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"Dammit, " she said to herself with impatience as she paced along the train platform, thinking again to herself that those who thought New York trains being late was a cliche, didn't know New York.

The station manager had made some sort of announcement about a small track fire causing a minor delay, but Rachael really hadn't paid it too much attention. All she knew that the longer it took Candice to arrive, the less time they would have to spend together over the weekend. Running her fingers through her short graying blonde hair, the 62 year old newspaper publisher looked down the long empty length of track for the fourteenth time. A quick glance at her watch told her that the train was now 40 minutes late. The importance Rachael attached to her daughter's visit was reflected in her mode of dress. Normally, Rachael spent her days in casual shorts and light blouses in the summer and sweat suits in the colder months. If she really had to, she would wear a business jacket and slacks for a meeting. She had long ago stopped caring how she looked to other people. Friends who passed her on the train platform were surprised to see her in a rather attractive blue dress, a garment that greatly illustrated her still considerable charms. Most people were surprised when Rachael mentioned her age because she looked at least a decade younger. Standing 5'8", her weight had fluctuated between 160 and 170 lbs most of her adult life. Spread rather evenly over her frame, most of the weight seemed centered in her large 38DD bust. She was still a formidable enough presence to turn the heads of men thirty years her junior. "Station manager says the train just left Bluefield," said a young man who walked up behind Rachael. "Should be here in another 10 minutes."Ò"Thank you," Rachael said to the teenager as she again looked down the track. "But I'll believe that when I se it pulling in." Sure enough, it was closer to twenty minutes before the silver and white train pulled into the station. Starting at the front of the train, Rachael worked her way through the crowd looking for Candice. The train had been packed, the earlier two scheduled runs having been canceled. After a fruitless effort that resulted in getting no further back that the second car, Rachael decided to just wait by the ticket office and let her daughter find her instead. The crowds quickly dissipated and it wasn't long before the blue clad woman heard a familiar voice calling out to her. "Mother...over here!" the voice shouted. Through a small group of commuters, Rachael could see a red figure waving her hand to get her attention. A broad smile on her face, she briskly walked over to her, unwilling to simply stand and wait. Before Candice could say a word, her mother had embraced her in a bear hug and planted a kiss on her cheek. While it was in reality only about five weeks since they'd seen each other, it had felt like months to Rachael. "Let me look at you." Rachael said as she broke the hug and stepped back. Candice was wearing a rather expensive red business jacket with matching skirt. Her long blonde hair was tied up in a weave and she wore only a hint of makeup, just matching lipstick and a hint of powder. Unlike her mother, she felt the image she projected was everything. Yet then again, Candice was just starting out in the world of business. It was hard enough getting some men to take you seriously without having them look at you without seeing just a potential bedmate. Their third child, Candice had been born rather late in Rachael's life. The news that she was pregnant again at 40 had sent a shock wave through her life. Since she and her husband owned and operated their own business, it wasn't that hard to make the transition to working mother. Yet by the time Candice turned six and started school, their small office supply company had grown so successful that she decided to give it up and concentrate full time on being a mother. Today, 22 years later, the firm was three times the size it'd been at the time of Candice's birth. Although she was still a full partner in the family business, Rachael had decided against going back when Candice had left home for college. Instead, she'd bought into a small local paper and eventually became it's co-publisher. It was something she could call her very own. "Is Daddy with you?" Candice asked as she looked around into the crowd. "I'm afraid that he's not home this weekend." the older woman said, her voice just a little reluctant. "He flew up to Boston yesterday to make a presentation to some new clients about out new software line. He thinks it'll bring a lot of new business to the company." "I kind of expected he'd come up with some kind of excuse not to be here." Candice said, her tone revealing that she didn't believe a word of her mother's excuse. "He usually does when I come home." Rachael wanted to say something to refute her accusation against her father, but the words wouldn't come. The reason being that what she said was true. The only time father and daughter had seen each other over the last two years had been at large family functions. He hadn't even attended her graduation. "Your father does love you, dear." Rachael said. "He just has a hard time accepting things as they are." "Well he's going to have to accept it eventually." Candice said. "No one's going to say a magic word and change me into what he expected me to be." Rachael's smile hid the fact that she too originally had a hard time accepting her daughter's lifestyle. She still remembered the day, back in her junior year of college, when her precious baby girl had announced to friends and family that she was a lesbian. Unlike her husband, she quickly came to grips with the idea, realizing that however and with whoever she lived her life, she was still her daughter. And no matter what, she loved her and only wanted her to be happy. "It's getting late." Rachael said, changing the subject. "I originally thought we'd go out to dinner, but with all the delays, maybe we should just head home." "That'd be fine with me, I am a little tired." Candice said as she turned and looked over her shoulder. ", there's something I neglected to mention to you when we talked last night..." With that, a tall black woman stepped up to Candice. The look of recognition on her face told Rachael that they knew each other. "I finally found my beeper." The woman said. "It fell through the seats." "Mom, this is Cathy. She's a friend of mine, I invited her up for the weekend. I hope you don't mind." Rachael looked at the brown skinned woman. She was at least ten years older than her daughter with short curly black hair. A little taller than both Candice and herself, she had a lean, lithe form. Soft red lips framed a flawless smile. Small compact breasts pressed against a yellow blouse and long smooth legs stretched out from beneath blue shorts. "Why of course not," Rachael said, hiding her disappointment that they wouldn't be spending the weekend alone. "Your friends are always welcome." "Great!" the blonde woman beamed. "I told Cathy it would be OK. I promise her a chance to get out of the city to unwind." Cathy reached up and removed a pair of dark sunglasses, revealing a pair of sparkling blue eyes. They quickly eclipsed her engaging smile as her most striking feature. During the drive back to her house, Rachael learned a little more about her house guest. Cathy had lived in Manhattan most of her life and was a successful attorney. Candice had met her a few months back and had developed a friendship while shopping for a birthday present for Rachael. At the time, Rachael had been surprised by the gift. Candice really had no interest in art and such, yet the painting had been an excellent choice. The woman was friendly and quite intelligent. By the time they pulled into the driveway, she found herself liking Cathy.

