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A girl and her friend find themselves in a bad situation after answering an online ad, this is the story of their attempted escape; their captors have a surprise in store for them...
Andrea coughed, she couldn’t see a thing and her lungs felt as though someone had lit a match and thrown it down inside them.
“Andi?” she heard a familiar male voice, her heart raced excitedly.
“Patrick!” she exclaimed, squinting though she knew it would do her no good, “Patrick where are you?!”
“Andi,” his cough sounded abrasive in his throat, “Andi I’m over here!”
She followed the sound of his voice until she bumped into something solid, “Patrick is that you?” she asked, slowly reaching out to him.
“Yes, my hands are tied behind the chair, hurry before they come back!”
She felt the top of his head, then his face, his shoulders down to his chest and slowly positioned herself to where she could reach his hands. She felt the rope, concentrating as hard as she could on where the knot was and how she was going to get it undone.
“I’m trying!”
“I feel so stupid, I’m so sorry Andi…” he said, he sounded choked up.
“It’s okay, there’s no way you could’ve known, it’s not your fault Patrick,” she said, close to a whisper as she groped at the knot.
“I just…you said you wanted to and they seemed legit…”
“Shhh I know, don’t talk we’ll have to breathe more that way. This shit’ll kill us.”
She finally got something loose and yanked, then the ropes fell away, “Seems like someone needs to go back to boyscouts,” she muttered, then grabbed his hand, pulled him out of the chair and squeezed herself against him. His arms were tight around her, protecting her.
“They didn’t….they didn’t do anything to you, did they?” he asked as they started looking for a way out of the darkness.
“Just hit me, when I came to my clothes were still on, don’t worry,” she said, her hand out in front of herself.
Her lungs were constricting, it became harder and harder for her to breathe, she could hear Patrick next to her gasping for breath as well.
“Here!” his excited voice behind her, light suddenly bursting into the room and fresh air filling their lungs.
“I can’t believe these guys would make it so easy for us to get away, let’s go!” she said running through the door into the street. It was a cool night, the air crispy, the starts crystal clear.
She heard commotion behind her and just as she was about to turn around to see if Patrick was okay, she felt a hand cover her mouth and a strong arm grab her around her middle, pinning her arms. Where was Patrick? She couldn’t see him, she struggled against her captor as he dragged her back to the house where she’d just escaped.
She was thrown through the door into the front room, Patrick landed next to her, his hands were tied again. She scrambled to her feet, seeing all the blinds were drawn and the music was up; clever of them.
“You’re comin` with me bitch,” grumbled a man behind her, grabbing her hair and dragging her up the stairs.
“What the FUCK are you doing?!” she screamed, trying to scratch at his hand; she couldn’t manage to.
He threw her into a bedroom and she landed in the middle of the floor, Patrick was shoved against a wall, gagged and ordered to sit still.
Two men stood before her, two large, muscular men. She would have thought they were handsom, had she seen them undern normal circumstances. This wasn’t normal and frankly the more time she spent with them the uglier they became.
“So you escaped,” one of them said, caulking a hand gun he was holding.
She felt her eyes widen. They hadn’t died in the ammonia and bleach gas these guys had concocted for them, so they were going to be shot.
“Bitch don’t shake your head!” said the same man who’d caulked the gun. He’d gone from looking bored to utterly furious in a split second. In a matter of seconds he grabbed her arm, picked her up off of the floor and slammed her against a wall, “You and your little friend here don’t deserve to live!” he spit in her face, the gun shaking at her temple.
He backed off for a moment and she though he was done but his fist came out of no where, colliding with her face. Her head snapped to the side as blood shot out of her nose. She managed to remain standing and refused to cry.
She looked at him through the curtain of hair that had splayed its self across her face, “Why…”
“Are you serious?!” his face broke into a sarcastic smile as he looked at the other man, and they laughed, “Because,” he said, looking angry again, his face an inch from hers, “Because you’re a vain piece of shit!”
His chest was heaving, she could tell he was worked up and by some miracle she still remained calm, “Why would you advertise yourselves as aspiring photographers needing models if you’re just going to kill me? You might as well have advertised a puppy litter needing a home, you’d get WAY more victims that way,” she said, resting her head against the wall and smiling, she could taste blood.
“We thought…” he quietly began, his hands balled into fists on either side of her face as he leaned so close his nose was nearly touching hers, “…that a nice easy death would be courteous, but quite obviously you’re looking for a little more. Did you WANT us to torture you?! Is that it?!” he demanded, grabbing her chin much harder than she though necessary.
“What I WANT is to go home and forget any of this bull shit ever happened. We wouldn’t tell a fucking soul,” she said.
“HA!” he exclaimed, stepping away from her. He looked genuinely amused, tears of laughter falling from his eyes. She could see that he really was a good actor.
