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This story is fictitious. WARNING-This series is about a grand father and his 14 year-old grand daughter having sex. If this topic offends you, DON’T READ IT! I don’t want to have any negative comments about “how sick” I am. If this floats your boat, then please, your comments are welcome, positive or negative. If you didn’t like it, please tell me why. Enjoy..
Is was about 4:30 PM when I finally pulled my rig off of Interstate 40 onto the highway towards my daughter’s house. I had driven all day long, starting in Colorado that morning, just after sun rise. I had pushed my 600 Cummings hard in an effort to get back to her house; I had promised her I’d try and I always try to meet my promises. As I caught a glimpse of her street, I started applying the air brakes to my 45’ diesel pusher motor coach and slowed it down a little to make the turn onto the narrow avenue. I’d park it on the street for the night because sometime tomorrow morning, I’d be heading out again. I’d parked there before, so the neighbors don’t mind. They know who I am, I’m family.

I’d received a call on my cell the day before yesterday from my daughter. She is a junior executive with a major manufacturing company located just outside of Kansas City. Her husband is an airline pilot and is gone most of the time. Kathy, my daughter, had called to see if I could babysit my grand daughter because she had been called out of town for a week, her husband was scheduled to fly and it was the middle of summer. I jumped at the chance; I don’t get to see Kristy that often so when I do, we make it an event. This time, I was planning to take her out to the Grand Teton National Park to spend a week, hiking, canoeing and sight seeing. All we had to do was rest here the night, put her things in the coach and head on out to Wyoming.

This isn’t the first time I’ve taken Kristy with me on outings. I’ve tried to include her in many trips such as this, ever since I lost my wife several years ago to breast cancer. Now she was getting to that age when she has developed other interests instead of traveling with her Gramps around the country in his coach. So, like I said, when I get a chance like this, I jump at it.

I am a retired, high school science teacher, earth science was my specialty. My wife was a teacher also. We had been retired, almost exactly one year, when we got the news that she had breast cancer. It was the kind that spreads quickly and by the time we discovered it, her time was about up. We had already bought the coach and had taken one long trip out west. That was the only trip she made in it. She passes on two months later.

I sold everything and became a full time RVer, traveling all over and being free as a bird. I lived this way for over three years now and I’ve developed quite a band of friends from all over this country. I’ll stop over with some of them, when I’m in their neck of the woods, sometimes I’ll spend a whole season with them. But I always manage to get the wonder lust and move on. This lifestyle takes me away from my only grand daughter, though, but we stay in touch by cell phone and texting. I love Kristy and she loves her Gramps; we always have and we always will.

I set the air brakes on the coach and turned the diesel off when someone was knocking on the door. I pushed the button to open it and Kristy came bounding up the steps and gave me a big hug before I could even get out of the captain’s chair.

“O hi, Sweety,” I exclaimed, giving her as big of a hug as I received. “Gramps has missed you so much. Let me take a look at you. My gracious, who took the brick off your head?” I teased. I always told her to put a brick on her head so she wouldn’t grow up so fast.

“Gramps?” she whined. “You always say that. I have to grow up sometime, you know. I’m almost fourteen now and I’ll be starting high school this fall.”

“O Sweety, don’t remind me how old I’m getting,” I said.

As I released her to get up out of the chair I had been in for over four hours, I moaned a little at the stiff joins and sore muscles from making the forced drive to her home. She backed away and I got a good look at my grand daughter. What has happened to my little girl? And who replaced her with this absolutely gorgeous beauty standing before me? It hadn’t been that long had it? My gosh, I had a beautiful young lady for a grand daughter and I didn’t even know it.

I set all of the switches to the appropriate settings while Kristy ran the extension power line to the shore outlet for electricity; I’d need the A/C and frig for the night. I could use the shored water, but I might as well take advantage of the free power.

When Kristy came back to the coach, she took my hand and we walked into the house. Kathy was in a panic, trying to pack for her trip to who knows where. She came over and gave me a warm kiss and expressed her gratitude, but she continued to race around, trying to remember where she had put this or that. I told her, if I could borrow her car, I’d take Kristy out to dinner and we could plan our week in the Grand Tetons. She mumbled, “O Daddy that would be great. What would I do without you?” as she continued to repack her suitcase.

