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My sister-in-law and I pretended to be husband and wife when we were out of town.
Fbailey story number 531

She’s Married But Not To Me

When the hotel clerk asked, “Are you married” Terri said, “Yes, for ten years now.” She was not lying but she wasn’t telling the whole truth either. You see she’s married, but not to me. Terri is married to my brother and she is my sister-in-law. We just happened to be at the same convention for the week. We each worked for an electronics company that was pushing the latest item and Terri and I were sent to do that pushing at this convention.

As the hotel clerk checked his computer he got a funny look on his face. You see our company knows that we are not married and booked us two rooms. So when he questioned us Terri smiled at him and said, “Yes, we booked two rooms so that we could entertain in one and not have to worry about my dirty underwear being strewn around in the other one. He asked, “We have a pair of joined rooms that are meant for entertaining if you would like them. That way you don’t have to go out into the hallway to get from one to the other.” Terri told him that that would be nice.

As we headed up dragging our suitcases Terri said, “You know that wasn’t such a bad idea really. We could really entertain in that extra room.”

I replied, “But thanks to you we have one queen-size bed in one room and an entertainment room without a bed.”

Terri smiled and said, “So what? We can sleep in one bed together. After all the hotel clerk thinks we are married.”

I said, “But we aren’t.”

Terri said, “I won’t tell if you won’t. It’ll be our little secret. We can be husband and wife for the whole week. With all of the privileges.”

I asked, “What privileges?”

Terri smiled and said, “Sex of course. If I’m going to sleep with you I’m sure going to have sex with you.”

We reached our two rooms. I opened one door and Terri opened the other one. My door had the bed so I took our luggage in while Terri went into the other room and then knocked on the adjoining door. I unlocked my side and she came through all excited. The entertainment room was perfect for whatever she had in mind.

She opened up her big suitcase, took out her clothes and hung them up, she put her makeup and other things in the bathroom, and then she placed the rest of her stuff in the drawers. I myself lived out of my suitcase whenever I went out of town. She on the other hand moved right in.

Before I knew it she was standing there in just her bra and panties asking me which dress she should wear when we checking into the conference later. I had seen her in bikinis before but never in her underwear like that and I got an erection.

Terri said, “Oh, I must have woke the little fellow up. Here let me help.”

Then she pushed me onto the bed and removed my shoes and pants like an expert. The next thing I knew she had my cock in her mouth, her bra and panties off, and then she was sitting on my cock dangling her breasts in my face. I was being raped by my sister-in-law and I was enjoying it.

Since she had started it I could certainly finish it. I rolled her over, pulled her knees up under my armpits, and thrust down into her with all my strength.

Terri said, “Now that’s what I was talking about.”

I asked, “What?”

Terri repeated, “I won’t tell if you won’t. It’ll be our little secret. We can be husband and wife for the whole week. With all of the privileges…and I do mean all of the privileges too.”

I smiled down at her and said, “I like the privileges so far.”

Terri smiled up at me and said, “So do I. You are a lot more aggressive in bed than your brother is. Fuck me hard and make me walk bowlegged tonight.”

I tried my hardest to accommodate her request. I pounded down into her and she cried out how wonderful I was and how great her orgasms were with my cock in her pussy.

We showered together and she filled my hand with pee as I cupped her furry pussy. We dressed and she did not put on a bra or panties. She just slipped a sexy black dress down over her shoulders. It had thin straps, a nice V-neck that showed off her cleavage, and it was quite short in length.

Terri said, “I bought this dress just for you. How do you like it?”

I kissed her and then I ran my hands all over what little material there was before saying, “I like it but I like wants in it even better.”

She laughed and said, “You also like the fact that I’m not wearing anything else under this dress either.”

I had to admit that, that certainly added to my interest.

We went down to the convention and checked in, got our nametags, and started to check out our area. The company had sent a crew in to set it all up as they had wanted it. Terri and I checked out the boxes of free giveaways under the tables and behind the curtains. They had spared no expense; we had pens, pads, buttons, and T-shirts to give away. We had a bunch of fresh flowers to give to the women and small flowers to present to the men. We had a slew of propaganda to pass out too.

