At six and half feet tall, with heavily muscular proportions, white braided hair, full dark purple grey lips, and pale skin with odd dark under tones in the shadows Kaarthen was impressive and exotic in the city full of small, tan, dark haired southern women.
Her overripe breasts the size of a man’s head threatened to come out of her open sided knee length black robe. The robe’s light silky shell hid within it armor padding, poisoned daggers, and throwing darts. The split in the front showed some of the deep cleavage of her rounded lactating udders. Under her robe, she wore thigh high soft leather black boots and a loincloth. The shiny jewelry of her rings, bracelet, hip chain, and necklace flashed in the light. Though her luminous pale skin took away some of their shine. Her attractive though oversized curvy figure, weapon, and shiny elegant jewelry, stopped most people from noticing her eyes had no whites, just two black voids with floating discs of quicksilver vertically slit like cat.
Kaarthen led three Warrioresses and Janis back to their inn. Outside on the late morning streets of the quiet town they stopped over in, they came across Ein, Rinis, Saucrem, and four jittery pale cum addicts. They were selling prophesies and charms to various farmers and other canal travelers busily preparing for a day of travel. At the moment, the tiny bushy haired Saucrem was chanting a charm to protect a farmer’s crop from the cold snap. He knelt before the pygmy and the two were at the same height as she cackled her gibberish, waved her arms, and hopped around in an exaggerated display meant to awe him.
Kaarthen could see very real lines of force being raised by the little woman despite the superfluous movements. She had the ability thanks to the Goddess ‘Dark Mother’ who was a passenger in her mind. The divine tourist was really after Marcos, her Champion. Sometime over the tens of thousands of years, that they knew each other, the Goddess of Death, Fertility, and Femininity had swooned over the man Kaarthen charitably considered to be a very prolific, and very lethal, misogynist of the first order.
Her twisted kind of love was expressed in secret, and had been imprinted on Kaarthen to keep things less complicated. Now as a vessel for a divine passenger in love, she too swooned over the man. It wasn’t hard, what the Goddess’ literally mind-blowing emotions didn’t do, the figuratively mind-blowing sex had.
As his ‘Companion’, the Goddess had all the access she wanted to him through Kaarthen. Kaarthen had learned a lot from the satisfied deity. She controlled more directly the urges of the people around her as it related to combat, sex, or fertility. Recently, she found she could see into the hearts and minds of people like clear water. She could directly manipulate the basic nature of things by re writing their definitions written in the elegant language of the gods.
She was learning a less elegant style of magic emanation from a legendary Sister Janis Vixtorixx. Janis was the Dark Mother’s Priestess. While the Champion worked as a lieutenant at times, feeding off of and empowering the Goddess directly, the priestess was the one who worked openly with the masses. Her task was to have as many as possible engage in the Goddess’ aspects. Despite unavoidably being as cold hearted as Marcos, Janis also had a warmer, perhaps more consensual, inclusive approach to spreading the gospel of death, femininity, and fertility.
Her style with magic was a more mundane intrinsic style that most with the ability learn. Kaarthen and two of the three women she had bound to herself were learning from her the style and its signature technique of feeling and manipulating various kinds of energy.
As Kaarthen walked up to the inn’s parlor, she followed the bond she had to Mara. Like the other two women, her body was less then five feet tall and she appeared to most people to be any age from a very young girl to more womanly young adult. The deceptively youthful appearance belied the fact that she was a six hundred year old sex slave and former vampire. As a vampire, she had blood red eyes, pale transparent skin, and fangs. Now, bound to Kaarthen their bodies were remade to be more accepting of any body fluid especially Kaarthen’s never ending breast milk.
Marcos had trained them all in the use of almost every weapon. In the ankle length body socks with slits for their arms that they wore, they hid their armor, full length swords, curved poisoned daggers, and dozens of throwing knives.
The women had changed to have very pale blue eyes and filled out nicely. Mara had become the curviest. She had had a steady diet of Marcos’ semen to help her grow also. Now her breasts were large and pendulous on her narrow chest. They swung down her tight stomach and covered her navel pointing outwards. Her hips and ass had widened and thickened to be plush and jiggly from the constant kneeling she did at Marcos’ feet. Mara enjoyed continuing her life as a sex slave for Marcos. As the most magically attuned of the girls she served her Master further by learning shape shifting. In whatever form she took, for mortals, her affections could be debilitating and usually lethal.
Mara earned new competition from the other three of Kaarthen’s ‘hands’. Recently Rinis, a quiet wall flower had offered herself in Marcos bed. She never spoke but she followed Marcos now similar to Mara in the hopes of more cum. Kaarthen couldn’t shake them of the notion that cum was the currency of favors and loyalty.
Today however their race was suspended. Rinis was outside guarding her charges while Mara, Marcos, their ship’s crewmen, and ten ‘cum hoarding’ former sex slaves had just spent a day and a half engaging in an epic orgy. Mara had recently learned to cast an operable phallus for herself. The experience of the last night had taken her to the limit as she learned and became an expert cocksman.
Now the deflated participants in the debauchery sat in the elegant parlor of their inn. After the last day’s activities, they all looked no more than half alive, some less so. They had shirked a light lunch the inn had tried to serve them and bought everything on the menu.
Double and triple ordered platters, plates, and bowls were empty and stacked in pillars from yet another frantic orgy of primitive needs. Kaarthen found Marcos slumped back in a chair at a table. Around him, the women and the crewmen flopped about on tables and draped across lounges and couches near the windows.
Kaarthen surveyed the wrecked shells of humanity. “Well, I suppose we won’t be traveling today.” She patted Marcos trying to get a response. “You are a testament to excess.”
Marcos could only groan and grumble unintelligibly as he tried to shift toward her.
“Well, I hope you appreciate this.” Kaarthen said stepping closer.
She pulled a heavy breast out of the side of her robe. She had to stoop to drop it onto Marcos face. After a moment, his lips came to life and his tongue tentatively ventured out and explored her teat.
