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She needed to be told what to do and he did
Natalie’s Story
Natalie has a new job and is looking for an apartment. She has stopped at the Sunrise Complex for her 2 pm appointment with the manager, John.

She is very timid and this is her first time out on her own and worries about what the place is like and can she afford it and the people there. As she drives up she is very excited as the building look nice and the property is very nicely landscaped. Oh boy there is a pool this is going to be a nice place, oh but can I afford it.

She gets out and heads to the main office where she sees John just heading into his place.
“Hello, are you the manager?”
“Yes and you’re Natalie?”

She looks at him and thinks, oh boy is he nice looking for an older man. Natalie is only 19 and John is 38, seems everyone over 30 is “older” to young people. To Natalie John looks good, real good, and she wonders if he is attached to anyone.

After going over the rent for each of the various units, he offers to show her one of each as he has some vacant in all sizes. John also notices that she is shy and cannot make decisions very well. When he asked if she wanted to see the units she could not make a decision and so he just said, “Okay lady I will show you one of each and you can decide what you want then.” She had nodded and done as he said. When he got up to leave he just looked at her and told her to follow him and she did like she was on a leash.

MMMMMMMM, John thought as he got up and gave her directions. She does as she is told and seems to like it that way, I wonder. Hey maybe she likes to be dominated, oh boy this could be fun. Easy big John she is young, cute and vulnerable and you take care of ladies like that. Ya so I can still have fun if she likes it and he thought about nurse Elizabeth and the session he had with her, consenting adults can do whatever they like. Only thing is this one is going to have to be told what she is consenting to. MMMMM, this could be interesting and a lot of fun.

John started with the largest, 3 bedrooms, and worked down to the single bedroom units. As they walked through the halls Natalie notice that some of women and girls looked at John in a very devilish way and she thought, what has he got going here? A couple of the women and two of the girls actually walked up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and one patted his ass as she kissed him.

“You must be a very good manager as the tenants sure seem to like you.”

“I do my best to please my tenants and to see to it they are happy and safe. Now you have seen all the units, which one do you want?”
Natalie just looked at John and could not decide and she hung her head and shuffled her feet.
“Okay, let’s go back to the office and we will work this out, you’re going to be a new tenant here and I will be giving you the rules.”

She nodded her head and followed him. Yes Master John I will do as you say, whatever you say. Natalie all of a sudden got a warm fuzzy feeling in her body and her pussy got wet and tingly.

“Okay, sit down here and tell me what you can afford”. They sat at the desk in John’s office and she told him everything about her finances, her life, and her job and actually told him about her whole life.

She told him just about everything and she thought, oh my, what has happened I told him everything he asks about and he asked me about my life not just about renting. Funny but he listened too and he looked like he actually cares. I am going to like it here I’m sure and I am going to really like this manager. She liked the way at times he had touched her hand when making a point and at one time when telling a sad part of her life she had cried he had wiped the tears away and then put his arms around her and hugged her close and assured her that it was going to be better now and she thought, yes Master John I will do as you say and it will be better. She liked the way he took charge of her and she actually wanted him to do more, a lot more.

John had gone over her finances and decided, for her, that a one bedroom would do for now. He told her what to sign and when to move her things in. She did not have very much but John had things in storage and said that he would move something in if needed.

After all the papers were signed and checks given, they got up and she could not help it but she just reached out and threw her arms around him and hugged him tight.

John was taken back but he was always ready for a woman to hug him and he responded.
Oh man she feels good and those tits are nice and she has a nice ass. John’s arms had gone around her as she hugged him and one hand had moved down to the small of her back just about her ass. Her head was on his chest and her hip was tight to his leg.

John felt a pulsing in his cock and it started to get hard. He thought, this is going to get interesting, she had better get moved in soon.

“Okay, young lady you get going I want you moved in by the weekend and I hope you have a swimming suit.”

“Oh I do but will I don’t know about wearing it at the pool here and well”.

