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My younger sister and her best friend explore their bodies
David and I used to share a bath before Mum and Dad decided he was a bit too old to do that. I did of course know the difference between boys and girls and was fascinated to stare at his willy when we bathed together. Sometimes he would fiddle with it and make it big which amazed me. However I didn’t think anything of this at the time.
When I was about eleven I found myself more often rubbing against the bedclothes when I was in bed at night. I don’t know why, but it felt rather nice and it was especially nice when I rubbed myself with my pillow. I used to pretend it was a boy and wrap my legs around it and kiss it! Although the kissing was really practice for when I had a boyfriend, the feeling of the pillow rubbing between my legs was much more interesting…
I used to lie on my side, with the pillow between my legs and rubbed myself up and down against it. One night I did this for quite a long time and felt a really strange tingling between my legs. I squeezed my legs together really tightly and rubbed even harder and quicker, but the bed started squeaking and for a horrible minute I thought someone might hear me. I quickly stopped but the feeling between my legs stayed there. I quickly pulled the pillow out and turned onto my back, not knowing what to do. My whole body seemed to be tingling and the bit between my legs was really buzzing!
After a while it faded but I felt odd…almost as if something should have happened and didn’t.
One night I decided to dispense with the pillow and just use my hand between my legs. I had always been a bit squeamish about this but bearing in mind what had happened the night before I was determined to investigate. I knew what I looked like between my legs – I’d had a look with a mirror, and knew that I had a hole there and two lips. I lay on my back and carefully slid my hands down between my legs. There seem to be a soft pad of skin just at the top of the slit and it felt nice when I rubbed my fingers over this. I then spread my legs a bit and slid my fingers further down and as I curled my middle finger round I realized I was getting wet.
It was a strange kind of wetness though. It was more sticky than wet and when I rubbed my fingers in it, it was almost like baby oil. It seemed to be wetter nearer my hole and I found if I moved my finger further down it would actually go into my hole a little bit. This was even better! I started to slide my finger up and down the lips either side of the hole and it felt really nice and relaxing. I then found that if I brought my other hand down between my legs I could use this to stroke myself at the top of the slit and still have my finger sliding up and down my lips.
Suddenly I got that tingling feeling the back again, but this time it was much more intense. I found if I rubbed harder it felt even better and then suddenly it was getting better and better and better…
Then it happened!
I wasn’t really sure what was happening but the tingling suddenly seemed to go over the edge and the most incredible feeling I had ever experienced seemed to explode between my legs. I felt this urge to lift my hips off the bed and I pressed my hand really hard between my legs. The feeling seemed to surge over me in waves, throbbing between my legs and I thought for a minute I was going to wet myself it was so incredible. It seemed to last for a long time but eventually it started to fade and I fell back onto the bed again.
I left my hands where they were, still sticky, and tried to recover my breath. I was breathing really heavily and felt hot. What was this all about? I carefully wiped my hands on the sheets and then fell asleep very quickly afterwards.
The next morning I decided the best thing was to ask my best friend Lynne who might know about these things.
As it was a school holidays I went across to Lynne that afternoon.
“Can I ask you a question?” I felt embarrassed and Lynne grinned at me.
“What about?”
“Have you ever looked at yourself between your legs?” I whispered. Lynne put her fingers to her mouth and giggled. I went even redder.
“Why, have you?” I nodded and told her what had happened. Lynne and I were very close friends and had no secrets.
“Oh that…yes I do that.” Lynne went on to explain that she played with herself as well although from what she was saying it was obvious she had never had a feeling like mine. However her Mum had told her all about sex and Lynne then spent the next few minutes telling me. I was astonished at what she said but I now knew what was between my legs!
