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Damon has a very kinky night with two girls.
"See anything you like?" Scott asked before taking another drink from
his beer bottle.

I took a small sip of my drink before shaking my head.

"Not really," I responded, resting my arms easily on the railing in
front of me. "Usually this place is better."

My eyes continued to scan the dance floor of the club before drifting
over to the area to the side, covered with tables and chairs. Every
seat was taken, although very few were occupied by females that I would
be interested in taking home. The place was dim, almost dark, with a
distinct "gothic" flavour to the ambience. Over the dance floor, lights
periodically flashed out and strobe lights created dizzying effects
that made it difficult to successfully evaluate the physical merits of
the various dancing females. The music was unlike that of other bars.
No top forty here. In fact I had a hard time placing any of the songs,
which appeared to be a strange amalgamation of eighties tunes, mixed
with techno. It was a unique bar and the clientele was no different. It
was hard to explain, but the girls had a distinct "alternative"
appearance for the most part. Dyed hair, piercings and fishnets were
commonplace, making the atmosphere particularly uncomfortable for the
usual "bar star" girls that frequented the downtown clubs.

"Holy shit!" Scott exclaimed, snapping me out of my alcohol and strobe
light induced trance. "Look at that!"

I followed my friend's pointing finger to the middle of the sunken dance
floor where I soon spotted a pair of girls grinding against each other
to the sexy beat of some unrecognizable song. They appeared to be
attractive, although the flashing lights made further investigation
difficult. I could tell, however, that their bodies were quite nice as
both females were showing ample amounts of skin. One girl had dark
hair, although I could make out streaks of pink or purple racing
through her messy but sexy hairstyle. Her body was lithe and slender,
exemplified by her incredibly hot little outfit. Rising up from a pair
of tall, black high heels, her legs were adorned with a pair of black
fishnet stockings that ended just above the knee. And as if that wasn't
hot enough, she was wearing what had to be the shortest black mini
skirt known to man, slit up both sides, exposing even more of her
incredibly sexy legs. A matching black fishnet top covered the top half
of her body, pulled tightly over a meager black halter top allowing
just enough of her tanned skin to be seen so as to tantalize any
onlookers. And onlookers there were. A quick glance around the bar and
I realized every pair of male eyes (and a few female) were locked on
the enticing couple.

As the two girls danced closer, my gaze fell back upon them, this time
inspecting the dark haired girl's blonde friend. The second girl was
not as slender as her companion, with full round curves accentuated by
a tight fitting shiny blue dress. It was the type of outfit one would
expect to see worn by a stripper and I began to wonder if that was
indeed their chosen profession. The slick-looking material clung to the
girl's gorgeous curves like a second skin and hugged her beautiful
round ass as she swayed to the music. It ended halfway down her thigh,
but a series of slits up the sides exposed a deceiving amount of
visible skin. Similar slits were strategically located across the front
of the dress, giving the horny onlookers an ample view of the girl's
more than ample cleavage. Her extremely large breasts contrasted
greatly with those of her friend and looked as though they would burst
forth from the shiny material any second. Her blonde hair was tied into
two long pony tails that hung down past her shoulders.

"We should go dance with them," Scott suggested, enthusiastically.

I just shook my head and took another drink. In my experience, trying to
join in with two girls dancing was a suicide mission. And the more
provocative the girls dance with each other, the less chance you have.
With all that in mind, I figured our chance with those two were less
than zero.

Even though I had no intentions of making an attempt on the pair, I
could not tear my eyes away from them as they danced. Their moves
varied from seductive to lewd as they ground against each other like a
pair of horny teenagers. As I continued to watch, the dark haired girl
kissed her friend full on the lips before spinning round behind her and
gripping her sexy hips. The blonde close her eyes and tossed her head
back as her friend ran her tongue up her neck. The dark haired girl
then looked directly over at me. And winked.

I could feel something stir in my pants.

"Did you see that?" Scott exclaimed, almost blasting beer out his nose.
"She winked at you!"

"Yeah, I know," I responded, trying to act nonchalant.

My body froze and my eyes remained transfixed on the two girls. I
wondered if they were simply trying to tease me. I tried to look away
but the girl's dark, sultry gaze kept me in place.

"Get out there!" Scott said emphatically through gritted teeth. "She
wants you!"

I remained standing in place, casually drinking from my near empty
glass. On the outside I appeared calm, but on the inside my heart was
racing. Suddenly the music changed songs and the two girls abruptly
exited the dance floor, disappearing into the crowd on the other side
of the club.

"You idiot!" Scott shouted, before punching me in the shoulder. "What
the hell is wrong with you?"

"She was just teasing," I said simply, draining my glass.

"Well it was worth a try wasn't it?"

I just shrugged.

"Well, I'm going to get another drink," he said. "Want one?"


"Rum and Coke right?"

I nodded and my friend walked off shaking his head. "Idiot," I heard him
muttered as we walked away. I then turned back to the dance floor and
then glanced quickly around the bar, hoping to catch another glimpse of
the two girls. Suddenly I felt a sharp pinch on my ass. I jumped,
startled by the feeling, and turned around. Smiling back at me was the
dark haired girl. I froze and just stared blankly as her friend
continued to lead her through the crowd by the hand. She stared at me
with sexy, almond shaped eyes as she soon disappeared from view. I
swallowed hard. That definitely was not teasing.

"Damon!" Scott said excitedly, rushing towards me and splashing rum and
Coke all over his arm in the process. "They're over there. At the bar!
Fuck they're hot! They look like porn stars or something."

I accepted the drink and quickly slammed the entire thing. If I was
going to approach those two, I was going to need some more liquid

"Wait here," I suggested before walking off towards the bar.

I manoeuvred my way through the crowded club and hopped up the short
staircase leading to the bar. As soon as I reached the top step I saw
them. Taking a deep breath, I walked over and spoke.

"Can I buy you a drink?" I asked, trying desperately to prevent my voice
from cracking with nervousness.

