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Jen loses a bet and then loses her anal virginity.
A Friendly Bet
By: DamonX ([email protected])

A Friendly Bet


"Shit", I muttered to myself. "It never fails! Every time I get in the

With that, I jumped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, heading for
the phone.

"Hello", I panted after running half naked through my house, picking up
the phone, and dripping water all over the floor in the process.

"Hey. What's up?" a feminine voice asked.

"Oh, hey Jen. I'm just about to have a shower."

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Uh, nothing. Why?

"I'm bored. You up for some foozeball?"

"Sure. If you're up for getting your ass kicked again."

"Hey Mr. Cocky! You better watch out. I've been practicing."

"Sure, sure. Just remember to bring the case of beer you owe me from
last time."

"Yah, yah. I'll be there around eight."

"Okay. See you then."

I hung up the phone and made my way back to the shower. Playing
foozeball wasn't my idea of a good way to spend my Saturday night, but
I didn't exactly have anything else to do. Besides, Jen and I always
have fun.

As eight o'clock rolled around, I pulled the foozeball table out, put on
some music and began to wait. I had known Jen for a couple years and I
didn't remember her ever being on time.

True to form, as it neared nine o'clock, the doorbell rang. Before I
could answer, the door opened and Jen marched in, pushing a case of
beer into my arms.

"Here asshole!" she said jokingly. "This will be the last time I'll ever
have to give you anything."

"Whatever you say princess," I answered sarcastically.

I had to admit Jen looked good. She was wearing a pair of low-riding
jeans with a studded belt that allowed the crack of her ass to peak out
over the top. The little black top she was wearing would have been
more suited to a nightclub than a foozeball game but I wasn't

"You'd better put those in the fridge." Jen said with a wave of her
hand. "We wouldn't want any warm beer would we?"

"We?" I asked. "Who said you're getting any bitch?"

Jen opened her mouth in mock surprise. We joked around like that all
the time so it wasn't unusual for us to trade insults.

"You're the one that will be the bitch tonight," she countered. "My
bitch!" "Dream on. Let's play."

I took out a couple beer and put the rest in the fridge before making
my way over to the table. Jen was waiting, tapping her fingers
impatiently and glaring at me with her dark, almond shaped eyes. I
tossed her a beer and raised my own.

With a final "Good luck" we started to play.

Jen and I were starting to make our foozeball games a weekly tradition,
with me winning every single time. We would always wager something
which is why my fridge is usually well stocked with beer. In all
fairness, however, it was my foozeball table.

I won the first two games easily and downed two beer in the process.
Jen was taking it a little easier on the booze but was still drinking
her fair share.

"I have to admit," I said after scoring the game winning goal in the
second game. "You are getting better."

"Gee thanks," she drawled. "Just drop the ball."

"Are you sure you want to keep going? I usually get better as I drink

"Best of seven series bitch! It's not over yet!"

"I think so far, you've been MY bitch."

My final comment shut Jen up and we began our third game. Ten minutes
later I was up 3-0 and Jen was head for the fridge to grab another
beer. "So where's Carrie tonight?" Jen asked, speaking in a baby voice
as she spoke my girlfriend's name.

It was no secret that Jen disliked Carrie, as she always seemed to
dislike my girlfriends.

"She's out with her friends," I answered.

"Uh oh! I bet she's getting fucked right now!"

"Settle down," I said dryly. "Why would she go out to get fucked when
she has this waiting at home?"

Jen let out a laugh.

"I'm just kidding," she giggled.

"By the way," I began. "Where's Kevin?" referring to her significant


I gave her a look of concern in an attempt at teasing her in the way she
had teased me.

"Don't even say it!" she blurted out. "He's not a cheater."

"What ever you say," I said with a smile.

"He's not."


"Fuck you!" Jen said, half laughing and tossing a bottle cap at me.
"Let's play. I'm just getting warmed up."

I took it easy on her that game and she managed to squeak out a meager

"Three to one, bitch!" she howled, dancing with excitement.

I could tell she was starting to get buzzed. Surprisingly it was making
her play better however and after she grabbed another drink we jumped
into our fifth game.

"Hey," I said halfway through the game. "How come we never hooked up?"


"Why didn't we ever get together and... you know."



I was always impressed my Jen's bluntness.

"Well," she said, cocking her head to the side as if in deep thought. "I
guess I don't like ugly guys."

"Ouch!" I said cringing. "That hurt."