We were now quite relaxed about the subject matter and chatted about how we played with ourselves. Lynne was envious of the fact that I had had a special feeling and she promised to try it with her fingers that night and let me know how she got on.
The following day Mum and Dad were at work as usual and luckily David and Colin had gone up to the common to play football, so Lynne came round to see me. She was really excited as she had tried what I had told her about and she had had a really nice feeling as well. In fact she had enjoyed it so much that she had done it again that morning and I laughed, confessing that I had done the same!
She told me that she played with herself with her fingers while still cuddling the pillow and I thought this sounded a good idea and would try it that night.
“I bet it’s not as nice as cuddling a real person though, a real boy that is.” She blushed and looked at me.
“Yes I bet it would be much more fun cuddling someone else wouldn’t it?” I wondered if she was thinking the same thing as I was. I decided to try it. “Perhaps we could cuddle each other?” I swallowed hard hoping Lynne would not think I was weird. Luckily the same thought seemed to have occurred to her and she grinned brightly.
“That’s a good idea!”
We were sat down on the bed and we tentatively reached out to each other, not quite sure what to do. However Lynne quickly shuffled towards me and put her arms around me, pulling me closer to her. I did the same and we clung together on the edge of the bed. We had cuddled before in a jokey way but this was much different. We were both anticipating where this would take us and I felt myself getting warm as I felt a Lynne’s body her against mine. However we both hesitated briefly.
“This isn’t quite working properly is it?” muttered Lynne and I agreed. “Perhaps we should lie down like we do with our pillows.” Lynne suggested I thought this was a great idea.
I quickly lay down on the bed and Lynne joined me and then she rolled over until she was facing me and we cuddled again. Without thinking I lifted my leg up, as I used to do with the pillow, until it was wrapped around Lynne and she moved closer until she was actually lying between my legs. Our arms were around each other and the feeling of Lynne’s body between my legs was rather nice.
Neither of us was quite sure what to do next until I suddenly remembered I used to kiss the pillow. I wondered if Lynne would let me kiss her? I pulled back slightly and stared at her. She was a bit pink and looked at me with a grin.
“Shall we try kissing?” I whispered. Lynne said nothing but nodded quickly. I leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the lips. We both started giggling at this but soon regained our composure.
“That was quite nice actually. Shall we try it again?” Lynne whispered. This time she leaned forward and kissed me on the lips, but this time for a bit longer. She pressed quite hard and our bodies were now tightly together. This was really nice!
Our arms were still wrapped around each other and Lynne was actually running her hands up and down my back. She also wriggled between my legs and I found I was now getting that nice feeling between my legs again. I slid my hands down to Lynne’s backside and pulled her closer to me, which she seemed to like as she started to kiss me even harder. The kisses were getting quite sloppy now and I was finding it really exciting.
We were getting quite carried away and started to roll around on the bed until suddenly I realized that Lynne was turning me on to my back. I was quite happy about this and pulled Lynne over until she was lying between my legs and resting on top of me. The weight of her body was really exciting and we carried on kissing. I think we were perhaps a bit scared to look at each other in case we suddenly realized what we were doing.
Lynne was now starting to rub herself quite hard between my legs and it was starting to feel really nice, like it did when I use to play with myself at night. We were still kissing and I was finding it difficult to breathe until suddenly something happened…
Lynne wriggled in such a way that her thigh was resting directly between my legs and suddenly it was as if she had hit some secret button. I spread my legs really wide, trying to get the maximum contact between Lynne’s body and me and as she rubbed and I knew I was going to have that wonderful feeling again. Lynne had told me it was called an orgasm and I knew it was going to be a good one…