After a moment, he found the darkly ringed areola. After more searching, he found her inverted nipple and after a pause, he pushed up and captured it in his lips. Kaarthen had a mini-orgasm as he simultaneously popped out the nipple and drank from her. As an immortal, her milk never dried up and was more than just mother’s milk she was starting to find out.
After a several minutes of suckling the milk from the large breasted woman, Marcos perked up under her. He raised his head so the nursing Amazon could stand and lean over the chair for him. He wrapped his arms around her and embraced her as best he could, and he rested his head across her bosom. Kaarthen always enjoyed that. He appeared most at peace during these times with her.
She crept in and sat across his lap carefully to keep him on her. She noticed his thick hardened cock was naked. Despite how inappropriate it was, she reveled with the goddess at the effect she had on him. Quietly, she grinded her bud against him as he drank from her. The chain of micro orgasms grew into a larger climax as she gushed into his lap as she clutched him to herself.
Finally, she withdrew and stepped back. Marcos cleaned off his face and opened his eyes smiling. His tanned thin face was dark with black hair and black unreflective voids for eyes. He noticed for the first time the other women she brought. The three were all typical tall heavily muscular Amazon women similar to Kaarthen. Two were dark haired with few silvery grey streaks, the other was mostly silvery grey. The light haired and one of the dark haired were older, wide hipped, thick limbed, and very heavily breasted mature women. Their hips and thighs also jiggled more, though they were obviously still in excellent physical conditioning. Their extra weight was only a display of fertility that Mother Nature used to show off matured women. Janis had given each of them swords that they strapped to their backs, sandals, and open green robes tied at the waist that barely reached the thighs of the tall Amazons.
“More friends?” He asked and cleared his throat. “Are they joining us on our trip?” Hopeful opportunity sprang into his voice.
“Yes, Marcos.” Kaarthen turned. “Sisters, this is our Dark Mother’s Champion, Marcos Panthi, please introduce yourselves.”
The Warrioress with the light grey hair spoke first. She was older than Kaarthen, nearly as tall, and in similarly excellent shape. “I am Vieona Champion. I serve the Dark Mother. It is and honor to meet you.”
The other older Warrioress stepped forward. She was in similar shape as the first. Heavily breasted with wide rounded pendulous breasts only slightly smaller then Kaarthen’s and thick limbed, with the padding and curves of a mature woman. “Champion, I am Metacari, I am honored to meet you. I will serve you well.” She said shakily and bowed slightly showing the deep cleavage her robe was ill equipped to restrain. Kaarthen noticed that her thick pointy nipples were oddly hard.
The last woman was the younger slimmer dark haired Amazon. “I am Darkenma, Champion, it is an honor.”
Kaarthen and Marcos smirked at the name. Her mother had likely been an overzealous Priestess to give her that name.
Janis spoke up quickly. “Let’s get you girls a hot bath and off to bed. You may as well rest until we can get out of her.” She ushered the Warrioresses out quickly like a Shield Mistress herding them to their lessons.
Kaarthen watched her leave and picked around the room over the bodies to collect up Mara. Similar to Marcos, she had over indulged to the point that her body revolted demanding nutrients to proceed. Because of her small size, Kaarthen was easily able to coddle and breast-feed her as she walked around the room to stand at the windows.
Similarly to Marcos, her actions slowly sped up and the color returned to her face as she drank greedily from Kaarthen. Finally, she toppled back and lay in her arms numb and satiated.
“Have you learned the lesson of your excesses my child?” Kaarthen asked her softly.
“Yes, Mistress.” Mara sleepily replied.
Kaarthen set her down. “Watch the women here. When you can, take them down to your sisters outside. Protect them from themselves.”
Mara shape shifted into Kaarthen’s clone form. Kaarthen was half drow and without the priestess’s magic to ensure a pale grayed Amazonian appearance, Mara simply became a tall, heavily muscular Drow, with long white hair. Her breasts sat lower and almost flatter than Kaarthen who was nursing, and she retained her pale blue eyes. Mara liked the form especially because she was taller, stronger, and moved around easier. Once in the tall form, Mara eased over and herded the women into a corner away from the drained crewmen. The women had faired slightly better then the men, though they weren’t as fidgety and squirmy as usual. They silently followed Mara’s instruction as usual, and she got them up and outside.
Kaarthen turned to Marcos.
“When will we be able to continue?” Kaarthen asked him as she walked up and hugged him from behind. She had to kneel to get low enough.
Marcos reached back and patted the smoothed back hair of her head. “We should be off for Mavvus tomorrow.” He said quietly.
“How long will it take?” She asked quietly.
Marcos took a deep breathe. “Another four or five days.” He said exhaling.
Kaarthen looked him over. As an immortal, they were brought back to the same ideal condition every night unless of course they didn’t sleep. “Come to bed Marcos.” She said tugging him to bed.
The morning of the next day Kaarthen was glad to get back onto their journey. The crewmen smiled and nodded as they boarded the vessel and cast off heading north on the canal. The air slowly got chillier and chiller as they cruised up towards Mavvus.
“Winter is upon us it seems.” Janis remarked from the front of the vessel behind the Warrioresses, Ein, and Saucrem.
Around them, the grey sky and fog of the late morning cast a subdued color on the pastures and fields around them.
Kaarthen nodded. “Indeed.”
“These Warrioresses need to get their pelts back.” Janis stated quietly.
“Oh?” Kaarthen said looking at her blankly.
“Warrioress use them for status.” Janis said noting her look. “Huntresses hunt in familiar groups and have songs for their greatness when they return. Warrioresses don’t hang around enclaves and temples. They work mostly alone or even in groups with adventurers. Therefore the pelts they wear are for status of how great they are, more so then their weapons and honor.”
“Oh?” Kaarthen repeated.
Janis continued. “Of course you may not understand, but they kill a difficult animals for the honor. Carnivorous grey boars, black bears, or even wolves in some places.”
