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A high school student learns new things about his big sister
When you’re young, and in your teens, people always seem to be saying you’ve got the world at your feet, but it’s only when you’re older, you realise how true that was. At the time, it doesn’t always seem that way, especially if you’re not the most self-confident person around.

It all started when I was half way through my last year of high school. I had just turned 18, and I was still a virgin. I lived with my parents, and my sister, Louise, who was exactly a year older than me, right down to the month. Life was so much simpler then.

With our ages being so close, Louise and I had always been close as kids, and with my father working away a lot of the time in his job as a manager of a building company, and my mother working shifts as a nurse, we spent a lot of time at home on our own. I guess that made us even closer. We fought, argued from time to time, and behaved like most other kids, but I think we were pretty close, when it comes right down to it.

When we were young, Louise and I played the games most kids played together, but we also had a little game of our own, where we would pick a TV series that had a married couple in it, and we would pretend we were the husband and wife in the show. We would act out our own version, and kiss each other on the lips in a schoolkid imitation of what we saw the actors doing on TV, and as a young kid, I found this very exciting.

It seemed like it all stopped the year Louise turned 13, and I always thought she just grew out of it. Even so, I used to fantasize about taking things further, especially after I discovered porn. I found out at the age of 12 that adult women have pubic hair, and occasionally for the next few years, I would wonder what Louise looked like down there, inside her panties.

I got my chance one day when she was 17, and she had a party at home with four of her friends. Although we didn’t have a pool, they all brought their bikinis along, and the five of them danced around under the lawn sprinklers in the back yard for ages. When the first girls arrived, I was watching TV, and Louise walked through the family room to join them outside. She had a bikini on, with a pair of cut-off denim shorts over her bikini bottom. Halfway across the room, she stopped to pull off her shorts, but her bikini bottom came down as well, and for an instant, I got a look at her grown-up bush, from across the room. I thought my cock would explode, and even though I don’t think she even knew I saw her, I wanked over that sight for months.

Then, as the girls frolicked under the sprinklers outside, I found a vantage point looking out the bathroom window, and I was in heaven as their wet bikini bottoms moulded themselves to the contours of their pussies, and their tits bounced freely in their bikini tops, while they jumped around under the water. I put that memory to good use later on, too.

Fast-forward two years, and there we were, Louise at 19, and me at 18. She had a job as a receptionist at the local Ford dealer, and a boyfriend named Derek, who was two years older than she was. Louise was five feet, seven inches tall, with a slim build, and I guess you could say her looks were more girl next door than beauty queen, but if you took a second look, you’d see that she had a curvy shape, great legs, a nice round, firm backside, and tits that were not big, but well shaped and in proportion to the rest of her. She had light brown, medium length hair, fair skin, and blue-grey eyes, and if you got close, (really close), you could see she had a little sprinkle of tiny freckles across the bridge of her nose. She had a great sense of humour, and smiled a lot, so as brother and sister, we had a lot of fun.

Years of gymnastics and netball had made her very supple, and although she gave up gymnastics at 16, she could still do the splits at the drop of a hat, and she had kept on playing netball on the weekends, so she kept herself toned.

On the other hand, although I was tall, I was only average build, and I was reasonably fit, with playing regular soccer, but I was no athlete. I’m not sure why, but I was never a hit with girls back then, but like almost every other 18 year old guy on the planet, I had sex on my mind a lot of the time. Another thing I had in common with every other 18 year old was that when my cock got hard, it got rock hard, and I could come three or four times a day if I felt like it. My dick was only average sized, if what I saw in the school showers after sport, or in the soccer field change rooms, was anything to go by, but sadly the only action it had ever seen was from my right hand.

Some nights when my dad was away and my mother was on night shift, I’d hear Louise and Derek going at it in her bedroom, even though there was a bathroom between our two rooms. I never heard much from Derek, just low, muffled mumbling, but I would hear Louise saying stuff like, “That’s it, Derek, that’s it, just like that! Keep going just like that! Omigod, Derek, that’s good, … …, that’s too good, ……, Oh, Derek, that is so-o-o FUCK-ING good!!”