The dark haired girl turned her head towards me and stared just for an
instant, before a smile appeared across her delicate featured face. She
was even better looking up close, with a perfect face that looked as
though she had some Asian ancestry. 'Perhaps half or even three
quarters,' I thought quickly to myself. She had a piercing half way
between her lower lip and chin (I don't know what those are called) and
a black leather choker around her slender neck with the word "SLUT"
emblazoned with tiny sparkling letters. She had a very unique look, but
was still very, very hot.

"No thanks," she said after running her eyes up and down my body. "I
don't drink."

I could feel my heart sinking.

"Why don't you buy my friend one though," she continued. "I think she's
really thirsty."

The blonde looked over and inspected me with her big blue eyes. In
contrast to her friend's angular, delicate features, hers seemed softer
and cherubic, with a cute round face and pouty lips. She had a piercing
too, although hers was far less noticeable and took the form of a tiny
crystal stud, embedded in the side of her nose. At that moment I felt
as if I was being judged, Both girls stared at me as if deciding
whether I was good enough to be worthy of their presence. Now feeling
very uncomfortable, I decided to speak again.

"Well?" I directed to the blonde. "What can I get you?"

She looked at me a moment longer before her visage softened and she

"151,"she said simply.

I was taken aback. I was expecting her to request something fruity with
an umbrella in it, not a shot of the hardest alcohol the bar was
legally allowed to serve.

"Are you sure?" I asked, furrowing my brow with disbelief.

She nodded.

"Don't worry honey," the dark haired girl said, placing her hand on my
arm. "She can handle it."

As she spoke, I caught a glimpse of something shiny flashing behind her
teeth. 'A tongue ring!' I thought myself. 'This just gets better and

I approached the bar and ordered two shots of one fifty one, cringing as
the bartender poured the clear liquid into the tiny glasses. I then
pushed one towards the blonde girl who scooped it up immediately.

"Thank you," she said with a soft, quiet voice before raising the shot
glass into the air.

I lifted mine as well, and she tapped hers to mine before tossing her
head back and downing the liquid. I followed suit, trying to keep
myself from gagging as the fluid burned its way down my throat to my
stomach. The girl licked her pouty lips with and rested her glass down
on the bar.

"You know," the dark haired girl cut in with a sexy smile. "It's not
very polite to approach a girl in the bar and not introduce yourself.

"You know," I returned. "It's not very polite to pinch a guy's ass in
the bar and not introduce yourself."

She seemed un-phased and remained staring at me with that intoxicating

"Fair enough," she said finally. "My name's Kat, and this sexy little
bitch...." She motioned to her friend. "Is Mandy."

"Nice to meet you," I replied. "I'm Damon."

I shook Kat's hand, and then Mandy's, unable to keep my eyes from
drifting downward to her breasts which were straining against the taut
blue material that composed her provocative little dress.

"Ooooo," Mandy squealed suddenly excitedly. "I love this song! Let's go
dance Kat!"

Kat nodded, but stepped closer to me. She then reached up and grabbed my
head, pulling my face to hers and kissing me, her tongue darting into
my mouth. Her action took me by surprise and before I could do
anything, she pulled away.

"Thanks for buying her the drink," she said smiling devilishly. "It's
going to make it even easier for me to take advantage of her later."

With those parting words, the two girls spun and walked away without as
much as a glance back. I was startled at their abrupt exit and just
stood dumbfounded, hungrily watching as they left.

"How'd it go?" Scott asked as I resumed my original place by the

"Not bad."

"So which one are you going to go for?"

Scott was already back to lustfully watching the two girls as they
danced together with seemingly renewed lewdness. Kat was running her
hands all over Mandy's body paying particular attention to her ass and
tits. The scene was almost pornographic in nature and I knew it was
only a matter of time before some clueless guy would try to join in.

"Neither," I answered, eliciting a disappointed glare from Scott. "I
think they were just after free drinks."

I told myself that, but deep down inside I had a hard time believing it.
Or maybe it was just that I didn't want to believe it.

"Fucking bitches," Scott cursed. "You want to get out of here?"

I was about to agree, but then Kat fixed her sexy glare upon me once
again from across the dance floor. Raising a hand in front of her face
she curled her finger and beckoned me to join them.

"Actually," I said, starting off for the dance floor. "I think I'll
stick around."

I didn't look back but I could guess the expression that Scott had on
his face as I made my way across the crowded dance floor towards the
sexy pair. Kat's gaze never left mine as I approached, my heart beating
with anticipation. Immediately, she placed a tender hand on the back of
my neck and pressed her hips into mine. I wondered if she could feel
the bulge in my pants, and her knowing smile told me that she did. My
body seemed to melt into hers and we flowed in unison to the music. I
was beginning to be mesmerized by the music, lights and the feeling of
Kat's lithe body pressed into mine when I felt Mandy come up behind me,
her extremely large breasts pressing into my back as her hands grabbed
my hips.

"You weren't trying to leave me out now were you?" she asked, before
biting down softly on my earlobe.

I reached back behind me to feel the smooth surface of her dress pulled
taut over her hips and ass as my other hand ran up Kat's smooth, tanned
leg. Suddenly Kat grabbed my hair forcefully, and kissed me long and
deep, pushing her little wet tongue into my accepting mouth. I could
feel her tongue ring swirling around as she shamelessly ground herself
into me. She then bit down on my lips, staring directly into my eyes,
with a determined sexy glare as she pulled away, my bottom lip snapping
free of her teeth. Suddenly and without warning the two girls spun me
around and Mandy took her turn planting a deep, wet kiss on me. The
soft feeling of her pouty lips was incredible and she even went so far
as to reach down and give my cock a squeeze through my pants as her
friend ran her hands up under my shirt. I could hear her purr with
approval her nimble fingers caressed my abs. She then began to pull my
shirt up as Mandy broke free and started to lower herself seductively,
looking into my eyes and still moving to the beat of the music.
Extending her tongue seductively, she then just grazed the crotch of my
pants with a slow sensual lick before rising back up to kiss me once
again. I was in heaven!

I grabbed Mandy's ass, becoming even more aroused at the feeling of the
smooth material, tightly gripping her body. As our tongues danced I
could feel Kat's hand pushing its way into the front of my pants as her
lips traced along the back of my neck. I gasped at the feeling as her
warm hand wrapped around my hard cock, squeezing it and stroking it. I
realized then that I must have been the envy of every heterosexual male
in the place. I also realized that I needed to get out of there before
I came in my pants. I was about to ask the girls, but Kat beat me to

"Would you like to come back to our place?" she asked, squeezing my dick
with one hand and my ass with the other.

