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Thanks for the feedback (both positive and negative), here is part two. If you would like to suggest something, please do. I’m trying to make a story that’ll appeal to everyone on this site^. Well enjoy.
P.S. I will later make a guide, that’ll make this story easier to understand.

I must had fell asleep, because the next thing I knew I was feeling the sun’s warmth through the majestic windows that loomed over me. When I open my eyes, Prince Hayate was staring right at me. For a second I didn’t move, but when I noticed that my naked body was clearly in his view, I grabbed the blankets and sheets to cover myself.
Prince Hayate smirked as he approached me. Instead of wearing the same cloak he had on when we first me, He was garmented in a crimson hauberk, brown pant leggings, and pure black boots. I didn’t had a good look at him before, but now I had to admit he was handsome. His shoulder length brown hair was tied in a small ponytail, while his grey eyes traced over me.
“Well, it’s about time you awoke woman.” He said smirking.
“Excuse me,” I replied, “my name happens to be Elena Your Majesty.”
Hayate performed a mocking bow, “Please excuse my manners, my queen to be.”
Before I could speak, he reached out and grabbed my hand and pulled me to him and wrapped his hands around me, “Now Elena are you ready to bear my heir?” As he asked this, his hand grabbed onto my breast and began to fondle it, while his other hand went towards my pussy.
“Get off,” I moaned gently pushing him off.
He stared at me confusingly then said, “What is wrong with you? Any woman in this kingdom would love to give birth to my children.”
“Well not me,” I said irritated that he lumped me together with other girls like beans and vegetables.
“Well you must,” He snorted.
“So I can take the throne from my older brother’s grasp.” He stated. I was too shocked to say anything so he continued, “My elder brother is only a step away from receiving title King from our father. However he has yet found one worthy to bear his offspring. But, since I found you, that should allow me to claim the throne.”
I couldn’t believe that he merely planned to use me as a stepping stone for the throne. “So, why should I bear you a child,” I asked defiantly.
Hayate took a step closer, “Because it was I who saved you from that low life, so it’s only fitting you bear my seed.”
“Technically it was Lily who saved me,” I said pointing a finger at him, “And are you telling me that, if I didn’t possess the Nebula Plate, then you would had left me.”
“Of course,” He said as if the answer was obvious, “There is no point in getting caught up with the quarrels of commoners.”
Before I could answered, Lily walked in with several maids behind.
“Oh good you are awake My Lady,” she said with her ever bright smile, “Is there anything you would like to eat this fine morning?”
“Well actually I was hoping to take a bath,” I replied, “and then going back home to see Ms. Gasco, and Taiyo.”
Hayate’s muscle tensed, “Who is Taiyo?”
I stared at him coldly before answering, “He is my younger brother.”
Lily sat on the bed next to me and said, “Of course you may see your family again, and we’ll have your bath ready as well as fresh new clothes.” I had to admit the bath was wonderful, as soon as I stepped in the empty marble room, part of the floor before me sunk in and water out of nowhere filled it in. The water itself was warm and relaxing, I could almost feel my tiredness seeping out of me. I was in the bath for about 5 minutes, when Lily came in. Unlike before, Lily had a green silky robe which she removed revealing her fantastic body once more. She joined me in the tub and handed me a wash cloth.
“You must use this to scrape away the dirt from your body My Lady,” She said.
I gratefully accepted and used the cloth to wash myself, I felt Lily’s amber eyes on me as I dabbed the towel under my breast. Eventually I gave the towel to Lily so she could wash my back for me.
“You have such a wonderful body My Lady,” Lily said, her hands starting to rub themselves against my back, slowly making their way to my breasts. One of her hands traveled down towards my thigh while the other stayed and fondled my breast. I was moaning as her fingers plunged themselves into my pussy. Lily removed her hand from my breast and had it grab my ass and squeeze it. I was already getting close to an orgasm, when Lily pulled her fingers out of my pussy. I could tell that she was licking the juice off her fingers, and it was making me even wetter. Then she removed her other hand from my ass and began chanting like last night. I turned and saw that she had created a magic dildo like last night.