"Just kidding," she returned. "We almost did. Don't you remember?"

"You mean...?"

"Yeah. Halloween. The night we met. I kind of wanted you."

"Really?" I asked as I scored another goal.

"Yeah. After we danced you probably could have taken me home."

Although I already knew everything she was telling me it was strange
hearing her say it. The fact was that I wanted her that night as well.

"I guess I missed my chance." I said in a over the top, resigned tone.

"You sure did."

We had become friend soon after that night and stayed ever since.
Except for the occasional flirting nothing had gone on between us.

"Oh well," I muttered. "I don't think you're dirty enough for me

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"I think I could handle anything you could give me."

Our conversation was starting to turn me on but I let the subject drop.
Jen ended up winning that game which brought our total to 3-2 in favor
of me.

"So you really think I'm not dirty enough?"

It was obvious that Jen wasn't ready to let the subject drop.

"I didn't say that. I said you're not dirty enough for me!"

"I think you would be surprised."

Her response peaked my curiosity and I took the bait.

"Okay, what's the dirtiest thing you've done?"

"I'm not telling!"

"Oh come on! You can't say something like that and then not tell me."

I had to admit I was very curious as to what Jen had experienced.
Although we joked around about sex all the time, we never really talked
about it seriously.

"I'll tell you what." she said. "If I win this game I'll tell you."

That's not fair! I..."

Jen cut me off by raising her hand.

"That's the deal. Take it or leave it."

Needless to say I took a dive and we were soon tied at three games a

"Okay, let's hear it." I said after admitting defeat for the third time
that night. "And this better be good."

"Okay, okay, Jen said, fidgeting with the handles on the foozeball
table. "Remember when I went to Mexico last year?"


I leaned in closer, anxious to hear the story.

"Well I met a couple Australian guys. We hung out a few times and


On my last night there I had sex with both of them.

"Wow," was all I could say.

After a few moments to collect my thoughts I began to drill her for

"Did they take turns or do you at the same time?" I asked, trying to
hide my growing erection.

"Same time."

"You slut!" I said laughing. "I would never have guessed!"

"Hey!" Jen answered, trying to sound hurt. "I was really drunk!"

"So they spit roasted you?"

"Spit roasted? What the hell do you.... Oh I get it. Yes. They spit
roasted me."

"Does Kevin know about this?" I asked, continuing my interrogation.

"Of course not. How would you feel if Carrie told you she got double

I was still too shocked to think about anything other that my friend
getting fucked like a cheap whore.

"Did they DP you as well?"


"Yeah. Double penetration. In the pussy and ass at the same time."

"In my ass!? Yuck. No, I don't do that!"

"What? Not at all?"


"So you'll get spit roasted like a dirty porn star but you won't even
try it in the butt?"

"It just doesn't appeal to me."

"Have you ever tried it?"


"Then you never know. You might like it."

"I doubt it."

"I told you you're not dirty enough for me."

"Oh yeah? And how many girls have you fucked in the ass before?"

"A few."


"Yeah. It's the best."

"Maybe for you."

"Hey, the girls enjoyed it too!"

"Yeah, I'm sure they did."

I let the subject drop, but unfortunately my dick did not. As we
started the next game I found myself staring at Jen, imagining her on
her hands and knees sucking some guy's dick while she gets fucked from
behind. In fact I was so distracted that she managed to score a few
goals before I realized what the score was.

"You're looking a little shaky," she said after scoring her fifth goal
of the game. "Did you drink a little too much?"

"I don't think that's it," I responded.

Jen tossed back her lustrous brown hair and flashed me a smile before
scoring another goal.

I let go of the handles and began to rub my wrist which was starting to
get a little sore.

"Oh, poor baby," Jen cooed. "It's probably all that jerking off you do."

Little did she know that she was going to be the subject of my
masturbatory fantasies that night.

Although I tried my hardest, Jen scored a few more lucky goals and
pretty soon I was down 9-0 and Jen was on the eve of her first victory

"So by the way," she said in a overly confident manor. "What are we

"How about...If I win, I get to fuck you in the ass."

Jen stared at me with those sexy dark eyes, a crooked little smile
forcing it's way on to her face."


I was taken aback.


"Yep. If you win you can fuck my ass. But if I win, you have to wear a
shirt that says "Jen's bitch" on it for a week."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked.

