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Anon's 20th birthday present: beginner BDSM with his GF
Originally written by Anon(not me) on is due to be archived soon, when it gets done, the link will be replaced.

Posted here for one solid read through. When the story gets updated, it should be reflected here within a few hours, provided I notice.

Its a quiet night...
Well... let me tell you guys a story while i post some random pics.Its not a recent recent story as i wouldn't have the nerve or will power to share it if it were.And since this is done anonymously, i kinda feel better about.

To start, I have just turned 20 about a week ago, and the events of this story happened at the same time one year ago, starting a week before my 19th birthday.My girlfriend of 2 months had asked me what i wanted for my birthday.Why ask me directly? Well, she was a very blunt woman when it came to her relationship with people. She hid nothing from anyone of her friends. She was very honest and sincere.

If she like something, she told you about it.
If she didn't like something, she told you about it.This was one of the biggest reason why i fell in love with her so much.

She didn't lie. She didn't sugar coat her feelings her feelings or thoughts. When we met many months before we got to know each other so fast with so little reservations.I loved reading. She hated it. I hated writing. She loved it. I loved running. She wouldn't have anything do with it. I couldn't stand stand up comedy, she sucked that stuff up like a sponge.But, as cliche as it sounds, we had one thing i common.

She told me the first day we met, unembarrassed with a straight face,

"I love anime"

I did too!

Despite out overwhelming differences, our love of anime somehow led to being a couple.

Which... then led us a few similarities.

But back to the question she'd ask.'What did i want for my birthday?...'

She allowed me a day to think it over knowing the difficulty of such a simple question.

Normally, a blunt question like this would have a mundane answer like a simple request, or an object that would fit under the financial situation of there lover.

Such as the new Linkin Park Cd that i would have asked for if it were a Normally blunt question.

but it wasn't

There was a look on her face that partially answered the question itself when she asked. It was also the the reason why she gave me a day to mull it over.

Because... well you see... when i relationship started, i quickly found out that she as immersed as me when it came to the world surround anime and manga.She into many things in that world that i was too, maybe even more.

Alot of ANime, Alot of Manga, Visual Novels, Forums, /a/, Fanfiction, AMV, MikuMD, Cosplay, Anime Music, Drawing,

Doujins... and Hentai...

I was a pervert.

She was a pervert.

We weren't hardcore perverts like stuff that could send us to jail and stuff.

But more like alot of the people that visit /a/ and /h/. Just more sexually excited than the rest.

Early in our relationship, she was being blunt again and revealed that she liked hentai. And to some degree regular porn.

She told me straight up that she loved hentai, because unlike regular porn, the emotions are real, not acted. Love, hate, Ecstasy, and Pain on the faces of hentai characters were real, even if they were made to be so.

She hated the fake cries and looks of pleasure from the women in the porn industry today. Even more so the fake breasts and other body parts.

What she like though were the amateur videos, especially that ones under her favorite category in both porn and hentai.

Couples in Love.

She loved reading works by Booshi, Yamatogawa, and Gunma. Which featured alot of good happy sex between lovers.

And her favorite doujin of all time was Take On me/Dominate Me by Takemura Sessyu.

Not too perverted right?

But, about a month into our relationship (we've already had alot of sex by then) we were bored and looking for new manga too read between chapter updates.

We found Nana to Kaoru.

We both knew what BDSM was, we did idividually encounter it many times in the past with in our internet lives. And like all curious teens, we wanted to know all about it.

So when i first asked her about when we were gettin to know each other and our likes about hentai. She typically said, as long as the partners loved each other.

//Break time. Jerk didn't even let us know he was leaving, just dropped us like a sack of potatoes. ON OUR DICKS!

We both had a basic understanding of what BDSM was when we started talking to each other about it. We found out that we both respected that form of love making, because if you like that kind of stuff and if it is done with someone you trust, it can be a special experience.

We had both seen bdsm in hentai like Night shift nurses or the ton of Bondage tagged doujins out there. It was also the bases of one of the eroge's she let me play on one of her flash drives, which a hentai was based off of.

Discipline: Record of the Crusade.