“Kind of like how we hunt for strong men who will make a strong daughter?” Kaarthen said slowly catching on.
“Exactly.” Janis nodded. “They cure and prepare the pelt themselves by ritualized ceremony. When it’s worn out, they hunt up a new one. It’s a very important ritual. Warrioresses are some times shamed Huntresses, or Amazons born outside an enclave. They need a way to prove their honor. With a pelt, it is tangible and shows, to some who know how to look, the weapons the Warrioress uses.”
Kaarthen looked past her at the three shivering Warrioresses. They had eschewed wearing loincloths under the short robes. Vieona absently rubbed herself as she sat huddled. “I…see.”
“At our next stop we’ll need to hunt.” Janis said with finality. “It is necessary and should be the last stop over. I fear too close to Mavvus and we may find nothing.”
Kaarthen looked around. Beyond the misty pastures, copses of trees stood in the distance. Further north ahead of them the land got hillier, and the farms gave way to dark forested hills. “I see.”
That night they stopped at a larger town in Rincon valley. Marcos understood and nodded soberly as they discussed their plan to hunt for no more than two days. Kaarthen was surprised when Janis suggested she also go.
“Not for a pelt but to be a part of the hunt.”
She agreed and they planned to be down outside at dawn.
Kaarthen was almost nervous as she slept. Marcos drank from her as usual that night and licked her pussy to finally get her to relax.
The next morning she was down in front of the inn before dawn. Ein had gotten several packed meals from the inn. Metacari came over and spoke quietly with Kaarthen. The other Amazons had bought heavy black cloaks for themselves and stood contemplatively to the side quietly.
Janis and Saucrem came down last. Janis just wore her leather dress. The upper section was stiff thick leather and the bottom was a little more than knee length and of a lighter material and slit at the sides. Just before they left, Marcos joined them. He simply followed quietly as they walked up a farmers’ road to the forest beyond.
They forest was old with little undergrowth. The group felt confident they could find something. As they got deeper into the dense woods they split up. Marcos, Kaarthen, and Metacari went off east. Vieona, Darkenma, and Janis went north. Ein stuck with Saucrem, she rolled up her body sock and folded it under the sword so it came down to her waist like a squire’s coat so she could move around more. They stayed near the edge of the trees looking for herbs and medicines.
As Kaarthen walked along, she spoke more with Metacari. She was curious when she heard she only wanted one thing.
“Why only hunt the grey boar?” Kaarthen asked curiously.
Behind them, Marcos walked up closer. “It’s a little trait they have. The Warrioresses who hunt grey boars are the ones who put people first. Boars are dangerous pests for farmers. They help people in need. Protect the weak, and hunt troublesome animals. Black bear pelts are for the fierce. Apparently, their smell scares away animals. But also, Warrioress who wear them are out for the money and the glory. They are the slave catchers, the bodyguards, adventurers, mercenaries, and fighters.”
Kaarthen thought it made sense. “I see.” She turned back to Metacari. “You just want to help people.”
“Yes…” She blushed.
Kaarthen was confused but looked into her closer and realized Metacari had a crush on her. Marcos also got her body hot from their display from yesterday. Marcos was clumsily picking up on it too, though he had only noticed her odd introduction yesterday. It seemed Metacari was a horny girl and very oversexed the loss of her lover left a hole to be filled.
She cleared her throat at the thought. “So where can we find one?”
To the north, the other three women had picked up a faint trail after walking along a stream.
“I’ve never hunted with other women before.” Vieona said quietly.
“Yes, how will the spoils be divided? Whoever sees it first or whoever kills it?” Darkenma asked aloud.
“I am only here for the nature.” Janis said. “What by the way, will you hunt?”
“I will take a bear.” Vieona said.
“I also.” Darkenma added.
“Oh, so sure?” Janis smiled. “You women seek money and glory?”
Vieona nodded. “No, I have always worn it. I was traveling on my own after taking a haul with some adventurers when I met that stupid girl. I figured I could make some money ripping them off.”
Janis looked at her with a touch of concern. “The bandits you mean?”
“Of course.” Vieona spat. “They must have had a stash. Turned out they were just a poor inbred bunch who got a clever idea to mess with Warrioresses.”
“I had a boar pelt before.” Darkenma added quietly. “When I was tossed around trying to help people, I was furious. I didn’t feel bad for what we did to that girl, she deserved it. As for that family, they deserved being burnt like Sister Kaarthen did. I wish I did it myself.”
Janis’ eyebrows jumped. “They… Sister Kaarthen burnt them?”
“Yes, she burnt the house down with them inside. She even killed a few when they tried to hop out the windows.” Darkenma added. “If the choice is to be used or to take control, then I’ll hunt a bear and let the world know.”
Janis nodded. “I see.”
By midday, the sky had darkened and had started to drizzle overhead. Metacari still only wore her rob and they had to seek shelter. They found a dry tree they could huddle under. They had to pack tightly but they were dry and comfortable. The waited for the sky to clear and Metacari spoke of her botched final mission.
“I was in the inn with another Sister named Drein she was the one who…” Kaarthen nodded and patted her and gave her a hug. She smelled of the forest’s pine and green mint. “That stupid girl came in and gave us her line. We went out ready to save the world again.” She paused. Behind her Marcos was standing tightly behind her, presumably, to keep her warm between them. Kaarthen could tell from his self-satisfied grin that excuse was a misnomer.
“It’s okay we’re here.” Marcos cooed in her ear. “Tell us everything.” He whispered insidiously.
“The…I…” Behind her, Marcos had started stroking her back softly to calm her. “We went up the road and were ambushed. I was netted. I had a short sword, shield and decent set of armor but… I…” Kaarthen felt her wiggle her hips. Marcos’ hands were straying.
“The net caught you.” Marcos prodded. “It’s okay, tell us what happened to your friend.”