"Absolutely. What are the chances you will win? I'm up nine to

"Okay," I said. "You're on." With that I let the ball drop. Within
five seconds I had a goal and Jen was giving me an evil smirk.

"Don't worry," I said. "I'll be gentle."

I scored three more quick goals and Jen was starting to look nervous.

"No backing out now," I warned.

"I know, I know."

After the next goal, the smile was gone from her face. She anxiously
sipped down the remainder of her beer before concentrating back on the

"That's it," I joked. "The more you drink, the better it will feel."

"You still have five more to go asshole," she countered as she dropped
the ball.

"It's funny that you used the term "asshole"." I stated, blasting in
another goal. "Since soon, I'll be in yours!"

"Fuck," she cursed. "It's not fair. You keep distracting me."

"Don't cry about it," I laughed popping in yet another goal.

As much as I didn't want to wear a shirt that labeled me as anyone's
bitch, it was the prospect of fucking my good friend in the ass that
was driving me on.

"Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled as I scored my seventh.

I just laughed and we continued. After I shot in number eight I
expected Jen to continue ranting, but to my surprise she didn't say a
word. She calmly retrieved the ball and dropped it back into the
table. No sooner had the ball touched the surface then I had fired in
the tying goal.

Jen dropped her head and banged it lightly on the table. My palms were
sweaty with anticipation and I urged her to hurry up and drop the last
ball. She looked up at me through her messy, but still sexy, hair and
dropped the ball.

I fired it right away, but she caught a lucky bounce and saved what
would have been the winning goal. She quickly shot it back and almost
scored herself. I made the save and then waited, just holding on to
possession of the ball as I looked at Jen and smiled.

"I bet your ass is so tight!"

With that, I fired the ball into the back of her net.

Jen stood there dazed for a moment before she spoke.


"I don't think so."

"Come on! I can't let you do that. I have a boyfriend!"

"You should have thought about that before you made the bet."

"But here was no way you could win!"

"Apparently," I stated with an air of sarcasm.

Jen walked over and slumped down on the couch, dropping her head into
her hands. I finished my beer and then joined her. After about a minute
of contemplation she looked up at me.

"I'll give you a blowjob," she suggested.

I just shook my head. As nice as it would be to have Jen suck my dick,
I'm sure it would feel much better imprisoned in the confines of her
beautiful ass.

"Fine." she resigned. "Let's get this over with."

"Let's go to the bedroom," I suggested.

Jen agreed and we made out way to my room. She looked nervous as she
sat down on my bed.

"Do we need any lube?" she asked. "Aren't you supposed to use lube?"

"Sorry," I said. I don't have any. I guess you'll just have to suck it

"No way! You're not getting a blowjob too!"

"Okay then. What about condoms? Do you want me to wear one?"

Jen thought about it for a moment before answering.

"Nah. Just do it."

Suddenly I felt very uncomfortable. Jen took off her socks, tossing them
to the side. As she started to undo her pants she looked up at me.

"Aren't you going to undress?"

"I thought I'd just watch you first," I answered wryly.

"Well, you thought wrong. Get ‘em off!"

I let out a laugh as I pulled my shirt over my head. I wondered if I
looked as nervous as Jen.

As I started to undo my pants, my eyes wandered back to my friend, who
was sliding hers down her tanned, muscular legs. It wasn't the first
time I had snuck a peak at Jen's body. She was the only person I knew
who spent more time in the gym than me, and I could see it was paying
off as I gawked at her legs and the tiny pair of black underwear
adorning the area between them.

I slid my pants off and kicked them aside, trying hard to conceal the
massive erection that was doing its best to pop out of the hole in the
front of my boxer shorts. Jen was sitting on my bed, fidgeting
nervously but looking cute in her little black panties.

"Aren't you going to take off your shirt?" I asked.

"I don't need to take my short off to get my ass fucked do I?" she
snapped back.

The fact was, was that Jen was more than a little self conscious about
her less than average sized breasts. I knew that was the case but
didn't press the matter. Besides, it wasn't her tits that I was
interested in.

We sat there for a moment, each not wanting to be the first to be
completely exposed. Finally, without a word, Jen slipped off her
panties and pulled her knees up to her chest as she sat there looking
up at me. Taking her cue, I pulled down my boxers and stepped out of
them to stand before her, completely naked.

"Okay, " she said. "How do we do this?"

"The easiest way is if you get on your hands and knees."

Jen moved to roll over but stopped and looked back at me.