"Welcome home Candice." said the brown haired man who greeted the trio as they exited the car. "Thank you, Jacob." Candice said, returning his smile. "It's good to be home." Jacob Young was 20 years old and a student at the local college. In return for room, board and a small salary, he served as a sort of jack of all trades around the house. If it was broken, he fixed it. If it was dirty, he cleaned it. In the three years he had been living there, he had become almost a member of the family. "Jake, this is my friend, Cathy." Candice said as she turned her attention to the caramel skinned woman behind her. "She'll be staying for the weekend." "Nice to meet you." Jacob said cheerfully as he took a good look at her. "I'll get the bags." he added as he headed for the truck. "Thanks," Rachael said. "I made up Candice's room this morning and we'll put Cathy in ......" Rachael paused for a moment. Not for the first time in the last hour she considered the idea that Cathy and Candice might be more than just friends. Did her daughter expect them to share a room? "Put Cathy in the guest room." Candice interjected, much to Rachael's relief. "You'll love it" she said to her friend. "It has the most beautiful view of the garden." "I'm sure it's beautiful." Cathy replied. The suggestion surprised Rachael. The guest bedroom was on the other side of the house from Candice's room. She guessed that answered her question of just how much of close friends the two women were. "Well you two get settled in and I'll see about getting us some dinner." Rachael said as she headed into the house.

Dinner was simple was enjoyable. Afterwards, the three women sat around the kitchen table and chatted. "Its nice to hear that you're doing so well at the firm." Rachael said as she sipped her tea. "And I'm sure your father will be happy to know that all that money he spent for Rebecca Johnson didn't go to waste." Candice's ever-present smile faded for a moment at the mention of her father and his constant reminders of how much her education had cost. Then just as quickly it came back. Quickly she changed the subject. "Speaking of college, you and Cathy have something in common." she said. "What would that be?" Rachael asked as she turned and looked at'. "Cathy's a Theta Phi too." her daughter beamed. "Really?" "Class of 84." Cathy offered. "Class of 54." Rachael chimed in. "I guess that makes me the baby of the bunch." Candice laughed. ÒClass of 94." All three women laughed.