She then started to rub it against my clit at a slow pace, then started to speed up. It was driving me crazy, my breathing became irregular, and my body started shaking. Her other hand was clasping my breast, rubbing it, and even pinching my nipple. She bent closer and whispered in my ear, “Would you like me to put it in now?” I nodded frantically. But she whispered, “Oh no no no, that wouldn’t do. I need to hear an answer My Lady.” As she said that her fingers pinched my nipple even tighter.
I breathed, “Ple..ase put… it in” Lily smiled and withdrew the dildo for a moment and thrust it into my pussy, the sudden force caused me to jump and moan in pleasure as Lily continued her assault. My orgasm was quickly approaching as Lily was shoving the dildo in and out of my pussy and switching between both my breasts, fondling, squeezing, and even licking. It only took a few more attacks such as these before I was arching my back, and trembling as I was submerged in a pleasurable orgasm.
When my orgasm settled I whined, “Tha..t’s not ..fair Lily, I just washed myself.” But even as I spoke, I felt all the sweat disappeared and any exhaustion faded. Before I could asked Lily spoke.
“Ah, this water is a healing substance. So even if we did all night long, you would feel no drowsiness whatsoever My Lady.” She said as she pulled the dildo out of me. A small moan escaped me from the sudden disappearance of the dildo.
“Wow, so can you do everything with magic,” I asked astonished.
Lily hesitated before answering, “Well… yes and no.., you see there are some specific rules when performing any magical acts.”
“Yes, however now is not the time to dwell on a subject such as this,” Lily said standing up from the bath, “now be quick My Lady, you must hurry and get dress.” I nodded and Lily left the washroom, I stayed for only a few more minutes and got out to dry myself with a bigger towel that Lily had left for me. Then I went back into the room where I was first taken to, I browsed through all of the wardrobes hoping to find a simple plain dress for me to wear. Unfortunately my search was fruitless, in the end I decided on a white dress with lace around the wrist, this was the plainest one I could find since it was the only one lacking gem stones, rare exotic plants, and colorful silk. After I dressed into it I looked myself over in a tall mirror that was in the room. The dress fitted me nicely, and my body. I had to admit, I looked like a real princess or at least a rich merchant’s daughter.
A maid came to escort me to Prince Hayate, who was impatiently waiting on me.
“Finally,” He complained and then scoffed gesturing to the dress I was wearing, “I demand that you changed into something far more elegant than that. I refused to be seen with you unless you comply.”
“Listen,” I said placing my hands on my hips, “nobody said that you had to accompany me, so either deal with it or let me go alone.”
“Fine, but at least put this on,” He said handing me the same cloak that he and Lily were wearing, when I first saw them.
After I put on the cloak and pulled the hood over my head, we walked to the exit of the fortress. Just when we reached the gate Lily stopped me from walking any further, and shushed me when I tried to speak and gestured to Prince Hayate. I turned and was initially shocked, Hayate had one arm stretched high over his head and was muttering words so fast that I couldn’t hear a single one. He began to glow in a crimson light which started to flare up and soon engulfed my vision. When the light finally disappeared, I saw that we were at the entrance to my town.
Lily explained, “A teleport spell known as Gui-Shai-Mus. It allows you to transport yourself and others to almost anywhere in this world.”
“Is that why we’re winning this war,” I asked intrigued, “Because you would teleport your men into the hearts of enemy camps.”
“No,” Hayate stated, “If it were that easy, this war would had ended a long time ago. While you’re able to go to almost anywhere you want, there are some risks.”
“Like what,” I asked.