Five minutes later the three of us were in a cab.

The two girls sat on either side of me in the taxi, as my thoughts
wandered. Was this really happening? I had been able to pick up girls
at bas before but never girls this hot and definitely never two at

"So you guys share an apartment?" I stammered, trying to make

"Uh huh," Mandy affirmed, shyly biting her finger nail. "We share

Her voice was dripping with innuendo as she emphasized the last word of
that sentence. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and muttered a
silent "thank you".

A few minutes later we reached our destination and Mandy and Kat led me
into their apartment, each taking one of my hands. The place was quite
upscale, again making me wonder what they did for a living. Other than
that, it seemed like a normal place, clean and comfortable.

"Want a drink hon?" Mandy asked, as she led me into the living room.

I declined. I had certainly drunk my fill at the bar and was already
feeling the effects of the alcohol coursing through my blood. And I
definitely didn't want anything to interfere with the nights
prospective activities.

"Okay, make yourself comfortable," she said, motioning to the sofa.
"We'll be right back."

"Actually, I need to use your bathroom if that's okay."

"Of course," she replied as she followed Kat into the kitchen. "It's
down the hall, second door on the left."

I took a moment to watch the two walk away, admiring both luscious asses
but focusing more on Mandy's. The roundness of it was exemplified by
her tight fitting dress and it was driving me crazy. As they
disappeared from the room I made my way to the bathroom.

Standing over the toilet I had to dismiss many of the dirty thoughts
that ran rampant through my mind. My dick was pointing straight out in
a massive erection which was making it very difficult to take a piss.
After a moment of quiet contemplation it softened enough for me to go
without splattering the wall with urine. As I finished, I reached down
to flush the toilet but noticed something in the small garbage can
beside it. I leaned in closer to examine the two small empty boxes.

"What the...?" I muttered.

They were empty enema boxes. Immediately my thoughts began to race once
again as I tried to imagine what kinky activities the pair had planned.
I then remembered something Kat had mentioned in the cab on the way
there. She had said something along the lines of "You have to be clean
to get dirty." The realization hit me and my heart began to race. Yes,
this was definitely going to be a night to remember.

"Hey there," Kat greeted as I emerged from the bathroom and walked into
the living room.

The two were sitting side by side on the sofa, nuzzled up together as
Mandy sipped something from a martini glass. They appeared to be
watching TV. Kat's short black skirt was riding up so high, if she had
been in a different position I was sure I could have seen much more
than her delicious legs which were pulled up under her.

"Have a seat," Mandy offered in a friendly tone shifting over and
patting the cushion beside her.

Nervously, I walked over and took my place between the two beautiful
women. As I sat, I looked at the TV screen and was astonished to see an
image of a woman getting fucked from behind while her face was buried
in another woman's pussy.

"Porn huh?" I stuttered, not knowing exactly what to say. "You two are
just full of surprises."

Actually what was surprising was that they were watching the filthy
video with as much nonchalance as a person watching the news. I tried
to watch as well, but I was far more interested in the two women
sitting on either side of me than the women on the TV screen. Suddenly
I felt a hand on my leg and I glanced over to Mandy smiling at me with
those irresistible, full, pouty lips. I was just thinking about how
much I wanted to be kissing them when she leaned over and kissed me.
For the moment I was lost in that feeling. Kat, the TV, everything just
faded away as I relished the sensation of her soft pink lips pressing
against mine as her tongue explored the inside of my mouth, twirling
and lashing like a snake.

"Heyyyy, you little slut!" Kat said with a laugh. "You can't have him
all to yourself!"

With that, she grabbed me be the back of my hair and yanked me away from
her friend's hungry mouth. I now found myself gazing directly into
Kat's dark, sultry eyes as she pulled me in and kiss me. Her touch was
not as tender as Mandy's, but rather quite aggressive, forcing her
tongue into my mouth. As we kissed, I felt a hand on my thigh, gliding
up to my crotch.

"Ooooooh!" Mandy exclaimed, pressing the palm of her hand against my
concealed cock. "It looks like someone's getting turned on."

Kat smiled as she broke away, but retained her grip on my hair.

"Is that true Damon?" she asked. "Are we turning you on?"

I nodded and then jumped a bit when Kat placed her hand to my crotch as
well, giving my balls a fairly hard squeeze.

"Well then it looks like we're doing a good job then," she continued,
directing her comment to Mandy.

The two girls then kissed each other. I was staring with complete wanton
lust as the pair locked lips and engaged in a sensual, wet make out
session just inches from my face. It was the most amazing thing I had
ever seen. Kat even reached over and groped Mandy's breast in the same
manner as a man would do.

"Mmmm, she moaned into her friend's mouth before pulling away but
retaining her grip on Mandy's large breast. "I love these fucking tits.
Aren't they nice Damon?"

I reached over and took one in my hand, kneading it gently.

"Yes they are," I said simply.

Both girls smiled and immediately began to pull my shirt off. Mandy
giggled a bit and seemed to have an almost playful manor about her, but
Kat seemed more serious as if driven by pure lust.

"Oh, Yummy!" Mandy exclaimed as her friend tossed my shirt to the side.
"I told you he had a good body."

She then leaned in and kissed my neck before working her way down my
chest, her soft feminine hands caressing my stomach. Kat, however
seemed more interested in my bottom half and worked her fingers
frantically to yank my pants open. Then both girls slid down to kneel
before me as they worked in tandem to wriggle my pants down my legs.
Suddenly I felt very exposed, sitting in my underwear before the two
fully dressed females. And as if that wasn't bad enough, my dick was
hard as a rock and straining against the fabric, forming a very
noticeable tent in my boxers. Mandy smiled and planted a soft kiss on
the apex of the "tent", pressing her pouty lips against my cock head
through the thin black fabric. As she pulled away smiling, I could see
a small wet spot forming from the pre-cum that was now beginning to
seep out of my dick.

