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Dennis enters the system.
Kevin’s Dream Girls Chapter 4

Dennis’s skills giving orgasms started and spread by Kristy and Nancy and the breakfast talk among the girls was that morning. Breakfast was great as usual and now it was time to dress for the morning run. The first group was growing with Dennis, Nancy and Kristy, who stayed with Pam, Amy, Lyn and Kevin. They were all able to stay within 80 feet of each other after 13 miles. They all skinny-dipped in the Pool to cool off.

Dennis was notified that his suspension for discharging his firearm was over and he would go to work with the police today He would leave 15 minutes early because of the longer drive. He would look into buying a motorcycle to make it there faster. A second call would have him go the site of his shooting to meet his lieutenant who wanted to talk to Kristy about her experience there. He would take her to his office for her great typing skill at typing up reports for the person that was on vacation. Dennis loved having Kristy with him and those requests were welcome.

Kristy was dressed conservatively business pants suit outfit and her blond hair was just long enough to be tied back in a ponytail. She was not sure she ever wanted to go back to the place where she taken and raped ad nearly killed there but she would go and talk to the lieutenant about what she would never forget. She loved the idea of helping Dennis in his office. She could type very fast and hoped that would help them. Kristy typed up detailed report of her abduction how she was treated and describing her feeling being raped and her horrible experience with almost loosing her life describing her fear and what she said to try to save herself and closing her eyes as the axe came down and the pain of the guy who raped her sitting on her to keep her from moving. She put another band-aid on the cut on her throat from that axe. Kristy printed it and put the pages in a manila envelope.

Dennis held the door open for Kristy just as he did when courting her but she though that has not ridden with him since then. She loved him deeply and agreed to marry him. Dennis said, “I really sorry to have to take you back to this place you may be trying to forget.” Kristy said, “This place is the worst of times for me an the best of times meeting you Dennis.” It was not far from where they came from and Dennis parked had Kristy stay in the car for now said, “I will back for you Kristy” Kristy said, “That is all right Dennis it will not bother me.”

“Lieutenant Peterson this is Kristy.” Peterson said, “Kristy this place is different than when you were here because we have recovered 13 young women so far who have died here from decapitation.” “I want to hear from you what happened to you and how you got here.” “You are the only survivor.” Kristy said, “I was out running at about 5am when I needed to walk and two men gabbed me put a blind fold over my eyes.” ‘They put me in some kind of van and took off my shoes and all my clothing leaving me naked.” “They took me into this house.” “I felt safe with the blindfold because I would never be able to identify any one of them but they took it off.” “I was tied up and could not move and I heard them saying they would be killing me.” “One of them brutally raped me saying it would be my final fucking.” “They ate lunch telling me I would not need any food because they would end my life soon.”
“One of them said I would not suffer long because he would chop off my head and fuck my freshly dead body.” “I never heard them address each other and say any names but I told them I was afraid to die today and I would become their personal sex slave.” One of them said I have only 5 minutes to live.” “They took me outside one of them sat on me and pushed my chin back on this log.” “I could see as he lowered the axe and cut me here.” “I suppose that was to create target for the axe to take my head off.” “The man that was sitting on me so I could not move was the one that earlier raped me” “The guy with the axe that would kill me is the one who wanted to fuck my freshly dead body.” “I was very frightened now because I did not want to die but it appeared I was going to die soon.” “He raised the axe and I closed my eyes expecting to die and I heard a shot.” “I opened my eyes and saw Dennis cuffing the guy that sitting on me the one that raped me earlier.” “The axe was on the ground next to me and the guy had blood coming down his head and I was sure he was dead.” “I hate to see anyone die but he was going to kill me and Dennis shot him in the head.” “I will never grieve the guy that was going to kill me.”
“Dennis cut the tie holding my wrists and gave me his coat to cover my naked body” “We walked to the van that got me here and I put on my running outfit and shoes and gave Dennis back his coat.” “Other police cars were arriving here now and I got a ride to the station where I left a statement.” “I was happy to be alive.” “I want you to know that “Dennis has treated me with respect and courtesy.” “I was almost 5pm when he dropped me off at home I gave him my cell number” “Dennis was suspended because of the shooting investigation but he was my hero.” “Dennis called me and took me out to eat with him the next evening.” “I thought I was not the first victim of these guys because they must have killed others.” “I am only 18 and wanted to live longer than that.” “I feel very sorry for the other girls who died here.” “I know what they went through.”

