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The Pendant

Chapter 3

Dan was at the university and had been thinking about hatching his plan out that evening. He intended to further test the powers of the pendant in the presence of his wife and daughter. His cock began to stir as he thought of what he was going to do. He had recently given a lecture to his students and then he gave them the task of writing an essay. He was sat at his desk and looked around the classroom at his female students. There were students from every corner of the globe and some began to catch his eye. One in particular was a Japanese girl of about 18 he thought. He knew her name was Maria. She was about 5’6”, black hair, a nice figure and she was wearing a mini skirt.. She was sat directly in front of Dan and he wasted to see if she was showing anything under her desk. He gently moved a pencil across his desk so that it fell to the floor. He bent down to pick it up and glanced under the desk of the girl in front of him. He could see plenty of tanned leg and thigh and even saw some white panty. Maria moved her legs slightly apart and shifted her position slightly. This gave Dan a view of even more panty. He picked up the pencil and looked up. Maria was smiling at him! She must have known he was looking up her skirt. The teasing minx he thought. He began to imagine what would have happened if he had brought the pendant. Would it effect the girls here too? His mind wandered and he pictured all of the female students naked in his classroom. He was jolted back to reality by the sound of the bell which signalled the end of the days lessons. The students left, but not before Dan could watch all the little asses wobble and jiggle on their way out. He packed his briefcase and left the university. On his way home he again began to think about his plan for this evening. He would wait until his wife and daughter had showered and changed into their night clothes before he would begin.

Little did he know that his daughter and her friend also were hatching out a plan. Louise had suggested that they would use the powers of the pendant so they could watch he mom and dad having sex. Louise suggested that Amanda come round to her house about 7 that evening and that she would arrange it with her parents. Tomorrow was Saturday so her dad did not have to go to work but her mum still had to go.

Dan was driving home and he was passing his daughters’ school. The boys and girls were just coming out and Dan could not help looking at the young girls in their school uniforms. Most were wearing their short pleated check skirts, white blouse, school tie and a blazer. Dan’s cock began to stir. Some of the girls could not have been more than 8 years old and some were older. Dan knew that his daughter would leave there when she was 14 to go to a higher school. He decided to wait and see if Louise would appear. She soon did and was with another girl who Dan knew to be her friend Amanda from a few doors away from their house. Louise spotted her father waiting in the car and both girls walked towards him, pleased that they would not have to wait for the bus.
“Hi Daddy” said Louise as she and Amanda climbed into the back seat. Dan could not help but notice the flash of young thighs of his daughter and Amanda as they shuffled into the back. “Hi professor” said Amanda.
“Hi girls, had a nice day at school”?
“Same boring stuff” said Louise. She did not want to tell her that they had a lesson on sex education. Dan set off and he reached up to adjust the rear view mirror. He tilted it downward so he could see the girls thighs. They did not see him glaring at them. Both girls were trying to fasten their seat belts and were shuffling and moving around in the back. This movement caused their short skirts to move further up their legs, giving Dan an excellent view of the tops of their thighs and he could clearly see the outline of their little pussies and as they moved around he glimpsed their ass cheeks. His cock began to swell and he soon had a raging hard on. His right hand fell to his lap and he began to move his cock to a more comfortable position.
“ Daddy is it ok if Amanda stays over tonight”? asked his daughter. Dan could not believe his ears! This was sounding better by the minute!
“Of course it’s ok darling, it’s only right that you have your friends round from time to time”. Both girls giggled and knew their little plan was getting nearer.

Dan dropped Amanda at her house and he and Louise went home.

