.” She then asked Lynda to “do the same but position your self pussy to pussy.” Linda pulled a 2-foot-long dildo out of the box and set on the bed beside them. She reached between them and used one hand on her and the other hand on other daughter. She wet her fingers on her mouth and finger fucked each to test if they were ready for the long-blue dildo that looked like the head of a penis on each end. She pushed one end of it into Alexia as far as it would go and slid the other end into Lynda. The girls looked at each other and Linda told them “I will help to fuck both of you at the same time.” She grabbed the big dildo in the middle and began to work it back and forth between the girls first slowly and then faster. They both began to use one hand to rub their clitoris while being fucked with this huge dildo. Each of the girls began to react to the fucking and later vocalize a truncated scream and arch their back after eight to ten minutes and became super lubricated and panted from the pleasure they were having. They then had nearly simultaneous orgasms. The girls separated from each other with their mother using her hand to take it from them. The girls both uttered: “thanks mom, that felt really great.”

Linda then got on the bed and spread her legs while handing her daughters an electric contraction with a vibrator and a special arm made to stimulate the clitoris. Alexia turned it on and guided into her mother’s vagina. She slowly pushed it into her until short arm contact her clitoris and worked it back and forth a little. Linda purchased this a year ago but put batteries into it and began using it for the first time today. She looked at Alexia eye to eye and began to vocalize that her orgasm was coming. Alexia soon turned it off and withdrew it but used her fingers to replace and titillate her some more. Linda stood up with her daughters and looked at the nude bodies of all in the large mirror. Alexia and her sister Lynda were both taller than their mother. The girls had smaller breasts but they all looked good with their bald pussies. The total time for this three-way sexual encounter only took 23 minutes and they all had great orgasms. The three hugged each other before getting dressed they could hear Mike mowing the lawn. Linda thought to her self what shaving her pussy did to make her more sexually attractive to her husband who gave her two orgasms. Linda felt like a 38 year-old teenager and nearly looked as good.

The two girls never said a word about their abduction and rapes. She never has felt closer to her daughters in years. She thought about it and had no guilt about taking advantage of two girls who are still minors. If their father were fucking them it would be incest. She could bring sexual pleasure to them and it was different. Her children asked her to participate in this. I was not incestuous. Lesbian encounters are different somehow.

The girls were back to the books to attempt to not fall behind too much from missing three days of school.

Linda prepared supper for the family and they all enjoyed it. Afterward Mike watched football games on TV and Linda tried to help her daughters understand some of their questions about math and science. They seemed to need to keep busy with something and the fact they were kidnapped and raped by their kidnappers will fade from their memories.

Linda has never been sexually assaulted or raped but has read that that women who have suffer from relationships for years afterwards. She hopes her daughters are different. They will go back to school on Monday and the news coverage has made them famous. Linda thought on Monday they will be constantly reminded of what happened. How will they handle it?

The phone rang and Mike answered it. It was detective Ramirez with some news of the investigation. He said: “ there is no evidence that any of the money from the ransom has turned up anywhere.” He also said: “the FBI got a warrant to search the building where the kidnappers have been hiding.” “They thought there may be some people in the building but they entered it and found nobody and nothing there.” He said “they sent in a team to look for any finger prints of anybody but news of that will have to wait” “The building was completely empty.” He also said “your private detective found two FBI agents that were supposed to be monitoring if anyone got in or out, were sleeping.” He told me “ He followed a plane that he believes was being used by the kidnappers to keep an eye on the FBI.” He said: he follow the two in the plane to a car that was one of the cars he photographed yesterday.” “He followed back to the location where the FBI was guarding and that is where he found them sleeping.” Mike told Ramirez: “I talked to the detective this morning and got that news and woke the agents and gave them some coffee he bought while the guys he was following ate breakfast.”