He continued, “You see, when performing this magic there are some factors to consider. If there are any other magicians or spellcasters in the area then they’ll be alerted of your presence, and they can choose to negate your spell. At that point, you’ll have to pour in more energy in order to ensure your success. However even if you succeed and were transported, you would be weakened having use extra energy to feed your spell.”
“But wouldn’t your enemies be equally tired as well trying to negate your spell?” I asked
Hayate stepped on a scorpion that was approaching, “Yeah, but not as tired as you would be. Because negating a spell takes only half the energy than fueling it does, and there’s the chance that there would be more than one spellcaster, and they can work together to negate your spell. Even if you had allied spellcasters fuel your spell, if you hadn’t linked them with you, it would only teleport you right into the enemies hand. One last thing, the larger the group that you teleport, the more energy it would take to accomplish it.”
I nodded, there was so much risk in the art of magic, and here I used to think that you could do almost anything with it and without any risks.
Hayate placed a hand on my shoulder, “we’ll let us dawdle no more. Lead us to your family.” I was shocked, he was so much different from this morning, I felt my face grow red, but I nodded and led the way. However as soon we stepped past the gates, we we’re stopped by a runic barrier.
We heard the sentry guard yell, “Accursed enemies, you shall pass no further, prepare to meet your demise.” The next second, a barrage of arrows rained out of the sky, I ducked my head for cover, but Hayate drew his sword and swung it over his head. I looked up and to my surprise; I saw the arrows were repel by a force produced by Hayate’s saber.
Hayate sheath his blade and shouted, “Calm down you blubbering fools. I am Prince Hayate, son of King Enigumo. I request the right of passage at once.” Immediately the barrier was removed and we walked in. Two sentry men carrying spears along with several dozen archers awaited us, all of them were bowing with their heads touching the ground.
“Please forgive our rude manners My Lord,” said one of the sentries trembling. “It wasn’t in our intention to harm you or your party.”
“Don’t worry,” Hayate said, “You actually did quite well. I would had been furious if you had left yourself open for any enemies lurking about. Well done.”
The sentry slowly lifted his head and bowed once more, “Ahh thank you for your praise My Lord.” After that, Hayate bid the soldiers farewell and we continued onward. Hayate had me lead the way, I considered going home but then decided to go to Ms. Gasco’s bar.
“Gasconue’s Bar,” read Hayate. We were at the entrance of the bar.
“Yeah pretty cool huh?” I asked with a smile.
“Indeed, it is so original.” Lily agreed
“Yeah cool,” Hayate said, but I heard a note of sarcasm in his tone. As soon as we entered, I could tell something wasn’t right, behind the counter sat Ms. Gasco, her expression worn, yet determine. She was arguing with a group of men who were at the counter, and it seemed violence would become inevitable.
“I’M NOT GONNA ASK AGAIN, WHERE IS THAT SLUTTY TRAMP?” The man who was in front of the group roared.
The man lowered his voice, yet the intensity remained, “Well seeing as I lost three of my best recruiters and she was the last one who was with them. She’s a prime suspect.”
“I hope your not suggesting that Elena killed them.” Ms. Gasco growled, some of Ms. Gasco customers stood, all of them were glaring at the man.
A smirk appeared on the man’s face, “Actually I heard from a shepherd that she gave them a good fuck then slit each of their throats and ran off.” Ms. Gasco balled her fist tightly but before she could do anything someone called out.
“Shut up, don’t talk about my sister like that.” I looked to find the source, it was a surprise and horror to me, when I saw that it was Taiyo. Taiyo seemed to have recovered much better, breathing seemed normal and his trembling stopped, however he was still a bit pale. The man walked towards Taiyo and stared at him for a moment.
Then he grabbed Taiyo by his shirt and threw him against a wall, all the customers and Ms. Gasco rose to their feet but they were stopped, for the rest of the man’s group had drew their swords and had their hands pointing at everyone, each of their hands were glowing.
“Shit,” whispered Hayate, “Elena go hide outside, these guys are magic users.”
But his words were lost to me, I was still staring at Taiyo who was limp and against the wall shuddering in pain. The man who threw him grabbed him by the throat.