We had seen alot of the drawn ecstasy driven bdsm partners in these hentai, and since many characters did seem to love this stuff we weren't totally put off when we ran into those tags.

Though, some aspects of BDSM hentai did put us off from using it as prime Faping material. (We used the word FAP alot in public for kicks lol. Or when she was feeling a bit racy)

we both stayed clear of Tags like Rape, Scat, Watersports, Non-consensual, gangbang, DP... well actually we liked DP, just with 2 people only of course. The other penetration came in the form of a dildo or a butt plug (which she loved).

But back to Nana to Kaoru. You see, what it is supposed to be is a regular manga which is published in a Non-hentai magazine. So it was kinda strange to us when my girlfriend read the summary from a non-hentai online manga reader site.

"Kaoru is a 17-year old virgin who has a SM fetish. He always dreams about a SM relationship with his childhood friend Nana. One day Kaoru's mom decides to hide all his SM toys so he'll study for a change, by asking Nana to hide his toys. Nana finds the leather one-piece that Kaoru bought and tries it on but she accidentally locks it and doesn't have the key!"

We both knew what the SM meant. Sadism and Masochism. We both also wondered why this kind of manga on that site. Its hentai right?

But it wasn't hentai. Though its kinda close. It was about 2 childhood friends tentatively exploring BDSM in a way that made it seem REAL!

The male protagonist is a boy that likes to read about BDSM in INSTRUCTIONAL books, who even buys alot of related equipment. And the girl is just a regular friend that finds out how much exciting this strange fetish is!

What hooked my girlfriend to this manga was how the characters acted though. Because, the male wasn't the usual overpowering asshole, the female wasn't the Pain Slut that many hentai churn out. They were two normal (and very nervous) teens, who just happen to trust each other enough (secretly love each other, though they don't know what the other thinks) to do these SM acts.

Me and my girl friend spent alot of time reading the manga together. Both of us Naked, with her on my lap and a laptop infront of us.

For being a Non-hentai-sex piece of work, there were alot of times that the pages turned us on so much that i couldn't help but left her up and and put her back down onto my rock hard dick. Then i'd be able to which pages especial turned her on because her vaginal muscles would squeeze. (we also did this alot when reading other doujins)

Our first baby steps into BDSM though was when my girlfriend suggested (playfully) that i should try to blind fold her, like Kaoru did to Nana the first time they had a session.

I didn't really think nothing of it at first because, i was really horny (and so was she). So i grabbed a shirt, that she had kindly ripped off earlier, and wrapped it around her head, careful to knot it not too tight but snug enough to keep from falling off.

We were both giggling at the as she sat there naked, moving her head left to right with a piece of cloth completely blocking her vision.

Playfully, she tried to mimic the lines from a random bondage doujin with a scared voice. "So master, what do you wish to do?"

We both couldn't hold in our laughter!

Then, trying my best to sound like one of those arrogant assholes, i said, "Bitch! Get on all fours!"

We both exploded again!

But as her laughter died down to giggling, she turned around, got on all fours and lifted her butt with pussy facing me.

She continued to play around and wiggle her as left to right, saying "Oh is this what master desire? Please do something! I've been a very naughty naughty girl"

Oh boy did this get my blood pumping.

And apparently this got her going too because her bottom lips were very puffy, and almost glistening in the light. I had hardly touched her yet!

//Break time! Douche had to go get some "meds"

Like I said, my girlfriend was becoming quite horny with all this roleplay, and I was just about ready to plunge my dick right in.
But at right when I leaned in to do the deed, I remembered that girls from a lot of the other bondage hentai were driven crazy if they were teased for long periods of time. Now, why I didn’t doing things like this before was because I had always put a mental wall between sex in porn/hentai and real life sex… or what we had both thought was real life sex.

It was later next day, my girlfriend and i discussed what had happened the night before, we had come to the conclusion that reading the slow-progressive S/M relation ship that Nana and Kaoru had finally hit us hard that couples like us really did learn and do bondage! That it had it had cured our hidden reservations about actually trying the kinky stuff we unconsciously so wanted to do.

