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Note: This I s a continuation of Water Park love and involves male on male. Don’t let the door hit you on you way out if you don’t like it.

The music pounded and I didn’t know what was happening. I remembered “Stereo Love” pounding in my ears and then a warm breeze hit my face. I was outside. Stumbling and stuttering. The moon bounced off of the ocean and into my eyes, illuminating the various streets and closed shops. I stumbled and tripped. My eyes were becoming heavy, heavier by the second. I couldn’t get up. I was grabbed by the arm and yanked up. Black. My eyes lifted back up to see a window overlooking the ocean. Black. My eyes opened to see the same thing, but this time I was being entered from behind with heavy grunts. Black.

Two days earlier

Day 2

There is something about waking up in a white room, with a beach breeze flowing in, and a God sleeping soundly next to you. There is something indeed.

As I rolled over the next morning, I reflected on my time so far. I had embarked in a trip around the world with the love of my life and was two days in, in the most beautiful beach. I leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. I got up slowly and put on the underwear on the floor, not paying attention to who’s it was.

I walked down the hallway and took a right. I opened the two glass doors and was met with a warm sea breeze and the smell of the ocean. It was a beautiful day and I watched as people played outside of our fence.

I walked into the little kitchen and saw a coffee pot with some coffee sitting next to it. I poured water in it and put the coffee in and switched it on. I listened as the machine cackled to life and began to spew out the warm liquid that was like a savior to me on mornings like these. I walked over to the doors and sat in a chair right on the patio. I took a blanket and curled in it. I looked at the clock inside to see that it read 8:30 am. Perfect. The day was going to be long which meant all the more time with Mark.

“Underwear thief” I heard his voice say behind me. He hugged me from behind and kissed my head. “Good morning sunshine” I said. “Morning” he said. “I am making coffee” I said. “Yah I know” he said as he handed me a mug. “Thank” I said. I sipped and felt the warm liquid go down my throat. I rubbed my eyes with tiredness. “What is on the agenda today Crocodile Dundee” I asked. “Ha-ha. Well I had something excited planned but, if you want to stay here and have…. A little fun, I’m ok with that too” he said with a wink.

“Well as nice as having a little fun with you sounds, I think I want to get out and do whatever you have plans to do” I said grabbing his hand. “Good choice because reservations are already made” he said. He downed the rest of his coffee and kissed me. “I am going to the shower if you care to join” he said. “Be there in a minute”. He walked down the hallway and I sat there for a few extra minutes and finished off my coffee. I walked into the kitchen and took both of our mugs. I went to the sink and put the mugs in. I turned the water on and bent over to drink when I heard a thud. I looked around and saw nothing and then bent back over to drink. I came up and swished my mouth and spit it out. I turned off the water and turned back around.

I jumped and yelled. There in the living room was a tall, tan, muscular Mexican man clad in a tight red Speedo. I walked over to the other side of the counter and said “Um who are you”. “Frisbee?” he said. I pushed my immediate boner into the edge of the counter. His accent was so sexy. “No Frisbee” I said. He walked around the couch and towards me and I reached into the drawer and grabbed a handle. He stopped right in front of the counter and bent over. Fuck, boner just raised again. His ass was so tight. He grabbed a Frisbee and said “Gracias, adios” he waved and walked out.

“Random” I said as I ran over to the doors and closed them, locking them. I walked down the hallway and into the bedroom going into the bathroom. He was in the large glass shower, laying on the granite bench, with the water flowing on him. I walked in, stripped, and opened the door. I danced around because the steam in the shower was on and the floor was very hot. I ran over to the bench and jumped on. “FUCK OW OW OW!” I said. “Calm down” he said as he pulled me to him and held me. Suddenly the pain went away.

We sat there like that and I felt his boner raise into my back. I reached for it and he grabbed my hand. “I’m saving the best for tonight he said”. He then gnawed on my neck and I turned around and kissed him. We made out for a few minutes and I stood up, the steam has turned off.

I grabbed the soap and went over to him. He got up and let me wash his body. I lathered up his stomach and then worked my hands around his whole body. I ran my fingers between his and went down his legs and ass. He washed it up and I kissed his abs. He did the same to me and we stood there and kissed for a couple of minutes.