“You will put your suit on and you will go to the pool and you will use the sauna and the hot tub as well, do you understand.”

All she could as was “Yes Mr. Johnson” and she left. She had felt the pulse of his cock against her leg and she liked that.

Mister Johnson, well it sounded okay coming from her. She seems to feel a need to let me take charge. Well I guess I can handle that. She does have a nice set of tits and a nice ass. Yes her ass was a nice asset to her and it might be nice to bounce on that one.

Natalie moved in on Friday and John was there to supervise. She did not have much and John had the movers haul in some to the furniture he had in storage. She was very happy and so thankful to John for the furniture.

“Oh Mister Johnson thank you so much for all the furniture” and she ran to him and threw her arms around him.

As she was only 5”4” and he being 6’2” getting her arms around his neck required her to jump up and so she was actually hanging around his neck. The momentum of her advance had pushed John back and he sat down on the sofa with her attached to his neck and as he lay back she was on top of him.
This was not something new to John, having woman lay on top of him, in fact they were usually naked. But this was nice and John liked the feel of her body, especially the large breasts and the mmmm hard nipples. Her legs were straddling his leg and his cock was getting hard. His arms had automatically gone around her and he instinctively held her tight. She snuggled her head into his chest and wiggled playfully.
“Okay, okay I get it you’re happy,” and he chuckled to himself and hugged her a little more. She is sweet and I am going to like this little women being here. I think we are going to have some real fun.
“Look you have to let me up as this could get a little embarrassing.”
“Oh my I am sorry please I did not mean to do that I won’t do it again, I am sorry” and she got up and backed away with her head down and looking a little afraid.
“That’s okay now and you did not do anything wrong. You need to get this place organized and cleaned up and unpacked.” “ When you have that done let me know and I will show you around the complex, oh and dig out your swim suit.”
“Yes Mister Johnson but my suit is well not what the others have it is”
“Never mind you get it out and call me when you are done with what I said to do.”
“Yes”, and she moved back into the room after he left. Oh my, she thought I need to get things done but first I need to take care of something and she quickly unpacked a box with her toys. She picked up a silver vibrator and she pulled off her slacks and ran the vibrator over her wet and tingly pussy. Yes, I am going to like it here and I am going to enjoy the manager as well. She smiled a smile of sensual pleasure as the vibrator found her clit and the sexual pleasure sensation surged through her. She put her hand up under her top and pulled a tit out of the bra and pinched her nipple as she had a nice orgasm. It was not the greatest orgasm but it satisfied her for now and she thought of what it would be like to have the manager make her have an orgasm. She pushed the vibrator into her pussy again as the thought of Mister Johnson causing her to orgasm made her horny all over again. She lay back on the sofa and rested before starting the tasks she had be given.

John was beginning to like the idea of having someone do as he told them to do. This could be very interesting in deed. I wonder just how much she would do. Oh gee I wonder if she is a virgin. Well I guess I am going to find out and he smiled the devilish smile of a man about to fuck a virgin.

She had called as he told her to and so he was back at her unit. She had everything organized and most of the boxes unpacked. She had not put on a swim suit as she had been told to.

He looked around the room and then at her and said, “I thought I told you to put on your suit, so where is it?”

She looked down and then picked up the older one piece suit. “Here is all I have and it looks terrible and I don’t want to wear it, please”

Well it did look old and not very good but still he had told her to put it on. Let’s see just how good she is at taking orders.

“I said to put on a swim suit so put it on now”

“Okay I will for you”, and she went off to the bedroom to change. The door to the bedroom was not closed and John could see a great deal. Her reflection in the dressing mirror on the back of the closet door gave him a perfect view or her naked body.

MMMM, that is not to bad a body. Nice set of tits there, very nice and a cute ass, full but cute.

She had turned around several times so he had seen everything. She did need a new suit but John did not think she would take one from him.

Then with a robe on they went to the pool area. John always wears shorts in the summer so he can jump in the pool any time.

He showed her the sauna, hot tub and the pool and gave her the rules.