That first night was just us vendors getting acquainted with our area and with our neighbors. On our right was a guy was trying to sell music buttons and on our left was a guy trying to sell an idea that he thought would revolutionize the industry. Across from us were old guys that had been at a hundred of these conventions. Terri was the only woman that I had seen there.

Terri said, “I have some special eight by tens up in my room that I’ll show you later. If they listen to our little speech I’ll sign one of the more discrete ones for them. However, if they purchase a case or more we’ll invite them up to our entertainment room where I’ll sign one of the of the really good pictures for them.”

I was anxious to see her pictures, so after checking out our area we went back up to our room. Terri pulled out the smaller locked suitcase, produced a key, and then opened it up. Inside were bags and bags of pictures of Terri. She was naked in all of them. The first six were discretely done with nothing really good showing but she was absolutely naked in them. Her legs were crossed so that her wonderful pubic hair wasn’t showing, her arms were covering her breasts, and she was holding one of the electronic devices that we were there to push, six devices and six very sexy poses. Then she showed me the really good pictures of her absolutely naked, full frontal, and spread wide open.

I asked, “Do I have to buy a case to get one of these signed?”

Terri said, “No, not at all but you have to have sex with me a lot. You see signing these will make me so horny that I’ll need a quickie every once in a while.”

I smiled and said, “Not a problem.” Then I placed her hand on my pants so that she could feel my hard-on.

She took out the good photos along with a Sharpie marker and asked me which one I liked. Hell, I liked them all even the discrete ones. They all got signed to me, and then she locked up her small suitcase before we left. We went out to dinner. We were famished.

We decided on the hotel restaurant. We sat down, ordered our dinner, and then we realized just how tired we really were. We asked the waitress for our meals to go. She said that she would have them delivered if we wanted to go up to our room. That was perfect.

Our waitress personally delivered our meals. She was cute and she pushed the cart into the room. As she was placing the food on the table Terri came out of the bathroom in just her panties. She smiled at our waitress and picked out a transparent neglig?to put on. She removed her panties and then put on the top of her neglig?

She looked at our waitress and asked, “Do I need panties in this?”

The waitress replied, “No ma’am you look absolutely perfect in just that top. You are so beautiful. I wish my boobs looked that good.”

Terri said, “Show me.”

The waitress said, “Ma’am.”

Terri said, “Please show us your boobs. I think they are rather nice looking. It’ll get you a bigger tip.”

The waitress looked into my smiling face and started removing her dress shirt. She was wearing a white bra that she then unhooked and removed. Terri was right the waitress had beautiful tiny breasts to look at. The waitress said that she was eighteen years old and that only two of her boyfriends had ever seen her topless before us. Terri invited her up after she shift ended for a threesome. Then she handed the girl a twenty-dollar tip. We watched her get dressed and leave.

After the waitress left Terri said, “I should have given her a fifty.”

We ate most of our dinner and climbed into bed exhausted. We didn’t even have sex. We just fell asleep.

We were awakened by someone knocking on our door. We both looked at the alarm clock. It was ten minutes after midnight.

Terri said, “Stay right here. I’ll let her in.”

I watched as Terri brought the waitress to our bed and undressed her. I watched as my sister-in-law kissed another woman and then made love to her. It was an erotic thing to see, in person. Terri kissed, licked, and sucked that little girl’s breasts, nipples, and pussy. I never knew that Terri had a lesbian side to her or a bisexual side at that. However, that woman sure liked that girl. I dozed off occasionally just to be awakened to them thrashing out another orgasm until the wee hours of the night.

When the alarm clock went off that morning Terri said, “I’m exhausted. You fuck her while I get a few more minutes sleep.”

I looked over at a wide-awake girl. That waitress had kept Terri up all night long having sex. She just smiled at me and said, “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up. Your sister-in-law tells me that you are a great fuck…so fuck me.”