I would lie there, imagining them together in Louise’s room, but I’d had never had sex with a girl before, so the pictures in my mind were like the pictures in porn magazines I had read, or dirty movies I had seen, with Derek hammering Louise on her back, with her legs over his shoulders, or Louise on all fours, while Derek drove his cock into her pussy from behind. I never seemed to imagine them as two people making sweet love in the missionary position. In my mind, I only saw them fucking like porn stars, fucking for the sheer sexual pleasure it gave them, fucking hard, and fucking simply because it felt good.......

Then, mid year, Derek broke up with Louise. Worse still, he dumped her for the town slut, Barbara Ekins, and to add icing to the cake, when Louise tried to ask him why, he told her he’d been cheating on her with Barbara for months, and Barbara was a better fuck anyway. Louise was devastated, and for a week, she cried all the time and wouldn’t eat, just lying in her room, like a hermit, while I sat and wished I could help her get over him.

My parents seemed to think it was just something she was going through, and she’d snap out of it soon enough, so they weren’t much help. As for me, well, I was just an 18-year old kid who’d never had a girlfriend. What did I know about relationship advice?

She came home from work one afternoon, and went straight to her room. I heard her softly sobbing in there, so I went to the door, determined to help. She was lying on her back, with her head turned, facing away from me, and I tried to think of something to say that would help, but nothing came. I tried my best….

“Fuck Derek!” I said, eloquently. Louise turned to face me.

“Yeah,” I continued, digging deep into my experience in counselling people with problems, “Fuck him, you’ll find someone better.”

She said nothing, but patted the bed next to herself, so I walked over and sat next to her. She looked so sad.

“Hold me,” she said, but didn’t move, so I shuffled down next to her, and put one arm underneath her, and one over her shoulders, facing her. She snuggled in close, putting her head on my chest, and I was slightly ashamed to find myself looking down her blouse at her breasts in that position, feeling the warmth from them, and I started to tell her about all the things Derek was missing, and how he was the loser, not her.

I tried to ignore those lovely tits, inches from my face, but it was as though my cock had a hair trigger, and with her soft, curvy body pressed up against me, and her breasts displaying themselves to me like that, my hormones took over, and my dick went to wood in no time flat.

I kept on telling her good things about herself, with my tool trying harder all the time to get my attention, and after a while, Louise leaned over to kiss me gently on the forehead. “I’ll be okay,” she said softly, “I just need to lie here for a while. I’ll come out to see you in a few minutes. Thanks for the talk, I feel a bit better now.”

I got up, and walked out of her room. I went to my own bedroom, where I wanked the erection away, and then had a quick shower to destroy the evidence, almost hating myself for being so aroused by Louise, my sister, at a time when she was feeling so low.

The following day, school holidays started, and I had the day to myself when my mother and Louise went to work. I bummed around, tidied up, and went to a friend’s place for a while, then came back mid-afternoon to an empty house.

I felt that old, familiar hunger in my pants, so I went to my room, and settled in for a good session of me-time. No-one was due home for a while, so I found an English porn mag in my stash, and started to go through it, looking for inspiration. I found a six-page photo set with two girls in it, so I started to check out the pics, while my hand did the work.

Lesbian porn was my favourite, and this set ticked all the boxes. There were two beautiful girls, one a blonde, and one with brown hair, and they were dressed as secretaries, with short skirts, stockings and conservative blouses. They graduated from sly smiles to kissing each other, and then undressing, sucking each other’s tits, and then to oral sex on the desk, and the second last shot in the set was a full-page close up of the brown haired girl licking the blonde girl’s pussy. I had my attention on the photo, and I was about to come for all I was worth, when…


I looked up in horror and shame, to see Louise at the foot of my bed, looking at my tool-filled hand, and I threw the magazine off the bed and pulled the sheet over myself, but the damage was done. Instantly, I felt sick in the stomach.