"Class of 54," Cathy repeated. "That means you were a pledge in 1950." "Why yes," Rachael said a little hesitantly. "Why do you ask?" "You were there during the big scandal at Delta Theta Phi." Cathy said excitedly. "I can't believe it, I never thought I'd get to hear what really happened from someone that was really there. Someone who really knew Marie Hallenbeck.""What scandal?" Candice asked, her questioning tone making it evident that she had no idea what her friend was talking about. "Who was Marie Hallenbeck?" "None of the sisters ever told you?" Cathy asked. "I can't believe it. It's part of the legend of Delta Theta Phi." "Well lets hear it now." Candice gushed. Cathy looked to Rachael for a moment, then took her silence for assent. "Well Marie Hallenbeck, first of all, was Class of 50. She was also President of the Sisterhood, or Queen might have been a better term." "Queen?" "Yes, from what I understand, she ran the sorority like her own personal kingdom. Including having ladies in waiting." "So what was the big deal?" ' interrupted. "I'm getting to that." Cathy continued. "What set Theta Phi apart from all the other houses on campus was that almost every sister was expected to be available to Marie for sex whenever she wanted. In fact, you couldn't become a sister unless you slept with her first." "You're kidding!" Candice said. "It's true." replied Cathy. "In fact, it got so that all the pledges had to spend their first years as wives to the senior class. Not to mention the monthly orgies." "That's incredible." the youngest woman called out. "What happened, how did anyone find out." "In the pledge class of 50 there was a girl named Jane Thompson. Evidently, she found the idea of lesbian sex sick to say the least. She wasn't the first pledge to back out of the sorority when they found out what they were into, but Jane believed that she had a moral obligation to stop what she believed were vile and disgusting acts. She went right to the Board of Regents and the night of their next all-girl party they were raided.""What happened then?" Candice asked, now totally absorbed in the story. "Marie was expelled on the spot, so where a good many of the other girls. Then the Board tried to hush the whole thing up. They spread the story that the girls were expelled because of their involvement in a cheating scandal. That was 1950 remember, lesbian was still a dirty word. The school had their image to worry about. How many of those upper class families that sent their precious daughters to Rebecca Johnson would still do so if they thought they would be exposed to such ideas." "That's an incredible story." Candice said, taking it all in. Then a look of disbelief filled her face when she realized that her mother was actually there - and a member of that pledge class.She turned to her mother and opened her mouth to speak, but before she could say a word, Rachael cut her off. "Before you let your imagination get out of control, let me say something." Rachael began. "Even though I was a freshman in 1950, I didn't pledge Delta Theta Phi until the second term. So I'm afraid all of that happened before I was even a sister.: "I didn't think they pledged during the second term." Cathy asked a little suspiciously. "Normally they didn't," Rachael replied. "but with all the girls expelled, they needed new members to keep their charter." "That makes sense." Cathy replied. "I hope I didn't offend you." "Not at all," Rachael said. "In fact, that's the first time I actually heard the story. I was there at the school at the time and until now believed the cheating story." "It's still an incredible story." Candice repeated. "but I've been up since 4:30 and I think I'm going to turn in." "That sounds like a good idea." Cathy agreed. "You too go ahead, I've a little work to finish before I call it a night."

A little work turned out to be a major understatement and it was well after midnight by the time Rachael started up the stairs to bed. It had been a very long day but a happy one never the less. Any time Candice came to visit, all her worries seemed to disappear. It brought back memories of a far simpler time. Passing Cathy's room, Rachael was careful not to make any noise as not to wake their guest. Hopefully, Jacob had removed all of her husband's clothes from the room before settling Cathy in. The fact that she and her husband slept in separate rooms wasn't something she really wanted to advertise - not even to her own daughter. Truth be told, it had been many years since they had slept together as man and wife. Most nights, Steven slept elsewhere. Elsewhere currently being the apartment of his 29 year old girlfriend. The only reason they hadn't divorced was that Steven kept saying it would be bad for the companies image. One of these days she might find a reason to push for the divorce, but for now she was content to let things sat as they were. Stopping again at the door to Candice's room, Rachael decided to check in on her daughter. It was a silly thing really, after all Candice wasn't six years old anymore. But it did make her feel better. Silently she turned the doorknob and eased the door open. Rachael took a small step inward before stopping in her tracks. Instead of the serene image she expected, she found instead one out of her most erotic dreams. It had been many years since the last time Rachael had seen her daughter naked so it was a shock to see how much her body had developed. The small breasts that she had last seen the day she'd first taken Candice shopping for her first training bra had blossomed into a magnificent set of 34C's. The rest of her young body was just as impressive, showing that she had viewed the development of her body as seriously as that of her mind. It wasn't so much the development of her daughter's body that caused Rachael to step back as it was it's position. Standing against the large backboard of the queen sized bed was Cathy, as naked as her daughter. Beneath the brown hued woman's outstretched legs was Candice, her mouth pressed firmly against her hairy cunt. It was one thing to know that her daughter preferred women sexually, it was quite another to actually see it. Rachael was transfixed, unable to tear her eyes away from the spectacle. It was a long five minutes before the fear of discovery gave the older woman the strength to pull herself away. Closing the door behind her, Rachael let out a long loud sigh. To her surprise, she'd found the sight of her daughter engaged in lesbian lust to be the most exciting thing she'd seen in a good long time. Her heart was racing, her breath shallow and most incredible, the mound between her legs was moist. Crawling into the warm comfort of her bed, Rachael knew she would get little sleep that night.