“Thank you Kristy now we both know what they all went through.” “Whenever there is an officer involved shooting there is an investigation and temporary suspension.” “I am sure you will agree that Dennis did the right thing.” “Kristy you are a very beautiful young lady” “I won’t blame Dennis from falling for you.”

On the way to the station Kristy put her ring back on. Kristy said, ”I told the lieutenant all about what happened to me.” “I did say you took me out to dinner the next night and the last thing he said he told me I was a very beautiful young lady and he said, He won’t blame Dennis from falling for me. Dennis said, “Kristy you are very beautiful and I did fall for you.” “You are also very intelligent and well spoken and able to express your emotions in your speech and writing.” “That makes me love you more.” “Kristy you have great legs, a beautiful body, perfect beasts and a beautiful face with blue eyes and blond hair that I love every inch of you.” Kristy said, “I am proud of the body given to me and want to show it off at home.” “I love living life naked.” “I would show it off everywhere if it was legal.” “Men get to go topless and everyone knows what breasts look like and I have seen women with bikinis so brief they cover only the nipple.” “I have a bikini like that.” “Everyone, women and men, have nipples and they all look similar” “Why do women need to cover theirs?” Dennis said, “I don’t make the laws but only enforce them.” “You bring up an interesting point because in many cultures women are always topless and it does not corrupt children or cause more rapes.” “It stems from women being considered property and keeping them tightly wrapped when in public.”

“We have the source of laws in England where it too cold to go topless and they still made laws against it.” “Kristy you are more beautiful when nude and only those in the house can see you that way.” “I read about a woman arrested for simulating nudity when out running one morning.” “She had a flesh colored top with nipples sewn into the top.” On the bottom there was sewing to simulate the texture and appearance of her vaginal opening.” She was arrested for nudity but she was not nude and they had to let her go because there are no laws against simulating nudity.” “That did not mean that people would call in and complain.” “From a distance of over 30 or so feet she look completely naked except for her shoes.” “After that she wore this nude looking running outfit and carried a sign saying ‘Not Naked’ sewed on to the top.” “She was wearing a sports bra and shorts that were not overly brief but they were flesh colored and made to look nude.” “Her midriff and legs were not covered but her breasts and pussy were covered and made to look nude and there was no law against that.” “This woman was running with her was an attorney that got her off.” Kristy said, “Some day I was thinking of going out naked on Sunday morning because there is nobody else out on at that early time.” “I won’t do that because I am chicken to try it.” Dennis said, “In the Netherlands some women go out topless even if it is illegal it is not enforced.” “Marijuana is openly sold and smoked and there are laws against that but enforcement is selective and almost nobody goes to jail for that.” “In this country we don’t have the right to selectively enforce laws.” “There are no laws against simulated nudity but it will get citizens to complain.” “If it was up to me I would not enforce nudity laws for young women and I would let marijuana be sold and consumed.” “I smoked pot some time when I was young and I don’t see any problem with it and women who look a beautiful as you should be able to show off your terrific bodies but cops have to enforce the law.” “If I was the only one in the office you could strip down and I would not mind but there are others there including women cops that would not like it.” Marijuana is legally a class 1 narcotic along with heroin” “Tobacco smoking kills 40,000 people each year and it is extremely addictive even more so than heroin.” “I am not aware of anyone dying from Marijuana.” “If you were to stand naked near the street you may cause a traffic accident killing somebody.” “Any child can look at pictures of nude women on the computer but that is not illegal because the Internet is considered free unless they chose to charge for some sites.” “Kristy you are more sexy than anyone on the Internet.” “I get to see you up close and touch you anywhere and leave my seed inside you.” Kristy said, “Thank you for saying this about me.” “I love you touching me anywhere when I am naked.” “Nancy loves it too.” “She wishes she could be your second wife.”

Dennis held Kristy’s hand in the elevator and walked into his office where Dennis introduced her to every one as his fianc? Kristy shook hands with everyone and Lisa kissed her on he cheek. There were a stack of hand written reports she would have type into the computer and print. The computer had program on it so she could type in the forms. After being showed what to do she exhibited her fast typing and reduced the pile of forms and printed them as she went handing them to one of detectives to sign. After an hour she was given a cup of coffee to drink. Kristy got to know all the detectives that she required a signature for them. Soon she was alone in the office because someone was murdered. Krista was shown how to use the phone and keep records of the calls. By the time they all came back she was done with everything holding a cup of coffee.