“Fuck! Fuck! ………, Ohhhh, fuck!!” was all I could say, as the orgasm I was just about to have seemed to vanish into thin air. Louise’s mouth was open.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I said, still in shock.

“You know,” she started, “I was about to ask the same question, but the answer is so obvious, it would’ve made me look pretty stupid, wouldn’t it?”

I lay there without answering, starting to shake a little, and she went on with, “I got off work early today, so I came straight home to see what you were up to. I walked in, and you’ve got your door wide open, and ...." she burst out laughing, but kept on talking, so the only words I understood were “... hammer and tongs.”

If I wasn’t so horribly ashamed and embarrassed, I probably would have laughed as well. She got over her laughter and said, a little more seriously, “You really should close the door when you do that.”

“I did,” I said, flatly.

“Well, you didn’t do it properly,” Louise said, now looking me in the eye. “The wind must have blown it open. It’s blowing a gale outside, but I guess you wouldn’t have noticed. I suppose your mind was on other things,” she finished, with a sympathetic smile.

She walked around the bed, and looked the porn mag, which had fallen open at the pussy-licking shot. “What are you wanking over, anyway?” she said, with mischievous interest in her voice. She looked down.

Lesbo porn!” she said, as though she had discovered something.

“D’you like lesbians?” she asked, again looking me in the eye, but with an inquisitive look in her face. I could see there was no use lying, and the damage was done anyway, so I said, “Yeah, I think every guy does.”

Louise shook her head, and looked at the picture on the floor, and said “Lesbians…,” with a smirk.

Then, she dropped to her knees, and looked closer, and said, “Hey, do you think that brown-haired girl looks a bit like me?”

I could see from her face it was the same old Louise, who bounced stupid jokes off me all the time, and got back as good as she gave, and I started to feel a little less embarrassed. I shook my head, and said, “She doesn’t look like you at all. Do you think I’d be perving at a girl who looked like my sister?”

“Oh,” she said, standing back up. I assumed she was only pretending to be disappointed. She walked backwards to the foot of my bed again, and with a smile, said, “Nah, she doesn’t look like me at all. I was just jerkin’ you around, except,” she paused, “you’re doing enough of that for both of us.”

I put the pillow over my head and said, “Just go.” I was still embarrassed, but somehow, Louise had taken the edge off it. She was good at that kind of stuff.

She walked to the door, and turned to say, “I better leave you alone, now. You look like you’ve got your hands full,” and, smirking, she finished, “One of them, anyway.” She walked out the door, and made a big show of closing it properly.

I lay there for a moment, recovering from the shock, but as the moment had been ruined, and the desire now taken over by a sick feeling of shame, I got up, took a long shower, and went for a long ride on my trail bike.

I came back hours later, after dark, to find Louise sitting in the family room, watching TV. “Where’s Mum?” I asked.

“Did you forget?” she asked right back, “She’s gone down the coast to spend some time with Dad. She left straight after work, Airhead. Just like she’s been talking about all week, so it’s just you and me here for the next coupla days.”

Louise told me my dinner was in the microwave, so I reheated it and ate quickly, avoiding her as far as possible. Not because of any bad feeling between us, but because I still felt a bit ashamed. I said goodnight, showered again, and went to bed.

After a while, I heard the shower in the bathroom next to my bedroom, and after it stopped, I heard Louise moving around, and then things went quiet for a few minutes, although the light was still on in the hall. I was having trouble dropping off to sleep, and a moment or two later, I heard two knocks, even though my door was half-open, and then Louise’s voice.

“Wayne,” she said, “It’s me.”

”I didn’t think it would be anyone else,” I answered, without trying to sound abrupt.

“Can I come in?” she continued.

“Course you can,” I answered, although I still felt a little sheepish, but she moved into the doorway, a silhouette in the light from the hall.

“I thought I’d better knock,” she said, “after, you know, today.”

I saw her shoulders shrug in the dark, and I said, “Give it a rest!” with exasperation in my voice. She stepped in closer, and said, “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Today, I mean. Put your bedside light on. I don’t want to blind you by turning on the room light.”