She looked at John and thought oh I would like to get him in the sauna then I could show him a real hot time or maybe the hot tub. They had meet several of the other tenants and she noticed how friendly, how very friendly some of the women had been to John and a little cool to her especially a couple of sisters. Oh well she would have to get along. She did not want to go swimming and John had not pushed the issue.

When they got back there was a box by the door and John just picked it up to help her and the bottom opened up and everything fell to the floor. This was her toy box she had been meaning to put in the bedroom and did not when she got distracted and masturbated about John. They both just stared and the items on the floor. There was large vibrator with clit stimulator, a couple of small silver vibrators, a butterfly vibrator and several egg vibrators. There were several sizes of butt plugs and some anal beads. There were some old VCRs and several DVDs. John was amazed that such a mild even meek girl would have such a collection.

“My, that is quite a collection of toys you have here, I bet you do not get horny with all these to keep you satisfied”, and he smiled a very devilish smile.
She was embarrassed to say the least and her face was bright red and she stammered, “oh god I am so sorry and embarrassed”, and she hurried to pick them up...
“Well now let’s see what we have here”, as he held up a rather large dildo. “I could not image this fitting any where”.
She was mortified looking at the large fisting hand dildo. “Give me that now, please.”

She started to cry as she reached out for it and then sobbed and dropped her hands. John was taken back and stepped forward and took her in his arms patting her head and back and trying to console her. She put her arms around him and pulls tight. She felt better now that she was in his arms and she loves the feel of his body.
“I am so sorry you saw those things but well I just need to get some release and these help.”

“Hey you do not need to explain to me and you can do whatever you want to satisfy your needs.” He thought, man you could get half dozen fellows to help if you wanted but then she was not a beauty queen and maybe she did not want to be considered the local whore. No matter she did have the toys to do the job. “You do have quite a collection of toys thought, in fact I do not think I have ever seen so many or such a variety”, he said as he poked around through the collection. He picked up the hand used for fisting and studied it some more and then looked at her. She stretched out her hand and he gave it to her and said, “You really use that”.

“Yes, why do you want to watch?” and took the hand and bent down to pick up the rest.

“Well now I have never had an invitation like that before”, he smiled nodded and “you know I just might take you up on that someday”. He thought that this is going to be interesting.

He stood up to leave and looked at her, “well you finish this and really get yourself a swim suit that fits and we can do a hot tub some night.”

She could not believe her ears, hot tub with John, oh my god. She definitely was going to get a new suit.
I was many days later when John was thinking of taking a sauna and hot tub to relax after work. Natalie had been very obedient to everything John had told her to do including the new suit. He had seen her taking pictures of the flowers and thought hey wonder if she got a new suit.
“Hello Natalie, did you ever get a new swim suit?”
“Oh yes I did and I got a two piece.”
“Good so you put it on and meet me at 9 pm at the sauna”, and he turned and walked away.

She could not believe it but she was going to in the sauna with John. She had heard the gossip in the laundry room about the various women and what John was like and now she just might find out for herself.

At 9 John was in the sauna in a very, very baggy pair of shorts. She was on time and John did not move as she entered but merely looked at her. How the suit really showed of her very nice breasts and her nice ass filled out the other part nicely. John had just gotten in and so the steam heat had not had a chance to relax everything on John and he got an erection. Now the shorts being baggy and short allowed the head of Johns cock to be seen
She was looking at John when she notice the head emerge from the shadows of his shorts. Oh my, he has a hard on because of me and she got all warm and wet and very horny. Her pussy now itched and tingled with the need to fuck something. She wanted John to fuck her now and she was so horny she would stop at nothing now but he had to tell her to do it.

He saw the look on her face change as she looked at him and then he realized that she could see his cock but he did not react only sat there looking at her. This is going to be an interesting evening I am sure.
“That is a nice suit and it fits you well, very well indeed”, and with that he smiled at her with a devilish glint in his eye.