There were reports from the murder today and she quickly typed them up getting the proper signatures. It was clear to everyone that she could now do this job better than the woman she was replacing. She was commented on her good looks and was better looking than the woman on vacation. Kristy could keep up with the work being generated easily with no mistakes. Everyone in the office was pleased with her work and efficiency. Dennis said, “You are earning only $15 per hour now and you could have a permanent job in this building if you were not returning to school.” “I will give you recommendation anyway Kristy.” “You should take up writing at home and I am sure you would be successful at your own pace while at college.” “Yolanda will be back in one week an she is not as good as you are Kristy.”

Dennis opened the door for Kristy before driving her home. When Dennis got in Kristy said, “Being at that house this morning I wanted to thank you again.” “I remember fully expecting to feel that axe passing through my neck and everything going to black when you shot that guy saving my life at the last second.” “That happened to so many other girls there I had hard time not sobbing for them.” “I could never do your job investigating the murders of people the met the end of their lives by someone else where you were not there for them.” Dennis said, “It upsets me when we cannot ever find the person that ended their life early.” “I am glad I was there for you Kristy” “I saw you being abducted form two blocks away it took me a while to find the vehicle used to bring you to that house.” “I knocked on the door and got no answer so I came around to the back yard where I saw this guy draw back the axe and got out my gun and shot him in the head to make sure he did not kill you.” “I was the first time I ever drew my gun and shot anyone.” “I was only about six feet from the guy and I could not get to him without shooting him.” “When I learned of all the girls found buried there it upset me too for nobody being there for them.” “I was surprised when you were to be killed only couple of hours after being abducted.” “I would think if they went to the trouble of kidnapping a beautiful young woman like you they would keep you around for sex longer than that. They must have enjoyed killing the girls they killed.” “All of the bodies they found were girls that were decapitated.” “All the heads were found in the house in jars.” “There were 19 heads so there should be 19 bodies.” The guy holding you down will be charged with 19 counts of murder and one count of attempted murder enhanced by kidnapping.” “The other guy is dead because I killed him.” “I will never feel bad about that.”

“To change the subject I want to buy a motorcycle and stop at the dealer shortly” Kristy said, “That is OK with me but make it big enough for me on the back.” Dennis said, “I got class II endorsement a month ago.”

Dennis parked in front of the Honda motorcycle dealer and let Kristy out and they both went in to the showroom. Dennis walked up to a GL18HPNAM “This is gold wing with anti lock brakes.” “What color to you want Kristy.” “Kristy said I like the blue one.” The sale rep had it removed for to put gasoline in it and Kristy Dennis bought leather jackets and boots to fit them. Dennis said, “I have been saving for this forever.” He gave his credit card and put the jackets, boots, helmets and motorcycle on it. In 23 minutes Dennis rode the motorcycle home and Kristy drove his car.

Kristy remove her suit and shoes to become naked again and so did Dennis. Kristy said, “Dennis you can now touch me anywhere.” Dennis lifted her to his shoulders with her legs behind his head. He pulled her to his mouth and held one hand under Kristy and used his tongue and fingers of the other hand to give her several orgasms. After that, he put her down and they kissed passionately. Nancy was there and he lifted her to his shoulders and did the same with her. When he lowered her Nancy kissed him as well. Nancy got down on her knees and gave Dennis a blowjob so he would not show his arousal. Nancy swallowed it all before kissing him again. Nancy loved being here for Dennis and loved her roll as his mistress.

Dinner was ready now and they all sat down for another superb meal that everyone enjoyed. The chef was naked as well looking great for woman as old as her. Dennis talked about Kristy at the murder site and doing so well at work and the motorcycle he bought. Dennis also commented on how much he liked all the naked girls here. Today Amy and Lyn did the cleanup while everyone else went to the pool. Amy and Lyn joined in after cleaning.

Kevin had all the girls come out for a beauty contest. Kevin and Dennis would be the judges. All of the girls had laser treatments to get rid of pubic hair and they came out one at a time smiling and spreading their legs for inspection and tuning to see there backs and fronts. Each of them was photographed in each position. The most beautiful nude was Pam with Kristy coming in second followed by Amy, Lyn, Nancy and Kris.

