Two guys are susposed to meet at 4:30. Charley shows up at 4:30 and waits. Finally, at almost 5:00, Paul shows up and Charley says, “Where have you been? You're a 1/2 hour late.” Paul replies, “Sorry, I had to go to the dentist. My dick's been hurting bad.” Charley says, “If your dick's been hurting, why did you go to the dentist?” Paul answers, “Because I had a tooth stuck in it.”
did everyone notice that the christian guy believes in sorcerers? Clearly he is insane and should not be listened to. Gay people are ok and anyone who thinks they should be punished should wake up.
well atalculy its very hard to not ignore the fact that the Bible clearly condemns homosexuals as abnormal and it is viewed as one of the most abominable and unnatural actions. There are multitudes of versus, not just one or two. There is no question a homosexual has to repent to Christ or they cant go to heaven, just like an adulterer or sorcerer, or murderer. Anyone who approaches with an argument like the one presented here is damned, and is no real christian
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