So, with my subconscious wall broken, I began the process of slowly bringing her to what should have been one of favorite full body orgasms. It was a lengthy process. She spent almost half an hour on all fours with my hands all over her shaking body. Caressing her back, and thighs, lightly squeezing her butt, and fondling her breast. I would occasionally give her nipples or clit the random flick, while all the while raining kisses wherever my mouth was near.

Along with her usual loud moans, she had a lot of surprised gasps due to the blindfold. Without sight, she couldn’t predict where my next my next brush or lick would land. She later explained to me that the sensations caused by the light touches were intense, because without her vision she couldn’t “prepare” her body when I moved to a new part. So every single contact, no matter how minimal , was like an electric jolt.

After a while, I began to concentrate solely on her leaking pussy. It was crying. No joke. Her thighs were gyrating, trying to move her pussy to were she thought my hand was. But I wouldn’t have none of that, every time she tried it, I would quickly retracted my hand and ignored her for a couple seconds.

“*Name* come on! What are you doing.” She whined, dropping her the coy little voice she had been using.
“I’m really really horny now!” She said, trying to coax me into fucking her senseless right then in there. Adding to the enticement, she leaned forward, bringing ass higher, and moving a hand under to her pussy. Using two fingers, she opened and closed those puffy lips.

It was hard(LOL), but I forced my self from jumping on riding her to unconsciousness. But, the thought of trying S/m was now in my head. The urge to see how far we could take this was just too strong.

After a minute of me not responding to her invitation to her body, she tried to up the ante by beginning to masturbate. Slowly at first, but being in a state of unholy horniness her hand soon became a blur.

//Choices time. If you would like to finish getting off, please scroll down to ANON DELIVERS. If you want blue balls for a while longer, continue reading.

Her moans and delicious whines grew louder and longer as her orgasm neared, but right before she reached her arch I grabbed her hand pushed it away.

“Uughh! What are you doing!?” She tried to move her free hand to finish the job but, but I caught that too and push both down onto the bed between her knees. This position still had her ass in the air but kept her upper half pressed to the bed and her knees wide apart, restricting her to very minimal movement. Which was what I wanted because my girlfriend came very close to a ‘point of no return’.

I learned early on that a woman’s orgasm was much different from a male’s. Well… at least I knew her’s was much more different compared to mine. If you were to visualize an arch on a graph, my orgasm would be a medium incline, then a sudden steep arch that would rapidly rise then as quickly fall back down; a span of a couple seconds. My point of no return would be at the base of the sudden incline. If she or me wanted to control my orgasm, I would have to just distract myself with her before I reach that point.

She is different. Her arch begins with a small incline, then a very, and I mean VERY wide arch. And I’m guessing it can get much taller than mine considering that I don’t thrash around or moan loud to cringe at the thought of our neighbors hearing. Her point of no return is a couple seconds before her arch. Because, her incline is so much higher than mine, there is an area between her arch and incline that was a raw mixture of hunger and ecstasy.

Her body and mind enters a state of intense yearning for release. All rational thought shuts down, and most(working on all) inhibitions is tossed away. We later fully explored that zone and called it her “Needing Zone” or NZ as we got deeper into the world or BDSM. There was just so many things going on with this grey area that she and I hadn’t known about. It got to a point where I could fully control every aspect of her orgasm; length, intensity and type(more on this later).

But during our first unofficial session I only knew the basics of it. I knew that at the beginning of her ‘needing’ her body and mind begin to search for and prepare for an incoming orgasm. Many bodily details change, eyes lose focus, her breathing becomes quicker, her moans become louder due to the acute raise in awareness to her erogenous zones.

Her pussy becomes juicer as it starts to squeeze on itself more frequently. Overall body movement, especially her hips, increases as well. So I knew it was at this point I had to slow down on my menstruations and bring everything to a crawl if I wanted to control her climax.

Because there was a SECOND very important point near the end of this need zone, when her body begins to tense up, and everything about her becomes hyper-sensitive. It’s at this point that if I still wanted control I would practically have to stop all contact with her danger zones. As the slightest touch to her nether lips, or even a simply flick of a nipple or rub over her rose bud, would set her off onto an unstoppable arch.

So it was just past the First point of the NZ that I had her paused at. She was whining softly trying to free her hands.