The Pendant

Chapter 4

Dan and his daughter began to prepare dinner for later. They often did this if Sarah was at work and they arrived home first.
“You are learning to cook things more quickly these days” said Dan.
“Well I have had two good parent’s to teach me things daddy” said Louise. Cooking is not the only thing I am going to teach you, thought Dan. He was going to teach her how to be a good cocksucker like her mom and also teach her how to fuck like a pro in all of her sweet little holes. His cock was beginning to stir again and he had to calm himself. They left the kitchen and let dinner cook and went into the living room to watch TV. Dan sat on the sofa and Louise joined him. She cuddled up to his and put her arms around his waist. Dan put his arm over her shoulder and caressed her upper arm “Mmmmm, I like it when we can cuddle like this” said Louise. Dan moved his arm and let his hand rest on her naked thigh just above her knee. “Yes, I like it too princess”. He was softly stroking her inner thigh and Louise felt her little pussy begin to react. “I will go and check on dinner” said Dan. He stood and turned so that his daughter could not see the bulge in his trousers. Dan returned and sat back on the sofa.
“Daddy what is that pendant thing in the wardrobe”?
Dan’s heart missed a beat. Had his sweet 10 year old daughter discovered it’s powers or was she just curious where it came from?
“Oh it’s just an old relic I dug up on one of my digs” he said. “What were you doing in the wardrobe”? he asked
“Oh I was just looking for another blouse for school and I noticed it”.
“Mommy hasn’t seen it yet, I will show her it tonight after dinner”. Wow Louise thought, things are really beginning to fall into place. She wondered if her father knew of the pendant’s powers, and if he did, what were his plans. She grew excited and went to her room to ring Amanda and give her the news. Both girls agreed that they would let Dan do what he wanted. They giggled at the thought of what they may discover during the course of the evening. Louise told Amanda to come round to her house for 8 that evening. The also agreed to remain in their school uniforms. Louise knew that the sight of two 10 year old school girls in front of her father would be a turn on for him.

Louise was back in the living room just as her mother came in from work. “Hi darling” she said to Dan.
“Hi my sweet” said Dan as he kissed his wife.
“Hi Mom” said Louise as she gave her mom a kiss and a big hug. The three of them sat down to dinner and talked of the days events at school, work and university.
“Mom, daddy said it was ok if Amanda stays over tonight, if that’s ok with you”?
“Of course she can, maybe we can all play a game together. Dan and Louise both knew there would be games alright. They both looked at each other and Dan knew his daughter suspected something.
Dinner finished and the dishes done the three of them went to the living room to watch TV.
“What time is Amanda coming round” said Sarah.
“I said about 8” replied Louise.
“Aren’t you going to change your clothes” asked her mom.
“No, we want to leave them on so we can take some photos for our school album”, replied Louise. Dan thought of the two girls in their little skirts here in front of him. He licked his lips silently. He looked at his watch, it was 7.15. “Right I am going for a shower and get changed”.
“I will get one after you darling”. Dan went upstairs, got his shower and put on his white pyjamas and slippers. He checked that the pendant was still there. He could hardly wait for later.
Sarah was next to shower and then she put on a sheer, short black negligee and a matching black thong. She often wore this outfit and her husband and daughter didn’t seem to mind, especially her husband.

Dan was sat on the sofa when his wife entered the living room. He whistled at the sight and she giggled.
“You look so sexy in that outfit mom” remarked her daughter.
“Thank you darling”, she said doing a little twirl which showed her perfect ass and pussy for them both to see.
Sarah sat on the sofa next to Dan and Louise was lying in her usual place on the floor watching one of her soaps.
Her little school skirt had ridden right up to just below her buttocks. Sarah noticed how shapely and womanly her young daughter was becoming. She looked at Dan and he too was ogling the bare flesh his daughter was showing. Little did they know that Louise was showing herself on purpose. She wanted her mom and dad to see she was growing up fast. Sarah noticed Dan looking and nudged her husband. They looked at each other and a sly grin showed on both their faces. Neither knew if the grin was one of lust or one that said they were glad their baby girl was at last growing into a beautiful young woman.
Amanda arrived shortly and Louise showed her into the living room.
“Hi Mr & Mrs Saunders” said Amanda.
“Hi Amanda” they both said in unison.
Amanda was dressed exactly as Louise was, school skirt, blouse, tie and white knee length socks. Both girls got down on the floor and while doing so gave Dan and Sarah a quick glance of their white panty covered buttocks. Dan looked at Sarah and she was ogling the little girls asses in amazement. She felt no shame that she was ogling her daughter and began to picture them both naked on the floor. Dan was having similar thoughts and decided it was time to make his move. He got up and went upstairs to the wardrobe and got the pendant. He put it around his neck underneath his top and went downstairs to join the girls.