Suddenly I couldn’t help but call out a as I grabbed the cheeks of Lynne’s bottom and pulled them hard between my legs as I seemed to explode. It was even better than my first one and I forgot all about Lynne as I jerked my hips up at her, trying to make the orgasm lasted as long as possible.
I was so embarrassed I tried not to cry out too much as I pulled Lynne closer to me but she obviously realise something was happening. She pulled away and stared at me as I gazed back at her, my face now bright red and my body almost trembling. She looked at me quizzically as I closed my eyes, wanting to prolong the last few moments of my orgasm, but then it went.
I gave a long sigh and opened my eyes again, to be met by Lynne’s puzzled expression.
“What was that…?” She whispered. “Did you really have an orgasm then? I swallowed hard and licked my lips.
“Yes…” I whispered back. Lynne gasped.
“What - because of what I was doing? Was it me that did it?” I nodded. Lynne bit her lip.
“Gosh!” she muttered in a faraway voice. She rolled off and lay down next to me, and I reached down between my legs, knowing what I would feel. My panties were soaking wet!
“So how did I do it then?” Lynne turned to look at me.
“It was your leg between my legs…you were pressing something.” Lynne peered down below my waist and then turned her gaze to her own body. She was wearing a short skirt and she casually slid her fingers under and started slowly rubbing herself.
“Where is it? Where’s the place?” Lynne muttered. She was obviously anxious to join in the fun. I turned on to my side and gazed down to where Lynne’s hand was now fiddling around under her skirt. She lifted her skirt up until I could see Lynne’s panties, and unsurprisingly they were starting to get wet.
“I think it’s somewhere here…” I muttered as I slid my hand under Lynne’s and, to my own surprise, started to rub her between her legs. Lynne gave a little gasp. I glanced up at her face and saw her eyes were closed and her mouth was partly open. Had I found her spot? I carried on doing what I was doing, rubbing my hand in a circular motion around Lynne’s groin, which is what her leg had been doing to me. Suddenly she croaked,
“That’s it…harder…don’t stop!” I pressed hard and suddenly Lynne gave a little cry and jerked her hips up. She was having an orgasm as well! I suddenly felt very proud at being able to give Lynne an orgasm, and I felt myself go all hot as she writhed on the bed, obviously having the same lovely feelings as I’d had.
After a few seconds Lynne calmed down and looked at me gratefully.
“Thanks Sue that was brilliant!” she whispered. I felt a bit embarrassed so lay down next to her so as not to look at her. We both lay for a while, each lost in our own thoughts. After a few minutes we both sat up.
“That was even better than when I did it myself last night!” Lynne whispered. “It’s almost as if you found a special place between my legs.”
“Yes I know what you mean.” My panties were beginning to get a bit cold now from the dampness. I then had an idea.
“Perhaps if we have a look we’ll find what that secret button is!” I suggested brightly. To my relief Lynne thought this was a great idea and we quickly took off our knickers. I sat up and peered between my legs, as Lynne did the same. It was a bit tricky and then Lynne said very quietly,
“Shall we look at each others?” I looked at her quickly. I had seen my own bits but never another girl’s… I must confess the thought got me quite excited. I nodded quickly and before she could ask I leaned over as Lynne lay back on the bed and spread her legs. She looked very much like me between her legs, and I peered closely to see if there were any clues. At the top of the slit, where I thought I had been rubbing her, there was a little bump and I tentatively reached out and touched this.
“Ooh gosh I think you found it!” Lynne gasped and I looked at her. Her eyes were a little glazed and she was bright red.
“It’s a little bump just there isn’t it?” I confirmed, pressing against the bump again and looking closely I saw a small pink bud just under the opening. I experimentally rubbed my finger over it and suddenly Lynne gave out a squeak. I pulled my finger away.
“No Sue…don’t stop…keep doing it!” I brought my finger back and rubbed at the sticky bud with a circular motion and within seconds Lynne was jerking up and down on the bed as she had another orgasm. This was amazing! I had no idea girls could come again so quickly.
Lynne looked up at me with a grin.
“Shall I find yours now?” I nodded excitedly and lay back on the bed. Sure enough Lynne’s fingers soon found my own little bud and within seconds I’d had another orgasm. I had the impression that this was going to be a rather wonderful summer holiday!