“Stop. Stop moving.” I said with the same arrogant tone.

“Uuuuhhh.. Come on *name* just… you know… Lets just..” She couldn’t get her words out, not use to asking, almost begging for sex no matter how blunt she was. Because I usually knew when she wanted it (which was almost every time we were alone) and how she wanted it(which differed) on her mood.

Now using more force in my voice I said harshly, “I said stop!” No dice. Growling, I snapped. “Bitch! When your master says to stop. FUCKING STOP!”

That did it. Her whines halted and her restless body came to slight quiver. With her head turned toward my voice, I knew that behind the cloth that blocked her vision that her eyes were wide open. For a split second I thought that maybe I went a little too far seeing her small shaking, but I quickly noticed the incoming tall tale signs of her second Point. The thought smashed into me. ‘My words were pushing her toward the edge… She’s liki- no, loving this!’

I did and said nothing to her for a full three minutes. The whole she was in that position, her breathing body language told me she stayed in that constant state of need. Even though I knew she tried her best to stop it, her quivering grew a little more noticeable after every passing second.

At the end, I remembered Kaoru’s philosophy, which I later made it into my own: ~When a partner has done good, then s/he deserves a reward~ Slowly, I brought my hand to her lower back and began to caress it while using a much calmer voice I hesitantly said, “T-that’s a good girl…”

My eyes widened as I witnessed her body visibly relax as the tenseness in her muscles disappeared. She slumped forward a little and her back began to sway a little, responding to my caresses. She let out soft mews, which nearly melted my heart(whether or not they were genuine or her finally rejoining the role-play) as I moved down to her butt.

I wanted to massage both cheeks at the same time, but one of my hands was still restraining her own hands. So I grabbed two more pieces of clothing that were laying around. The first piece was used to bind her wrist together. The second was hopped around the wrist bind and tied to both of her ankles. As crude as it was, the set up kept her in the same position with her upper body down, ass up, and legs open.

The time I was busy binding her, she had regained some of her regular self, and used the time to voice her complaints (which I could tell were half-hearted) and strained requests.

“What are you doing?” “This is getting weird...” “I’m getting tired of this position.” “My legs don’t feel right.” “That’s too tight, can you make it looser.”

“Why can’t we… you know…”

Ignoring the rest of her comments I replied only to that. “Know what?” I had asked while tightening a knot.

“You know what I’m talking about! Lets just do it normally, I can’t take anymore!” Her whine returned.

“No, I don’t know what you’re talking about, girl. Do what normally?”

“Hhhmmm!” She puffed. “You know what I’m talking about! Lets just… do it..”

The restraints were done, and resumed my light rubbing of her butt. “Do what, girl. If you want something from me you should ask clearly.”

“But I am asking clearly!” She said, becoming more frustrated. But more due to the fact that my hands are just staying at her cheeks. “Please… lets just… do it already!”

I stayed silent and continued to rub.

It after a five more minutes of her hesitant requests that she finally said it. She had let out a half groan, half moan. My constant hands and her restraints had kept up her arousal. Enough that a couple drops of her wetness now stained the sheets.

“*name*… Please...” She took a deep breath “Lets have sex already. I’m really really really horny.” That made me smile. Theres my cute-blunt girlfriend again. But…

“No.” I replied, mirroring her bluntness.

“What!” She hissed. “*Name*! you told me to ask you clearly and I did! Now let me go so we can finally have sex!” she shook and struggled a little, but a strong squeeze to her cheeks stopped that. She let out a long-low moan as the stretch from the squeeze must have reached a part of her core.

“No,” I said again, but this time with a growl. “I was going to reward you though for being a good girl. But you this little outburst and addressed me disrespectfully!” I gave her another squeeze. “But if you fix that little mistake… I might be gracious enough to forget about that and give you your reward anyway.”

“Oooohh…. *Nam-*” Squeze. “I-I mean.. Master…. Please.. Lets have sex already..”

(Oh damn, nearing thread limit and running out of pics, Gotta bunch it up...)

