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Science nerd controls stuck up bitch
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jake, and I am a nerd. I don’t look like a nerd. I look like an NFL linebacker. At 6’4, I have a thick muscular chest, small waist with washboard abs, and slightly bowed legs. I didn’t get this body from going to a gym. No, this body is my reward for 2 long years in a wheelchair, and 3 more in heavy metal leg braces. I was in a car accident when I was 16 that left both my legs crushed, and my hopes of a normal high school experience dashed. I was home schooled for the remainder of my high school years because I spent most of my days learning to use my legs again. With so much of my energy focused on getting out of that damn chair, I didn’t have time to cultivate my social skills. Thus, I am a nerd. I finally got out of the wheelchair, and the braces, but I keep them around to remind me of everything I’ve been through; to remind me that I am a survivor. I finished high school early, and got degrees in computer programming, Psychology, and chemical engineering. See, a nerd to the core. Now I work in a think tank, which brings me to my current obsession.
The company I work for employs about ten scientists. We all have different areas of expertise, although I am one of only two employees with multiple degrees, and the only one with three degrees. Our job consists of research and development. We are all allowed free reign to research and develop anything that can help win the war on terrorist. We can share ideas or work alone. For the most part, it is a great place to work. Being a nerd in the midst of nerds makes overcoming one’s natural shyness easier. I said this is a great place to work “for the most part. “ There is one small detail that makes this place unbearable at times. Her name is Anna.
Anna is the only female in our group, and the other scientist with multiple degrees. I have no idea what her degrees are in because Anna doesn’t share; not her thoughts, her ideas, or her personal information. Anna is also beautiful. At only five feet tall, she is so small that she could easily be mistaken for a teenager. Her body is small, but athletic, with just enough curves to make you want to find out if she really is hard all over. Her hair is long and red with a natural wave that would probably develop into full blown curls if not for the length and weight of it. How could a creature so lovely, so damn HOT, be so bitchy. Anna has a chip on her shoulder the size of Mt. Rushmore. She is quick to point out others’ mistakes, to degrade you for staring at the body she so proudly displays every day, and to ensure that everyone here knows that there is no way she would consider one of us good enough to kiss her feet. I absolutely hate her, which is why I decided to test my latest ideas out on her.
I have been researching brain chemistry, and more specifically, the chemicals involved in impulse control. In conjunction with this study, I have been conducting trials with subliminal messages delivered via computer monitor. The purpose of my research is simple: I want to be able to shut down the control mechanisms between the brain and the body, then via subliminal messaging, give control of the body over to a “handler”, another person who can command the subject to do anything he wishes. Imagine the possibilities: terrorists killing off the members of their own cell, or relaying entire terrorist plots to their CIA or FBI handlers. Research on pedophiles and serial killers has proven time and again that certain minds cannot be rehabilitated, but the body is an entirely different matter. If I can find a way to “take over” someone’s physical ability to carry out their dire plans, the world would be a safer place.
My plans for Anna are not so noble. I planted a series of complex subliminal messages into her hard drive, each one spiked with a color combination that is proven to increase endorphin release. They will run continuously any time she is working on her computer, and since the desktops in our offices are shared with our laptops in our living spaces, she is getting nearly non-stop doses of them. I have no idea how well the messages are working. I won’t know, unless she comes to me. See, I set up the messages to slowly increase the amount of endorphins released, and thereby draw Anna into focusing on the message rather than the work she is doing, since the messages make her happy. In other words, Anna will slowly become aware of the messages, and as she becomes aware of them, more able, and more willing, to focus on the messages. This focus will require Anna to block out all other messages from her brain: messages telling her to focus on the work, to pay attention to her co-workers mistakes, to get up and go to lunch. The messages, and the resulting “high” from the endorphin release, will become her entire focus. Over time, I am hoping that by consciously overriding her own impulses, to the exclusion of all else, she will be able to find the final message which, in complex computer language, gives me complete control over her body; not her mind, just her body. At which point, she should come to me and attempt to give me a piece of her mind. Once she realizes that I have been fucking with her precious research, she should be good and furious, and, with her temper, won’t be able to resist letting me have it. So until then, I have to wait and watch.