Not long after that the phone rang again it was Kelley the private investigator. Mike greeted him with the standard “hello and how are you today” Kelly told him about “an update from yesterday.” “Remember the sleeping agents?” Mike replied: “yes, I got it from you and the police detective as well.” He said:” before I drove home I looked in my car and got out one of those location transmitters with a magnetic base” “I put it on the car used by the suspects and put it on the steel under the back door of the car” “I then drove home and slept because I was very tired.” “Those things cost about $75.00 but I did not trust those agents to be able to follow that car if it was used to get away at all.” “Today I checked with the bank crossed the street from the driveway of the warehouse in question.” “ They were able to see a large U-Haul truck pulling out of the driveway behind the car with the transmitter.” There were no FBI agents following them.”
He continued: “Today, I drove around that address trying to pick up a signal from the transmitter I planted on the car and about an hour ago I found them completing the unloading the U-Haul truck in another vacant warehouse in Glendale about five miles from where they came from.” “I followed the truck again as it exited that location and they drove to a U-Haul center to return the truck.” “I got out and talked to the manager of that center and learned that they rented the truck yesterday morning and didn’t bring it back until five minutes ago.” “They have a practice of taking a picture of everyone renting one of these trucks and showed it to me.” “I took a picture of their picture and drove back to the warehouse.” “I found the car with the transmitter and called the FBI to appraise them of my discovery.” Mike said to Kelly: “I am glad I hired you and didn’t depend on the feds to follow this up” Kelly said: “thank you and said good by because he was again sleepy from all this work. He told Mike: “ This is going to cost you but I think you can afford it.” The then said: “Good-by Mike I see you later” and hung up the phone.

Mike was pleased with the update and told Linda what he had learned. She had just got out of the shower and Mike was impressed with how she looked and told her. She asked him if he would like to make love and Mike took of his shoes and clothes and hugged his naked wife. They kissed for a while and she dropped to her knees and began to give him a blowjob for about five minutes. Mike then rewarded her with some oral sex and found she was very damp when turned-on. He used his fingers on her and she told him not to stop.
A few minutes later she had her first orgasm of he day and Mike and her had sex for a while in different positions until she had another orgasm. She told mike to cum inside her and he exploded. They stayed in bed holding and kissing each other for several more minutes before getting dressed and kissing again. It has been a while since they have had sex for two days in a row. Mike said to Linda: “I love the way you look and I am turned on by you.” “Are you getting younger while I get older?” Linda smiled and hugged him again telling him: “I love you very much and love that sort of comment.”

Mike noticed his wife was still thin and he was beginning to pork out a little. He asked his wife: “Would you like to enroll in the gym down the street, I think it would be good for all of us.” She said: “It is a new business, not yet open but there is trailer out front where they are trying to enroll new members.” “Do you want to go down there now” Mike said OK we could enroll the girls if they would like to” Linda went to ask them and talked to each one their bedrooms. Both girls said she would enjoy working out. A few minutes later the family got in the care and drove there. They stepped in the trailer that had the name of the gym on it and were greeted warmly. They both enrolled at a reduced rate of only $29.00 per month for both Mike and Linda and only $12.00 per month for each of their daughters. The place was scheduled to open in nine days and they would all be welcome to use not just this gym and any of the other gyms from the same company. In spite of the fact they had Millions invested they always love to save whenever possible. Linda got out her grocery list and organized her coupons and the whole family went shopping groceries together. The girls seemed happy to be with their parents more than they used to be.

Both of the girls now have driver’s licenses but they don’t have their own cars but can drive one of their parent’s cars at times. Lynda is doing the driving and getting used to backing into parking places because it safer to pull out because it is possible to see cross traffic in the parking lots. After shopping in a couple of supermarkets Lynda drove her family home getting plenty of practice driving the car. The girls both have cell phones but almost never talk on them but use them for texting. It has been hammered down that they are not use cell phones when driving and definitely never be texting while driving. After putting all the groceries away they all went out to eat at a local restaurant specializing Mexican food. It was an infrequent treat for them to do this but the girls loved to share in the eating and they finished their meals and went home.

When they got home Linda told Mike she “watched a TV show recently that the panelists were discussing the subject of a “man having sex with his daughter is incest but what about a woman having a lesbian relationship with a teenage minor daughter. Is that also incest? Would the mother of a son who seduced his mother to have sex with him. Is that incest?” Mike thought about this for a minute and told Linda “a man having sex with his daughter seems incestuous no matter how old or young he daughter is even if he is seduced by her.” “But a 17 year old son seducing his mother, that is less clear.” “And what of a minor teenage daughter seducing her mother to have lesbian sex?” “If the female child is less than 15 or so it is bad but if the daughter is 16 or 17 they are old enough for some personal sex education from her mother and I don’t se any problem with it.” “ No body can ever get pregnant and there would no be much less of a problem if the mother is seduced.” “ There would be a problem if the mother of a 16 or 17 year old were to give some kind of sexually transmitted disease to her daughter would be wrong but knowingly giving anyone a HIV or something is wrong even among consenting adults.” “Many young teenage girls are having sex with other teenagers and some of them are getting HIV.” Linda said “I was channel surfing and came by that panel show and I don’t remember what show it was but the subject seemed to provoke some thought.” Mike to agreed with found the subject interesting and thanked Linda for mentioning it.