“I…Uh, Drien, was carrying a bow and had a short sword. But, they were too close and on her too fast. She got knocked out between them.” The short robe Metacari wore was pushed up to her waist for Marcos. Metacari turned into Kaarthen as Marcos openly grinded his cock up against her naked ass.
She leaned in against Kaarthen’s chest, and quietly, she bravely continued. “They came to me then. I was stuck in the netting. My sword and armor were useless. They didn’t need anything, they just sat on my shield pinning me down and pulled off my pants…” She gasped as Marcos reached around to stroke her bud.
“The big man came down. I couldn’t see much, but I knew the first one was him. He was huge. Me and Drein shared men, but he was something else…” She groaned and shivered. Despite her lack of control over the situation, one of her hands had found its way under Kaarthen’s robe behind her back. The other softly rested on the naked side of her breast. “He fff... He fucked me…” She lowered herself, nuzzled Kaarthen’s bosom, and pushed back her hips in a invitation for Marcos.
“So deep…” She groaned as he plunged into her. The wet air smelled of clean rain and moving air as the storm’s lighting broke. Metacari’s story broke down after that, but it didn’t matter. Around them, the rain had picked up and had gotten quite loud.
Behind her, Marcos was building up a good rhythm of fucking her. Kaarthen could tell she wanted it rough. She wanted to remember that feeling of being helplessly taken. Marcos would help her body and mind forget the memory and learn a new one to tingle her in her cold nights.
Her unrestrained breasts bounced and flopped with Marco’s hard strokes and slowly started to come out of the lose garment. Kaarthen raised her hands to catch them as they finally fell free and Metacari hugged her tighter when she felt the warm hands.
Kaarthen let herself fall into Metacari’s illusory fantasy. She was still hugging her but also making love to Drein one final time. When Metacari pleaded silently for a kiss, Kaarthen acquiesced. She kissed her lightly as her lover did. Her hands glided around her breasts while one hand pinched hard onto her rubbery nipple just as her lover did during their intimate embraces.
Metacari’s crinkled prickly areole relaxed in her warm hands. Metacari gasped and came as her eyes shot open. She stared Kaarthen in the eye with an aghast look, wondering if perhaps Drein really was with her.
At that moment, the Goddess emerged from the corner of Kaarthen it usually resided and moved to trap her. Metacari froze stuck under its magic in the middle of her climax. Behind her, Marcos squealed in surprise and grunted loudly fighting for control as her pussy went into a frantic seizure during the prolonged climax. Kaarthen slowly wrapped her arms around her shoulders pushing back her hair. As Marcos was distracted trying to extend the pleasure of her suddenly wild mushy fuck hole, Kaarthen drew fangs and bit her along her neck.
As she pulled back, Metacari came back to normal and sagged as her body was released from the Goddess’ grip. Behind her, Marcos loudly lost the battle as her intense snapping pussy suddenly relaxed and churned with him. Kaarthen caught them both and her fangs shrank away as Marcos propelled the suddenly limp Metacari into her. His cock swelled as the sperm traveled up and erupted out in a hot flow into her as it shot out excitedly. His entire lower abdomen pulsed as the forceful stream shot into and bounced off of her vault. He lost himself in the feeling of his enclosed cock pulsing its release into her clenched core. He sagged across her back trying to slow his heart rate. Her pussy was well and truly flooded and dripped around his still leaking cock.
Marcos spoke first between heaves. “She’s a keeper. I don’t think Mara will be able to replicate that.” He said blowing her hair back.
Kaarthen smiled and the two women tightened into each other as Metacari’s pussy came to life milking his cock with renewed vigor. “Yes, then we shall keep her.”
Janis had left the two Amazons as the rain had started. Saucrem didn’t do violent weather very well.
After the rain cleared, the pair continued along their path. Picking along they came to a lake that fed the stream they crossed earlier. On either side, tall sheer walls of a ravine enclosed them and the trees towered over them. Doubling back along the ravine, they found a place of large flat weathered rocks and a cave nearby. The cave was high on the west-facing wall above the flood line.
The ground was disturbed so they couldn’t see the actual tracks anymore. They would have to get closer to see if there was a bear in there.
Darkenma got excited. “What do you think?”
“To hunt bears, you need spears.” Vieona said drawing her sword. “We’ll need sticks to get in there. Come on.”
She led them back up and around to the trees and hacked down limbs. With two long thick poles, they sharpened the tips of both spears and tied a sword to the back end of one.
“Why do that?”
“This poker won’t kill them. Unlike a boar, the bear will take a swipe if you get close. Remember that.” Vieona hefted her weapon and Darkenma took the other spear.
As they came down the water in the ravine was rising.
“Think it’ll fill?” Darkenma asked nervously.
“I hope not, we gotta get in there quick.” Vieona shrugged.
They crept low over the rocks Vieona led them up to the cave. The stench was warm and over powering.
“Definitely a bear. Wait here, I’ll shout if you can come in. If I come out be ready for a fight. If I don’t come out, keep the bear in. Stab it and whatever happens don’t let it out, it’ll be plenty pissed off.” Vieona cautioned. The strain was starting to show in her eyes but her mouth was fighting off a grin.
Vieona crept into the tunnel. The wide hole opened up on top and she slowly stood in the chamber. Around her, the domed interior slanted up before coming to a large chamber that opened at the top with a small leaf covered hole and thick tree roots that descended the far side.
The floor was flat and platforms of large rocks were along the edges. It seemed people had once lived here before the current resident.
In the dark, she could see into the full depth. Slowly she brought her wooden pole around along the floor feeling around. Vieona had to step out of the entrance tunnel to let in light. Seeing better, a bear was just out of sight its back was turned as it slept curled up. It was a waist high four-foot wide black furry ball that slowly pulsed.
For what seemed like forever, Vieona stared at it. It always paralyzed her to see them. Finally, her eyes adjusted to the dark and saw its backbone under the fur. She spun the pole around and brought out the sword end. She made a mental note not to bind her blade next time as she negotiated it up overhead.