He punched her again, her jaw burned, she could feel a tooth was loose inside of her mouth, gathered it and some bloody saliva into one spot and expertly spit it into his face. He looked shocked for a moment, then wiped it from his face.
“Bitch, you askin` for it,” he muttered, looking at the other man, who shrugged.
He smacked her face with the gun, this time she cried out in pain.
“Not much scares you, does it?” he asked, making her look at him.
“Let’s just say my dad was hard on us,” she said, jerking her chin out of his hand and wiping her face with the back of her hand. Her nose was sensitive to the touch as were several spots on her jaw.
His fist came at her again, she only blinked, fully expecting another burst of pain, but nothing happened, his fist has stopped right before making contact.
“Impressive,” he muttered, a different expression coming over his face, something she was afraid of. He eyed her as if checking her out…but it couldn’t be possible. This man had wanted her dead the entire month they’d been conversing online, and had been trying to kill her and her friend all night. Why was he suddenly looking at her as if he might ravish her?
“Fuck this,” she muttered, turning as though she were going to leave.
“Aw hell no bitch,” said the gun-man, grabbing her from behind by her hips, pulling her against him and pushing her against the wall. His breath was in her ear and her stomach dropped; though she’d been fighting for her life the entire night she suddenly had a terrible feeling about the sudden change in her captor’s composure.
Patrick squirmed over in the corner, his eyes were wide and this only panicked her further.
“I think we’ll have some fun before we dispose of you…” he murmered into her ear.
She gasped and began to hyperventalate.
“That’s what I thought,” he grumbled, “Finally something to scare you with,” he told her, his hand immediately latching onto her breast and squeezing it, “ooh baby,” he said, amusement in his voice, “what size are these?”
She clamped her mouth shut as she felt him move his pelvis so his hard member was against her ass.
He suddenly grabbed a fist-full of her hair and slammed her face into the wall, “I SAID WHAT SIZE BITCH!!” he yelled.
She gasped for breath, the pain in her face excruciating, “Thirty-two D!” she cried, her face contorting to accommodate the pain.
His large hands raked up her tiny, flat stomach and squeezed her breasts again, she felt his cock flex in appreciation. She heard a ripping sound and suddenly found herself shirtless and in even less time he had also ripped her bra off.
She looked over at Patrick and he looked like he was going to be sick. She couldn’t imagine the expression she was giving back to him. Then she looked over at the accomplice and found he’d stripped his pants and boxers and was now caressing himself.
She was suddenly flipped around so her back was against the wall and she had no choice but to face this man’s lust-filled expression as he pinched her nipples and squeezed her breasts so hard she thought he’d broken them. She couldn’t help but gasp each time he did so and grimace, knowing what was about to follow.
“You like that baby?” he murmered, one of his hands resting on her collar bone.
She snorted, “Obviously not!”
His fingers constricted around her neck and once again she couldn’t breathe. Single handedly he lifted her by her throat until her feet were no longer on the ground.
“Shut…the FUCK up you little slut,” he said through gritted teeth.
She could feel her face reddening, she knew this was it, this was the end; he’d collapsed her trachea.
He glanced at eye-level, finding her breasts were there and she felt his lips go around one of her nipples, and he started to bite her. She attempted to kick him and managed to get a pethetic one in at his abs, but it was as though he hardly felt it.
He dropped her, “Yo,” he said turning to the other man, “I could use some help over here.”
The other man basically launched out of his chair as the first stripped. The other grabbed her from behind and she elbowed him in the face then turned around to punch him again, but he got to her first, pushing her onto the bed, his fist falling all over her body over and over again until he’d tired. She was in a rediculous amount of pain, but was satisfied to see he’d lost his boner.
“Grab her tits,” said the first man, grabbing her hair so she was on her knees, “Blow me,” he murmered, pressing the gun to her templed, “Pull anything funny and I’ll blow your fucking head off.”
She was defeated. She gently grabbed his dick and began by sucking the velvety tip as hard as she could, causing him to moan. She then put a little more into her mouth, her tongue caressing as much as she could. She was afraid to deep throat him, she was already in danger of puking as it was, she didn’t need the help.
She felt the other man’s chest on her back and he reached around, to grab her breasts, roughly playing with them, pinching her nipples until she cried out with pain. She felt him unbutton her jeans and pull them off of her; she tried to be as uncooperative as possible without being directly defiant.
Patrick was going crazy in the corner, he was making noises she didn’t think were humanly possible.
“I don’t think your boyfriend likes the idea of us double fucking you,” the second man said, a hand on each of her ass cheeks. As far as she could tell he was only looking, but apparently he liked what he was looking, he kept moaning.
“Deeper!” the first man demanded, thrusting his hips so his cock was deeper in her throat. It took all of her concentration and self control to keep from puking. She tongued the tip of his dick for a moment, giving her throat a rest, but caressed closer to the base and grabbed his ball sack, gently rolling his balls between her fingers. He groaned loudly at this, grabbing the hair on the top of her head as she felt the second man’s tongue on her clit.