I flicked on the bedside light, and saw she was wearing a pair of light blue cotton summer pyjamas. To be honest, they were kind of sexy, and in the past I have to admit I had wanked to the thought of her in them. That memory didn’t help my guilty feelings one bit.

“Look,” she said, “everybody does that kinda thing. We all do it.”

“We?” I said.

I was honestly surprised she said that, and in my whole life I had never imagined my sister doing that to herself, giving herself pleasure like that, all on her own. Suddenly, the thought made the back of my mouth and throat go all thick and dry. Louise wasn’t finished yet, though.

“Of course,” she smiled, “Do ya think girls just get to a certain age, and suddenly want to have sex? We get horny long before then, so what are we gonna do? Of course we do it.”

She came over and sat on the side of my bed, on my left. She said, “Do you remember those silly games we played when we were kids? Playing doctor? That kind of stuff?”

I thought back, and said, “Yeah,” avoiding her gaze, “I do.”

She went on with, “What about the other game, and all the times when you played Darren. and I was Samantha? Or Mr and Mrs Cunningham from Happy Days?”

I chuckled for a moment, thinking back. We had not mentioned those games to each other for years. I had figured it was a subject she wanted to forget about, and put out of her mind. I smiled, and added, “What about the time I was Fonzie?”

I saw that smile on her face that I had known all my life, and she said, “Yeah, Fonzie. What would Mr C have to say about that?”

She went serious again, and said “Well, this may surprise you, but sometimes, well, most times, after we played those games, I would go back to my room, and kind of,” she paused, as if thinking of whether to continue, “kind of, ahhhh, um, … …, touch myself.”

She gave me a searching look, and said, “Um, did you, ever, ……”

“No,” I lied.

“Oh,” she said, with real disappointment in her voice.

“Well,” she went on, “Then there was yesterday.”

“Yesterday?” I said, guilt rising inside me.

“Well, yeah, yesterday,” she started. “There I was, all upset, and you came and sort of, um, said all those nice things, and made me feel so much better about myself, and you were kind of lying there, up against me and stuff, and it just felt nice to cuddle up to a man and feel good about myself,” pausing, then adding, “you know?”

“A man?” I said, “But this man is your brother.” I had half an inkling, or maybe just wishful thinking, but I had half an idea where this might be leading, but I still had to say that.

“Okay,” she answered, “you are, but I couldn’t help it if it still felt nice.”

“Glad I could help,” I said, casually, wondering if

“You know what I did after you left?” she asked.

“Surprise me,” I said.

She surprised me all right. “I touched myself,” she said, looking me straight in the eye, like she had said something completely normal, but knowing full well that she hadn’t.

Even now, I still don’t know what I was going to say when she said that, but it didn’t matter, because my throat got so thick and dry in an instant, that all that came out was a kind of gasping, “Uhhhkllthh,” sound.

“Well, girls have feelings,” she said, looking down, modestly.

I was still too stunned to speak. I guess I kind of knew what she was leading up to, but it was still so far from the way things normally went, that I thought I must be hearing things wrongly, or maybe just misreading them.

“What about you? Yesterday, I mean,” she said, looking me in the eye, as if she somehow knew the answer.

“No,” I lied again, pursing my lips, and shaking my head, as if that was out of the question.

“Oh.” Once again, disappointment in her voice, and this time a little surprise as well.

“Anyway,” she said, “I’ve been thinking…”

“That’s always dangerous, when you start thinking, ” I said, butting in. After all, she was my sister, and we always said things like that to each other.

She shook her head, with that look of mock sympathy for the afflicted on her face, that she used to give me when I said something stupid, as a joke, and got back on track. She seemed to be giving this some thought for a moment, and then she said, “Hear me out here for a minute, Wayne. Now, think about it. Here we are, the two of us, right? Me in my room, touching myself,” and she paused, gesturing towards her room, “and you’re in here, in this room, you know, doing,” she paused, “whatever you, um, do…”

She kind of seemed like she ran out of words for a moment.