She had to step forward into the entrance tunnel to gain clearance. Finally, she stood frozen and ready her eyes recorded its unchanged breathing. She nervously flicked around to see anything else. Content, satisfied, and only aware of what was in front of her, Vieona rose up and stretched both arms holding the spear.
She brought the weapon down intent on puncturing a lung or even better severing the spine.
The bear actually screamed a surprised growl. The blade had buried nearly to the hilt in it. Vieona pulled back and stabbed again quickly. Behind the creature, a head popped up and the bear rolled over breaking her spear.
Vieona looked at the half-sized spear she had left. “Oh fuck me.”
The other bear gave a roar and stood while the other writhed in death throes. Vieona ducked out into the tunnel and slid back out.
“What happened?” Darkenma asked as she backed out. “Did you get it?”
“I…one’s coming.” Vieona blurted looking around wild eyed.
“What?” Darkenma clutched her spear to her chest and looked at her scared.
The cave entrance filled with ominous low growling from the bear just out of sight. Dust clouds from its huff started coming out of the tunnel as it tried to intimidate them.
“Keep it in the fucking tunnel!” Yelled Vieona, getting behind Darkenma and taking off her cloak.
After a moment of waiting, Darkenma asked. “Is it coming out?”
“Here.” Vieona got up to her and guided the point into the hole.
For a moment nothing happened, then, the bear got a hold of it.
“Shit.” Darkenma yelled as they were violently wagged at the end of the pole.
“Pull it out! Pull it out!” Vieona shouted now and they heaved back.
She inspected the pole and saw it had been gnawed and clawed. She risked a look down the tunnel and still didn’t see the bear.
She stooped and waved to Darkenma. “Okay put it back in. Slowly.” Darkenma pushed into the cave again as Vieona guided her. “Angle up…Good. Keep… Come on…”
The bear tore into the spear again.
She stood up. “He’s biting it. Shove it in there! Give it to the fucker!” Vieona grabbed the spear and very nearly shoved Darkenma in with it.
A squeal of surprise lit up from inside and they pulled back the spear to find blood mixed with the spittle around the pole.
Vieona clapped Darkenma’s back staring at it. “Great. It may not die from that, but we got it.”
“What now?” Darkenma asked.
“We wait.” Vieona shrugged. “That trick won’t work again.”
Back on the east side of the forest Metacari had made her kill.
The trio had slipped around stumbled on a small group of grazing boars. They were the pups from the season prior and were still shy adolescents. As they ran off a surprised squeal behind them alerted them to the adult of the brood. The boar charged out on their scent. It was a large adult with a low long lean body. At its shoulder, the beast was a little more that knee height on the tall women.
Metacari stood aloof as Kaarthen and Marcos cleared her sides. She drew her sword from overhead slowly and calmly and jumped up as the boar came in to gore her. From over it, she slashed down at its head. The sharp new sword cleaved up across its snout. A hideous squeal of pain almost deafened them as the boar turned around. It was obviously done with the fight. Facing Metacari, it prepared one last charge to get it past her and back into its burrow.
It didn’t get the chance. She charged it in a blur and swiped down across it again as it prepared to gore her. Where the two cuts connected a chunk of flesh flicked out from its ruined face. In shock, it stood still as Metacari came around to face it. After studying the beast she thrust into it on the ruined side under the chin and into its heart. The boar stayed frozen in shock.
After a moment, she jammed the butt of the blade with the heel of her hand twice to make sure. The boar sagged and fell into the sword rolling to the side. Finally, she stood and flicked her blade.
Kaarthen and Marcos stepped in. Marcos walked over and stood next to her looking at the boar. “Wow, you did that…” Marcos looked the boar over closer then finally looked at her quizzically. “How did you… How did they catch you?”
Metacari beamed at him and her pale blue eyes flashed. “It was mostly the sword. You’d be surprised what a new one can do.”
Back in the ravine, the two women grew anxious.
The bear wasn’t responding to their attempts to draw it out.
“What about a fire?”
Vieona thought about the structure of the cave. “I guess…It would vent, but how does it get out?” They would look stupid explaining their kill from smoke inhalation.
Darkenma pondered the problem. “Okay…”
Vieona ventured the obvious. “Maybe we could take another look?”
Darkenma turned to her skeptically. “And by ‘we’ you mean me?”
Vieona shrugged. “I went in. The bear is dead. This one is yours.”
Darkenma brightened. “…How about… bait?”
Vieona shook her head. “Like what?”
Darkenma thought about it. “What about burning poison saple at the entrance?
Vieona turned. “It’ll come out?”
The young Amazon split off while Vieona watched the cave. Darkenma returned with a tangled vine of poison saple wound around the end of a spear.
Vieona turned to Darkenma. “It’s up to you.”
Darkenma nodded. “Okay…”
Darkenma started a fire and smoldered the end of Vieona’s half spear.
Vieona warned her as she scrolled the vine from one spear onto the other. “Now stay out of the smoke. It’ll swell your face like a piece of fruit if you catch it.”
“Good that’ll make the hide bigger.” Darkenma remarked.
She quickly danced over and tossed the stick in. The brief exposure she got made her cheeks and ears tingle from the acrid smoke.
For a minute nothing happened, then, a colossal roar was heard from within the cave.
“The longer it stays in there the easier it’ll be. If we’re lucky it’ll be blind by the time it gets out.” Darkenma said quietly.
After a few minutes, that’s exactly what they got. The blinded furious bear came out. Its head was swollen like a pumpkin. The bear’s mouth was agape as it fought for breathe in wheezes. The creature was fat and had grown its shaggy winter coat already. Like a drunken lout, it weaved on its feet and tried to keep an eye on them.
Darkenma drew her sword as she stared at the creature struggle for breath.
Vieona cheered her on. “Stab it good so you don’t have to wear tatters.”
Darkenma was able to side up next to the beast as it stood still. She easily slit its throat with a slash. After the beast fell with hardly more than a gurgle, she turned to Vieona. “Was that fair?”