She gasped, tears brimming her eyes. She wasn’t a virgin, but that didn’t mean she was numb to forced sex either. She was a good girl, she didn’t even flaunt her body, why was this happening to her?
She could feel the second man’s tongue push into her pussy and she clamped her eyes shut, trying to imagine someone else in their places. She’d always had a threesome fantasy with two men…two SPECIFIC men, neither of which were these. It worked for a moment until she felt an intrusion she’d never experienced before. She felt the second man’s finger push its way into her ass hole. She with drew the penis from her mouth and screamed, crawling away from the both of them.
“I TOLD you, you stupid bitch!” said the first man, a bullit skimming her thigh. Though it hadn’t been a direct hit it was still an unbearable amount of pain. He looked satisfied at her grimace and the tears leaking from her eyes.
He pushed her against the second man, and he was against the wall. She was sandwiched between them and conveniently where Patrick had no choice but to watch in horror.
“Please!” she cried, “Please, just don’t…”
He grabbed his own dick, exploring until he found the entrance to her pussy, the second man reaching around to fondle her sore breasts.
The first man suddenly thrust, and his eight inch, unnaturally thick cock was shoved into her pussy; he waited for her reaction.
She bit her lip, trying to hold in the pain and the shame, but she finally broke when the man behind her insterted the tip of his dick into her tight, virgin ass hole.
She cried out, her pussy not accustomed to such girth and her rectum CERTAINLY not accustomed to any foreign object, “Please!” she begged, “Please!!!”
The man in front of her pumped in and out, in and out, biting her nipples and grabbing her ass cheeks as the man behind her teased her with his cock tip, making her believe maybe he was done by removing it, then shoving it back in. But just the tip, he didn’t seem to want to go much further than that. He reached around her and rubbed her clit and the man in front of her thrust harder and faster, his balls slapping against her ass hole whenever it wasn’t being filled. His grunting was getting louder as he slapped her titties, causing her to scream yet again in pain. She was pushing against his chest, but it didn’t seem to make a difference.
“You’re a little whore, aren’t you?” he panted, squeezing her right breast, pinching her raw nipple and then slapping it and finally yanking on her hair, “A self-sentered, self-riteous vain bitch…” he said, his voice becoming even more strained. He pumped faster and faster until his body finally shuddered, he stayed inside her a moment, one of his hands squeezing a breast, one squeezing an ass cheek, his nails digging into both. He grunted twice, then took a step back and collapsed onto the bed. She was horrified to feel a warm liquid drip down the inside of her thigh, burning any razor rash she might’ve had from shaving earlier that day.
She tried to run away, the shame filling her, but the man behind her grabbed her shoulders, spun her around and pushed her to the floor. He straddled her, grabbing her wrists and pinning them together above her head with one of his hands, “You didn’t think you were done, didja?!” He spread her legs, immediately shoving his dick into her semen soaked pussy. He didn’t take long, but he was squeezing her breast with one hand the entire time, and he too, came inside her.
“Now you,” he said, gesturing to Patrick. She looked over at him, completely numb. She felt as if she were in a terrible nightmare and that she were about to wake up.
Patrick slowly shook his head but the second man was taking his gag out and untying his hands, “I said fuck her,” he forcably said, shoving him toward her.
The first man was pointing a gun at him, “If you don’t fuck her, I will kill her, do you understand?”
“I can’t…I can’t even get it up…how’my…?”
“DO IT!” he rawred as Patrick stripped.
Andrea snapped out of her numbness, but put up a wall so the shock wouldn’t set in. She grabbed Patricks limp dick and put it into her mouth, sucking as hard as she could, rubbing up and down, fondling his ball sack, desperate to keep the both of them alive. She grabbed his hand and put it against her breast, hoping he’d play with it.
It took a few minutes, but after she’d started moaning he finally hardened.
“Good,” sighed the first man, they both already had raging boners, both of them were pleasuring themselves, “Now rape her. Doggy-style.”
Patrick seemed to have snapped out of shick also, he roughly flipped her over and held her hands behind her back, “Take it bitch,” he muttered, his voice cracking. She could tell he was uncomfortable and he hesitated with the tip of his cock resting on the entrance of her pussy. She gritted her teeth and pushed herself against him, shoving his dick deep into her pussy before he could go soft.
All three men groaned, Patrick slapped her ass as he fucked her hard, and she cried, only fueling their captor’s fantasies.
“Oh you fucking whore,” Patrick muttered, then yelled, “FUCK,” every time he thrusted hard and deep.
“Cum in her,” said the second man, sounding out of breath. All three men convulsed at the same time, Patrick came in her as he had been instructed, the first man forced her up on her knees, cumming all over her breasts, the second man cumming on her face.
“You’re done,” said the first man, grabbing the gun from the bed he’d been lounging on, “You’ve served your purpose.”
The last thing she saw was the barrel of the gun.