She liked the way he looked at her and the sound of his voice said there might be fun tonight. She wiggled her hips and bent over to allow her breast to swing down. The suit barely held her beautiful tits.
“Come here and lay beside me now”, as he patted the bench.

She walked over and lay down beside him. The bench was hard and the heat was increasing.
“The heat makes the muscles relax and gets the pores cleaned out. We stay in here for a little while and then we take a cold shower and hit the hot tub. I got a little surprise for you as well.”
She could not believe what he was saying, a surprise for her.
She had no idea how much of a surprise it was going to be.
He had brought a bottle of wine along. Rules say no liquor in the pool area but hey John is the manager.
She lay on the bench and John laid the other way so as they sat up they faced each other. She liked sitting up and looking at John as she could also look up his shorts and she liked seeing his nice cock, but it had disappeared. Heat will do that you know.

John was in a playful mood tonight and he was also a little horny. She was looking rather sexy in her new swim suit and as he looked up her legs and saw how nice it fit her crotch and the way it rode up high on her thigh. Then his eyes moved up across her pubic mound over her belly to the large mounds of breasts. The suit held them up and together so there was a very nice cleavage showing. He thought it might be nice to snuggle my head in there or maybe slide my cock in there for a nice tit fuck. Then he thought, oh knock it off you old goat she is just a kid and she looks up to you for guidance. Oh but I am going to guide her. I am going to tell her exactly what I want with her body.

They got up and took a cold shower to cool and rinse off and then they got in the hot tub. John then pulled out the wine and poured a couple of glasses.
“Here you go surprise” as he handed her the wine.
“OH, wow, but I am not old enough you know” and she was somewhat disappointed as a glass of wine was not the surprise she was hoping for.
“I know but what the heck, besides I’m the boss so you drink it”, he liked the idea of ordering her around.
They relaxed in the hot water and let the bubbles of the jets work on their bodies. The hot water kept John’s cock soft or mostly soft but the passionate feelings were building. The wine was working on removing all inhibitions and John decided to move thing up a little.

“Come here little girl I think I want to kiss you now” and with that he reached out and put his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her to him.

She did not see it coming but when it did she just obeyed his command and let him pull her to him. She could only think, a kiss just a kiss maybe more please. Her heart jumped as her lips meet his and then she felt his tongue slip between her lips and she thought she would have an orgasm as the sensations that ran through her set the desires on fire. She reached out and put her hand on his head and ran her fingers through his hair. Her tongue played with his.

They had been side by side and now John had pulled her in such a way that she was sitting on his lap. The kiss lasted a long time and the passion built to a fever level. Heat or no John was getting an erection, soft but still noticeable and she was wiggling her ass on it.
She liked the feel of the cock against her ass and his hands around her. One hand was now moving up and down her leg while the other was rubbing her back and holding her neck.
The kiss broke and he looked at her with a somewhat stern expression and said;” girl you are going to do what I tell you to do now, is that understood?” His hand was holding the back of her neck with some force and the other had now gripped her butt.

“Oh yes Mr. Johnson, yes, I understand whatever you say” and she wiggled her butt against his cock.

“Good cause I think I want to see your toy collection again and I want to try something’s with you tonight”, and with that he kissed her hard and deep again. The hand moved from her butt to her breast and he squeezed it hard. His hand caressed her breast and then as the nipple hardened his finger pinched it.