Vieona snorted. “I don’t know. Why didn’t you give the bear a sword if you were so worried?”
Darkenma shook her head. “I just feel…”
Vieona walked over and grabbed her hands. “You killed it.”
Darkenma wasn’t convinced. “My first boar hunt was harder.”
“Mine too.” Vieona shrugged. “But look. If you feel bad, and want another one, we still got several hours of light left.”
Darkenma shivered. “No I don’t think…”
“Great!” Vieona jumped and grabbed her shoulders. “Look, I’ll tell them whatever story you want. I think you did a great job.”
Darkenma shrugged finally. “Ya just hope that poison saple doesn’t stain the hide.”
Vieona chuckled with her. “That would be a problem.”
The next day the women stretched out their coveted pelts on the drying rack. The animal meat was sold for a profit. The boar was not nearly as expensive as bear meat. The processes the women used were ritualized. By the next morning, they were tired but done.
They group boarded the vessel late in the morning. The sober grey sky and light fog subdued the landscape around them. The Warrioresses curled up into their pelts and stroked them lovingly. Metacari had bought a cloak that was grayish blue green. She draped her pelt over the shoulders like a mantle and crossed the limbs of the over the front. Vieona did something similar with her pelt and bunched it up so the fur created a high collar framing her face and grey hair.
Darkenma experimented and wore the bears head as a hood and the front paws as sleeves. Marcos remarked how she looked like a shaman from Munklin.
Through the voyage back, Kaarthen setup Metacari with weapons if she needed them. She used a rings for a short spear, obsidian javelins similar to her dagger, a three quarter length curved specialty sword. She also gave her a similar gauntlet and buckler for her left arm.
Because of the confined nature of the ship, she used the materials far away around them. A hybrid style of magic allowed her to pull the pieces out of distant farm equipment, and village supply stores as they traveled. Kaarthen appeared to sleep peacefully laying against Metacari as they pulled the dust of the needed essences for actuation from far off barns and storerooms. Marcos also slumbered for most of the journey. Mara and Rinis lay under his arm. The women fell asleep in the bottoms of the boat tangled and curled into each other.
Two days later, the group was antsy. They were on the border of the sprawl of towns that bordered into Mavvus. Their ship had just pulled in for the night at one of the docks. Marcos’ anxious energy was contagious as they sat in the stuffed serving area of an inn.
The two dozen people in the group filled the large half-empty rooms benches at two tables in an L shape in the corner. Like most inns, the serving are was on the first floor and was the first room people entered as someone came in the door and passed the front bar. This one had a large window along the side of the wall. At the far back end of this inn’s serving area a stage was set up, but empty at the moment.
At six and half feet tall, with heavily muscular proportions, white braided hair, full dark purple grey lips, and pale skin with odd dark under tones in the shadows Kaarthen was impressive and exotic in a region full of small, tan, dark haired southern women.
Her overripe breasts the size of a man’s head threatened to come out of her open sided knee length black robe. The robe’s light silky shell hid within it armor padding, poisoned daggers, and throwing darts. The split in the front showed some of the deep cleavage of her rounded lactating udders. Under her robe, she wore thigh high soft leather black boots and a loincloth. The shiny jewelry of her rings, bracelet, hip chain, and necklace flashed in the light. Though her luminous pale skin took away some of their shine. Her attractive though oversized curvy figure, weapon, and shiny elegant jewelry, stopped most people from noticing her eyes had no whites, just two black voids with floating discs of quicksilver vertically slit like cat.
She had the ability thanks too the Goddess ‘Dark Mother’ who was a passenger in her mind. The divine tourist was really after Marcos, her Champion. Sometime over the tens of thousands of years, that they knew each other, the Goddess of Death, Fertility, and Femininity had swooned over the man Kaarthen charitably considered to be a very prolific, and very lethal, misogynist of the first order.
Her twisted kind of love was expressed and had been imprinted on Kaarthen to keep things less complicated. Now as a vessel for a divine passenger in love, she too swooned over the man. It wasn’t hard, what the Goddess’ literally mind-blowing emotions didn’t do, the figuratively mind-blowing sex had.
As his ‘Companion’, the Goddess had all the access she wanted to him through Kaarthen. Kaarthen had learned a lot from the satisfied deity. She controlled more directly the urges of the people around her as it related to combat, sex, or fertility. Recently, she found she could see into the hearts and minds of people like clear water. She could directly manipulate the basic nature of things by re writing their definitions written in the elegant language of the gods.
She was learning a less elegant style of magic emanation from a legendary Sister Janis Vixxtoris. Janis was the Dark Mother’s Priestess. While the Champion worked as a lieutenant at times, feeding off of and empowering the Goddess directly, the priestess was the one who worked openly with the masses. Her task was to have as many as possible engage in the Goddess’ aspects. Despite unavoidably being as cold hearted as Marcos, Janis also had a warmer, perhaps more consensual, inclusive approach to spreading the gospel of death, femininity, and fertility.
Her style with magic was a more mundane intrinsic style that most people with the ability learn. Kaarthen and two of the four women she had bound to herself were learning from her the style and its signature technique of feeling and manipulating various kinds of energy.
The fourteen sex-slaves Kaarthen had the displeasure of keeping track of were kept in the back of the group along the wall. Unfortunately, that meant that Vieona, Darkenma, Janis, Saucrem, and Ein were stuck with their backs to the crowd.
The two Warrioresses, Vieona and Darkenma, were ominous in their black cloaks with a bear pelts. The two were typical tall heavily muscular Amazon women similar to Kaarthen. They were shorter though, at nearly six feet they were less than average for an Amazon. One was dark haired with few silvery grey streaks, the other was mostly silvery grey. The light haired Warrioress was older, wide hipped, thick limbed, very heavily breasted mature woman. Her hips and thighs also jiggled more, though she was obviously still in excellent physical conditioning. Her extra weight was only a display of fertility that Mother Nature used to show off matured women. The dark haired woman was curvy but had a lighter bosom and a more toned figure.