"Now let's see that cock!" Kat said, slipping her finger tips into the
waistband of my boxers and pulling them downward.

My dick sprang out and slapped against my stomach as the underwear
released it from its confinement.

"Hello!" Mandy exclaimed, her eyes beaming with anticipation.

Kat was the first to take hold of my turgid shaft however, wrapping her
small hand around it and giving a few short strokes. Then, looking into
my eyes with a sexy, determined stare, she leaned forward and extended
her tongue to lick up the small droplet of precum that covered the
entrance to my dick hole. Mandy rested her hands passively on my thigh
as she watched with enjoyment as her friend continued to run her wet
tongue up and down my shaft. I could feel the small hard stud in her
tongue as it grazed my sensitive skin. Once my cock was nice and wet,
Kat surprised me by taking my entire length down her throat.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, tossing my head back in pleasure as she even
went so far as to flick her tongue out and licked my balls.

"Do you want to try," Kat asked Mandy after pulling my rod out of her

Mandy nodded with the excitement of a school girl and leaned forward to
wrap her supple, soft lips around the head of my dick. Gently she began
to suck, moving her head up and down in short, jerking motions.

"Yeah, that's it," Kat encouraged, pulling the hair away from Mandy's
face to get a better view of my cock in her mouth. "I love to watch you
suck cock!"

As Mandy continued her work on my dick, Kat lowered her head and began
to lick my balls, bathing them with saliva. She coaxed me to spread my
legs wider before sucking them into her hot little mouth. Moaning with
extreme pleasure, I ran my hands through Mandy's silky blonde hair as
she took more of my shaft between her wonderful lips. The feeling of
the two women's tongues was unbelievable as they worked together in
concert, licking and sucking.

"Oh yeah," I encouraged as I felt Kat's tongue dip lower and flick
around the area just beneath my balls.

I then gasped as she went even lower, stabbing her little pink tongue
into my asshole. Mandy smiled once she realized what her friend was up
to, even watching for a while as she continued to stroke her hand up
and down my slippery, wet shaft.

"Does that feel good?" Mandy asked with a cute smile, running her tongue
over the swollen head of my cock.

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed, spreading my legs farther.

"Mmmm, I bet it does. I love it when she licks my ass."

As she spoke, Kat continued her oral assault on my most private area,
swabbing my tight hole with her tongue and kissing it with long tender
licks. Mandy even went so far as to lift my balls to get a better view
of her friend licking my ass.

"That looks so fucking hot!" she exclaimed as she gazed down with
lustful admiration before wrapping her soft lips around my shaft once

"Oh my god!" I moaned, revelling in the indescribable pleasure of having
two mouths servicing me.

Mandy glanced up and me as she slid the entire length of my dick into
the back of her throat, her hands gently squeezing my balls. I could
feel the smooth metal of Kat's tongue ring sliding repeatedly over the
sensitive skin of my asshole, as she continued licking and prodding
with unfaltering enthusiasm.

"Hey!" Mandy said with an exaggerated, pouting expression as she pulled
her lips sway from my wet aching cock. "Don't be greedy. I want some

Kat raised her head and wiped a small droplet of saliva from the corner
of her mouth before leaning over and kissing Mandy fully on the lips in
an aggressive, lustful manor. As the two ended their brief but
passionate make-out session she pulled away with a contented smile.

"Be my guest," she offered.

Mandy's face lit up with excitement as she let out a giggle and dropped
to her knees in front of me as Kat shifted over to make room. A few
seconds later I could feel Mandy's soft lips pressing gently against my
freshly licked asshole. Kat stroked her friend's hair as she watched,
eyes fixed in an intense stare.

"That's it baby," she cooed, with compassionate adoration. "Lick that
ass." Mandy seemed more tentative that Kat had been, as she gently
massaged my wet hole with soft, tender licks. Every so often she would
cast her eyes up at me as if seeking approval. As her hot little
tongue continued to caress my ass, I looked down to see her big blue
eyes peeking up at me over my balls.

"Come on," Kat urged, placing her hand at the back of Mandy's head. You
can do better than that!"

I reached down and grabbed my cock, as Kat began to push her friend's
face into my ass.

"Yeah, that's it." Kat said, pulling a few stray strands of honey blonde
hair out of Mandy's face. "I want to see your tongue in his ass."

Mandy closed her eyes and moaned as she moved her head from side to
side, her warm, wet tongue wriggling its way past my tight muscular
ring. Kat smiled as she kept her friend's face pressed firmly against
my ass. I could feel Mandy's hot breath on my wet asshole as she
gasped with pleasure and slipped her tongue inside me.

"Oooooh," Kat said with devious smile, watching approvingly. "You dirty
little slut. You like licking ass don't you?"

"Uh huh," Mandy responded as she tongued my asshole with increasing
enthusiasm. It seemed as if Kat's dirty talk was turning her on even
more as she began moaning in between licks.

"Move it in and out," Kat ordered, her tone becoming increasingly
dominant as she grabbed a handful of Mandy's hair. "Fuck his ass with
your tongue."

Guided by her friend's forceful hand, Mandy's head began bobbing back
and forth as her nimble little tongue repeatedly stabbed my
saliva-soaked asshole. The feeling was incredible. I even had to
release my grip on my cock, for fear of cumming prematurely. There was
no way I wanted this to end so soon!

"Good girl," Kat said approvingly as she released her grip on Mandy's
hair and stood up. "But now I think that it's about time our little
boy-toy here repaid the favour. Don't you?"

Mandy looked up at her friend smiling and nodded in agreement. After a
quick change in position, I was laying down flat on my back and Mandy
was settling in between my legs once again, her pouty lips wrapped
around my cock as Kat stood nearby undressing. I found my eyes darting
back and forth between Mandy's beautiful face sucking my cock and Kat
as she slipped out of her clothes. As her black skirt fell to the
floor, Kat stepped forward wearing nothing but her fishnet stockings
and the black collar around her neck. Her dark, sexy eyes transfixed
on mine as she approached, a determined intense look cast on her
beautiful, exotic face. Without so much as a word, she stepped one leg
over me and lowered her hairless pussy down onto my waiting mouth. I
couldn't help but let out a satisfied moan as her soft wet lips touched
mine and she nestled down into a comfortable position atop my face.
Immediately, my tongue shot out, driving deeply into her moist hole
tasting her succulent juices. Biting her bottom lip, Kat stared down
into my eyes as she grabbed a handful of my hair. Slowly and
methodically she began to gyrate her hips, rubbing her pussy over my
mouth and chin. The hand grasping my hair held my head firmly in place
as she pressed her hot little cunt against me. It was if she was simply
using me to pleasure herself.

