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A period story set in the perverse Penrose Books.
If a stranger to the neighbourhood walked past Penrose Books the subtle name wouldn't fool them for long. It's got mirrored windows, peeling paint and fluorescent blacklights illuminating the "Over 21s ONLY" sign plastered in the door. Although, in truth, the only reason to walk anywhere near Penrose Books is to get _to_ it. There isn't much through traffic on this dingy little alley and every other business in the area is long gone. Boarded-up rowhouses sit on the main street and abandoned auto-shops flank it on either side. The Penrose family sex-shop won't be going anywhere anytime soon, though. It's been in the same spot, doing roughly the same thing, for eightysome years.


PART I - (1935-1937)


Charles Penrose Sr bought the building in 1925 to use as a anonymous back-street speakeasy, thanks to a healthy inheritance from an uncle he'd never even met. He set himself apart from the competition when he hired his new wife Ava to serve the customers and give a little nudie dance on the bar towards the end of the night. Of course after drinking 100 proof hooch the patrons never let it end at a dance. Charles would look on with a wry grin as the boys would grab ass for all it was worth. When a finger would sneak up the crack she'd playfully turn around to face them and give a shriek of mock disgust when they instead went for pussy. One or two fingers to start, but one or two fingers on three or four hands before long. Then the routine was to pull her down off the bar and lay her across a table. She'd take a fucking from them all - a man in each hole, in rotation. Hell, even the 73-year-old negro piano player, Old Dog Hickens, joined in, if he could get it up. If she didn't have cock in her mouth, one of the guys' girlfriends would surely give her a facefull of snatch to chow down on, or a kiss to swap some cum and spit. When every guy had shot his load across her, Charles would thank the crowd for their custom, have them finish their drinks and usher them out. Ava would often still be lain across the table when he'd finished cleaning up, her face dazed with happiness.

In 1933, prohibition ended, and Charles didn't even bother getting a liquor license. He bought the apartment upstairs and expanded his operation into a full fledged cathouse. Ava tried to take care of all the horny fuckers who came through the door, but finally relented and allowed Charles to hire some of the local girls to pick up the slack. He'd open at noon with Ava and at four o'clock the high-schoolers and middle-schoolers would come in one by one. It became the most popular whorehouse in the city. Every judge, clergyman, cop and con-artist had a regular at "Charlie's", as it was then known. After all, where else could you get a blonde 15 year old beauty to drink a pint of piss or take a fist up the ass? And love it? Charles' girls were enthusiastic as all hell, because he insisted on it. Some of them were recommended by the teenage neighbourhood boys and some found their own way there. His best piss-drinker, Betty Mae, was spotted by the soda jerk two streets over, offering her services for free outside the bathroom. Another young filly took the bus 90 minutes each way from the county for a few cocks every night. A local preacher even donated the afternoons of his precocious and insatiable thirteen year old daughter, Julia Jean, probably hoping against hope that she'd get her fill and be ready to marry before too long.

Needless to say, things were going well.


One morning, as he was walking past the local picturehouse, a lightbulb went off in Charles' head. Movies! He'd seen some of the stag flicks floating around, of course, but that was tame stuff compared to what was going on in his establishment. He bet some folks would pay alot of money for a 8mm loop of his action. He made a detour down Primrose Ave and visited the electrical store. Then he hurried back to the flophouse to explain to his wife.


"Darlin'?" he called as he walked through the bar, leaving the package on the counter and heading up the stairs. He paused for a moment when he saw his wife ahead of him, on the landing, dramatically lit by a window of low, eastern sun. It was 1935, eleven years since he'd married the eighteen-year-old Ava. As far as he was concerned, she looked better than ever. Tight hips, long legs and full breasts in a newfangled French brassiere. Her black hair was up in a stylish bun. She kept it that way until it fell from a brutal plowing or some drunk asshole pulled too hard while face-fucking her. Her eyes were devastatingly dark too, but he recognised the playful spark there that had first drawn him to her.

And her lips. Her lips were a blistering red. That was her trademark. Charles lamented silently that that red would never be recorded on his black and white celluloid.

He marched up to her as she opened her mouth to say something and kissed her deeply. His hands went for her ass and kneaded them with passion. He dropped one below the hem of her short dress and mauled at her hairy slit from behind. She felt his cock stiffen against her belly.

"Hee hee," a voice giggled from the bedroom doorway. With a start, Charles looked and saw a teenaged girl. She was wearing only a vest, panties and socks. She was amused by his passion, but not embarrassed - her eyes never left the show. That same devilish look he'd seen just a few seconds before was in her eyes, too. My, he did have a type.

"This is Grace, darling," Ava explained. "We're hoping she might like to come work with us here."

"Is that right? What age are you honey?"

"I'm fifteen, sir!" Grace exclaimed with a smile.

"Her mother suggested it, in fact. I've been asking around for the best little cuntsuckers I can find, and Julia, the massive lesbian that she is, has been training Grace for years. Expansion, darling. We already have the very best cocksuckers in the city, but we need to attract the dykes next."