"Do you think we could turn the light off?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"I like to see what I'm doing," I replied.


I expected her to put up more of a fight, but to my surprise she
complied with my wishes and rolled over, propping herself up on her
hands and knees. I took a moment to relish the sight of my best friend
bent over naked on my bed before climbing down behind her.

Gently, I placed my hands on her taut ass cheeks and pried them apart to
expose her asshole to my view.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jen scolded, reaching back to swat my
hands away.

"I'm just looking."

"Just do it."

"Are you sure you don't want to suck it first?" I asked hopefully.

"Just stick it in and get it over with."

"Okay, but I don't want to hear you whining that it hurts."

With that, I placed the head of my dick at the entrance of her puckered
little rosebud and pushed.

"Owwwww," Jen yelped as the first couple inches disappeared inside her
asshole. "Okay!okay!okay! I'll suck it! Just take it out."

I smiled to myself as I withdrew my cock from Jen's ass. With little
hesitation and to my surprise she promptly spun around and grabbed my
dick in her tiny hand. With a final, resigned look my way, she pushed
my cock past her lips into her mouth.

I threw my head back and moaned as Jen's head bobbed back and forth on
my dick, coating it with saliva. I wanted the blowjob to go on
forever, but to my disappointment Jen backed off as soon as my shaft
was good and wet, resuming the position on her hands and knees.

I spit in my hand for good measure and smeared it along her ass crack,
rubbing my thumb into her hole for added lubrication. I then placed my
newly glistening cock back at the entrance of her dark inviting hole
and pushed.

"Relax," I suggested, as the head of my dick slipped inside her.

Jen put her head down and exhaled as I felt her asshole's grip on my
shaft weaken considerably.

"Good girl."

My praise apparently went unnoticed as Jen remained silent. I pushed
forward a little more, feeding more of my cock into her ass. Jen let
out a quiet moan although I couldn't tell if it was from pain or
pleasure. I was about halfway in when I reached down and pulled her
ass apart, treating myself to exceptional site of my best friend's
little pink butt hole hugging my dick. At that moment I only wished I
had a camera.

"You.. can put it in... farther now," Jen wheezed, through clenched

I complied and thrusted my hips forward a little more, burying another
couple inches of meat in her ass.

"Play with your clit," I suggested. "It will make it easier."

Jen took my advice and reached back between her legs as I bottomed out
in her asshole. My balls were pressed against her pussy lips, which I
noticed were a bit moist. As I began to gyrate slowly, moving my cock
in and out in small increments, I could feel the pace of Jen's fingers

"How does it feel?" I asked, picking up the pace.

"It's...okay," she stammered, obviously preoccupied with the area
between her legs.

I was moving in and out with long, slow strokes as Jen became more
comfortable. I gazed at her impossibly tight asshole as it repeatedly
swallowed my cock. If not for my agonizingly slow pace I definitely
would have cum already.

"Oh Fuck Jen," I moaned. "Your ass feels so good!"

"Your cock in my ass feels so good!" she returned, as her fingers
increased to a frantic pace.

I was surprised to hear Jen talk like that, but it was definitely a turn
on so I encouraged her to continue.

"Yeah, you like that?" I asked giving her a light slap on the ass. "You
like getting your ass fucked?"

"Yes!" she moaned through labored breaths. "Yes! Fuck me! Fuck my tight
ass! Oh! Oh my fucking god! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna... Oh! Fuck! I'm
cumming! I'm cumming with your cock in my ass..."

Jen's voice trailed off as her orgasm subsided. She raised her head
from the bed and swept the hair from her face.

"That didn't take long," I commented, continuing to slide my dick in and
out of her anus.

"Are you almost done?" she asked. "It's starting to hurt again."

"Just relax," I said. "I'm almost there."

I increased my pace even more as Jen dropped her head down and bit her
arm to keep from howling in pain.

"Where are you going to cum?" she asked, her voice muffled by her own

"In your ass," I replied bluntly.

"No, you can't do that!"

"Okay then. I'll cum in your face."

Jen was silent for a moment before answering back.

"Okay," she said quietly. "Do it."

"Where?" I goaded.

I could feel the beginnings of that unmistakable feeling arise in my

"You know where!" she shot back.

"Tell me."


I was getting closer.

"Tell me!"

"In my ass! Alright?! Cum in my fucking ass!"