When we got out he dried off and told me to pack clothes for a night. With no protest I did what he asked. He grabbed our things and headed towards the door. “Come with me to heaven” he said. I followed and grabbed his hand. We walked out the door and walked around the house to the beach. We went right and walked down the beach. I took pictures with my camera and got some really good ones. We walked for what seemed like hours until we came to this tiny dock with a little boat with a cabin under it.

We climbed on. “Who’s boat is this” I asked. “Mine”” he said. His parents had some yacht club membership and he said he had this boat driven here. I went down the stairs and placed our bags onto the floor. I stood up and felt tears come to my eyes. I remembered the last time we were on a boat and the aftermath of the whole trip. I held them back and hoped this boat trip would be better.

I climbed up top and watched as he through the ropes onto the boat. He climbed into the front and turned the little boat on. We began to move out of port and were soon cruising around the island. I watched as we approached a little circle in the water, he went around and went into an entrance of the circle.

I gasped in awe. This “circle” was “The Great Blue Hole” a fascination of mine ever since sixth grade. The hole is a popular diving spot that was formed by sea levels flooding caves and is made of basically limestone. Mark told me he has a special diving license that let us be here. He stopped the boat and took off his clothes and was standing there in his Speedo I had bought him. Fuck I made a good choice.

The Speedo clung to his huge package and his ass. It was just enough to cover him, but not that much. His abs looked bigger and I ripped off my clothes standing in a matching Speedo. He same over to me and kissed me. “Fuck you look hot” he said. “Thanks, you don’t look half bad yourself” he kissed me again. “since you haven’t learned how to Scuba dive, were just gunna go swimming, but anytime you here a boat, swim under, or next to ours and do not be seen!” he said. “Ok”. I took the next few minutes to snap pictures of where we were.

As I was putting away my camera, I walked over to the edge of the boat and looked over into the clear water to find him. “Behind you” he said. I whirled around and he grabbed me, kissed me, and then shoved both himself and me into the water. I fell into the warm water and we separated. I was egg beating in place with him when I felt something on my feet. I looked down startled, only to find a school of fish swimming by. They were bright colored and weaved in and out of each other with perfect synchronization.

After swimming in this amazing place which had captured my attention for so long, we went back aboard the mini-yacht and dried off. After taking in the scenery and the view of the god in front of me, I climbed into his lap as he started to drive the boat away. “Wanna drive the boat little boy?” he said in a babyish voice. “Yes daddy” I said with a wink.

He instructed me where to go and told me to be aware of the spiratic shallowness of the water and that we would be killing someone’s habitat if the boat scraped the bottom. I saw a sign bobbing in the water and he told me to drive over there. By this time the sun was beginning to set and the sun was blazing orange and red. As I pulled up to the bobbing sign, he slowed the boat down until we were at a complete stop. He said that the sign indicated this was a safe place to anchor. He pulled a lever, and told me the anchor was going down.

I walked over to a bench in the “cockpit” (what I called the driving area) and laid down, taking in the view.

I fell into a sleep and dreamt about the boat and him and I being together forever. Then my dream turned strange. I was running through Belize until I was met with a random Jungle. I went into it, and I saw the sexy guy from my living room, in his red Speedo, sitting there. He takes off his Speedo revealing a gigantic cock. It was at least a foot long and uncut. He took his dick in one hand and began to stroke it, while with the other motioned for me to come over. I walk over and he tells me to sit on his lap. I do and he puts his cock on my face. He them yells at me, grabs my face, and wraps his snake like cock around my neck, I began to feel helpless and pop up out of my dream.

I sit straight up panting, I’m in the same place I fell asleep and scared out of my mind. The moon is high and illuminating the sea. I look around for Mark, but cannot find him. I run around the “cockpit” and down the stairs onto the deck. What I am greeted with astonishes me. There is a table set up with flowers, and candles. Mark is sitting there in a skimpy pair of lace bikini underwear, not my forte, but what the hell.

“How long was I out” I ask groggily. “About an hour” he said. “Remember hat bag I had yesterday when we got into your car that I said I had something for you? Well go downstairs into our room and see what I have, it is dinner attire for tonight” he said with a wink.

I walked downstairs to find a pair of white bikini underwear on the bed. I slipped my Speedo off and slipped the underwear on, there really wasn’t any difference. I admired my body in the mirror, but came to the quick conclusion that I was being narcissistic, and decided to go back upstairs.