The Pendant

Chapter 5

Sarah was in the kitchen making some drinks and Dan sat on the sofa. Louise asked him if they could join him. He said they could and both girls joined him, one on either side. He felt the pendant move slightly. It’s working thought Dan. Louise cuddled him in her usual manner and Dan put an arm around each of them. Louise put a hand on his stomach and gently worked it inside his top. Dan flinched at the soft touch. Amanda had her head on his shoulder with both her hands in her lap. Their short school skirts had ridden very high just about to expose the white panties. Louise shifted her hand upward to stroke her dad’s hairy chest when she felt the pendant.
“Ah you are wearing it” said Louise. “Can we see it”?
Dan opened his top slightly and the pendant came into view. Both girls touched it and at the same time their other hand went to Dan’s lap. They stroked a thigh each and worked their hand up to his crotch. The both felt his big hard cock at the same time and gasped at it’s size. They both looked down at the big bulge they were fondling. Dan was proud of his 9 inch fully erect cock. They continued to stroke his massive cock on the outside of his pyjamas. “We know what the pendant is for Daddy” whispered Louise. “Yeah, it’s a sex toy isn’t it Mr Saunders”? asked Amanda. “Well, not as such but I think it has sexual powers of some kind” said Dan.
“We know Daddy, we know what it can do and it’s doing it now isn’t it”.
“We had better stop now, your mom will be back with the drinks and nibbles” said Dan.
“We know what we want to nibble” said Louise and both girls giggled. Dan covered the pendant and the girls moved their hands. Sarah came back into the room with a tray of drinks and then went back into the kitchen and returned with a plate of sandwiches and biscuits. Sarah then sat on the sofa next to Amanda and invited them all to help themselves. Dan felt the pendant moving more and more. It must be the presence of these three beautiful females he thought. They finished eating and watched TV and again Louise and Amanda had their hands inside Dan’s top caressing him and touching the pendant. Now the pendant was in full view and Sarah glanced at Dan and saw it. “Ooh that’s nice darling, where did you get that”?
“I found it on my last dig. I don’t even know what it is yet” said Dan. Sarah noticed that the girls were fondling the pendant and Dan’s chest and felt a little left out.
“I see you three are having fun, can I have some”?
“Course you can my sweet” said Dan and stood and sat opposite in the armchair. Sarah took his place and sat between the two 10 year old girls, still in their school uniforms.
“You can touch me too if you like girls”.
“Really mom, you want us to touch you”?
Both girls were staring at the big tits inches away from their faces. Both girls looked at each other and grinned.
They both began to fondle a breast each and released it fully from its confinement. They stroked the tits and then tweaked a nipple each and then Sarah asked them to suck on the nipples. The girls obliged and started sucking and gently nibbling their prize. Sarah was panting now and put a hand on each of the girls thigh and began to stroke up and down, each time getting nearer their crotch. Dan was sat in the chair mesmerised. He was fondling his cock which was fully erect now. Already he could see a wet patch of pre-cum on his pyjama bottoms.
Then Sarah said “Amanda, kneel down and take my panties off darling”. Amanda got down on her hands and knees in front of Sarah and began to remove the black thong. Dan got a good view of the little girls white panty covered ass. He stroked his cock harder. Sarah looked at her husband who nodded his agreement. Sarah moved her ass further to the edge of the sofa and asked Amanda if she would like to play with her pussy.
“I want to lick it too Mrs Saunders” said Amanda.
“Me too mommy” said Louise.
“My god it looks like we have two little sex maniacs with us darling” said Sarah looking at her husband.
“Indeed we do, indeed we do” said Dan.
Amanda was slowly rubbing the pussy in from of her and was surprised at its softness, she loved the soft trimmed pussy hair on her fingers. She continued rubbing and could see that the inner folds of the pussy were very wet. She got both hands on the pussy and began to insert first one finger and then another. Her fingers slid in and out easily making sloshing sounds as they did so.