Janis had given each of them swords that they strapped to their backs, sandals, and open green robes tied at the waist that barely reached the thighs of the tall Amazons. They had eschewed loincloths.
The large group of women traveling accompanied by one male and a half dozen Amazons made them pretty popular. The rest of the inn was filled with six men in a group and several locals. The hopeful energy from the men translated into Kaarthen’s gut sinking frantic feeling as she kept Mara and Rinis along the edges trapping the women in a corner.
Ein could see the whole group. Most of the women were waifs and strays. They covered their faces with their bangs, slunk down, and slowly ate. However the better adapted of the group were fidgety in the face of potential sex. They were the squirrelly ones, and they were looking to eek some enjoyment from the audience. Ein kept her eyes on them and noticed several of the more bright-eyed women were definitely making inviting gestures for the crowd. The group tried to eat quickly. Kaarthen urged and cajoled the group to scarf what they could.
The building energy dynamic was further accelerated by alcohol. The group had stopped in town late. People were already drinking. The large group also had a long wait in order to be served. Locals noted Marcos’ gauntlet and furtively stared at the group curiously, but they weren’t the problem. The six travelers in the room knew nothing of Menthino’s ways. Anywhere else but so close to the canal they wouldn’t have had to worry.
“Mighty fine wenches…” A bearded man said stumbling up. His bowlegged stance, bare feet, and wet pants nailed him as a sailor.
Kaarthen stated clearly, “Not for sale.”
He straightened and leered at her. “Ah? Well what about…”
Marcos watched the man fall forward onto Vieona. He could tell it wasn’t an accident. He leaned in and shot a hand to cup her breast under the robe. As she sat shocked at his open groping, he leaned too far and his ale mug spilled onto her and Darkenma. Vieona quickly stood and slung the man onto his back across the table and stood with Darkenma. At just over six feet, they towered over him on the table. The man between them looked pitiful on the table splattered in his drink. She and Darkenma stood over him angrily and pinned him down. He was so drunk he could only squirm weakly on his back like a worm.
Behind them, the locals necked their drinks and hit the door while their tips still spun in the table. The other men from the sailor’s group turned to watch what they could. Several however where far to gone to notice the commotion.
Vieona hissed at the man. “Sister Kaarthen, help me punish this man who soiled my honor.”
Kaarthen stood and looked around then relaxed. The barkeep and waitresses stood by the door of the kitchen wide eyed. As locals, they knew not to mess with whatever Marcos allowed.
Quietly she leaned in over the man and asked the silver haired Warrioress. “How would you? What can my hands do?”
“The blessing from… before. Let me put my will against this man.” She pleaded.
Kaarthen looked up and down the table and cleared her throat. “You wish to take him like a man?”
Vieona nodded. “I wish to make him a woman. I wish him to be held down to feel the callous world in his soft core. Let him walk out carrying his shame deep within him. Let him remember the harshness as it leaks from him.” Her eyes were fanatical as she finished.
Kaarthen could see that Vieona saw herself in this man. She saw as he struggled weakly, powerless, and dirty on the table under her that it was once her. It was obvious she wanted power back. Kaarthen hoped this would give her back the last of it. Vieona wanted it from this man. Perhaps he didn’t deserve it, but he was convenient, and did bring it upon himself. Kaarthen didn’t see objections around the table. Even Janis, the velvet glove of the group, looked disinterested.
The Goddess was intrigued by the idea. It stirred at her words in the back of Kaarthen’s mind. “It… will be as you say.”
Vieona and Darkenma groaned as the tumescence took form and parted their short robes. Their cocks grew from the clitoris’ and encompassed the pisshole. They grew to the size of the women’s mighty forearms. The head was fist sized, and the shaft more than wrist thick. The balls fell last and dangled out of the bottom of the robe. The hairless orbs were barely smaller than the size of fists.
The women greedily pulled the man’s body between them. Darkenma’s quick finger’s pulled down his pants in her haste to slide him closer. Under a thatch of light reddish brown hair, the man was remade to have tiny pussy clamped tight with the faintest crack.
“Look at that.” Darkenma said running a hand up it.
The man squirmed harder. Instinctively, his body worked to avoid this submission.
She pushed back his knees onto his chest and hooked his pants behind his head before she got in closer. “Ya! Look at that! How cute! You got a cute pussy mister.”
He groaned in a mix of shock as she found his clit. Above her, his feet kicked uselessly.
She licked a finger and tested him. As she slid into his pussy, he tensed up and hissed an exhale through clenched teeth. “Wow… You’ve been chaste. Noble virgin huh?”
Overhead Vieona smeared her cock across the face of the man. His eyes were clenched tight and his mouth pursed as she slid over into his beard. “Noble virgin huh?” She smeared gobs of pre-cum across his cheeks.
“If I feel teeth you’re going to be the saddest whore this side of the canal.” She growled.
Behind them, the men at the table only saw a woman bent over their friend on the other table. Vieona’s heavy cloak blacked most of the view. They were curious about the feet dangling over the other Amazon’s shoulders.
“Ol boy’s getting the brown eye licked.” They drunkenly mused slapping each other’s backs.
Indeed, Darkenma was licking him. The man was writhing like a fish as she worked over his gash. Vieona probed his mouth directly. She grabbed his forehead and hooked a thumb across his nose to make him open up. He whimpered as she slid across his lips and started to push her length in.
“That feels good on your tongue.” Vieona said stroking into him and fucking his hairy face. “Just like a pussy. You’re better than the girl I fucked. Your mouth is good…” Vieona ruthlessly gagged him as he slapped at her.
After a moment, she grabbed his neck and leaned in to whisper sweetly in his ear. “Suck it good, or I will knock the rest of your teeth out and fuck you to death.” He suckled her more actively to keep from being gagged.