Another day of watching Anna and hoping today will be the day. My office door is closed, but I have the blinds open so I can see her should she come storming my way. Suddenly, she appears at her office door, and I know she’s found it. She stops at her office threshold for a second, only long enough to take a deep breath, but it is long enough for me to see the red hue of her cheeks, the glint of pure fury in her eyes. She then heads for my office. This is it! In only a matter of seconds, I will either have all my research validated or be crushed by the disappointment of failure. My office door is jerked open, and Anna lunges inside.
“You son of a bitch. What the hell were you doing in my computer? I will have your fucking head for this, you fucking bastard.” Her voice is shrill, and her breath is coming in short gasps. As she opens her mouth to start in again, I quietly speak.
“Anna, shut your mouth, don’t say another word.” I hold my breath to see if it works.
Miracle of miracles, Anna immediately closes her pouty lips, and her words hang unspoken on her tongue. A flicker of confusion crosses her features. It is obvious she didn’t intend to shut up, and is confused as to why she followed my instructions.
“Come in and close the door, Anna.” As she quietly follows my instructions, I can see the fury building; her cheeks flush an even deeper shade of red, and her eyes glint dangerously, but nary has a sound passed her lips. “Have a seat and we’ll talk about this in a moment.” As she sits in a nearby chair, I walk to the door and lock it. I then proceed to close the blinds tightly. Seeing this, any of our other co-workers will think that I have either gone for the day, or am deep in research with no wish to be disturbed.
“Now Anna, we have much to discuss. You will not speak until I give you permission to do so, and when you do, it will be softly and without shouting”. I start to ask her if she understood, but realize that if I didn’t truly have total control of her body, she’d have hit me by now. I then begin researching this newfound breakthrough, testing the depths of control. “Remove your shirt.” I see her eyes narrow and her mouth tighten, but when her hands moved to shakily begin unbuttoning her blouse, her narrowed eyes widen in shock. As the final button is released, and the blouse slides down over her tanned shoulders, my dick wakes up with a vengeance. I can’t believe it! I have done it! The proof is right here. Bitchy Anna, who hates my guts, is sitting in my office quietly stripping her clothes off.
I take a moment to appreciate the sight before me: perky C cup tits encased in a fiery red shelf bra, tanned, shapely arms resting on the arm rests of the chair, her eyes shooting daggers at me. Now I can’t have that, it ruins the picture. While the thought of her impotent fury is turning me on, the thought of being able to control her reaction to the situation is far more erotic, so I command, “ Anna, your body is becoming incredibly aroused. Your nipples are aching to be touched, and your pussy is beginning to drip.” Incredibly, as I say the words, I see her nipples tighten to hard nubs beneath her bra, and her ass begin to squirm in the seat. Again, her eyes widenin shock and confusion. How much control do I really have? If I can make her become aroused, can I make her have an orgasm as well? “Anna, feel the arousal of your body building, getting greater and greater…” Her head falls against the back of the chair, her eyes dropshut, and her breathing quickens…”now, when I command you to, you will have the most powerful orgasm you have ever experienced. “ In the split second it takes for me to draw the breath I need to voice my command, I heara soft moan escape those full red lips and my balls tighten in my pants. As the first jet of cum shoots from my dick, I push her over the edge “Cum now Anna!” And as my cock jerks and writhesthrough my own orgasm, Anna falls into seizure like spasms that involve her whole body, moaning “AHHHHH” softly but with such force that I know she’s never experienced anything like this before.
Taking a moment to recover, I allow Anna to speak. “Anna, you can speak now but keep in mind my conditions.” Furiously, but oh so softly, she starts, “what the fuck have you done? I swear to God, you will pay for this Jake. I will have you arrested, you fucking pervert. You think YOU can beat ME. You think YOU could control ME. No way, nerd! I will make you pay for this. When this drug wears off, I swear YOU WILL PAY!”