Kristy had never seen the Tetons before. I had taken her to Yellowstone a few years ago, but we never got down south to the next park. She had heard me talk about the sheer awesome beauty of these granite spires, growing out of the valley floor, for over ten years and now she was so excited to finally see them herself; and I was thrilled to show them to her.

After eating and planning our trip, we returned home and settled down for the evening, with me staying out in the coach. The next morning, we awoke, made breakfast, said our goodbyes to her mother and then headed north onto I-29 towards I-70 and then west into Wyoming. We traveled part of the day through Nebraska and stopped a little early just west of Cheyenne. I decided I needed a break from driving hard for two straight days and besides, I needed to be fresh before I made that long climb up and over the Continental Divide.

We pulled into a park I had used before. In fact, I had stayed there so many times, I knew the owners by their first names and they knew my coach my sight. “Come on in and meet the nicest people you’ll ever want to meet,” I told Kristy as I set the brakes and opened the door. We clamored out of the coach and Elmer was standing at the screen door, holding it open for us.

“John, how the heck are ya, ol’ Buddy? I wondered when you’d grace us again with your company,” he greeted me with a warm smile and hand shake. “And who have you got with ya?” he asked taking Kristy’s hand a giving it a pump.

“Elmer, you heard me brag on my grand daughter haven’t you? Well, this is my little darling, Kristy,” I said. “Kristy, this is my friend Elmer Thompson. Where’s Liz?”

“This is not the little girl in the picture I’ve seen before. Kristy, it is an honor to meet you. Now I know who got all of the good looks in the family,” he said, still shaking her hand. She started blushing at the fuss we were making over her.

Elmer turned to me and said, “John, Liz passed on last year, her heart just gave out on her, I guess. I thought you knew.”

Taking Elmer and giving him a hug, I said to him, “No, Elmer, I hadn’t heard. I’m so sorry to hear it. She had a heart as big as any person I knew. I guess that she just gave too much of it away and when she needed some, there just wasn’t enough to go around. I’ll truly miss her, Elmer, that I will.”

“Thanks, John, that was really nice of you,” he said, wiping a tear from his eye. Then smiling once again, he said, “Well, let’s get the two of you settled. Go on over to site #24, you know where that is. Go on over and get set up, then come on back and we can chat awhile. Bring Kristy with ya.”

“Elmer, thanks for the invite, but we’ve got get up and get going in the morning. We need to make the Tetons by tomorrow afternoon,” I explained. “So I’ll take a rain check on that, in fact, why don’t I come on back in a week or so and stay ‘til fall when I go on down to Arizona for the winter. Yes, I’ll do that very thing,” I said shaking his hand again.

“John, that sounds perfect. You too get some rest tonight and we’ll see ya before you take off,” he said.

We pulled though site #24 and stopped and hookup. I extended out the slides, set the levelers and put out the awning. We started dinner and after eating, I noticed the clouds starting to form in the west. I brought in the awning just in case we had a storm this evening and we settled down to watch a little TV. About 8:30, I said to Kristy, “We’d better go to bed if we are going to get up tomorrow,” shooing her off the sofa. I pulled it out into a bed while she went into the bath room to clean up and get into her pajamas.

I told her good night and retired into the bedroom of the coach and we both went to sleep. I was awakened by the storm about midnight, as the wind started to blow and the thunder advanced out of the west. I was totally awake when a clap of thunder sounded overhead, simultaneously; a flash of light from the lighting indicated the close proximity of the thunder. In about five seconds, there was a tap at my door and a very frighten voice asking, “Gramps, can I come into bed with you?”

“Uh, yeah Kristy, but…” before I could get the rest out, she had made the distance from the door to the bed in one bound and cuddling up to me under the covers. She pushed her shorty pajama bottoms right up next to me and turned her backside to me in a spoon type position. She moved her hips a little and then she froze. She slowly asked, “Gramps, aren’t you wearing any pajamas?”

That was what my hesitation was all about in allowing her to come into bed with me. I was going to say “Uh, yeah Kristy, but just a minute first,” and pull on something over my naked body. But, she was too quick for me to get out that last little bit and there I was, naked as a “Jay Bird” when she cuddled up to me.

I have always been unable to sleep with anything on my body. I’ve slept naked for as long as I remember. I just can’t stand wearing any pajamas or even underwear. I guess maybe I need to learn how.