It was a warm summer morning and Rachael decided to have breakfast out by the pool. It wasn't long before Candice joined her. She explained that Cathy needed to make a few phone calls to make and would join them as soon as she could. "Did you sleep well, dear?" Rachael asked. "Like a baby." Candice smiled. Their breakfast conversation covered a few topics until finally it turned to Cathy. "Your friend Cathy seems like a really nice person." Rachael said. "Have you known her long?" "Not long really, only a few months." Candice answered as she nibbled a piece of toast. "I met her at a fund raising party the alumni association threw. She's an attorney, in fact she's just made partner at her firm. I was admiring a painting at the hotel where they had the fund raiser and she happened to mention that she'd seen one just like it at a friend's art gallery. I said I'd love to be able to pick out something like that for your birthday but knew next to nothing about art. Next thing I knew she had offered to help me pick something out." "I guessed that much." Rachael said. "That painting seemed a little out of your league. But there's something I want to ask you, but I'm not sure how exactly to put it.: "Well straight out always seemed to work for me." Candice suggested. "How well I know that." came her mother's response. "But it's still hard for me to just come out and say something." "Give it a try mom." "I was wondering, I mean I'd like to ask you just how close you and Cathy actually are?" Rachael finally blurted out. "You mean are we lovers or anything like that?" Candice casually replied. "Well yes." "Are we lovers, well not really." her daughter continued in that same casual tone. "Have we slept together on occasion...yes we have." "I don't understand." Rachael said. "I guess you could just say we're close friends who on occasion have sex. There are a number of women who I sleep with. Some I have very strong feelings for. In other cases its just recreational. Bottom line is that at this point in my life I'm too involved in work to even seriously thing about settling down with anyone." "I'm still not sure I really understand it, but I'll settle for the fact that you do seem to be happy." replied Rachael. "That's all I ask." her daughter grinned.

"Excuse me, but there's a phone call for Candice." said Jacob as he walked up to the small table, portable phone in hand. "Some guy named Rogers, says he's your boss." "I'll just be a minute, Mom." the blonde haired girl said as she took the phone and walked a few feet away to take the call in private. While Candice chatted just out of earshot, Rachael found herself staring at Jacob. The little exhibition last night had left her feeling very horny, a sensation she hadn't felt in some time. Not even a pleasing masturbation session last night and again this morning had helped to satisfy her urge. Watching the tall well built young man play with his silver rimmed glasses, Rachael was reminded of a night not so long ago. The hockey team that Jacob played on had just won the local championship and the two of them had stood up late into the night celebrating. Jacob, because hockey was one of the most important things in his life, and Rachael because she just needed to have a little fun. After a few bottles of very expensive wine which Rachael had liberated from her husband's prized collection, Jacob began to look very good to her. She had been sorely tempted to try and entice him into her bed, a bed her husband had so long ago vacated. Finally common sense had prevailed and she realized that a one night stand wasn't worth upsetting the apple cart. Still, if he'd been just some young man she'd met. "Good morning." Cathy said as she walked up to the table. "I hope I haven't kept anyone waiting." "No, of course not." Rachael said, dismissing her idle fantasy from her mind. "Please have a seat." It was hard for Rachael not to sneak looks at Cathy as she ate. The image of her naked form being serviced by her daughter was still too fresh in her mind.