Marcos felt a soft hand creep up and looked down to see. One of the women had crawled under the table. He shifted and sat sideways on the bench so the woman could get to his cock. Next to him, Kaarthen spread her legs and shifted her loincloth so the woman’s small soft hand could probe her.
Darkenma crept up over the man onto the table. “You’re pretty old already, but I’ll make you a woman just the same.” The man panicked and squeals lit up the room. “Don’t fight it. You’re gonna love this.”
“Ya don’t fight, suck on this.” Vieona stopped gagging him gave him a half second to decide to cooperate.
Darkenma heaved over into him. For a moment their flesh battled as his soft compliant hole slowly opened. The splattered juices from his hole did the rest of the work for her. Her cock’s head slid around first one side then the other dipped in. Darkenma had to clamp the tip of her wide cock to get it into the man’s pussy.
With a shove, the head got in but was promptly popped back out. Darkenma’s next shove got a good purchase, but it was in the wrong hole. She looked down feeling drier then she thought was normal. By then her entire head was inside him.
“Oops.” Darkenma shoved in deeper. “This hole works better.”
The man flopped and writhed as Darkenma drove him into Vieona. With no room, he bent his back around to avoid them. In the struggle, his pants fell the rest of the way off, and he started kicking wildly.
“Quite being a bitch!” Darkenma growled. She hooked his legs behind her knees. His virgin pussy hole was stretched into a long teardrop by her buggering phallus as it destroyed his ass. Almost half her rod was going into the man as she pummeled into him. Her thrusts were intensified by her ability to spread him open and push down her hips from over him.
“He’s crying.” Vieona chuckled. “She’s fucking crying.” She corrected. He slowed his sucks to cough and like a rabid dog Vieona fell into him slapping him around before pushing her cock back at him. “Suck it good.”
The man was sobbing as he shamefully tried to protect his face from Vieona as he complied. He sucked deeply into his gullet as he sniffled. Below him, Darkenma squatted on the table over him and powered in with as much as he would take. Each thrust only stopped when his body bounced back off her cock.
“Ah shit. Ah shit.” Kaarthen steadied Darkenma as she climaxed and shot her wad. She let go of his legs and they flopped up to his shoulders. For a long moment, she just stayed still breathing in heaves.
Vieona looked over. “Let me open her up.” She brought his legs around in front of her and put his knees on the bench.
His confused friends were curious now what kind of sex he could he having in that position with his feet dangling out from the sides of her robe as she stood over him. The wriggle of her hips seemed…odd.
Vieona pushed into the man, but his tight hole resisted her. His ruined lubricated ass seemed to lure her cock as she tried to make it into the hole she coveted. “Damn it bitch.” She snarled and pushed him down against the table. She put a leg up next to him and shoved into him until the hole gave in.
The man wailed a true woman’s noise of pain and alarm as his maiden head was broken. Vieona took a moment to revel and gloat in triumph. “That’s it bitch that’s it.” Vieona cooed stroking his back as he labored for breath.
Around them, the group had tightened up around them to see the spectacle. At the front of the room, the waitresses still stood by the kitchen watching the two. They could see everything. The man being pumped as he was bent over the table, the handful of skinny pale women at the other table furiously kissing and licking each other, the head bobbing in the other man’s lap, the girl in purple fucking one of the skinny pale women at the end of the table with her own cock.
The five men at the opposite side saw none of this oddly. The sounds were to them no more than a rough night at the pub.
Vieona chanted as her hips slowed. “Here you go bitch. Here’s something to remember. Remember… This… Bitch.” With a harsh thrust, she seemed to enclose the man under her with her wide hips, heavy breasts, and dark cloak. He only whined as she inseminated him with her heavy load. “Ah, how was that bitch?”
She pulled from him slowly and revealed him to his friends. Immediately, the men all perked up.
Vieona idly stroked herself. “Hey Gentlemen. You want in on this bitch?”
Nobody expected that to happen and the drunk men were in deep shock at what they were seeing. The men looked from her, to the dripping holes next to her, to her cock. For a moment no one moved. The men who could, scrambled over, and started fighting among themselves. Darkenma held down the man and her cloak obscured him as one of the men won the tussle and pushed into the dripping pussy.
“Fuck that bitch.” Vieona cheered. The other men cheered the man on as he unwittingly fucked up his friend.
After a few minutes of hip slapping, exaggerated thrusts, and grunting the man gave a final giant heave into the man’s pussy and fell into him. “Fucks…Ya…” He groaned grinning.
Quickly he was pulled back off his friend’s ass. The second man paused and flipped the man over and paused doing a drunken double take. “That you Freico? Freico the freak.” He prodded the battered pussy idly.
“No shit.” Another man leaned in looking over the odd creature. The drunken men explored and striped him of his shirt. Freico only cried harder as they ignored him and pulled him how they wanted. They slapped his chest expecting breasts, and made him apologize for being found lacking.
“Always bitchin’ and that’s why isn’t it Freico? You ain’t gotta work no more. You’ll come with us. We know the men who’ll love you.” A gruff voice in the pile mumbled.
“No wonder that asshole… fuck him. Go ahead do it. Fuck him. He’s gonna get it real roughs now anyways.” A slurred voice urged.
“Right, I will. I will. I’m gonna fuck this bitch’s ass.” The man in the saddle said and hoisted Frieco’s legs to his shoulders.
He got over Freico and thrust down into his ass as he laid passively and took it. For more then ten minutes he was barraged with a litany of complaints his ‘friends’ had with him. He was pulled in between the dirty men and forced to suck cock after cock. By the end, his ass and pussy had fresh deposits and his beard was spattered with numerous strings and gobs of spit and semen.
He was pulled out of the inn naked by the drunken sailors as Kaarthen and the group watched. Already the harsh world had him in its grasp. He would start making money by the time the sun came up. By the time he was given a moment to rest and figure out what happened to him, the sun would be up on the next day. By then, any hope of getting back to normal would be miles up the canal.
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