On cue, I unleashed a torrent of hot cum into Jen's asshole. I
continued fucking her as I spurted stream after stream into her body.
Jen through her head back and moaned loudly as my balls slapped
violently into her pussy lips. After I had shot my last drop I
continued sliding my dick in and out of her now slippery ass, causing
my cum to ooze out from around my shaft and drip down onto my bed. As
my dick became too sensitive I pulled it out of Jen's well-fucked
asshole with a lewd slurping sound.

Immediately, Jen collapsed to the bad and rolled over on her side,
reaching back with a hand to touch her recently abused hole.

"Owww! Fuck that hurt!" She exclaimed, softly rubbing herself.

"You liked it," I said snidely.

"I did not! It was awful!"

"Yeah? Is that why you were telling me how good my cock felt in your

"Shut up. That was the heat of the moment."

I just laughed.

Jen began to shift uncomfortably, pursing her lips up in a makeshift

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It feels weird."

"What's that?"

"The cum in my ass. It feels weird."

"Hey! Don't let it drip out all over my bed!" I ordered, half jokingly.
"It's your jizz ya know?" she countered before reaching back to stroke
her asshole again.

"Fuck it hurts." she complained.

"Aww, poor baby," I teased. "Do you want me to kiss it better?"

"Yes!" she responded, although I could tell she was joking.

"Okay," I said. "Bend over."

"Uh, that's okay," Jen stated deliberately.

"Nope. Bend over. Come on." I said giving her a playful slap on the side
of her ass.

"Noooo," she whined, reaching for her panties.

With a lightning quick movement, I snatched her underwear from her
grasp, holding them out of her grasp.

"Hey, give those back!"

Jen rose up to her knees and reached out, but I dropped the panties
behind my head and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her down to
the bed.

Jen giggled and tried to squirm free, but I was too strong for her.
Rolling her over, I pinned her face down on the bed. She was laughing,
but her voice was muffled by my cum soaked bed sheets. I grabbed one
of her arms and pinned it behind her back, completely immobilizing her
prone, tanned body underneath me. I took a moment to gaze at her body
before dropping my head to her ass. "Hey! What are you doing?" she
asked, half giggling.

"I told you." I replied. "I'm going to kiss it better."

With my free hand I pulled one of Jen's ass cheeks to the side, exposing
to my view, the tiny asshole that I had just violated. It looked a
little red and swollen with a tiny rivulet of cum running from it.

"No!" she squealed. "You can't do that! You can't...Oh....Mmmm."

Jen's voice trailed off as the tip of my tongue flickered across her
puckered little pink ring. She stopped resisting but I remained
holding on to her arm as I lapped at her asshole.

Jen's cries of protest turned to moans of pleasure as I planted a deep
kiss on her butthole, surrounding it with my lips. I let her arm go
free and she immediately reached back to grab her ass with both hands,
spreading her cheeks wide.

I smiled to myself as I resumed licking. My best friend was fast
becoming my own personal anal plaything!

"Oh my god that feels good," she moaned.

I moved up, planting soft kisses up to her tailbone as I gently grazed a
finger over her wet little hole, which was slippery with two of my
bodily fluids. I pushed the tip of my finger inside her ass as she
reached under to slide a finger into her pussy. When she didn't
protest, I slipped my finger in farther as her slippery little asshole
swallowed me up to the knuckle. I could feel Jen's own fingers through
the thin wall separating her pussy and ass.

"I want it again." she moaned. "I want you to fuck my ass again."

"Really," I asked, sliding my finger in and out of her butt on a river
of warm cum. "I thought you didn't like it?"

"Just do it. Please! "Fuck my ass! Fuck my dirty little cum filled

How could I resist.

Withdrawing my finger, I positioned myself behind Jen once again as she
assisted by spreading her ass cheeks wide. I swiped a finger down her
crack, collecting as much of my own cum as I could before slathering it
all over my cock to use as lubricant. As the tip of my dick touched her
sensitive ring, she grabbed me by the shaft and pushed her hips
backwards, forcing my dick back inside the tight confines of her
delicious asshole.

I was surprised, but pleased with Jen's newfound aggression and scolded
myself for not trying anything with her before.

She wiggled her hips as the remainder of my cock slipped easily into her
slick little butt hole.

"Mmmm," she moaned. "It feels way better with a little lube."

"Good thing I didn't cum on your face then huh?"

"Yes. I love the feeling of your cum in my ass. I feel so dirty! I feel
like a... Like a whore!"