An unhappy look covered Candice's face as she returned from her telephone call. Whatever it had been about, it wasn't good news. "Trouble honey?" Rachael asked as she rose from the table. "I'm afraid so." came her reply. "I'm going to have to cut the weekend short, they need me back in Manhattan right away." "ÒThat's terrible." Rachael commented. "I'll go and pack." Cathy said. "Oh no, there's no reason for you to have your weekend ruined too." Candice said. "Why don't you stay here and enjoy it. I did promise you a few days in the country." Cathy waited before answering, her line of sight shifting from Candice to Rachael. " It's OK isn't it, Mom?" Candice asked as she followed Cathy's gaze. " Of course it is." Rachael said, unsure what else she could say. "Great." Candice said. "Jacob's going into town anyway so he'll give me a ride to the train. If I hurry, I can catch the 10:30 to Penn Station."

Rachael was disappointed that her daughter's visit was going to be cut short, but she understood all too well how important Candice's job was to her. Hugs and kisses were quickly exchanged, as well as the promise to get together again as soon as possible.

Once Candice and Jacob had left, Rachael quickly completed some paper work she had brought home for the weekend. She had only brought a small amount home with her, assuming that she was going to need a lot of free time to spend with her daughter. She considered calling the office and having one of the staff run some more out to her, then decided against it. She took so little time off these days, she deserved a little play time. It wasn't until late afternoon that she even saw Cathy again. Her houseguest seemed to be as much a workaholic as she was, spending a good part of the day on her cellular phone. True, laying on a lawn chair in the garden was a lot better than being locked up in an airtight office. Well, Rachael thought, I guess you don't get to be partner in a prestigious law firm at 32 by taking it easy. After lunch, Rachael decided to spend some time in the pool out back. It was one of her favorite places to relax. Her husband had really gone through the roof the year she had workman construct a removable cover over the pool so it could be heated and used in the winter. Still, half the profits from the company were hers to use as she wished. After all, she had never complained about his numerous excursions around the country - or the various "assistants" who accompanied him. "That looks inviting." Cathy said as she walked up to the edge of the pool where Rachael was just relaxing after finishing her laps. The tall cinnamon hued lawyer had changed into a simple, comfortable white T-shirt and blue shorts. Even in that plain attire, she looked like a model out of town and country. "You're welcome to join me." Rachael said as she smiled up at the older woman. "There's extra suits in the poolhouse, I'm sure you'll be able to find something that'll fit you." "Oh I never bother with a suit." Cathy quipped as she grabbed the bottom edges of her shirt and pulled it up and over her head. Her braless breasts bounced free in the air, giving Rachael a close up view of the round orbs she had only seen at a distance the night before. The blue shorts quickly followed, adding her dark curly haired bush to the list of Cathy's attractions. Rachael had only a brief instant to recall the image of her daughter's tongue buried up within that mound. With a powerful leap into the air, the now nude muscular young woman dived into the deeper end of the pool. She dropped all the way to the bottom before pushing herself back up. She broke the surface with a large splash, before flipping over and traversing the length of the pool with a series of textbook strokes. Executing a flawless flip at the far end of the pool, Cathy recrossed the length of the pool and moved up to where Rachael was just drifting lazily.

"The water feels wonderful." Cathy beamed as she pulled herself up alongside Rachael. "If I had one of these, I'd never be out of shape." "You're not exactly out of shape." Rachael laughed. "Compared to when I was in college I am." Cathy replied. "I can never seem to find the time to get to the gym anymore." "I imagine you must keep busy." Rachael noted. It was at that moment that the younger woman noticed that Rachael was staring at her naked breasts. The droplet covered mounds were only a foot away from her now. "Does this bother you?" Cathy asked. "My not wearing a suit I mean." "No, not at all." Rachael answered. "If you feel more comfortable that way, who am I to say no." "It really is a lot more comfortable than wearing a confining suit." Cathy commented. "You should try it." "When I was young, we used to go to a place down in the islands where we'd go skinny dipping." Rachael said as she leisurely splashed her legs in the water. "I remember it as being a lot of fun. Once you got used to all the naked bodies." she laughingly added.


2005-11-11 14:47:54
Your story blew! Where's the sex? A build up to what? NOTHING!! Do us all a favor..put the pen down and go have some real sex...then maybe you can write about it.


2005-01-04 06:45:09
rubish shit


2004-12-28 00:03:24
too many damn words. I skipped over everything. Less talkin, more action..... WAY MORE ACTION


2004-09-28 01:35:17
Fucking Stupid


2004-07-21 18:49:34
man that sucked ass, balls, and more ass. this is the worst peice of shit i have ever seen. a story about me doing my fat-ass mom and dad would have been better than this shit.

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