In Kevin’s room Pam were in one room plus either Amy or Lyn. Kris would sleep with either Amy or Lyn rotating in a second room. Dennis had Kristy and Nancy. There was one extra bedroom for rent. That was the only way to do it with a house with two men and six females with two or three in each bed. Amy, Lyn, and Pam were Kevin’s girls and Kristy and Nancy were Dennis’s girls. Kris-41 was the mother of Pam-17, Amy, Lyn, Kristy and Nancy were all 18-years old. This was now complicated by Christine Hunter a 18year old beautiful blond who came in with very attractive and tall Angie Moss 18 with black hair and blue eyes and 17 Neither of them was lesbian and would talk to Nancy about rotating one each day going to bed with Dennis and Kristy and becoming Dennis’s girls. Dennis now had one fianc?nd three mistresses. Tonight he would go to bed with Kristy and Angie.

The dinning room table tomorrow at breakfast would now be full of two men and 8 horny girls with every chair now filled.

Tonight Dennis used both hands to bring Kristy and Angie to several orgasms and walk into the next room to do the same with Nancy and Christine. Kristy was the beautiful goddess that would also have her vagina filled with Dennis’s cum with one more orgasm.

In the morning Angie went next door for her running out fit and Nancy came to Dennis’s room for her running outfit. Both of the new girls were impressed with quality taste of food at breakfast.

Christine and Angie were both avid athletes that ran long distances and kept up with others for the entire 13 miles just behind Pam, Kevin, Kristy, and Dennis. Like the others they stripped for the pool to cool off. This being Saturday nobody had to go to work and stayed talking in the hot tub.

Kevin now had 8 women standing at the wall from the 6-foot tall Pam, Amy and Angie to Lyn and Kris at 5’11” to Kristy at 5’10” Christine and Nancy at 5’9” All of them were beautiful and much taller than average and have no problems with nudity inside the house.

Dennis is a little sore from his workout with Kevin yesterday Today he starts with Amy who is still naked working out weights with enough repetitions to do in 90 seconds working out the upper and lower body with exercises with the chest, abdomen, arms, back and legs.

The next appointment was with Kristy and Kevin was surprised with her greater strength. Everyone was different with regard to his or her neuron response or the number of nerves to muscle fibers ratio. The average to the legs of most people was 30-35% and Olympic sprinters have ratio of 90-95 % of their muscle fibers connected to nerves making the same size muscle much stronger. Kristy was able to do squats with up to 100 pounds where most girls her size and age could lift 35 pounds after some practice Kristy was able to lift 200 pounds on a dead lift picking up barbell and bringing it to her waste. Most girls could lift no more than 40 pounds. This exercise worked out the buttocks and back muscles. Kristy had very little fat on her buttocks compared to other girls. Kristy was slim and appeared not overly muscular. Her legs were muscled because of the morning run. Kevin could do a dead lift of 350 pounds and this woman was pound for pound much stronger than Kevin. Kevin found Dennis as much stronger than he expected to be on the first appointment.

Pam could dead lift 40 pounds and do a squat of 35 pounds only one third of what Kristy could do. Kevin took her the rest of her workout and she could not hold a candle to what Kristy could do. Kevin found out Dennis was lifting women to his shoulders for sexual purposes and Kevin thought he was the only one that could do this.

Angie came in for the first time with Kevin and she could do 20 repetitions on a squat with no weight. Kevin let her do some upper body lifts to rest her leg muscles and came back to it with 50 pounds on a dead lift and Angie could not lift it more than 6 inches. He gave her 50 pounds to do one squat and she could not do that either.

Christine Hunter was in good shape and could dead lift after warm up of 100 pounds and do a squat holding 65 pounds making her stronger than an average girl but not as strong as Kristy but closer on her upper body.

Kevin found Dennis to tell him about Kristy and Dennis showed him a picture of Kristy’s father that won the Olympic decathlon 10 years ago making him the word’s greatest athlete at that time. He was 6’2” and only 160 pounds standing in the picture with the gold medal. Kristy got 50% of her genes from him. Dennis said Kristy’s mother was also an Olympic athlete winning the bronze metal in women’s pole vault.