anonymous readerReport 

2010-09-27 17:55:13
You know, NOBODY brought up politics in this conversation except apparently un-American people, and I don't mean that to sound like an insult it really isn't. MAYBE us "yanks" wouldn't THINK the "World Trade Center" issue made the world revolve around us if everyone just let it drop! That includes YOU brits AND us yanks...because people over here are doing just as much to keep bringing it up as you all are don't just blame us since quite obviously you guys are the ones that opened a healing wound for some stupid reason in this story anyway.

And as for the REAL reason I'm here: Great story, WATCH your spelling, it really is a turn-off.

anonymous readerReport 

2010-09-26 17:48:09
Were you whacking one off, you know getting really into the mood, rising to the vinegar stroke and then... shit... something is spelt incorrectly! It must have really fucked up your wank.

But yeah - yanks are stupid as shit. They think the world centers around them. It doesn't. It centres around us.


anonymous readerReport 

2010-09-26 17:29:52
Were you whacking one off, you know getting really into the mood, rising to the vinegar stroke and then... shit... something is spelt incorrectly! It must have really fucked up your wank.

But yeah - yanks are stupid as shit. They think the world centers around them. It doesn't. It centres around us.



2010-09-24 01:24:56
Seems to me 'caulking' a gun might cause trouble with it firing... 'cocking' might have worked better. the story might have ended sooner. I do love the themes of rape and murder in a story, but to constantly have to stop reading and figure out what word you really meant is very distracting.

anonymous readerReport 

2010-09-17 02:27:00
Great story, creative and satisfying...the twist at the end was interesting. Dear anonymous reader below...we are NOT here to bag on people's spelling and grammar, this author may have had a mistake or two but this is a PORN site...are you serious?! If your biggest problem on a PORN site is SPELLING then you need to check your priorities. So shut the FUCK up and get a life loser!

32DDbabe, great job, I enjoyed it and I hope you write another, but make sure you run a spell check before you post ;)

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