“That’s it baby slide your fingers in and out” Ahhhhhhh that feels sooooo fucking good. Now lick it and shove your tongue deep in my pussy. Amanda did as she was asked. She loved the taste of this fully grown woman. She found the clit and exposed it then gently nibbled it with her lips and then slowly ran her tongue across the love button. She took her fingers from the pussy and replaced it with her little pink tongue. The pussy was drenched and Amanda was gulping down great wads of the woman juice as fast as she could. Sarah turned and grabbed her daughter and kissed her fully on the mouth. Their tongues met and they gently sucked and nibbled each others tongue. All 3 girls were moaning now and Dan took out his cock and began to stroke his hand up and down the massive length.
“Take your blouse and tie off darling and your panties and let mommy taste that little girl pussy” Sarah said to her daughter.
Louise stood and removed her clothes but kept her school skirt on.
“Stand on the sofa baby and straddle my face”. Louise got on the sofa and straddled her moms face. Sarah grabbed his daughters little ass and pulled the little girls pussy to her face. She was surprised how soaking it was and darted her tongue in and out of the little slit. She reached up and uncovered her little button and Louise jumped and the touch of the tongue on her clit. Amanda was still tonguing the pussy. She then raised Sarah’s legs up and her tongue darted to the ass hole that was pink and wet from her actions on the pussy. Sarah was moaning “Yes, Yes lick that ass hole baby, oohh that feels so fucking good”. Louise was moaning also “Oh mommy your tongue feels so nice and warm on my pussy, stick your tongue in more”. Sarah was squeezing her soft ass too and this made Louise push her pussy further towards her mommy’s mouth and darting tongue.
“Oohhhh fuck yeah mommy lick my fucking pussy”.
Dan and Sarah could not help but be further aroused by the language. Dan decided he had seen enough. He stripped completely naked and walked towards the trio of girls. He got down behind Amanda and pushed her skirt up to reveal her white panty clad ass. He slowly pulled them down to her knees. Amanda glanced at Dan and smiled. Dan bent his face to her pussy. She smelt so girlie and he licked up and down her pussy and then her ass hole. She began to buck her hips and moan muffled gasps into the pussy she was eating out. Dan spit on the little pink hairless pussy and then the little pink anal opening. Amanda was loving it “Yeah lick that pussy and ass Mr Saunders, oohh shit yeah.” Dan continued and then decided he had to fuck this little girl before he came all over the carpet. He rubbed the big bulbous end of his cock and gently eased his 9 inch cock toward the little girl pussy. He rubbed it up and down her pussy and little anal opening and then gently pushed it in the pink slit. Dan knew he would have to be gentle with this little girl and slowly pushed his cock in. Amanda pushed back on the massive cock entering her girl slit. She wanted it in and kept pushing back. Dan then pulled out slightly and again pushed forward. Each time Amanda would thrust her hips back to meet his thrusts. He gripped her hips and began to thrust faster and deeper each time. He was amazed at this 10 year old girl was taking his cock so easily. He slid his thumb into the small anal opening and Amanda let out a grunt. Aarghhhhh yeah fuck that ass Mr Saunders, fuck it deep, ooohhhhhh!!
All four of them were panting and grunting and moaning at the sexual pleasure they were giving and receiving.
“Will you fuck me now Daddy” said Louise.
“Sure sweetheart, you and Amanda swap places”.
They swapped and Louise began to lick and slurp at her mom’s soaking wet pussy and ass. “Can I finger your ass mommy”? She did not wait for an answer and slid two fingers inside her mom’s ass. Sarah gasped and said “Yeah my baby fuck your mommy’s ass and pussy, AAHHHHHH fuck that’s fucking awesome”! She was darting her tongue in and out of Amanda’s pussy and rubbing her clit with her thumb. Amanda lifted her leg up higher and asked Sarah to lick her ass hole. Sarah did so and loved the taste of the little girl. Dan was licking up and down his daughter’s pink girlie slit and thought she tasted out of this world. He ad waited so long for this moment and now he was in heaven. He wanted to plunge his big cock into his 10 year old until she begged for mercy. He grabbed his cock and thrust it deep into his daughter. She screamed aloud and said “OOOhhhhh fuck Daddy, you are so big, aarghhhhhh, don’t stop, don’t stop Daddy, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me”! Dan was amazed his little girl managed to take all of his 9 inch cock. But he knew she was loving it and began to thrust harder and deeper. He could hold out no longer and gasped “I’m cumming, oh fuck baby I’m cumming on my little girl, aaarrrggghhhhhh fuck”! he pulled out his cock and Louise turned to see her daddy cum all over her ass, her back and some landed on her face. She watched as spurt after spurt hit her little body. Some landed on her mommy’s pussy and she licked it all off. Amanda had watched him cumming all over Louise and said “Wait I want some”. She got down next to Louise and began to lick all the cum from her body. ”Mmmmmm this tastes nice. We should get more of this.” “There is more where that came from said Dan. He left to go upstairs and the girls returned to what they were doing with Sarah. Dan returned with the box of sex toys. The two girls did not acknowledge that they had seen them before. “Sarah why don’t you fuck the girls with the toys”? “Good idea darling” said Sarah.