Meanwhile, as Kat rode my face, Mandy was slowly stroking me with long,
slow pumps of her hand as she covered the head of my dick with soft
licks and kisses. Every so often she would lower her face and suck my
balls into her mouth or tease my ass with little flicks of her talented
tongue. I was using all my powers of restraint to keep from cumming.

"That's it," Kat moaned, clutching my hair with increasing force. "Lick
my fucking cunt."

Her filthy words turned me on even more and I sucked her clit into my
mouth as she began to buck back and forth. I locked my lips around her
clit and sucked hard as my tongue massaged it from inside my mouth.
Keeping one hand holding my hair, she removed her other hand and
brought it to her mouth, sucking her middle finger seductively as she
continued looking down into my eyes with that unwavering, sexual stare.
She then took the wet finger and reached around behind her, sliding it
into her ass as she continued to squirm atop my face. As soon as her
finger entered her tight little hole, Kat tossed her head back and
closed her eyes in ecstasy. Her movements started to become more and
more erratic as her hips bucked and gyrated. I thought she was going
to pull my hair out when she forcefully pulled upward, mashing her wet
pussy into my restrained lips. Her moaning soon drowned out the wet
sound of Mandy's mouth on my cock as she suddenly squeezed her legs
together, trapping my head in their vice-like grip. Her body tensed
for a second as her moaning subsided soon to be replaced by
high-pitched squeal as her muscles convulsed with orgasmic intensity.
She held that position for a few seconds before slowly relaxing and
resuming rubbing her pussy, now drenched with sticky fluid, all over my

"Wow," Mandy exclaimed, popping my dick out of her mouth. "That looked
so fucking hot!"

Kat exhaled and opened her eyes once again. Her intense glare softened
slightly and the corner of her lip curled up into a sexy smile as she
looked down at my wet face.

"You still okay down there?" she asked.

"Uh huh," was all I could answer as her wet pussy remained pinned
against my mouth.

"Good," she countered, her eyes narrowing. "Because there's something
else I want you to lick."

With that, she climbed off my face, turned around and swung her leg back
over my head, now facing the other direction as she straddled me. I
was now staring directly into Kat's tight little asshole, which was
gleaming, wet with pussy juices. I eyed the enticing sight
shamelessly, as her knees bent slowly, bringing the puckered little
orifice within reaching distance of my eager tongue.

"Mmmmm," she moaned softly she rested her hips back, planting her tiny
little wet asshole right against the tip of my tongue.

I immediately went to work lashing Kat's rosebud with frantic licks,
lapping up the pussy fluids that lingered there. She pushed back
farther, forcing my head down into the couch as she rested her whole
weight on my face. Placing both hands on my chest, she wiggled her ass,
rubbing her wet hole across my lips as I forced my tongue past her tiny
muscular opening.

"Oh fuck yes!" she exclaimed through clenched teeth as she felt my hot
tongue slipping inside her asshole.

Again she began to gyrate her hips as tongue-fucked her tight little
orifice. Mandy, who was continuing to slide her lips up and down my
aching shaft, then slid her tongue down over my balls, probing at my
ass once again.

"Lift your legs higher," she suggested, straining to get her face low
enough to get at my ass.

"Here," Kat said, removing her hands from my chest and grabbing both of
my ankles. "Let me help."

With that, she pulled my legs up into the air and sat back onto my face.
"Thanks," Mandy said in her cute bubbly voice before planting her soft
lips on my asshole once again.

I moaned into Kat's ass as I felt Mandy's wet tongue piercing my tight
little hole. I then responded by thrusting my own tongue deeper into
the tight butthole that was planted against my mouth. Although the
feeling was amazing, that particular position was putting quite a
stretch on the back of my legs, so I was more than a little relieved
when Kat released my legs and allowed them to once again rest on the
couch. She then lowered her body down against mine into a 69 position
as Mandy offered her my cock into her accepting mouth. She took it
down to the base with one smooth motion, deep throating me as her
friend once again sucked my balls into her hungry mouth.

Overcome by lust, I reached up around grabbed a cheek of Kat's firm ass
in each hand, spreading them apart lewdly before attacking her tight
little hole with renewed enthusiasm. Kat crawled down a little
farther, pulling her ass just out of reach of my eager tongue. I
strained my neck to get at her, but fell back and moaned with pleasure
as I felt her tongue join Mandy's, lapping at my balls. Kat then
pulled herself down farther and poked her tongue against my ass. Mandy
followed suite and soon I had two girls licking my ass, their tongues
dancing and entwining with each other in between licks. Although my
tongue could no longer reach Kat's asshole, my hands certainly could
and I began massaging the tight little opening with two fingers. She
responded with an approving moan and thrust herself back on my fingers,
her asshole sheathing my middle finger as she once again took my dick
into her mouth. I pushed my finger in as far as I could, wiggling it
deep inside as her wet pussy covered my mouth. I became so entranced
with Kat's pussy and ass that I barely noticed the absence of Mandy's
soft lips and tongue. Suddenly her beautiful face appeared, smiling
down at me from over Kat's smooth ass cheeks.

"Mmmm," she purred, examining the sexy scene and placing her hands on
her friend's ass.

Mandy then gently pulled Kat's cheeks apart, giving both her and I a
clear view of my finger buried deep in her asshole. After planting a
few soft loving kisses on her smooth skin, her tongue shot out, dancing
around my finger as it remained knuckle-deep in her friend's tightly
gripping hole. Kat's body shivered and her butthole clenched around my
digit as she felt her friend's tongue licking at her rim. I removed my
finger, only to see it quickly replaced with Mandy's writhing, hot
tongue as she dove into Kat's tight little hole. Her bright blue eyes
locked on mine as she tongued the tiny pink star just inches from my
face. Kat responded with an appreciative moan and shifted forward to
suck at my balls as her hands firmly grasped my ass cheeks, her nails
digging into my flesh. I raised my head and my tongue joined Mandy's,
poking and licking at Kat's asshole. Mandy smiled as out tongues
continued to dance and wrestle each other in between lapping at Kat's
irresistible rosebud.