On Monday morning everyone got up early. Linda served breakfast to her family and Mike went to work afterward. Linda drove her daughters to school and to the local Red Cross blood center where she volunteered every week.

Alexia and Lynda both went to school and discovered many of them were talking of the kidnapping news but they did not hear of the names of the two that were kidnapped. The two of them went to all of their classes and were happy they read ahead in all the subjects because they were not far behind there classmates. Alexia and Lynda both are good about doing their best at the high school. They are very intelligent and both have been getting strait A’s on all of their classes and hope to continue doing so. Alexia has been taking advanced placement for the last two years that require a lot more work to succeed. Her sister Lynda has only started the advanced placement classis in every class she can. Both girls are planning to go to college. Alexia will graduate at the end of this year and hopes to go to UCLA next fall. Lynda is in her third year in this private high school with an enrollment of nearly 800 students. In this prosperous area most of the students are white with a lot of Asian students and a few black students. Nearly all of the parents of students hear are professionals with much higher that average incomes. Parents have a larger influence on their children at school and the average grade point average is much higher here than at most schools. Neither of the girls even has ever even kissed a boy but both of them have been kidnapped and sexually assaulted. They were both required to see the principle after their last class He closed the door and he asked them “How are you girls doing after what has happened to you” Alexia told him “there were no problems today” He assured both of them that “I am the only one to know you are the ones that were kidnapped and I am somewhat concerned about you and not share that information with anyone.” “I know both of you are doing very well here and do not feel any resistance to talk to me if you need to.” Lynda thanked him for his concern but they “had to go because our mother is waiting for us in the car.”

When the sisters got off they found their mother waiting for them in the car. It took her more than a couple of minutes to drive home because most of the kids that used to walk home are now being picked up. Some of the seniors have their own cars but the parking lot here is not big enough to hold all the cars. The only place for the students with cars to park is at the church parking lot down the street about two blocks away. At least one teacher stands in the street to watch the kids walking these two blocks in the morning and afternoons. The traffic around this school is much worse than it used to be. No family wants to endanger their children in any way. The fact that two girls from this school were kidnapped and raped has resulted in parents that are protecting them any way they can because many feel the possibility they too may be targeted for paying a ransom for their adolescent children.

Linda finally got home with her daughters. It took her nearly 20 minutes to drive home because of all the traffic around the school. The two girls got busy with their considerable homework. They each had a computer and printer in their room. Linda thought about when she was in college and had to use a typewriter to do all the writing need for the classes at college. Personal computers and laser printers were much too expensive then. There are three computers in this home and they the cost of them is a small fraction of what is it once was.
Linda prepared supper for her family as usual they enjoyed the light meal. Linda has been convinced that the high calorie meal should be early in the day and supper rather than dinner would be the normal around her. Her grand father once told her that on the farm the dinner was served in the middle of the day and a light meal was to be held in the evening that was referred to as supper that was a sandwich with some fruit or vegetables or something similar. Linda had recently read an article in Scientific American about a study comparing the total daily calories of breakfast, lunch and dinner was the same as dinner, lunch and breakfast. The interesting fact was that those using the dinner first meal order tended to loose weight while the breakfast first sampled gained weight. It was clear to her that humans must metabolize differently depending on when the calories are taken in rather than just the total calories.

Mike has always eaten more than everybody else and his job involves sitting using a telephone all day with little exercise. He has always been healthy and slim but at 44 years old his metabolism has slowed. He needs to work out religiously several times each week and maybe he could loose weight. Linda is more active than her husband and has managed to stay slim. She is 5’6” and weighs 120. Mike is 5’11 and 185. Alexia is 5’ 9” and weighs 130 her sister Lynda is 5’ 8 at 125. Linda thinks none of her family is a couch potato but all could benefit from some workouts at the gym even if they eat more.

Mike answered the phone to find it was his private detective with another update. He said: “the FBI us now watching the building in Glendale being careful not to be obvious.” “They are even checking out the planes in the sky.” Kelly said “they have to get a new warrant for search this building but that should come soon”

End of Rosetta girl’s nightmare part 4
Part 5 tomorrow
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