She loved the feel of his hand cupping her breast and the tingles of passion ran through her body as his fingers rolled her nipple between them. She wiggled her hips on his lap and could feel his cock harden and pulse. She wanted him but what did he mean about the toy collection. She liked her toys but was not sure what he wanted with them, still she would obey his command, yes, and she liked it when he commanded her.
His cock was getting hard and his passion was at a peak. His hands moved up and pulled the straps of the top down over here shoulders and her ample breasts popped out with hard nipples showing. He immediately bends his head and took a nipple in his mouth sucking hard.
She gave a slight moan and threw her head back and t
hought; oh god yes it feels sooooooo good.” Her hips were moving in circles on his lap and she held his head by the hair pulling him to her.
He moved from tit to tit sucking and biting each one and using his hand on the other to pinch the nipple. The other hand was stroking her leg and moved up to her crotch where it started to stroke the lips that were now puffy and forming a camel toe in the suit.
She was not sure what to do next as the hot tub was a public area but she did not have to wait long.
He stopped suddenly and pulled up the top almost covering her breasts, but still the nipples showed over the top, and then said, “Okay get up and we are going to your place now”.
She moved off and he jumped up and took her hand jerking her with him. Grabbing their robes she was barely able to cover herself and they hurried back.
As they entered the apartment John started to look around for the toy box, “where are all those toys you had the other day?”
“Why do you want them?”
“Are you questioning me now, where are they and I will show you, now go get them.”
She like his commanding voice and very pleasant feeling ran through her body and she was wet and not just from the hot tub, her pussy was very wet indeed. She left and got the box of sex toys from the closet and was thinking how much she wanted this to happen, John was in control.
John was sitting on the sofa when she came back and he smiled as he looked at her with the nipples showing over the top edge of the suit.
She held out the box to John and he just looked at her and said, “Okay show me your favorite toy.”
She obeyed without hesitation and took out the rotating vibrator with the clit stimulator and handed it to him.
He took it then turned it on and looked at her then it and said, “well now this looks interesting so pull down your suit and spread your legs.”
She was a little ill at ease with just getting half naked but he had commanded it so down went the suit. As she bent down and back up she noticed the smile on his face and for just a moment she wondered if she should be afraid, but then his hand was stroking her bare pussy with eagerness and she was very horny. She spread her legs a little and then he took the vibrator and started to play with her pussy.
He put one hand behind her to pull her to him and as he looked up he said. “Take off the top”.
She did and he quickly took a nipple between his teeth and then sucked in a big piece of tit.
He had the vibrator on and was working it against her pussy and then he turned it and pushed it between the lips now puffy form the hot tub.
She quivered and moaned with her fingers knotted in his hair pulls his head tight to her breast and mashes his face between her big beautiful mounds. The vibratory is now fully imbedded in her pussy and going full out. Her clit is excited beyond believe because he is doing it.
He pulls out the vibrator and looks in the box and gets a silver vibrator, narrow and about 8” long. “Where does this one go?” he asks with a very devilish smile.
She has used it in her butt a couple of time and so she simple turns around and bends over and spreads her cheeks showing him her puckered bunghole.
He wet the end by sliding it along the pussy lips and the pushes the pointed end deep into her.
The vibrating in her ass sends special vibrations throughout her body and then he turns her around and is standing before her.
He has both hands on her tits and tells her,” pull my shorts off.” As she does he squeezes her tits and pinches her nipples hard. He cock is hard and at full erection just waiting for her pussy to line up and as she stands up he slides his cock between her legs.
She can feel the hard cock sliding back and forth against her pussy lips and then the head parts her lips and enters her wet, quivering eager pussy. She cannot resist and bucks her hip to force him into her completely. She quivers, moans and tenses every muscle in her body as the orgasm surges through her.
He feels her tension and he drives hard and fast. The vibrator in her ass is sending sensations to his cock and he can feel it along the main vein in the back of his cock. The thrill is very nice and it causes him to explode. He hands on her hips pull her down hard on his upward thrusting cock. He moans and utters an animal like sound as he pumps all he has into her.
She has another orgasm as she feel the hot cum being pumped into her convulsing pussy. She is wiggling, twisting and almost jumping on his cock.
He slumps back on the floor and she with him. The heat from the sauna and hot tub combined with the wine and heavy sex has caused them to collapse in a naked heap on the living room floor.
Sleep over comes them both.

Tomorrow is another day at the Sunrise Apartment Complex

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-31 13:42:41

Anonymous readerReport 

2010-07-24 05:12:18
Horribly written, try to fix the formatting.

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