When I came up, the table had been arranged with what looked like a food scene from heaven. There was fish over a bed of spinach, topped with flowers. “I made this while you were out” he said. He pulled out my chair, I sat down, and he poured me a glass of champagne. He sat down opposite me. “where’d you get this?” I asked, referring to the alcohol. “Found it in a cupboard” he said. “Cheers to us and this great trip” I said, raising my glass, we clinked glasses and drank.

We then ate our dinner, which tasted exactly how it looked. He slid his hand across the table and grabbed mine. I mouthed “I love you” and he said “Not as much as I love you”. I smiled. When we were done with dinner, he walked it over to a bow and put our dirty dishes away. He walked over and sat back down. The candlelight and moonlight were the only sources of light and I looked at his eyes. He put his hand on my thigh under the table and I said “Trying to make the move on such an occasion I see? Well Mr. Suarez, I think I might have to take you up on that” I said with a wink. He stood up and came over to me. I looked at his dick, seeing how massive it was in his panties.

He took my hand and pulled me up. He took me into a dancing position and turned on some slow music. He pulled me into his chest and I put my head in his shoulder. He took me and we began to sway. “This is so fucking clich?ark, but so fucking cute” I whispered into his sweet smelling skin. “Call me cheesy” he said, placing his chin on my head.

We stayed like this for ten minutes, but I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed his head in my heads and planted my lips onto his. He took me into his arms and carried me into the cabin. He pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me, kissing me passionately. A thought and fantasy came to my head and I flipped him over. I went down to the line of his panties and ripped them off with my teeth. I then stopped and said “Be in the driving seat and ill meet you there in two minutes”. He looked at me stupidly and then shrugged. He walked upstairs in all of his naked glory. The minute he was gone, I looked franticly around the cabin, looking for something I had seen earlier. I opened a cupboard and found what I was looking for, a sailor’s hat. I smiled, grabbed it, and ran up top.

When I was on deck, I looked up the stairs that led to the “cockpit” and took a deep breath and climbed them.

Once I got up, I saw him sitting where he was supposed to, his face away from mine. I came from behind him and placed the cap on his head. I then stripped off my panties and walked around so that he could see me. Both of us were steel hard and he smiled at me. I climbed on him so that I was straddling him, took his face in mine once again, and planted my lips onto his. As we kissed ferociously, our dicks pressed in between our stomachs.

He grabbed both our cocks and began to move his hand up and down, I began to moan. This is where my fantasy came into place. I had this naked guy, with an amazing body whose abs and perfect tan glistened in the moon, wearing nothing but a sailor’s hat and huge cock on a boat. This was some sort of fetish. “Captain, I seem to have gotten lost on the high seas” I said. “Don’t worry traveler, ill help” he said in a naughty tone. He then took my hips, moved them up, placed them over his dick, and lowered my ass down.

He eased his dick into me, while I was straddling him, and began to move in and out of me. He placed my back on the hugs steering wheel and stood up behind me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he leaned over me, grabbing my cock, and pushing his tongue down my throat. He began to thrust in and out of me, while jacking me off.

I was in ecstasy. This was different then the other times we had made love, this was a fantasy, a hot sexual escapade. “Captain, Captain” I moaned. “Fuck me” I yelled. He began to thrust harder, jack harder, and push his lips harder, every now and then grunting how lost a traveler I was.

My back moved on the steering wheel, all the while reminding me what was happening. He grunted and I felt his cock beginning to grow even more. My cock also began to swell. With one more Scream of “CAPTAIN”, my cum flew out of my dick, hitting me in the face. He then began to spurt jet after jet of cum into my ass, and collapsed on me, still kissing me. The horn on the boat began to blow, but he didn’t care.

When he became soft, he climbed out of me and led me to the bench on the boat. He kissed me passionately and we lay down.

The last thing I remember about that day was the warm evening breeze hitting my face and naked body, and the warmth of the man, or “Captain” cradling me.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-09-01 00:45:05
Shut up about james anonymous beast. its annoying

anonymous readerReport 

2011-05-03 05:21:15
what happen to james your lover
like it's all about you and mark now.

Brock EvansReport 

2011-02-07 03:01:09
This judt made it to my favs :D

anonymous readerReport 

2011-02-05 10:26:47
great story please write more


2011-02-01 03:45:35
want to know more of youtr travels with your hunky god. and interesting twist with the other man. I choose the hunky god anyday. ;D

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