“No.” And she started to whimper. But I continued. “Or, I should say, not yet.” “But… Why…” “Shhh… later. But here’s your reward for now, a taste of what you wanted.” I lowered my hand and started to run my palm slowly back and forth over her pussy lips and clit. She shuddered.

“OOoooooooohhhHH.” Her hips unconsciously bucked into my hand, trying to increase the delightful friction it created. She started to pant harder, “Yesssss! Faster… Rub me faster!”

I removed my hand. An action I found was very hard after seeing how she reacted. But… She had her nibble. And I wanted to see how far I could take this.

“Nnnoooooo… Don’t stop damnit!” She shouted. A mistake.

“That’s quite a tone you’re using bitch.” I flicked a finger at her engorged clit. She gasped.

I flicked again, and growled, “Who am I Bitch!?” “Master!” Flick. “Whose master!?” “Mine!?” Flick “Mine what!?” “You’re my Master!” “Good girl.” I reached over, and gave her isolated nipples a surprise tweak. “Oh god,” she gasped. Her breathing was ragged, meaning she was really really close to point two. I retreated, and left her to calm down for a good five minutes. All the while, placing random caresses over her again, but this time to reassure her I was still there.


“Now then, my little bitch, it seems to me that you need a little training.” She groaned softly, her mind still focusing on the orgasm she had come(hah) soo close to receiving. “This time I want you stay silent. Not a single sound comes out of you. Nothing. Not even a moan, groan or your cute little whines.”

“O-” “Bitch, I said silence!” I gave her hard nubs another tweak. “Also, you should know that you don’t need to go through with this if you really don’t want to,” I growled. “You can, not listen to my orders, and seriously ask me to stop. And I will. I’ll untie right away, give you a sincere apology, ask you to forget this night ever happened and leave. Tomorrow, we’ll have our normal meeting and continue on with our regular relationship. That’s if you wish to continue being my girlfriend.”

She gasped and immediate said, “Wait! *name* I would never –“

“Quite! Either nod silently and except your training, or tell me to stop!” I shouted harshly, but in the inside I felt the tension in my heart relax after hearing her quickly trying to reconcile my hidden worries.

She paused, and stayed as still as her heavy breathing allowed her. After a silent, heart pounding minute, she slowly nodded her head.

I felt the viciousness of my grin as I replied, “Good Girl.” I ducked my head down to her pussy and inhaled deeply taking in musk before slowly running my tongue up from her mound to rose bud. I heard her strangle a gasp from the initial contact and then a suppressing a moan as I passed over her clit and ever-so-juicy lips. I debated whether or not to comment on her quick reactions to following my orders. But the with her flavor dancing on my taste buds I tossed the thought away and dug right back in. (Of course, this was rookie mistake as I was as much an amateur Dom as she was an amateur Sub back then.)

My face all was all over her core. My lips tugging at her own nether lips, pinching or sucking her clit, kissing her bud. My tongue licking under her hood, licking the wrinkles or her tighter hole, digging under her inner folds her pussy and finally dipping into the chasm.

For fifteen minutes she squirmed under the onslaught of my mouth, trying her best to stifle all the sounds all the sounds her body wanted to let out. She failed a lot. Though I used this to my advantage. When my tongue wasn’t wiggling or twisting around in her vaginal canal, I couldn’t monitor the frequency of her clenching. So I wouldn’t be able to tell when her second NZ Point was closing in. But, her lack in training on how to remain quiet allowed me gauge the number of escaped moans and groans to guess where she was on the graph.

So whenever she started moving toward the point, I moved my mouth away from her core either her mound(which I helped her to trim every few days) or her thighs, which was still delicious in its own right.
I thought that she endured this light teasing enough and decided to move on to the next step. Heavy and excruciating teasing.
One last assault with my mouth, I latched onto her clit with my lips and sucked hard, with my tongue constantly flicking over it and around. I had one hand on her back to keep her from moving too much, while the forefinger of my other hand snaked into her pussy. And eventually a second and third finger joined the fold, all three working together to find the bundle of nerves that allowed a long throaty moan to escape her.

Since she was receiving the heaviest sexual menstruation she had the whole day, her second NZ point, the true point-of-no-return was rapidly approaching. She was gyrating her hips so forcefully I thought the restraints were going to tear. Her juices had nearly coated my entire hand and my fingers felt as if they were going to snap under the force of her vaginal muscles.