“Lie on the floor girls and I will fuck you”. The girls laid down and spread their legs. Sarah picked up the strap-on cock and fastened it to her hips. She got between Amanda’s legs and raised her knees and wrapped her legs around her back. She gently stroked the dildo up and down the wet pink pussy and then made one fast plunge inside. Amanda gasped in pleasure and raised her hips to meet every thrust. Dan was getting hard again and crouched at Amanda’s head and stroked his cock above her face and the little girl knew what he wanted. She opened her mouth and Dan pushed his cock down her throat. She gagged and Dan withdrew. Dan glanced at Louise and she was fingering her pussy, anticipating that soon it would be her turn to be fucked by her mom. Dan slid it in again almost to the hilt and this time she took the whole length of his cock. “Mmmmmmmmphhhh, yeah I love this.” She continued to suck on the massive cock and ran her tongue around the tip. “Yeah suck that cock you little whore and take that cock in your tight little pussy”.
This spurned Sarah on and she began to thrust faster and faster into the little girl. Before long she began to moan loudly and Sarah and Dan knew she was near her orgasm. Amanda suddenly screamed and shouted “Yeah make me cum, make me cum, ooohhhhh shit, ooohhhh shit, that’s it”!! She pulled her mouth from the throbbing cock and looked down at her pussy. Sarah had pulled the dildo out so they could all see the little girl cum. Her girl juice gushed out of her like a tap again and again. She thought she would faint with the intense pleasure. Sarah pushed her face forward and began to lick and slurp all over the girls pussy and ass. “Fucking hell, fucking hell, what an experience that was”. Louise rushed over and kissed her friend fully on the mouth and said “That was so beautiful to watch. You looked a proper little whore taking those two cocks and cumming like that”.
“I feel like a little whore now” said Amanda.
“Can I get fucked now mommy”?
“Sure my baby” Sarah did the same with her daughter and raised her legs and placed them around her back. She pounded into her daughter without mercy and she had wanted to do so for some time. Each thrust into the little pussy brought a gasp from Louise. Her mom bent lower and tongued her little mounds and nipples, then moved to her mouth and shoved her tongue down her throat. Louise took the tongue eagerly and offered hers in return. Her dad soon appeared with his hard cock inches away from her face. He thrust his cock deep down her throat and she took it all first time. ”Mmmmmmphhhhhhh, aaaaarggghhhhhh Daddy that cock is so big”! He shoved his cock in her mouth again and said “Suck that big Daddy cock you fucking whore”. Louise felt her orgasm approaching and she thrust her hips up and down faster. Sarah grabbed hold of the little ass cheeks and plunged the dildo in and out faster and faster. “Uummmmm, ooohhhhh fuck mommy I’m cumming now. Aahhhhh fuck, fuck”! Again Sarah pulled out so they could all see her orgasm and she exploded nearly choking on her dad’s every thrust into her mouth. The little blonde was sweating and she was covered in beads of sweat all over her body. When her orgasm subsided her mom kissed her passionately on the mouth. They all sat down on the sofa and had some more drinks. Dan suggested they all showered and retired for the night.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-03-18 18:46:38
wow my cunt was wet the whole story and i am still fngering my pussy so had o stop writing for a second while i licked my cum off my fngers so fucking sweet cum

anonymous readerReport 

2011-03-18 18:46:03
wow my cunt was wet the whole story and i am still fngering my pussy so had o stop writing for a second while i licked my cum off my fngers so fucking sweet cum

anonymous readerReport 

2010-09-17 16:33:53
it is ept 17 already - where is the next chapter(s)

anonymous readerReport 

2010-09-17 09:49:24
If I had a pussy, it would be wet. I don't. I have a dick and it is hard. Good story.

anonymous readerReport 

2010-09-17 02:22:26
That was fucking kool!!! You made my pussy vary wet ;)

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