She sighed, and went on, as though getting it all out at once, “So-o-o, why don’t we just, kind of, um, help each other out?”

I was amazed, and I wanted this more than a kid wants Christmas, but there was no way I thought I could do that in front of her. “I can’t …, I don’t…, think…,” I stammered.

She leaned forward, and said, soothingly, “It’s not like we haven’t seen each other. We could look but not touch if you’re feeling a bit shy, just kind of play around, maybe kiss each other like we used to do.”

My stomach had butterflies, and I was thinking “What if she doesn’t mean what I think she means?” but she tried a different approach.

“Wayne, if you were horny and wanted to, um, … …,” and to my discomfort, she made a movement with her thumb over her hand, almost, but not quite, making a wanking fist, “wouldn’t you rather look at a real, live girl? And not a girl in a magazine?”

She met my eyes with hers. I was still uneasy about doing anything like that in front of anybody, even Louise. She reached over, without speaking, keeping eye contact, and took my left hand, and gently prodded my finger into the skin of her left forearm.

“That’s real,” she said, softly.

I was fighting with my own reluctance, if that’s possible, but then, to close the deal, she seemed to have an idea. She moved my hand to her left breast, gently turning and holding the palm of my left hand flat against the thin cotton of her pyjama top, so I could feel quite clearly that she was wearing nothing underneath. I felt the warm, rounded shape of her breast with its soft nipple, underneath the material, and I felt her nipple harden slightly under my touch. “That’s also real,” she said softly, a little more husky this time.

I melted. The world fell away underneath me. Roller coaster. Pick your clich?whatever it was, it happened to me.

Then she took my hand away from her lovely breast, and leaned forward, and kissed me on the mouth. It was the same kiss she used to give me as a ten-year old, the same kiss, but different this time. This was an adult kiss, this was an open-mouth kiss. A gentle, open-mouth kiss. A slight-touch-of-the-tongue kiss, that made me hunger for more, that allowed me to smell and to taste her sweet breath, and to allow it to work its magic on me. It was definitely not the sort of kiss you normally get from your sister.

“Have you come to a decision?” she said softly, her face still close enough for me to be intoxicated by her breath.

“I think that,” I paused, sighing, “this could be fun.”

She leaned down, placing her right thumb and forefinger on each side of my erect penis, through the sheet, and through my boxer shorts, and gently moved them down its length. Her touch was exquisite, and I think I gasped a little. I know I flinched. She turned to look at me, and said, “I know you’re a bit unsure, but somebody’s already made up his mind.”

She repositioned herself on the bed, so she was on her knees on my left, with her head down near my sheet-covered groin, and her lovely bottom inches from my face. She was still stroking me gently through the sheet, and I knew I had been given a gilt-edged invitation, but I was still hesitant to go further in case I overstepped the mark, and ruined the moment for good. I was so excited by the sight of this intimate part of her body, so close to me, beckoning me to caress it, but I was unsure, just the same.

She turned back over her shoulder and said, simply, "Touch me.” Her voice was little more than a whisper.

I reached up with my left hand, gently placing the side of my palm and little finger along the slight cleft in her pyjama bottom, as it was pulled taut across her pussy. I felt the moist warmth from her, even through the gusset of her pyjama pants, and becoming a little bolder, I put the tip of my long finger above her anus and slowly ran it down the slit, feeling her flinch a little. I could see and feel that she had no pants on underneath, and I placed the back of my thumb over the area where I knew her clit should be, (who says porn is not educational?), and made a gentle sawing motion. She made a quick little “Ooh!” sound, and lifted her head, saying, “You learn fast.”

She was rubbing me gently through the sheet, as though instinctively, she knew if she went too fast, or too hard, it would be over in an instant. She moved her left hand to my tool, and with her right, she reached back and hooked her thumb in the elastic of her pants, and pulled them down, just enough to expose some of the skin of her right buttock. I took her lead and gently pulled them down further, exposing her beautiful pussy, with its neatly trimmed triangle of pubic hair, for the first time. I felt weak at the sight, but then she lifted her knees, each in turn, helping me take her pyjama pants off completely. She had not spoken, and just continued with the gentle stroking of my tool.