“Little brats should mind their business.” He said tightening his grip around Taiyo.
Hearing my little brother gasp in pain set me loose, because before I knew it I was running towards the man skirting past his comrades, I jumped on the man with my arms around his throat. He dropped Taiyo and tried to get me off. His comrades rushed forward, however when he twisted himself and nearly kicked Taiyo, I felt something powerful boiling inside of me released itself. Bluish white light was rippling out of me filling the whole tavern, I heard the men screamed and then nothing else. When the light cleared, I suddenly felt cold and realized why. The cavern was filled with ice, Taiyo, Ms. Gasco, and the other customers were unharmed, however the group of men and their leader were all encased in ice. My nebula plate was still glowing, and that must had gave me away cause I heard Taiyo call my name.
It became incredibly quiet and everyone was staring at me. Before I could respond however, everyone suddenly fell. For a moment I thought it was the effect of what I just did, but Lily explained.
“Don’t worry My Lady,” she said, “It’s merely a sleeping spell. However we must remove their memories immediately and hide the evidence. We will have to visit another time.”
“Because since no one knows of your true identity, and with such a strong release of magic, Tenkon will likely send their spellcasters to investigate this incident.” I nodded solemnly. After Lily and Hayate removed the ice and erased everyone’s minds in the Tavern including some people outside who noticed the light from my magic, we left the tavern and went to the town’s gate.
Once there, Hayate told the Sentry, “At Gasconue’s Bar there are a few unconscious bodies there perhaps from drinking too much, so be sure to take care of them.” The sentry nodded, and once we were outside the gate, Hayate performed
Gui-Shai-Mus again. During the rest of the day Hayate said nothing to me. I felt horrible, despite what Lily said, I shouldn’t had snapped like that. Later that night when I was lying in bed, Hayate entered my room.
“Do you have any idea of what you’ve done today?” I heard him asked quietly. I pulled the blankets over my head and tried to ignore him. “Do you have any idea of what you’ve done?” He asked again, his voice gaining volume. When I didn’t answer, he pulled the blankets off me. I stared at him terrified, he then got on the bed and positioned himself next to me.
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled to him. He reached out his hand. Afraid that he was going to strike me, I shunned away only to look back, when he began stroking my hair. His face was so calmed, that I was speechless when he drew me closer and hugged me. I felt safe in his arms.
“I’m sorry,” I heard him say, “I only kept the impression that you were valuable only to bear my heir. You see it was custom that the ruler’s mate should merely bear a child and nothing else. But I can’t keep this charade up, I didn’t save you just because you bore the nebula’s plate, but because I love you.” Tears filled my eyes.
“But tod..ay,” I stammered.
“I was upset today,” Hayate admitted, “but it wasn’t because of what my kingdom may find or the lives you put at risk. It was because I was afraid to lose you. You see, if you use magic and cannot control it, there’s a high possibility that it can succumb you. Once that happens, the magic will rob your freedom and turn you into shell of suffering and sorrow, and I didn’t want that to happen to you.” Hayate hugged me tighter. We laid there like that for a few moments, then we both looked at each other and started to inch closer until our lips met. We kissed for a long time, allowing our tongues to explore one another. Then we broke apart and began to undress, he removed his armor and tunic, while I removed my cloak and dress. Pretty soon we were both naked.
Hayate grabbed my breast and twirl my nipples, his other hand went down towards my pussy and started rubbing my clit. I moaned as I let him suck on my nipples, I knew he was savoring each taste. After a while we changed position, I laid on my back. Hayate spread my legs as his head moved between my legs and he began to lick my pussy. I moaned and shudder as his speed started to intensify, both his hands reached out and grabbed and breasts and squeezed them. I arched my back, as the pleasure began to build, then he brought one of his hands back and started to finger my pussy. First he started with one finger, but then another finger went in and his speed increased. I moaned and pulled his head closer as he licked even licked even more. I felt my orgasm rapidly approached.