“Now that you’ve had your say, you will be quiet again, so I can have mine. You were not drugged. The effects should be permanent, but just to be sure you will have to go through refresher sessions once a week. You will not tell a soul about this. You may try, but you will find yourself unable to speak, write, email, or text message a single syllable regarding what has transpired. If you do find a way to communicate your distress to anyone, your heart will immediately stop beating.” At her dubious expression, I answer, “Think about it Anna, if I can command your pussy to flood like Niagara, do you honestly think stopping your heartbeat will be a big challenge? Now, let’s move on. From now on, your body will remain slightly aroused at all times. Your pussy will be constantly moist. When you are near me, that arousal will increase until it is nearly painful. You will be unable to have an orgasm unless I give you permission to do so, and the orgasms I allow you to have will be only as good as I allow them to be. Furthermore, the more humiliating something is, the nastier it is, the better your orgasms will be. You will be my dirty whore. Your mind may rebel, but your body will love every disgusting, humiliating thing that is commanded of you. Now stand up and remove the rest of your clothes, slowly like you’re trying to seduce me.”
As her body moves to obey my command, I see a single tear slide down her cheek. I steel myself against any feeling of pity, and rememberall the derogatory things she’s spewed at me over the last year. I try desperately to appear unaffected by the shapely legs, encased in thigh high stockings that come into view as she slowly dropsher skirt to the floor. As she straightens, and folds her arms behind her back to unhook her bra, I slowly peruse her body. Matching red thongs with a lacy thing around her waist that had garters attached to her stockings. She has a tight, flat stomach and hips that are noticeable larger than her waist. When the bra falls to the floor, so does my jaw. I can’t help but stare at the full roundness of her tits. Not one hint of a sag, just tight, round cantaloupe-sized mounds with nipples that stand out proudly. Next comes the waist thingy, and as she bends to slide the stockings down to her feet, I move to stand behind her. The view from here is breathtaking as well. Tight, round ass cheeks without a single dimple call out for me to mold them in my hands. The thong is last to go, and I can’t help but notice the way the little patch of material covering her slit clings to the moisture I know is accumulating there.
Moving back around to face her, I can’t resist a little humiliation. “This is what you are so proud of Anna? There must be more. Bend over and put your elbows in the seat of that chair. No, keep your legs straight, and spread them.” I nearly come again as she splays herself into the position I’ve commanded. Her entire body now has a bright pink hue, and as I get closer, I notice that her pussy lips are pinker than the rest of her. They shine with a slick layer of her juices. It is completely bald, not even stubble can be seen. “Hmmm, electrolysis Anna,” I ask as I reach out to trace the swollen outer lips. Her entire body jerks as I touchher flesh. At her silence, I reach up and lightly slap her left ass cheek. “I asked you a question, Anna. That can be construed as permission to speak. Any time I ask you a question, you WILL answer, and you WILL be unable to lie.”
“Yes I had electrolysis about six months ago, you fucking pervert.” Her voice is tremulous and shaky, probably from the combination of controlled fury and acute arousal. Whatever the reason, it is creating havoc in my pants. I want to feel those lips wrapped around my cock. I quickly shed my clothes, and command Anna to her knees in front of me. “You will suck my cock, Anna. You will suck my cock as though it were your lifelong ambition, the one thing you want to do more than anything else in the world. You will hum while you suck it, because I’ve noticed that you hum when you are doing well in your research. Consider sucking my cock your greatest discovery to date. When I come, you will swallow every drop, and it will taste like the finest chocolate. You will want to get every drop. How does all this make your body feel Anna?”
“As much as I hate you right now, my body is following your instructions to the letter. I have never been so aroused. My breasts are aching, and my vaginal juices are running down my thighs.” Despite the hatred in her voice, she sounds like a sex ed teacher reciting facts about an abstract human body. This just will not do! “Anna, from now on, when you talk about your body in a sexual situation, you will use the most vulgar language you can think of. You no longer have breasts, you have tits. You no longer have a vagina; you have a pussy, a cunt, or a slit. Your asshole is your new G spot, your favorite fuck hole, and the thought of having every hole filled at once is your biggest fantasy. You got that. YOU ARE NOW A FUCKTOY. You can hate it all you want, but when we are together, you will become a trashy, nasty SLUT, and you won’t be able to fight it. Your body will love every minute of it. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?”