Dennis said, Kristy I love you deeply. I just talked to Kevin and he told me you were incredibly strong for a woman. Kristy said, “In high school my claim to fame was that I was the only girl on the boys football team” Dennis asked, “What position did you play?”
“Dennis, I was the first-string quarterback.” “I was not big enough for any line position but I was good at throwing the ball accurately and passing it off.” Because I was a girl I think they easier on me than if I was a boy” “I was not good enough for any athletic scholarship but I was pretty smart and worked hard to get 4.22 grade point average including advanced placement class that an A is worth 5 grade points.” “Academically I was third in my class and I got a scholarship at UCLA.” If they gave me only 4 points for an A my grade point average was 3.96 because I was not perfect.” “Both my mom and dad were Olympic athletes. “I got on the football team from being able to run faster than anyone else but I also could throw the ball and they did not want me injured from being tackled with every play.” “I always was pretty tough girl but boys got in fights and girls did not.” “Dennis I love you deeply and I am just getting used to your half marathon every morning but I will get better.” “I am better at sprinting and I could run 100 yards in 9.5 seconds.” “That was faster than any girl or any boy.” “I finished high school as a virgin and once was sort of shy and I finally got a date for the prom.” “Most boys don’t like girls that are stronger and faster than them.”

“I could not get away from those guys that abducted me.” “I am grateful you saw me being abducted and were able to find the place I was taken.” “I was never given the chance to run away and I did not want to die.” “I wonder why those guys would risk kidnapping a girl only to kill her only hours later.” “They did not want sex they wanted to see girls die.” “One guy would rather fuck a freshly dead girls body.” “He would rather kill a girl before fucking her.” “He deserves to be dead.” Dennis said, “I agree with you Kristy he was an awful man to do this.” “I am glad he never fucked your freshly dead body so I can love you like I do now.” I was told I would feel bad once I killed somebody but I am not disappointed in killing this guy.” “He was about to kill you Kristy.” “I will never understand why those guys would take the risk of abducing victims only to kill them shortly after.” “Maybe they were adding to their collection of girls heads.” “We found 19 heads in big mason jars on a bookshelf in the house.” “Kristy your head would be the 20th.” “I am very happy your wonderful head is still attached to your wonderful body.” “I am able to make love with you every day, I will never hurt you because I love you Kristy.” Kristy said, “The guy sitting on me holding me down may not have killed anyone but made it possible for the guy with the axe.” “If he never directly murdered anyone is he guilty of murder?” Dennis said, those guys joined in their effort to kill all these girls and are equally guilty of 19 counts of first degree murder.” “It was important to hold the girl down so she is still to cleanly cut off her head.”

Dennis said, “I read of the French revolution they used a guillotines to decapitate thousands of people.” “There was study of people about to die to continue to blink there eyes and they found that a severed head would continue to blink their eyes for from four to eleven seconds while their head was held by the researcher.” “I you were to die from having your head chopped off you would remain conscience for four to eleven seconds and be aware of having the axe pass through your neck and your head tumbling down.” “It is not really instant death.”

Kristy said, “I am awfully glad you saved me from that.” “You became my hero Dennis and I fell in love with you.” Dennis said, Kristy you are beautiful young woman that I fell for and want you to be my wife forever.” “It would be terrible waste to loose you to these murderers” Kristy said, “I will forever be grateful that you were there for me.” “That experience was the worst in my life” “I hated feeling helpless and about to die.” “I was very frightened” “I will never forget it and I will never forget you Dennis.” The guy about to kill me should have died slowly and painfully but you had to do what you did to save me.” “I love you Dennis more than you realize” “I love you because you were so gentle and courteous to me.” “I love you for saving my life” “No man has ever treated me so well as you Dennis.” “I will do my best to please you and be worthy of you.” “I have never been a seductress but I will always be one for you Dennis.

Dennis used both hands to give Kristy and Angie several orgasms and went next door to do the same for Christine and Nancy. Nancy rose and kissed Dennis saying, “I love you Dennis.” Christine said, “Thank you Dennis you are very lovable.” Dennis lifted Angie to his shoulders and used his tongue and fingers to please her with more orgasms. Dennis then lifted Kristy who crossed her legs behind him and gave her more orgasms. He then turned her to drop on his stiff penis and lifted and dropped her until she had one more powerful orgasm and ejaculated inside her. Dennis Kissed her passionately and then went to sleep with Kristy and Angie who whispered “I love you too Dennis.”

In the morning everyone dressed in their running outfits but Christine who painted a running suit on Angie in bright blue. Nobody noticed this at breakfast that was delicious for everyone.