Charles suspected a more selfish motivation but, like any well trained husband, he bit his tongue. He gave the girl a look up and down. Without prompting, Grace pulled her vest over her head and twirled for him.

"Don't worry, sir, I can fuck real good too," she grinned.

She was tall for her age - a wiry tomboy - and her tits weren't as big as many of the girls' but he could not deny that she was very beautiful, with her auburn hair and delicate facial features. He took a step closer and she pushed out her chest so he could run his hands over her. She exhaled with excitement and when he crouched to grab the sides of her panties she pushed her head to his and kissed him deeply and messily. The panties dropped to her ankles and he pawed at her like he had his wife.

Ava was pawing at herself by now, but took her hand away for a moment.

"Shall we?" she suggested, and pointed to the fuck-room on her left.

"Just gimme a minute," Charles panted. He ran downstairs to pick up his package.


The first reel was spent on a lesbian scene. Grace was quite the little pro at eating pussy. And she'd learned from a real dyke, that was clear. She alternated between gently nuzzling Ava's clit and full on tongue-fucking. She smeared her face with juices and barely came up to breathe. Ava is a champion cummer. She can spray a torrent five or six times in succession.

"Unnnghhhhhhhh," she cried, for the third time, on her back with her ass and legs draped over the edge of the bed.

Grace dropped her head and caught a mouthful of juice, swallowed and went right back to it, driving her tongue up Ava's tube. Her nose, mouth and chin were buried in hair and flesh and only her eyes came over the top of Ava's dark, untamed bush to lock eyes.

Twice more, Grace dropped her head to catch a squirt. She caught the first, and drank it, too, with relish. The second mostly caught her little tits, and she took the time to rub it in before going back to work.

The camera wound down with Ava, and the tap-tap-tap-tap-tap of the full reel spinning matched her exhausted post-cum breaths. Grace had laid off the heavy punishment and was cleaning up Charles' wife's private parts with her tongue.

Charles placed the camera down and walked behind Grace, put his hand on the crown of her head and pulled out his cock. She turned her attention to it, smiled and took it into her mouth without hesitation. She definitely knew her way around that, too.


Charles placed Grace with her knees and head on the floor while Ava operated the camera. He spent a few moments on her little asshole. The crack was smooth and hairless there and she giggled as his tongue played with the rosebud. Then he flipped her over to pay attention to her cunt. And a sweet little cunt it was too. The hair was fine and blonde, ticklish and non-abrasive to eat through. Her labia was pronounced and Charles had fun playing with it and suckling it and then moving upwards to use his tongue across her clit. She came after not too long, loudly screaming obscenities into the mute camera lens while Ava's sparkling eyes looked on in admiration.

A few minutes of hard pussy-fucking produced another cum. Charles pulled out and bent the panting girl over the edge of the bed with her asshole in prime position for a fuck. He knew the film was running out so he didn't have quite enough time to stretch her out. He just rubbed some of her juices on himself and fingered some into her and went for it. She squealed as she took it in and the tightness was too much for Charles as he instantly came in her sphincter.

He panted and felt a hand on his shoulder. Ava wanted to swap positions. He pulled out, took the camera and watched through the viewfinder as Ava crawled over to the exhausted teen's backside, placed her lips against the gaping anal passage and loudly sucked. She turned to the lens, and brought her face fully into frame with a wide grin and a dollop of dirty cum resting on her tongue. She swallowed, licked her lips and the film ran out.


The movies made over the next couple of years were a huge hit and, in addition to being sold on the premises, were getting shipped out all over the country. Magnate Louis B. Mayer himself had fallen for sweet-sixteen Julia Jean, after watching a film of her fucking a four foot tall black labrador on the floor of Charlie's. The dog's cock was guided by a pregnant woman, smiling with delight. Little blonde JJ had gone, all expenses paid, to Hollywood to meet Mr. Mayer, and Charles soon received a telegram in which she passed on her love and informed him and his wife she wouldn't be coming back. She'd changed her name to Lana and had been given a contract with the studio.

The pregnant woman in the film was Ava. By the time of JJ's telegram she was fully nine months knocked up. This was playing havoc with her hormones and, hard as it might be to imagine, she was even hornier than usual. Dr Patterson, her physician and client, suggested against her usual energetic gangbangs for the last few weeks of her pregnancy. Instead, all day long she sat in a comfortable chair in the middle of the bar with her legs spread. The young girls took turns sucking snatch and eating ass. Between sets, Old Dog Hickens would hobble over, give a back rub and hope to get his dick sucked by Ava in return. Charles and some of the guys hanging around would have a chuckle at this. Old Dog was 85 after all, and seeing a 85 year old half-blind piano player shooting his wad on some cutie-pie adolescent girl, who was in turn slobbering on the pussy of a mother-to-be... well, it was worth having a chuckle at.