That night, as soon as I’d put the light out in bed I slid my fingers down between my legs and played with myself with that circular motion again. I remembered what Lynne had said and slid my fingers further round until I found my vagina. I knew this was where boys put their willies when they had sex and I closed my eyes, pretending my finger was a boy’s willy. What had she called it? A penis or something?
I was able to slide it an inch or so into my vagina and this felt fantastic. I couldn’t go much further and I realised that I was coming up against my hymen… this was something else Lynne had explained to me. However the feelings were absolutely stunning! It worked… boy did it work! It was even better than when Lynne had done it! I had to bite on to the edge of the blanket to stop myself crying out. This was fantastic!
The following day Lynne confessed that she too had played with herself last night and we compared notes on the techniques we had used. This was opening up a whole new world for us! I think we both wanted to cuddle again but strangely enough, despite yesterday, we each seemed a little reluctant. Luckily it was Lynne who broke the ice.
“It was nice when we cuddled yesterday wasn’t it?” I nodded quickly and suggested we do it again. Lynne seemed relieved at my reply and we quickly started kissing and cuddling on the bed again. It was a warm day and I was getting quite hot, as I had yesterday, and suddenly an idea occurred to me.
“Shall we take our clothes off?” Lynne pulled away and stared at me.
“What all of them? Nudie you mean?” This was our word for being naked. I nodded.
“It’s quite hot and I thought it would be nice… if it’s okay with you?” My voice trailed off. Lynne bit her lip and then nodded quickly.
“Okay then.” We stood up and I quickly peeled off my tee shirt. I was, of course, too young for a bra but I was pleased that I was starting to grow my breasts. They were only small bumps at the moment but it was a start! I looked at Lynne as she took off her top and noticed she was completely flat. I felt rather proud of this! I noticed her glancing enviously at my bumps and tried not to grin too triumphantly.
I quickly pulled down my jeans and panties, and Lynne did the same.
We gazed at each other uncertainly for a few seconds before we quickly climbed back onto the bed again and this time we cuddled side by side, facing each other. Lynne quickly brought her leg up over mine so there I was now between her legs and we rubbed together as we kissed.
Lynne had quite hard nipples and these rubbed against my tiny boobs, which felt really nice. I had played with my boobs myself sometimes and knew that it felt nice, but this was even better. While we were cuddling I felt Lynne’s hands stroking my back, which was nice, but then they slid down further and I suddenly realise she was starting to stroke my bottom! This felt really fantastic so I did the same to Lynne and soon we were squeezing each other’s backsides quite hard. Lynne was starting to breathe heavily and I guessed my leg between hers was starting to have an effect. Then I had an idea.
I turned Lynne on to her back but rather than climbing on top of her I started to play with her between her legs again. She closed her eyes as I did this and I tried the thing that I had done the night before, and slid my finger down between the lips of her vagina. Lynne gave a little gasp as my fingers slid up and down the slit. I knew from last night how nice this felt and Lynne certainly seem to be enjoying it.
I curled my middle finger around and slid it a little bit into Lynne’s vagina. She cried out and grabbed my hand pushing it hard against her as she came.
“You were putting your finger into me!” whispered Lynne, after she had recovered. She stared at me uncertainly. I explained I had done it the night before and realized how nice he was. Lynne slid her own hand between her legs and felt for her vagina.
“I found it! Gosh it’s nice isn’t it?” she said softly. I thought for a minute she was going to do it again but she brought her hand back up and lay back on the bed. She turned to look at me. Shall I do you now?” I nodded quickly and spread my legs ready.
Lynne then carefully brought her fingers up the inside of my thighs to my pussy and started to do to me what I had done to her. I came in seconds! The pair of us lay there for a few seconds, each getting our breath back. I turned to look at Lynne.
“We’ve got the whole of the summer holidays to do this! We can do this every day if we like!” Lynne grinned back and nodded. The school break was only a few weeks away.
“That would be fantastic wouldn’t it?” She looked thoughtful for a few seconds. “We must make sure the boys don’t find out though.” She was right of course. We didn’t want Colin and David to find out about us as it was our little secret. However at the mention of Colin and David I felt a sort of tingle. What if… what if they played with themselves? I turned to Lynne.
“David’s older than me and Colin's older than you. I wonder if they do what we do…you know play with themselves and have orgasms?” Lynne gasped and put her hand to her mouth.
“Gosh I hadn’t thought of that. Perhaps they do?” She turned to look at me and giggled. I grinned back at her, the pair of us imagining the two boys. Little did we know how soon we would find out the truth!


2010-05-24 00:07:50
Very nice and well written. Could use a blank line between paragraphs, though. 8/10.

Anonymous readerReport 

2010-05-23 11:35:27
Pretty exciting....I thought that they'd learn to disrobe first time though... Otherwise a pretty good story. I gave it a 6 out of 10.


2010-05-22 23:37:45
a good start now invole your brothers


2010-05-22 23:27:25
a good start now invole your brothers

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