They all stepped out for the morning run the tall Angie was beautiful in her blue paint and ran with Christine because they were not in shape for 13 miles. Pam and Kristy ran out front with Dennis and Kevin watching the long sexy legs of both of them. This morning after 13 miles Kristy ran out front to be the first to the front door. Christine and Angie were waiting there Angie’s blue paint was now running and mostly gone from her sweat and she stood behind Christine to conceal her nudity from passing cars. Angie said, “I have been running out there obviously naked and I made it home with no passing cars or anyone.” “Perhaps next Sunday I will just put my shoes on and go out running naked.” Christine said. “My boobs are too big to do that.” We went only six miles because we are not in shape to run 13 miles without stopping or walking. “Kristy said, “Just make sure you are together so somebody does not abduct you.” “Being a female alone out there could be dangerous.” “At the time I was so exhausted I could not outrun them.” Angie took off her shoes and jumped in the pool and what paint remained on her suddenly disappeared. Others joined her shortly after they took the time to take off their clothing and shoes. One by they went to sit in the hot tub and when they were all there they were now packed shoulder to shoulder. Pam said, “Does anyone know how we could have an orgy with only two men and eight girls.” Kris said, find a way so both men can fuck every girl. Amy said, Kevin and Dennis could lie on their back and each of us can squat up and down on their penis for twenty seconds or so before going to next. When all of us have been fucked for twenty seconds Pam can squat on Kevin and Kristy can do it to Dennis until the men cum inside Pam and Kristy.
Pam said, “I would not mind Dennis ejaculating into me and Kristy can do it with Kevin.”

Dennis and Kevin were on towels on their backs and the girls lined up. Dennis counted the twenty seconds for Amy and she went to Kevin who counted for her Pam got on Dennis for twenty second before going to Kevin. Lyn was next to go to Dennis and Kevin for twenty seconds. Angie was next and got on Dennis and Kevin after all the twenty seconds were done the girls went back to back as Dennis on one side and Kevin on the other side use their fingers give several orgasm for two girl before going to the next two. This provided pleasure for all the girls because they had all the orgasms. Kevin and Dennis were next to each other as Pam got on Dennis and Kristy got on Kevin and continued facing them pumping their vagina over their penis until Kevin and then Dennis ejaculated inside their partner. Pam leaned over and kissed Dennis and Kristy did the same for Kevin. The two beautiful blond girls then kissed each other. This was exciting for everyone and took 36 minutes. Every female had at least 20 seconds of sex with each man and had multiple orgasms from their fingers Pam had Dennis’s sperm in her and Kristy had Kevin’s sperm. They all had IUD so no female would get pregnant.

Dennis went to bed with Pam and Amy and Kevin went to bed with Kristy and Christine. Kris slept with Nancy and Angie slept with Lyn. For the most part Dennis’s girls were Kevin’s girls for one night. Both men had sex with every girl and everyone slept with somebody new. In the morning Amy gave Dennis a blowjob and Christine gave one to Kevin while Kris got up to prepare breakfast It was fun for most to have an intimate sexual relationship with somebody new.

The naked chef Kris stayed home while everyone else went out running. Christine and Angie knowing what happened to Kristy remained close and Kristy ran all 13 miles and able to sprint the last 100 yards to the porch. Kris then let in Christine and Angie when they got here all then stripped for the pool to cool off.

Later Dennis and Kristy put on their leather pants and jackets over their clothing and Kristy rode behind Dennis on his new motorcycle It was very comfortable for Kristy on the back seat and Dennis made much better time from passing between two lines of cars waiting for signal light and be at the front when it changed to green. Before they would wait through two or three changes of the lights but now it took less time to get to the police station than it took from there previous house.

Pam said, “Kevin Dennis lifted me to his shoulders with the ease you do. I tried hard to conceal my orgasms but Dennis could cense when I had an orgasm and let up briefly and continued to next orgasm and was able to do this over and over and I felt heavenly and could not help kissing him because he was so gentle about it and turned me to face him and lowered me to his penis in my vagina holding me and lifting me up and down until I had another powerful orgasm and soon I felt the warmth of his cum and I kissed him again. My feet never touched the floor during all of this. Dennis gently held me for entire time. If you want to know more trade me there next weekend I know I will enjoy it. I love you Kevin but Dennis is very lovable and very skilful love maker
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