"Betty Mae!" Ava called. For the first time all day, there was no-one attending to her cunt. Charles was too busy serving the local pastor at the bar, or she would have sent him to get the girl.


There was a clatter on the stairs. Naked as a jaybird, the nineteen-year-old came hurtling down. As she ran across to Ava, she dropped a few lumps of cum out her slit and onto the floor. Her ass was already red enough from the pounding she'd just taken but, with a grin, Reverend Wayne gave her a good-natured slap across the cheek on her way past.

"Oh, it's a big one, my dear," Ava said as she valiantly pulled herself to the edge of the seat. "Now lie down, there's a good girl."

The half dozen early afternoon customers turned their attention to this familiar routine. Ava's pussy was over the edge of the seat and Betty Mae lay on her back directly below with her mouth open, looking up. Ava spread her lips with one hand offering the girl a fantastic view. She could see every nook and cranny - right up the fuck hole, in fact. The urethra was where she focused her attention, though, and on cue the heavily pregnant woman let loose a stream.

It hit the back of Betty Mae's throat dead on target and she drank the bitter pee in quick gulps with practiced efficiency.


She'd been drinking piss since she had been a very young girl, after all. Her mother died shortly after she was born and in his grief her father drank like a fish. He would come home drunk with his friends and for entertainment his buddies would piss in her face or on her undeveloped tits. Then they'd sit her on the couch and play with her little pussy or asshole while they drank some more beers. Then they'd need another piss and she'd swallow that too. To begin with, her father wasn't happy with the situation, but when he saw how much she seemed to enjoy the attention he took to relieving himself the same way, drunk or sober.

By the time she hit puberty, she was a full blown piss slut. She made quite a name for herself around school, not only for being a three-hole-whore but for the peculiar request she made of every boy who fucked her. She experimented with it. She'd let boys cum in her shithole while she balanced on her shoulders with her ass sticking straight up in the air. After they went soft, they'd take a piss, filling her up, only for it to bubble over the top, down her pussy and into her mouth. In addition, she'd hang around the girl's bathroom where the older dykes would gladly empty their bladders down her throat. The straight girls too, as it happened. If they'd just had a cuntfull of spunk from their boyfriend, they could dispose of that in Betty Mae's mouth along with their piss.

When Charles offered her a job as a whore four years ago she jumped at the chance. Although she'd now graduated high school her plans for secretary training were put on hold. In addition to all the fun she was having, earning $30 a night was great for a young girl, compared to the 50c an hour wage for clacking typewriter keys. She even earned more than her dad, and for this reason she decided against charging him for the privilege of taking a leak in her face.

The same went for Ava, who she held in very high regard. She looked to her as a surrogate mother and Ava too had a special bond with the girl who served as a reminder of herself at that age.


Although she was the fastest piss-chugger in the brothel, the power of Ava's stream was too much for Betty Mae. The level kept rising in her mouth and as fast as she would drink it down more would hit the pool, frothing and bubbling like a backed-up toilet trying to flush.

Ava forced herself to stop and Betty Mae finished off what was in her mouth so she could take a breath. This time the woman above her only pissed a small controlled stream, enough to half fill the girl.

One of the barflies had just finished his beer and decided to save himself the trouble of walking to the bathroom in the rear. Instead he got down on his knees between the younger female's legs and took his cock out of his pants. He gave a wink to Charles back at the bar. Charles nodded with a smile but pointed to the mop which was sitting in its bucket in the far corner of the room. The ballsy drunkard agreed to the terms with a grin and returned his attention to the girl.

"Gargle," Ava ordered.

Betty Mae did as she was told, with her mouth wide open so the pregnant slut could look over her belly and see the yellow liquid simmer against her back of her throat. She closed her lips and swooshed it around like mouthwash, through the gaps in her teeth and over her tongue, tasting the pungent flavours.

Meanwhile, her already messy and stretched fuck-tube was being pried open with four fingers. When the man doing the prying had a clear view of her cervix he carefully aimed his dick and released his bladder with all his might.

The hole which not five minutes before had been streched by a nine inch cock was suddenly being filled with warm piss and the wonderful feeling took Betty Mae by surprise. It tickled too, and she couldn't help laughing with delight. Despite her best efforts this meant she spluttered the urine she was playing with in her mouth. When the man's stream stopped and was replaced with a gentle finger-fucking she regained composure and swallowed. Always keen to impress Ava, she opened her mouth again with a dramatic flourish, to display that she had indeed swallowed every drop.

Charles and Reverend Wayne watched from behind the bar as the girls did this same little act a few more times until, finally, Ava had no more to give.

"Is that all?" the girl asked.

Without warning a gush came over her face. But... as it landed in her mouth she tasted it... and it didn't taste like...

She swallowed.

"I think your water broke, Miss Ava," she announced.

Charles leapt over the counter to his wife and a round of applause broke out from the few customers in the room. Charlie Junior was finally on his way!


anonymous readerReport 

2010-09-08 22:28:22
Great story. Keep em cummin.

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