When Kat once again shifted backwards, forcing her pussy into my face,
Mandy resumed her previous position in between my legs. Her tongue
once again stabbed at my sensitive asshole as her friend sucked my dick
with increasingly urgency. I let out a muffled moan into Kat's pussy
as she wrapped her fingers around my shaft and pumped with determined
strokes, her lips wrapped tightly around the head of my cock.

"Oh fuck!" I exclaimed, as Mandy forced her hot, wet tongue into my ass.
"I'm going to cum!"

Kat removed her lips from my cock just as my body tensed with
indescribable pleasure. My asshole clenched around Mandy's invading
tongue and a thick stream of hot cum shot forth, splashing across Kat's
lips. She continued stroking as stream after stream of creamy white
fluid emerged with surprising velocity, covering her pumping fist and
dripping down my balls and ass. I could feel Mandy's tongue collecting
the sticky fluid as it ran down my asshole, lapping it up like a hungry
kitten. Kat swiped her tongue over my dick before grabbing pulling her
friend up by the hair to share a passionate cum-filled kiss. The two
girls moaned as their tongue entwined, licking and sucking the creamy
fluid from each other's lips. Kat then offered her hand to Mandy,
sliding her cum-covered fingers into her friend's mouth. Mandy
accepting willingly as she sucked the fingers clean with enthusiasm.

"Mmmm," Kat purred, licking a droplet of cum from her hand. "I think
it's time to get fucked."

As she climbed off my body, I remained lying in a relaxed, contented
state, satisfied at just having had the best orgasm of my life.

"Hey," Kat scolded, her eyes narrowing with warning. "Don't get too
comfortable. You're not done yet."

"Don't worry," I assured, motioning to my now-flaccid member. "I just a
couple minutes to get form."

"Awww," Mandy said in an exaggerated, cute, childish voice. "I think we
wore the poor guy out."

"Well, I guess we'll just have to get started without him," Kat added,
as she walked up behind her and kissed her neck.

Mandy immediately closed her eyes and cocked her head to the side,
moaning softly as Kat's lips bounced slowly from spot to spot, covered
her smooth skin with gentle kisses. As her moaning increased, Kat's
kisses gradually grew more aggressive until she was biting gently at
Mandy's skin, leaving tiny red marks in her wake. She lifted her arms
and grabbed a breast with each hand, pawing and groping like a horny
teenager. Her mouth went from neck to ear as she nibbled at Mandy's
lobe, and whispered something that I couldn't hear. Her dark,
almond-shaped eyes then fixed on mine as she shot me a seductive stare.
A tingling feeling shot through my body and my flaccid dick began to
twitch as Kat began peeling off Mandy's tight fitting dress. As soon as
the tight fabric passed her chest, Kat spun her friend around to cover
her massive breasts with seductive licks and kisses. Mandy giggled as
took turns sucking her little pink nipples, and began to wiggle her
tight fitting dress down over her hips.

"Do you like these tits?" Kat asked, cocking her head towards me as she
squeezed each of the large round breasts with her slender, dextrous

I nodded, intimidated by Kat's devilish glare.

"And what about...," she continued, as she coaxed Mandy to turn around.
"...this ass?"

As she asked, Kat stroked her hand over her friend's smooth, naked
posterior. Mandy looked back at me over her shoulder, smiling and
biting her finger in a cute pose as if looking for validation.

"I love it," I stammered, overwhelmed by the whole situation.

"Would you like to see her on her hands and knees?" Kat continued,
planting a soft kiss on her friend's posterior.

I nodded.

Mandy giggled as Kat coaxed her down onto all fours, displaying her
juicy round ass to me. She looked back at me as she arched her back in
a teasing fashion, lowering her head to the floor submissively. Kat
smiled as my eyes locked onto Mandy's supple cheeks, separated only by
a thing white string of fabric that composed the backside of her meager
g-string undergarment. Her thick, pouty pussy lips could be seen
puffing out on either side of the tiny string. I could feel my dick
regaining thickness as I watched Kat flick her little pink tongue
across her friend's ample ass as she started pulling the string down
her ass. After removing the underwear, Kat looked directly into my
eyes as she brought the pair of white underwear to her face, running
her tongue along the entire length and sucking the thin string into her
sexy mouth.

I wanted to climb down off the couch and bury my face in Mandy's pussy,
but I had a feeling Kat was wanting me to observe. There was
definitely something intimidating and sexy about the diminutive,
dark-haired beauty.

"Mmmmm," Kat purred, as she groped her friend's ass, clutching a cheek
in each hand, squeezing hard while spreading them wide apart.

With Mandy's ass pried open, Kat then lowered her head and flicked her
tongue out over her exposed, pink asshole causing the blonde to moan in
appreciation. As she stabbed at the tiny hole with increasing
intensity, I could see her glimmering tongue-ring swiping across her
puckered rosebud, causing the shy orifice to clench with each pass of
Kat's nimble tongue.

And always Kat's dark, seductive eyes watched me. Teasing me. Taunting

Suddenly Mandy squealed out loud as she felt her friends tongue stab
deep into her asshole, wriggling like a snake to delve deeper into the
enticing orifice. The sight of Kat's slender tongue slipping in and
out of Mandy's ass sent a renewed rush of blood to my cock and I
reached down to grasp the throbbing shaft with a shaking hand. Kat
smiled when she saw my excitement overwhelm me.

"Do you want some?" she asked, smiling as her hands continued caressing
the beautiful round ass before me.

"Y...Yes," I stammered, trying to regain my confidence.

"Then come here."

Without hesitation, I slipped down off the couch to my knees behind
Mandy's bent-over body. I moved closer as Kat reached under her friend
and slid two thin fingers along her glistening slit. As I watched from
close-up, she pushed the fingers into Mandy's pussy as she bit her
bottom lip in concentration as they slipped in up to the knuckle.