“Yes, Jake, I get it, but while I have your permission to speak, let me say this: you may own my body, but I will hate you until the day I die. You may be able to make my body respond to you, but you will never make my mind like it.”
I laugh in her face, “Anna do you really think I give a shit about your mind. The thought of having you at my sexual beck and call and knowing that every second of arousal, every mind-blowing orgasm I force from you is making you miserable only makes me harder. Now suck my cock.”
The heat, dear God, the heat of her mouth as she closes over the head of my cock, is nearly my undoing. Then she softly begins to hum, and the vibrations from her vocal cords travel the length of my dick to my balls, and I am lost. Thank God, I’d come only a little while ago. Otherwise, I would never have lasted past the first slow stroke. Now, whether from my instructions, or from some God-given birth defect, I’d like to point out that Anna has no gag reflex. So rather than having to work herself up to taking my 9 inch dick, she swallows me whole on that first down stroke. When I feel her throat close around the head of my dick, I know I’ll never let her go.
After about five minutes of standing with my head thrown back and my eyes tightly closed, I notice that Anna’s humming is getting louder and faster. I open my eyes and look down. She is writhing below me, humping the air, and furiously rubbing her clit with her free hand. The sight of this tight assed bitch squirming in arousal is more than I can take. With a fierce rush of expelled air through gritted teeth, I blow my load into her waiting mouth. At the first spasm, Anna opens her mouth, and apparently her throat, shoves herself all the way down to my pubic hair and starts swallowing. I have never come so hard in my life. I cannot explain to you the sensation of her throat muscles contracting around my spasming dick. It is pure heaven; mind-blowing. After the last aftershock, I am so sensitive that I can no longer stand Anna’s suckling mouth. I stagger backward and literally fall into a chair.
I stare at Anna’s face. Tears are rolling silently down both cheeks, but she is still rubbing her clit. Unadulterated hate in her eyes, and unadulterated lust in her loins, God what a combination. “Do you want something Anna?” I ask innocently.
“I don’t want anything from you Jake,” she answers vehemently.
“Ok then get dressed, and go back to work. At precisely five p.m., you will close out your work and accompany me back to my apartment.” Despite the fact that our living quarters are basically suites inside the same building as our lab, we call them apartments.
Anna cannot hide the fleeting look of disappointment that crosses her face, or the abject horror of realizing that the disappointment existed. She quickly dresses and nearly runs from my office. It’s no use trying to work any more today, I can’t stop making plans for my first night, no my first year, with Anna. Now you may be wondering why I don’t just command her to pretend that she had fallen in love with me. I want to humiliate her. I want her to realize that everyone knows we’re fucking, that she can’t get enough of me, despite the fact that we hate each other. I want her to feel like the trashy slut I’ve commanded her to be. I want her shame, her embarrassment, her dejection almost as much as I want her body. Besides, I know eventually I will tire of her and loan her out to my friends. It will be easier on them if they think she’s just some nympho slut.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-06-15 17:09:40
If you're going to close it make sure that's what you want to do because they won't ayalws let you reopen it. But here's how it works, although allof us look at the credit cards as available credit the credit bureaus look at it as available debt they go by your debt to income ratio, so they hold that available debt against you and it brings your credit score down. By closing the card it will take 2-3 months for the credit bureaus to update their records, but it will bring your credit score up by closing it. Unless you don't have anyother credit cards, then you should keep it open use it from time to time keep your debt below 50% of whatever credit line they've given you, but also carry a balance will build it up too, paying in full every month DOES NOT HELP. Pay at least twice the minimum payment.


2012-02-04 16:43:53
Great brain washing story. Yes similar subliminals has been done with minimum effect. More like a deep hypnosis. However deprogramming is available. It is a very hot story. Makes me Horny.


2011-07-02 23:33:32
Ok...ok....I get the message. Did you really have to post it 4 fucking times???

anonymous readerReport 

2011-07-02 17:45:56
i hate this story. even if she is nasty how could he use her like that

anonymous readerReport 

2011-07-02 17:45:55
i hate this story. even if she is nasty how could he use her like that

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