I had awakened with an erection like I usually do so I rolled over onto her and pushed it in deep. She grunted as I forced my cock deep into her and she felt the intrusion. I was only normal in the cock department but I sure made up for that in enthusiasm. Her being a tiny girl must have made my cock feel even bigger than her younger male friends had. Her pussy was tighter than Terri’s pussy or any of my other girlfriend’s pussies had been. My little waitress wasn’t a virgin but she hadn’t been around all that much either. As it turned out she thought of herself as a lesbian but she had let two boys fuck her just to test her theory out. Terri had suggested that she try a real man at least once to see what all the fuss was about. I was that man and apparently I was giving her a good reason not to dismiss men in the future without a try. I gave her, her first cock induced orgasm, and it was a very good one too.

After I had cum in her the waitress sat on Terri’s face and said, “Eat it. You were right. I like cock. At least I like his cock. And I know you like his cock better than his brother’s cock too. So swallow his cum.”

Once Terri was done sucking my cum out the waitress’s pussy we all got dressed and went down for breakfast before the convention got started. The waitress sat with us and enjoyed being waited on for a change.

The convention opened up at ten and Terri got right to work. Her discrete pictures were a huge success. We had crowds of guys wanting to hear our spiel. Terri started signing the pictures. The guys had some outrageous requests but Terri would only sign the guys name and company and then her simple signature ‘T’ with a nice swirl under it.

She invited the guys that had bought at least a case of items from us, up to our entertainment room later for drinks and a better picture, but she soon found out that there were way too many of them. The criteria quickly changed to five cases and that slowed them down a little. That first night Terri spent two hours signing her nude pictures over to an assortment of businessmen and buyers. After just a half-hour of signing her nude pictures and listening to everyone wanting to see her naked for real, she took me into our room. She was so horny that she just bent over and begged me to fuck her from behind. She shoved a tampon in and went right back to sign more pictures. As the requests to see her naked kept coming in Terri said that she would invite the ten guys that placed the largest orders, money wise, to come back after the last day of the convention to see her naked. Every half-hour she took a break so that I could fuck her tingling pussy.

The next day the private invitations were based on orders of twenty thousand dollars or more in merchandise. She changed the criteria to keep the finalists down. That night signing took a shorter time and I only had to fuck her once. Then after the two-hours were up Terri asked two of the gentlemen to stay behind.

The three of watched as Terri went over into our room and came back all refreshed with her makeup re-applied, her hair changed, and her stark raving naked. Terri told us to stay seated and she would get us our drinks and dance for us. So for the next hour we were treated to Terri naked and gyrating to some pleasant music on the radio. She gladly got our drinks and bent over in front of us. She allowed us to fondle her ass and breasts but her pussy was off limits. Those two guys went back to their rooms with a nude picture of Terri, a special notation on their pictures, and a healthy hard-on.

I got to fuck Terri right on the floor in our entertainment room as she told me how excited she had been, especially during that last hour. The only thing that kept her pussy from leaking was a tampon that she had shoved in there. That’s why she wouldn’t let any of us play with her pussy.

Each day Terri and I sold more and more merchandise. Each night Terri enjoyed being the center of attention for two hours. Then she would pick out two or three of the top purchasers to stay behind. She would stay in the room with us and undress before inviting us to watch her take a shower. We men would hold the shower curtain so that the floor didn’t get too wet. Terri soaped up her breasts, her pussy, and her ass as we watched. She danced to the soft music as she washed. One at a time she would let us wash her pussy with one hand for three minutes while we prodded, fingered, and rubbed her clit to an orgasm. Terri then turned the water off, dried herself off, and came out to entertain us and sign new nude pictures of herself. Those pictures often thanked us for giving her an orgasm using just our fingers.

On Saturday the final day of the show Terri invited only the cream of the crop up to our two-hour session. She invited only the very best to the hour afterwards.

Terri had invited our little waitress to help her out. They were both naked during the two-hour session as they served drinks to about thirty men. We used both rooms and the men were told that they could fondle their asses and their breasts but once again their pussies were off limits. Near the end of that two-hour session Terri and her little girlfriend made love on our bed for everyone to enjoy. They were way too excited to care who was watching them. I knew that they were seriously making love to one another. The other guys thought that it was a good show. Little did they know. Finally the time came for the men to leave. They got hugs and kisses from both girls.