I was gambling on the exact of her second point, not having enough experience with it yet to accurately judge when it would hit. But, when I saw her grit her teeth in preparation to fight back a really really big moan, I stopped the attack and retreated from her completely.

I sat back and watched the dawning on her face, her realizing that I had stopped and was no longer touching her, no longer giving her the orgasm she wanted so so much. My heart sank a little.

At first her face looked lost at the initial lose of contact. Then i saw her mouth open a little, wanting to say something but unable to let it out. She had the look of someone who had just been cheated. Cheated out of something she wanted so much, and cheated by someone she thought she loved.

Slowly, her bottom lip began to quiver. Her heavy breathing became short and fast, like quick gasps. She tried to hide it, by facing away from where she felt my weight was on the bed. But i heard it all. The beginning of her almost silent whimper.

It was when I saw first tear hit the sheet did I think of myself as a bastard. And the first time did i truly doubt if all of this was right.



But I wasn't ready for her to have her orgasm. Thinking quickly, I grabbed her hand, then took the other one and bound them both. She gasped in delight at first, but I couldn't resist teasing her a little more. I held her hands back and waited.

She was really wet, her juices actually running down her thighs as her body shook from panting. She waited as long as she could, but soon began to beg again for my hands, or my cock. Hearing her plead like that turned me on even farther than I already had been, and I couldn't resist. I unzipped my pants, took out my dick and placed it near her slit.

But I was careful. As soon as my cock touched her, she thrust backwards so fast she almost got her wish. Thankfully, I knew it would happen and so I had adjusted myself accordingly. Instead of engulfing me in one quick movement, her action placed her on my lap. My hard cock rubbed against her slit, already wet from her juices. She moaned and ground into me, hard.

I was already near ready to explode, just from seeing her turn into such a perverted girl right in front of me. My ministrations had left her panting as if she'd run a race, and her body quivered with lust. Her pussy quivered harder, though, reflexively squeezing and contracting though my dick was outside her. I smiled and held her close, still gripping her tied hands. "Please, please, [name] I need it in me! Come on, I'll do whatever you want!" She practically whimpered as she pleaded with me, but I just moved my mouth to her bare shoulder. She continued to grind her hips into mine, gasping whenever her clit touched my throbbing cock. She started to beg again, but I quieted her by sticking two fingers into her mouth. She gasped, but began to suck on them greedily. Her mouth was wet and sloppy, and within seconds my fingers were covered in saliva. All the while, she continued to rub against my cock.

The sounds she was making now had passed beyond all deciphering. She growled and moaned alternately around my fingers, quivering deeply as we thrust against each other. She made sounds as if she was about to come, and I smiled as I devised a new ploy to try. As she gyrated helplessly against me, I leaned back, then forward quickly. My cock slipped in, then slammed deep into her as she gave a cry and thrust back at me with all her force. She quivered and contracted around my dick, shivering as the penetration allowed her to finally achieve orgasm. She fell back, tugging me with her. I lay on top of her and licked her collarbone gently. She sighed amazedly and began to take the blindfold off. "That was amazing, [name]..." she began to say.

But I didn't let her finish. I grabbed her hands and retied them, harshly rebuking her. "You dare untie yourself and remove your blindfold without your master's say? Get on your hands and knees!" I retied the blindfold and moved off her. Surprised, she started to talk back, but I cut her off. "Now, slave!" She grinned a little, but presented me with her fine ass. She was still dripping, and I longed to fuck her right there. I still hadn't cum but I knew that a little self-restraint would pay off in the long run. She waved her ass at me, and I obligingly slapped it. Not hard, but enough to leave a slight hand-mark. She gasped and started to exclaim, but I didn't let her. I cut her off once more, saying "Silence! You will speak when spoken to, now resign yourself to your punishment!"

I continued to spank her, thoroughly enjoying myself. And I could see that, once she got used to it, she began to as well. I punished her for as long as I could bear, but her soft mewlings and gasps of pleasure every time I struck her pushed me past the point of no return. At last I could take it no longer, and in the midst of a strike I thrust into her. She gasped in shock and sudden pleasure, her sensitive skin wrapping around mine. I thrust, hard, and had her gasping again within half a minute.