"Here," she said, pulling the fingers out and offering them to me, now
shimmering with Mandy's juices.

As I parted my lips, Kat pushed the two fingers into my mouth allowing
me to taste her friend as I sucked them clean. She smiled at my
obedience, removing the fingers from my mouth and giving them a few
licks of her own. She then slowly reached up behind my head and pulled
my face down into Mandy's ass.

"Oooooohhhh," Mandy moaned as she felt my face nestling down in between
her ample cheeks.

Kat's hand was holding me firmly in place as she began to give orders.
"Lick," she said simply. "I want to see your tongue in her ass. If you
do a good job, then I might let you fuck her later."

I needed no further convincing, as my tongue immediately shot out
swiping across her little pink butt hole which was already wet from the
tongue lashing Kat had given it.

"That's it," Kat said softly pulling my face harder into Mandy's ass.

As my tongue slipped into her tight hole, Kat began playing with her
friend's clit, rubbing it with her delicate fingers. After about ten
minutes of tongue-fucking Mandy's asshole, Kat brought her to climax
causing her little pink star to swallow up my wet tongue as it clenched
and unclenched repeatedly.

"Well?" Kat asked as Mandy's orgasm subsided. "Did he do a good enough

Mandy looked back over her shoulder at me, her big blue eyes beaming
with satisfaction. "Yes."

Kat's gaze once again met mine as she glared at me through those
mysterious almond-shaped eyes.

"Do you want to fuck my girlfriend?"

"Yes," I answered with conviction, my cock aching for release after the
marathon of rimming I had just performed.

"Do it," she snapped. "I want to see you fuck her from behind like the
dirty little slut she is."

Mandy giggled at her friend's words, and glanced back with aroused
expectation. I swallowed hard and inched my way forward. Kat licked
her hand and then reached under Mandy's ass grabbing a hold of my dick
as I came closer. As her hand stroked my shaft, coating it with
saliva, she used her other hand pulled Mandy's swollen pussy lips
apart. As my moved forward, she guided me into her friend's hot, wet

"Oooohhhh, yeah," Mandy exclaimed as my dick slid deep inside her. As I
bottomed out in her tight, warm hole, Kat reached under to play with my

"Does his cock feel good baby?" she asked, receiving and emphatic "uh
huh," in response.

Kat then looked up into my eyes, as she gave my balls a firm squeeze.
"Fuck her," she ordered.

Mandy's fleshy ass began to quiver as I moved in and out with slow, even
thrusts. Kat watched intently with her smouldering eyes as I penetrated
her girlfriend.

"Mmmm, yummy," she purred as my wet cock slipped in and out of Mandy's
perfect pussy. "I want to taste it."

Obeying once again, I pulled my dick out with a horny smile. Kat looked
up into my eyes as she opened her mouth and slid her lips down my wet
shaft, sucking it clean of Mandy's juices. Licking her lips, she then
helped guide it back into her friend's eager pussy. I was trying to
maintain my composure as Kat then spread Mandy's ass cheeks apart and
resumed her oral assault on her pretty little pink asshole.

"Would you like to fuck this ass?" she asked, letting a thin string of
saliva dribble down onto the irresistible opening.

"Fuck yes!" I blurted out, my cock now only moving halfway in and out of
her pussy to prevent myself from cumming.

Kat smiled and traced her slender middle finger from my embedded cock up
between Mandy's cheeks before running slow, deliberate circles around
her tight little ring. Bending her finger slightly she then pushed the
tip just inside as Mandy gasped with pleasurable surprise. Kat grinned
to herself and licked her lips as more of her thin finger disappeared
into the hungry little asshole.

"What do you think sweetie?" she asked, rotating the digit around inside
her ass. "Would you like a nice big cock in your ass tonight?"

‘Please say yes!' I thought to myself, feeling Kat's finger pressing
against the top of my dick through Mandy's ass.

"Yesssss," she hissed, her breathing growing shallow and rapid. "Fuck my
tight little asshole!"

I took that as a definite invitation and quickly pulled my cock out of
her drenched pussy, eyeing her asshole greedily as it hugged Kat's
finger. Kat leaned forward taking my dick back into her mouth, once
again savouring her friend's juices as she slipped a couple fingers
into Mandy's empty pussy. Removing the fingers, she let my cock fall
from her mouth, leaving a thin strand of sticky fluid connecting me to
her chin. As she smiled up at me, she began coating Mandy's asshole
with her own pussy juices, preparing it for the coming onslaught.

"Don't you have any lube?" I asked, concerned about Mandy's well-being.
I had performed anal with lubrication plenty of times, but it
definitely made things more difficult.

"We do have some," Kat explained, pushing her fingers inside Mandy's
waiting ass. "But I prefer...natural sources of lube."

I shrugged my shoulders in compliance. I was in no position to argue.
With Mandy's tiny anal opening now slick with spit and pussy fluids,
Kat urged me forward as she held her friend's ass cheeks splayed wide.
I grasped my shaft with intent as I moved into position, pressing my
head against the little pink ring.

"That's it," Kat, spoke softly as I began to push. "Nice and easy."

Mandy moaned as her tight butthole slowly opened to accept my slowly
thrusting cock. Kat viewed the lewd spectacle from inches away, her
mouth agape with amorous wonder. When I was about half way in, she
retrieved more of Mandy's juices and ran her fingers around my shaft,
wetting the entire length as it passed through the clutching muscular
ring. I could tell she definitely knew what she was doing.

"How does it feel?" Kat asked as I started sliding my dick back and
forth with small, rhythmic thrusts.

"So fucking good!" Mandy gasped in response, her face pressed firmly
against the carpeted floor.

"Mmmm, you love having nice hard cock in your ass don't you?"

"Yes! I fucking love it!"

The girls' sexy banter was really starting to get to me, and I began
driving my cock harder into Mandy's accepting ass.

"Oh fuck yeah!" Kat exclaimed through clenched teeth as she gave her
friend's fleshy as a crisp smack. "Fuck that ass. Fuck her hard.
That's what she likes. Don't you, you dirty little slut?"