“Wait,” I said, he stopped and looked at me. “Let me pleasure you too Hayate.”
He smiled gently and said, “Of course Elena.” He rolled off me and sat on the edge of the bed. I got up and knelt before him and grabbed his cock’s shaft and started stroking it. Hayate’s cock was 8inches, I increased my speed and with my other hands, I played with his balls. Hayate groaned as I placed his cock in my mouth. I was only able to get about half of it in my mouth. I started sucking, and licking the tip and the shaft. I still gently played with his balls. Hayate was groaning and slowly started humping my mouth. When I felt his cock throbbed, I let it out of my mouth. I wanted to try something Lily suggested to me before he came.
When he asked me what was wrong, I replied with a smile, “Just wait and see.”
Then I wrapped my breasts around his cock started to move them up and down. At first I was clumsy but later gained momentum. Hayate groaned again but more loudly. I licked the tip of his cock again as I continued moving my breast. Then I placed his cock back into my mouth and twirl my tongue along its length while moving my breast. This went on for a bit longer then Hayate gave one final grunt and came in my mouth. The thick warm load seemed endless, for everytime I licked or sucked, his cock would pump out more cum. For a moment I thought he would continue cumming for ever, but he finally slowed down. After he was finish cumming, I popped his cock out of my mouth. My mouth was full of his cum, I savored the taste, for while it was a bit bitter, it was erotic and made me even more wet. After a while I managed to swallow it all.
“Can you continued?” I asked him with a giggle.
He was breathing hard, but when he regained his breath he smiled back at me and said, “No problem.” With and unknown incantation, his limp cock was rock hard again.
“W..wait a second. That’s cheating,” I complained.
He smirked, “Oh well.” and with that, Hayate got back on the bed properly and laid on his back. I straddled him and positioned his cock at my pussy’s entrance. I slowly lowered myself until both my clit and his cock’s tip were touching. Before starting however, I grinded my pussy against the shaft of his cock, causing Hayate to moan. Then without any hesitation I let myself drop taking his cock’s full length inside of me. I shrieked in pain as my hymen broke.
“Are you okay?” Hayate asked clearly concern.
I nodded and gave him a gentle smile, “Yeah I’m alright so we can keep going.”
But Hayate still waited, until I became somewhat accustomed to his cock, then he began to slowly thrust into me. At first it was still painful, but eventually the pain was replaced by pleasure. I’ve began bouncing up and down on Hayate’s cock, matching his thrusts. I felt Hayate grabbed my bouncing breast and squeezed them. Then his hands retreated and wrapped around my ass to keep me balanced. It was this act that made me go as fast as I could. Hayate matched my speed with his thrusts. The sound that my pussy and his cock made when they slapped against each other was so erotic. I was moaning, aware of nothing but the pleasure that was slowly consuming me.
“I gonna cum,” I heard Hayate said still thrusting.
“Me too,” I said wearily still bouncing. Then with one final mighty thrust from Hayate, we both came, I was first, I squirted all over his cock, that threw Hayate over the edge. He came even more than when I sucked his cock. I felt the warm cum being pumped into me, and I love the feeling. My body shuddered in pleasure as more and more of his cum went into me. With a smile etched on my face I collapsed on him with his cock still inside of me. We both hugged each other as the night began to shift to dawn.

Pt 3 soon.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-03-03 23:36:44
R u going to make another one? I've been checking every day... It only took like 10 days for part 2, and it's been like a month now...

anonymous readerReport 

2011-02-26 13:43:23
amazing keep writing

anonymous readerReport 

2011-02-24 19:19:21

anonymous readerReport 

2011-02-23 14:26:06
I love it but maybe work on the grammar a little more. :)

anonymous readerReport 

2011-02-23 13:13:11
Please make lots of this series, UR GREAT!!!!!!

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