But I was getting about ready to cum, and so I shifted our position a bit. I had read about a position that was supposed to be even more enjoyable for the girl, and I figured I would try it. After all, wasn't this whole thing supposed to be about removing the wall between hentai and our sex life? Still pounding into her, I partially stood, then straightened a bit further, to the point where I was hitting a spot within her I'd only stroked before. It was a little awkward, but not too bad- and I was well rewarded. Her moans became screams of orgiastic pleasure, and I couldn't help but grin. I was getting close, and so was she, but I held myself as long as I could. She was so wet by this point I made schlicking sounds with every thrust. I played with her clit as much as I could manage, biting the nape of her neck when I could, and just when I thought I couldn't hold any longer she began to quiver again, her pussy contracting hard around me. I gasped as I came inside her, a rush of pleasure much better than the culmination of anything we'd done in the past. Her breathless cries of pleasure slowly quieted, after a longer time of orgasm than the one before. Perhaps there really was something to this SM, I thought.

This time she had better sense than to talk straight away. I took her by the hands, still tied, and moved her to the edge of the bed. I sat her down and wordlessly pressed two fingers against her lips. She hungrily opened her mouth and engulfed them, sucking hard and wetly. I let her continue, her breath hot on my digits, as I touched her erratically. I left her again uncertain of where I would touch her next- first her breast, then her side, tracing her jawline... I had her shivering with pleasure every time I touched her in very short order. She continued to suck, and I felt my cock start to slowly harden. Finally, I took my fingers away, even as she tried to hold them in by sucking harder. Disappointed, she let them go with a wet pop, and sat back to wait for my next move. Her beautiful body glistened with sweat, and I couldn't help but admire her as I moved my dick to her lips. It was still a little soft, but that didn't slow her eagerness by any amount. She sucked it in and applied the same treatment she had given to my fingers, punctuated with small moans of pleasure as she forcibly thrust my cock into her mouth, then back again. I half lay, half fell back. The sloppiness of her mouth and the way she so lovingly sucked on me felt unbelievably good. I couldn't help but give out a gasp of shocked lust as I felt a new, quick pressure on my head. I looked up, confused, and saw her smile lasciviously. She repeated the motion, knowing I was watching. She brought her head down, nearly swallowing my cock, then brought it up again. She licked my throbbing dick, then kissed the head. I twitched again, gasping as I felt that same quick suction. I wanted to lie back and just let her continue, but I knew I would cum soon if I did.

I regretfully stopped her motions, then grabbed her and picked her up, then plopped her down on my lap. She twisted around, feeling my cock under her, then found it and levered herself onto it. I slipped inside her again, both of us giving out gasps of pleasure. We rocked against each other, both losing our last bits of self control. I moved my lips to hers and thrust my tongue inside her mouth. She moaned and curled hers around mine, both sets of members sloppily playing with each other. I found the realization that both of us were becoming corrupted, more perverted than we already were, irresistibly delicious. I could feel her beginning to quiver again, and I kissed her harder, possessively. I took off her blindfold and began to caress her all over.

Our motions became more exaggerated and less controlled, both of us beginning to approach our orgasms. She breathlessly gasped my name now, hungrily kissing me all the while. I continued to caress her, and each touch brought another shiver against me. I felt my pleasure building to climax, and thrust even harder into her as I praised her for being such a good girl. Finally I came, shooting deep inside her, which triggered her own orgasm. Her pussy almost felt like it was milking me, and I thrust inside her several more times as she came down. I sat back and watched her almost convulse with pleasure. The slutty look on her face was one that I wanted to get used to, I decided. I began to think of the ways I would tease her in the future.

anonymous readerReport 

2010-11-23 16:53:59
Purely epic /b/ro would've loved to have been in that thread. For some reason I expected this to end up in bel-aire however.

anonymous readerReport 

2010-11-23 16:53:12
Purely epic /b/ro would've loved to have been in that thread. For some reason I expected this to end up in bel-aire however.

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