Yessss," Mandy moaned. "I fucking love it. I love getting fucked hard in
the ass like a dirty little whore!"

"Come on!" Kat urged, slapping my ass hard and then letting her hand
linger there, her fingernails digging into my flesh. "Fuck her harder!"

Again, I increased the pace, pressed on by Kat's sexy orders. I was now
sliding almost all the way in and out of Mandy's ass as she quivered
and moaned beneath me. She was even pushing back to meet my thrusts,
driving her juicy ass into my hips and burying my cock deep inside her.
My hands grasped her hips firmly as I pushed forward, mashing my balls
against her dripping wet pussy and forcing her flat against the ground.

"Oh yeahhhhhh," she cried out, her voice muffled by the carpet. She was
obviously enjoying the rougher treatment.

I was almost lost in the incredible sensation of Mandy's asshole
clutching my thrusting dick when I felt Kat's presence once again. She
had moved behind me, and I felt her delicate but firm hands gripping my
ass cheeks as she kissed her way down my lower back.

"Oh yes," I moaned quietly as I felt her hot wet tongue gliding its way
down my ass.

As I moved one of my legs over Mandy's body, Kat dipped her head down in
between my legs, thrusting her tongue against my asshole as her hands
pried my muscular cheeks apart. I slowly began fucking Mandy's ass once
again, sliding my cock into her tight hole and then receding to feel
Kat's little pink tongue sliding stabbing into my ass. I was in
heaven. Kat's nimble fingers massaged my balls as she tongued my ass,
as if trying to coax the cum from within them. I felt as though I she
would be successful, until she suddenly stopped, moving back around in
front of me.

"Take it out," she said, her eyes glazed over with a lustful expression
as she reached for my cock.

Wrapping her fingers around me, she pulled my dick free with a wet ‘pop'
and shoved it into her hungry mouth, closing her eyes in ecstasy as she
sucked it into the back of her throat. As her head bobbed back and
forth, Mandy rose back up to her hands and knees looking back at her
friend's nasty actions and smiling in response.

With a sly grin, Kat then placed the head of my cock back at Mandy's
tight little opening and used her thumb to push it back inside. Mandy
tossed her head back in enjoyment, sending her little blonde braids
bouncing off her shoulders as I once again found my pulsing cock
submerged in her insatiable asshole.

"Damn you girls are nasty," I said with a smile, shaking my head in

Kat looked up at my, glaring seductively with her dark, penetrating

"You love it," she stated confidently as her tongue shot out to lash
Mandy's butthole which was once again stretched around my hard, wet

"Yes, I do," I responded, nodding in agreement as I watched her run her
tongue over my cock as it repeatedly disappeared into her friend's

"I want you to cum all over her ass," Kat said with a sexy snarl as she
reached between my legs, stroking her finger over my asshole.

In and out, my dick glided as Kat continuously lubricated it with her
lips and tongue. Her slender fingertip was pushing against my clenched
ass, wriggling its way inside. When it was halfway in, she pulled it
out, sucked it into her mouth and then returned it to my ass, this time
forcing it deep inside with a single, forceful thrust.

My pelvic muscles contracted and my body quivered uncontrollably, as a
sudden orgasm overtook my entire body. I let out an incomprehensible
groan before my balls sucked up against me, and a shot of hot cum
blasted the inside of Mandy's ass. As I tried to maintain control, I
pulled my cock out, sending another stream of white cream arcing into
her air to land in between her luscious cheeks, running down to cover
her freshly reamed asshole. As I gripped my dick tightly with my hand
I took aim, spilling the rest of my load over her ass as Kat smiled
with satisfaction. Quickly withdrawing her finger from my ass, she
lowered her head and placed her mouth directly over Mandy's red,
cum-covered hole, sucking up the cum like a hungry kitten. I sat back
and watched in amazement as she licked the tongue from her friend's
ass, even jabbing her tongue inside to collect every drop. She then ran
her tongue up Mandy's crack, licking up the trickle of fluid that was
slowly running downward like a tiny white river.

Having cleaned her girlfriend's backside of my seed, she grabbed Mandy
by the hair, pulling her head back with lustful authority. Like a baby
bird, Mandy opened her mouth obediently as Kat parted her lips and let
the creamy white liquid pour down onto her waiting tongue. The two
then shared a sensual, cum-filled kiss before each pausing to swallow
their share of the prize.

As I sat back in amazement of what had just transpired, my head began to
spin. The girls shared a playful giggle and wiped their chins off
lovingly before turning their attention back to me.

"Well, that was fun," Kat said, rising to her feet. "Can I call you a

I was a little shocked that they wanted me out so soon.

"Uhhhh," I stammered. "Y...Yeah...sure, I guess."

"I don't mean to rush you," she explained. "But we kind of have a rule
about boys sleeping over."

Mandy smiled but nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, no problem," I assured as I began to gather my clothes. "So can I
get your number or...."

"Actually," Kat snapped, cutting me off. "Why don't you give us yours?"

Again, I was a little confused but gave the girls my number nonetheless.
We shared a cordial goodbye before I left the apartment feeling a
little strange. Did they just use me?

I shook my head as I walked down the hallway. I wondered if anyone would
even believe me if I told them what happened. Then I realized that it
didn't even matter. I had just had a night of incredibly filthy sex
with two of the hottest girls I had ever met. And even if no one
believed me...I knew that it would always be a night to remember.

The End

Send comments or suggestions to [email protected]

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-08 21:14:09
What a wonderful Sketch !!And Fab DT cards !!I have likned my card on Mr.Linky , but will put a link here as well...cause for some reason my name disappeared from Mr.Linky.So you can find my card Thank you for looking ,Cheryl

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-08 20:04:03
Would someone kldiny tell me how to add a direct link in one of these posts?? I know I'm probably being dead thick but I have no idea how to add it so that you just click on the "here is my effort" part isntead of having to cut and paste the whole blog address. Thank you in advance to anyone that can help!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-04-20 18:06:16
This has got to be one of the hottest stories I've ever read.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-01-09 03:51:51
nice stories but i do think that you need more dirty talk and pussy pounding just saying but still really nice :3D :D :3 0.o <3 it

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