“Uh, no Sweety, I’m not,” was all I could muster. “I sleep naked,” I added. “Do you want me to get up and put something on?”

She paused for what seemed like a long time, then said, “It’s okay, Gramps. I just wondered. I felt your, uh, I just felt you on my butt and it didn’t feel like your were wearing anything, that’s all. It’s okay, really.”

I didn’t say anything else. If it’s okay with her, it’s okay with me. All of a sudden, another clap of thunder shook the coach. Kristy screamed and scooted back into my crotch and pulled the covers over her head. I felt her wiggle her hips into me as she cowered from the storm.

“Kristy, it’s just a silly ol’ thunder storm. You’ve been through thousands of these things before,” I added, trying to take my mind off of her little butt wiggling up next to my cock. “You know that it is just warm air rising up and mixing with the cooler upper air and it sheds some negative ions in doing so. Their response is simply returning back to where they came, in the form of an electrical charge.”

She didn’t say anything, but when the next one hit, she grabbed my upper hand and wrapped it around her shoulders. My arm was too long for this maneuver and my hand came to rest directly above her developing breast line. Gravity took over and down it went, resting on the outside of the tank top of her pajamas, right on her breast. We both froze. Neither of us moved. I slowly said, “Kristy, I’m sorry Sweety, do you want me to move my hand?”

After a second to think about it, she said, “Its okay, Gramps.”

I couldn’t believe my ears. Now I was starting to become aroused. My cock was starting to firm up, right in my grand daughters pajama covered butt crack. She was scooting back into it and my hand was resting on her breast. My God, what was happening to me? I was feeling up my grand daughter and I was getting aroused by it.

I started to gently move my fingers, ever so slightly, over the center of her breast, right over where the nipple should be. I knew I shouldn’t, but I just couldn’t stop myself. Lightly running my finger back and forth, just a little, I waited for her protest. The only sign I received that she noticed the movement was the hardening of the skin under the tank top. Another clap of thunder caused her to scoot back into my growing cock. This time, she spread her legs just a little, allowing my cock to rest between them, directly onto her pussy. She moaned a little and wiggled her hips as if to signal her acceptance.

I couldn’t believe this was happening. I hadn’t had a woman since my wife died three years ago and now I was horny as hell with my own grand daughter. But I couldn’t stop myself. As I gently caressed her nipple, my cock was buried into her butt, pushing unto her pussy. My God, I was molesting her, right there in my motor coach. I was groping her with my hand and with my cock, and she was encouraging me on by her silence. This has to stop, I must stop!

Then an even louder clap boomed right over the coach. The flash of light illuminated the interior of the coach. Kristy screamed and rolled over and hugged my neck with everything she was worth. When she turned, she rolled her entire body into mine, from her toes to her face. She was squeezing herself into my naked front side. My erection planted itself right between her separated legs and when it had reached its maximum depth; she clamped her legs around it and squeezed down for all she was worth. She moaned out loud and buried her face into my neck.

My hands where all over her back, pulling her into me, crushing her breasts into my bare chest. Her nipples poked at me, her crotch held tight against mine, her thighs glued to my own. As she pushed her crotch into me, I pulled my head back to look at her face. The look I saw was either total fright or total lust, I don’t know which, but judging from her moans and movement of her hips, it must have been the latter. I hoped it was the latter.

I bent my head down to her ear and whispered into it, “Kristy, Sweety, do you know what we are doing?”

“Uh huh,” she responded, slowly.

“Are you sure?” I asked again.

“Uh huh,” she replied again.

I leaned down and brought my lips to hers and kissed her gently. She kissed me back and wiggled in closer. Then, rolling away from me, she opened herself up to my exploring hands. Gently my hand went up to her breast area, lightly touching, searching and fondling. She responded by rolling over onto her back. My hand found her breasts with its touch, first one then the other. Caressing them lightly then firmly, I mashed my hand onto her boobies and rubbed them almost raw. I finally released them and my hand went to the hem of her tank top. Finding the opening, my hand rose up her pajama top and moved the fabric up and over her little mounds. They were small, but firm and perky. The nipples sat there at attention, waiting to be touched and fondled. But they were totally unsuspecting of my kiss. As my lips enveloped and sucked upon them, one at a time, her breath seemed to catch in her mouth. Her moan and sigh sounded on the exhale. Her nipples tighten even more as they became like little pebbles.