I felt her slick wetness, and I gently placed a finger just inside the entrance to her vagina, only a little, and ran it down between her inner lips. She was so incredibly wet and slippery, and I tasted her juice on the tip of my finger. The taste was so exciting I could never even have hoped to describe it, and she looked back again, and smiled, then turned back to what she was doing, without speaking.

She continued her gentle stroking through the sheet, and I became more bold and began to insert my finger in her pussy, moistening it a little more with each stroke, finger-fucking her slowly, getting used to the feeling inside. I took my left hand away, bracing myself on the bed with it, and leaned forward, caressing her right buttock with my right hand, and then kissing her there, softly, like you would kiss a baby. She said, "You’re very gentle. I like that.”

We kept on for a few minutes, with me touching and caressing her pussy, and kissing her near it, but never actually putting my mouth on it, and Louise gently stroking my erect penis through the sheet, and she said, “It’s only fair. You’ve taken my pants off, so I should take yours off, too.”

At this development, I became nervous again, and sensing that, she said, “It’s okay. Judging from what I’m feeling through this sheet, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of here.”

I knew I was only average-sized, from what I had seen in the past, but I didn’t answer. I just knew anything I could possibly say about it would make me look stupid, or like I was trying too hard to be cool.

“You know,” she said, pulling the sheet back slowly, moving like a person does near a horse, so it won’t shy, “size does matter, but only to guys with small ones.”

It was so typical of Louise to say something like that at a time like this, but neither of us laughed, because it just wasn’t the time. She pulled my boxers down, and exposed my manhood. Without speaking, she, ever so gently, cupped her dry hand around it, and moved it up and down a few times, just barely touching the skin. It was agonisingly good, but then she used her thumb to spread some of my precum around the sensitive head, and began to masturbate me, just touching the head only.

I flinched, and sucked air through my clenched teeth, and she smiled and said, “You’re sensitive there, aren’t you?”

“It’s like that all over,” I said, fighting to keep my voice even. She was doing me gently with her hand, knowing that too much too soon would end the moment, and to take my mind off it, and to help keep things going a little longer, I tried to occupy myself with kissing her lovely buttock again. Trust me, that didn’t help one bit, and I had to stop, but she kept on gently rubbing me, full-length strokes, lubricated with my own precum, for a moment or two longer.

Then, she took her hand away, and said, “I’d like to get into a more comfortable position. Is that okay with you?”

“Yeah, go for it,” I said, getting my wavering voice under control again. Louise turned around and straddled me, so we were facing each other. She looked at me a little more seriously, and said, “You know, there are other things we can do.”

“Things?” I said.

She moved herself back just slightly, and although I had never been inside a woman before, I just knew that the warm, wet, and incredibly inviting part of her body that was just touching the head of my erect penis, was the entrance to her pussy. I was one flinch, one twitch away from entering her.

She gave me a look, and I knew she was thinking, “Join the dots, Wayne, "because that was one of her favourite sayings, and she always had that look when she said it.

“You,” I said, gulping to moisten my throat, “mean,” and I had to struggle to get the next word out, “sex?”

I was sizzling with desire, not just desire, but also the need, to do this, but my mind was racing at a hundred miles an hour. “Come on,” Louise said, softly, “I know you want to. I know I want to, but if you don’t want to go that far, I can show you some things that are nearly as good. Just say the word.”

I wanted to have this more than anything, but this was my sister. She leaned forward, and kissed me, deeply, gently, and drew back, so I could still feel the warmth of her breath on my face, and said, “You haven’t said ‘no’ yet.”

She opened her mouth a little, and gently brushed her lips against mine, then drew her head back out of reach of my hungry mouth. Then, she edged herself backwards, taking a tiny bit more of the head of my penis into her entrance, and she said, “Wayne, this won’t hurt a bit, I promise. If I could promise you one thing in the world, it would be that this won’t hurt. Trust me. But I won’t do it if you say ‘no.”