Then the elite group was invited in. Fortunately there were only ten of the all time spenders. The girls took a shower as before but together as we all crammed into the bathroom to watch them. That only took about ten minutes even though we begged for more.

Terri announced, “I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for your orders this week. Now that we girls are clean we will let you guys dirty us. No anal sex but blowjobs and pussy fucks are in order. Myra and I will let each of you cum in one of our holes. If you cum in our mouths we will swallow it. So who wants to be first?”

It seemed that almost everyone wanted to fuck them, especially Terri. However, Myra was just so cute and young that no one wanted to pass up a free fuck with her either. Terri assured everyone that they would be ably to fuck both of them before being sent back to their own rooms, their own companies, and back to their own wives.

Terri took on the first six men while only four wanted Myra so I decided to fuck Myra. When the sixth guy was done with Terri the one that was first with Myra took his turn. Then those that had finished fucking Terri started to line up for Myra once I had finished.

All of the men kissed Terri and thanked her for a great time after they had their two turns and left. When the three of us were finally alone Terri and Myra went at it again. When they were done I retrieved my hidden video recorder.

Terri smiled and asked, “How long have you been recording me?”

I replied, “Since the very beginning. There is one in the other room too. They are motion activated. You would be surprised at what the maids do with your underwear.”

Terri said, “Show us.” Then she cuddled up to Myra on the bed and waited.

I opened up my laptop and clicked on an icon. The screen jumped and there were the maids entering the room. They did a really quick job of making the bed and rushing around the room. Then they started searching through the drawers. Soon the two maids were stripping and trying on Terri’s panties and neglig?. We even watched them making love on our bed. Then quickly things were straightened up and they left.

On our way home the following day, as we headed toward the elevator, Terri saw the two maids that had been trying on her underwear. She approached them, removed two pair of panties from her purse and offered to exchange them for the panties that the maids were currently wearing. They stepped into a room, closed the door, and then Terri came back out with a smile on her face and two pair of used panties that she put into her pocketbook.

At home we got in late. I dropped Terri off at her home and went straight home myself. I was dozing off when Terri called to say goodnight and to tell me that she already missed me. My brother had quickly made love to her and then fallen asleep.

At work Terri and I were greeted like a King and a Queen. Word had gotten around the entire company that we had gathered up hundreds of new customers and sold more products than any other convention had generated.

Terri and I were promoted, given raises, and then rewarded with being given the jobs of representing the company at all future conventions. The boss was hoping that we could double or triple sales.

Terri quickly lined up four more smaller state conventions for us to attend. They required weekends so we decided to take Tuesdays and Wednesdays off to be with our families and friends.

My brother never suspected a thing and was sincerely happy for us both. A couple of days later we were off to Sunny Florida for a convention in Miami. We did okay sales wise, but something was lacking. Then Terri started telling the guys about her getting drunk in Las Vegas and stripping for a dozen men one night. I confirmed it. Sales picked up just so that they might be invited up to our entertainment room afterwards.

Terri was more business like during the first two hours but then she picked out three guys to stick around for a mini orgy. With her and the three of them naked she would assign them a hole based on the size of their cocks. That became her very first triple penetration. She took the biggest cock in her cunt and the smallest one in her ass. I got to watch. Of course the hidden camera captured it all. After everyone was cleaned up, dressed, and out of our room I got to fuck her in any hole that I wanted too. I picked her ass of course. Word spread and the following day was twice as good.

Terri and I spent more time together than she and my brother did. We made love a whole lot more too. Out on the road away from home she was free to express herself in any sexual way that she wanted too. Fucking guys was quite natural to her but she also liked a petite young girl whenever she could find one. Because of her sexuality we were able to triple the companies sales, which meant that more people were hired and our community had less unemployment.

Of course being on the road a lot had its toll. My brother found a girlfriend and told Terri that he needed a wife that was willing to stay home and raise a family. She wished him well and moved in with me. She made me so happy that I couldn’t stand it. We got married and we continued to go all over the country together. We always looked forward to Las Vegas and our little waitress Myra.

The End
She’s Married But Not To Me
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