As I was sucking them away from their place on top of her mounds, they managed to escape my lips and they rebounded back into place. Over and over I would pull on them with my lips, only to release them to pop back into place. She was moaning louder now. Neither of us paid any attention to the blowing storm booming away outside anymore. She was concentrating solely on the stimulation I was providing to her breasts.

I slowly began moving my caress down her stomach and her abdomen. Her breath became halting as I moved my hand further and further south, over the top of her pajamas, to her waiting crotch. As I arrived, she moaned loudly and squirmed and wiggled her hips and then thrust them up to meet the advancement. As her crotch made contact with my hand, a loud, satisfying groan left her mouth. I cupped my fingers and gently cradled the area between her legs, rubbing softly as I continued to massage her vaginal area. She was craning her hips up to meet my touch as she continued to moan and make little noises.

I ran my finger up her slit towards her clitoris and when I reached it, she reacted violently by grabbing my hand and pulling it away. “Gramps!” she said surprisingly. After the feeling subsided for a second, she placed my hand back on her crotch and then raised her hips once again. I rubbed her pussy lips with my fingers firmly now, pushing my finger up between her outer lips and into the canal hidden between them. As I reached her clit again, she let out another moan and continued to rock her hips up to meet my finger.

Finally, I could take it no longer and placed my hand on the waistband of her pajama bottoms and slowly inserted my finger under the shorts. “Gramps, not that!” she objected, grabbing my hand again.

“It’s alright, Sweety, Gramps won’t hurt you. I promise,” I pleaded with her. She let go of my hand as it made its way down to her fuzzy treasure. I gently touched her mound and started caressing her outer lips and probing, once again, for her clitoris. She spread her legs wide, giving up on all pretense of objecting, and invited me into her treasures, hidden deep within the wet, sticky confines of her vagina. She reacted wildly as I continued to rub her between the lips, as the tension continued to build. Suddenly, she became uncontrollable, as she rammed her hips up into my fingers and begged me not to stop.

I had no intention of stopping now, so I continued for a few more strokes. With each touch of my hand on the clitoris and she would strain and gasp for air and then she started to become rigid. She tensed up and held her breath, and stayed that way for what seemed like an eternity. All of a sudden, she let out a cry and released herself in an unbelievable orgasm. She rammed her hips up off the bed with thrust after thrust, crying out with every thrust, until she finally started coming down from her euphoric explosion.

She cooed to me as she spasmodically jerked from the stimulating sensations. Slowly, she started to settle down and then she fell asleep, spent and exhausted. I felt wonderful and terrible at the same time. I had just molested my grand daughter and I had enjoyed it more than anything I had ever done. I knew there was a special place in hell waiting for me to arrive.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-27 04:21:06
I need a grandpa to fuck me like this

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-19 07:30:28
I need a grandpa that would rape me.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-10 14:20:30
Good story!!! Can't wait to read part 2.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-26 19:43:26
There are those whom think this story is perverted, but it is a story of love. Love of a grandfather for his family as well as his granddaughter. Age is not the important thing love is! Kristi knows what is happening and consensual to it. The Lord God set no age limits for sexual love only that it is done in love and not forced. Man set age limits. This is a very enjoyable story.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-22 22:06:55
Part/3 He sat back and admired my body and Oh sweetheart you are absolutely magnificent I am going to really enjoy fucking you, he pick me up and carried me up stairs to his bedroom and laid me down on it and got on as well. I could see his cock bobbing up and down in front of me so I took hold of it wrapped my hand round it and began to wank him off Oh yes he said that's it wank me off you little slut play with my cock and make me cum and then I am going to put my cock in that wonderful young cunt and fuck you what do you say to that,I said Oh yes Richard put cock in my cunt and fuck me and take my hymen and rip it apart, he said I want to eat your cunt out but I can't wait to fuck you, so he got between my thighs and put his cock between cunt lip and pushed till my cunt opened up to let him in, as he pushed it in till hit my hymen, it hurt as he strove to destroy my maidenhead. Sudden he broke my hymen and his cock slipped all the way in, it hurt at first but as he began to fuck me

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