She made a tiny movement of her pelvis, so the wet entrance to her pussy felt like it was actually nuzzling the tip of my hard, eager penis, and she said, “Just remember, if this goes on any further, I won’t be able to stop, though. You don’t want to see your sister lose control, now, do you?”

I was on the edge of the cliff. I could jump or stay. I chose to jump. I nodded, too blown away by the moment, and by the situation, to even say the words. Louise gave me the same mischievous smile I had known forever, and said, “No going back now, brother.”

She took her weight on her thighs, and sat back slowly, and my oaken hard penis went right into her as she sank back on it, as though it was coated with butter. I was surprised at how it went in so easily, yet the fit was so snug inside, and then she began a gentle rocking motion with her pelvis, slowly running her pussy along the length of my tool, but keeping the action from getting so vigorous that I would end it by coming too soon.

Once I had gotten a little control over myself, I began to lift my own pelvis a little, to meet her with each stroke, and she even giggled a little, as we adjusted to each other, until we got the timing right. She leaned forward, and kissed me again, on the mouth, that same soft, deep, so-sweet kiss, and then drew back a little, saying “Sex without kissing is,” she paused, “just wrong.”

Excited as I was, the irony of those words was not lost on me as I lay there, being fucked by my own sister, and fucking her back, the two of us in a team effort, synchronising the movement of our bodies, each equally guilty of taking pleasure from each other in such a forbidden way.

Louise gave me a knowing look, and leaned down to place her lips near my left ear, and in a breathy whisper, she said, “I know what you’re thinking, because we’ve got almost exactly the same brain, except I got first pick.” I saw the mischievous smile from the corner of my eye, and then she went on in the same soft whisper, “We’ve come this far, and nobody will ever know. Just us.”

She moved up again, with her face above mine, and with a tilt of her head, she made her hair fall forward so it was down around my face. I could smell the sweet, clean shampoo smell, and the only thing we could see was each other. She said, “That’s kind of cool, isn’t it? Nobody else knowing, just us.”

She flicked her hair back over her shoulders, with a toss of her head, and continued on, with barely a change in that deliciously slow fucking motion of hers, and after a moment, she said, “What do you think?” and I said, “It’s really good, really good,” with my voice still wavering a little. She smiled, but this time it was a smile I had never seen in my lifetime of knowing her.

Then, I asked her, “What about you?”

She took a soft, but deep breath, with her eyes half-closed and said, in little more than a whisper, “It’s beautiful.”

Until, that moment, I had never thought of sexual feelings as beautiful. I had always thought of sex as something that felt good, and you did it, but I realised then that there was something very beautiful about a woman using that very special, very personal part of her body to give such pleasure, and to receive it herself in the same act.

After a few moments, Louise slowed her rocking and stopped. She leaned forward again and kissed me, and said in that voice, just above a whisper, “I’d like be on my back. It’s your first time, so you should be the one in control.”

She disengaged herself from me, and we changed places in the bed. I re-entered her pussy, fumbling a little at the entrance, but she used her hand to guide me, and I slid inside her again, taking about three strokes before I was penetrating her fully. Now it was Louise who lifted herself to meet me with each stroke, but only a little, so I was the one who controlled the motion, the depth and the timing. She would occasionally pull me to her, and kiss me, or just gently brush her lips across mine the way she had done it before, which was almost as exciting, but I kept the motion gentle, trying to make it last.

“I love the way you’re being so gentle,” she said, “but I know it’s because you don’t want to come too soon.” She reached up, and ran her fingers through my hair, and said, “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. Just pick up the pace a little. I want to see you come.”

I stopped my thrusting, and said. “See me?”

“No, silly,” she said gently. “I don’t want to see it coming out, I want you to come inside me. Just let it happen. It’ll be amazing, believe me.”

I hadn’t really thought that far ahead. “Inside?” I asked.

“It’s okay,” Louise answered, starting her own slow thrusting motion from underneath me again, “I’ve been on the pill for ages. Just go for it.”