Jen was slowly grinding her ass backwards into me, urging me to fuck
her. "Come on! Fuck me. Fuck me hard this time."

"Okay", I said. "You asked for it."

With that I grabbed Jen's hips and slammed myself into her, driving my
cock deep into her tight little cum filled asshole.

"Oh fuck!" she squealed.

I smiled to myself as I withdrew only to drive back into her. Each
thrust emitted a lewd squelching sound due to the liberal amount of
jism I had recently injected into Jen's hole. I looked down and
marveled at the sight of my glistening cock sliding in and out of my
friend's impossibly tight butt hole. The movement of my dick was
forcing some of my cum out of her ass, which squeezed out from around
my shaft, dribbled down the back of her thighs and dripped down onto my
bed sheets.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Jen muttered as each thrust of my hips repeatedly
buried the length of my cock into her well-fucked asshole.

Driving my hips down hard, I pinned her petite body against the bed,
with my cock firmly embedded inside her. Reaching out, I took hold of
her arms and held them in place as I slowly gyrated my hips, grinding
my dick into her ass. The entire length of my body was pressed against
the entire length of her body, the sweat from out skin forming a
cohesive seal between us.

As I gyrated my hips, I kissed her ear before whispering to her.

"Do you like it?" I asked. "Do you like my dick in your tight little

"Yessss," she gasped. "I love it!"

I smiled to myself as I peeled my body off hers and propped myself up
with my arms. Then, withdrawing my hips, I pulled my cock free of the
confines of Jen's impossibly tight hole.

"What are you doing?" Jen asked, looking back over her shoulder with a
disappointed but confused look on her face.

Without a word I grabbed Jen's petite body and flipped her onto her
back. Then, hooking my hands under her legs I pushed her knees up to
her head, exposing her ravaged asshole to my view. I smiled as I gazed
down at her glistening hole, which was also becoming quite red and

"Quite looking at it and fuck it!" Jen ordered, grabbing her own ankles.

I snickered and dropped my head down between her legs.

"What the hell are you....ohhhhhhh."

Jen's voice trailed off in a low sexy moan as my tongue touched her
abused and stretched asshole. I circled her anus, running my tongue
around her rim before sliding it inside.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed. "That feels so fucking good!"

I pulled my tongue from her ass and quickly replaced it with my dick,
which slid easily inside. Jen was holding her own legs by her head,
splaying herself wide open for me as I resumed fucking her wonderful
little hole.

"You know, I've never done it this way before," I stated, sinking my
cock up to my balls in her ass.

"Well, don't I feel special!" Jen blurted back.

I smiled at her sarcasm and started fucking harder than ever before. I
soon lost track of time as I concentrated on the feeling of my friend's
tight asshole swallowing my cock. Our new position gave Jen the
perfect opportunity to play with her clit, and she released her legs to
work at a second orgasm.

"Oh fuck I'm going to cum!" she gasped. "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!"

I could feel myself getting close as well.

"Where do you want me to cum?" I asked, now frantically plowing her poor
little asshole.

"Fuck, I don't care!" she yelled. "On my face! Cum all over my fucking
face! Cover me in cum! Ass fuck me and then cover me in cum!

Jen's words must have had the same effect on her as they did on me,
because soon she was screaming her way through her second anal induced
orgasm of the night, as her asshole clenched around my cock.

While she was in the throws of her climax, I yanked my dick from her
butt hole and lurched forward in an attempt to get closer to her face.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" she howled as the hot cum fired from my dick onto
her pretty face, splattering her lips and chin, and dripping into her

I collapsed back onto the bed as Jen lay there panting. It took a few
moments for both of us to regain our composure, and a few more for
either of us to speak.

"Well?" she asked. "Was that dirty enough for you?"

I laughed.

"How about double or nothing?"

Jen scoffed and reached down to gently stroke her severely abused

"I think I need a few days to recover," she answered.

I just laid back and smiled. I knew that things would never be the

And I liked it.

The End

Send comments to [email protected]

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-02 21:03:54
Amazing story. Wish it happened to me.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-11 13:45:06
Oh fuck yes

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-10 18:53:26
I want another part maybe from Jen's point of view. It would be great to see what she thinks of anal sex now.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-03 09:39:53
Jen-Wow that was awesome it never gets old and the pics are HOT

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-11-22 21:45:28
I love this story read it many times

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