I started to fuck her again, still slowly, and she adjusted the movement of her own pelvis to mine, and she said, “You’re doing great, but don’t worry if I don’t come this time. Hardly any guys make a girl come their first time, so it’ll be all right.”

“But,” I answered, “that wouldn’t be very good for you, would it?”

“Well,” she answered, dropping her gaze, but still gently meeting my thrusts, “I can take care of that afterwards.” She looked at me again, and said, “You can watch if you like,” she paused, and continued with, “or even help me, if you want to.”

“I think I’d really like to help you with that,” I said, as I continued with fucking her. I could feel that I wasn’t going to last much longer, but suddenly, Louise flinched, and made a noise in her throat. Her eyes widened a little, and I thought for a moment I had hurt her. Before I could do anything about it, she said, a little louder than before, “Wayne, you’re making me come! I didn’t think you would, but it’s gonna happen.” Now, she was the one with the wavering voice.

I increased my pace just a little, but I didn’t want to do anything to spoil it for her, so I kept things fairly constant. Her own thrusting quickened, then she said, with urgency in her voice, “Please don’t stop! Please, please don’t stop, Wayne!”

Louise seemed to stiffen, and she clutched her arms to her chest, arched her back, and she tilted her head back, with her eyes closed, saying, much more quietly, “So good, so-o-o-o good. That’s so good!”

The sight of her in orgasm, plus the spasms of her pussy around me, triggered my own orgasm, whether I was ready or not, and I felt wave after wave of pleasure starting in my penis and working back through my body, then rebounding back the other way. I don’t know how many times I spurted, because I was too involved in immersing myself in the pure, crystalline pleasure of sexual release, to take notice of such things, but after it was over, I found that Louise had her legs wrapped around me, and she was holding me to herself with her arms.

“Please stay and hold me for a minute,” she said in that soft voice, just above a whisper again, “Let me hold you. I just want to hold you. You did that so beautifully.”

We lay there for like that for minute or two, while she held me and I remained inside her, then she reached up, pulled my face to her, and kissed me again, and said, “Thanks. Thank you for that. I didn’t really plan to go that far but I’m glad we did.” She took a breath, and said, “Do you know how you just need something, sometimes?”

My sister’s orgasm had been nothing like the pornstar orgasms I had seen so often on video. This was a real woman, experiencing real sexual pleasure, and not making it seem as though it was more dramatic than it was. We lay there in my bed, and with the house to ourselves, Louise slept there with me, with her arms and legs wrapped around me, and I sensed that she needed that as much as the lovemaking we had just experienced. We were two people who had done something very bad, but together we had also done something very good. That night, we had crossed a forbidden boundary, but on the other side, we found something that was amazing, just as Louise had said it would be. However, as Louise had also said, there was no going back, and I lay there for a brief few minutes, thinking of these things, as I drifted off to sleep, entwined with this beautiful woman, who was also my sister. Society had deemed that I was naturally immune to her beauty, and her sexual magnetism, but the events of that night had shown differently, and I knew that we would never be the same, from this night onwards.

Trib FanReport 

2022-12-06 23:47:55
What a deliciously wicked taboo story!
Who wouldn't want a sister like her?
Very detailed naughty siblings sharing a secret together.


2020-08-15 15:47:53
"Anonymous reader" who posted on 2012-03-14 has got some severe anger management issues! Never been a big fan of the incest angle but your writing style makes it well worth reading. Good stuff.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-06 20:29:09
some men aren't Neanderthals and do in fact think and care about others; even sisters - although most don't head down the road to incest

anonymous readerReport 

2012-03-14 13:55:45
total piece of trash no guy would act that way. why would he care that her boyfriend dumped her seems he would be glad not to have to hear them screwing all the time. he would avoid and ignore her at all costs you have a lot of STUPID UNDERAGE READERS . this is labeled FICTION not FANTASY so it has to be realistic, believable and based on reality. once again total bullshit

anonymous readerReport 

2011-12-21 21:16:46
To the one who said it seemed unrealistic. Have you even had sex before?

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